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* ELECTRIC LINE IN PETERSBURG -Tha Corni Upper Ap pernattoii M ? BUILD A HANDSOME CAR SHED _i,, 4 .,i umcIIl"a*o*ldeforIpandlng *,,,,.* Kl**) 1 ii*.ii*.,uni h.ii ii- in i |ni| I..m nu nts sI I ..-- ,.t i .,>?-. I/A.. IS "J a t ny their "s . ? t - t 1 i I < ? . ? T 1 I A ' _ "'? I j I " I 1 4 - I OYi i > a ol ri ? I to thr W. Il ' ! ? ? ni the 1 < h ? hm. ii, li . i s ? morrow ** ? - ' ?\ li Al.'? * I : ? * > ss ill I..- li I : i ' Mimi ? promt Wa-MI go * ' ? a a Mr. 1 t. noi NEW FEDERAL COURT. Jada*** Waddlll li*4re***eio 111 In New pa i St ts - w ni More \\ .n* i Pt (RT MW B, V \ - i . . it of the ? ! ? ? I ? : Ki ss - i.ii-i * ll a ? ? ? *? ' ? i A FLAT ROCK ON ROSSLYN, Ililli,IMM! Iii, (.<> il lo.ul- in Mix.,,, ill lil <"o|,lll , . I III ' * i Iiik : ? ? nt y I ... . i s . n.*,s. m. ' he r< >' time miga to charter li itb < nd ? to bond tho i ounty In th. Intereet of tx ? mm ii \ i. solution ssh- tinall> ? 'lng ihr e.iiiiiiiiinwi'alih'i, st. ir.mey *o fr'pare a tsond hil for 11 ?"Oft*". (Thia wau ba-*** to baau*a*raKa>*i*o tn*aa?*JL' Mrs. Bradish, of Detroit, Wrote Mrs. Pinkham and Tells the Result. [i.iiTia to mi, nvimu mg, I2.1t | *? Ai.ont two yeera agu I ae-fss te nm rli>-^ 11 snd san.n becsme sltasOSt a wreck. I lust mv aapetite nmi l?*vr;vii to BOSS tl?>h; tt* b ""il "as impovt-risJii'il nij.l I hail I., lt'uva- mir .toro. "? The ilui'tiirs fSVO SSS n little- tonio, but I steadily ki-cw iroree aad ooasulted iiiicitln-r ili.a'tur. He help.-.I inf in m.ri,,. ara] a bal my headacheaooatJaaed, au.i I B*jSgaa t" hsva Dlfhl awosta sod my rest,. is sod tnrb dthat I wonld havs hj Btaria and wonld cry Hod wurry over bnslnosa mst tara ami my poor health. ' Fin,-*,i!\ hnabaad took bm Booth, but, vrlth tro bel el rsa a yest* a,-"; noone can over haem witat a winter of misery 1 apeak Would bloat after snd vraa tronhled erith p Hon of heart mul ivhitea ll. by hsppy ehsnee of yoor medicine, I ?'. ?? \ ,.nr advice, ninl ! ' I the I | a I I".i. ? -'table ? omponnd, the b* - teri, im u ly I' ami l ale pl soundly. "I used seven or eight bottles with Buen !? I am a** healthy nu I eaa 'var remember <>t being I |0 sa.nnd your prsises " !,. M ilHAlllbll. 179 DIX AVF... Di i :. .ri. Mn ?. lira Pinkham'a advtoe .- al the free diapoael ,,f avery hiIinir woman who p ll. . >s v [jj -ni, Mass. Bvsry esoo la asorodly i infldssUaL - . h. ' lg the ? ? official ? Book - IV'.! Ul "1 ? W i ? Smallpox in Mn lili'iil-ni | BOYDTON VA ? I I .... ?ra-r.'. 1 Atkins ? I in the taper* '" \,, i.l.