Newspaper Page Text
MTXK, A BTTF1 URRA* IN* J I , wri B INT. g ELLEN OSBORN'S FASHION LETTER. Cloaks of Winter will be Either Very Long or Very Short with Few of the Go-Between Length, Although the Cape Might Answer. 1'iero d ' Her caps of the r t I || ? v ' ? ' V th -t I | nhout ii'-- ? ' ' ? ry carl. .' H-siers ? ?' ' I mush or L and te ted squares (,f cr'..,. I ll d -n't do a O' ' t to h .n.llo i-icek ..r ' ' ' , ? the elans I ?,ety wo Ul lau lau u jjireemlueaUj a. a^, KEW 1 r * so lot g ago when, !, day Balls, and for Inforn I Nea v . lt was two reata a, I oocupstlona os i ? ? ! at t. Friday nlitht bi ; nlgttl tho tl. I to the Long I ter c-oury | j t of I golf; bu' I Mil ol' vi r :.'lllS- I \i - art He fl| that hs had fal I tlon of an Ar i wted. c'e h Inc i i i | tO tho f< VI I . vs r ! -i behind. Earh .. ? : .-?'a fur nhl ? ' 'h ? Kv er ' w r raga* hoing ? The'r ? ' Then I i , | frozen ' ti - ? ? - ' I ,.r 'Ik-* H ? '.mt {, a BU BB ?Ol !h" sun's I . I rt a l tan : he ? ' ? .. ? tard ? g*n ed by n i ??.v. n BUffltng*. ' enan - I th* should* ^- ii tte ? ? wl.lte i ? de sc le, Tb a ron eui In t ;iinK. - lonah!* ii, and three-quarter i ither. lt la a : In th* matter Of lengths, but coat,, cloaks and <aj es hi\e a*tda_l h.-. n BO luxur.on.. Th (bor*se! eage* ere nothing more than collarette, or storm "illars. but the** promise to b?) less popular, e.xreit ns supplements to couts, than capes af medium length which slope away ftvun the front snd are i-lu-d wi h fur or *hlrrrd ltbbon or lace or i h Hon. Th* three-.iu.irer lenitih garment 1. either a cane or a coat as >ou prefer, and 1;- made of black velvet or Mach e.otu with a fur or nitln lining and a short cape around the shoulders. Its revers are all flUteBWd **'h white, and ahen lt lu faatanad nt the throat alih g long, whit-* moubfleline ncarf lt lt a moat becoming ?rnrmrni. The long coat or cape i* the most costly and extravagant, and B worn this year by women of ul! BgOB, Mis 0. H. I mont has an F-rnj Ire mit of bflk-hlne ? loth, which I" scant and trailing as a dreaa, is btgk girdled with tnk-b'of vel? vet, and ha* Ks revers, storm collar and Its three tiny shoulder ggggg b'unl si I Uibk. rich Ink-blue, armurr ribbon. Its nous throat clasp of Celtic silver is set with velvety Maa e*t**phir*e. rin the ette* band, Ml?I Muriel* Wil? son, the famous English beauty, who 1? now rredlrd writ an Intention to ga on the Basan, wears a iong-walst.d r*TaBC*a*sj cost cf damson red elOth with s panel of aiiiinlnum gray, wbbh has the flt of a IW* cep Inn dr- Ss, as well gg Hs length. Us BB?TOW bell and Us long, tight sleeve*,. A band of lnce-embo**r<l embroidei v aa* circles this wrap at the. bust and forms it- only dernra'lon. Iyrg-haired MbahgM i,ear and P.'r?1an r.