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AN INTERESTING PAGE OF HISTORY The Harding of His Men ,it Front Royal In 1864. ?THE RESPONSIBILITY PLACED. Ji Vulunlilci ..null iiii'.n I i.'in 0.'linn I ,lllllll S. "llaolll IO Iii'" Aiiii;il?iif u,. (.n.ii iimi Btaodj t ii ii gata-taggi*. Editor of 'J ?Mt in bia ?? ? rama at tl tho li. men <*f :>.s . al.ot i ? ni l-i.i Vii. I. tv. s | nil lu.r.i.- aa bean tn ttrk cmlcr fl ? tif it tv I, *.Mt Of patara un ftWMS . Clly Patot, A ? 1- M M. l.lh.) Mat ? .. 4, ? ? 'j I.- I I . uro ki.*.. ' ?l'"1-* Moll, n . lor Um g ? caught ha ,. Lieu A.a lUr; | I n. \sia.. ss , at Coi' ? ? further a* HIM < mind?ih* i.i . v; ?mr A.- ? j BY. him oVoWra lu alchl " I lin.* ? MM from U on I h. \s | a. will iv .\i Um i of r: | 11 ? wai* un'* , ; ? tbal '?whi ? 'f*>r ?th-. ;. ? . a la of V ? leV i Ihe l uti * ... ti:.- ! Yo ram ? .ii al Win I ' : ? I ? III I". ! I il . ' .. ' ? gal Oran! t.. ?> ? ! Tl*'I ? Han ? ? ? I o ' th< F < . a . - ' Vi . I I. ' _ ? few * ? - i ?? | ' artie* ' ? ? ' ft Moal | '?' ' M ? r ? i I s . I r ***v-. Utan p T.. ll \ lli.. . tri gajflaaj tl lhere''..' an.l .t. ita-um r?iv ? tk>n Yi*. thicketK. I $>lar-.? f'.r *rmla> Voil t'* kl!' ???? la*etlt*g thal If ll ? , ?Ta.troy, tnt ?i v Ma' Thia appeal t'- PanMxIraa .m *ra turn buihwharkera ta alp-newt hy a grata t* nf Weat I'olnt ard sn ofTWr ag th*, rt a Jar army who aajoa rommanded n a In th* Army of th. PagtwBac. j wm a j oolttor ot a military Tower; In the j Forum ot Nations I was Sheridan's equal. 1 had eveiy nislit of war that tis lind. I The Southern Confed-racy Hst., tha Km- j fires or Ala>iaiicli*r ami Chat l-*magne liu passed BWSy, bal thal J"', sal tho fa.-t thal ? -vlsi-il. From tills' - s- my m. a belora he r Ursa! x ? r Hw 1,,,h- At ! ?:. i '/ I. ni hung .. bator*: J; it aa ?? ? ? \ Al nf tha l.'.tr, SO til" j li .\ ?? i>- .-ii . niinltrt .1 i at i ordsra Tbs l all iii i? ' i '! ' a ..llslilt M.-Mi-r.-rr- in tba ' , i i' at to this lime, I -uti main l? .' | ,-??:- \ :. I-t . r- ? I 1' . ? fdr lt is V HAS AXN'ul ED MK " 'I' - t! lt tl i, alina i army, l . ' ?mi. ited 'tl mt N'"W ih tS CSS Ve lia ? ? ;? i\ luggeited by tl 'i whl'Ti ' il , '?( I tba roar of tay fr.-rn Har* ferry and . > ? - i nt i ti a to the ni ?? r ar. | tia. atrsnajl i aili ha nt about tv - '.iv als 1 The ttnpn red wai In the ? a train guard and the arhola truth ? li an Bider, \. I rani that a .f morauderfl < oiM aol hain h a !? it. It is a coln ? data a** th-* - bouncing thc ? jil tn tht' i'nn' . Bluff, Aui: : roirir.a-i M -liv report! t!ii? he .1 the encmv* I n near Ba rryvllle Idea na and aeicui lins uiver '.ard of ? ber of th.' i ? amy killed 1 I killed sad '.'? Et K LaJSE -''..ncraI. i \ ft ;,?:,., ?,., retaiy , ? "Var. Tills tel) -'ram -??? Oeaerol Grant, ai .-'?;.- ? ? ? It waa thc Aral A me by ??? ? ' , - Berr*nrtllt raid sraa tl 'i The ' ? ? -n thara sir. ; to ; rt era. Thi aaa seal : I I ? - ? rn to hear tl i" I . u ? '?-? the War i i th.