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NEW CONCERN IS ORGANIZED The Virginia Conduit Railwav Com? pany Its Name, JENKINS UNDERGROUND SYSTEM Capitalists lnirrr*.i.?il in it Hold B Meeting ami <iet It.-adj fur Ilaa> liic.H?A Coolia,a iit.ivcn C?nt. The Vin*4, rt. C ,r-.-'. I I ' -mpnny hst t>e-n arantjdsad to- 'he can sra c a aro * The . rho Henry Vt Vf. 1 and A. Patna*, .lr., I. AivviaxmT The City B depos? itory ol th. i on Henry 1--* *l sard i>. r ', I a set nits i ?? . . r os sui I-, can. the present tim. j award. i MAT vi st it ii. At >'? ' "r hire I . - I ma.ia ol in, and lu . ? ? ?taking a tea ed frona tl but pendli k :'.' '" has A repi -. r York! ?a order ? torB lor t 1 - rk will bf pushed with tl The report i terday that sn "est ? to takf np ?' to bf i;-- nd ? I - - - .'? WORK ON THE H.. P. & C. Inspection Va lp Manta bj Cblef Bngt* ae*r I lo- N.'i'. Baal toa, tgforb ut l on the I. lina rsl ' Mara I I Mr. u. B. Bnyannur, af aai return? ed from a trix* over th. road sad ?il'aip.i ivlh '.he Ulmus I > ro-ii n Igsyway t-> Ra moke river, n dtatanee -f about ten ? 'ti.l. . ihp Roanoke I ,\,-r .1 ut I arny amt I ? tba au ietur< a il ;. ; twa RI -f.-c-t and tin river nnd 1 ht> -ut it-ii miles, tr,, k i ' -with th< "f tho mile free the i ara trmtj b . ere -;t ? . iifty or ? ?he last ? ll i ? ..;. i. I"In - acrosF \ . - aa iterla gi nd. Tba V f re being Tin* B a iv through as the ?ie mid ' - and O. and 1. P. aad f about ? invited Th* ; 1 In the rh BANKERS ASSOCIATION. Meal Pru bahia thai ti Vt ni Meet li. rn N.-vi \ ern lt ? -a! 1 Aa ll, in : ? .. antill i. nv ? i I thr - . :g. Baring J a A n and ,.f Comm - to - \. U The fr, ?? ? . . ? - - ? The i ? ? KING WILLIAM MARRIAGE. 5li?a .lessie (.. Iiiliiuik .-uni Iii, O, I..-In Cut | ml. il. ' ? King Wi,!.aili .-..univ, '? - .? rory attracfjra. Tba tilde entered the ihurdi haring na the arm <.f i.. r brother, Mr. Kubank, and met "he grooao at the sitar Mr. C. R. Mitchell. Tbs trida lt s banutlfu inpllsh * adj and daua).ter ol Mr. James ll Cubsnk, a w.II-knowr. marchant of that - | arbjBs tha groom la a P'-pular yent - travailing salesman for ?tr. ur. Onott a Ora. of Richmond, Va, they tha recipient, of many useful lt wai one of these experiment? al fartnert, vs bo put jjrrrn sper ticlei on his row Batt, fed her shav laga His theory '';jt it didn't ttutti-r trbat the row atr- *> loan aa kile wa. fed. The questions of dignation anil nourishment had not entered latO bis < a'.,-iiUtion.. It* only a "tenderfoot" fanner thar w aid try such nn experiment with fl ross. Hut anaae a farmer feeds him ? f "f diyction ntid nr.tri He ntight almost as well ant ahev |Ota| he gets out of Ins ? is that the st,ana, :: " ?renie,'1 the net-ton of the n-nrnaa of digestion and nutrition are impimed and tlie man suffers tin-miseries of d?l a and the ar-oniet of ntrvous' To strengthen the stoma, h, restore the activity of the argana