Newspaper Page Text
Sk Simcs. THR TIMES COMPANY. T1AIW BUILDI TlLNTll AM' li-iMi MU SETS. NU KA. TliK DA1L ia nsstad t>? car ncr* 01. then own .?. ? . tri _i,il ... i,.r li) teni* ., anea ..... ?.._.>?. hui <m cent- i>< ? ? , ? b mibiy, cy mai. uui.-;<e* ol Iii. ri monet, oo cents a mon.ii, I ... i.? . luisa. Tllr.r. m'M i SI - SI Head ii adlug-B ?r op* i .. .me. ol ??.% ? i; ra'.es for ap.icv furniahid on apt-Hcallon. Ramil h) limn. I 'iTT'f DtJei i ?? . rr. 1'utier-u y jeni by j i at tbs riaa of the sander. . 'Phone. SSI; O.d I h ma I ? Ni ? ni ne, SI; old Th free. THH \\ i.iiKi.v '. lin ind asaii. ad in tv. ir a yea ma . in .he- I ?"'"' AdJrma ail cmmunx i coriss Hi, , .iMi'A.Xi. aii subscription br mall pays ? ''1 vance. Watt b the label on If > .j liva oat of Kuhl, ahtii j..^i - * aaa raw e belora Thr nasas to always I ?"_*_ abo tarot lt wt. h so ' ? ''?',' pi raona a bul i l.e seal ives * laature of sae sendsr. ,,. ,,. r Ail unaiened communlcatloas alli ur rs Jet :eJ niwajs. VrtANCHl'ISTIiH 7 T. HULL W I ?"? ' V', Vt ll A. Kl) MRS. & C. Ul Lt)M HA KU 8TR1 i l Wi" ' WT THR ATTEN? TION ti!' ALL POLITICAL NI V i.N.s Ti.) Til - i ll i: i i-. I I THK lil'I.!-. OF Pf'RI 1311 AW Of WHOSE AW "? '': I- USU v' \,N. , MW WT! I ? i ' E RTETTRNKP I NL1 - ' SI PAKIRD Bl I i iMi'S. DAKIEL \m? iu:y xv; I dar thal fall of lt may N? - ? ' ' ? Imf? in In IS ttlY lam . ? a uti ' I at i ' ' ' - r ' ' ' ' ? ' I i iii sn i 11 jos is \\ c.', v ? i ' "ii Um ? ? i i in the ? r ? ufT.r. ' f ? i name agaay *.<\t ?. : lt IS gi " '? i ' ' flflnatl Tia. lr nev. t> ."??' l!ut livy must br - anetta thean* lvc? to the reault u '1, lndee-d, thara .erm* to have bren little occasion for tha newspaper. le K'.ve* 1M? *-a*f""le*-a T-"rd Hn.rr.ery, lond rv of the ofr**-oeltlee te Ike fr*rv*a*-*nneel ? nuiil.- ii flPieOb on Tu'-Mlnv lns-1 ni dtinb-erah, In watta ba mM "Th, looa ls m- ' Iftttaefl, but, ,-?1 ?.- nm t looa lents n ir* K"i i" ike io mu.- much ... ti,,,,, we hiv bed r, -food many I l Ike lave >? -fol -'ill , (ti* j? ? ie end. Ku', whnt-v-r happens thing through, eve ti if it :',,.?i!,i . Mil! in,.n- milli"!"* " ttua Hrltlsh spirit. an,l Hut .1 iii',.ri ' land ll ' ***? Wvtaat an* v hp lt-e mil,-, in, :i,;,- thal .'?'! 'h.- utter* . . - public nv ii Bb 'w '.. ,t rt | ? mpel un".ii* -. . n ti, ber euthorltf in r I... ti ,e th.- velfer spirit "f ? | conqueefi ll, r pub <??? a i ? rt linly .-? em Ifl ; I thi i .. h purpot ol ? v "i tbetr . ? : Liri liny Inn n . li Ull? in;..],: '. .;; i r. ng ..ri iii - '.in.' day L-ord mae) , ?' ' Wrn-n .? . t. nus *, i,j, i, ares, ns \;. tors win pro* tbe \ inquiaftK >i m.' known, I * alli main c ms e h i b rk upon ti,; ? ,.f terri! irlal aggrandisement, but ' terri* ? .? -I.,-. , ,,,,,? ? f mankind, ?i Ignoble ? When ? ? i -ail] i ? rovrn open I ' I . ? .? . ? mly e ii ? ? ? tiirin tho tyranni? cal ollgai i " Till: si ll i: \e;i: QI B8TION IV \ me.IMA. to be ni ? upon th" m ? "f til,- ohl acho ? ? 