Newspaper Page Text
TARE ONE FROM WU KESBARRE Hie Cherubs Bunch Their Hits and Make Them Count, THE BARONS CHANGE PITCHERS. I.kl.I 11...... _ .??...! I'.a.., -I'-, -I.l,..... *4|.'1,1,' !*,.?? Bi ora i"i Holli snii s. Ill ?,a.v. *vl;ik> s ., Homer. ? Waft ??andloo. oi Um ? lol a ____________ I vv I I...UI. * *, rsflrt, I'lkv. ' I ? ' ? TO >l"rr w ism. a> ' ' ? i I " ? t. .i I : i i . 1 4 | . ? i o . ? ?* I ' 1 .. li. I! i. ? . 1 i 4 ( Uh rm non, li ! ... 1 1 1 4 '. ? . I I tl ] b "12 . 2 1 4 1 b.0 n 1 0 (. ll I H ra I . - ? , ? I Rlrhtei *a In. ', ' I'-y 1 '? ino I Hooding;, >*, Lo_i ai ? ,. 7. ? iwr. Ml ' n hit tl ".' ' . I i> ? ? 1 1 U 1 I \ ? I fl 1 0 I I l 1 Boore b] R ? I v ?: '. ? ' '' \ I!, ul. iv ** V M Al ! ? ll i i I ' I v ' T.iIS 14 4 1 \\ 111 - ? . 0 !S 4 0 0 . 0 ti 1 1 0 ? i: .t? J ? 14 - i Surnmary T? mm Dfllehanty. TlMflO flO?> Mt-*Pfll4*-Q-ty, Hrri'v Veitch. Donovan, f-bfll rtsr*rinve hir, nra Boon Dflirblfl pla vs- Deiehanty ter Kuhn to I?itenl?rg !>onvvsn t,> Pabst. f*-i.l.ri bases Henry _) Melotyva, Mill. ?). Au*tUi% Cv?-a*i, __a_|et. Wornt I'-*-*-" j "Think of Ease But Work On." If your f.',wj ft im^re you cannot even "think of tAtf." The blood ts the grtjttft awsUamat rf the body and tvhen yon nuke it pine b\ liking Hood's Sdrsa . yon fun,- Ihe perfect htillh m '?' CJ*f. ^focdS Sa UafxrilfL ? ? THE CHAMPION CHERUBS, lin. Batar. Bonan Still In thoXeaul, itu-, Ball n?,iis. I al ths ten ? ? ??? V. tl ? ? ' 8 I !n tii<" I ? P ? I * . * ' ? irk nhiirn hy T** Rich? on thlc to th'* ? ? nt, the ? ? ? ? ? 'iluk ot ? tl : himself. Ht . ; fly hy a - ? ken willi the ii h. ? - ? fork p the pi ' ;. ? T which v. led by ? but i; * ? ? The r ? ' -.\ ? ? rk in H.s. ;, ,l by ? i ? Our : B np a little f ? ' ? ' * . * ? ' I ? J1MPS WIN AGAIN. led the I in iii,- Bi vi. . ? it. IX! ? ? ? and ilk- r> i ali in, .uni * mom.!, Ullr-ll. ' the pit'hltif ol Hi.hop and the battltt. of the EU*.. 8 ore by inning.: Tt H E Fairmount. .I 1 3 Elk. .S 7 3 Hattsrles. Gaatright anti Morrie. Bishop a>n*i Jo***** - - **-?*-?- ? TEN INNINGS TO DECIDE IT SMg i.?? maS*% Scjbach's Misjudged Fly Gave Vic? tory to the Champions, A CLOSE BUT LISTLESS GAME. Matt aroa Eaoy Iruii r..r Plltflboig. I i i,,r s Bohlnd i.1 iin<-i.iii Boto ? \\ IlltlVV l-ll Al i<mia... flu Taoteit_oy*fl Booroo ? i - 'la, 4. .' w ii.,. iii.-v pi.iv I.. Day, ' I Louis. Monday- Bchodolo, Innatl. .V fl I. Stunlill.- ol III'' I lillis. V . . ? . . I .ll . . . . ?. . 'I an Innings ?"IN s ml*. ? Birrilb In tha tnif" Innlt ? .. ..OO0S01 I IT - Smith ? i Ino Bal i >-. toflfl. - fi ? ? . 4 | l*i,kii Dead l :.-v. 1 Beaut) ? ? R ll E. ira.140411S i r . I.i ul. -looms (lui),lav. .1. ? At terry's. Have you theclothing toatand h.- .lull sun? Raws voa the skeleton eui. a-* -I''" a^ wadara ri.ak,- it .