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Elie (Mme*. THE TIMfcS I TUil-a Kt.a-Lli.vv.. TLMii a.m.' uA.vii .s..,...'.;s. Ul v. li .Hi'?*?"? VA. TEX HAILI n.vii.a B s-r..d br car? riers or, accuuui xi in.a tr.iy Bim Mao ..ri. . lor lt COO taus ?..a.j. B......U. Muiu pa.?i (Banally, ??? uiAii Oula,... ol ...- itului..., wi .l.'.a a Ul f.<.w ?>*?>:--- . ?fc'ai.s Ke......? N ? ll (tuts i?i * Caste ut ?ui-"tising raiss for geaon fuii,,...iG on applies Koii.ll 0? Stall ooLr er registered ? - Currane) asm ny Dian i, si ilia r.aa of ins aendei. Tltnaa ir.e,,iii.n<???Uosine.*, v'Bice, New Thone. 0>i. Uai rii-.ii.. I** Htuuii ,w traves st, uiu 'gassa ??>?? b^n.ui,,u conlea trea. TBA WEEKLY TlMliS-lssu.d and man sd tn iwo p?ita- fi.j dwl-ai a r?s WIS Snjrwnsia In tba ASurea* al. e afuauutataiieus and curias BOt.uS.icS m ll,. , .ll ? ' ? ?._ lui. l.Mi.o ' .Mi'AM. I All aubscrtpucn cr mali BgyaMl In at vance Waua the label on tl rou liva r-ui of i. *?lit,n goer aui-ecrMOoti < aaa '?u?w btiait on- bsjssi Ths Times ls slrays ln.le'. 1.1 i . t - who fa*, cr it vt,sh .- - s;i ' a.isoi.u.a rut ii.s.i urgi bat - Lt UM si?.iia;uie of Hie sender ?ll tiast-ntd oomflounleatkms wl'l be r?: Ja..tsi e.wi,,. ?BUN mTkEAU. lia HULL PEI ERA 10EJ> r . MRS. S. i THE KAILINU l-l*'" ? EL* A lim. . ? LN 1 Lr: . '.. >s> t-rc \*. ii. hEXJ-WLD. WE DBBIBB TO a .1. t TiON oy Al I I'I I I VC MC A IIONa ll 1 ll -?1 1 T j 5-t ll Till ' i'll Vii:' I8H A VF WlltlSE Al"l IH 'I NOT BE HF. M 1'a\i;;d bi m-XDAT M WI l'.t IN \ IKGIM I, In bli new l*o k .i.i I Al lg. t. .... Mr #BBB I WI ot fl , I. ip*er 1'- s Cl vj t Mton. sud give, an I of a slave role whl-h he stlSfl I > o' I Un tells h< B men and M up on the block nnd BOM to the bid v . ? ? v. "old to a 1 ? || o I. I husband Si a vouhl have t i.ttrd fi >? he etbti famly Of a t dared thar ht B*BS | f s>o .rrd ? Alter says "Virginians! You who ls i were led by Las and Jackson! iv-aii th., - bal tart Bl lt I Ask ilimuliii a sat w i *'.ves. tu trv t . sat'.- : in j,ur vvrong and -f-jisUBabli as wall tl ? ? ? It lu not iv: ll the truth an a'Lr. tn rseJteg or ai an abstract Lies, lt W Brrlttaa to make you thlnk-'o make fog ISk .a bi lari was as lt should be wh.-n ve had fciavciy. it is i\ 11' aa ia ri ss to your Lea by si and your cir:,.lien v. ? We -.hall not mses- Mr Wi-.- fl but lu wrltln thia i-hal.!, r lie . - mutl laiiai ll.. I ri his genius ha-: can ? ? -it as> '1 i??!? I served thiu-Ly \iiglnlatia da ti. be convlno. .1 tl 111 i lld be" In tlie I .,,. til. \ heed to lae I . .* I Vii Ulina lu da| Who ls BOt i Bia\t-iy l? a Udna oi tht | ? a man tn \ .: Biala ' ha*.. ?? i.. \ ? .- j s of ?slav ai out are at an er ? nf of tin survives savt eats;, bet ut. n tba and their former nia.-r.i- ar .i nail rosses. This Wa- i- I day at the faasrs Taiiaferro In lanni., ' - ru; h. . . | ?? Brave and with tl: then e>ei king Lle.-.l i , Wnde." ll rest wlh L.a' Let us re? member only r.hat Vblcfe I ing iteaiiab.s ia lo O'- ., Mr. Wises narrative and lae I I'm as Mr Wise hss BBSS ll ibis question, we raise oar i retail a*a.ii-.i the impeachment Implied In leatura, aad say Uiat Virginia ts not ashamed of her rSBBff on thia question. IBS slave trade la this country was not Inaugurated by Virginians Ihe slaves were brought ber. first by the Du'ch ar.J thereafter chiefly by New England irad.ts and v ainu waa opposed io the Mom . ! tbira ware Itv Virginia only gvggj negroes out cf a toial population of VOOO, and as aariy as BBB Bal Virgina, begin a aeries of prohibition a. ts. twenty-three tn all, by which na arrest or uucjurage tha funner rr t*eduction of slaves. In ITO a most solemn and eames: petition waa mads to King George the Thu.1 hy tbs Vl.g.nia Hous.