Newspaper Page Text
STATE BAPTISTS WILL .MELT HERE General Associ.iton Assembles on November 17 th. TO BE A LARGE ATTENDANCE. Hr. Qwarge ' >?>|>< r Will I'rcniii iii. I_aue*?Iton Bre_Bn*k->*gJe*gta nf Un- \\ ..i _ t.. < i.inr Ila lure thc I'. ..!?. During l's Besaloiis. Immediatriy stier it was d the BS "f *i lr i. year B 1 to ". i tn mil by i ? thr former city, by lead- ; 'ne cit* le mak<* th* , tmm*i' " s s iv*mb*r j Rib a tl ', li. tim at- i trniiair ? ???ii It I a-as i***d_ed tba! of ii"- faet that tt.? made unite late ha*e tn i 'arpe altendaac* to RI With ? '?tor. ' :hr<<trr ani tin Hoard ? not h taaned an .. ?Ma of j VirgiM . bange, , iinvTra: . temi th* m*et- I |lig , ad BM B* :' The Al ? ??r In j were tan cburrhes. 516 ministsr*. and Uh* SfK members The total amount of money contributed f,,r bstat purpoen was I?/-*. 67* a. Thats were in the Oeneral Association In ls". When the last repon. waire ].|l.-d Ml Sun.hivS.hor.lii. with flt n, .*,s v*.i echoiara, and -rtt UM ware lls. M*- gi Th<* treasurer's ri port of tho association Ihe tutsi arru. collections to bi i I M "WAR LITERATURE. Opium <??'??"" M?*'at.iltlolhe Solul Sunlit l.iln-nry. rltos M**C*arthy, sf this etty. jy.. ?,,,!, .itrlbution to the (Solid aaa-ojth j dcb includes Bddreetn ' Northern Virginia, by ? r Anders-n. Colonel ltd wa rd if Charleston, H. C.. and , . mpalsn, by Cotaeel WtUtan Allim- . ,. .* -,-_ impaii "i nra. , S. tl v.v Major ll. Maryland Canpalgn, by General Bradlej 1 I**" ?ess by Ja-lgh ?i bi ' I v ?'''*? ? .. Malvern nm, an saSrast by the Hos I ,;1' ; u The CBrslry of I tn t?f Northern Virgil .TL. Kos - . Boldlsr in the 1 . iv il HUI, i.. I * ' ' ; S. I . ? In ISM. Bailors ? Tbs Bli -;' Hotriti Qm Kits* -.- . i:. im md Howli ? red- rat< < ifflcai Iron wh.i ne sow ?t Andereonrllle, jl.,-lV r leatanoad to l>eath and H. SP ? , ? : ?? I A v^^ H! i;li 0 SMITH. .1.111 UR .1 li \|'.N'l''.nMi:n,V ior ; ' prli ti .ml M r form* ..t .1.;. featun ? ... t:.. Bkoal ? .1 h. Bl ? ., lt* nut' i. i ? i\ int,. r evi rj tw< ? ttl!' lirn ?> un ia o* ni. .I thal no i i meit ii. ,:i :..\. en '? pri ? i- rid iv in.riir .. \, ,, ? ?-i r.. u. ,? b mi I...- i bree ' In i. lay, ME4i_rT__g AMD I ? M i lat and Layi V giegiaiiiiim arranged i._n- lt; I'i A M - -I ' ki in ihf Script urea" ? arty minni' i; E. W. Wli P cust-ion, thirty _ nutetj i i M kitty min ? min* j Ul. - I P. M, di m. tkli ly minute, i: U thin j mil . . .\ i ?, . - mon ** Ul v. *>d bj Ra* '???... . ital liinr. ,ik of th* win i be rontitiur.i ? ky and on | Sunoay nigbl there will be a r>'*r t me. '-sis of edu asBalonirr wefB. . work to bel >re the oort s lni |? ..* -. ? Bopl Or ; tl fl poelllnn nt .,?. gi Ot I ie. (Knitted, ni bs fi. S ii ih Ri , l*r M " .- ,', Home * .a which ? C. B t ? d st Richmon I ol **)ii. h ' -iii- WiHlaa in B K I Hat. li- ( Mi I Itlble ! i i i >i lt w Bet tl* ?? in J M PUchi i ?