- effect i' - ?. isa J; ll a I i - ifrlns mv men, li a I ? ? Lraot '-' 'i. * noy iiinv. H.. ihoald bs s ? tnent of ni ? There asa ? - ? ? r una - j waa in I . him. i ii ?? ? rldan'a til l"!n ab . ibject. If I ? ? ? :? anti I ? l lt in tire i ali.I: Ila' -. -a iK-v.-r ? wv. n i i- tall itt i f..r the i ri . ? Royal 1 him a i.e. I '? ed it ii r mite the j f the ' nmentiae Bl i.nntr any cltlaen nf tha* I :? and ara would h ive i . ? r.i - i ? ? ran have no sm h effi -1 and - the time wh( ri ii reports th) - half B aI"Z>-!i nt my nari w.-ru In i Hazer (wh ? ? Ihllati ti by Rlchsn I ? ? i home after the I I know i a Hi -' [terminating1 Kow during that tua. i : ? but ? ptain B mi 11 v Torie .'avail Rerryv - nilli his t riva lr. . '.im in an ambulance, ilm t" i ? when died "f hla paint, 'i hi" . if. Til ? Hall Repi he punishment ..f "in- maa f..r tin- acta ?r another, ls a measure io Itself ? i ti I .. :.' ?! a ta ii baal y or I ' ve la ao apl to Increaae rather than a war, that ? ? j : ? ,1 in I ' rt ? . repi | ? ? ? l , an I 'rtlon ted I * . | . Wa were ? b backera Thees ? a' h. ti sin. e ? ? In n n il ? ?' ? ? ? ? boot from - K ..le or an ? ? lerate snajr Ml tl: ni irina*, if ' a *.,,-lY ..f tl!.'!! ut. . -tight ticed 1 ? ? by iii'- rules ' a . r-rtrUnly mak.s BSt ns. A ' ? ?? arith i ? ? ted . )uir^.? with plato I'll.- ! ? ' ? .". ?! r. '.. ? ?. riijtils, ve did !? enjoy. Aa belita. rent nj ' . , . i ; wti it it iiid nat ? '.. the nitier. Itaaaachuaei? high authority In fav.-r of the ?? * ol BM ii -.% 11n ficht In ?"rom mi tBaurrectioh Intarnntlonal conflict. In Ms ? lUll addles. Mr. TVrb??er Bald-- '' uer Hill was a'terdad ti i u th? qaoet Important effe.*?? b. ? is lmmodl-'r. re.'ilts as a military en- , .-.igr*mert lt Crested flt onre a Stn'e of s ri-n pi!l,:ir war. There rould now be no I . near ? ew4*stlesi of prix-ra-ding- r.Riiirmt * ndlvldual' aa -milty of treason and re* t irellion. That fearful crisis waa poet." j c Jf Hunker Hill could elevate a local tu? mult and ;i yklrmluli to tho dignity of 1 lilllie war, .'iii'l * ''.th. td. party viii: all th.- right:* of b.lhg-erents, then ssl.u waa i'ii- ?ff'*'t ot th. victories of ?md L**l tot a-Qiariiiaenl '*f lb* United stat!* waa born in a rebellion nn& f.r i ?' ? . ? - .11 ovr-r th.< world until it lu.! ?!,<? ot Ita awn, in UM 0: Minis" r-tho I h r in a dip] i .-. th it t: Bfl <?' tho Amcrl ? In Kumjiu* i ',il*.I** ? I an 1 * tv tm.- to : -h Mi 'iii. eter, ta ns' of .state, ania in ect to th* 1 rjr ag!** I in Mr M ..I, tv,- i ii . ii., f **f ? tlonary LIT. ?*"''" Hu ..r In niin.l tv- | .vrrnm- tit of til.. not Justly i" ? ?. ?*ommunl***>Uon lo Ita n ag at, ! ? withhoM from an Indi? vidual Jin -r pit hf t of distinction of which ? tha world think* tala** worthy ? I tha """round that hia own ;? regardi Vim .i-i ti reb L At rm . I by iii'* English i * r. bd i iii. f. i -ntlnent ri' Wlirn ?i ri v. lution .* Ma wag an ? i ? un-.i-k. :\k. Ms' battal border. Il :n ti:.* sin n .ii.!**.. ind <Ji'i .t with tb m command **f I :* neral Grant He I ? nly by ? aith tho Weal -.f...i. ? t ba belief of thc North tint . I* t.i.-r i.f banditti a i hMf of l.rlu.-ai .. * "on yondi reclining." Al .it. illy . i Notre i baTe tr. leavi . . !