- of Burgesses In v they ue(.?r.o Baal ' il* importation of slaves Into the colonies fr sj 0f Africa BBtfe :or.g beta wnrtBtrtil as a tradt of great Inhumanity and under Its present encouragement ?. have lag mu h reason to fear will endanger the i - .. . x latsnrs of v....r Majesty's Am, minions " Hm' the ? ,, an< ths wlshea of the t.f vi,. not sufficient to counterbalance tr.e , tnttrseit of ths Engli.h slave trailers, and the petition of the Vtrginlais was Iseored by gal King ., ^tt(,T this petition was s?nt ti K'.i g Qeergt the ^toleration of American Independence wat promulgated This, as originally drawn by a Virginian and approved by bis colleagues, contained aa one of th? grounds tor the ssparatlon ai d the lnd? ptndence of tts eo:oales the charge tafBlcst the King that, "deter*j?l.*ied to .?.t and sold he haa proatl?u?"d hi? . gw***S_g every laagala* apt to prrhlbl: or restrain thi* fl \v. . ?? out upon tho recjueat of South ' \ ?? . a aa, ... reit n iit_s tanner under BanM ,. keed (Jkeanaahraai y.-t M la eal ? ra." Two if I?* it waa don md. ce of tho ' : i | i Vlitlnia ihslrc.l the total i.:iu I ?. nf the slave : nigely ano ...n of ? Bng-aad tatareat* with Maryland, I I Vlr g jar* aey. and X-w V"., slave ' trudo to WAX Ti leg liberiies of a nation be ghi se t ure argea i only , .n aald in 1 ;*<",, ? : ? ICU 1- i ' oner slave by pur, wea, it being arooni; a ry i.iay bo - i t thc owing ? }.' iim'.uco ' ii for the abolition of _ oo<i why . gtala . ? tined br Thin i ramon. ?quired the ? vin her ? ? of th* . al ai that no mau could pre* ? ired not I cons" , ' I ' if Vlrg aft 1 ? ? -. ? ? I ? I! ll ' . ? THI BTItl i I t vi; MATTI B cause el "f tho ejmd - .un to r rm tiiis ? ? ? ' only qu< ? a blt; price t | . iquipaivi.t bi lt enough that t' such a road and Bitch t_ It ls also desirable, and the . fare dal I inning: ' Hon* .hntl t." kop' not as fi. . i Iknw MU-d districts. I' U\.n to glances of thc ? ? ni and ?ir Snook Unca to *hlft for them jcivei aheald net be enl r these I.ra' I a linea from tl I ware to ? and to Saatroy thfm would not only be of great Inconvenience and lo?a to B*opt* who Hve In the outlying districts, but I | to cut the value of egtrjrtgg rj 'i half ?nd so deprive ll of a very large revenue. Th's la a many-sided question, but this one great fact ?oat fee fla***. In mind? electric ral!** kg Um t_B*ggr ? h and d"v. 'opment of a .0 tin* ( enact] ahenld Steno** of thc franch sea In such a way as best to pro? mote ths gen. ral weifure. \\ IV Mti\l Y IH TIC. HT. The burin*** m. of Richmond the bar.lis are CBllttkg them on their loans and charging them higher ratea of Intercut for what they lend The bu-'neas men all over thc country say the same thing, if to bank to fe rn*** n, egg *o i wiil moiiry ia so tight lt la dv.ut.tful wfea*thar >>.u can art what you wai. Free coiners taunt us with th1* and aak I | n *? we ea- inn lt. If irae co ners could I need a* explanation. They rould explain lt themselves If they would recall lust tail they would find the same atate of facts, and If they would go back tali by fadl, for thirty-five years. tb*y would find tha same slate af ?acta ax'atlr.g eauh fsll. Ths reason for lt is that lg ths tali of t_e year lg* cotton crop of th* South and th* grain crop* of m/.nsr af the aannstry fe* Bec h and ths W*Bt to tn rea _B*M It will ail bs back in th* flganei nn'ers Jn two montha. It 1- a ll !!?? *\ ,rao thia in uaual. I i 'ive than waa. ?'