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WIDE RANGE IN STOCK MARKET feut Mel Omi >'? "' Friction! M.. MONLY DOMINANT INFLUENCE. iHon I;??" ' eoSardajr'a Knoll j* ,,, ,,,,, u.iv i?n<* i-i ii Bejoead ? rjaappl] "i i aitrda i atwasd |*i ii . - i'i \, nu anl. 1 ? i I ,' . . i . I ? which ? ? ; ..1 the I ' ? ? ? ' ? ' qui. k ' I ? which ? - 1 ? - I ' 1 i . \ li - ? - ' - -, ?? ? -? . ... ' I . I IV, . O'j .... a ? I**'. nu . r . ? i. in . . in ? . i** . 77 . . . 7" ' 1 " li : -? ',: 1 : ' ...... - TV*. tl - . . . ' I N i ES. Adam* . Hf ? . . ells-Fargo . A rt i r ? ' ? . ,, Amer'e . America I . Amer Smell - . -ytu, Amer Rme'1 pfd.... *.7'., Am-rlt'in Spirits , martian Spirt's pfd . 17 S??-l Hoop . .-:,;, Bit-el Hoop pfd.... tc;; LARGE DIVIDENDS *nd LOW PREMIUMS HAVE PRODUCED RESULTS FOR POLICT.HOLDERS OF IHE /ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Which Aie Unequalled by Any Other Company in the United States. Paid Policy Holders Since Organization Over $110,000,000. IMIO MSaWaJU (OHM (ll Life. Endowment. Accident and Health Insurance Issued. W, W. HARDWICKE, General Agent, 7 Sorlh linlli Mri'i-t, - - Riihmond, Na. Also ag?nt fur Fire. Emploicrs' Liabilit), Steam Boner, jnd lotnado Insurance. . 47,, . . pfd. . . 1 ls'. An., i. pfd . iv; . HM ; . , . . ll 'j . Ul I SI : . ; i>fit. th . u*% . 18% . !*s . - ? . . 77 . I' ? ?.,1.100 . 28 . ! . 107 . . . 1 ? ? . * . . ??' . .111*4 . -' ... . ll** . i'll . . ? . 7*', . 17 I pfd. in ? ii . . .... WI . 71 ._,. 100 , . lo* . ... .~. ll-1.. L'nlti *i . . ii-*'. . 111 United . I" . . i"1 * . li" . 101 . ... ?. . . . : . )?" . . .. . . . i .HS I . ... ll" i ? * . 11*1*4 ? Int. 1-7 . . Ill . . 1 'l'-a . IM . . ? ' .Jil . 110 . ns . i*"* . 14 * . Pi . . IO .wia .i"" . . ?"? . . . OTU RICTTMON1) r-Tiii-tt M-VI'.KFTT. . Il I'M Aslul ? 7. UV IS" v . I-2S .. . 106 , ... i 110 . 100 N*.iiii ' m '. * I'M" ita ? ii. ? ll*-*-! Ul ? us i i; lou ? 118 * M. ... 1 i-'i-. H 108 . . \ * - H.. : ' '* i'll. i*ir I P- c. 02 R ,ll*jlt< ?AD HT! ..'i. ? V ... ,N..i iii i "a roi iii.. iou I.'." NV WV pfd.100 70*4 71 u . com. 1*00 v t ... i .-. ,...100 ISO I". 1 ll, i.i 1' 7 |. 100 17.*. ? pfd. 100 V7\ ... . R) ' I. IO0 l.V, ... Kl I . i ' ... .'JO 81! Kirai N i .I'"' li*6 \ itlon i .1">| :t:> .23 24*'*, ... ?N ! 1 ..nik of Wi.H?i 117 .Km 280 . .ni,! ins Co .20 io Rich, T and 1 I" p Co i"" 130 .liai 117 n.k Of Va.100 1 .*...' ? lfj&U Nv Dank of Richi ? : . ? :;:?-J I nlon h ,t i< nj v, ?> Virginia Trust Ca.Km 111"*1-. 120 1NH i*OMI'ANIE8. Va Kir,- ama! Marine........ia 40 41V4* Virginia state.?,?? & ?,, MISf "KU. AN'EOHS. Am..-. Tob, < a pfd.'"' u a ? '". -"?" ne UO SS ... -'.. ? i. : I d ll '-'?' . ion ii; \ cai Cl "m. -"in. HW - fd 1 ... 100 DI 100 i-' ? g,,,,' i f" I,.lilli-, m.turing In toa yeora ocpaiN a- sati. ? W III TT . .1 . 7" ,i . 7i> . 71 . ? C< ii..*** .? 11 . 4(1 . i . a . ?'.. . - i . 1 . RTB . . 6 FKANt'T M.MIKKT8 Nor: iv -;."