-iitiiii. Kilted Hlrnoolf, ,-1-1 pi Pl i: VA., h I.?8 Mr TVi ' ;-'i"'1 B and in" ! '?"' Kl' ?'" .nd in* killed by ' Mr Taylor i - ? ntcrcl M MISSING MRS. TAYLOR. laren Her Mimi Over Ibo Bani it If* il Doctrine, N I ITV i 'ASTLE, VA., 1 haa Bpi i lo N< fl her well i ll Was lally ? i In liter. . a The reporl From Ron -, ? ti W, V t . r hint a ? re has ? n denied, . ?;? lad) P. Tay? lor, nf h ol be. i ii |n h, r cfT..i; to lill nd a a . enthusiast B ? c bul B \ M Tay loi ? nun lt She had ? with him I i di rom iii 1 m, the IB thi affair and hi ? i I ' ; ie Who ? me hero o' ' ila, lill . t-iif her hui ll to Icnvc herc, the I ? li -,o boai ? ? w V i lt tha - Her I . ? d ? ?'. ? i: r i m a TT HI I <>TT T I I Til I V ls |l (it s :;:>? ol Ihe .-vii of '' I Ihe iklll "f - i ? .- pi --mi treatmi nt ?f Dr. Orooi ' Iroona i ind tha . . tatton ? - belni - - ? bal --'hi rs lava failed li, , uri' lils .atti. ? I Bf, ul; *.")? ? N. rt York ruy. and bl m is ? i ga i a- eoneultatton snd iSvk i ? onv iiienl lo rall STil* lo lroane a letter soseribina roar agaa** oms and >ou arlu receive a prompt and lavUstaotory e*BBjBb K> t UAW CONVICTS INNORTHCAROL1NA Mu riler in the Second Decree in the * Bink (fy Cate TWO DEFENDANTS SENTENCED. Ono Qom Toe BfetJl ami linc liar Six 1 a ai - Other i ri in inan Britte . ?? i lo (lu- I'.-1 > l,. - ii, ia, \ I i .nisi, r ol ai l',.|,iil;.l I', i.ii lari'. \\ INS TON, X ' ? - ? ? ? ' ? ?-'I* .? BE'S BLA1 l Bun ? ? ' .1 * ? ? i . , -. i ? ? Judge *.a four s. ? mitt..I hla guilt ss ? ? .IihIl* .. ? ? ? ? ? APPOIiV > ? ? :? *1 I. ? lill** i' is ii ra* fixed al liv., tl. lull ' ? tl 1 ' I ? lina M, E ? REDUCED INSURANCE. North Carolina Lawa i. ml lo Dei towoi i i,i- Rink, .ICU. V <" . Nos. ll , . * . Nm t li ? ?. i. Tb* i l . l %. . ? a :.i . Twenl r-five to thli I oae* ? '? , .. llttS. Atti. -are 4."*) : r v.-. n under Ire itmeqt th.-r.* be* ? line ' property ri ? own.?*] iv tin* . olored taa i*. ary line *xbl> ld ? \\ ashing ton for i o!J ator ige lui i ?? i ?ion ? . ? Tin- . iu ry aa re* - her 1*1 I *A ? meer ar* THE YIELD OF COTTON. ?*.i ni i?i ii iiin of Depart of Airactal 11,11- Ill-JMII t-. IINGTON, N'is. il ?ut" in ? . . t th u til' preUrainai ? rn tv- cott.. ii tim.'* h is iii: ti rj ?'*.! i.i ba roi ii* . .* .in,* i.i *VI is . there* t**i.'. t.' ,.? crop of 1 i-t s- ir Waa ll the ? and almost nil *i to Inatltul v ju i ? ? ? ear la found t" has** been .lui that fur ll.. ; . i :? to D* ? - with a probability ? Lg* to 1 i a rather The ? one of tb* ? many ,* . rap .it a max.tullin of 1,101 I -siamI.* ample aUowai i...-n m.i.i.- r..r anj tcaoV *aey le t ike a f the alta 1.100, tha ? nt iiioni.-iit a crop of Ip- ; Hun 1.000,080 Th. report lui thor 11 "In ' Moa export ti tho ll .ti-tl. lan tin pre, trail *j af tb* Pt - *Bxpo sitlon, iin*l 1 that coi ad bin * i.iitii.nai facilitlee ? m.ii condltloa nf the country that has ii in cap 11 its- is ., s <*f thc most unl'as'ar ? AMUSEMENTS. ?I lie Liar-" I'liivi-il a Most flajragajMalatl t oiiH'ils ul thc A.minn,. \,...leins - * Til.