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ihe$. THE TIMES COMI'A.N.. TIMK.S l'l ILD1 . TENTH AM' BANK . NU TA. ?JUE PAIL! ? ?'?' l a., on ... ana Mai.. . a nan palo weakly, bul <*) coat ii ?.. when i?a.a monthly, f.y mail :. Inn.,nu, lasi a.eui . a i eai tn) w. ta Mates. nii. . i - per lino. Ca na rates fol sp-"--' I .. h.roo. I order Of registered leter. i u ... - .eui ky - al in. risa of me .? i. lie! I Thone sL>. ... tiiitviiueu COailes tree. THE WEKKL. . ed n. . i m.. ,i i mali .lam, . Aoares. al] . ... ,rrM" Jin. . - All aaaseriatioa by ? yan... w.;, b tba % if you live ..ut of H wh*n your aubecrlptlon ??* can r.n, ni, The TbBsM ls Bls-syi abu fav.jr I; ? j.t. miali . f ttl. Bender. ... . _ All mi taned ' wu *'0 .leittJ ?:?? V1A.S -? 'Ol... -Mus s c bi THI ' I i .a : i ' I-IN l-i I.EN1 WK Tl ON I'fil .?t -, vr\!i ? Na Ti i cr wu R RJ N'C'T T!K lil Tn ' " . M1-S V. )N OF ALI 'M. ' 1 ',- r * ruv: Bru tn rm? I Ml VI li'TT TT POLL BOOKS l f ? ? ? ? Not toa l ' .r * i ' * ? o ? ? l'..ll I. tl Atti HU Mt Ul MOMS ..i mini. \ I I X I I III l| ll I I ? 1 ?'. . ? bal v. a ? i out tl ? ? I Unrl.'i^ ? ? ? Willam ? latin*; . I C&aaatSaBj lh**M* report! - etstui iiiini aa in i till! <?!??? uriii* Bf UtOll TT bile Tin 'I BS> * |ag tlv ll I r Wost VUgiiUo. lt ?** Bm BaUarsi that they ? ' I suss \?v ? ;i<?\*i -* BflOBT TALK. who for Ibeea ? || .1 f< III ll* ? n . ' iii..11 of \\ * I I . b i hi mt pi mm. oi .1 \*.n *. rivi n ' ? ? ? In tho ? tua) be '? . ? ' i. ? -rn i in i;\ i*- .l-l Ul IIiGROw I ll ? ? i ? ? ? ? v ? ? ? ? i . si it l ll i \ KOLI NA'** nisi", \s \ I ".ll B. \\ *? ? - "Do* . s Pi rh ipa in? to nu Whs ? ; (I it be who, In * t-o .h. tnb? w li- ? .; often it be iiiink re is a of the utterly un ? -i . ; ? lit de ?' . thal i" in louth Cai I la rte** . lamor li t-.-vins ? tba! 11" :*.n with tl ? s. r rater '.apoau .!, if ll nelly -.! ;,ll.*K.-il lt \S'Hilil in" l?- ss.'ll '*. di .sv ;. ,..,n . ii is impoe* ! lill ill. li Th'-i'o ,,i. i-ns pe i ontrojUIng pron.i ?..! Mil ll u*.. - rlloW Hal vsiili un increased tlclU tor u'lkc ar. i with "i'i -1 opportunities fdr , .,i i uptlon Ihe .11fTT- um- rn of ohtsinli ! In fie ndmlnia 'i is tba . rf line di illy Ill? ari,1 from tba I i ' Uty for attalnli b. i]1 a*a*satly hsav Adbig to Um Bf the ? i riii n i ropn * ftOr Hie mn, hi, U ? h ld on v In the i . rr-L-l H. F ? ! " " ed to i I Hon ? ? l ? Uruns ? a .- i.-.- I.a ? ? > . * a>r. n, ? ? ? all of ' ? ? . .- ; mp ra by the ? ? - ? ? ? - - ? ? -?I MERN \<>i l - ? - - " fl ; "T\ . A ? I ? iiiii.i I, pre* ? ? a ? * ? net fa ? l in u' ? ? moe! I , \i ' Urning out vei : i ', the I tho i i - Ha ao that it is evident] .; lon, 'I'll.'! ? ? ire bul li mills. v * . ? ' ula In I John ll Pitta, of ? s iii.- band 'os . . ?.. ,i contain) l nlneti en matured it feel. Tin- ihir t-.-nili bowing ' th .rh! .:? .! | 'hird -if the Tin v print! thia l'tm. whirli is oi intel Virgin! RSV. I?r J ll. Ta\a,r. rav-.-ntlv n^rnt of im,.nsts orphans' Home,. r \ v. ho h i- ia, n ?-i.-i tod to ' be ' ' ? mia r.if.'tl-ts' I n;.hans' |! tn tba tit. and eranasoaood Obj .- ? i bia d l>r. Taylor i, BM Bf Hie nosl -.- ils|.-.l minister*. In th. I rt,| hi, a. \ of the - ? .rain,- 'bat the allan- vt that. tastltuUba wdi be **or*ked after In a tn I'lncr Mtlefartory lo Beti i ssiti, it. Tbe bnaaa la i.oss In :l lourl-hinfj . oarii tton end I ir. | gi tba i*i*i-i,.. ts .1 by bl i new Pa ld. Tin* Mornl : lalalgb. ' al. .Illl.l, ga wi li aa Bouth Cai toa Billia Itj ti tis nfl. eni to -pin all me Iv* I ll.ll i inp Of 0 baie*. The nilla ;. I ss nm, mere mina tba aattat, u .-. A Pajrwiow. in*a*wberel , r hs i | 'pose lo in iran] ki * I ? ti h--re ; ill the lea * he'll Kow hi ; tblnkln*, thinkin' * ? P on a I i ? bira till l ' ii Hymn. i ?re, ?ire ' 0 ? - \ Hodel n !'?? I "No my i.... *>i m. ii u. ii indi i to th** 'I 01 * < Iii " \\ iii. i:. moved ? ? \ il, mihi. ? ul. ' ?mr lu him? 