-it are to be among the fashi mable fur*. but will r.ot di-pi.i,. th* BtaBderd sahl* _ Mink **i!i bald Hh.-.ut tb* lt did last winter, .and th. Mini" B trus of I - -i lamb. tJkeogh I ? ' to a -legr'. replaces thi", and af efttaehllla and ll, Beaver has gone up muny de Kr. .a In fbi i.ll the lighter brown f_r* Shut. tight-fitting J-fon roars with agnde fronts are shnwn bl mink ann ve;l| i'iiup of the*n Bcareely twenty long -All lb*** abort cnatn have high atora retha ri and rather wide, elumay cliffs, nm! ihe fur ls re'leved, espeetaltly if the stiff unberomlntr mirk I fashioned Into an entire garment, by erena ince arranged in soft, riehu faa! I n. Muffs are either small or imrtn-; ar.. in . ? ;nd velvet os- of fi r. To wear with these warm and ? fur, adrien, uk* int bio turn and loop nf il" ir braiding or .rn broidery A HAXIi.'-i'Mi, a raoaptton 'ir. -? if l ? of til" season's fltjrk , s. Its Sklr rel into arabel rtbable liT*gular | ?? - which k-ground al Mack aal ? ar it i.Te anet?i ! ? The br.: the stine a: Targo-,, ,sj? ? .1 lane nwr I by g velvet, dotit,',,. r<ne s, - ? ? kail, Mack f white. ; tl ? of art-.? me . f Whit* ri. pe d* Chine over is of its aklrt ? ? even i. fl ? mlnlshli - ? ' ? ? ? r |,lnk RI ? from - lt. am! <>. Iimi The - - - . Baltl* I Pii < * -1 Chicago, }'< ? ? - i and - ' "rk l' flBld tO ' rkab!,, ' to hl? - ??tr^s ftaH Till: LONL. PRINCESS CLOAK I5COMFOKTAL! i NwVV. MISS Ml'llu. WILSON', THE F.V..iOfS ENGLISH BKALTV. WEARS ONT. OK i>aUiSO.N Ria> WITH A PAWBLOR ALTJMTKi;ii GIUCY. ^^_ WELL DIGGING I DANGEROUS WIMI The Diggers Become Careless and : Their Own Livtf. MEETING DEATH AT THE BOTTOM A N.-i-rn fellsB Ililli' l~.\|ii'.-iriH-e wiih I 1 in- LaSBBS ?e/li.Lt. Homler, tl timi l.'i.i',..s.:lou? anil Hil tal III, ?sblajBt -A bbm'i BaaottM OP. IS KA NY. VA. Olt il.?Speoral-The r d-.--.tIi of .Mr. Frank W'l'll, of ll, | BB rStSBBl '.; vi ri- 'n?thods still tn ur-e in iSBSSte districts, and tho dan- j a.most equal to those i ol tho early ploneera. >g of ; in tba way jf 'ma . haf*,'" the o ? ? Om rta u Min ? work i i laag ? ; doa* i i a fearli larlsbfl ed to tbs '" i ho neceai nea sr j ki feta a >? ? en bia aar wa- j I th-' ' th his j ?toes* from tho vrblmpertng ebfld and ? ?. ii. ir. w nat vv . i the tr va,, tt Braise, twenty the man wis In tSS IBBS, had BSf teaed tba 1 . large soi non of it sara vet*y Instant .md foi:, ooaf. burring the man. arni, or course. a .1 :_-.'??: bu : ' ' I ri a -'CM the . . . lifting thu tub with th , ? Bar fellow I "bblag, ? w thoaa-bl averj m.nar- would be their grave, and perhaps our own oeain-s, :,- ...r : rn the -, ll* VV.I ni out. j:;.! -'i bl*IJ BBB* Bl ? Iv ind Bfl ? |g not ni Kb tba ? , -? foi . i our ure. Th* sjmo BIBB f*"'! IS -t wei! -n.' y*ara t- that?fl bi tho top to the galas dosb ??