1 cnnuch t ?nnnc-> .ri- eli" lo view c ' ' ? i ' ? tlon of miffi ? t of fluff) Tf-o In ' th, nt.,1 sltl ' ' ' many of v. bom white a ? ? ' out I rlk'ht pre ' ? ' ? ... I ' ' ' ' In t' - li ? mlnatlon ol ' "f suffrage which r Hun (hr pre sc nt eon v ? "i\ li, n frauds arr cvery .? t i a ? f i-i ? they ? | t" put th. ;r;'t ntul ' ' sh,ill I, ' ? ' i 1 of all ni'ii bj the ca ,.r "..riui'i ? .. itlon wm ba utterly InaufBclenl Tha public free ?iv been nt work for n? arly thirty "-aura, neva ?. pamat to tread nnd writ, i ll uri ?l.l.iril of the- rifc-ht Tt;e* j.'.un fldoptsd hy Hi, El in Un r eUeiuth African 6a*Jo*"dee, where they are confronted with exactly Q-g same conditions us we have here, la to rr-fjnlrp Hint color aimil tnt (xolnosT, l")t d r.-a-on.ihly hlsrh standard aaarea of ? aaseunl of i auallB ' Ii, Dil '.i ;.," | I**] tho Bpi ' itor, "nat o******* i? tba pm ,,K,' kept out, n'.ul it'ato Ilia loafing ' "11 v, rt, who bas I ,0 '? ?"' ,:"' anils ;m,l but ll"- ?' i!"' sn 11 ? I I' al. il man of ardor, al ' '?' " end bas i th) iv ,,ra) . "oi ta ti'." BM its h a n,,r unfairly dsurasosd Into 9 tower cate* Inr,, a . ti r r i i - \- between thi ta . 01 tar om Hons, tin- rn ? Ity to ro al. aral ? imount of pr a tenths ol . a Wt know l mu. nit rt will | In Hi- - win be i bj ir U . I by th, polltl of th. ' Loni 11 I ' ? ? M." .ia;-. I-. .-? will In ? ' ? ? ' ? all th' ' ' for ns ? iii, we ? ? ' ? ? ? ' i ? : ' i 1 ' ' ' < I UKI NI I" W ' ' ' ' ; ? icana of ? r ' ' I ' ' - I v ? ' . * I '? ' ney." if M : I la .' M ll KM Mil. ' r irv or I,.- io I * . I ? | t of tl ? an I tra, I' Iga. ? I Co.. has fail) a in ?? ? # . ' rangi ? ? . .t me* tt r predl i 'i to i ski x?\ i-iiiii, r nih oed 1Mb. ? a Tl > ' art of l lill" \'.,\. ??'., r .'.i.i a.-, lia fat I The : "Int ll ?titttUonality nf tha Ohio antl*tn a' ? . ? A i" triflers *n?Ve-. measuring; from faur N, .liven and a hiUf luetves in dir. .ind trev-enly-arven faet tn length, tgai ? IIBafa. ^^^ Positively riinil by tbese Little* Pills. Tl'.'-ynl'orrl'-'v-* ] '? . (.- r.i Dyspepsia, I .ry Kalin,;. A r*r bd rn , T. in ea, I .- re ?'? I Ta '?? tn iheMc**ethaC I Tonfraa Pam tn ii. -.-:.*??, TOBFID ].i\ ; | I .'.lc. Small PHI. 8man Dose. i ? tall. \ Rpnr i" e.. niuo, i bi ? i ?? i ? 1 . .. a New ? I ? - \\ ' ' . ' : ' un..I uni ' I i MU...Mi\ v I ! ? ? RH A V1 '? ? ' ' I ? I ? Vo? tive. 23 WORKING Mi im IND l>\\. I i . ? Only a Minor '. liol; ROY R IRING I'citVIH lt. ?me. Eight ? RI i? nm' i uc.ti mi: GUH tte adman, of Nee ?<?' '?? ' nil i B tank, "-i . .ld by iny. Holt KOV HAKIM- POtfDKR absolutely yurt,- and wholifloma. FRESH GOSSIP FROM GOTHAM The Murder of Young Mr. Hard Still a Mystery. BODYWASSENT TO NORFOLK VA. Tin' "lin Boa" <.aini' Woikeil mi a Wonun) HM Mm nano nf Mtsa \\ illili^ V .Kill That Will Bi Worth ? I ..muir. YORK. S ? I -Tba .... Hardy, *mdei t.r.i.i'. Ki who ls a v. lit . d) th ii ir.' alli . . r down, v rung Hard ? ' . ?? I ; 'it', tit bil in New Yoi ii th> ranca . ? ? i in .1 ? ,1 I .11!" : ? ll i child, : ? ' ",i wit Ha ,r III Ith. - ?? -, - ? ? ' ? I I ' ? - : ; ' ' ? ' ' ? rk. w .. ? . ' ' \ 1 ? aaa ' ? i durne ' tl ? i -1-?