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TAH RESPITED THIRTY DAYS Condemned Norfolk Negro Will Not Hang on Nexj I NEW EVIDENCE IN IHE CASE. 1>, _|i, ,,, , . i a I lin !>--?<? Of I Vf. li? ll,.11 tt iii p- ni"1 Woiahina 1-1 it. ay,? ; iii ail lt -*l lit I |lall> ( .l| liol -. ? - ? ' Mr V - ? ? I I ? B i - thc - OVEH $20,000 l- in itu- lieisiii> nf ihe Monument Ts.u ion. .. j. ? ? : - ? i iry is r: MK. BLAIR'S SUCCESS. p, in? .1 i'li-iii nf Koola de Beans Til- tn Parhv : F.encb STREET RAILWAY FRANCHISE. Sn li ( oiniiiilt. a- lo ll-ii*-' the Set omi .1 ile < 't .1 m.i tn c. . : I ? r- -rut at i.h.I i-lt -i;iis ' ?' I r ? > ? ' ' -.; '; ' ii i la a Pt... Gard ii ? - ? 3 ?? ? ? la tn i i . ... I * X Miner li I b| vi.a Iii it hen-..I j-,.*!. t "h f . ?- pianist lt wn? ?aid of har .>n thal orcBilavn that ihe had a clear, eympai);. tlc .oprano of WonfT-rful rang*., perfectly eulUvated. snd full of The Triumph ol Love is Happy, Fruitful Marriage. Everyman who would know the grand truth, plain facts, thc new discoveries of medical science as applied to married life; who would atone for past errors and avoid future pitfalls, should secure the wonderful little book called "Complete ffiatwhemf and How to Attain Hm" No Honey in Advance. Treatment on Trial and Approval. " Her.- ,ii las! j. ? arrcQ ist WORK WONDERS with thiagi fmen." l book fully < ' ? ? m*'hod by whidi to attain full vi?'? ii bii mrtr. I toei thi v-trm. ? i/ou*me5s,Iackofaalf*control,i ? right* I* ai i ? V.pir.i-nt an*! Uric to t rgan ol lt t> dy. rio barnei I i I ? impossible. Th, | ii< AL AND SCIENTIFIC, lo eui invalu ibk Tl > MEN ' INLY WHOM ! i'll Free Trial Treatment \\.i on'- full ? I po Appli ?' ? "" :iiul approval, ? tl ll '. ? * A ? hohad appl ' ? ? ? .. ??? . i (ell yon A ir i "If you dui -(.oild nol bring su ? : ? , nd the i ..... . ] the i without marl md ei ERIE MBDIi U I Mf/M.vr,,>, N. F., and Mk ?D." ? - ? - I ' ? Ititii :? ? Mr Pillabnrj Laai N I ? ? ? ' I ' . .1 H. Rice, loot J i Tl ttl .io|*. ' rarely mall him a I HARD ON HIM. TOO. .1 i I V I Bing." 11 lb bi on the sra) iv ia i j, (;.. ie, of i them ;n.'! .: ad them >.v er ? UR. BROWN'S ILLNESS. i:, Majjor Pleasant* \ ? ??> ni Dr. i:ii??- Traill i;i,< i<-.i. ASHLAND, VA I A ' I. J | . " P \ V. P an i I .; ? I r | ta ? hav? an.lin. electing senators by people. TT.ii.. i ,,-si aaa] IVIatij in Debate Hu- -.iiiil i' s. .s:. ,, N c . Nev. li. Spaa. a H'uke na'. Tri: Hy loilet-ea will tuite ploa'e TTiursdav eve lae*, 'he JOth of iNovenvtxT, at the A.-i.tli-mv nf M isit;, Jtaluatch, N. C. Butaj.ct. iceaohed. That United States ' I A. P. repri - ? ? rfc to beg t of 1 *i "The alumnae association. t- lor ihe ('.lining Veal We. ted ami Pap. 11 leeleni -i -. I iit i tar of ? ' ' - ; ? ? mp waa . nu -ii" ? ? i i 11 - ? MARSHAL AND UEPU1Y SHOT TT lille Tn.-sim-: .1.11 .lon.