Newspaper Page Text
THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING Of Staunton Hold Annual Mectin_ and Form a City Union, BISHOP COADJUTOR OF W. VA. Ile*/. William i. Gravatt < ossaaomoMai In linn l< sim* n lin- ilk. ll..1.1 ll S**. l.lMi', 1*4 IIS 'M.ll-. "-TaMMi'V, V.\ . .\.... i '. t ,. i . r* li,to a "< a .lill.lill. fl Ml J 3 ; * decoraM I , i. ? i "a |ht. The ? < i * ba i- ? I lin i ; * ur.' EPTK 'N Mina I *! M:.mi>t*.n. I His* Mr,," Iii,- i i ? Lynchburg", )? li Ills fr.. ? | I. s' . 1 ' . ladMa *?. ? ? v Tb* i. bini ila I Wil? liwin 1 ii* V'lri ni* i ? m..:. la til IMPORTANT MEEIINGS. Knight* Templar ami Royal Ara li ajaairm I * flsaeaable Hera, Tba H m**t la their | ? I if Virginia will hold 1 h i ?all. ? thi i ? i ? i- tr vii in the aevei whoa* limy it Bl ? on ' i ? ? , . I * ? :i .lt " ' ter ; ? retlr * bacon* i ?, and f * is the li Injt ? thc 'l hs ?; c ? ; | ? ? 1 ' '? ptaln*fl ??? neut i ?? Blank* i R ni .T. i: ' ? * ? ! . . I p. tv *l 11 * -li M .i - \ ? Mi:- ts ill I>e form " Edward an.l si ' ? ? I ' M :,t Wil . I ? I > ' ':; .ml, ll * ? r < \ ? il, Bx* * !? ? 1 i ' ' ? . " J !' r ' * '. AT THE SEMINARY, Kit. \\ ,1 limn I Hull I , .in sj Raj Kim. a, lilli, , Mn, , I.a*t Mr U i ki.*ssh i? Um gam tn ai ? dav *V< u the chat*. I dania foi .i half hom ? ? l ws* "Bald J il i- fore hla . ? Thin n ??* ? na ** Btv*- <> m.*l hrli.lnl mAiraoa * a*ra ma ta bj Messrs J. wv Paxton \v al i T w uni ? J. a* Brown. At lb* cloae of the ?*iv ce* Mr gull bade hi. friend, far**** ? r crieaai'.atv* and Ohio train which J.-M at 10 ?? odo' k. en lout* to Ban Fran ,.. o. wheno* he Balla on the 1'th of .No ytmtor. Pr. Johnston, wh* wsa called bama la Mrs. Bradish, of Detroit, Wrote Mr*. Pinkham and Tells thc Result. (Lirra, to aa, rin.Baa no. ?i,.no] "About flare JraflJaM ap" I hegeii Iq run down ami so-m li?*i-amc nlmrnt a wreck. 1 lust nu appetite anti )w.-an t<. lusa. Bash) mi- i.1 wa*. lBBpn*faa*iahed aud 1 Lad to leSVB our stun*. " The .l-vetor, ywra* me a little tonic. Pul Istaadllj W?" 'iori..* anti consulted saotber doctor. He helped me la toroa tym a, bul mv headachiiarontinii.'il, iii-ti n to hatfl ni(.'ht BWfljatfl and my reit vi ?i?. aodUtsrbed that I wmiiii aavs hyateris an.l wonltl cry anti wurry over baslBSSfl Baattara and my poor health. " Kinn!!y.husband took nu* Sooth, lui t with no beaveat. Thia in. a year bk": n.itirie 6BB ever know what a w inter of misery ' ipaat. Would Moat after nml was troubled with pal pi ta ' hear! arni whites. Baviag read Pi- happj ehsaoe of your mcdl ' i it anal Wrote f'>r your advice, nml before hartog Snlahed the ftrsl bottle nf Pvilia I". Ptnkhsm'a Vegetable Composed, ths hysterios fljearlr stopped a:,.l I Slept S"iiiiil!y. "I usr-i sevea or eight bottles erith Bach hem lit thai I am us healthy as I ssa ever remeaabei <>f being I shall in-vei- aease tai sound your praises." '.'