-.till as thin aa YOU wear it ? 1 bia weather ia not so bad. il" you have the right kimi of clothing the kimi wo an- offering. Come in anti see ? hov cool we can make you. Si -gea, Blue or Black, SID. Cr tab Suits, worth up to $4, j J.50. 1 rash Suit*, worth op to $*i, M"iO. Crash Suite, worth up to $8, for 331; Per Cent Off ?ig; ul l nderv,ear. r *5 Oceana ol Scarfo, aVUi PRICE I Suits worth up to $15 tor $12.10. Suits worth up to $l6.*?0 fol 19.75. Suits worth up to $ia for 18.73. $s.r,(> Suit- for $4.23. Prioat are attractive all the way through our Min's, Boys', and C-Ltild-rcn's Departments. If you lire out of town write us fur " redurid prirus " on fl) hal ?r you need. nattlnsr end Md*. | the OtnuunsU a. n. ii. n ?"\--9 ll 1 itt*?i 8z 1 /.imm?i. : irs. i'm i saa INVESTIGATION OF THE LYNCHING ? ? .:, vasa : sirs In thu I ts tho H tl Mea ? ' I i mos. - n ? ? ? ? and ft ? ? ? ?? ' ' ?? ' ? - ? rom ? - ? - nnd * ? - ? ? ' *? ? ? ? ' ? ? ' KING BAKLEYCORN WINS. i ?\, i Royal rei si Iii l.bton Rea, li it, 11.., u ' ii her I I- nt ? : I Truro - I rm i s . ? i ' : ; _ . ? POLO AND ^SHOOTING, ll,., I*. .1 itt. , .Ml ?>' ' I"' Tr |t Ililli Hunt < lol' .. ? ' - .Mr ' ' ? v' ' WILLING TO FIGHT SHARKEY. He I \|,.-i is to Ki <-|> Hi* i*i.-mi- ' ? the K ><l. in Jim 1 ' I. M i ? " ? i Mrs. p. I ? Innis ma . *!i-er e, Madeline M-Upna:*! snd Re-Mr- Wray. 13 47 amount "earned by little rtlr'i'c dub. dunn*, spring for Ts Munson," 13 Bi H H P . Xe : ea.h tn ts x nj.CS; hov itt *??"iml(lt's. IJ-TS; box M nTcauaa'i Bar-hang*'. UH: box at ii?^-~rr i tm-atm- t.isl tisn. We Have Bought 500,000 Yards PHENOMENAL Ol** Cassimeres AND Worsteds. %mmM*B**VtA*air*^^ \ j All of This j ? _ j Monstrous Purchase I J I - - - - ?-__??_? - j ? MAOI INTO I J j was the response to this Ad. | ! Mon's and ? S in Friday's paper, therefore we J I D , c .* i J repeat it, with the assurance j Boys *>UitS j J ! we can please all comers. I I For ihe oiobe store**. * ' , sm mm mmm ** ? ? ssws*w* OOO 00-0-000) o # * ..*>????* aooooaoo 4 I *? <~W On for Men's All-Wool j M> Jo*tfl/ Cheviot Suits, in two flhodofl "f l'rown nii'l baoatifttl Plaids, li n thorina linIng In ??' ol * and 3 hnr*k of \.a*r. pimta OMMtlo vvuh lt'3 t\(\ Preneb *oaltiba*_-looat,p4uito,vooi ?4/Jic7\/ *.**.?.-...?.......?..... ..*.?? .. ....... aoesssea ???**.. esaeaeaaeaaeaa dj ammr (\f\ Pure Worsted Indigo '5 .00 ,_ ??????? Blue Serge Suits, **mmmmmmm~~? ________?_^^^^^ rand" mill trinuti'-'l *"** *11n 1 J to any ten-dollar Bolt tn the city *4_C*1 f\f\ : thone -"ml-. Cp3.*M/ Vat .lily. Oft- ^ You Mm( t,n 1_V. Idle X lt'Will Pm '??????????? You ? ohundrodpor cent, diridond In C|(\ f\(\ l \.lated in ODfl of Suits Ot. *47l,J'?\,\/ !$ * ?? IO ? <*-*?