-. B M ' (lull -e I TT illi M ntl. i ILLEY, QA., N ll " kl ? : I ' Mr .-.lth a ? two n ' ' i I r CALDWELL'S PLURALITY. ( ha 11""" Dh*, "i' ii"- ii-puPii. rm ( ll mull lia-, l;-llllli?(es M ,,| IttflOO, it 'PIMP' rnitta-e, . - -. fr un, I The i - 00 . .ilel they civ< I In 11 TT ill Re i? TT iiiin (',. mest. There Wile, * ? At . tmong very i -.?. iii h ? ? ... ( iiiiti Hu.neil to Death. PPP\ S VISTA T'\ Nov ll - ? ?? ? ??? Mr ?i ss* trash in her ! this- ri:--? her i ?:??>? mi- burned aa la - ia- ita I Will1. tO ( tia' fltni.-S I ? r it. irned. HU Traaaactlea*. s s . N i ii *-'? ? -tal A lan..- traci I In 1 ? n this ??: P ls, h i* ?ri waa ... p ny t.. i he t lld I i. hiv f.a .-: -.i--i : ... ? iVraMfnj; Garda, pp.vss-ii pk. v \ Sen :\ Worn ui _ tl for Pa* ur ri ixe on ih. 20th, of Mn p ?? . p ss,;- ? ' Capl uri N'orr ? ii in i ic nain tn ( e,?i i. Ol-AI VA V rv, ll -Spee'al. Itohlnann ifiemi :? eec ted In thl? tOnr. roll) eonty by about 2r*0 majority, a big I>?ni'?-ratlc r.tti over limt eleotlon. RohfriBon le for Tyler for VTStao State. ?Senate. NEGRO ARRESTED IN MANCHESTER. He is Thought to Hav-1 Robbed the Post-office. HE STOUTLY DENIES THE CHARGE ll a- I alva n lulu ( ii-*!.nh at Mis Rome, li. nil ..r Urn, Rofaattaoa ll- *. Mr. I'altllt ti. i'd.uh lo? ila* iiiini- \. arc, Ma i* ? k by ' ? I A I ' ? \r>. *i k. ' mil Mis. T. ll. * ' ' I III V - ? I ?MM'.r.i.i. VIOLENT. i.i-.... ? ? ? taken in < hai ? ? ? * ? ? ?? ? ' * ? ? Wort * to-morrow li rock crush* ? ' a . * .-.I :., i Th- ? ? A. HUTZLER'S SONS 315 East Broad Street. We sell to those who buy thc best. We compete with those who buy the lowest. Black Goods Spscials .gg* s 1.11.' rr.. et TS* ?ai .".ll ' .?*'. Bl.irk Silk Barggjng. MU' rsc 811k H ' ""?""? K-lnch ? * i **.*.. moa fi. ?"".*.<? SI .-.1,1 Colored Dress Suiting . : I fhlll ,....g8e. Came] .-Hair ("hi ? tutti 7.'..' | g| ?1.3(1 Ail-M. for s ?.'-..? SOe Colored Silko . Tge .TB* .fl t ? . ".o, .faa Furs! Furs! Bl I'*: pan and I Bargain Prices Prevail . lout "Ur li i ' ? SA I 3.-4'. . r. lg ai I i- i -. Whlto Count! "?" "?'"' md gi. Bl makai* fi*.m. per i ."?'**'. ta gin Old Dom nioti Blanktes, * ' in a Vi' i I*.-! siz- at.. ... nit :t:t ai. aa and at." r.o i ? irnaek Poi tb * : ?"" ?*'?*' and eu ?*"? r.o Bilk Portiere* al *"-<? ?No!tniKhan. I'uri. ?"',,,? ' ? ag .gg.Ro to ai. Tambour and Brui ?-? '"'?? ls r i.atr. ."*-"l I* ?> Carped, Rugs, Oil-Cloths, and Matti!* . H.. market. .??? to *a*Oe. i ?><? . s.-?. .. Velvi i Ha I "*ir ?"' Pnrjar p ittarna at. .?*?. Mattlnn fro.ii. *-"*r yard... ??? lo to r.o.. tha art.Sa S5. ft ? i Ma, ] -ai LU 7"s , ' mi,. Smyrna Mata _?? 7'"' **' Eatra-1 *' "'? '*> *M ?0 ? -ii *, ?. it ,;? ii. - aaa ut reduced r-rir*e. A. HUTZLER'S SONS 315 East Broad Street. waa hui''-.! yesterday afternoon tn M mr*. - Cemetei pi-:::s*?.