?. V \ , No\ li PEANI TS - < . ? of old PON MARKETS. NEW VoKK. :? i - lg W IS I to S pot n t' v. ri: an additional p ? KW as ,. I.... tit i lin. ne \' r,. had run Ita th* 1 1. ely b ! la. k e-l the ; . ' ' ? the upward tarn ?? ol Ut to IS poll ? midday ll ? ? . r morrow vam Ina 'a the top nott I ? G . ? con * i. *i i . i: I . I - > I NEW ' Ml , \ : .. ? ? . ? 14 IP ll T< IN ? il 2; . ? idling. I. ' :: Ul i,: . I ? ' : ' ' ? NEW FORK PROD NEW '. ? RK, Nov. . M h i ' >i:.\.\ll. \ L . UAR LET. U Tl.T D ill; v. Will. \ ' i liii".I ? ?,? undi i i with whes i ? I t old prices. ? ,1 T I I la nu ? ? POT.! ,1 so ' '.' i V STEAM 'I . Llvi itv ll"ri."t.;.i'l \r Firm. ROSIN Bli Tl'RPl l:i. r. Steady. ?IT ? mtioi wit ti its low. r In .?'mi under I'-ti' Ri lt '<' -'a i ??? ell - I Jori turned - the lo. .; | no .ire to follow up Ihe break Bj midday a onion of thi i -. it-a.,! nut By entto active roverl !>rt?k aaoet of t marked Beady month* B .'?Rio ind * amlnal: No, 7 urrolre \'? t i. i';,.ti ,-.\r.. mild quiet; Cordova! IV Ml?-e. StXl TR -V-iw 1rra*rrs,iHr. buvaTS nnd aeB "tn apart; fnJr roflralnr. n l-l(la*.; rentrlf.i fjil. Ort test. aa4C.; diolaaisca suatf. 3 9-10c. Refined crulcL Carpets1 ant-Jogs. f Variety of i AnPETS Ru;s *- qcrj; ' It's, worth willie to study our V -. exhibit it you're out *-e-*** lecting new floor c Kv aii'l pattern ot ev cry good yvi ai lng carpi i Y n can judge juice reasonableness by .o***? B - A-t* Her tty don't - ... mik,: MAYER & PETTIT. Southern lurnituri* and I arpet Co. 7 and 9 W. Broad. (.ish or Credit. CHICAGO MAiTKKT. 14.?WI rr - inila.,. ti ountrj I ng, un? to *,4c. higher. . ?l weak and li - . 71', ? 9.00 i BS l. ' Upeu V. HEAT- Ni. t ? ... -j . . . " ? . PORK Iii I May .?.( l I- 100 lbs D . . .5.'.*7< SHORT RIBS-lon lb" . I ? ' ?. ? ? ? No. a ? I ? - i * ? r^. ISfJ i. at 114 lr 18.00 ? t ? ir BALI IMORB Market. Nov. lt. ri.'il'i". wm. > ic; ' - . ? I Irm mid ii i . y. iris DB - MARKET. ITORK, ? !..?!? ii-!* ed cou, . banged ll I d ri 11 * ? bul n"t t| ,. gooda ? a. ',l\7"J. Bl I : ' I ? I ta, bul new pill es ami SP NA . AL STORM lt 'lt "lt. lu set ttrm I WILM ' 14.-SPIR r ] al tLSO SAVANNAH, QA S U SPTRIT8 s . I . '? \ B, i". D I M.13; '1. , ? * '-I ai 7"; : white, K l TV. RI T NOV. ll. IBM ! lt \ Ut.. -I JS * II' * ? lil! . t baga d uk. . jiiiNT ii.i.i: TT ' aJUHCT N rv lt. laSS, ???? l*?oaj| ;ioo . el i .nun'n . . ? . ?? C..milton . , ' ' 1 ll"' I, od ? ?. .... 11 " -J ll ta, ., . _ . M '?", asee Common ....... MM 5?0 . fl "<' a 8 ; K.nilz .trtine.l i'tiff U.50 (j Zo ii/ I ,0 7 oo - j 'jo-j m. ll.uu . ion . 12O0 rn . ???? ]*:""''? 1(100 Good . I ??' . MOD-ft :tOtrO 80.00? 4500 71', J*st-7', |.?| .-. lo t m i -i MARINE l.N'l IT-I-IGBNCE. rober 15, \K*.i. a i a. m. . . ?:M I". M. ... .1" V. P. M. I ii.-i li; ., u :? i . -I'- A. M. ts. . Ililli w.n. i . - I'i P. M. INUIT ni*' -I'.HTIMkM' WOV, lt. 1800. ARRIVED Btearasv pocahontas, Oravaa, Norfolk ural J , 'iitrn-handlse and , . i log Co. S*. amer Gulf Str< im Linnell. Phlladel phi.., Ph. merchandise -nd passengers. Line. PORT NEWPORT I*B*JV8. NOV. 14. ISM. AR-RiTT-I). 