*? tb* ? ai. i ableb Blipped out sf bli asad i bm tba conti tee brok. hlaaaeU ? winter Bl * Heb bed. TKKKim.K TwXAQWBT. ts rt ? ?. leal hi. oc BVBt*" for many y-.irs, an.i h> n; ? ar ber ? al i-it.z.-ns losi te. waa that awful s'-ori.- reeentljr at a arell-Blgglng near thia .1 I asa ia --I1- woll. and lt wa. on tbs , Ths aster , at v>h .H.- ind he . | nb lt d Bf ni- ' tabing h band 'it bl aaterpi I at work tot " iyi ba> i I thal thar r-ouid not r-. time d i- I BOBBI what ? ?', -i v M r* BM convinced ? - .lamps'' and kl ttBMfl ed if* th. Bal thi** did ter hhs I I " tba nosro down the rtoxt div BS BSaal. CAP-- Al kW AY; WITH SH HA! E A ll I'.Il JL.AK. to * lash tba ' The i I small I speak ..r. b ???? . the day well ???? :nust ie Uki i Bound ' . isl ax ene may bavi i ' lav th. . j I for tag a il trickling los ' i ? ' men -? - ?/ I hut who bsd ' k- and I with I - '.ok ir:.- fi trong I the father I he for.- ? It v. wouM ? iimi- I ? ?aaa* witt it at I ?he aaewtl tub. I I could not ? Of thal man c)"wn ?h.- gegi ? bor almost bi ' ' ,h?' reesbabtunen to a man-as s ' "*** <> ; -umstnnre. ' cs of hm ? I ? ?s his ga] ? We h ard th' match fltruck, and then his hoar.e * ' '' ff/?." a"l '"-n a j duM thud Bneli * dull thu! And down that rope went the f*? ??**J?A *"',f] [h. agll'ty of a -uuirre' Into what a-emed *erta'n d-ath. The dynamit* wa. there; the match h*<! > <*" BSvnaB; UM t*U** lighted; gad '?*? men now at **" -*?* l?n' 4 TIM'* oF B_a?l_*?l 1* waa som- ui'->ute? b?forB X un<-'r* r ap his Sd ? ? ' 1 ? ' ' ? ? rn hi ' ? ? ' 0 ilia! a hie breath -: : | I*, "a rd ? whon r liing up. 1 . reathlng sad ? is . .; i must ' > -in the ? i '?' ? body?It 1.1 a VIVID ?TO!*T. r -.-.t toll*, it H nt wai <i..vvn aim against ? ? ??-> d WCing Up in I ? ip the vv.-i! - ? . iw within his ow :i ?' gt*-* specs ta ihe man from ..;.,...,- atti hi- pi- k 'li'- pleb I -i to get bi* -ri k -md his hands also to grow ? weald reena and pi tack, Lok. At Isa) lt I hard in the <*?*,? flt i ? ? vv.-ril o ::. The next thln?r lie aaa wis tha afer. no n BBB in h * fnoe, ard he heard, as afar off. ih? wee-i'ng ot w.rn n and o,ul.-k com? mands of mon. who wer. helpless to save, waa there working ovor th.* limp bed| ot Mr. Caldwell osltl le I Tho negro'? experience ii valuab'e ns abos.Inf the ... tlou of Ure damp on the brain and heart, _ KA II.KOA o* fiiciimond, hrederrcksourg and hiumao wumi * HEbi ua ..*. ... la- i <" . ?. MM LliAVE BYRD STKtcl slAHOA' i Si .v. H. Liai.y lor Wa*nui?-.j pom ta Nerta. Slops va > . .'.'. . i rees bs ..^ Patinas setp. Bra io .n.w lui-.. ...0 A. al. buiiaa. o:..>. tu. WaeblSgton a nu .s.,i,u. **-Sg*S al t.OJ, i, ash,, nj. layiwrav.,.-?, I- ., . ,i. . : Woudi'ane. 'J,.mea, Sjinmlt, l ? ?? ? i um vv asa. 1 .....nail v., . ? 