> he i __g_tt**. of which Re*. Dr tl \v Ttib* Jg, of iii..ri..tir*i*lii*. ts chairman; Min* ?t*re' Itr irf Kund. ol which III T ll. iliett is pctaaldsBt; Tb* HapilM Orpbaa* ;r. yf arni ii R*| Di sTllllani B H*ich ' la thc ; ? i u?c Board if Tru? ;?-c*. ure alan several other minor or- I ruiiisatioua. which win auburn rep *i:d Blchmond College Bill bs dt? under the brad ol education. J* _K TEUalNQ riOURBS. ggg there warr twsoty-feer district f itrtBllfinfl r*pr**ent*d in the hu nt lat -?neraJ Aaso<.l_Uon of Virgtuia. Tbars BJflV I'K ? ' I Ran ,i by the Intel ' C. P. , War In Car,.lit Idell. I'<> ri f I"- niti i. v. I' ] \ ? irir, is ? * In th. Capitol build' K, and will pr.,;, it,i>- b . ' tl -n. ihuuiiis how REDUCKD lt III,*- IO PHIL HU.I. I'lllA. \ ia lt., F. and I*, lt lt. and iVim. H. H mi Airuiinl ul .\. U ii uni I Ipntl Iv |H-S|I I. 'I la IL. F. tr P. lt L v.. !. BB Tm I continuing until Tut \ ember tlth, ind to ll.. sj. tm ludli,; .; ...inn-.- ron I I lin- Natl I I poi i Bzpo :i m, .is- in bu; ii ? on .late of mi', limited l , return for ;*) da>a, not ia er then Di ? ml i Tn k*: - on ? .ie al Kiftinii.ii.l 'i i Bain eira. id laahet : .*st.nlon.B u L. TAT1 Traffic If uti: vi'i'i i nt: <u a GOAT la eat v fltach should taos that Dr R nj New Ulfa PUla, the vVoaderfnl Stomach and Liver Beatedy. gives a eplendld appetite, Muiiii.i glass tl ". .1..1 a rejrular bodllj that insures perle, t health tad great en? ergy Duly f's- nt Owtat^d M .r*i drug ?torei CHRYSANTHEMUMS. ii'g'iin ng to-ason 'iv M si B R win make a display Bf tbeet beautiful r.utumn pleats al then sion ?>n : .trent. They w.'l also sell the plant* cheap and StUvtg same to purchaser s house. REV. rm. A. T. M*LT__TN8 t*M*nl i-outhrrn Baptist The Seminary.) REV. DR. W. II. Wi! BAPTISTS SOUTH MUCH PLEASED An; Elated Over Their Victory in Whtsitt Contest. SUCCESSOR TO DR, JOHN HALL, >ir. gfoadj iu < ii Ont irate \\uii He* liri** BItBglllll. laft-IUBgll Wi sin n Bagel*** Plnnelng Meeting* of '1 imii Own, hoiit parti Ilf-'.V ih. v* aaatti i om. \ 1- J. Mini.i. Otnl Now Etigiand, ir . B I* ni ? i ? i in .nu,'.: i. ii Pr**ld( nt Whil ' ? . -.. try li tb* I-. . ? - .utile arose J : flmenl I ?? . lalmed a i ? ? ?**. Ive ? Bern* laary ? .Uni; ft II* * ' oth*i E ii citie. for informat'on I ? (liri H and thi : f,v'r ntry will ? i Dr. WI Richmond ?nd w*b In ? la hen he REV, DR. I' W. BNBHD NAMED. nuc Presbyterian, .Nm* \ark. Purpl to ih.- .. Rsv. Dr. I ** ? ? ai mia pulpit lt tun that ihv congregation tendanta, lc i b) Dr. li ??;. i ? . .1 *\ho > -tn *n. ? ' ? ' WU* ii.uii v Blrken .... in n. .. ? t if Trnlty chun h, Sen C**l I Court ? jd irgan " b at thiil I ' ? in ;!,, WOI ld. . tl blgbh Conni il flt W Dr, Hall, a ? Of the. ' BB <? to tbs t Twentieth ' '? ntury Put ? innerly. I ? prim lp il i '. union ? of ihe fi nd bb i rt Ma ii bs i an s Ballar mee*-* ri to be af ? ? ? \' w ? rk tO *? eon* rai a, M**h dlsti villi re I it be* : : atl,,ll Of tl .:.