< .off wi I th* da? to my mea. ' ! ul .an li*- svhich ? all in Bbarl* ? ?... ? '. ? : | I ? ??. ..i bar* ' roylng ? .aid ha ve di ? ?. ed i' * t. ti Th at .... ; li . ?? ' ? ". ? I of tho char* ? ? Killer. 'ho kia<?i"r.' as pure Invention* a* tho li.-iong of Tito* Oaten. We uri -.\tt>! . | ? ? | t th* I s I atlll ? ? i ? in" I heard about " ? Hy ' had riven ! tim* ..... - ,, i ri and lr* rt .ii fan*. ? * i t Indpal is n..t ?r the mai ICIOUfl . liability. Bo i ai quit Bl * ; iii!,v lor the deed atl: ! .. . ;??:!. r. ll is.nj,,i : *i have Obeyed ? ; ?. Iht; it law of I. i >. i .nu ir* thal . i a v.'* ii I* au ni* iimi na l s. , :. !: , .* 'ill.. ' tha other report* in* ? *?*-. nm. Th* ti nth I* M M nen He attempted t*> cul ofl tho i whan a:ta. Ki *i bj t H* ' .i bin eli ofl i. * bim *i roda iver him. ih . !. "i i ii him f tiny liol wished to do bo; Merritt'a behind ami M. Masters u bil* Toi b rt**? mil'* report* betray af a Clim* committed il disclose who Uiil t. Even adi * tl Iii *ata*t*ra of y I . lt Oj n tv.* excitement and br.-sis furor of a i lulling in i"i'i i uni undi motion ss ben lb.m ial is ? fruin ssn,*iu i bar* ? ,\ belligerent tberefon n. o inly kill a m*j whom ba * ? nit;* *i to attack wi illy in pi bi may ti .t r." True, bul afcllas. ara ss aa kin. d during tl *f tli* joanbat h.- may bara Intended to .ur? tu, t it dona imi neceaaarily follow m* n know it. Tb*y bad no time ,> t.iK. >.r patflag, '1'lioy were lurrounded by thousand* and their only ? ss .is to in i i *v iv.* * iah i tie : iv m Mo*afaatera got n th.- wtij ; th.y -hot bim and rod.-..n lt ? ,.- ami ted l nra tha irdlnai Bul thi s ldc distinct i*.n h -iss. ? *i 'i the ; combat, *r*n if th.y might h.,se ii-eii avoided, and *Ct* of il-libera:.- alu. 1 >? .ion.. when the paaaiona ban .iii h.- obaerred Unit ToiiMii M.rritt - ,t *1 Lowall In rei-oits ton-r il * t o .. h ?thor (1) in rsofcan! to the number killed, ?ss lh*y r* tn,, t.i ,| *.!, th*- ia ld it is .-'t runge ii.: ?!.? i.. : bi aid be ao much di ,i. *.- i al ??? v :i timm; fl) ithlng ila, ut Ih.- ss .i !??? I Th s is atgnlfll ant . killed . three or to one. Nobody eser heard .I H man k:!li*l In a fight and none voiinde.l ex'-ept In ? .Sitting- Bail mut arr., f") '"Ivy mak. no mernim nf pris mera. C)n our Bid* 'he lou. waa ala cap, uri**); n.'.'i. \s-r. killed et ***Owad*d In he fight. I never know of a cavalry ? where the boc'iei came In collision i as they did h. ur In which no prl-nii'-n I wer?* talma, a-, (he prlaoacra wore innr tarat they wouldn't ii knswlsdga that ; *.li> y took any. Now J fla i' I b-lirve that Sheridan BTBr aoaamsslosted to hi, aaaarsla to be exe BSrtSd Or int ri Order of Auxunt Ut 1 the reaeon that he kni'W I could 1; Of bia * li- (uulj hang one of mine. Itt- d l B't nan: t-a p. ty a gSSM ' at which I cou;-] beat Mm. As I have Bald 1 none of my m?n were hung bef. I - alj If ?!i-*ildan hang any praSBasatS . ' . I rn- ri. hut I don't I'-ii' re be haag i art ema Merritt e imisaaded a . i ? Iaa, 'i i until ?i order Bl An , ?'