QUIET CAMPAIGN IN MANCHESTER too Busy to Ciro Much for Politics. [HE POPULISTS MAKE CLAIMS. loj linn lint ??HI Spring i B-orprle PeSuee uta i>i,v .1 1 to*-*tlon A ri .nv m.n 1 lease Pan raal Ml 1.lt,m. War. ? taeta ' ! tra,'. - tklfl cl" ? ' ' ' ? I.. ,:. In 1 ? ? ? ? ' Il ' Ml I ? - - ? ?? ' meet ?debt t r I until ae '* ? ' ? b ' -ks ' . henrie lr ' nt the 1 Dr. 1 ?tated tha! fl I PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Infe-l'-i mi; I'.i' 1- X'miiii 11k Inn 1 ii ./,--,.. and e M tn 1 M ri ? - Mr ? ? ' ' ? ' ' ' ? ' ' ' ' ' ' il ? d ? ' . ?- 1 ". M 1 ' At ll ? ? I ?* ? ? Mr. I il in-- of er"" .. H? Gripe9 Pain, Or a;? of ttae ij tost Ines -'vat gr LcSitlilul <**a*ai Hood's Pills tostlnes-rjut gentle, pruLOTpt, U-oro-jgl. / whtu you iai? Ac-aid by aa drutsuu. *a eeVts AT BERRY'S. Iq thoro a nv ?-uhjivt on which mothers ire tn >*"?? bothered than tha question ol ths righi olothaa for Un- littla boys-at tha right prion*and with tho rigtit styl?? ? ,? aa td' rt !? jlist ns Butch sl\ I,- to Un ii lt lt* fellow's riot h i's aa I I'i'' ifl lo his lather s-and lota itnif variety. \t I- vi- atadied tha taate ol tha mothera ami .? [ned their lTi'if ... ii ii the o iwesl fi r boys' fashions, an,] baili a Suit that wo think will moot tho spproTsI of par? in W. Wi o.iil il tho Sailor ll! ms They're "f several grades, each especial valve, from $ ?ip. r tin A ?? SJ i. ? I ? M. ' : , dury ' ? I I ll. M. Milli ? | ' I ' ' I ? ? ' -' ' - ' In Nen *? "i k, AMUSEMENTS. lu- Sport Ino ' .u t|.< \, td, - m. Vnuderill . |NE*J ' Mr. V. i ? ' ' r ' -. ur* ?? oflli er at the Ul I - ? lr. Moore re : ' - | ? J. 8 t" - ? ?MK re d ? : ? tl ' I ? ? -. of the a ? ? ? ? i ? ? ? - ? I IX ? ! ? - ? ? ? ' ii ? ? ? it w.. ipected f A CLOSE 'ALL. ? ' -a the ? ie Bto k Int i [Ul Camp ? ' ' ? ii. th of i' . ' ?' I larding Igatti ? I VA . ' ? [n Bru ' ' ? VICTORY FOR! ill I'-iii^, il In Ad <.t Brown i>< m FRANKFORT, ' .' rt adjourn r Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Hs. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pi lie ure indispcnsiblcthr-ykcrptho system in perfect ordet and arc an absolute cure for ick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa* Ijonand all bilious diseases. Tuft's Liver Pills PRELIMINARY REPORTS MADE ir?' ) ' ? ' | merely **- ? : ' ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? but a a ' ! ' ' ri t r . a : ' minson* rat of vii'W ? ? ? ? ir." thai ? . I - in the ?? : il view ? ? i - ? of man j ?? an I ' ie ' ' ? ' , i t 1,1 I i Ni it I rial. ' ' r ? ' When the kidneys are sound they draw the urie acid from the blood. When they are un? sound the aeid remains, to shatter the nerves, to weaken the heart and to dull the brain. There has never been but one way by which the kidneys could be kept in perfect eon fdition and good working order,^' i and that is, by the use o?i \ Warner's Safe Cure. GOOD SHEPHERD CEREMONIES L.i) lng of the Cathedra! Corncr-Stonc Very Impressive, TO AID MRS. STONEWALL JACKSON II,,, tlc llmilisi e ,miii ni , I,, li Willi .1 LtlgaCJ HMM !