? M. Hkai-ihi, lT'.i Dix avi . Di i BAT-IT, Ml I Mrs Pitikhntn's advice is nt the frc ilis|?ea! of every aiiinir woman wini help Her address, is Pinn. MlM. Ersr* case la (.ucredly oonlitlvutial. ll, by ttv serious returned to hil en in a ry. Dr. T. . i...v n. Ml ?nd .Mr- Bmlth, ail of Baltlmort i i ? . ESuatice Beilou I lOT Ot TS t thi mil ' it wee] h BTSd' ? i Wool, formerlj ? ..... ind a ? .:in his kiel n th" . ry chapel thia i il '??" SET THE HAYAEIRE. \ ( iiiiiiiin.iii'ui ol' Uni- and Matches .it Union Helffhta, al tin- M p re a bUl the ii iv : I ' I ' ' ' ? ?I tile. ? ' ? quiet? ly. Thi ely de ? ? ? i. rt K li Ed .-. :???.? ? ! :?. h>-r - Ki n t Tin Mi ada In BOY MISSING, ii i na-. Hi- Home la Brlatol T la-.-i.l p|p I i,? I. f police, 1 : rom the chief of police ii' . ip c Caldwi ll. i.i ba '.' ? boy, iv h.. ia muming, from it, blue * ? ii lime un... ? h. cupanta took lt to 1 'ii piper. The r. litliiiK of ? *alr. Haras*** ( '.inttl'iiliil-tl.'il. prints the following: ? ..f the ? tiona upon and u| r thal "A t.'. cram u ? ' rage highly " Y ? ?. I l ' ' ' upon youl the bench, which they know yon ? I' N oj KU "Mr - ?.. command, dur t 'iv il T\ ar BBd ll 1 "All i act af 1 ira." u ll known I Hill-. -. Inii. 'i (lilli Tl eR I vv . . k ? k. ? ' ? ? , . in tba Baal .... i , lr. J 'h'i iv i a I-, rcj ? VOl i; ipi mils \i;i: i\ \ n\ ?i l.y the use "f tl!!.! I. Bf ,-,?|, "flt ?' Tb -? ?? bad tin* old-time vlror. the briirht rye. IBS firm step, the . slfll rnir-.t P.- tt. ;>r i ! marte BUtrltlOfl ally like Tyner a Pvt. p.r'U Remedy With Iib help, Indi.'ea tl r. vunlihei, perfect dlgeitlon ruin, and h.allh i? aM'-ired. I'or aale by all druggists. Price M centa per bottle. ^to ?__ mm THE NEW PASTOR HAS ARRIVED Rev. Dr. Derieux is to Preach Twica' To-Day. DR. STARR'S FAREWELL SERMONS I tri. is. a iii Un- (lllirr < linn li. s l*> Day- sunday School \-io latloM to Meit r.l<*.|i,< ni Sir, 1,4111 ..I Hi. i Mi-, li. V ' 1*1 V) T A [.I ? ' <i\'r ll uni will condu I 'r. 1 * * A ' ' j; oi... M ?Sl-,1 S'..*lll ' .*? I, I. i? 1* en Ii!: ? ality. He la about i ii- maa* ! 1J|".I1 i 'I h. 1 ' of ':. I Q 1. V. : At tl ? A .1 ' ? on th" ? li- ? ? i.f vary ? 'I !?? to at ? r \ iii ?Will,!, BBRM Dr. W. O. gtan pulpit worh 11 ? .... ' Bf I * i in the in the Cloud." ? - . " ? hun h. BON TO PREACH > A u Wilson. D. 1 . i ? ? ? ? .; ?'