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GOES TO JAIL ON SIX COUNTS Justice John Sends a Man Down for Three Years. HE STOLE VALUABLE IRON. Chaa ttasnart PiidaslSatSS ?n Vindicate t.i-.?_?? langiiee neal lie*** lia<-k to Ja.I Bar Nu.t-t> Ihafa anggging All.ll,I'" Hl? t.H ll l?l*.l>. IIS4T. The little cherub thut sits *sm ajaaiht i ? !"- ss Ba the ?u...i- .t thai ? ? the Uo.s.v all I pn^ t.. .i,r ni,nu.', ki ir cai t;?. b>m lag ia karn on ':.?? kv ai. I hour ut tli..ii..?r **..* a.* K)_i*,.UK room ut ti.. Uvm i-f ?fl i v..ire Couit w... timi * th. .r bhaiiv,**.- i, UP. Tho Ore.. I . >"? hand tn foot - ?? ' ?*** Of the morn og vl*a. ity and he llko * tug Iti to run into p.rt im He maur ... mn cases on the encl takes a I' ho.i.? i h .. , lt ru lng Bavi \aooa. Tine ri RB VN JAIL ?hornes Hart en.oied cart Oliver, ab l , ? tenet argent i Ol a.e.,,lng a O. Ol Kim.e>- blanch cf tue American To C iu;..n> v/ti.i. ll Th* boa pw ea a ? ying In I on ihe n txiut thr^e bundi ad pound i . h. lt \ ag ' ii.; fin : gg Um fl la full sight nf the vllilr \- _- Od th! ? 'I" loOfe I' for grunted I hag tinder order He went ? ? f* waa i aught, ii for jnr.k. . thal i.e him aix dili rem time* in Ir-adlna Ibe Iron. Bi warren's ?' ? Harrie ar.rj he was -Hen the full penalty, a'.x m i''ba .' ' ? ? Ung .ni .iKciegate Benanee af il ?? ? gall TABB IT OLT OF HIS HIDE. Hem | n edj a fe >j big I enough ii. aup(* t hi* mothar, area ar? rested fr Jumping .'ff imd on > ectrte ca ? **i. a h. I- lea Bia aaotbi t raid the lauri aoltai a eai heep nm ? wi.ii em: ' Ut Of ' hi* hide. h mse. t'ii.ub.s Rc* who Iil-v snakes ni,.) i been created I back of visita to Joella** J tha. i i, ** xs. i - ii . ur - . | street Mr. H nights ai for w I r mn him ..ti tl.. ; abu-e . I, hm friend u ii for nin ' It ol., ri Wi ak. i rn py him he might have b;i iver bj ii rn bi e. V, iH R ,i i (be * i tim ol bbsdnasa to hi- friendi He leaned tara of them his bogg* They lift the back gste open ur-' ,.\ aaHeeaMg fe md in a *treei earner al an ui reeml) b Mr ' U g| a half pound of free Bl Tw., of Hie Sea BOB? Bf Imvfr .! ward, ni h Magyar nara char gad w"- eenwatt! iring families of nine an.t s. ran children n ti*, u an a feat wltheul They van |l*i**n lbs eholee ol th'nKs af i"\ mg a Baa, t ttie cat" kt - t p ,v ng ' Water rent ?- ? as |., Water turn? ed on. or "in k->. t..irk to thr eouBtry where people don't have to gi They ar . ? ? ? ., ,,,* tb il - ? thrtn n lesson on sanitation with Benttni 1 ? A GO BB i OB \ "Ai.iv Goon as a auanlcl ui cl Gibson and \\ ri n oi irish od, as being connected arith the . ?? sbmei.i Ihe pi calf fr.'in an old m gro man li mark.I Tr..