- Uara." Ttataaaa .d n.xVi. Itiiou- High Cia * a * A brilliant ? 1 u-|s ? Klnner ami li- ? .ny of pl y.rn at I -ii""- ?*: M ? 1,ht .1 Henry J! V th 1 v. bandied In th* noel approved style by latia >, tn. i? the play. Bul a.. 11 h * been universally cooee**! that ail la fair la I.s. SAt afar, thc little prcvari 4 attona that enter Info tb* Ba**tl*B or the 11 av an ? I 'I'!''* i- specially true ? ii.v' io ihe present ptaj la waael Mr. Skinner lu ajjr* -and the deJIerht 1_ manlier lu ?ft'l'iwh the uus art told ia r-'.iiiv pm um enough for all those eugngi-ii in un- | i.i ai,-, earl*. ? Lave" js ihe ka--, note nf i ?' I v th it ls In*." i itrnrtghl .. . I tl .. , ai rei thi .r ar de* ? ? ? ? ? ? The ? im i .-? pia) ? ta the ? ? ? ?ll W ll ll i public He ? i ? M ? Rich* ' ? I ? I Ml ? ?i ?-" will ? RAILROADMEN FEAST. Mi J, 8, Willum- I ni- i (nins Cnn -> Iv int.i (ifli, i il ** ka. I rn n n/llll , ' nie li ( I ? - ? ? lr tour ? Theil Pl t A. J. Ca : v J ' ? i: i: i l: Hutch* ?I Pre lr De Roi I -' Qa Inei I ll an. Urilla ' l Wi MR. SKINNER SPEAKS. lill' I'opill ll Ttl"! I .a.. ll la T'lill.s^ Ills T|||l||. Il 1 . ' ? ' thal M ??? sr I ed hi .. a oj the I. ' Nanette Co . rex] ll ? - ?? said, he had look. The L ? " He | ? I tO t Mile -,, this Pity In the future . nd BaDOtal EC ""*. Th. following ? 'he Social and Pi; ion ,i Column of the Wa ? i croat to a number of RI. liri . . ld B ? were married In fa., two 1 .!!!.- j I I ? .' ii er si tba M ?; nor a nd Mi - Mr ,?: i olmatead wUI orri, ?? hr Washington i ? i sad hsv. tba Shore! \ r. ? WI '?'???- ff -,,-nh.? .-smith, . fax county, Ta. to Mr BltOfl ft ('lair ii.i.i.s. ol Wea Voik which aili take plat a ..' r be I "hui i h -' tin Bishop Randolph, ol Virgil la ofB. B behool man, and Ml I , lao. Bmlth m ?.-1 ..: honor. Mis i ? f Cl oter an Ki Ml M ll ? BUtlful ? "ri ? .uni aili ho a valuable - ? ? i city, Mrs. h. h. vTstta oi Staunton, and Mrs .1 M. Bpitli r ... ar. g lira Herofi rd aad tamil) T- nth s'l- Bl noni i T. .ultim . ' Mralu inc. In the Bl Dr. \i rayloi :,ir meeting of the Bb hmond a ademy ol Mi dlcine and I last avon* ll ll!. i ? .i Rj , i IVllllami A*my. Dr V* m i" Mi Inter eating psp. r sn I - ti foi rn il i: lt waa dls* ' M Dr Hugh M I i read i i" -. Mi batu arni Nil Dr m uk Bf. v resorted ss e.-tlns SSSa Masting I'.-ipiini'il. The '? mmlttee ,,:' tba Civic Ca i to ba i e itponed until bosI s ,! Bs, u >?? t, ba ? Mr. Minim Hare*, Mr .i i:,iw ir,; .1, i rmer clerb si tba Je? an bte aray to 1 | . i-i i., ?Mon. I , ,ni ? ( .univ. t.i rat, v.