\ai.s ANH BfUSWsV Mr \\'. P a.. is a|iiite III Bl his h m. D if:..a. of Philadelphia, Mri A .1 I (af fron, Bf Na 1230 Parter BtTSSt, Mts, e |> Ktuinally i- confined to her mt ol Mr Oeo ?:. Banders, of P-i-klnml, ? Ml i. Iw ir.I Stn.lorn, ls Ml : . N ic ?:.-tim, Mr Edward before H p irnlcr, ? ? ; ? . ir ti. it i> ador Hall FYI I ly of tb. ladlee of the Bshv .-???? i- ?. ? a. The en ter! ilnn ' ire the ? the Injunction essi nf i: .1 Pii ; ? rb. ? I .n on the if the ' ' hnth ll ? I I ? ? AT 'l Ul-: CHI ' I I. c. Kh ar. i'-ii al Both Hil I will continua te fill the irrlval of Mi Bi B. *. End , har- li ? ? A M l>. M I I p M .1 ? ?? . Ep? worth ! i o'clock ? arvie s. ? . ? 'lie. Mr. Reginald VV ill. ? ? League tl ?Pl."; it int, the ?? W I i: ? I ll men . Rev, Mr. B. II. Farrer, ol I I P. ? burch. I M in l evening at UOflrardln ie rch. .i r, t. w'.ll il-v. I'ver s?i i ii i Piara u ghi In s . It la s vei . bra ? ? i. The . ? Hi Barba Elected. u:\i\c Ti i\. VA., Nor. II Tha board Lea i lal ! ? JilIK'"* tba ? . coun l in- Dewey. Coining;. ? . ? rial.? foi mai ly of tho I * .rtly. (IPI I I THY. .lottii *?!. Tim lil. m. Mr. John M> J bbl home . -fourth - chll ? .sir. Amrhl I - ? which de\el l .a -,v ne i^t < vv him. ? ral ?iii laka iy trorn Bi M rt h. and th< i nial ? 111 Bi '?' ? : ?ord ss E k Miller. T P. r B ? iitrn lilli.aim.i'.. Dr. I. SS'. William W, B. Weal Mra. Mary I I 'Msw Hoon, Mary E. i ? ? - . M i ri v a as fl " - V :'?/, I v , faithful < r: Ivi l by her htts tbrea ' ot New- v...-k. and Hon ' \\ ! Tr.' Sori ? | i '.' K \ and : | mother, Mi - i i weea ii ? three ll French, ai d Mia. .1 .i, i Tl.'.I P.. B 11, I'. Mr. All r. p p. . -..h. r bi th i Roys] ? and for many years % i . borne, - a i.f his aga ami I: , k for some i igbteri anti tin. I was v- - ? hou**e - The \p ss arahana, Mr. Robina Mr. C. Hanewincfcel, Mr. C. XX. Muli'..-,, Mr. Qt-edy, Mr. J. 0>. McAllater. itk.tiai-il Baehee. Mr. itlcbard Ubi arty nf Com . Irglnl i . . .I;.-.i Friday st the fl I Ila rt Borne, - ea yean. Mi I ? - formei ly re d< d In Lyn< bburg. Tba lui aral took bIbi ? h yea> terday afternoon from tha Boam eh* pel. Ber. Landon R. Mason offlclaUna*. 'J he interin. l.t na. Ul Ji? ll. ... lli.iljfi.ii; Ki;vs\ ii.pi:. VA., Moe. P Special.-, Mi. i .. i , -.'? '1 tin- BaOrBtag lill r an 111 : ese ol tl grip. r .. ll - ll .ii. * -.I tha a- ona time he ,. ra lor bi ra t-.r tim I nd Doaville railroad, sad af? terwards wa, appointed auperiot. ndent of talearaph of tho Seaboard AJr Pine rail? road "nd mave.i ta i;.i-:-!i M. C . which [?'anion he held for Barrera] years, wh.n ? i his health and la an I vv. nt into tba hue! and mercantile busine... II. Brafl roln.l In A'n.tU BOUBtp, where n:u relative, reeiaga, lie had pPXio maur? ine- on hie life in the Royal Arcanum and I'nton Central. III. remain, will be burled with Masonic honor, at Briery churn.) to-morrow morn? ing at u o'clocJa, Thirty-Nine Hundred Physicians Prescribe "Hyomei." THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND DRUGGISTS SELL IT. Over One Million People Use It Daily During the Winter Months. WHY? Because It Is Known to Physicians as the Only Germicide Which Can Be Inhaled, BECAUSE It Is Kr iwu to the Druggists ns the Only Adver? tised Treatment Ever Endorsed by the Medical Profession. THE PEOPLE USE IT. Because They Know It Will Cure Them of Catarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption, or Their Money Will Be Refunded. ?? ?' Ol' ',.,' ? ,., 11. ,' .1. ? ??'? ?:>. SS. ttl r, 9 T, reund-d open tko atattwled .can c rnmend i a-**J v . . round In ' i* aol ?**?_ viont power to v i icllll ol catarrh, -nil , ;,.... ,, ,ra Biol*ture, thu. ena . - to n n bead aii'l thr...i and p*n*ti it* to th* mil '- .r caTS I 'M' NKV.-K mi- MPLlgHBD. aad ? st.,1 ibosred -ha! a- ? ? asa "t rmmas bad been fouad Thia ** ? ' ? ? ? . in pn IOC* I ? ' ??* ry .iii* eat I ? *' ? ' '? .xl*'" ir*. ... .it. - thia i= plain Pint, insist,,.. ? o ?..,- tka br.n .. . i, ntly ',.' treatmenl he*, ato itarrtt In a .esr ita, ?- ?* ???"'? toot ??? f. cannot er, carried In tba pocket di tlaaaa .. g ?mv . ng death to I until a th.- h. .it OT 13 GUARAN -e:d ?ii, ilar Outfit, tl M ? * "H**aaaal, wv*. .*,,,.,.. ?? if your druggist Al* OFFICE OB BY MAU* Bend tor tha gi i ' '""?*?? ' ">' "* nvl" I THE R. T. BOOTH COMPANY, Ithaca. N. Y. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Interest ins FsdB Alwitit RIchBBond'fl Cit I/a'ns anil < U lier Mader*. Mrs. Charles B, B .11 I Pltser at U kiln, for tha fl Xr lohn ". Philipa, of 1 .*.< : at 1202 Park avt hmo. rill leave foi lilli, I '.esl Hie, 0:1 . ? th ind M 1 Kei I 1 ar>- vlaltlng at the Kiecutiie kt Mi,. Kata Canasta, sf Norfolk, win k'Uest cf Ml - I Pollanl. Mr. aial Mi-. Sim Colen 1 rt for ?w Yor'/. ? ? realaa to attend the ll 'IV. Mr :.' .1 Ml Sim c.h.-n leesa for Nsw York tl Boras Sh .vv Mr '? 'i Alesander, sheriff of ii ? ut ih* "ttl.. nt Illa- State , iterdaj rn i i of wes-t is returned fr.un . vi it tu Suffolk. Mr< Thoa, liesa p i bmond, now nf Washington, is the | i Mr,, t "Illirie, I SI Walter T. I'.'iii-. who hag been on i tour In the West, ha. re* I i i.i tba '".tv. Mr^. B. C. Ammoi.**. nf . .1 from a very i 1 i N m Y ric. M;-s Josie Davis, of north - i. tarni -i boan, afb i ?? fnl visit of Bra we.-k.-i to Manda ir. Alei as l \\ . ibiagtoa. V C. There aril] .; Bieeting of the Junior M--inarial A-so.nt iori Tueaday af I St I IP M. in the !>? lek if st. lobs'. ? i. r h. The nalga Y. tv. ?? *p. vj win glvn a reception il tha ri Mrs. Gullett, 3ii routh Ph* UT nlKlif. Nos. nih. r I lt li nt -. I' M Hr. D. W. Blass h 1 to re ? Pu..-street Union on th- Boar i of Managers nf the p. V p p. ,,f n.h naoad and M .inrm-*- th. m.- Tatt i Maye tb. Ai .-rater of Mr i si't m i m i" sad Mi si i m ::: I..