40 A Vt. Lia nj eivo^t Sunday, fir Waaulnguri ... i .....ii .s... u. ciu^a at l. aa, i,.en A...n, Aab.ana, lay* ih - Ma... hms, i i. -VU. r*s noa, M Lord. Whoo* arie. Hu.nea, b.ri ? i ie-wruk?ouig. broo?. a iii Wide?ai*?i. Putlisaa ur for Wash. ? I points .N.rtn Stops at i i. i'oawei , M foi I an4 I rederi?g?ogrg. Pu ,or ii ie - i?. h 'jarigrission^l Limited ar W.ihlast 7.40 i* \r ! . ., foi Washington and P"i ? , ba. A-h. land, Doav . Freder.rka burg. Hrooae sot Widewater. H i at pth*r a'atlotia Sun jays. Bleeper 1 nmond to vv*- Tors Sleeoer u a ngton i*ti ?. ? , ARim i; BYRD-8TREKT STATION*. I.K a d. ba flops st KV iewaier. - '? .!| Do,net. Ash 'and and labs, Stop. st - , ai, (jun,lays. Sleupcr N-* 1 irk ? Kl hmong. J-00 p. i , st P*i "... D -?eii. v*sh'at..i | ..a I ?. a 7:19 P M ' jt Fred. erloksb irg. Do I A h and and E I New Y irk. ? 40 L M I i - w\ lewater, | .-nnilt, -. |p luther v i ir!ers ville, Ash ' v ,. i |.-;nl4. Sieep. ion.4 ? vivs. (Dally Fi lav i 7:11 v M i." a- y ran rico. 1:00 P. M IiCav. n for Fredertckabiirg l:H P. IT Lei \<-h'and. C.-io a M ' \ Wand ? ?"> ?, M v- ,, . t- . | S'.pot from " - ? 1:96 P M. Arrives K'S-, fr-*m Aabiand. VV r PAYLOft T-1*" Man i;?er F T D . Pre?tdo?t. N^WHorfBlk^Wssteni ? ?m ?'???? a>ijjggaiBB \m Fffaet JI NI il. 1M:5. LEAVE RICHMOND iDAILT). BYRD I l S : M> \N NORFOLK, V'ES . Mil"LD Air.v. it v kt Stops ouiy at Petersburg, Waverly and Suffolk. Cketa not ac.eptad on i 1.06 A M ntP- CHICAGO BXPFF.SS. for . . -- . abas i : aa nhufl ttao fo Bristol, K ind Cha tt ai oom . Puil - ' - .** '. Knoxville. 7.30 P. SI- f 1 N -ri >ik, ano* in. termediate stations, srrlvas ai Nor? folk st W M P M. 9.00 P M ' ir Ld ti h:j irg a I'Oii. ? a 1.. ri hr. .ra i? .' li B . , Limited L. - i irg to Mass. ?? p.irlor ? >. ervatl i ? Radford to aii \a ri rn ? | ?' be ? 1. ni ra-iii r P. M Wiso. Pul ia ib ? -p-r Paters Tra si I from Lyn,a e Wi ? v v '?' Bast '? vt ? l's.. '. p \ ;\'-'t Cl".- ? V-'-it. ?LEY Dis*- v G*n*r,> !*, \^ont. General o*i,-f a Va t^ & Ohio Ry. ?o La.A ? . Unit. Ul.sJ.:. , 1U.\. ir for ... . . . - 1:11 1 i i ol .... . No a .r. . I . . aa.. W ash gion; a; i nluii .-* i ?- (or L.V.. hourg, gi I . owl*.. Tali P. Mi ? , ivttia io, i , loath lin . - , s , " IO'' ?' tra.-- ., --p rfunday, folio ara aoave J.30 1' M pt Sun . nth F. |*. , u *,.. Louisville M , ? ? I Co> (or Virginia Tltv UllTH-3TR2rr N .0:30 A. M r, daily, for '? ' I I '? ?, IT I ? ll * a \ ,., god ii. i ttl and I..,'!' . ' IMP. ll ' rid OM - k, p ?i -re.pi Sunday -*'*h Parin TRAINS * !F-KT .'ION. I 10 A M g:20 p M. wit r ' ?- dallv from li joitv n POTTS, I iLD DOMINION srEAMSlilP COM i'ANV DAlLi - ,' i'L .-*:?*.i.ei, leave Norfo.k. \ a LA I LY ai ?? OS i .vi - via C. md .i >i ri Vi \ M ?