ALEXANDRIA'S CELEBRATION The O.d City Ablal i With Light and Patriot sm. A GRAND TRADES PARADE ?j in- fafacbiai lint Dolphin Open lbs Pay's I'i i ? 'i'";* w kb -i Salati >.i .--, , Bataan ? lana Night Pay adi 1 1 1,. 11.. Display, 1 the. I ru ? ' ? ' - ? ' I tvirr ? ? 1 f r* ? i * General ' ' The ? - I I Ians af hand elong '. 1 .. An r le up lr Brest part nf ra the dil GRAM) CAMP HISTORY REPORT kid jea t h Bl I i-f N ttthern h in thia e ? Board know th ? strongly - Berth, I ? .* ? Inter wrltlni ol ? 1 hal ? dei - 1 opin? ion ? their fa 1 . ? their t pllh v- a uni iv or i r Intent ll ? s - - 1 l many a 1 irtklni tl.l- Ii" r I 1 , rthrow r ai nit ad 0 BlOCB I rtlstoi 1 ' ? 1 I 1 r High School as. This 1 j . -.1 aol I ? uah to wini.,.VV Ul" WhfS* fl ..1.1 lv a. ' apr-'. ?r lr. rfr. Wtmt "aBBiaia aBBBsSsSSkSa Hs rwturs u sal An Excellent Value. A large sn i beautiful 6ve piece Pn:':or Suit, finely finiahed fr.unr, prettily carved, sill" dsmask cov* ci tog $32.50 ' MAYER & PETTIT, Southern Furniture & Carpel Co. 7-9 W. Broad St. ? i ? a null have ii ' ? i r>ut ni 'ni; ' I ' rf th.' other ? i p Tb ,i t . ? ?f th* rr; .. falsely il their I V commit! tte V ? ft i rrpub Hi ? lion. J. I,. M i , earn* , .-i iv a pru 'i '" ?> ?h to <|. m.-,iv1 th. alimlnat ? i jiii . ? > fl i thia h'ly II,.,lilli ' ? Lieutenai ', hird l-l- ii* ? Norfolk; .W ll, of ... u. 1'. Tu. .. CAM. 1 wi' ' . ? ?ni.' righi ? i p .?, ? "?** Hon ?. . i th in ?m.. mr |. I in th* I ? 04 K ttl*. , v. It ls. tl"-' il' ,,i, will be all'SICAL PROGRAM ME To-ni. Bbl* flflUBii .il IT > i.g.the I ..111.111.I. .. ? '? :. I lu th* .;. vernoi Ty ? who happ< ru I I - ba In I- b*1 re tim ' thr** llvrn ?! ? .wini hti h wrr* I ' VII ll T<> ST1VVKT 'Hie i;r..n.l C*Bip .rn: I 'UtlOO i ? ? ,,.iain J,.im Lamb, pro? viding rir ihe *r*etlon in Rklnnond of ? i., .;, narai J iv iv Stuart it 1 HU ItlMlMll, a to unveiling ..f th* BBoauuent to Winnie DaviH in Richill..ii,1. _... __ . . _ , IL D. ?. , SOME PRETTY FALL WEDDINGS Miss McDonald and Mr. Eustaphieve in Borryville. CHURCH A BOWER OF BEAUTY. Willi Omhi. ii I:. ul ami Xiii n ni ii la.iv i' Others Who Might linn i i.i ii in ii.t- Moat ii nf Brilliant l ni lags iVVIEEi'. VA., < ? . .. I ? . ? . IC lt i BM . num. - ' ? ? a rori York, I. '' ? i Mr w ? ? white ? out. ? on th. ' ' ? for a 1 ?? I PRETTY COUNTRY MARRIAGE. St. Peter's (Iiiiii I. in N.-vv Kent l*ii S III - fl I 'lilli.'lit St Till'. NEW KEN ? ? ? ., to tilt ? ? ..ii I Mi : Laoe ? ? iOf a tba b i : Tho !. - ' ,,: Mei - Weddin! M i. Bott nty. ?k tha . : ' A NOTABLE MARRIAGE. I ailina i. ut I O. Glenn Weds Maes lim I'liti- i . I tini..11-.,.11. ld .1ST. ..\ \ \ chm ch, ii i. Va ..i i otana ind Bli * B thara lessn Ed ? i - i B B Tho The bride * attired In a Thc renowned Dr. Beyer o\' Germany writes: "I use Warner's Safe Cure lor pa? tients who stifler from kidney and liver diseases, and it re? stores them to com? plete health. I rec? ommend it most cordially in all circles of my acquaintance." arni waa i V. Glenn, Jr., ai.,1 Mi. 1*1 li E****a**n*en. ' ildesmalda were Ml 'IV un and Mina Roberta Kim ,i,.-uii. The ushers v%r-r? Mr. Jirr..-.- Oil Air C !: ?i. Mr. Chart** Pi i. ., ? r H. a. Edmonson, tho undi l.rl.l.'. gav* the 1" lagtaa aaaae ' ?n tho ... J. 