\. .*. i* tko ... ! sa Boar Hiiw-. \ Hie, thli ? ?"ni' i r.a., destroyed bj lira '' mae of lire un? known. Mr. Bonn U 1 *-fe wer.- LWSJ fra.m home at the time, lavina* tera . h!l iii.-n and -i hired .-' on Um prem***'. Th,-!- hu. ..-.-.'. i retting only a few rance, $io> on Ihe bulldli i I ? ontenta, _ Colds S, Chest When your cold has settled down deep in your chest, cough svrups will not relieve you. The system must be given btrength and force to throw off thc disease. docs just this. It enables you to conquer thc inflam? mation. The lungs soon heal, and all danger is passed. Do not let the disease become chronic because of neglect. ssmr mmU^t\mtAnnnjAt\ \ SCOT?*'t#Mt\*to*^t*?***S CRAZED BY FEVER IN MANCHESTER John Bunyan Dunnavant Insane on the Street. SUPPOSED ROBBERS ARRESTED Two (ol.neil Harli Sii|Mio*.cil l" Hare Hmm inii>i.?.*??*?? '" ""' ,:""' ?*?* -si.-alniH- I'M" W.ililinlis. Not C?. .m .. i, Bun m. Blchmond Tlaaae, - Vs- tin' po ? ?it baa been conflned to w. p ? an. re, luffertai il trouble, i >-t nlgbl he be* .? , i i,,to tba I returned t*. bia bon ? *bl* ? .r tin' night, A ? * in m. t ind 1 ' .'.vu, tba to havi ited in th< * Bmitb on tbe Kinta i \t int time wh ti ? aught thej bad on Hi. ir i i TWO WVDDlliOt ?ni rriuc- oi "' "l Mr. Jack Hubao I f thia ; Tl ? .'? l * Mr Nora.1 Ball B he-rand, wIM to w j bingi m for i h h Mi ? I * WORK miiv; ersii i.l>. *?*! twa . ti... 1, .. n to puah their ? ? ?ih.'r founda if thc '-? continu ito weeba tbe ? ir t he ? .-' t; . .:,??-.. ... ,| t ? I .nt DUI 1. .-'joni ri. ' ' . TIIIKI* iv\i*;ht .;*"".] w..rk waa do a Monday by tha ... stolen iptain Up? ai 'unii and bj I o'cli .s thal nlgbl M gi* Bi ? Um eagre ited ?; 1ml the bars 'm.. aron * i. ? *i *n- thief, hav ag been ap **n Mallar ? by Officer Wright .,t tin ??merry-go I i .ss I*.,!.;?? ? , 'ss', other nr-sro ? ? ii.!.' Thej ii:, hraond fora tl : ? ? i- i ss tinned ? it |n. I",n ,ii t ? rad tra* down \ a*ti t.i.iv month *t lei MUS CAI I '-TH ? Mra iv i. Capron ?**** I hi r h*.m.- on fifth b ? ? is a raerabi r of tba fifth ' I t*..*K pl a* a * "''un .it burial in Maui (' ? l*i;i;s< MALI AND BRIa*aYl Mr. '"hail? ***** , k- r his oftli.- o' nee*. ... Hancock who waa ri* ' iic| Mon? day ls better and will i ? pen his court to ? B in, was in Main bl I ? I Lotta Wella, who iii- been flatt* tng Mra w. i.. Moody, bsa reta ber bora* la Petersburg. Mr R I, *f I' ***** I. '.! ?Mra. Kihi Pooi ..-'I Htta *i lugbter, wh* og Mi P Mr.. W ii. ci i". m Hull ' ''. har* ? their horn.* tn Bra*pOI*U. Mr. i". b. Andereon lefl Tut - ltd! .1 tr.ja In lb* s'Hilh. Th., of tba several M church** or lite elty lefl s irg to if' od thar annual con* \ . ? ??? ? ? ni lim in sss utaboro Moiton**1 night when nVs attti r I , ? .'