!? .mum: ; ? ' .. Ill be o I ' ? lor, M 1> rlmli Mon. Dr v. ? l ? ? B, h. Fain r, ol i fl . ttill :,, ia the fl ? NOV1 u '? A M the N..s.' ' ? t, ss i *,: , P ? Re* 'IV .vi' 1 .; . M nehestcr ss I it tv.. ? ? ? burch ss'ii ?? 1 ? ? The r. :?? ' ,r ii of th*' iii I., hel I at Un t hlldren ss ? ; DR BERVICI s \' c,* nui >Minn li I?r. Il a will ari ; is in tba morn* 'K'' IO i I- ? dom." an.l in tin- ? ? ?h. i Tai . tolli * toi A: th* i lam **ui V" admlnl ti The al the i, i n chane*I. ii ... lt is now 1 o rr. Rei i >r Guthrie ** 111 i" ? ' DR. CALISCH'S SERMON. "lin* I li il W.illv in Oiirk ii. -ss" w aa ll*- Iii. ni. . 1'I'I* Vis Di * Int ? ? H ' : srall bi th* bind af tb* ah .,in, tu toia.iri them Dr, ? Thia ? landed to I rltlque : il i t: ua tb !'" and ii,.- th< i I ? raoatala at rabbinical *rRua*J*ra, tread blindly tba narrow path Of a MU *,ifa-. amii la fran* ayary braa*l*r outin.k i<? i .v..rv ssni..|- view* Or is it tba** ss- . \siMi foot anti si off huv. v ,! ss 'i ? fen fl* :i nd ? Into i hf* "f jr.- itei il ens* jr , ? NO HI Ai TAT iUX I flo not believe tbal an* Mg* have rei* tha hook Intelligent'.* *t: 1 heMtute u* tv the answer. Zillah, the Ignorant mother af ,i blind prodUv, Ba'.rlna Hrl'.i, tho kf.i.t'r of a selfish family's conscience. Rebecca (.rlnwlts. the ra/te'it, tat luisa* and fol**nvUi*t alfa. Eethuiah, deprived I by the wild vision*, of mcsplanle mother . . Hm -?? iv.iik.-i iii Braal aaaeaiae enllghtmenl mlghl orin tba i - ? blind rituall * ? ? rt ha who of thee. ? aver a sr sf Milli'.! aa aa I hui.- Been "ihe pe,.jil.- that I in th" . ?. ? rance la ? m.ti i. ? ? f fal ? ' - light Hilt -lr 'l.t \ . undlrnlnlshl i b-ain WHO ARI ' I TS'!. ? walk In ?! ? S if it flaeant an th in Jud lian th.n thu: In hut it . ? - . rho ari ? il dogi rlne 'hat P ? ? ? aelf-aufflclent P I nf th. I In the d have -i the I thal ? la nat th.- main thing, 1' ' ! . : .;p' 'WINO. ? TT> are bei - lief th. ' I, bul tile Illa!. ? v. hi- h ? I his fellow* - ? duct, ll ' 'lal!. ? ' ? - r - lil ? ? ? ll ? PP'.' I ? ? ? ? : In .Jar:. ' ' ' tl ' I tba ?'? : ? fl an i! ? rilllant ' 4 ,-T..|.aT?<T.aTi "'"'I'Y^I'l". > : Men Prowl :;; A ' B.'f ,ius I ll '.-*a>. ' jj ^? PFAPF c ES W1TH ? g rc nu c. G00D pood jy r > TRY '! l i* Gr*.pc-Nuts. 55 Sold t.v G ' *%, * ? ?..-, a.. *a.?i. A ?.....??*?*->?*-? ??a** Ta MEATFED TO HORSES. ? v ? : .1 th .I ?? ? * to prowl ta ' ' ? ?' ' ti range 1. k - ? N ... -oked; .- t luppllei th. i of i lihmrnt combined wli '? ; **** **'***? Nut, are .old bj ":; 'irst-clas-i gro? cers, .ind made at Bsttl. Crotty Mich., by tha Postum Cereal Co. Ltd. ,__ i IS CATARRH CURABLE 1 Letters From Joe Wheeler, Governors, Senators and Congressmen. PE-RU-NA THE STANDARD CATARRH CURE OF THE WORLD. rrh has .ilr- I dy Ms ms,. ? : \1 ? , v.