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R >\<.i < i i in li <mi n:u. ii., rm Sta YvBs ^--.A^iJ? i*mr^ Wi:\TMI.K IOHHACT. i rate] "'"1 Friday: ?Uy and Krldayj . ?.,-,..., *!;,.|- Thursday ! Sontb Caral rv?-r\i.r Thurs ., ,-, , ,y; .? "rly wind*. VOL. M. NO. 205. RICHMOND, VA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER J* 1899, PRICE TWO GENTS. CANNON SHOT AND BUNTING. Pulaski Gives Warm Wel? come to Confederates. THEC1TYWASENFETE The Veterans Assemble Undera Dec? orated lent. CHEERS FOR THE FAIR SPONSORS .1.1. kami 11.-> linn- <. ii ls in < .iilii < .li is ( . l\. || Mpfl ,;, | Si .Hs l.< li. I .ll Milli Bolliuji I'lc-ni s Mn)cm John J. i..- Made iIm- WT< i I \'l<i:?- ? IIisIom ii I . !?..>. I I ' I . ? ? ? i I il ? ? I I u llllett ( -? rp.-ll. ? - - ? ii.--.?? I ii ' f ? ?i the ? - ? TO il when kl. its ? ' ? ? - all p. ?' 1 Tim ?. I - Aa liivjuilur* io klto&U tut umvilinf vt [ l ? ' ? 1 ' ? t the i onfea* Th,- i \. "lt ta Willi ]. I .ul.un' rt to ni ? I i\". ! hy Ol tirane ? l ? 1hi* I \\ h?n m-i"-i led ii) me (hera ? i unu. : I I ? I "lt I ? ? M ? : pt1\' ? HU ii nt i. -nhl of Hi.- \ eto ? ? : | I |W I ? ? ? (ii.uni Willi.un Wa ' i . loth. Thia bein, a H ? > ? \. tarana i IRIp, Itnitii ?ora, ? i by .i aplin i ? ? inp i i - ? : Utrea commll . npeali to the (' inp In \ alli foi ii ii. ?i the lath ?? I i' imp n i Hamp*, ? whii li i The i rn (Ililli ?! ii.I M .-i I ?..! .1. \-i>ii?! comrade who ? merni* ? i those ,. in ii. and rited with ni .. ,. The ? by the or? i Camp I r Byrd on, ;iimiin ;? of ii il.? ? ? ad, iimi * i thc bill i ? ? i ol ought ti. help th. tn much. ?-l WM to !' lui : III Jill ll In an effort, under the PunkhouM r, to ni iii thal plai e. i mi I with (Continued i I JURY Al SCENE OF THE SHOOTING W. G. Pilkintcn's Trial Still in Pro? gress The Accused in Court With His Wife and Chitdrwi. ' HATAN, < OUR1 ? >UffK VA Oi Ll I thia Mi Pllkintou eama 111 to ( I theil thr.-r . iiililr.-:i mother, i him. .1 ilna, Leake \ .wv.i Uh. Tho lon of ? i thc evidence given bj Ur, i> W. Ur. ll. .M. ?imith, waa argued bj led t" admit ll I hi the d hail. .Ii KV Vii us THE SCENE. W i Ju'iii Ari h? i. John rn ? ? il k. ' C. \V. Cl ind R. wot Hi Jl HM Hero the ? ll IV Il Mr j ii il..I.- m IV !? Mi ". arman Ml testified ? ?: ai thti point, on moilun of the Common* r?Rith, the ctrculara, lotter* and th< >i th?> duplti ? ? won ?'! laign wen offend In evidence and ud ? ICIALfl rEffW 1 Ur U. i' Swann, tho county tnaaunr, un! Ut James A. Tilln, i . . ierk' para and teetattd h? to tho <inr>ii. ..'.- wairanta arni ejpUhaad boaj they ?ame to br Um rd * Hen ih? eoart adjourned until to*mor "?' morning al I i' ? io. k, Hi* alieiiff uk af tuart* ^ tnejuiy. k NEWS OF BATTLE HOURLY EXPECTED Foreigners Rock toFron tiei (<? loin the Boers. SITUATION CRITICAL No News Received in London Since Expiration of Ultimatum. SOME STILL HOPE FOR PEACE. Mt lifted Milner sm* His ( ?1.