of digestion ami nutrition and nourish the innes, use in piercn'fl Ootden Medical Discovery. It is ati unfailing remedy, and has the ll -ice o! phvsirtaiis as weil as the <>! thousand* healed bs- its In thestru test sense " (.olden Medica] Discover) " iantemperance rnedicin* It either intoxicants n<>r i ! :s,:s free from alcohol as f r< >it* opi . tine and other dna*rerota1 I let a dealer delude you for his msn proht. There is no rnedicine for cb and blood "ju-t a. j^o*?i' * ss Medics! Disiuviry." " I n I . , . ,vrrv' Maa cured m~ soond sad ?r- it:rtii'K tan I'.iitf v<-?r?; with ?t an? ti ft arsawi 11 ol Mc S'l-n " ? 1 - ?-- i.iii .? long ., i lita A bani of looS pagaj oiven nu iv ij't of atainpa t,, t>.i\ ezpenae ol nil] nsad son The imtnon Sei \l 'rte Send ?l OBC ? ? I ' rrered adit bound, KV Pierce, Bufl ko, N V .. illvei ? lat ? ? ? arei any Mi ? ' STREET HWY. FRANCHISES. ? DBnanlttee xxiii Tnfce rp Qn**ratHNi ni .i Meet ni;* on i he lOtli. Tho ? ; rnf": - ? ? . I ? ? . ll 111- a, ' Ifl al road-. ?ail] not trill dis i nt over DR. HAWKES MARRIED. Be Ifakea Miss s.iiin- Unrdon Sullivan His Wile. nf .- No. ? i Dr. I. J. ?' I, Va.-, arura nt 2 i,'eln, | for sn sxl Hr. I. ,1 ll 1'itiR been He la about v ' n. Mlaa svill malo ?i'll ntry Dr, Hawk) Propert- rranal i tors to i ? Thon ie 8th ? ?' ? Ma? ' . fl ll mn donen, to I, J. Wallet I feel ? ? I i Mrs M i- v ? H I ' ' M L 11 \s trust to D B. Mai ic M, Bur t ? ii l in T p x. People. tion nf to their DOSI .'. cruft, la In the ? rs fo i ? P I ta in Ita i res ar* vv.,r'iiy loin ina Post tit ss tu call on them if they will of hus: Ky, lllslioj, Of I a I ll tl III. ,,,,1. nt th" . ,,1,1 fl Vue! of ' ton, bb ai lualnt ? Bishop In ttl i N ,-. i ? k I or I. V. ill lah-, " I Hil. ? I~ regular monthly ? \. ivse aili I l ls .11 si XS IMPUII MSI " ? level, amt " 11*< *"* Sr? ' -fltcant ail ni I h and atibiutaisii flyfltan quickly yteMa to nt ;sjjka of fltalarts fevers, ste. By purify ina and anrtcihlng your banod with I Sur.aparllla you may build up your sys i.m to n*Lt tht*.. danfliri, ai wall ai soughs, noldfl, 1'n.nmiifila and tht frlp able*, torre -alih colder weather. To ba nj the sale alda, ttkt Hood's Sanapa rtta now, and always bs turt lt li Hood', and net some-thins; slit rsjuraaeat ?4 io, hm --Just ts food.'* ' LEFT LAST NIGHT Will Be Absent from the Mansion the Remainder of thc Month. THE GRIMES' BATTERY CLAIM. "I Minti Make lt My JliiMin-ss to See Thal lt i*. raid," Said ilii-Ciiiveriior. Attoiiu-y General Goss ta C "illpcpci-. ,;n\" - ' I aver the ts a ny at :? ... eek 1 int night for I. " ' k r, .tr, ii h,> teg ? a . . , ? of thia m..nth. tXWSRltOtt nrsY. ,-y during thc d iv ? .ie lo I r lng te bl . In rt) Grimes B ba has ; .1 will ? 'hat tba mon.j U ?.-. their ? 1 in?k with tba rnriona rall I : - ' ? BLUES MAY PARADE. i lui mil Welcome Dewe] it rbej < in .. i 11. 'ii-.-i -. ind Ugh! I r - . th.