- negro virtual!] feteetlves that he took the tn declined to (,>nfe?s for fear al J John Th. fm. b af the Oreal D had rea bed tinta Hem V* ll lams pref* r officer* In county lo charge of rather than t'. BUbmll tn th* BM ? v of of Jn.t're Joh* Hs caa ins eontiaued to allotv Ihi CC int.* h'm Jose,,*, Or*ve*, colored, charged arith ?ajaaail e.** J C Bigley, wai Brranged tor contempt of eon-t fae no, be<n* pres. en' wh*B sr-nmooe! r*!* rl?v h*far* H* BWore he w?s on hand He was Seed rj on the r^"-i- ot oantennt, bu* really for 'v nar and th? at** of ? conti- ne* |*B*ts*y**_\?| BITRBB'dDBRaaTA Wrn BR ? -farced with pre* fens and Indeeenl language on Tl t's. Ve. flg, ?nd a fleparatO obar^e of ?Beering aad throwing rte?i at Car No fl The rb.rires gi SB on, of an affair of two we'V. tOO Sr% Bl ..ij m*.!) w*re rut off a Teaot'aa ear a! I BBOwrvelr for dleoi then tag t-i W*'t tar |h* when tl t trip. A warr"', ? H Bsvrrai other yoting mea H ? sn--eifle- d him Bl thi Station snd he waa 1 th* hSth. Ht*- I mit RI i rt ., Mr. snd Mrs Q BJ | day Bfternoon c< lehrai I versarv af thi I. r'n af theil I i Wi-! ? ? theil 'weat td ? Pe du* te ' | du*. Annie " \, _"*. B'e br Minti B Annie l.avne Msatt?s BflMJfl. I H?"T Talho't Horace Il lintern, Howard __rt?*ll. Jr. TW . bf ur* -p nt 'n li ?? . .-nf nt.. gilded aw'ft'y away, after which refrenh aasnt. were ??r*sl Master Chaton hui tb* bsst wtahsa of the *nt r* psm, and th ia* ?*??.? ? w il long nmeiti^." ths gt****nt event. Ta'>i''t *? TiK'Kahne. Mr t^oolldg*. of "Tuckahoe." s.k* the fe. f?. V. A.. through Mr. W. a 8 tanara, [ "77" Bulletin '.bout GRIP in iiijts aw i? at* -. Ti,.> heajtlrtir- "Tt" lor <'-rh< and ";; ? Ka -ivri tn -v. ry aSWBgtapir bulletin undi t-very wi ? to ll tn tartnt sad ssw to avoid , cold at Ike ? 1 ?. ? ghi Urip, comity ? ? how ? ? ? ? ?. tba blot d :. . ? on re 11.00, Hun '? N *? boB ? at tbt Bid I,. Jeffer Mi. .:tdg? ls willing to ere- . that the erec P V A. will mean more rrlty, "ian if arected by a single ual. PERSONAL ANO GENERAL. Internet Ins Paola I boat iti.-'niiiiinl's < ni/, ns anil Other Mallara. Mr. Snead win ,? North Bid* ? !: r, Va , 1 '.f u ? irlottt, n. C ... i . who i ai his bonn tb Pine lng slowly. ..;' trest Main ... Mattie Scbafli r. M irse at ' k, ta Ju ? j. ? ' ? I ? New To k. ? ?fae (Val Sd i Mr. Jamel L 'i nclaco, Cal., v. . 17 west Fi mklia to his n...tiar Mrs Beverley Tucker. Mr .Ichn F. Or- tani general freight d Ohio ? a Ry for a few Saga. Mr j* Crank Bi resigned hi* r m with' tba I tnnpany i i ? ? ?. i: ?? -i lompany. ' lint Ight Guard examination Frid tbs Military , ? ary good Mr \V. II Lai ?? here Mi I - ot' Hie SOU thi rn Mi .I tm Mason, who has h. en 111 with \ . li ? 'me, is mu. h b rt a a le yi Mr, . ..ri Thrir*; i , ? ? * north - barton, i.. i or tn ? ? the w iii n ful ar.- benia with h- rt.