|<-. I Rai Hern iii I'lewnl AOtiOII l-v I lil? Wimii.i Maka iv i< <? lill S. .Ililli, ll I III f >. >--11 ? tl-. Badland 9tttl Paabina] War Prenatal ton*. i\ M -Up lo ive .11 - ku..??. il ; ? . i il: -. ? .. ? - i lei - ? ? i ? . . ? while rn,hiv | MM ? . ??Ti: ? d by mai ? ir i tl m Pn ? ? ? ? pl. >!?.?!?!>- IK ? ni! Ill' practical!} all thi i I r. a nil Furtl ? I ? lon ni lu al ? - '-'?I iii. ondone of tho ? I i.ii; ? Tn rare I ??.':?-? td ? ; ? ? ? !, \\ h. ll fl- I ? ? i iii. ra v. ; tl.i Ipi I ? ?tate arn] i ??Tli- ? Ml I"1 called .mt ut ? anent in thor* i mi the bord ? Tr.insv v. bli h DOUOd .. BULLEB TO l.i SAVE : iada 11 Southampton ; ir tba dept Batni - ii.iv ... ? iii in is ant Duke . Lu .I t Ml l.\ I) ;l WOC hui to Bool in?p( .di.ll. Ur Redvi i- Bu ?:. a by warships, while fur t'i,. i- diapati b beal ? - I lie or d. is !? i uther< ? ti;.' OWtptll ol Itu ? '-il at I wi1 ant to tho Capo ;? ilpa. The duthil, k nr fha war tin- ju it** ni ?nahoh on various country markets, tho I .:<> aollllnci per quarti r, lu tomi . . ta holding OOI foi bferlK r ; A dlap it. h fr<.m Kim'. I R WILL ASK OTK PhMENDSHIP. Tba i ?'? -?? I '"? ?? ? >narn ? ma P il Ington that div.a Britain baa tag tu i mpon ianiar autboi liles In the I . tba boatll - ? nt ??"iith African tirm tn i has Jual received i telegram a il'.it a revolution ol tho Dutch in Cbpt Colony la retarded aa imminent a dispatch from Pl lerraaritsburg says Orana* l^iso st^t.' troo rnterod Natal by ] ? rest ot Nea! ara advancing upon Ladysmith. OOXBt'L DEPART!. Moatacna White, Cononl-Ooanral of thc ^outh African Republlo in London, ? thin afternoon and lauao* Mata!) i.-it ton tho aonUaoat Mr win', lepartara nias do! attended by any eiciti Before i-'itiking or? the dust ut Kinchina, ha -aid to a repre? sentative <>t tba AeeeaJated rre?8: ?The aaneetad nu* bassaaned. l only iope the belllsirhess of thu pre>medltated Tushing kui '.i .. iQt'BiQitl Lal in remind America thai Mt cnaa ol war Om aol upou ib^ec ?Ho H^^^H^^^H^^^^^HHkon- ali . ??!:.. - i retort*, ? rm ii and i The rumor Mi ? . ? . i <? ir.iu/.Kii. VOLK , I ll I rgt dr* i j 1 I Iii with t i ? hy Impria ? CAPl - d MM ! > I il, fjavi \: V . ? ? ? ? ? itn un? di rtaki ... i mfr; or : Th.- i :ie af DfUll.i V r ? ?? !i gav* emmi ' ? . . N, ' during i.'-nt & ? ??? ta the I ? - n mi by V i ? whli h ^. I Ml i: ? WAR, SAYS KRUGER Ba naya Roath Africa Maw, iii, Kit her I i???(? ..i iii.' \\ lui. MnnV <?? MU'. CHICAGO Od 11 The I of tho ? i; i waa fnm the ? tn the < ' , in iii ordi r ll, ! I I ?' ? ? oi' the ' public'* : ? h We ? i h KUM' ; NT kim i;i:i: ?? WILL ACT FOR ENGLAND. i iiiliil SUMO W ill i.iiiinl Hoi Inter ?sta in Ta iwanrawl ni < .is.