6chooner John M. aBiev-wu. AJIyu'a Point ft*eh*oner rt M rlajrwool, *aa***t*>a, Hir*. city of Arunta. N"*w Haren. liar*-.- Pttlitait. N.w london. BA1X*SD ?fORT Oaf WKST 1>.I NT. NOV ll. UN AI"'*IVKiV Steamship BosUOtOtO, Mnrptiv. Raltl* moir- i* i engel ? an i general cargo, Ktearsi*h'|. Accon-iaclt, Thompson. Nor* folk , ind | ral i .iruo. : m ' ponl rtr?r landing**, passengers ar.J gen? ni ii rur?ro. 3AILKD V'tPiT BETAMUDA HUXDRBD, NX)V. ll ARRIVED d lum* AGED PENSION FRAUD. Be tau Hunih .-il "liiii l>is< harooil I rom Hu-Norla.IU Navy Yaril. N"i:i"'ii.K, va. Nos-. Ii ? Ipacaal. ,'s'lii!.". 1.1*1 svliit.' wooled ili'srn, ss.i - iii iii.* Ci i Court con* -. ir ted of i pen lion fraud ai !*? tin-. .? jreara In lb* West i? Pen arti t clalmli White ss li*. .? | the ssur a f two 1 the ii * \. leon A Ml ? mj and Nathan I'off of i noss- United Bl .lr. ss .1 pi ' li .1. He broke do* n ? wnp ? day, i ? rig un ?'?'? I ? tell thi n litlla-r ' ?? w . .i -..a nt, n ?? ? -i v. -t , ard be* ,. i ii~,. \ ... rober appropi ? iy 'ni*, m. n nu of whom \i"tk.*i in tli.. depart!! ? I a,-* eml ? A deed of trttst for risa* million dollar* * which coi era th* . i" .mit s w at. t- Woi ha n tb* Cal* I Titi* ki Philadelphia. A. J. Cassett, pn ? thirty Ivania Rall* road who to-d iy li e < 'ompanjr** property bare, thi ii tarn In , The Battleship I Rattle hip k> iii...ic. upon tb* i.i or* ti I! ? day. Adrah *l '' 1 i ? ? oin Ws ihlnaton hip franklin. 11 tn the pro** ?'i.iti r? Sholom ' * A SWINDLER ARRESTED. IL.iss \ .-I li. I*. \ ii-i i n *-f il Kaili omi. ?-in ?'inn Peroy. I.VN"."lilli *?:Q VA ponting ? I ind Dr. 1 ? :: good Obj 9 I Uh.-tu f la I . ell Clrcull * * ??? Ruck* r's . i Paul 1 Rucker waa kll dly in ? * The atati day tv ii . , ii. t Pi *:i this [* went to Id . i il rel urned hun. . DEALT IN DEAD BODIES. IV ll. I Iii.lull-oil Mais I'..-.-ii S. lliui. Oaa*r***a*aa lo Madksat.1 Co1lc>|r*>a, BT. I.Ol'IS Mn. MOT. 'i lined trunka luck ling ii*- *. i ii i ontaln* ? , \\< rt til. ti Hutu t room ;it Lui n B iv li Tborapeon, a brother of Thotnpeon, ssh., aajra h* la city under* ilk' r ot Mi tn phis, Tenn 1.1*-..ti m.- being for Bom ? lira* tbe p illi a hai ? bo * trefle m human bod alni "n ttirounii tiiis city and bara I ly ii Bhlpmeni oi' four bedlaa In trunka ss.i- nedi. ii.i'ii. led to "W n. Hara* ?eta" nt l&eokuk, Iowa, to whom thoee *i to-day wi ri . taken to i Thomi li., aald he I : M n* i *' r Bom* t:in>- h* bad Um h..ii... to h.. ?? out thia perl ol tbe country. HI* method pack lb*** with - * drum*. ?/ii..' lined trunks ai..I ink., tl.. in with bli . i shipped tba tr Hon hy eg) Thompaon is.ii*i he had been paid -.!t tb* '.??I per body, ile said na- Vf, il- H.lin-'- n. >*a ss, I ? :? - Keokuk, is a Bc tlttoua one, bul n ????tio bia in th** truiika ard tba ? thr".1 . tss.. iran .i'i-! .i laos . and ii whit.t ss a .*! Fifi -i;i ti oi*-s they nil di..l of consumption oi ber wasting will'.- ss*.tn , i, ? [Vii" and her h iii bl ?< h Her trout . gold Siled. Ali Ibe bodia* an well pp ii rved. I'liiirfMty Tienatote, Ri*-hm*it:*l sS.tV r ''iirl.