- lt. [I i i . . Blatter that ll ? >n a a nat lt; Conj*"! ? tbe Im i They i ? hronlc ; : . .* nilly. : rom ni* ii ' 1 ? rii-mi In . United Btati - Beaal >< Sullivan ' D C.: 'I desiri- to s.i* I heit I hiite been takin.i Pa ru-na (or some time for catarrh, .ind ha,*.* found it ,ni e\i client medic ene. ajn" inq me more relief than antlhinq I ha*e ever tvikrn." W, \. Sullivan, I itaa g alor fi fl M nan Sanitarium, ? ? | y. , rs B| . ? thor* l illy n.> in- -li. rh ' 1Iv.ii A T, Q Congressman from ???-: ! D. C., sa "I hasp no** um"'1 one bottle of Pe nina ami aa* a **e!l icm to-da*. I could feel the q,?otl effects o! sour medicine before I used it ,i ssi-i-k, aler sufferinq ttitfi for o*er a tear." V I. doodvttn. ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? th* ?? . ----tl J***?.*h W\ ? th* .-rivalry force, in fri ,, .?; . I te th* (r< * ? .Ma.: ??I ji.i.i ttith loaatafa -iii*.m. toacfe ***** Mcfaan in umat void opinion af gg* ! ru-na. lt is recommentled to be b* those *>ho ho*i-used it as an excellent to ic, an'l pjrtii ulai ls effective as a i ure for" (n-ii. Joe Wheeler. Ita wend I - er ta fl friend of Pe-ru-na* a ? i BB.ld With tl ? ran ba ?? ' vt -!'-via. d has rt ? .Ivi I auch ui I .ul.orv from sn man) .md military m. i Hali P, P fl P ?I IV. ? in, I-'. " I heairtilv i on. ur with Senator Md n-r\, ol rn. State, in recommending Pe rune, lt h<is been romnien'led lo mc bv persons ulio have used it as fl Rsa tonii, and espe cialli good for the too common complaint o? ( atarrh." P. B. S. I'inchbai k. liv ? . ? Pe-rn-na . nay In ll - within ? .-il ll-e Pe-ru-t remedy yet ?. n na. ether " medy thai vv lil, In take the p' . u-na, H rt M c ss kitten* s in ,1 let t t v/r't'ii to Dr. Hartman from ss-.. - ?n .< c i "TIIo-a me to express un qiatitude lo \ou for tho benefit derived Irom >our i rcmi'dics. I hive taken one tioltle of Pe-ru-na and it lias trenelii.'d iniincns -iv a case of ( atarrh ut some months standinq." II. ti. TTorthiuqton, Congres-mi m ff lever form ? -I VI >. Pe-ru-na - ai.irrh pron | I).ai af the United " I lind I'e-ru-na to bean excellent reived, lor lin* caterrfcal affei lions of sprinq .ind summer, and those whs sul'er troin de? pression front the heat ul the summer ml' lind no reined, the equal ot Pe-ru-na." Judson Sf. I ions. ' ? (* .. . papei a ? . Qa. B Myron mm it New Mei mun. from u * "lt the Suqije-1 ?,? ,,.* , ?j | i.ds ad? vised to use IV ru ii.i lin, aller usinq asa battle I bee i.. v \ :, t ter in ever* **.?s. lt braged ,. ,. ;? ,?,,?. respcits. I ssas i Bled with l ol,)-,, couqhs, sore throat, en . I, ,i , , I had take-! | ,.,? tn improve and soon gal ss, li. Ita*.* pies ure in recommenJim, tum ,|(.