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HEARING IN Till: CARDOZA CASE Accuser! PMt I r? Hs Innocence of 4 Ol 'r^s. HE WAS RELEASED ON BAIL. -n,,. ? ... \s ,M Ba taken Ref! re Ilse liol ll lo.ll. I _ i t Holt Will lil? li" I till. I . I T ' ' ' . - ? ?noritl ' Mr. B. '. ? ?is; an ? ' 1 ' ? I ' - CLARK'S NEW START IN LIFE. Man Wini I ffi it ni Dun ill. i ntl ri iii *n eaiei ii I na ??. . ' \ r r I. '. ' I : . A I ' ? ' ' ' ? ? ' I ; . - ' ..... ahem I FOR RIVER IMPROVEMENT. Mara Moen > Maafl Bi ?ecarad ag i ,, ii nlij kr!,', nag \\ ,.i k, Riehmond ls more Intereated than eve :n the Improvomaal of the i nert to.iy err.,rt toward. aecurlna large approprlaiion for the pur; Oeiier-U VMJuou, tue Ct_?f ot AUm MMMMTf RCIKF AID PEtMf\i?T JOHNSON'S CURE A rtclceHifl-. l)nl*IBne artel Prr**f**o-*nl Pent. eeJy lor Uy.pepse*,. I nd meat leo act! sll StoaacW a.-el N-rv Tr nu Me*-. fgtui Dteasantafii] caty te take le reilM h. ei , ,ia*i iiatu-u' a larMkasent io tue bleed, Nrr\,? and Munt'tri. Lana Bout. IOc. Kc .??-" Map. FOR S?LI B*f WM. P. POYTHRESS&CO., W. H. SCOTT, R. E. SHINE L*. S. A rm* ' Janies In . ' ' : in the i Committee, bul i e-iful h rn.mri now begin, tn ? I small ? nd, At pi ? ' limits to the ' ' ? t ? al high lld ? ? K Will ti"' i It le tl ? ? ? i I kc i the wurk very ? ? ? bill muk Ify that il.- lld be done ? ? ? ,- mn-le nn,t will be i . will be ? it .-r the rlv RAINS DELAY THE WORK, llij-.i Wu.I liiterferefl U Ith C. ami *>. Illl| CV .Infill. ? ? nil be ? I mada i i ? i ? : t.i h.. ' '? . I ? ? ? ' ' ? ? morning i route t until 1 "How lo .?.- i> i He m." ? ? I M ? .v. Hil! k. The . E uah, of ? . ra i ' tl ? ? ' ' ? . i (.|. itu,,.ii 11,.iiiii... e ? ? ? ***? : ior throat ? ?a-a*a-a..a-a-a-a-?>-a. *?-.? -a?a?a-a-a* Afoef Sucoooofyf Ph va lc lon In tho World. Thrrt are tot ' ? .1 in the ir . r. , ? ,., , .,.? ..... ,-? ? "ram*, rj ,''? i ma fiiiix., i ? - , ol tn limn ie. t,/ '.,. kmi, ami thmtmtl lA-al htvtret hu ralu " ii-eanlcj .titi aliotu' tilt 'rtt ihoitld cami, n 'ry aM|, ,i < niling and ditrnuraQed lenman to immediate!* roniull ar mrtit to t'r. Greene, U ?r. tah -,-., yeti ntt arv, about her tatt. e.H ,1 ?a .... aa., l | pm ' uuicnnuRij lAleK AT LONG RANGE Executives of South Caro'ina and Vir? ginia Confi*r. A CHAT OVER THE TELEPHONE. Report "i lian i*i . -.iii. nt ut Usn Wiw gtela s, bael Bsa <ii<" Deaf ami nun.1 ?"AMnaaei Oeaatral Mdae i.i_ii.- i. Speaks ! I ith Cai - . ? ll rr ? ?i ? "rs, in UM ' i . r, , | : , i. ' ' ' ' ' lt I I ? In reply, i I ni ? dent .v il the launch. i ? ? ? l? ? ? 1 him of I rginia I t I ai two | ? ? r trou ' of thc ?- ca giri ri hy -u DEAF AND BUND. STIrglnla fl . rn | ? pupils t '. hs Bb l . - . rn the taught . ? tl I a r . ' ' ' t< ?! dur* ? ? ' | mi :i..i | ' a lbs line ei nnd aeairous of t hi In mian to ? I \ J M T ' ?? which ' i It will b) - ! : . mission lo of tbe h. until t . ? ul bia MANY VISITORS. i -nin il ii iii . Ba a of Thnaiaand \\. I . .lt iin- I .11 l, H.,I. ry m..r ? r ? ! . ? . . I ? P . - ' ' - er put.-j ti, ? counted ? ' Richmond d irnimi -i ah ral Hon* Hal N *?