| a o Youths' Suits, ^^^^ *"^ aaa* ******* tO?Oet doplleotO Of If fri's iiiinii"" Bulla deocribod op| ************ M?-.-a |S lo 19 Tin* lottM I ln\v?'-t pri.-i' BTOT qaotod for th:* CT IO j quality ?>f Salts. '4*3.*tC) Men's Suits. $-7.50 7 r _ Wo aro nt .'? Ion te d? ? ?aaa flCribfl tl..-*.* Suit* I : ** meres Won tedi, ami \ ;??* will wholesale t heir deocrip t; n. Bee them ' Buy thora. JS7.50 1 p ,*-?**?? ** ?*?*?B**?*?a-*?*a I i *-li_<^fl_ ^ft ?n(*'(J()-^'ue Wishing s - ^ ? * .ton Mill Serge Codt, 2 ....???*??*???? _C ll'H'1" tip D'VltiW' llr-'Msf,,,), J . ityle, tho moot I : ii,,r Bummer I rn tins *-**?? ? ?*. I $2.50 j ImC^D Ci * anJ Pr?Srcssivc ?**> I SEVENTH STS, j lailcrs in ltlc S(,u111- ? lt vvv^-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv *v%-wv* ww*v%www^ MANCHESTER CAN VOTEFORSENATOR Given a Privilege Denied Richmond's Citizens. PRIMARY IS DECIDED UPON n i\ iii h. Bold ti"- I I neednj al September V Wrli ii in tl,, i., lei Cos. Ol her Rattan. m. . ? lu s '? I AW . ' D. L>. ' ? ' ? I ? ?? ' - ? / I WUI . * W. Hs cock, lo 1). D. Eylsr, lal ? tl th!ni? I ' In *. vs when ll . .! Bi ? ' ?? ? .Mr- V r i t In I .ia - ' Rev. C ? in M ; - ::i the abu.-: A , tl . .-on. I over r :. WL1S drunk ,111,1 . tag N PERSONAL AND imlK' - Mit. Louise CarrM! returned home Kn. tn a very visit to Keys v'.l> M!*t?ec Bartle Robertson and Edna Ton? er left yesterday for Powhatan, to vlelt Mien Annis R. Toney. lie. Jas-rchant returns, home Frtdur from ' *' ' I ' of IV I ENGLAND WON AJ1HEAT GAME. iii, \ mei leun i '-.nil. limy s. i. m td, , l . I ? .,' "sit,',, IIIL4 ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? \ ? ? ? ? ? '? ? ? A ? ? ? - ? ? ' ? Tli- ., . 0). Da tri ? V ii rf| i i Thr> 3,ii*h j,in,*, wit -ron lt* A. V 3T ^ A,I,if ?' ' , liars sid) I SS, and W Pagr-t-Tomllnson .Cambridge1. 5 feet 5 Inches. The thre'-mlle run was won byi IT W, Workman .Camhrldg*.., C K. Palmer (Yale) esrond. Ths others did not finish. Tim**, IS minutes. 34 5-S ser-onrts. Moolan, aron tha odd, eveoC THE STRIKE OF ll!:. PUDDLERS Neil r Side ls as Yet Disposed to i eld. A TALK WITH MR. A. B.CLARK. ii is t , i iii 11 cn Determined to tdboret, n*a tin 11,111 i-i,ni ( s,. ale 11 Mi n De, lore i bej \\ .il a iii' i ii m. ? l ? n r in th., I ? "I ? ? r;y r*> r ant in, ? mee In er aub * ? I e ? ? ? 'I'll! ems ? la Un. 1 vt I :'ii, in* . ? ' i * ' i sjut. An In . ^n ths pan of i in tbe nary general ' lo the t to i I li ? ' u <,r th* Minimi i itlon I i C 'iniiany, tv t>,? :: a ta i ' w it men her. . tvtstn. th?; a number of men hers would accept tha offer In .ubetantto tlon of th. genuineness of these negotia? tion, lt la .aid by the strikers that sa scent ailll be here early next week to tske in tow the quota of Ul-hi-non-J puddlers that havs aaserteti their oe* taxniTstiun, to leave,