'i ? th* fool ' \ th* brie* ? ? ? \ M ' Fron I ? ..... afr*. A. H. . ? ' ? ? ' ? ' ? HANOVER WEDDING. tr, fm j Hon ard and M ag ^'ni ? a WONDERFUL FLYER^jj Qi] MEN'S PANTS Two qualities. 2.500 pairs, made with French waistband, every pair sold under the guarantee bond of The Globe satisfaction or meney back and free repair one year. On sale two days Friday and Saturday. AND $1.50 $ $5.00 $r,50 $8.50 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 FOR STYLISH MEN'S SUITS. J Every ggrment reliable in qtuUity, Buperb in make, *,>ertri*t in tit, gnd ~!:i.*t!v tr*' to thc moment m -ivie. YouBg nuns sizes at $3.50. $4.50. $6.50. $7.50. and $3.50. 1.50 for a I to lie malo O IBB Btoek, with snlM ile, inner Bole in 1 COBBter. Stvlisli ic able. It is impossible lo luce this shoe t"i. $1.50 LYER---Saturday and Monday. Boys' Fast-Black Lon-t Stockings, 6 to 9' *. at the Phenomenal Price of. Change S\ Your j a ' fax j Your i Beys i 'J k"*^ V ^%#lLsafli\m3 ; i Hat af j Here, j j -....BROAD AND "***a^ SEVENTH SIS. j j Here. MANY LABORERS ARE IN DEMAND ond an Illustration of Effect of Industrial I OTHER SOUTHERN ClilES ALSO. .w nu- i;.".nil of Investmeai >.i ? i .iii B ii iii Has i in in ti "i i ?>< ii Hm . a I h.ii- lt..nv Ni iv l.'ii. i | a i -I mlii ( Olial i '.' l aa. BALI ? Ivlty in th 9 , , ' IO ? ? ? neat th ? ? ? Columbia, Ti nu.. ; t ? ttona In ? - for i-ti'. MO I. ? nrtisi : . I ? i ? I int of j ? ! ir; Uti '. ? u sad din ? basjr with - number i.i' . Tue Al Lu mb' i ' ... to Ul" ', : ? I af ? ? afford ? unless -* I . ? iii-* mi: \ v ' I roultl BUPPLT 18 UIPUB. ??? iii.- Bautkem kimber auppll nesr future bara v. ry ii" I ' ? '?-' ern-.r <;. W Ki klnson tter Mnnufa 'turera' lt.- ' of his J Belief in tiio egnortoaltlaa av Was I j ir ItimTx-rni. aaa mor? thtm o\i-."jOOO acres ot virgin X >V/VA**y/\/\VV/V.*a/**^/\>\ 4*AA/\>\/\y*?AA/\/\/\*A/vA ? TO INVESTORS. TO SAVERS. 8 Q itu *^ 8 PRUDENTIAL BANKING AND TRUST CO. f 0 1103 East Main Street. V Vir OFFERS V? Q I ceivi Bcome firoin O Q ? mon i exceptional a(lvant;ir)fs. A" Q A Money loaned on reasonable ti i ms in amount-- to /.> X a i _ #> | THE PRUDENTIAL BANKING AND TRUST CO. | >N>^VA/\>v/\/vA/\/\AA/vSfVA/\A/*/\/\/s/V/*i/'i>V .*..?..*..??" >000;C*0<'< >V''"X'V ? I Watch Them gs They Pass! How mu ? ">?<" tliiiii another. $20 b - lin-, nersl workman!' ip. Tl I ? turn W by? SPEC! M. pi th 'i'luu-LM*, i moro ' re not 1 ju->t noi i) i nioi.i ici nie lalor when von do ^^H ?:'? I HENRY SCHNURMAN, Tailor, 909 E. Main Si ';??:?*"???: ll int? in i In r.ii a ? - ? - - ? ? ? i '. tho coi ? ? ' ?' ' ' ' ' * * ? Th* mon* ' ' irv* t1* . i ? ' ?' ' ' ' ' r. ? ? - ? | ... i Ina* rniiit. .nv ll ' ? IBM ? I * '? ' ?? ? ' Mr.. ll.-vv's ('millil iou. LYNCHBURG va Oct ?g .- Mrs lt W i' : I ... been hour!'. ii - vitality, aaa seal * a faaat tiuos Uiat she mav r.illv. MARRYING DIVORCED PtOPLE, BeeolatkMi Batton the Nt rlhlk Pi s,i, lei \ i,ii iki Babj i I .. e> - ? A HE NORFOLK ami WESTERN. N.-v.-i- ni liv Bastor] .ii lbs lt...ul Bad Bhoa nj. ? ? ? IB , ' n ? ?f Dl ? Hi. ii m iii. peat. ' ? u tbs M t O^L?TOn.T-r^.. BsantLi A ' __-'?" /lk u< f ' I rirlU. S . a RI cja.bbtciii.i-a.. lau.ta. A- ? ??' - rr &*#*&&< OA8TORXA.. Burna. stVn'vij-' ' ' - '"'l