'I Pilli al l Ll Of '' ' n ? 1 was . Commit! Wi liingson \ Nrtii ? ?"?hoi "' ?'?'?'i'll. rn* ND I I i Ar* * ? ? i-f ?alajbi ? - ? ? rt arrest. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Hs. Twenty Ycart Proof. rutt'sUver Pills keep thc bow els in natural m ition and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure tor sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con? stipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith. Chflesbui-g. Va. v rites Ii lon't know how I could do without them. I havtl had Liver disea-' fur over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pi!l*s ES i j i a ll ? ?-v? . a . a -..tarsi- a. Fi ?S ?I THE YOUTH'S COMPANION The Fireside Friend lo ItsM I WI Special Subscription Offer for 1900. B3hOS!" who subscribe c* Baal pries of a jrssr*i the nam-* of th. issues of The Companion for i all thu issues for thc 5* weeks of th January t, 1901. Thia offer ind | New ComfjaakM Cslsi souvenir rf the 1 H-AL Joscch Wheeler, al J tribut-; to The Companion a paper entitled. " My Wa?-Hor.,'*s," is but one of more than 200 famous BBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb", (isxvoiur ; THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Icb4 bi yew " . ' and Coi'.ributioas e. FRESH GOSSIP FROM GOTHAM The Horse Show is All the Go in N .v York, ANOTHER BRIGGS CASE ON DECK ll..SS lill.'. Wi.III. Il lilli ll*ll ll. SSI'S. Th,- h..ii-i- i inn pettit limn. lin- I..1-1 -.iron Man, ?NEV ' ? ! li ? ti ? ? ' ? '? \ in v. * pira I*. taNOTHl .: r Arthur <' Me? ad Union v .sith Um '?? ' in*- Pr* bj terian ? i.ikon which vsi.: .'.nillir,' ' ,. | ula",i him to withdraw from Ihe or al i ? . Ulffert atl refuged to ? talton on oertain Chun ii rn, thal hi l ? ' for Pi of the i 'hun h. while a BBeJorlty of ti ill!.I IIlV t' <iiii-'i'. lt i". r ;i Barlee ai Pi this .its- this fail un.i artnter, U at of the discussion of ti '? ' im i tbe rt fen nee to the Qi l DEWEY ANNOYED BT TIIRF1 MEN. aatd his lui .??I by ? . i"'1'"'- ral only on a did tb... lt Of tl .1 ss too cioso atta-ntton ol btpful peraeaie. aaral Ballad t" trawl otily a few 1 <?-.'. ipi*. Tb*y Walled |? tli.? ,n,*: riri. ing In th.' a ft ara fia**, and In tin Ina. fara*, is l***i In iha* M.ii; 1 ?- tb* trot performai thia citj U/lfi h, t ,. norn Ins; they in-' lti'ha-.l i roker. tai tl mlriil i- ? .1 him lo Mr.s. I,. Mra. Ctoamt waa ?* frien.l of her father, Washington M-Lean. Ai tti.> marl.ii- bralga in thi> park th? s sto|?|H*rI and admired thc ...nors while, an.l tin n i-trolllng a Uttla fin I baa. they turned hack. Ag they acre leav- ' ? ? r - ll i ' ' * ' ? BARBARIC JEWELS THE RAGE. T n \ tinii'; Maasive and L'unaual liunable. t '. : I ile. I I ' ? li FRANCES WILLARD'S CAT. Two l hoasand Dollars'Worth of Ula nm(u<;i.ipi!-. Have Hfin Nulli. i ii. a i. ..i tn ai le of bli .. ins own a is. a i!' ii th a lo ? ? ? ?if si ll. - la us . BM ' to tl,- heart ol i I ? f*-***** .Mi.anl v... r- tai however. 1 dh.! pop iltl - /, BS IS ll * of Toota'a Ba. * within the i T.i..isi.. *??.<??? tho beano kitten, iiini there be lived ? 1,..!.( Htim.t.i Thoa sin- taos Tootah in her 1 him !?> tin- pre* ! Vim aa ? in.-nifv.-r i ' ' rates ho H mm.w.n. i- baa 'i*M- rorgottas his ?id Iriamd Of llest jL'oriaur.!. TO this Oar, Rubber N< i .. IT. - JOE BICKERSTAFF. i \ ri Weal Brees. Street, Powstows Branch, istM tesl ti,nu Street. base, !'>'*?. **?<omi il,md wheoh lii)U(|tit, Sold .mil I vi li,in,(td. I Rented. va nT'OT J^Ctfccf Su/flS, MCUTH WASH N Yo'irDei Ot; Ppr.IB T. A. MILLER. 519 E. Ci-jidSU .*?-??? fur Feit ling Else Will Take tiie Place For a Comfortable House Slipper. n ti h. I* B ? T/wrrm) 311 East Broat - it, FOR PURE BREATH, MOUm WASH No. 4. 25 Cents T. A. MILLED SI9 E. Broad St. a--I ; . I ? ? r- ? ' ' ? i ,\II.\MH '"i*i I IM . lil. hm.. , ... Noveasaof 1-th. I 1". Ai.