--ti.iii. rWk, to J. : a IB* BB Old KOPI Walk road, in nun,' of *?' irs B, Itutfln, ? on southeast ror ? er Ninth and Al la nama of John Mayo, I U> C i' N'k ia, K l-l bat aa ?ear Olia* la nam .? Hirley, I * l u - *>? H Wm. Bill i " '? Cbbell, ,? in th.! valley of B u an Qa u*t*f I . Oecoaiil aad st. Jam ; tm. i...*n uv,!-??-?. bj rad arlfe ta Alie* Q Koon, i*. tatt aa w<al aide n indolph . t from sooth in Btraet, ?* il..url-?*.: 1 - '-xor.. gat tee* to Mary v. Bah oik. M fi al aa "sVashinirtoti, or Oreen atlee!. 79 toot ttoM of James street, $100. Mrs. B. N. to R L. Tallaferro, 30 feet on east r-i'le Wiltshire atr..-. "J*" Bael from north s..t>> Centra at**a**t, M. *r*att***rson ami Caraphell, B'peelal eota* n.I--* to H. L. Cal*****, ll ? >utli side Brookland street. .SO feet east Of Dlnneen street, Dlnnecn * addition, ll"**. Cora I snd Jacob TV Seidel to H. L. Ca*******. 148 acres adjoining; property of V. R. Falrlamb, Woollea Mill lot, Ac, **? t_,_ Excellence! Economy! Enterprise! Maintaining the Highest Qualities, the Foundation of This Business Fabric. For This Week Prices Range Lower and Qualities Higher. In Our Great Cloak and Suit Room thc most up-to-date In the South. Everything Btw. The beal that money can buy in L idles' R ???niv-to-Wcir Garments arc here. Trices will surprise yon tvhefl tom ste the :;ood*',. Note ;i few items of inter est tbt the bal ince ot thia vveck ? ????? Tr>;u? aa ,,!-. e..;*** reidy to weah, equal to cusiom bude, Ladies Tailor-rrlaue Suits iromeh?lf phice ... ? ide of Imported li double* : ? ? ?: le with Ci', mgn a"IU."j?J <'S BALE THIS V. EEK, ONE lil N An Extraordinary $5.00 Jacket Sale. u i: ivi LL PI P ? rms INTI -'"? L.ADI -i "i'll ' "l.t i I li a*"5.?JU (Corni ' C , -, V ?Pe>,5u <- nX ? pott V?*'*)0 - mada Ol I' ? I ? S - a |S san. " *4\") ?*-/*?' DR ED HIGH-GRADE MAN-TAIf/>RKD si ITS In Venetian!, Homespun i lol Bergea, In Black, New Blur. New Brown, Caster, M**ht (J ? xford habit or plaited ba.*k skit ind douMe-breaated silk lined, a. "ni *i?? ?'"l H2 $-7 oC values this areeh for. ?wyo Our Infants* and Children's Department la without a peer ob this, continent to-day. This is not a random asa 1. but nadebecause ire know it tn bc true. We iiivite ia tionofthe many new and excla> ?*ive novelties in Children's L-ang Cloaks, nobby litUeGretchenssnai Reeiers, Thia - ai t wo 1' " 1 1 I ? in all, w.r*!. .ill In -ad '"' Iv DAI $7.50. $5.98. $5, $3.98. $3.50, and $2.98 Kaufmann & Co., 4th and Broad THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Long Session Yesterday Without a Conclusion Being Reached. ADJOURNED TO THIS MORNING. Report ci tbs Stale Female Norna! Clavering i *..,. \ - bbs, ibibavKtad t-> Hu- (?<>. el mn s in;. 111 ,.\ .mil (|n> I'lllllll Ni **,,,!,?-.. I ? folk and v. | al WJ.S Il . : I o'clock A ? ? it the i Kentall ' i ; lust v. Normal . in ile i r* ? . - lice E ? e m**-ie ? - ? iba - a in than Vii IMiM.TND I'-Ht TE ICH1 - i I uppli riii'.ns ii. .