Newspaper Page Text
MARKET FLUS THE WAR SCARE As a Result Considerable Stock Was Unload- y iv. '"ALLING PRICES; THEN A RALLY. rightness uf Use Mon, > Market xx .is i imii, red --I, i !,*?-_-: i.j, i | io \. u *? <i k l ill n aba* 1.1 ni- '" ". . ? ?B - | ' ; ? - ? nay on i iiig Stod.a. ii . ' . . I*' . . . . ? . H-'j .. )? , * . . . . . in* . - . . . \ l M IKS . . . . ii *. i ? ?s ? . . 1 . . lt . Iron. ? . .'vi. . . ,;snera^ . O'toole Pirar . >H>< Oise's* rs ir i rfd . lo., Intvtnntlonal Aper-. oOW JOHN L. WILLIAMS AND SONS, BANKERS, Corner 10th and Main Streets, RICHMOND, VA. : . e*ja . . . B i . Mit .- - ? i i.i'i. ai . isl . . - . i . ?4 '.- .' . i -. . . ? . . . . . ?*? ? M . . 117 -* . 7."i 14 I . ' . . PX-itlt. . - - . . Ill' , .mia . IT \. . . . . . . . . . Bl 4 ? - ? - . 1 ll ; . j". . Tr.. ? . 112-4 . . . l 'I j .lia . ? . . ? . . . . . . i.? >. . . TO . . .'. . - . . .. Il . Il RICH ' " "K M 1RKTST. - ;i-s R CITY BECUmi i. 1904-1010 lti.-ir - . i i" ? ii I UAH mi. Asfcod. 11J ll 1 ... ... - , ... in; 119 ' - 121 114 .116 V. 1st W I - . '-> l.'.T'-j M . ll>> ....... 70 . 100 110 .. I KO n.100 ' .lu ? lo ll I". ?':> , UV ? ' .. .1"> Ill I i ?'??... i - i. ? rantin big la PEANUT M Mt \ \ trlctljr prim?, I ll - Mel. ? li I futures ? - ? I ? ? ,.f tbe Cl .Ti . .\<>\ ember, 8 10; 1 leceml 0.21; February, 6.26; March, 6.28; a.m. .. io . ; ,.-v tl |tl Jutm. U'jo j ?pt at 1-1? low?r ' in-Idling uplands. 8 7-lti, 0 11-18. sale**, cur? bales.* middling g\x\i, CorTON-Quiet; mblnJiiui, 7 1-ltt; net receipt.**, 91 bal*-*; croaa. 1839 bains; ??1". *>?7 l/u..*., murk, ifrl.'i-ri hales, exoorm to Mr/tain. Mo bales; to tho Continent, r)ui bali i. to-day- NVt rerali-t". 1 *>.?*? balts: tuiortn to Ureai Britain, BB hiles, to Kial,,,-. No i , es; to tn*, Centiuent, -l.Ovl ato, k. 157.MO hs I*.*. .il-,i, .i N. t ,. . . lull 100 IS1 sxports t,, ure.n Url ta In, 0 I Prent ??, BOO 1, il. i; to tl I TOI .1 i lin ? im.'-iT IO l ht: Contlm rhs following Bi ' I ton . .New OrleaiiH . Mobile . B ivannah . 36.HH . 8,0*1 . 4.11 . I i ?*. 7 J i Nea X erk . I ' ': . -ts.*, . 1 i . . '_'. 4'.' J . :. . ORLEAH I - i " ld ? t. A : l-lfl n ld ;? ? ? ' ? i ? H.1O0 . - Putin fi I rn i Al>ril ': ??' ' - ? pork i ? MAiuner. -;er. RY1 lats, r ? j J I J{l< . I '. - . ] ] - ' LARD ' ? ? ? I CHICAGO maim:! r. CHIC-t : ? XX' 111 . . . . . No. 2. 214 I LARI SHORT RH ? ? - ll ll iH.rk. ? ? i : I RAI.T1M il: i:. mm. nepi ? %T] \\ ll ll.SI ! I - I 1 1 j:s " I'n m; N I. NEW YORK MUX' G< i iD8 M IR] XMW I, r rhaiu with ful ? Ul ll kv l NA . AI, STOREa TON a C., I I Tl'i: S Pim* .'.nu ii' BAVAN-NAH. fXA~" S-ot. a***-8PlRIT8 OK TL'Rl-iiNTINE Pirra at M* . l's. . BJ Rin*iv Firm rei .-li I sales, l - qu >ti a, ii, C, M. B, !', ' I' fl; ,; I] lo. ll tl 2a>. I. tl ?; K 11.85; at, Ji 7<> N, I- lo, window glass, iV; D '. vs.uer white, $3. W1LMEVOTON, N. C, Sept. 8.