- war ?? - ? id tbe if th ? ? : - ? LEE CAMP INVITED lo X t a Ni.(.ilil.- ( . ri -mini-, ai Nea ? Irleana I'lclnrea of Heme -. R. E. I.- - Camp, No I, C. \ in the Ri v. \\ . \\ i An Invltal i from the ' I ? ?. wi.;, ii .rna fought by tb .nish Port, ;a tho I . poi John lt. , airy of HENRICO COUNTY COURT. lt Meeta Monda] triah n Grand .inn. I iiipi.rlanl t' .si--. Tha ' kel f..r th ? gmnd Jurj irv ail! be coi I of th" f.,H..wi.- . i. ,\ ii. i.. i . I. T. WWI! . of the . < . vY. - ? - P " i - . I ? REV. MR. BARR'S RETURN. Hw Spent Several Daya in Oraagm l n Roale troin N.-w Yoi k. v7. a. Barr, paator of M innmental Bplscops I church, a ho, ?>?? Ith ,. ? or i from Bouthamptoi \ \\ | rom Mew York \" 1 . wi ? mid hi* alfa greet d their children at tha ? -.; Ban lather, Rev. Prnah ii rw. Ri v. Mr. Bnrr niU Richmond to d ly. ii, < t. ,i in the lecture r...,m ,>f ll mu ?. -- cnn. if will als > gr< et the returned rac. tor and bl ni ,-. CURIOUS SUBSTANCE, ii.iii^rroiis tnt Hoi-si's io i-'nt Unripe < liinsiiii Clover, Mr, k ii. eNlaoa, of Olandala, Hanrlee minty, left at th.- DapnitHMajt nf Airri -' a round ? tom. a bal rewmbllng a i">tut .. No ona who saw lt ebal it i ena Thia "bair1 rn it lira taken from the ateannch ol a toed by thc mini.ii eating < rim r aban Hu r was t".> ripe. S. - wm 1 ? v neighbor, of Mr. N I from his cause. The ball ls. Bbont thc stee o' Till' H iii ly iii- I Uki-. Thc charges mads agatn.t Captain lludglna, of ths Virginia oytt.r navy, oy Ibg rr.pmr.eri of his crew that tat amount i.lowed by the Bute for their board wai iot expended for their benefit and that :ha captain wat Impollt. to them were k.ard Uy tba Fisheries Board on -rVednes-x 1 day, the session lattin-; tar fifteen hours. Tho tata on tim chanrei waa a tie. Tin, fljataat m?*mb*r of th* board was lion, pi inI,r?,ko Pettit, of FTuvanna. THE OLD DOMINION CLUB. Eii'cutlvn l'om?iItt,'** Will Purao tho Iloll-No Quorum Hast Night. A me?*tlni* ?{ the QM l>omtnlon DaaSO CrataC I lub, caned tor last nlKht, suc OUaabe*] tn the oppressively warm weath? er, which militated saalnet the meeting. In that lt prevented ?- quorum of the faithful from assembling, A- few of the. Inforrnally on r .. of lha e-rgaahutflon, The bualnetfl that svin ? . ? tina, ht the purg? ing of tim mrmuershii* roll. Walch ana. talus il - vvhia have tfl tik.) latsmst la the club, and ? bo have moved from tin! Jun-,li, tk>fl nf the oTgaahmUoa. There put night that a < euv ?o t ? aaeah, ba the membership Barden, but lt ssa,' though .-.orlc to the The L'S', i tefl will ITler-l f'.nit 1 ht, svlifii the tunk nf pureing the rn rolla ss in atroeanly he eoremi i The 1 tl 'Inp of the elub ail] be hei i two w<. ...s from la-t night AT THEY. M. C. A. ?al|J<estfl ta Be Dtsa-ntssed Thereon Hie B ibbai**. The < aarnltl ,f tha Young ? ii ?'. A. i ? tl smsa 'lurlna; Die - , V. tn ssi,i s,,,ak i many Wvlaaona i ? Th.