*? Ititi lie r iii tlnr siiiipi- ni' ji wiiiu Elepbnnt, I ii till/, r Cone Si uli ii. RALEIGH, X C., No* ? ? ry Ini i were wlti , * ? ' li I from ? iodation of < : ? to - MON1 ' I' ' ? ? ' ?rill I ... ? . ' ? n educed I ? I ? ..;.:. -ht by Ni w fork. ? ? Rdavit with SOUTHERN COTTON SPINNERS. ate "' 'l"ii Di. ii " tn t luna nncl ri , , : a Wm CHAS . Lil ...... ' ? lilli . i million ? ti made Ident of the Unlti I : ley, u: In pro . ? rnmend Um trade i I irloted - . ? wi;: t marine so ur for ? I I,- Wi-I.l.i, I iii ' ? ? ' ?va llann'a i.,i.:,,,,, Halesi. ? n ? I THE TOURNAMENT AND THE RACES Inued from ; 'hut Ilia injuries I ut Arel eapeered. ORAMDMA WINS AGAIN. Tbfl Srel betel area noa b* Qrandasa with ll U "... i Mimi ll. third li, ' ned ia great aOMMtat ol IO 1 wk-i tv ..j. Iv iii: tn. cirri Qrandeu ::i 1 .1 1 | ima took the lead In the thlnl hoat from the start, and held lt, although Murdin gave a feed cha*** for a quarter. Crandrna gradually dr*?r away and won, h.-rut ly. the heat and the race In 1:211-1 Mtsurr-. J. H. Chaflln an 1 P. A. S. Urlue r'?^^^^4*?^^^'e?^e^^^e^^^j^^arp I Confidence ?jv Women confide their troubles to Mrs. IV.!.. **> t? ham and rely upon her adv ^> Mr?:. Pin'kham's i ffl coun? I. ^ Woman's life i: girlhood to w imanhoo i. then 1 rind BO on to tho perils of the M< : I The history of every Btep is on Mrs. Pinkfa records thousands i perience and confident disposal of every woman who aid. Her address is Lj tin, M "Yow Medicine ls ft Godsend" Writes MrGa PkhVps, "DEAl: IlKB. PlNKUAM-?L '?' you for what you fa I I wrote to you last Jana, ; ' wm fa ff ia faa with irregv . *_8_| soreness, ana >'. JaSSsM pain at right. Bi I ache, bat kai be, rr' . p could neither eat. BOraleap Hi I ham'a '?'-.. Liver Pills, ana BfliBg your San? ative Weah, I d') not f'1 n. I arri u I rrrote to j - batfe help id . My more ni ray sad ali those terrible p Before taking your med I weighed I -.s than one hun- u dred and thirty pounds. I & now weigh ont- hundred pr, and fif" Mv friends say I look better than they ever saw and T know that I feel better tr . B for a goad many years. I think your medicine la a . to po >t\ woniex'-nr-i. Carrie Phillip.*., Anna, Illinois. 7 Mrs a Barnard Cured hy titree Plnkhem, " Deab Fan md?] it my duty * expre! ?ude and thanks to ? med has done for me. I t/rafl very miserable and losing flesh very fast, hud bladder trouble, flutter? ing pal and v and suffered with | fut menstruation. I Bf in a paper I a E. Pinkfa ?able Compound, so I wrote to you. and after g two bottles I felt like a new person. Compound has entirely cured me and I ? ? lisa it enough." ?Mrs. J. 0. Barnard, Milltown* Washington Co., rte. The women of America have in M ? 3. Pink liam a confidential friend ~< whose advice is al? ways .-it their di ; - d, free i ' The knowledge thal ham in her con health, makes it p. the i to be given, without ition. i Mrs. Cobb Cured cf a Great A MB. " I think ? ; ?'. ? ? I . \ think of. not consent 1 : ? ia E. Pin! I ish, and am I 11 aa work wit. lt does not tl ? to walk. I ? be wit] d me of why should the ' '.hers } I won firs. J. S. Ii. Cobb, 13 rid ge*, ton Center, He. _ i Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice?A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills. tv re ti,- Mr nj i start.-r, M ?: : . ? ii mi i lr.j tide, ti - Bun as such. ba *aud**s in. ths Inter*Hate toura- i amax arawa ">r. R- u TrRtep, ai jj-rte-n I i .-:.*< Mr. u ? ? bnta-md; I ? j mu!!*), ami Mr. J. k ? county, J i. . V un r. '? "i of the - I iflaad, and after j v -inn', the American wa. dajfl dared the winner ajul au v-rje viv-aafls.^JB