-SPIR IT8 OP Tl*RI'KSTIM'>-St?sady at ?*>?$ 484.0.: reo-Mpt*. 7rt CAska. lUjstlK-sb-um at WOuanc.. receipts. SOB 1 bC*UDH TT-nlTVT'' ty at Pints, M barrels. tail Steady at fl-Wi ' '- bar r.-ls. _ DANVIi.I.M TOBAOOO MAUI Pani 10a, fa, I Ll tata, - rij.t gooda .? j' . ? "" ? aJO Bmoki ? ._-_. Common. ' ' . .?. '-wi aaa flood il ... 11 .>? i ii i?. . ll ... Flllsrs (.' rn mon . ?-?" i . ? . " i . - ? ? 12.00 ?ii . . ;.?) ?. > ? MARINE INTttLUQaWCst. rs, skit b, laaj, AI'.KIVIOD. rjreet mer sr Bno. ti, Ant.-. BAIL Dublin and ner C. C. 1 ? ARRIVED. ttmore, ? SA ILK I) steer Baltlrnora, SAM ' i ? ? Si hnoner Ephrlam md Powell, LEDGER FOREMAN DEAD. JnraciB J. Dallj aa?:*caaaaai i8ttroknof .\|.i.|.l.\> j ? ? - com . nine In ll -. ?' ? ed a pl ? I I I rm tb. i : . ? 1 .: langton lent ol I ? ? injct>?a miner. ? i N. Mr. . ? li, In - ' I I I ? ? ' ll of tho To Consumers ot Pure Milk. ? - ? ? ? ? ? nd let CHAT8W sin WARRINGTON n? NIAGARA i mi.** wu iii runs : m. ' i i I*,'.' ll.iili.'i.l. . I ? . ? ll IMBI m. SI KAK.a)0 Monroe Market. ' r act. tC, J ??. SI MIX*. ??? I I US i H. raits a sail t.. the (-anea desi sun ila* Oltl Poins. ; P 14 Band I ital to I \ i mn - IND him.i Da I Ililli M. 1 r.i. uh sn .*<??? 'lound il. it l >r. ? ? v med ? rr., help, b , . --.'i r. . tha pain li ' tlc new -deep Roundly, something I ? in , i ?member - ' fora r f- .-I Uk.- h..muline: Its praises throughout the Universe." Bo irlll everyone abo trie. Dr, King'. New Discovery r-T any trou? ble of the Throat. Chest or Lunn r.i'< il BL Trial 0'itt'oa free ut -.- Minor. Drug J:ore*; avery k ?. ile guaranteed. IIAMBl'KO 8TKAK, SO Monroe Market, 401 W. Grace street. STRENGTH AND GREAT ACTIVITY Those are the Features of the Present Industrial Situation. SUPPLIES ARE BEHINDHAND, Thean Ara Many1 Ontnplalntfl nf B* axr eftyaf Maane-aal, nad Wow* in Mans itistiin, a's ii .is Baaa Si'iioiisiv Detaynd, KUW t* ?' rtabar s-nra.' . Pla pries, activity In fall dem oa', ISt-fl ' : .t .still ? ? ' tn fall ii" -rhapa ? fruin la aaa of netallie i ? ? | ' . . within tether narr w limits, sine: been i bulllan : ad ts-' ' ., tia Wurk liulidtni I of serj ? ? a dsiry pr..,lu. ? ? ! . n and hoi 1 hai ? f'.unil i- . I .. . r I flour. ' ISM. and airtrrai; i th? ru its ? ? 8M In ll fer the ? In this- u. ,.k , 41 In a SUPPLY OF COTTON. Number <>r Balee nt Noss Orleans: i ii gel] io I icena i 11 ist x ? >. NEW I'KLKA.V I ?? ? ? an.I 1.' ? mount : ? i ? ? - ' ' ' ? . 