*. FOR - all Ol I' nu irI. il by I lol w iii eal Ional | ?? -1 rum nt i i ? ko to Roi ?Ince, ? ll) and Bnatly eui i fl - I'll to Indian papua, ii" I I to 'i i pi nda to h.' : ? v ?Vail pup ' R ' lr I on. BOd havi > *?? r sun, . \. ' ti ino ut ron tin i Injustk r. .i.i to tin n, elv* il. i from ' ? ?h ? Prefect of the C itt . lng Cati it** growlni ai?proprl n,l bc Increascl, not it thi li i. . nual meettag1, roted to rontlnui <-\rn Wi'hou! K' : I r-- o', iiil | rn, v .luntarv c. tr - and tullloti* ir they aro not com. ? ?' ? i ? il ' IBM (her* **tii aria* another rlgorou* p*t*eAe*tanj proti Prot*ai ob ibe ?i, ,? pow, ready to bring Influence if ttere |* anv w**k*nlng in c_i*rytng ont tb* law or Influence txert. i to repaal or ..mend u Mr Mo ..!> baa jin.ini-r.I , , with tte Hebrew Ml.nion of Chics so i which ls at tho hsad of ? ac.hwne, advo i itna hold . ali Brer I lt. A. '. | .'. | ? arid the Hiv VI R N .'il Mr M b bbi ern l tp ria rs \. art lng joint rneeUngi ot th ii snnlvi : - at that lt si d' ure- promt le li i How* ind in* ' th'y fl ? -f that lt would bs Wi ll ' ? : sr ther. 1 ' ilngton, . ?hos . ? HORBI BHOW, \,? i orb ? Uv. Nov. .ni.. I li".H. to IWHi l Him. M of ten or : - - r i ksburg - nond to n capita one ? ? ? ' I ,.. , Tra ff \ XII \LI.I \l>\ 1< I ? ? it , ? r l.-.t ria ? ' - up?they unknov - ' Ine tborougnly, the nore you it. WALTER ? Tabs B ? .?. Ya , Vi . ? ' ' ? i . TELEGRAPH I OMPANT. ? A 13 T O Xl IA, Bein Us J) ? '" tXaft ^-'2' '? ?rr uL&Vm&i MAY (ill IPHOPHONI I'.i ' i.Llis Wi hare i ? CHRYSANTHEMUMS. win make .< autumn plants ;. * 1 A-k irs far Bri e I your or l*-r for winter supptlei N'eW ::?:. vt it> noons B I ' 1 r, ? ? ' ?s\\ \: M..*,i *, ? | ' - Pure I ? M ' MR*. I.. (.. i i n?i tn : yeing m timi \* i **. - i i .-I y, ra rompt. RICHMOND TB 4NS 'ER CO., O -ark. BB -A.' ??? J. ?- X jEA. . le-riths -J? ' "?**'* Bti?'? ?'^k I ?**? |. ii. - I order I ir iv rr,'e.- aupplli VIA CHRYSANTHEMUMS i aril .inn pla the plant! pure] . 1*1 \MH \ fhjBB. "lill, -? ? : , iraal plaat 1'!ai'-r. the fun iui ' Ll INOI-A '?j in ik- 'r-,- of roaf rn glected ntag i ind .., an artlstir man B r D. M"-'L-- & CO.. 1000 Mein street. THE TROUBLES OF A NIGHT HAWK Some Scents Seen by Hw Driver of a A Tramp Vehicle. SEES ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE. Sonic ;uc Itrapei-ialilcand SuIhm, Hui ns a. ib ara Hum** *? >?** a*r_B**e*_eii, ii,,is, riii**. mm u Veal alanu Trw I*. Ko maa living. in the individual Ul" at a li' ? IB Ktv.tnt.. ? - .. ? r" for rea to la* . an he recognia d si a aied. ruki -.. . ni ai.J Mien, by I I I ,?. tey eeem ahiink ,, un. ? laafJBerei I well iii'iii th? na M LIFE ? Mid ? I ?!, B'l mi * 5 ,?r cv" I Kia ,, UAR ? v.Vi'' AMER about RJi n I haul > ? nil Sn ? young sport*, driving from bar to I ? * ? ' their ling hou*es. csrry them Into Uk* ' IS '?'? hell. ia, advance from . I B rmiltna* ".a\ ?ines lt U a fig rw which la f th* 1 ? ' ? 11, i rag on a a I ? ? the si upi 1 v eben i Baally cit ttem lal ?a | ? 