Newspaper Page Text
THE GOVERNOR'S VIEWS WANTED New York Paper Asks How About Prosperity in Virginia. SAVINGS BANKS IN THE STATE. Uriflah Government Witina BB Know How They iir. < ..,,il?i lei! v?.,ai lerly r.-nlit nt iury Re-a-ggta, somiiiit imu Pell Booka Qgsjgeneg r Bag hei a a*ht i ^y *'"? FlnanoUl Rt***, of New Voik, lo glr* tims pea er i" aa ? ? '"r"1 -ip bb tnt* Biala, in . anni ? ilea ! ''?''r l>1 the Imreatrneai ??' ,,;' ; chan:. c U*ua try a.. I about l'ii.-: ,i,a anil U . llnuHi.. vi tim gr* A i.iil.l.Ml '. The Bi a I of ta* i talion un i' ' "l l'"' - maud lu a . .....- "la the position of Hie Stat* In relation io 'he i .T 'rm: P ? ? I *t 1,004 mei ' t ? of tiV the qua run ii Hon in aend few l >? ? 7TH. B ? ? a Will il: ? ? .'i \ Irgrin ? ,i In t.. the ..(lire of the The i n Kail end tbs I have 1 of the ?minn, illh ? renton; tl ? I ? . afr ? i.. ? t with afr J i newell THE WHEELS GO'ROUND. Ulta a** New* Pmen Vnrlon* Brnnchra of I id aral ry. fjnderwe *d Bu minina ,' . all of g lt owns e* ? of the ? i e r lows: Pi mon.l. I . " City. N J . ' ! ? 1 1 ht cog o I Iii sev? eral di ' a hill in ? ' Kvara. ( ne of i> T been, unable to I in th? I I ' | ' ? t<>n? l ' a ... ,? i Binn fl be i xi. 1 v 'ni the ? ?...I in r TYLER MAY RECOVER. His Neil. Wee Neg in.Un. HleBhall gi I i??i,Mureil. iir. Jolm WV Ti er who aaetlre I I,. ., 11 it *>.u? thought that Mr. Tyler'a neck but thia wa* found to bs a , but hla flkuli la fractured. Injured man waa carried to the City |i .u.tai and la re-eel vlng the bes: ot treat gtgig<i4 aueatio-i. Hit ca.** wa* t&ouglu ?'i he hoprl^ss at th* tlmr- of th* ac.-lnVnt. but |hs i ?? ior boss tum',- tl'*! Ii. mav? is iiti.i.-r ila- car. "f l'is. Oun ? 'i i..-s wi.- ..;, m ii h him all af WI ' i : :lil. "NO 604" CLUB. Tli.'v If iii ii lli?ni|iii I Si IBS STl simou ).uni i int. \\ .lin. aaftaj Ni^Ih. DniSag thr ru, ntiiin.ii-nl in I'Ml.l. irj las*, yea - I 'in plair Ol. ta I"- Ui ? "N. i"i 'Th. t hrs. r friend il styli .'al. tl, .1 ir Bra. 'I' ;??::? ' lim.- i ? IVestmoi r- ol ti..- club. < iniii-iLt Boran, ' Tl . narri -i-f at Mr Ai thur D. < M ... vv.-.i it th. bom. ? I M ? ned by R i an led La - .'. red 1 it ? ri- r. . . r . I by tl.'' ?boam te ita ?-nt. tram ? al i .*, i ? ? l: tn. il I |. lui., i!i(. (', Mnti i. ali \\ h RI a, thc ? for Ml B< r , v Holt, : I nu y. Mr. the farm Sun palmor., who offered him ,-i hom. ? Wi .liv lift i .s, ii ii,.vii Preetrj lei v ... . . Bast H ii. t hs I Rev. Ia E .1 W .!':.'!' :' VV. I M.i ,i. re l rall. fm ' .The . - -s. le < -it ami Wm 1 ? - i ? ' * In tin- Operatic Flehl. ' ? ri, ls witi. ? ? Col. J. A. arell-known bu an.t Ufa . ? l,rr ev<" \ - I', i-1 lives. ' ' He bi A M l1 lill and ? Mm rn tl in w aahlngtun. Mr. . id Miss J ? Phillips left 1 IV ' U t. r of Mr. \V. W. Phillip I .-.I I nun ,i MtiafloldL ld al ila- . I Hy, if. . by in ' \ ii ll I il ill l lu- I ?? . : fl i W i" a h "i d ii the ? ta be i ? ? \ laspeotloa. I Jr' rr.- rall gaMlaj ni Pas u Plat>. The Young; a at i'arl--. r.iL-ht. 'ri..-- usual ; _ .'..ii not a 111 by th.' choir gramme baa bnen To 4 i-.i Kli-I.iniiiiil. The pion of lint vembi ? ita. w Mis here I ? a pta) t'.th , I..