* I -en.HR U-tri stssmere -ai M ? a;- .ni f I Al it-am. ; ' ' ' I ? ? ?? ! rtlag vv. ;, ie learner i ' *>?w ?? rk. il NEW YORK pas-tngerg car. leave DAILY, exvrept Sunda> 3 P. M rBsturds) i .' .Vii lot hUrtuuund v . .,, 'ames rlvirr leu ve ? very Wedneadaj I P ll Saturday t i? vi . hi for Ki lim nd b) St. m.- r, vi, IP. I) Ballings -??; North For full i "r'i v to ji.HN i MVYLri Anent. ItU eait Vfatu itroit Rt.'hm.vnd vg ff fl Wa'kor tra'fio Man,?r?r: J. JJ Brown fien^a' Ptisssoawf *f?n; t'?n oral nea*.* Ptr *? V R . ***.ew rori l^ . i ?* trrw, v\i-!tinv .*o 'g plilLAiH.Lr.'il.V L-l H If O N D AND NORFOLK S'lLAMSllIP LIN Appo'nied sailing uayv: Every TOSbV DAY. FRILAY, and SUNDAY lt day 'VrsUht reoe'ved datly till 5 P. M. Fare en i tsamers, in-iudlng meaix and **?r'.h fi* .*' For further Inforo- >t|i*n nnply to J W M-TARRK-.K. Cen. Southern A-?' o'"- "o-sVeH-t, a.^. - ? -_. w. ?. m.TDB g. na fl* ll.MOA O'*. Atlantic Coast Lint SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY tl, 1MB. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND-BTRD BMBT Bl Al'lu.N. li.tJit A .Vi. lui.i, a.a.i*. P*i**?l?urg ?.3t A. ht, .Norfolk ll_1 A. _ diops om* st isier.ourg. VSavsiiy and Suffolk. Va WOi*. _ ...... ain*e.- i e.*r?OuiC ****1? A. fla., u ?... "i. nu a. M., raje.l* * , 4 ... a .v. . coari*?i*?s I*. ia. bevaanea ki_o a _-. J*. *??*_? *i.;. . ai A. M., lort ia,np* O'S** P. kt. . aa W.l.oil with No. ?7. sin.aiig lio.oabora t'.kt !'? M.. WI lin u . ,. iv M.. *i Emporia for bu a , I bia _.*>? issi;-* and sll Int . , ,ii,ving springs . ;? ll i ifltaa Sie.-per New Yuck b. iaetBja-OVllks, ll.JO A. il lan* ** cpi AUBday, ?rrl?cs Petersburg- tal.u) I'. M. fetors kl-ta * h. mi,. - iU. *,e,.( ? er on *?i4fnal. I Jd P M Daily, local, arrlv** Peters bur* I i., f M. Ma a e. ail .tope. IA) i _ k>ais>. .ii.*.. r**ar*enrg ?? A* 1 II. iocs! slops lt- and IV rallt-iad. 7 SO i- Ai ./elly an.*** Pslersbutg I "4 IV M. Con neil* with N. . nd *'? for .Norm., ma, itiuriuediai* po.m.. I.h.poi.- a ,. i,< n"? - ia A -nd li. tor a ..ti BS ?? ***en Em bwib _.i l.awrenceviiiej, Weldon Ki V M. '?u.eltevi..* i *'T A. M.. i ', tri a m , aavaanah s . >, A M. Jacksonville l.w V. M.. iv.rt ianiua '.rt.. 1' M new i.rsi. ru middle ceor. (JiA PolNTS-ArrUlng A ken 7:2* A M Augu-ia B lu \ M Ma..iii II A M . Atlanta l.' 15 iv M . 1'.li? nn. Nen York to WU ruin ?"!. i'Var e*t m. Jj. kaonvllle. Aiken AugU'tft am. Ma. on. a.oo i' m Dany. srriv*s i > t. > sburg P. M Wsldon ll Al I' M M.ism local it,>p< between Petersburg and \\ . di ii* L) nchb i k j lg A M. Hurfaokf, Va. 4 Hi A M . Url*, to!, v.. lu i" A tM . ? ? for Danville. Va . arrl*ing ".:_ A M. Pullmaa Sleeper R rh mond 10 Lj nchbnrg. 10:4.*. !' M I a'l* Arr!*.- I'.ieraOurgr 11 ii. \ .\1 TUaiN.s AKBvIVE RKliM.iND. A M Dally, ri vim Jack* .. ? . Sa '.Amh. ih.ii ? . |ga. * ; t g >uth. S:16 A. _ Daily ai At ' .i ? Ran* 'Vi ?' ?? Weat. BJS AMI'. lg !_a,. *..?. \. ki ... 