- er, Mi. -\ V ? Bevanth ? i? ll .skins, stir, r erinir f in hti storing hi? Ml ll Mia, Jahn T. Hall I r ty at their hallie. NO honor ' daughter, Min Evelyn ed ):? i - I ing of - Qt an Ihrs .-c.islon. cn ni..ii.|. ra in \cv? Y ,-k. ? ll. Bt J. 0 ' I Wife. J. T'. ? s (Twiesb Morton u H. i.i- Vondon M a and e i Hrs. i W. - i .1 I 1 ,s 111 III.' I 'lilli's, in the *. I foi 'In the * f Mrs. F. 1 ? t Ml | "l 10 In tht ' '"':'"? W .' D ??? ?? the Pee ? Keith, who from the S I GIVES SATISFATION. .1 (Vi nun I un* for I* Irs. The Pyramid Tile Cure |g , winch brings sue* ? it gs e\#ry fcrm of pile* and eur.-s them to Btsy cured lt is now the m ? popular and best known pile remedy batcrt Lie public, snd o..e rassoa for ita great popularity ts because lt ha? taken ths piace of surgical raerattans. con gl .red ihe or.'.y jaie .-ure Pseglt often wonder that so simile a v ' -v ?.tty iure such an Me as | I N are wei! knows ta b- Ttl tbt greatest remecilej, and lt Inventions we have are tho alm ' i ' th it it dote cure ls all ? 1*. g |*\ r.-'i.r 1 Fl ? us ph IWB by the ii Blt I tine: \i r. t..r my wife abe bid rial .ini ra goad thru, anything sin- Bad Brat* ti ,i. From Bl hard Loan Whipple, ohio: 1 i I and an entirely lits. It tines ike w.'-k BBd BO tnl-laki Mr W. n Hints, of Magnolia, Atk tbs pyramid ? I m. Mohawk \ J i na, Ived tbt Pj i imli Pile C ire bul put .ff ii-am lt -I ',:, . : i ii.-.-i.ii-.i t,, try L i bars s'fT.r,,1 twentv nine yea'* wt'h bil Mle. and have used a great Seal of nu-.ll . rr... i.i.t never lad anything that , inn-h for me as you-* r, 'I*'..- i.rt>t,rle?ors of thin remedy could P"hn?h ro'umns of slmlnr letters to the ?>?? e if --e.-esagrv bu theso are enough ? '? *? jrhat lt wt' An tn different Th. Pj .*** ls ;i-?nar.,1 ty ths Pvraml.l Drug Co. of M?r?ha't. Mich, and far sae by dryg-riats everywhere at Ml i-en'i oer package One packaae is suf fleent to eire anv ordinary ease. Your druggist will tell you roora shout lt CONFEDERATES M Recollect'orrs of a Private Soldier" Added to School Book Lfst. STATE BOARD OF EDUC/VTION In Srssioii ai tbs I.ilu-ary Yisicrilai. t ul.ii imI Ut.until Sicks Paiilo'i fur Jlrr Min -i naBtUBBflhinnr K.lin? er'. >t lek Mian VlaMos*. ' p . . tor V lr* . . ? r ? ,ng. ? a, tain Mi' ai lbj i boob wa I Dr. McQ port ' let to tba Virginia . ? . tie i ft ' i'. bri ot, i. ,(.l.-,!|..l 'J.' Of n ' ? a II kev ' Ott III - - A IB \N. Mr. D J * I Co.-ni ? ii,,- de? sired i Bmitl ? , tunda .rtment I that them, in th.s b ;.- a promln i DON. r-d so in tba in the ? The prl been Ini ed "ii him In July - DR I Dr 0 C, Wi ht, of Jnrr .1 Dr. 8 W. ' I ? Uanoi ii the Iii rmi. ' ? ira ti i from i : . his en. ' to I-f ?' sill present ttrlr nev nany." Thi ? were I - i| wei* ? . In '?'