.i their in* -i latin with n The young people preeenl wera rory Boen pleeaed. v' ? ic I* IC refreahmenta sst-.. Barr* '. \ i alt ii *ur tb* many guceta wend* '?'1 their way hone", BBjOOh pl*aa*d with the tinip they had Mr* Martha Chaadler. of ri, i,mond, is ? i w**h with th,* fimlly of Mr H II Morri tl Ia *orn. Mr ll. KV ttth% who had the I l-r.'.ik his Lg a few w< '?? is nini'ti linpr ?'. . 'I a. il ss ,i -; il,! ? i'i' for a short ss Mr Claren ? Woelfork, win. aaa nt th. ?' i I'.minion Hospitil In KV hm.,* I un dat treatment for BreeaU, I it re tajrarai tn hts h *m? on Clopton Mreet a ******* ago, has suffered a relai,-, ami is now quite III. Mil. Mir. '",..,,.|h ./one,; has ri : lineal M h**r home In ("rna,. r\ty after vlaltlng Mr. IV K. I> is ls on *?">;? .-nth st* Judge Ham., k will oti*n i'In ult ''our! in Maaehaeter thi., morning. He w v ilao render hi. decision In the Im Injunction < a*e of the Itichiuoud, Peters luirg and < "arollna raiii.. ld A PRETTY WEDDING. >Ii.*i Manie Hi/. Inion-Ail Mr. fl. C. Sunlit Inuni s. .mi Baptkat churrii w a- reeterdaj evening Ibe bcum *af one of tba prettiest nam iian. i of ti..- asea 'll Tba' happy coupl* were Mi-s m.. i. li .Ui ligrOV* and Mr, Cl.b.rt r Hillllh. The marriage .eremoi.y wa- cottdUCtCd by R*t J u Ovaltaey, after wMeb Dr John Pollard led In prayer, Mr, i: i'oi.was Vaiiiiitiv- ii.i-.t a-* t>.sit nun MI..-1 Alma K. ilaxelgrovc the pretty ?i-ter of the bride, wa* maid of honor. Ttie *ab*rs ?d* Messrs i? IV lluzi-l ?ra -. OHM Haselgrove, Charl** i: Marra, Wll.-on U Brown. J. WV Camack, and O. T. Lumpkln. The bride was attired tn a navy blue tailor-made. suit. Her maid af honor wore white taffeta silk, with real luce trim? mings and diamond.. Tm- i hun I, waa beautifully decorated s?lth growing plant., th. .-hum-el being one large bank of palms studded here und there with pretty lamps. The tloor was covered with white crash, making the siceiie one long to be remembereil by ihe .it *' *l -nee. On Monday evening the ti> ide-i |.*. i ten? dered a handsome reception to the ushers. Tba extreme ?Mpularlty ot the Cflu.ple.__ ESTABLISHbD 1865 LSTABLISHLD 1808 IT PAYS TO BUY OF-" JOHN H. ROSE & GO. 1427 Baal Ma.n Street, Stoves. Ranees, lupn-jces, bdtrobes, (crockery Gl-dsswdrc, etnd Tinware*. Stove Re -ral] Stoves. To the M rchaol Ouf im<* of Doll-, Toys, and Fane) Goods ie Wc solicit your orders for Tinning, Plumbing, and Gas Fitting. Repainn'j ia all its*, ..-ivett protapt attention. JOHN H. ROSt Si? CO., ISLa^ No Branch Storr. t.,.. . ?\ I JOHN BOWERS, Jr., & CO. 728 East Main Street. PLUMBING, TINNING, AND GAS-FITTING, COOKING, HEATING STOVES AND MANTELS. ? All Work Guaranteed. Your Orders Solicited. New Phone. 