**? Btai ? ? i? oprrate.l BBWl Thursday ut tba Retreat tor tba sick, , rove. l>r 0. fT. Lemon la In Rtehmonr"* en Newport News, where he Intend* iUna. Iir. Leann waa tor a year on. of the reeldrnt physicians at the Retreat ?Un., -Jame* Hutu, of Twelfth airest, I st. ? l> j^^Covereign WV7 Pemedies sis You -ke a genum* medicine when you usc a Sovarr gn Cure. They touch the spot, is you want. ? igiiaslnainfuinlfMb THEY POSITIVELY CURE Rhjumatlim, Kidney Trouble, Coughs, Dyspepsia, Blood, Ca? tarrh, Asthma, Heart, Liver, Diarrhoea, Crippe, Ceneral De? bility, Malaria, Neuralgia. A Separate Remedy for Each Disease Eic, For 8ila at All Dr. ;r!i'!. THE BOME TREASURE A BBSS irii el aeanatiie li?oft_a:.on, SENT FREE to a-.y adrlr***. Tf in IsalM ?? a 'ii- nat-: tt ot j --ir Dtnasa, yo'i , ? , . .tn- !re* of Trad" Mark rVe_. SOVEREIGN REMEDY CO., i_J7 Arch St., PhU-iltlphla, l-a. was l to tha Th ?, was lr THE NEW AMBULANCE. it i- Oomph ta in I rerj Reaped, mnl < .'mi- rtable, Uni . w bli li la now tn ? I a, I - ,L ' count/, lt i 1*1 :. i .-"iii:,.- arv rlo ; * ., I I ? ' a equal n'-m rVllllam 1 well as effl ? doctor ? from tbs mont of I ? i of the i to dept ri ' its to - arni tba) terra I comma i 1 Hus ii N. T. M MINING COMPANY CHARTERED. ?er* ral Balla Iium Hated Qna i li i lhasa?'Haatinca I nari tdjoeren, llml ? R . ?? i B ? ' '.:?? w ii Court Of th" ull : In th" I'tr lit I if Rici -n ? r re W. ? ireh. *? ' ? i Williams a ' CARNIVAI ?FiEI.MATH. lt ii a 111 can 1' late tif i ... ? ? bmond ? pr.i whit li . ? ? arith only bi ? ? . ? '1 :' . ? .1 ? >'? ir. Ire Oettlag Bach H..ul nu? ll \< orer, thr lng down ' I i ~ . ? - ? ? , riii. ' tl ? of th lr u ll I.. i'i ' i nml will ??? bi || f th. r tba i h tba c* - . ? -ii ? ? ? ir: ?air I o rama """ Mr I :' . fbUj* lured br bali on Ninth ttreel ' The rh of I pound Rh toe p |, Bf hM fro!:' liHICCMATT.-'M M Meuralgia Ita at tlor. abie and the cause and . pe-ara. Tin fits. 75 cents and OW1I Richmond, ED IN A DAI Ii ? ?' " -ri and 1* rt'marli 1' removes at oi c. the illaeajr Immediate' rVral ilo.o RTeativ be'ia 1 li> I WViNlii. and OWHNK & kUSOiX DRUG CO. Richmond. Va, - no* ' THE LAMENT OF JUSTICE JOHN Pocple Behaved Twice too Well Dur? ing the Carnival, A FAKE EMPLOYMENT SCHEME. Iii.: IV.In ,? ll.iv, in e usriHly W. ll. e i aw i,.nl, ailefl-eed Histilct Supei liiic'iuleMit e.r au Alle'?;cil Atl vi'I'tishis ( DiiiiKtny. ? te that Ute i town end i lt ken been on ? md that lng to bn ik up ins b . lanai et portia) a remai , be i" during tho days "t the in^ crowd. Tho Po4lca la hunting .i,.vvii ? r.iok-, I I than 1,11 R ni: BALL, * ,- i 'ourt > .-s tei-dej bt iue.ii ? i weary ? H.- Ut ? tl . wat bi ?! Hi" Bro* I ?!. vtlii.e- his ? over* loaded I ' 'iroui-h ' ? md ni" alnnei ? drunk th . ntentlone, T1BBD OUT. ll Ur. 1 i. ok-nif .i -a laughed ru Um i if nnwUIlng ? ' furthi r ph] the only bu ui.| Ins ? ? ' ?,l.l hisort nu lii,- in tiv- laggard erew, Prank Ara -J i l fatli ?-?,-; natl the litter I front ar. accident in Me I ? ? 