- nf \\ ,u WAM .. ? UM purl ? i- a pei :i' i undi - in the of Kal i in th.' ir Rral ? ?? The . :tin. nt ?w th.u mere ari thu OM \ . i the ? naen . | I great American m i'. ,,ver the I tau tulillah- a' in tho ti at af many ri. SENATOR HILL TURNED DOWN New York State Committee Adoots a Bryan Rescluti n Seconded by Cro'erand Oppoud by Him MW rOfUC Oat 1! -The Stute DOJM. nalfe Committee mei tins toHUgbl waa :,t by Richard CroheY, ami Kx , David li. HUI *** uirne.l .lawn. \ Bryan raaatntlea ? '? ?f****** a??ond cU bj UtaanU auvi uw/uecu ft Wwi. t .. i Vi mit IV WAR VETERANS GREET MKINLEY de Attends Reunion of ihr Blue and Grey. A HEARTY WELCOME Wearers of the Blue and Grey Vied With Each Other, ESTEEMS HIMSELF HONORED ir n<> ( .inn.-ii In Inj Di-i-M'- '" Brfnejlnej Ihoat tbaWori ot Be> < uni --lian.iii H.- Nah< - Other Bpcecboe to the 4 rowde arlra Qi i ii linn on Mi- \N . st vv ai il .Imii ni ?. EV \ns\ ii.i.n. ilND , Ocl n Pren ? ' ? diing, bal ? .1 ? the veter* : . a Maa In tendei Ovation when th< t..,ol ina pi aad Ca I i ,? ?: v ? BALI ii: i IRED. ol teri ;i. i ?"'>' Menai tor whlai ? in. rted bj th. ' levelai I ? ,: - I w ll. Al C. A. Del ta and cit) Oorei i ir .1 A ' . i ? and Intro ,i lent SI .i rt si 'I he P-. ildi par! I ill My i ? I '. In Itali . i. I ? i ? ? "If i I tha work ol ,i bonoi of ii I . BPOXDED ?i 1 made the North rale SOI , ( tba N a \III1V of the RepubMi I I h ' Wt have 1 i ? - - ? il .nt Brun ' ' m .a tho . h, to stand by the pur> ? ? ow m ? ' I! .1 VV ? - r thc Kary L Tha I ra aa. corti .I back to I ' Honi d by a io-k. line ol r In 11 my before Pi - '? M K ? i I., comp! ihea -'r a i i i delivered i - . Of the ' THS NATION BLESSED VI NV INN KS IND.. Ocl 1' ? st. t.ii by a I rea ? ?'M^- I 'ella ? this BMOt warm and gi . lia; !?-. pt " re I .'ion In M has anare to bs thankful tor ? I i ?k- from what ll aaa a > Our H ? lier thai n a a ? ma Hum of ea h mee I fall. tue lind an ? a i know iii it .1 .ii ir i< worth ape hu ? ? rlty, bul we kt riot lam an '? arbal esora d i wa ? ere an > ice erith ali thr n-> .??- tareel . I ... ?rv one of thom than we a-.- to. 1 ??- We have * U'" ? i--..u|.|.- -i i ipnlne^ but the gallantry ot ih.> i l)ovn who have r . n- ''????? will I ? ' down the rebellion aaatnal the sovereignty of the I'nite.l .Slate-. EIGHT INJURED. ffjaotal Willi l'vlilian l? '. 'irate* lu Oatttalan in Went V inri ii io. ?'?ii'-im.ini! w va.. Oeteaer ll Te lay at Short Creek, nine mlle* aberl tho Hy. ii northbound pa*aenirer train col? lei .i ? apaahd tmm ptttabuiw, the utter bringing delegatlona 'rom Weetara I'vuiuylvaitia lo llig Tristate ISucaiap m.-i-f ii ::. al t ? ? ? : ? ted A MYSTERIOUS WOMAN. Arrases! la Men'* < lothtnfh Ulai ',;? i aden Broad Mm** it IfaBfca, Ollltll of .111 ll 111 han wa . i fa j Braai Who waa I ? hm in i he will f ? know. arith ? i I : iii i h. din M ra rael "?* . related ? ? arhen the n ? tor th^ date ... ADMITTED TO BAIL. li i\. ii .ii >.-,.(! mi i (fnoaraof Hedi i< ii leeoolainMei KEWPi liri' NKW8 VA., Oil M ii mil - i . ??> p bo ti i ? ii Dasie, - ? ? : v tylei Dr. J. SURGEON LANGHORNE. Tlic .Tnt \ in tin iiui-n < .i-i T.iiK t.. \ ? I. V v ' - ? ? \ Mr lu-* ? A CANDIDATE DECLINES. bacton T. billilli Wi I Mimili taw I, and l"munni ' I County .:i tee. *?.i\mn.iii in Invite in arvy, .