- man lad st Orsenwo I chui .. ; liva mw BBfht PAnmet Houston, the ??.!? | ( Mr. .V c. Houston, who wsa operate. 1 on hy ;>r. I^.rrlmt-r James BOBBS time ago, la rapidly Improving. Mi- Boonga Vernon Venable, '? | Dominion Chapter, of Lynchburg, Y.i., ls visiting tht, Misses CortaBC, BU BBSf Marabsll street. Mr. Max Prank, of th.- IP- hm el <>p'i e i! Coinpririy, left ? f fof Nf* York to buy lil- sto'k of Chrlataua Jew? elry. Mr Frank will visit his br.i'her at Hridgeport, Conn., while. all State Senator ll L Mamar-l. ..f Ports month, ls In the citv. He called yester? day morning at the State Ijhrary build? ing. Pas*. L, M. Omer, nf Martinsville, for? merly pastor af the Third Chi i hurt li, will preach to his std tonstreiru tion. now aaaraaTlaa)tBC st Powell - Hail ta-ilay, mornin-- ami night It Charles n Ttunter amt brit-- hava returned to Clifton Korge. Va, after vis. Iting parents at Montro.e. Ttve bride la a relative of Senator Daniel. She waa Miss Josephina Daniel, formerly of HtoaV mond. Mr Ba O. V.Tteeler, of Boston, the brother-in-law of Mr, J. H. Hunto n. of New York, who died at the Old Dominion lloxpital Tueedav. I. in th. tits, malttnfl irv i.laat'.om cr nemtng th. buatne.s af. fair* of th. deceased, but doea not teem able to learn a great deal. Hon. Oreenlee D Letcher, of Lextnh* ten. ?'Ooearaor" Latcber, aa he la kandra. ' I . ? .if Dal ' '"?Ult Mr r Tm r * Kich f H. W. 1 h, la in ' t tha g abai* Pata j. st ??! Hol? li ga, a*. Th* i * from lt : ? ? ? alag Prof. Mitch*. ll in,i ? r ti Mi.- mem ra araaa lati far i tha .'?? ia ** ru Dr mt ilnnw ala, tha .rr ur aaa ttag of thi' VVi ? ? !in?*n al i ?ii a ? '"? k all d ??? ur?.<*<i to be pr ind their | is. M rs. '?' York, si ? I * . ? .?I inf ur nial i Card* ar* aol l of Mr I ? ?? but realdln* In \ BBd Mi-s K. I ..f tliat < Its i hi, h will lie an ? iff ilr, n .^v s ..iini; ? ; Ipi: ?? lli Ki* litii.inffj'ih,. guest* f Mr. No. 9 aortb l-l* Mer, ?* Kaf> al tha ** ?. Itu rs In \.-tv \'..rU, IT TOllK, N' ... M Wa lal itl<-h Blond arr.. .1 Hrvan; ? *i. ll i. Dawcoa; HeaT* ? ? it ii a nu. - . ,ii.. t. a rt** st Den * lera. 1: \\* N ak**; [aaperi il, W. J. Pa I ASST. POSTMASTER ARRESTED, Pl il, I IV, I, ll, -ru Humil, .1 ll, Hus Wilt "linn S I ll Mal*. CAPH CHARLBI VA Mot ll -Sp** gr tv k i* ? m??? ? I *' * a*"1. a . 'V I ?I |*B is ; i>!n* MU* ii | am*,mit of . v'lllllltl! | H* la ? tao iriuu i*arance ut tha ll rf t'ourt la IS v BBS! st*-k. and tia. nol st.* * ait a i i ai**'. M ti ,-. aa. Va . Ih*) **-!?? in >n ? i O, 1 u M I lum ll* ainu. Tha yacht Courier, froaa lk>st>.n arrived .ii al 3:.'".) ofliaS,. On tv uni tt.r.- H K. Keith and family air K< nh ts a tv.'.ilMiy member of Usa theatri? cal profession. Ii time prov** a m. ti r it's gaad n ? I tnairi Bitters has been t. the tnarRv*. h ilf a ca*4i'urr. lVat proves Ita ? lt ts a sur* cur* tar (nat pollen Dvipapii* taTOAS. aad LKer aJd*e>