? rrltt'i - aad LowaU'i rsnerta ip. fl l*l*oal (ha-y kill'-I 2 'A'a era sad fl i - nowa on ifi tr Fays tb. v I; H. 'll-. I/iw : klll-d IS. Cnster*i ? ? enc.-.*'*'! in af lt. But that I. 1 BOthbafl to do With thr. Ir.uir-lng?he ' ' ' riie ra? ? < au iii-.- . rbert - rare ia stol an th.- fir I army. Il r only oik" -v a'l of til" tho crirn- ; they i l.arl th ii ... i ? i Bad i i who . inn ii ? - ?"In a Front Royal ''i.s. ara bul . ? ? I hal ti" ht ol my : , ? The sight ? bsd kn, ?.-.billi Bberl* I mg, but ll ; ry for what ? grudge Bgalast ii;. A ISW T a detachment of my cominan I . tran of a r msn burnlns ? : . no prisoners might in fl ?uperflu them . t SS] ir- n-- ii if the Bm ': Ihe that no -, abowa, sad ? . ? - were riaoners." I I on the report ;t In tho |0 bil irs in?n . . mpn. The Mi -,v fork Times of I ? i day, ? the 1 to '!?? , . known 1 rm Timrs ? t of 6") nun ur it- n-itit AH'-n. i. rina, irbo eran ? ? ? but uni I l under b ia* w.'iich bad I . ?' a i iv . : rrly one t a til amy s I Bt-arcy be ol Ihe i. ? ? hut Ol aurr. r I t resort. E rc ! In this | who surr ? : ' | ? at my re ' - my men tl langton ? - . ? -ferrlni; : ; rr I 1 him to ? ? He wai i : by bia ? - in tin B i be way." The -? : PU to ass General him ni i pri rste ? works i ? i. .. i niU. h. Bb Bi : ? ? ware then Ben -: In thc- Bht tinah Va ;" Bsa I . , Merritt tuowe i irn: h.a i Major ] a \. I, had bi ea ' - Bash 1 wood, in Juli S Ia few mln \*.x*t sent off -a ? ? amuri.Ii-d 1 raptured him nnd a lal ? ; .of his regi in.'tit- -i ' BSTSjry B*fld their . ? I B*saa*TSl? Hs, wi i v"rv ' erfllal letter a BBOyaS av eos il si B ? | Kobi i " ! "Sid 'hat h<* had Informed Bena! ?' Ot the m.-in H treated by ua and rahed him I p*jr co-tfirnia t;..n I received esrda ?? invitation to his ?redding a fear *Btye ago Wa ?l-l I?well'H ita. Ob M ry, Uti la fairfax we li id i from lt; o*r ?m hail B the i*om ? LesraU kn. a th it , are prta* - n-rs were k bssbbI ol mlaa ? at iflajarfl ta r.'ta'lritian- "Cruelty Ol P< -""'?"** and bar harmr-a destruction of artesia aasjaNMty will pr-nnka. tho asses] to -? n bo be lo ths guBty rraoua ?I of public law. it w..s rot pre? tended that tie BBTl "?>' command h id oenualtted ai ? While hr* (Martensi sdml's that the life Bf an Inno rent man ran mt pt I -n e*:" traordlnnrv . . asl case., alli sometime, oaesf when the estahjlsheal usajree of war are flo] tied. Baal there ar? no other meana of restrict Inc tho enemy WILL THE EARTH COME TUN END MONDAY? ! Professor Rudolph Falb, the Great Scientist of Vienna, the Man Who Predicted the Big Earthquakes and Storms, Says the Comet of 1866 Will Strike Us To-Morrow. Pl 'rh F llb, ? a ot the , staff of |nal . s < r*ii>- and -ni aatr .non ' ls known fr.,::i ?* von,h. | :-h.iii and. ,t tletence of our globe but th > . ommcncoil .: t all i: Hill.ks t.?r tl:.- ss.*il.i lt WAI * . I ? svn to his warning j ur will pi ? "in January ai ? on tho ? - : ? "Iii July a I -.sill be ? '" ' ' tho form of Florida Bril] t,. 'im November lt, our planet la to i oul in tba mar, f.