- WANNAH QA Ol ll \ \ .nih' to \ -1 ? ? > ? Wno tri Vi ..loll Pnaaea, v \ -! i! \.; j >, of thi lied before I .? ... - i- n of the \ ri Pad, She Sou i't !?? nih, v ? Dr. Di I fo, i ? Four Dr. D '??i in JUDGE VICTIM OF LYNCH LAW Taken From Home by a M skeci Mob in Louisiana and SI,Qt to Death in the PujIic Highway. MOW ul<i I .-? moa' m the vicinity i Har I alth the . -I left then > ? terda ? I from him and rsm \ vi UIKED U About to tho il I down iii" titwii stilrw.ii t- tho m.ul, I ? !?t>ixeiii iii tn and pinloni rna. Ui? wi-, ii-.i wbea the ensrd h.lite.I, one etan placed a pesto! to tai Ptace'a bach and Inri thmuRh, hin kidneys kit ins him Instantly. I.KIT WHBItH HE rri.i.. 'I h?> body was left in the roail, rain fell ;i|> n lt ilvirlnfr the night and lt was rt*s cued from Hie mmi i.\ relatives who ?<-nt ur tr.mi New Orlanna linn morning 'ii..- ? relative* nra* thal tho gJUUs wi in:--. il. but -??irv is generally known amt Hi-' mob* action was baaed upon the fart that Judge l^al'liue la a niarrie.l num. hM family re*tiilng at ? -. h few mile* away, named after lils ilielliiK'.ilslu'.l I nt h,T. Judgs r si bsa called a asOettnaj <>f the psaal Jury wi tuc ywuu for to-morrow. SCHWAN DRIVES JUL INSURGENTS They Retire Fighting ShAbonriyAll the Way CAPTAIN GEARY DEAD From Gunshot Wound Rtoived al San Francisco de Maiabon. NO MORE OFFICERS' FAMILIES. < ii iv s,i>h Manila Ki ^> Plat a r?r [hean. Ile \\ oiil.l Soi I, -l His ov\n Chene I iud . Tl' x-iil < ll i inn-Ian. e?. Work- ni RaMiaaj Nnanlah Oanbual ProRteae 11?ii thrarly, i" MALABO*, ling thia towt aeaajB a nu. rn Og un.ler ! - erm! and . . n ^ ? r Can - ? ' .1 a Held ? iptured Hiing taree ? 0 MANI D -.TS. 11. along i column il ..!.:? g| gal rig tl . .i d Major. righi bank ? ov< r " . ; 'in th.) n 1 i ? ? has ? i I I I - BAD ? ...? VI ? . Oearj T Irti ?nth Int ? u rom ? Mimili In Ih Di ? p I ?' ? 1 SCHLEY ADVANCED, Admiral Howl ..n's BM Ire anani Makes Kim Marabel Bight. u ABIIIXll I \ I ? iptal V. fl of i R v Ko. I tn tba list of ? \ fl No. ll to N SUMMARY OF TO-DAY'S NEWS. I..e ll f ? * the , i Church M Kinley "iera'V |ii i bmond eom v w v : k td ? ' lunched ? 'urn n.xt I Ran fi I i ? k. State. Th.- ' I he North All..ntl g ,. . i - I- ??'. tl a i iments admltti i ? :r-..l hinging i I V-x Beaqul-Cen .,.,...1 ,| the < 'wen ;ii? in I.ynrh burg, I tieiH-r.ll. - the Plue anil Ors -ville x k. n from hi- home lu IxuiIk Ihii i .. moo. Boa them Indus ? IC aeeattea '.miking. leight persons on i Pythian exi-urnlon train Injured lu i rallleloa. i by Crehee be? ll i - Ki reign ?Intent reoon* from 1 wei ii! *ay (t ls reported thal the Hoers have begun the war. The reoort unconfirmed \ ., iinconflrmad report that Mr. Con vii* hu tn tireen hus 'x-.-n assassins ?A fhk-ag" Mtehes a .ab'o tram from Kruger saying, war is tea DUiy aJterauUve.