1,,,'i-e-il WlUi be'liiR ?lruYlk in tba ?:r>.ol 1^,,y flrOre bfllh ar-))o"p In tba gutter, bot nrore they l| id tahran "rdere-ej to J"ln tha thi ng ? -..:'.v moe Willi. IU.u;k"l,rhl|,, 'I I.".,ry Duval and ,. md 1.1 Waddi) lime nt nt i ? te -spend i an a I .'.\.-!"N' ' t ge , mut of ? Tom Rober! I I With j. thal ba a iii. iii ? ? ''? ia - i.i in..!.. v. ? re aa iv, ttere >? bli u bed hy tho ? "I il : ? - - mently de? die full "I lt" -. | be en ' nut to ?? I with ' ? SQ mi "ii; ' I I ?' VI I - own with 1 ? ? ? ? the! ot an : . ' ont for ... ad a '1 ictor -j < ? I Ills I ri hind ' ? '. issie, ? 9 H. M bli wi ' .Mr ' .:. .:' every I . her in- wo lld haere ?arly all 'h.- mon in ? ? K III'.MIIU. CAUGHT. W, B ill wiry, re d-fae-el immon Hage ? ,f thu r, >r Wyatt Th indi r a warran! wot barglna him ?.villi Ol ': , rented I iperln - c."jni Ha had a arr-'- il many ' ' ' and sigti.i. ? t.i eoeanee i rday, ? inlre d to be* unt? il , gollan mi g*> count uf payment for Um unif"nn wm ii . i- ,i areli known I ihment. B PAeCTB. thal the - id wooM ? v I >rd was to . the > '."th WOldd bfl en t,Ung tu the t.iil.r vv rill twenty dollars when rn i.i.'. (in "Thursday, nfaM peraone raid Craw r .rd U. flack were given n r.-<?ipt .taunt* rm I'irt |..ivtn.'iit for a uni tana, 'hat they were employed I,j I fl Kal r'Utr.jj r-nmr-my ar tc;, .1 >'.!.r* a ".eek. rend ware taken to the i 'o be meeeura l for a suit. On* of the applicants was able to j-r-.. luce only one dollar but Crawford ac ie*pt*?<i that. Crawford a receipt book* showed a larj-e t OL'Oki arti it number of atubbs aol it ia evident that I VIGOR RESTORED ! BY P ATNF'S CELERY ? COMPOUND. Mrs- Alice Terry Wood, 5J5 Highland Street. Helena* Mont* writes: "I can say to all that I believe Paine's Celery Compound a ^rerit medicine. I should have been in my grave if it hadn't been for that, and I eau say to all that are tired and run down to try it and they will find relief at once. "Mv trouble was general weakness, with no strength or appetite, and heart trouble. I have taken tour bottles ol it and feel like a new person, Now I have a good appetite, do all ol my work, and feel well. Paine's Celery Compound will reinforce weak? ened and irritated nerves. Nerve fibre is made and nerve force increased. The liver, stomach, and kidneys are kept in healthy action. The blood is made full of nourishment. The body does not suffer exhaustion or wearing pains, but is constantly sustained in strength and vigor. h.. han plajred bas e sine* where. lie had farly dollar* In hl-i po kat to billa, eraanpied up and stuff. ,i li a *?? ;? kata win, ii aeootding to Chief "f i*alice ii want s .1 haaaaer f oars*rlna morey puculinr to fakirs an.l thlsrsa Crawford wan t|ulck to offer to return the money to hi* vlctlma ao .oon aa ar? rested. They compose boin white and co ored pera mi. The case waa continued for ten days to Klve Crawford a chance to prove the legi? timacy ot hil* or the detective-.' opportunity to look, luto tua Boho ma aaa bia hlatory._ Or. Lyons PERFECT Too!h Powdar AM ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY, Used by pe-ople of retirement tor or-**- as osuurtar cl a oautury,