-,,, remed* to all *vho are allin ted wit* I ll. M. MMord. ii i ? ml ,. ?>? ? arlll ri neill. Il ' ? ? * * * "*illo>. m. . io lo vou fur the v ? s -I frees, aaa bot' tie of I'e ru na. One week ha* ' * onderful i li.iiii|ON .'ml I an 'io.* ? es ever. B**jfdei ?Vest **prinq ton'. I I * .-Iii o'. catarrh rom ? ol toni iallai I | tl _ Cc-iu ii ?.aad .so-i.ll'. ii: io tb ? ?? bus, Ohio. ?? light. ? teat!, rfty I edge ? : - [real F (Sod ' - p hf.- tba ? ? .1 ' ? f.llld. ? il ba still. Wni " u 111. ir md lira VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. T Meet las of the Kxecatlre Coanmlt lee lit lil lanai Multi. . B r ? -. Brock Janies durii a AaBBBg re than forty ? inni.'j fmm Dr. C I ? -. f. B, M., fat which thanl . i .'? .1 farllalt tt ute. lather ol Mi - ss .. - a, waa exhibit*.1 u Mu ll ' ure Bad taste bv Mr TS'. I. | i ld Will Ba munt . . and hunte. Tba corre-p-nrllne secretary reparti-.t that thotieh work on the catalogue of mamtscrlnts had been much Interrupted by the larre of welcome visitors dur ESTABLISHED l'$?5 ? S I IT PAYS TO BUY 0 JOHN ll. ROSE & 1*127 M.mi Mre.i-.t, Stoves, Ranees, I uphjccs, Ij.itroht Crockery Glassware*and lin rs lor all . To the ' ' ! lolls, Ti**. -, and Pani ? I '?>?? Tinning. Plumbing, anil Gas Fittiii''. Repairing * given prompt atti litton. tJOHN H. ROSt, <* tO., 2 E No Branch Store. ?. . JOHN BOWERS, Jr., & I 728 East Main 8treet. PLUMBING,TINNING. AND GAS-FIT' ! COOKING, HEATING STOVES AND MAIll All Work Guaranteed. Your Orders Solii rte ? New Phone. 3i5. WELSBACH LIGHTS. . .- - - -. ? I ' I. ? I I' . ? - be had I. l< Lei ? ? ed: Mt E EJn-rllih I . lira I,, Cartai 1 *?*-..'* rh v u bite, Texas lan ? \ \ i ? '!??/.? r, P ii ll Tr. CRUSHED TO DEATH. I .it.- af ii I.mi.- s?>i, ?r Hr, i D Flanagan, l . nd l lb . i 1 ' : . -ii .it that ; * Th* ll . i fr, la-ht train ? :???*. he fell li lust ibovi almost in-!, .t. ne ia HI fa . 'i h" funer il wai j ? lng mans t toa tim * ? -"inila* Sri,.ml li,Ml ililli'. I -' int.iv a baal baatlt I ?? l#b M i. DuhrtB*;, af iviii.iV'V.iu.,. ut i Rev Ch irl? - Martin Nile*, D D., >.f s'ttg Ung, nv v.. arlil tn.- ln-vi t* I I' M In th* I.'lim. t ated ta I Nvcs *s i ut 8,. Paars ai the morning and ensuing t win alf ? Bundey i St. Paul's at 4 P. M. Dr. Duhrlnf will address th* Bundey si-hooU vvhlch will assemble at Holy Trinity at tl hoar to-day. Comfort for ttl In Beams' Pat Ventili Shoes. V. Ths". Latest Styles. All Leather. $4.00. * 111 ? tea. Come in an I s ??* how t'.i y Sole Agents. W. E. DREW & CO. Main ami ELi*jht-i Streets. 9 Hali S . Slop Thai HEADACHE. HEADACHENE Wiil Do lt. PKIlt al", GI SIS. T. A. MILLER. 519 E. Broad St.