*r on* ?af th," sid ...,i ? , and In tl i.iiier has ' ' semi*, r U ?nd li, is notblni the appaaram ?? of th* arm that un om,- . .. .un. t lt*. *f will eolllda ih* ?in.l '*n ' of tho f tl ind tba ..uti quid s. bat a 1.1 ba aim! benaine or petrolaam and ll will I province of thia liquid I ? ii and ar*t*j' int aa mch t pro] * in thi ra i' som.* < onit'*rt In tb* ? that thia .. . ? * ii io .m untlmalj .::? . it pr*dl t*d that ll S. ' I . ....... ? ll tl. HISTOR*!" OF THE COMET, ? ? lng In ' rain! comet ' ll*- sun Was calculate,! to take about six and thr.o ? in.irtors years. "aaVly I | ' t I y lt wa - I i t * ty to h ? ' ? ; ? ..-,. M| ii ir" -i. it i fm ii,fl' "-T***1 aa^***.fp T^*n,".^*^;"."14. T? , ;?**_? ^4a?vl ? I*B THAT TUM COMET OF ISfiC WILL STRIKE THK BA) WHAT WILL HAPPEN. ? ? ? ? ? ? March ? ? tura in thal -riclnltj ? ? Bl KED* L .1. and ssi. . M : . Inhabit! ed. Up to I tb* limit ol no tidal m i BtlU il'1 ' As th* ie Hil Ol ?? : bag* that tba ? ? ' : ll . At ti la I evil ;ii ?. : : m. but, In spite :. ? ' Until Ji: . ? i to return ag i a. This ? lm . v s-. a mr, lt j ,'. d foi 'I. IM'*. which ? ? in i i .. i. nd ti t.i* t - ss r will cornel or ail ; I ? ? ' ! ? I ? 1 ' d ' : from furth.r ex--. I lt li thi la ? to do lt. nnd - '.he emu. brutum fnma D If I BB a waated '?> dloperae a mob in Parla !. -'. and thea nitnd that iii" act for I was b .t Asea bs an Im ?Ut . i*l : iv* i wa, melted by the -1 I ?o aettvsr aa a Idr, caatad. bbs lb valry. Malar Fo-rbee, w B M STarhaa wsa raia ot th. watt bant . sf Baslow, sss. ? aor at Pa lasses Ruasell Lowell, ti. [assrstt, sit next on my i Mr. l-'.-r: ?- SS ' Holmes, the Autoci Table. !' , eouM ii' ? ii.-r arba ara - my '?'?? ?he l-i . : trama i ?? t.- tba set a a b aa aanw i ribed on the BMmaatent at Front RoyaL Tha granlts abaft psrpstuataa ti..* fame o' remnant a .. r | url ia fla ol." About IBs a;: ? molo.-h of revenge I f,el oas sa I alway. fait. A Highlander it not asked, or expec'ed. to forgfee or forg"t U'.errrtr aral Culloden. It will always ba ft peoad BSttafBettoa to m.- that lit the ; ?? a*a of their executioners Basityta aad nm kasltata tha aampalrtaa I ?rv -f the gladiator In the s**ena?Caesar moriturl aalutamuo? "Caesar! we wlw BUI ilfilled. Tb the N from the I JV ? IN THE FEDERAL COURTS. 1.41112 ****a*atoa| lor tin- < our' of Appi'-i' I'.e-lal ? ? '?.:!t...1 Sta". ll* Will I ' month. ? .. i Wu!.nil follow;: No. Mg-A. H. lir.-tm-r, ?' Mt, aggi int tb glaaiBBablp "lTlrkhltl ? i from .?ingtgn Pun un, ot n.-w gora .?i-eU*'. ;.n,l by Thoa lal *?* VfWmi \%Voa\ N c.. for appellant an i aubmittad, . Ex j ..if J - kenon, and x.i 31.'* Ma ports wivum I-:. Liree*t;. In which cases petitions for mandamua U Hon. Thomas lt PuiTMll, U S. I JuIkp for the "-'astern District of North l "ar..Mn i. t* -ettie bills of ejjaepUone. tho I'our! refused lo grant the mandamua lind iHamlartd tb* p*Uttotaa> No. 310-A. I" Wlihrow I.iimbar Co , ap gallant, va Glasgow In\ eat maul t^ #t If -? ? ? I ? : ,? a : ? '? | ' ? ' I I ': I ! b.'ih charged sn h law* wi ? was Axed at J Angil . '-ft In the matter of 1. gpencei i the U ll : Id-li? ly and Cvanpao* vif lu-'.iiuor* a* aurety.