. pi ' o have i prom i I era and tbi hit with th ? i . boat the i to the Smith. Mr, Devtam and hta preti Bf mu aleal lr. ' r ,. Ott ' ? rall ai ck bk ry I ? some ; . lng ptcturea li.,',i- ... er for th', wi " J . Pntii.'.-ir ? - or drop, af I Oi.e In I'L-llto.'ii I'll "ill- il. The twenty-ninth annual report of the Stare Al ' rr. Ifc-r OOiOTtd Beg* araburg ? the number cf Inmates at tue clo-- of the ? ?*. and thirty-four who apt* - On during the | ? I rrot bc ? 1 with friends Bl A fool note in the ?operlnt "A1 the ! for the White . .'IV. I. ludg. .1 in - Hon." t' |'|u'..|i'|n' Smukil*. .Ker arai ftrea last algkt by Um Lilian of tl " ?Smith Annes Hall f ? tbs beaeSl ol tin wi. unable to attend Hm former bm t* irg -ri*, the Hali.mal I M ? 1 ll the ' wak.-1 Up 'ia the in.'m. Mr. Wilna** ".he has bl - , t..y .\i incbesttr net tc leave th se [ians until they have organise! a union lil that city, vi lefa Will be dane Monday, Walker l.lafci Gnat*'. The Walker Light Guard win mest to? morrow nlrhi at ihe Begtm.ntut Armory at 1:10 o'clock. All arrangements have bi en made for ths mustering in of the company and Captain Miller wilt appoint the non-com? missioned officers at this meeting. Cap? tain Miller bas not mads up blt list for these appointments gg has been reported. J but tin nun wh i . offices will I" ' SAILS OF THE YACHTS. \ Tr-fliiiii'iil Ilis.t i,.fion ul" Ho*v I lu > Vi * . -I . Th* flaweean od mab'**g tba ? -ung. Tli whl. h they aro . i>;n n, ul ii i from the ci, ! oirr chant ships. In ki fi ri.,,h.-j Arith rn...I - Of llnri,, an : er'than 1 than ' tlirir i them, in th* n.. lil Ul iii fr..nt ' '";. n *.. s ordlnarll) fur mi I* * ari . ? ? ? ' ' | ill le Cloth, bar Ih, I from No. 1 to 1 Si . ' . ? ' Ii i ? ll 7-1 ll tn the Ob cecil I ? ? ' ? ? tn.ik" tl ' ' tn ll-i ? ? are ii ' ? i Snarlly with '?? ? , ?i mi, - I tl ti. ? the ? stuff V un tin ' lb. n : ' k. and i - lt up ? - in it. , rath* ng the two or '' on the ? ? to .io in b rad I nt the n h ht* ? ? ? ' Ii IVS alwny* ? the mark, ? ' I ' H ,ok. ' ? Jib. At tl i.ff N", ? br tin ns rn'. ? yard :i .1 tam ?*., ' fii.|.i.\. -i i ? ? tl, Iii. ? ? li of the Pa rewski aid not iho-e of otb'I I be I ed .n t ? a.-e he *? aa the citv an' the .- mi upon his la Itnnnwn* na <"? Wi*ee*. A pa A. J, PyM le ra tn. ran up Orace to running to Third : tl ey th f. ll. br Bed I a ran 1 ' Trig ? Rf eli ev tn Dewey. Mr Bal na kOttgf lg **i'h tlif lal ' tu Hu- i I fl ", ,| .;, *|l-l KU tur.itl-. liver ail Little per '. good oca hag the ?**a*g**at* ? lteni edy CfUl Vfreatlon lt ! ?RU gi*' ' '...:: v.-' ^. on< r pepflla. II wfll give .'uick r*h*t and. with a little perseverance, brina' * permanent cur*. Price W cts. per bo;tl* *,or ?*'? by ail druggist*. ^ mm_11 WOMEN AND CATARRH. The Most Insidious and Relentless Foe of Womankind -Peruna the Safeguard. ?tajM* arl < ??