-ii abli ? ? nil |,i in llie pub I ii tb. . within ii,- The i .,ai pul " th -i wnrk In Latin, I- '?' s. bi i aar to pedagoi i-t ii i'.- two other cal arith th ? i I *-'???,. . lu languagi in. ijermaii ideal rna'.- ? PATIO 'N'S il R KtV "!' Bid v I i 'r'l.'iiiri ls in re fr.un vartou C the 'in the subject of -h.' | ? ? nilonta ;isi< for Ini ita hv s nf tho . i ? ' *, . * In Apjin Bssttoi eonntg ? ?' ? fi a < ui aral D. ill * l'!.V-. i m. : 'i ha I'- psi tm. it all] .ii Appomattoi '? ml t-> i is lbs matter bel t the county sad bs a-attlcd '>>? tboti lon or adi. Mit. BtOTD U'll-I. ATTKND. ft R. Bo ? ' of tlie ? Drlsr 1.. aliena ' '? " written .i le ter to r, his inn .aottoo. Mr. Boya pointe om ls tba letter boom "f tba af Virginia ba the line af battas waterways and itataa that ho. propose., ta sr.ual by lbs we-ilenier*. pr.ivltle.l tho m.-rnbori of thrir will acrae to beep Vlbjlnia aauiin an spproajrlallsa at tho proper time. The. Attorney-General la preparing; a brief to be flied In the frilled til it.. Circuit Court of Ap;ir,i? Iii tin* cane tt va HiiMint uni Boyatoa ? This ta the ease in Which Mr. Wadley, af TV vt he*, ll'.-, Va, a*aa thurged voltri the eaiL'vaaiacnaat ot certain l*UaT4a si laS * 'I 'I mp. VIRGINIA BEAU BRUMMEL Sinal,,,, a I, .,(,,,, ?.,?,., | I,..,,,,. TiaSBJBJ. lim liway* i'i m.. H. Maa tan - ? ? ? ' ls .t * * :n .ti which iv ?? i foe guide i t tbe i Bun rep . . .m Mas Viomp ar for. < ? . I turu lilm. and ll | knosv , I ; ill t ind got to ba a R? ., ? h. i g - * .11 Vtlvit: * l m a. I an n I bal and i ii v , gaa* . * loiill Jtlv.T. ad .a tba mini I. \ i:.. ri t i. i < "ol. Thompson iii ? f ul,h.*. p and ? ? ii. His han i - ? . ... i ,ss ;. I . t s I . tl ? in th* V, *' ? h. ? aaaa down ok* a *tlel ll ?liully ?r.mi'i m ? .ir na* * ii!, ill he I, td h ? Bal be \ aver I i . ? ? . to thal i .? hw th*. . roiirt4',,rs. gat no malt r vs * ,*?? tm :i*it h.- n?'si*r fir ' 'iiill 1 ars ? ? I . * '? I th* I Ills- ? HOttl s\?nr Into I I kajgw one la died, and i tl l o'ther i?. lt.T Tlu- m-crrl the f .-milly. If lt t ' *! ". an.l [ ) ??Ti Iwaye < .'led I Plk.' ? a. . | out. Ha a ? > hauled ra he wa* still ,ii!>r, .nd al asp "On. r ito ami . i old inc* in ih* -ri.', i aad Invited bira arith rn m iniirti ttut th* lara * ,'ii... !!.,t?,t'",-t:iririine * > I his his* < 'n"oi o\ |cd th* w is' would not i:s.-.t ti... * ? ss i act ihe floor. lt consist- .1 of il i ,-or ? ii hmg min ? wv.ii Usa gwoel ? ,. th* trunk. I s iM In i^s-. Ah SO Vis r, How enfortunate, aaa i half until r get it ti lied, we'll drink to Auld Lang - "Th<* min who tol.| me rh* fnry - , i he eonld not refu... hee*A*a*j th* min ? Vi> enilaiIlarawi, in jTi.niner, of st it*lln*M R* ?!* I I***' wall i -r the ?i after th.* old enan ? *|.'.,1 in tn- <s, r nf li.-n M J. ff T!">mp 4 Coaitoaorota faaaa*. nae* Beevor ot sf j.*.v. wbe leeua I i he ,,..,. ?i f-ir recruit*, white he crag ll th* s . of Missouri '? NV T. B Stop That NEURALGIA HEADACHENE Will Do lt. PBICI 25 QMS. T. A. MILLER, 519 E. Broad St.