--- aad ? h< I ..ti Impure Stomach hatch nala, palpitation sad b are dangar aignaki that your a I-. hwempeteal that lt is doini! r- ...irk Don't BsperkBent?give it Hoa gtoanach Btttsrs, and ba arslLfrry tt for a . ?. Tin. -i ,atr.1 you, fal it ut any Brag -' i iha' a Private Uc\c nus 8tuiiii> v-ovcis the nei-k of the bouie. Thers is Hostetter's Nothing Stomach Ai Good. bitters. ^lfj FOURQUREAN, TEMPLE & COMPANY, 429 East Broad Street. READY-TO-WEAR GARMANTS. Hero's a showinq from out second floor, and ifs of imnorhmro jo wry ono who is in tho least interested in perfectly made, ready-for-service goods. Nc eel styles hon; bul inU^im of the LA rESI WO BEST of evevy sorl from all quarlors-hosi in quality, host in unistu best in fit. To look at them is to he conFinced that tho best is the cheapest, particularly whiMi lilt' nriros :irr liko these. when the prices are like* Ihese, ?/ ??; Pr.f-f C<\r\~Q *w ll:1"! !" **' 'n 'i'1;i"!;"'-. B/e'n |i ? 'nu :i few vnv pirgan a**; Us'il Ldpto. new ereatloo*, mostlj gol ogs bul nome in Black nail tVUItr i aV vs*-'ii \?uj^*.o? new creation*, Inn noun? In Black nnil White j willi rind ho. ls, flu red ruffles nnil frinjji ^ y i Si 1.50, (112, si-j..*., i. and. ?plO.O()< i pattern* |b o -'.-i lira Lia on Hm* t-lotbs. i i i Qt ?fi Pf'-'arl P-jrac :| !' ''''?:'i psttcrngi lu ..:-?.??! brailia on Hm* i ^ ulti'.ix.Q Lapwb* i.".-.i ?"'" C-w*. 2 '-? rn io. **m9? All i'lri:;il'l Int nf tilt' swell -V u i Tn 00 -. iiimii..! with elanora te ul li< lilli*;, ? ? ap* < *J;. ? 11,,in ,.| -I es and prlii *?' j,,.. ? Tani : $Q.OOJ $15.00! At ?*)* . rind in ?Jil ' .irli. . ai. ' V "AN PO AT, ? inlaid tts fi /*,/.( ^j. s*!n.i)(l] ?3i nrAccifirr ^irvine I vooI l J; o av4UCdfl ? 93-50 I JUiH-iLvl vjUTYlloa both p. rfc -tiy now. entirely different .-i':..!: Ag. TIT i.AHii:s' rnsii \ir v:,, ? i iri.v \'.'ti"ti:iu . h'tii. wiri. Bhort-i ?? i ? r\f\ tt1 ped s,.:,ms. fly Croat, silk Hued, bel! Bull. .pl*),()() ? LA DU B* COSTUME. (J rt ' sltoped fo ..l^.'-s aral Inlaid v.-li.-i collar, skirt tunk', cu *?-*/-. ? ,.,,?. ''ss of m . aT2().()() "' W C I 1 1/ Val-IICtC U'' l""l",',!''"1 ''"' -M---* "'' ' '-'a* ^lii\ fssslSlce ironMed here did ni ^a. - -Waist burpiin you'll have .. . . -m..- if '." ..I judge: \f> fOLORED SILK WAISTS -lr horizontal meka ? ka of entli /> , .'JJ, hui! ' dipped millar, tucked pr! sj^O.OO ,T Bl v> K SILK IVAIS tiiffrta. with >% tr* "' il -f-t o ? p ? lifferenl second floor departtm i 3 fjive v.vj rm idea J 8 i!]0S?C ~-.J p CC 1 ciI? 9 stairs, but jo m elevator. Everything thereof the p > jj nd's. ;hese few as an index, ,? ) r?*?ll**h??U Dlonl/ale ^fj, I ?J Q0n Bf '? %l '? 4; Specials in ladies Muslin Underwear vS rt J?'' > ?3; e lowns. esl , t/2* * Si ?3*. --. v" J ?a. L ?9: Rainy Day Skirts ?Jp A ag- ' ' } J Blankets royrqureaii, Ip eiiipie Company. . Lrdlliuiina umnrvcio ' Ladies' Muslin Underskirts BI. full a ' fffk - . Eiderdown Guilts ? ? ? ?r ^ I r Ladies and Children's Underwear 'fr ?ar '?a far ? I - ?sjsty?p^|| SOUTHWESTERN STATE HOSPITAL Review of the Yenr's Work by Super- j ndent Proston. FIGURES FROM ANNUAL RtPORT. ! Vearlj Ftair Hundred Inmates ni I ml j ,.l I ,-, ll *4 r.-.i I l;h(v ll\r Dl chnrged, 122 Idniliied 1 i gani \. i.i Mote Koona. th- j . . ? iii.- prln i ., th* I ? R. I I i i i I i kit o'- j I | i : ? ? than wera ? thi rr being nina i mal*. DISCHARGED OR ON TRIAL. ?i fur? or nit on l Of I I rema n on furlough al Ors tim - qirrv I I, it is -lu'. .1. ah ' . m I fal*. A M Pl ' R wu: i ? Tee j i t of th * hosp 1.1 fend mi Ina of nth. r ' , ta i ? ii th* county i iii* Ire* fr,.rn in*ane. aa I Bul ti- ? haa !?? "'i Imp >-? lb!