.? B?d the govrrnc:.?? ? ? -ear wsr Ki Hg UH than lt gg a fr** . fee opel 1 asks * af eui ? -a reg arts aa ? . ? t ? r.iit them ? by .. it. n it t_? i - ri. ney wi:' . .ii want tc r have la win ? sell thal ry suf r thei in the ? ini* so. feing were free, s.j thal . for them, I was over. J ill. < ii si t ni l; \ 1 I i OM.,. ? '" ? I ? : ? ' ' - ; ' ll I ? ? frai by the ] . ? This ? - ( - ? ? i ? 1 ll ? 'doh met at I ? . nt R * lllfl IN I \ I Vi ll IN'GI \Yn fl ? ? ? I '? ? ' ?Chesapeake Watchman. a . The | ag of tho 1 . house . : I . centen, Damocrata, In tha truo aense of th* Bunning of that U I Tlie - n af the State BUy In *lew ot the Ucl . * .vi, tl'' cision r td con? test, but addi The i ? ht little cal? culated ? i iv snU . har?;v of tne 8t .ed himself tn s loua af nally, there I* no hostiilty I cy, but tl ? | and Just > iivi wiil support hun 1. I il,ai r. ','"?j of a . to the at..pion i', iiiuctat. - . * Tho Richmond linea ts figuring on -he j poss!bl Ity of enough independents gad ; Republicans being eleci'd in November , to give Tyler a aasjoiity conbtnad wBfe ti ? Demacrata wi ar for kiga, and li wonders If lina were Baa .'i.e. would Tyler pledge himself to abide ly the de ?il Hie caucus. The OOVBTBOr, :t he ls really opt?oa*d tj machine rule in j politic*, ran do only one thing, ai. 1 tha ls to assist, In any honorably way, to mash ll.e machine Tha people of Virginia, of Which wc are one, are very wear* ,,f the pa*chin* is lt is said as a arid - | that the machine haa a cu*, and diled \ slats extending into the years to come? I and '.hat no ono need apfjiy for favors : until the chosen have been provided for Thlfl ls not democracy?lt ta uot g xei-hip. It ts bararina away tho righi* I of men- and Govern-,- Ty'er if h? get, a chance to break the backbone of the ma I Chine in __XU_'S CU'***. __u_d da. mai kv I keep pul nrd h? sn-,old have hi" '. ? . i. Mad -iJan ilii.- I . _ ? It will be noted thal In "ll of Mr. ll ' . ? '? lt, and thu, . rv.l-l Ulai ? is all - ? ' ' ? i tba intol . tirings - ' ia tatt ks.?Pe ? i ku Kt ropi -s. ? 1 h ipa 1 io ?ht io arr ? - I - I .. .v seems - ted In .. lng 01 ? The - A comm . ' ii - . a 'J g. i k company - : ? . - - otrat.i rty in tha*. ut tho is ra ? ; ? DUB oiMl BPOR \ . ll s One man v - it Um pal ? sro-*- ! ? - i ? . ? ? fl ? ll ?' al ?? - ri'imr ! ? ' I an. * ?burch If the * ? - I laws, and I Ul en ? irbert t1'- real rael - ' knows I -* ,-i chs-se ter vv that hs la for tba j ip Beatty * - the fa. ? mmnrn ? ? ? ? ? ls ta ht remedied, lt calla r. fl BBB i snd earnest and .. ? Bt of the Cr ii !?" \in will matte in Ohio tata wees. * im J. I v | Brawl v.a, the LSB'SI i- and Nashville rall wmor In rsply to ih. ehargi " a*i ss'd: "Any man ' ! am "'"'Ked hy the Lt N -''?'"?* H a snail. ir: Infamous liar, .ns I will call the iisl ?' tia BtaSB who ac u-e bm. I aa ?*' to ,Jet'end my honor." ? . ' Monroe Hedi**-*. clarmed to bs 106 tat mai aras*-. .<hter. rbi reseat ? -?"9 ****** he j had Btvtr bee -rblptsnl and never ex* , ptstsd '.I re Ba inUy his son. Hram. j 71 years old got Into an argument with h's wira and dec Mel to g!ve her a wb> kiwckcd him out with g cans. - ? a * sunaa JJ?2 the CiUted States Oovsrnmsat CLOSE SCRUTINY of our f.-ili fe **II! I **, aha fe eel lenee nf ? ?' All (i j. 4 and |i All One Price I No Mere, No Less $3.00 4 : f-__ ili'.iosilf thc -'i. i ol 1 oinmer: ? *..'