1 th,- nun,' ? * ' I I, XVoi lil's lotion. NEW ORLEAN I! .' ' I ' .111 III' SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY. * )ut lint ol' I sints XX li ioli,- Led I |> III lill- I'll'sillt < | .SIS. : . meat. Hers ' > kris-'1 ta i Transvaal : <-, ll the [lt ? aoon, ns usua 1814, after numerous vhrl territory bec un.' dst . my "f the British crown, hut thsrsafter the original BsCUen trers alsmya an their Against British and, without spunrsntly d' siR-ning; lt and while still laving : warlike people In 1-Jl came, after a claah, the emancipation of the natis nf KaSJrs, whom the Butti had always claimed the right to enslave Tl. followed toy the treat exodus of the Boara, known ja history and celebrated In nong and -<t"rv i.? ' Tl * Trel Through l- ; from biaagar nnd thirst arni trent attachs by . wilt Into tba un known Intel trekker., - ?? ? .-i (..SI bi num. , oa "f will, h ronnded ? th.' nthi-r, continuing fnrth I lt roaching English f")' - l ? Tba I tb, fl ? ! I ' \ ' - - I - ' f<jnr riv;.I - ? the ll lah arma ' Mah ti.- : t . an l Wi! tba pro and -i ' r ISM , ' p ? b ? ??arth ll grt In th tb. B" ? ? ? but >it med him burning which n to l ? i i I ; I ? I . ? -tun.'tn i . of the i i ? ? ' - - I -I ? ? ' ? ' l i.ul.t t Wa- Hi- *.*.? deling ling, ... ! - - I In a ? ? BO V ii How I 1 ? ' "Drop in ag - ? narama convtt: posed, and, h. averred waa accept ol!n<*h ?> th-> bann: nnd ajana lt to Mi t to buy hu ? with lt. Her < 0 :',-? ' ' never agrep.1 f> mirry Smith III-. ? . lj w . ; a civil a^M'i The hearing waa post ?poned.?New York Sun. Book Day. IOU IO.'., ,-. n'ca aeUsetlon of I', T'Ap-'r from th.* moat f.ivi.tlte anth<v*?~-Thomas Hardy, 1^"' IikIiim. Kipl'rirf. Xl. "?.?'!. Vaj-tltU Reba-rt !>>'iis Bte*/*Mi?ea, J*-t*?s*?, K,>th.*rt-fU, kVlno. l.v,ill, Woes <>?r?/. Cttaa*ta*sa Ilraani... Hall Caine, Arptaooas ? ? 'U*rfc. Kina-ii rofl -r. In His St-pe. What WeeM Jessi Dat Thc Little Mn -' nm rtjf. conc*i-ole< lsaiw*i Csrnaby; The Cetn? Yrt'.r nv Wlnsto* THK stia/iirs FDR TUB MOITB ? ?I laWTBBBBBtBtBt. The Viii a, v lair : in. M^lrorolltarv, BnaaaHra rthaar'a Uppm , ? McClnrVn, faa Cusinenolltan, Al ? n .nt. .1 ,urr,Hl. T-i'ti. Bl Niel "li .ur. NleksU, North A lasseter, The Putta iaV. '::.- Centary pstuetruteeX an? I an ri ti. rana laa, V ?. I ? < !- susi !n elrr*rl, hau.1 flanslS, Int .'amp '. each tainan* ?>"ir>p*-*i in pHntel r..?*ir*a*ua c..v, r nf I "-uara" r.o ilng. iiiiRiH >oik:fs. FIRST ' I SS lil ! : s I M ?I l< I' M .'. . ll fMON I \ y TUB \\ ' XX' 1 ty. ? li s ? l>? IX D.. pa s i I 'MI' ? i ' ? 1 ; 1 "i : s P. Il ? I '.: . '? i ? ' M. I ' a CD II A 1 ' ' FOR GOVERNOR. Harrison XX ill, ls B* N st Homo . i.itr Soo nie. li I.. si i i,,.| . CHICAOO ILL II. Han ? ? I tl ' I ? t If he ; I lilli N mi) .. t gf * , ? ? - ? ?? ' ? \ s rerk "rt" ? ????'? i - . Nen <Ity.?Naw x' tr. n Klatln r Wine a -sUu. equity duli s bert Q ( lut ' ? ? ' lufn ?bi ::sv bonan sm i..r tha ti Chaaty, hv Rudyard Ki). lltiK'." and "The l>l;'ny Chanty a-.' t i peenta t>s- Rudyard Kiping ? an-l from any oth.-r way lntorfarUie 'non Uf? rights ariJ prof*airty of the complain.!. - ara pernslahnl to r.e.-..}: tram the itrfc.nda." . - p-ptlla a*v which defendant may haa-a acuji ''ad ' tbs ilka-positioti of the hoogj rtaansu ? er will, vost* otHftt s*UU?Naas s.