- I ' Army vs ill m^t In the i. M vin J. ' ? ta opoa tho theme, w irk ? ? di ? i ? I ? -? flt Of KB ' C. & 0. AUTUMN OUTINGS. I.X ER1 si \IM\ TO THE SEASIDE. e-f.OO Pur Ronan] Ti m< Tha Sunday Outtag Trains with ear. lea ? \. ft! ? ar) Bundey, nuking a I ? lew. ? a and Ni a. ? rp.] IP. M . P. M. ii; \< rix e i \< i iisitiN in XX Xs/NM. li >\, Sent* rober 13th, rtuK.,1 ind P m R ? r I2th, 11 ? - I I 1'till : ' Three ' Bpccial Bl adria* in I itu di H i I ll I I. XMil H ? 'I RICHM* >M> J, S* liin M. lill. ?' l.iil'U'. lld I ..isl i.i a .? sti . i . ir to the ? ? ' 1 havi illy, j robbi d i re or x\ e, ? J l-l 'SS lt,J.'. ? sm now a ?? n ' itisllle. Va.; N. C.; I , - at the I i iager'8 ? . HONE AND ' TELEOBAPH ? OM ''^'. rn xi inn huuv. ur.VDAc n i If sam usf-,1 Dr. Klng*a N ? ada ot para blood and atrong nervaa th. Busy | Try tb* '?'?" k ?add by Owens .s. M.not Drug Company. SPIA l\L Bl M'\X IHII's It) \\i;sl POINT. goo. Rosutd i "i> *?<'?'? ?rtir- Bundey ta ' attona ' I ? ? ? ral trip. and Lsstoi . lr.p. A ii: ii . m nil. mt xni:i:. Mill often r-nosa a horrible Burn, ? ? .t, or am ? B -xni ?- 11 se. lbs ss,,:, 1. v 'll kill rn,- pajn I-..1 prom ni . : ire on ? iirth. ? teed kV lu bj '? tallaot 1>iuk Company. TINK PK At 'll l-'.S. Monroe Market. 401 Vf. Orace street. "DULY FEED .MAX AND STEICD " F-eed your n.rve., also. If >>u wouhl have them lining. Hoad mad* pura and rich hs- nomi i Htriaparllla 1* the onl;* trn. nerve food He lura to sat Hood a. lt never dltappolnts. HOOD'S PILLS ciue constipation. Price 23c,_. lt is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form? Sold by every druggist in the malarial sections of the United States. ? No cure, no pay? Price, 50c. WHOLESALE!??. Pt. Loris, Mo., Feb. C, 1399. Paws Medicinb Co., city. Oontlomen:?We wi.h tn eonrrratul-.t<* you en tho Increased tala, wo an bavin.; ? Crow s Tiwasafraaa <'iiin Tonie. Dbi wm* liing our recorl of Inventory undar _ ? .v.. timi that wo fold dunne 'n ' Cai it IIBBOfl I 1191 MO ir- i4.ri.i--'-. lo-.K. -? oiii fii.d that oar silos on roar ?aanaaave Alromn-Qulnino Tablets hiv*, been aoni.* tblnr* rm.ra.1'! i: h iring sol 1 during tho late I ? ll, -io, ? rush down onl.r euc lobed nerowltu, tad obliso, Your, truly, MEYER BROS. DRUG CO. First Tasteless Ton-c. evtT manufactured.. Alt other so-called "Taste? less" Tonics are imita? tions.. Ask any ilroggist about this who is not PUSHING aa imitation. CONSUME!?. Whitkshobo, T<-t.. Bap. 13, IT*. Ptati Msraaen raao:- l ?7r ' "Canaan. Iixa Paris Mbdicivi-i Co., Oftlamini 1 handle neven or riahi differ? ent kinds of chill Tonic ?? but I R.H ?"'? of *Qra*re*a to where I - ll ooaot the others. I said gi bottl.-s of (ire- ''.i I'tilH i?n|A !" 1 ,.n,.r . .~-._ .., ?..... .-.---. one day and ..oul! hiv hui 1 mor-if I Icti Chilli lt on hind Mr 1 tars Woods cured livui mei j*,, I callao!, ta. behalf. of chilla With ono *,.(?!?? ^Lmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm lUapect.'ullv.