-. i ho Be ibnerd'a Plana IT.i ? \n Im the V-'i.ii-r Ml ri ia ld this ai -k for tho purpos lin pori from SJ .ral i". ni mir ith \ , , to iii Si. John, of thf ? i Air Una, and to ? r- ir there a ifbility of t- ulna Mi Bi John to build hii rua.i toto Ptorenee. T ported tint ibm ..,:.:..r.-n, . waa Mr St. John, rm,I w.ra told tl ? i'd ta I "i to I i ld i ia i i ta Plot nea . t this I rt awtna to tbs toot thai tin t now rushing to gel their t i line finish di _ do i i ii noa madar eon* li,- told the, , ,inn; -f >? bow? an r to Dod -.rn wi.,,t Um people nf r*tor* . .iili.r lawns along tbs pfO tos a anti >i in<i wouui ba able to do in thc ni iji-r nti'l tln>n make thc 8<*a b ard nome AefinUo proposition.?"harlia tull N'tiwa anil Courier. I A Daily Problem Solv It's discouraging work to fill thc lunch bag day after day. It's uninviting to open thc lunch bag and lind thc eternal bread, bread, bread. Ifread is good, but it's # monotonous?it lacks novelty. Break the monotony with thc new delicacy? Nutritious?healthful? satisfying Uneeda Biscuit are sO'd only in tum and novel 5 1 cent packages, which k turo proof. Never told in hulk. Ash *? about C nooda Biscuit, rake nola ? JUDGE HAHHISON Will lie- I'liti--vi i.l'V rei W;e-liln, foil null bee 1 "ill !>'-| ''-il ? \V!N''UI->'I Blt, VA ? ?" ? 'to I ? un I.. ? ? ol ? In tlie? I In tl ii thia 1 ? md mn for l ? ? i V ' h will ? - ?? FIRE IN ROAiMOKF. iii i ? t, Blond, il." Brakeman, Kill I nt Radford Burae-d .ii Ron ? ri? , Not ? .a l ? : ' ' ' ? ' ' FIHE IN ALBEMAHI r, Charil '' ''I'- lui Imii lt) in^n,ii un Municipal Bi ? ? I 1 111, ? in l. : ' ' I ' ? ? ?. _ Hunting ni Shenandoah, Wi ), ? I ' Vt i ?:,| il !?' Mil. v v. Ill lt tel 'I" ? pastor 'i th ?took. Va, An effort . '. ,,n I ii inlay ? ? * -? Um i u ni" \ oana Hardy. Neill'' il.K. va Hov. I Tue '? /"inn- Mr, l-'r.-.I. ii, k ll.uiv. Jr. th,- nrt | itodenl whick trna found In N a "fork harbor, nrri\..i I burk I in Blmwood -*eune*-t. i ?? Mi veli,, lt is I..-11. - \.-, 1 Bras I '. asvsral pa-opla ol i romlnen e 1 ? -uk; rt iwphew ,.f Mr e 'ni.liv., prisl.l.iit of the X.irfulk .\ ,1 Bank, aad Mr. william it. Oravea the ship balkier, Rta sad oeeth rtb-red Nor* f"lk j-rc.Uly. I,nilli), i i .>in|,itii) i matt ore**!, sri-'i-'i 'i.K. va . Moe, t Mnaeial -cir Cid! Ju.lil" Prenti! hus granted ;e charter of m**orf*a*e*ellon t.i the Union humber r.!i,|..inv e,f Kxlt, Va., whoa, st,,e-k WBI bi t'"tvvi"ii thre,* and liv.- thnu .eninl dollars C. la, llarhnm, of Newport News, la naabfli as pre.ldent, with H. C. T^d-on, of ivan, as secretary and tri-aaciresr, I Slit ? Ann-Lie ona! .Horse Show, -&,Nov, 18. ... ? , ? - i ? i ? R, Age , .1 ' sigh). You ? bui :? JOE B1CKERSTAFF. _$ I 1 'A,--.! Iii o,it! Mri-.'t, OovMitovin BVanch, !-.(ii Ust Mtiin StreeL Old ThflBi, 1628. Ss nari lanni wltaala Bouti'it, SoU am! I .titjnqed.* Ren ti> il Have rom* wheel Altai with tue oe.t I ? : Brake, rr.xvn* tirjbb. Wheels bom-ht from me kept in repair tre+ cJ tanara ( - 4