1'ianra. i i i ? liendereen, Lyi - in ggi ES \ ll 'o'* S'lftolk and i e. v M < pl Buaday Krom Pet, ? Cbealer, <*en tr.. Bluff and Man M ?, Suffolk. Wav erlv and la ? "v 7 'Ju P. M 1 ll*. Sevan nab ii. >io.da g:SS fl*. M rv r-et*rav?ur*. Lynch? burg M fl-MERgON. J R Ki: Viv Traffic Manager. ? - ?r H. M E* ?er Agent. ? ?" AMPNET.L. ob na,.aeni,er \gent. S.A. L. D IIB I ' MAI I USS. UEAVEfl iTATIOM. ?:05 A. M. n,l!w i ? .... aa , ."Iv. . I Train Invlng at t P M ki TRAINS ARRlk i. RICHMOND. A. M. i'.??>. tx.-p; bi M i if I'.Hy. >. -' ? . in, (i . ? .. li. M un* KIN, *.? nt, . na: i street r. ST .1"' ?" leal .nd (Jen V K M * .' BU i*l *ien.1*nt. it W I ger. 1. S Al.I.fV Oen*rs' Pawenger Ag*ot. **31> SOUTHER.V RAILWAY' [?RAI! ilM.iMr VA. U.w . ... r a. a..i... . . , j , ? . >l..?, and | ... il ? H) P M. SI i .1 sialis ?? a ,.l i N * ami Ii ,K '? a ? : , Florida - . i it Dat e and ha k'aab ind Bl!**g , e ,<r? 11 I*. k a I M*W ' Mex . ' ,.i Se trg i .-'y te* Chai a ti B - .-I i i .whales I! I- tar l . ? i r - ? ' r Di,rh.IB, I i -vh d-,\ ii* g* <-m a l>ail , aa ma I ? .,! I . la for .V.-w I '? ,.,,., a-. I . ' ' ? h. which Mew lark- >n Nat a > and ? v ? ? Ma ? ii . a n in lourlgl ?'?.. . ind Pr'd ii Wasl Pan Tran, i.r-o with ?.ange 6 .10 P *: N ' W, local, dally exempt A.yav:'.. n^l lir.rm* ?nt? tbaini ' ' ? r b;chmakd a io a m ?*"''?-" Atlaaia. A*gv*ui and fi M P U , ' : ''-'at' 6 .* I "-1 I ?i.ii;h s f' A M c. >iu Keymiiis and ixal atat.ous. !-? al ! r.i.V iii I TRAINB. Mn?*?u M*Uvheet*r auj v . VOKK- Kl* Ll.,,. .,.t W ST POINT, l m. i \ . ? m.i i i. t.Oi lr NI -it I la. U?A - .-' r.a" i Iifl< 'NI'. i it) P M. Nu ii Haii.mur* Limit*-. via. > *_4.?pi .sJiid.>s. lor kVe.t fvi.BI a.... ? i ._a>; clo-.* .Ve* Po.ii. wltb Steainr.. i | . rn r. IMP M.. i **pr**s daily ex, r, .- ... . VS ? I'n.lH and lni?l'U.?aiS.? Slal>-'ll* lvv.llll.vla H.ll. \' m. r i,, w ..kertoii and i . . \V*?t paint inn steamer for lu.i.m >r? a , .na 6.0* A il Nw. - ? . ii. ?.? i laiv.* daily except SunUay lr.aro \ rstma J?t ir- and in1. . .. ^ with sia^* *i i - *i inef fvif *\ ? sen,ni snd Tsj.p attar,nock. lllAlNd ARRlVsj AT I'n MkluNO. foin*, sud '?' 10:15 A M.. except Sunday, and Mon days, tl in ii i>i i ri ?;,i Burnley treas Weat Point and int*rr?*dl*(? sta tions. Stem | Yest point ."aliy esc*pl Sand** i ?' 1- M arrii lng !< i ? Biornlng, rciurning. 'ea** Raltlrrtv,r. ti 5.00 i' M < Sin day. arriving \\?*t Prut T ? and Rich, mond |S following morning. Sieirners call st Almonds Wh.if snd C.'oui eater Point Tue?4la,. Thir-tSt* and Bsiurdsy*. at Clavbank and Y >rk 'i?i M ' i- W.dtivia.lsy and Friday.. C W \VK<TKI"f; v T' -.v > \a*ial '.M-_?t Mem St . li tun ...I \'? j jg ctm r W i TrrK Tr?ltl-M*'ii.'iT '"-en I'a- |.*n1 P* S i-\N'Vi*N Third V'.*-Pc ?!'mt *ed Oea'l Maoager. Witshtu_toe, D. G.