* in i i*i ,|t thia tim ta i i In inti varies often anet] gag, aa their friends often, when no room can be had at the State honpitnls. mme ?t once and take them out of Jail on bond. A? many as 25 or Ul have been taken I tram, the lalla into thu hospital lg thi I waK^anWM^aTanWMMWWr t'u" i found ' IO WINO ? - ? - ? ' ? " I ' I ? ' ? - n leaton of Um ? ? ' ' KING'tfDAUGHTERS MEET, Delegate tn IheConi.'"?? at lan iv CltnsM-n 1 ' ' ' ' tl I ..ii the ? ? ? ] I.? Mr- W ll | 1 i 1 "j ?Itv. Kine s I l ? ni a metal i ? uni . . ? n ii ? f., ? ? , Influ - their pl ices after X^kvamWw < . A ii. si \|i\\ Ol riNGft i IV Il Mill.lav III 111 l.ill.l' BO Dill I'.'illt ilinili Vii-ii 'n't V"l'"l*" c ft ? Od : i j -- - i Vies I - i- m Oceaa Vies I .? ni at 7 P. M ? P. kt ONE DOLLAR FOR Tilt- ROUS I > HOI lvl.4M> IIMI'. CARNEAL B DAI - its street and Ask us for pring! ofl bast Anthracite Splint and Btaan Coal before placing your order for winter 'WPM**- N*w Thone, m. WAJINEH MOORB. PROSPERITY IN POLICE COURT Prisoners Pay Their Fines and Few Go to Jail, STREE. CAR COMPANY REPORTED A I., ii, i.ii. i limns om ami Curl nils i heir ? apecttj l?..m^ 11*?- Beal 1 liri Can, < i.lim ti"' I "ii. ci a J nek a .11 aa, s to Grand ?'??) . ? ? : ? iee are i ? k. It lt tb* - j -m.iii. . ? muk,' I i | a v \imi:t\ - ? fur* him a Uh n i ? for the ?? again for .- \ nw . ? more ea un< .ii ina Tola . gil] li. r, ai d -'.,'. .1 tl harm from Mm ll" ng her and thi uad then '.. kill h.-r li : t* gal m I te iel lier fix Um :,.. M, mri to T..ik..r abe a lld, I.un. Tolhi ? willing" inttiinif ob Berth if ? ned and s.iiii sir- only naatad him punished a lit? tle *l I tWO Wi PBS ill Jail. nu mad* li thirty Sa) i and promised to l.-t him out e.! li Talker aili gel sober in J iU, clea respectable looking, and elli ba > rj n mt. HOW it Won ks. M Tolger wm . oase to te ju ice John and beg hint <>fi, anal Tolger will be | n eiaer, if Bot u better, min. eng the j ?reagan aili eentlnu* in st.m.* ag 'i ulm ii rn, human im.' haa nor .i i ? 1 willi 1 - b!'.h a half*, ilau, ? '? Had change (ur a gustier, gad Charles thought he did not get his full share. He claimed that Sam cut him in the forehead, but had nu mark t'i show of the blade. lt was a r*lear case of criminal prose? cution to collect a civil claim, and they ll li IDLY h ? B Imp. i A M. i ?? Mary E. 1 ? ' .lt Of rv lil.. ' Wra ' ? show to mend his PEI BR AND KIB GUN. . I ? ? si - ' ? ? -.1 mun. i mi ni:i v 1:1 \i? i ins.. s ? III I. '? ,. ? n thf ? ' ? rant;,! ? ? ' E. Main si th^y fnti bi pure ct oflii--*. CASTOR IA For lilians1, and Children. The Kind You Have Always ketti Sigue.uue of CjjxSyffl??&A': BJBDUCRD i:\ii.sio i-iiii \i>i:t - PHI t \ i i lt , I P. lt E..!"'' ''??"" ,: ,: ? ni A. I uuui ..I N.iii.inal KlB-ort li* pueltkni. 'lin- R. P. & P R R ?" : "" T*J,? | continuing until Tu v ' St--, j .-..'!! round-trip i; kets from ii Philadelphia at rate COU-poa .if a.ira ill port lix nature ' mn I ile ..f sale, tm ? ! later tha-i He i ml Tickets on sale at Klchmond I*r..iisf>r Cotapanj '?' ???"? attest, ann t. rkat Office, Byrd Btreat Hutton. W P TAYLOR, Traine aUnatir. ' ? - ' ? ? Mr. V ? ? ? P ? I ? ' ? ? ? i ? ? ' ' MILITARY OFFICERS. an Maj f> ? ? h,.*o., i.i i . | ' nt. ,i s fbr < i> ... i ? - ? " I aa/. ' - Fifth I?'. ?.1.1, I I.. I', t ' fl ' ' '" 'I ' comment ea I. 1" S ut will preach i. lag and Ber. j T bag. Mt** *ttgg I*,.,., %, r Little Bl*te May Smi:h. tig tengbter or Mr I.ititen C. Smith, who ? ? bfljurai herself by falling ut... was getting along nicely yt, h?r ******** tar rs. avery u very gaed.