^ __ ..,.,,..?? I _ I th Tonl.'in.-. ll i.-ir. I I ' V- r. I n dowe -"'' a ..rial fe ? until I tent tot Ciro v's Tonie. My iiildr-'O aro all ? nu j t ) i i JalUI T VINYARD Youri truly, ^^^^^^^^ jA-ihaD. EocERira. A PIPE THIEF IS CAPTURED Criminals That are a Great Detriment to the City. JUSTICE JOHN IS SICK IN BED. s,jiiiii- la. ssas ai (lt,- IL lin and st,-i ital ibo Ship of .lu si Icm Into s..a I, \x alert x * iou ge ol lli-liss,.' KolMi.i'i. . : at the cine on tha bath tub for old . Tho ; junk ls - - ll ? cabin, carry i A. i>l '. ? p , ? FLORID LANOUAI ? ? i while ? ? : . A ?? ?I till \ ' ? ? f..r ruling I tbout a HIGHWAY R< rd WU ': nay rc int i; ? .at him Kr-"Rt disgust ii'- went ? I arl . AMUSEMENTS. Main sn-,ci I*.uk Clones Another Al ti ot is, \X ash Suiniini ? >|i>i a. A tn nad lbj nlghl i rills p..pul..: .. . ' ' -etii .s)..,:, tura. i. and tl.. tain. On Monda) tug pears, ? I t of ssh,, h m t novel sci to van Barry BdflOa -ira! I 1 .. J,,,,. mttt0 a drawing ? rowda throughout this oauntrv. ?'uLlVLTTi; ' AT TIM; lUDITORlUM Compel when ih-v . fficult Tbs de* ills ol out i;i and the s members nf | in Usa parts tbs) MJaa QH. man, as Olivette, was in hr-r usual good voice and was m. rt malden wah tsv,, husbands ntl her hands. Msssr - m made a gita: deni ot psrta of "CoQ'-'er.rat" and "Me Nuirltaae." and they had the sympathy af the large au. dlence who were profuse with applause and laughter. I '-Olrveua" was a succaas and will bs I 1 given si blgfe ? .rn. TOO MUCH MORPHINE. M i. ll. J. Xml. a. \:iiiu-l l.i-t Ills I ii. : :. ? \ I he aga ? d ., morph li ? - i - -? . ( ? SEWER FOREMAN QUESTION, I', of Xmlitoi- Wail, ii I nil. .rs.-il in Some of the City' 'ttl. I * ar ?? d I I ' ? ? - ? ? ? t ( ? ? I In th ( the ' PERSONAL ANO GENERAL. Interesting Facia .'tool Rlchmond'a i iii/, ns nnd i >iti i Haiti i - i . ? Mrs. Anj ra ? . is at Murph: i, - Mt I I ? ? : I , lg tn - i ? I I ? tv. \\ hen In- ird from ' I a \ I of the I I .in 1 rain s., fur aa known thor.- a lin Inn,.in1. rs in N.-w X ..ri.. NSW Y.UtK. gsjpt i; . . m "id urrtrala: gturdi Albert-Mi-i I-', io tfltteldorfer, i teldorfer. Broadway Central--li ll rt.. HorTnrian-K. g. Myara, tan-J. M. ron j. Bay Bl it? F rr.Hiith-St lien's-W fat Planar W C. Goodall, r, a. Onay ahaetra I John.tdn and. wife. ilanhattan-Mr.. M. j C. rilin.iLdi. 1 LETTER FROM ADMIRAL LEMLEY He Says He is Hunting a Descendant of S MR. STERN OPPOSES SCHEME. IL' XX auls .1 Ko lum.ii I I i ion tin- Shabrlck i-.m -tninent 11. . i i. i ?.- , i pai a M i. ' ' ? B ' 1 ? . ' I ? - ' ' ' ' ' ' I THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Inter* sii,,u m. i to th *<? ld i Mot i -?s in id,. ? hm, h * I i i '?' * i I ' ? Over 1 ? xx ii.- sn,-, any inv aaa, tn th* Lasv and rSqulty Cnerl 1 ault for di* iden H. Bl sppard by h?r ,i ? In the Cir ult Court I*elgh Crutr-hfleld entered .ult agalmt -V. Ut-sgl 4 Cu., dam. age I***).