*?$$*? J -?.ataflKaW^ ' i *"' . ^/ > ... M US. G. BUIGC*. Ol minni >.I'iii.I\VI\m - ' ' tment ? Mil. '. seeme i ? ? : ' ? I : ? ? ' ? . ? :. which I wa* tin?ble to \ j?r^ira? $*Ws*<n-*?*^ s ___. ___*____ _____! ^ BJBaBBBB^ ^^>- .^ (J ' row feel very well and can d" ' I ill ' ll..I, \\ I I ind lo ? ? . ? ? ? _| ?'? f 1 ': -. I ? !" . ?' ? ' ' ' THE SMALLEST BONDED DEBT Seaboard Ar I 'ts all s in This. IN OPERTATIOr, FIFTY YEARS. Sunn Hun.: Al.mii tin <H.I I'.in ni II->.nl anti li- IL. i.i \ i'-.U <??"" "> ?-iii |,lils lim n- H.'* I.isl v. ar. ? will run i . I tb ... un ? lebted ' I : >rlda <'. II! BOUth ?rii. uni about one-third ii . ' A GO Tl-e S-- it, i.i rd arid Bo ; ? I ? btes tbroasb eivership. or required reorganisation. in lt has been paying guar inteed dividends on stock, and tn one ?ear paid a M per reel lead n..n Stock, in .-? rh) worth cor.ylderabiy .- The fiscal year jus* thc most aoeoetsfni In tts The several roads r.-rurin-? In the *onsolli: ? ? alto made a m . ? pejrment of in tig the r ia ri- ..r! . r .|X. I have made * vi '-.I!.- ,. ' ' viii, '. a, ? .?ir ai ? itrolted man tlrely In the Saith ? i ? I louthern nan Itvtns 'ri | H N'iiIIi tm v. i lian * ' ? ? ? - v. bj ' >-? ir . ? tbs Rome : Sick in ivt.rsburg. Ge Tl.r*.ii "li. T*o ry passed thr-uish last night over thc Atlantic Const Line from Kew York. Part sre going to Bt. Augustine, and the ta saetbtr im nt lu Florida. Hulf Y**.ii'i? Mast lg | of t-'i'lcucls. The business sessions of the Friends' meeting began on yesterday. Rellgtoua lervlces wiU bs lisld ntUA.M.. 8:30 and B I' M .' ? i kl THE STAR COURSE. \ 1.1*1 of the nurs iimi Ittraotioii* ked iii ur Club. .: . Smith. ? - no. ' : '? ' THE ANDERSON TRIAL. j i lu-1 .>n? s.,1 .,,.. Righting Ever* Inch i i.i .iimi HAM, \ * ? I a al v'. itaon'a death. ??? j Cahe.1, wno help ... ? Ji th ? ... girlv> lather. There is Bl :Vng -among lightir.g for md. U will doo ? !? un.* ? : tho ei ? I ? . bo I > tastily. The | ail al. THE BRISTOL FURNACE. s vera! Iiulepentlnnl ***** ia \\ BBllingtOII I ..lin'.*. ? j Coi Kl \* ? ? k 'Thar* la mill laat flinty dav-, and aa thia ta halag eons The company will work tb* hemattt* ors deuosita la the weetara suburb* of Ilrli .'. wli! 'e4:ft res' e**k with a [sufficient f?rce or r..m tc mine aaveniy-nv* tors Der day. Robert Cooper and son. of Hawkins I county, Tenn., ih'.nped from Brlatoi and Ihe \ra_eg ed Vlrgiui- thu wmI, -0 h_*4 ? ' ' - ' LEG TORN OFF. Ben Mt < '-.* I mil rSe-iitei i i I . ' ? ? ? ? : ? i ? on Mr. - ? ? BEAR IN MIND The Hub's Candies AUK PURE AND FRESH DATA. '' ' ? Wood' Hyacinths i B Wiiod s vvtii'i Cori' r *?!? ri ?<;??*. 1321 M - t, ... 17 if _ FOR PEARLY TEETH Use MOUTH WASH No. 4. Your Dentlat Vk iii M >*?*. So 25 Cents. T. A. MILLER, 5I9 East Broad St,