'lr. on* ? l bi un in ii ? tb **hivji b* . ? family of na ? tinned, ?hlnk 1 il atilt it. ' - ' ? ited |.ri< s, than i A MEAN TRI | ' ? old ? hail a ' I ? .in **!:? io ' ?,' he fl ' "The i tr wbl| r-t FINE PIANO RECITAL. lin- \tl,si,, Waul. f?f Mloar* Norton .uni Hil'.nil ai the .left'-ra..ii. kl : - Mix sos Noi : I wa . ? '. i .. i . . 'Ma occasion, and ab* add- | i * ? i reved 11 youd trument Th. ? ... ? '? ' ru tiru . \ I gi* l?'.-..| .1. al.iisv "I h ?:.ii I, ? inti I.. *Uih. ... ' III, them. Last ?1 rn* , . k i - I'lnm ... hood. One all ' fi "... In .Rr.I ' ' : ?n ' ' ' au.I ead aa l lt inn 1 tba in Mi I ? ind nev** lei bim i. ? bed out th faalbei | I .il I gathan i ?.? al BBB! I. sa.. Bann te Mya. ounnison of c. p. HU*. You ran go o\er th* elver and ?e.: S.ULLM-AN'SSON Headquarters for Best Quality at Low Prices. Read Wliat Great Bargains Ws Have for Yon This WeeK Money Orders Must Accompany All Shippltnz Orders Down Town Stores, Up lov.ii Store. 1820-22 E. MAIN ST. 506 E. MARSHALL ST. Old Phone, 316; N *w Phone, 509 Old and Now Phones. 34. Our Kew Stores in Manchester, 1212-14 Hull Street. New Phone I 678. We nm fourteen fast dc :ry waSOMB. Quick Service, ii?. We Can Save You 25 Per Cent A Question of Saving Money. Tdkc Advantage of Our Prices and *?uy Your Groceries of Us <it Wholesale Trices. ndard Granul I I Arbuckle * i c Irish P i ( forni i - * Peaches, t N.-.v North Carolina I ': ' i Carol i r;ni:-, ' bbl. vv .ish B ' Jellies, 3: pound. - i Pure Vu.* c lb, rV ? pound. c pound. 0 quart. La ins 1 omatoes and - 4 eui Cocoa. J)c can. Baking Chocolate, -cakes for 25c. Tomato Catsup. 10c quart. Large cans Bartlett Pears. 10c can. Green Pea* Snlit Pejs 4c lb. Rival Gell t"ne. r*c Wine nr Jelly. 10< iiii'.irr. I 1 j ( md. S ? New! ? gal. lew 1 - ' Seeded Raisins. I Ih ho\ *>t. liv OUI Motin b But* tei 15c a pound. I ! < ' ? A ? Imp Rell ible li ? ' ? 8c :b. : POUi. Try our Sno Pamily Flour, $4 ba bat,. It's line. Cod Cranber? ries, 9c qu j rt. Our Complete Nen Price List malled on application. There May Be Nothing In a Name Ordinarily. but "Wi:. can buy. We have them I ' i!it ,i Wo. we can | - t Jet our i Baldwin & Brown, Opposite Ol I M.irkvt, Hit hnioiid. Vd. Hi'.iiiiiu.ii teri lur'i*,, lt.irdv-.drr, BSBBaBB, Viils. lu il ..nil li.ililli) Win-. VVir,- Si-lliiiij, I',an! s. (his. *> mush, 4t . ... i ...... . I JOHN BOWERS. Jr.. ? GO. lOIIS HOW I KS, lr. 728 East Main. ??*?"-**** In* prepdri'li to Liki* voui ni dir*, to ri'|;.iir vimr I ali uni', I in aa, .-, Bl ILhiiji-. Sad . . Plumbing, tinning, and Gas lilting. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. I New Phone. 315. - Old Phone. 181. ;' | Win save <i full Bbb of < ao-aJsa] .mil BSst'saj sm. -. Maatets. .v.. ss "ur Issi1 . i ill d lew il.iv>,. ?. . . ? thom ll - .il i..ok ri ? i he Joya >' llletani e. i i n lg ' ? I I ? you i i I . 1 An' i - I I I... . Dar il i After me. li ? ? s Onega. ? ???Sh? an.! totter.-,! BWB) . '?? tVa ?heart (kat thou *lske-f' tho heroin* ss_g ^;-, tlnlahlng th* OBkao'SSgB. \ ll I ll. I na * N ,., ^ . V - I I -I ll I ' ' I ? ! aviv.