?*. *-** -*-'.* .'a "_"_._*.] h&a ' ? ? n in i an ex - *? B 'll i .' i - . V WO'l'd ?eem raia ng extra: I i l,i I: \ .i i i f ' a ll the flrflv ' - "A: - sir " rou're ? one knelt i - ' - ? ? ' ? ie I then ' n 1 !vir gi1 rather bc ? ' ? .. . '' ? ' kl Waa Bl ' . mir k io thro** of mine. Con**, leer* thy Rall ah h The arni I ear*; And In t1-'- : re*he Ive " ?Prt* - a Outlook. The* m..*m l. The two me-, ??r? v ? srre?t ? ? *? eenvarsatloTi karead on d*ia*rt**a and mei r-Vn were :n ?Bte I ' - i b aa " said ena - t"i*? hard a man dr ska fe* can al* . the s te**.** flier**** laid th* iflrst. ,-a i a saloon now; 1st' flt*_M__a]t_ Bwjne*, 'Tf ron keen on ss ya*J hive V?nn. Mee 'b*1 .?>mp'al"ed th* vina husband, run* ? -count, -??-- fee able to lay up any. th ?ar for a rainv Sag ? ': ' e'aJtn* e.i '"h-> * enag w". rig! ' "when rou Imow ! hive two of t?>e love'! tat ratal Say B_tr*a that were ever made?"?Chicago Tribune. Sick People should take Hostettar'. Stomach H trers It eurea all such gtngflaflll gt* as constlpa t'on. India-eat on. dv^oepaia, biliousness. liver snd kidney d:?e ?? * !? a a wonder? ful medlctn*. It atr*n**tb*na the over ?? rh. * m rai iel gfa to **gaa I tag hody. rt ar*ll be found In Almost every drug atore lag for H. and se* that a PRIVATE REVE? NUE 8T.__P covers the neck of tho bott.*. Be **ure You oct tie Gaeuiaa flos tetter's Stomach Bitters. FRESH GOSSIP .FROM GOTHAM A Has'y Marriage on the U. S. Cruiser New Ori , THE MAN WITH BROKEN NECK. Rata L *s i . aa i ha I inanrlal Rltaa ?. tb way's i, __.-,..- gtuleit, li-i'j,- l', itt lg || ni, ., ii,- Ung, I I..Ol 1,,-ls. XK'.V ron f i \ *. - i . * ? I Th.- V. ? ' I - '. -: - ' ? ? ' ? chango * - - ?' ? I : ? her " - ' i ? ' ? ? - - Mr.. - ? . . . - B Ith many ? \..u. _.-si \ . , rate Capt Cams ? ? ? '.m?n* I "i. and was aft-' I to t . then - ? ,, i ' ner, he was | brother, the late John A. Pa* ? ? jtm army, waa fl \* he was shot, a mn 'rn bravery ll n B Abn lost his life he I ia .' . h;s age. and aa he had ba I army, he must hiv thing over twelve years he .ni.,' ?,! H? fl af tfta ? u'h. tbsolui and as g n.e as a a nun rear a monument to her Confederate herne - tha: r.uriih r all LteSteeSBt, th- lett t Fen*uson. V.-.. . vv ' to let ? ia dr-ss hs a private sad er had been I aught m-1.ti a a ii ? ..m.nig them the t, * Tlaon i, ? life was sav"d by th, bail BM kit I -? tra: bil rt' I Bf bad siv n him. only to fail at Cold Harbor, the bl. of ano rs t.m-?. al h stands w th j:.: ? pa ? ? cont' st tn the Ph I opine Islands w th the war between the States of tb , I ls like om;>artng a ta.low candie with an electric light, ->r ths opera bouffe of Gilbert ind Bu li *n wit-i fl petrsa tnge-iy Bl KlBg Leer I I wi*ii. ut intending or meaning any to our present so'diers aaa aaduriog monu-usnt ahould be sr sot Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Hs. Trie J Friends Rest. truly ?hc sick m V A Known Faa ' e d malaria, I all kind TUTT'S Liver PILLS AN AGeOLbTE CURE. FOR PORE BREATfl Um MOUTH WASH No. 4. t.'.ir !' "itis Will I ll *tnn lg, . 5 Cents. T. A. MILLER. . I Broad St. jdivt r?r a T . I i ? ? ? ' ? ? ' /' ' 1 r ' ? I s a. ' I ' ? to,itu., wah > i r ii i i ?( f*?***? ?di ' ' V r. U ? S r. li ? Baan Baaeog *?? ? - b raaaMag it \<ny N> 1 iraa). _ . ? Mi Hr.ike l.rrtvca. Mr **V F. I'rake, the we'.: known _e gene te B lr, PraXe haa be-n f .r ?**/?**? ?al -erk st ths drug aiore of *?% [la?ry O. *r_rstm_na In the Weet *t_4>