315. ????-?. WELSBACH LIGhTS. . Git! Phone. 181. A CASE OF GRIP, ? a ?Ini.iili B ' OWENS ci MINOR DRUG CO,. Opposite P. 0., Richmond, Va. many ! 'J. Mi- and Mi Brail h '? fl on tha i SP M. train Io A YOUNG BRIDE Preslj TV- ddine si Greenwood Other Hallinans Tlr. | , tri M .1.uni! B ' at ttl.- boro) of tin- Ililli.' ? ll twiss Lc ? *-. Tha* : " | ion a' ?: ? Ma.ri -I | E. H The bride gown tell ri | for ni! ? ? return they will real M a) ai Ki'-join art* popular Tla-nnv -Tan**" h. ' il . i ? i Tbs bride r. .- ri of honor, M M * B Thai* ton. i I a- t in illili willi b ' Ml I ' Bani ? e- psi cord rr .| a ' ? it honor i In nhl'. , black Tl -? '?! si. popular ind attn aa and la ma h fia ? mem? ber or r. tv I'oupiv left I WEDDINGS TO-DAY. A Nassbav nf Brilliant Bnclet] Kvente in Tilka- Plane, Th.-!.' aritl h. fi r who aro io I ? I Mi-- annie m>Quire, -ir I . Clay. Mlaa L . //roi. .i;..l Mr V M A Pat:i. I bfr W ii . Mr, a n ? ? H. B Kin.nert. THEA. P.V. A. laasklas tolJbs ll*Inter'sWorb Wotmot Oat. ' A meaMlriir Bf tba \ I' I A B I fi yastardfl of ti.-* */b*s*b*ia h. y Mii loses i Brysi i re ld( ni o' I I over the n Laahtfoot, Bi il : M Kata M Boa Pl IB! tOQjItaaj to Ilia s int- rta! SSS! Ufa ..ll a. ' I lu and the ? la tloi . wj. h.-l.i. Tb. i? ."-ii -< .i .'i .a the (Taniisl'. .''.linn.ii a Riled. Kalaboa! Pase-, The attendsn. ?? i is' niajbi al th. .it tlit? Bee-imi nt il Armory aaa . !-iin a ilia- opening ? lot |? i. i pie ih-ihk lui ii.'ti .. ? The aShs-S ilk in willah tha- . raf couples took part, aaa i areal iu< ott. The followlni gentlemen o >--.t ia ) unes ti i 'l-l i.i'hi. w ?? d H A Lava ,:.,,! Ho awarded to J"i.n Qoodman and Ma. rar. tlr.t prU.-. SS and . . CThartaa Haden and llaz. I Bowles, leooad pru.-, |.'5 ant! cake. To-day at :t::wi P. M there win ha i inhv show, and th..- fol low! nu well-known nm ileni.n will ba Hw JudaTee: John A. ninia, john TV. Kii'har.iaon. *>.im Stern, Juatlce (.'rutchtleld. P P Winston, TV. ll. Th.wnp eon. Two beautiful silver cunt, donated iv is* ju ateiiuu*, viii na stvss aa pru-*, ? The Latest Hefurns ?-Jw, Show s thal our 11-,. *ni ? ;?. t; I tin" publii i'ii a vine* i !,.-i. is nu ? I in stylo ind ipi.illly in our | Iib nd $20 Suil i, Ovi rcoati, t Iii ii iw I .1 nd nobl I < st on t na ni r's.;, i ii ? tur n, ni-. , invil ;iiiil all to ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inipet t mir : , ; | ,, ( .)? -/OUfeM i ? B. lire. Hil & II, 830 E. Ma n St. Opposite Chambrr of Commerce. Tender Foot. Nol tha *valking ar -t>nal of tha wiltl ami woolly wi si, hut a Ladies' Shoe mada up ? r\ cart** fully, very nicely, > with - < i \ pliant ?solas, in light* me? dium a n tl heavy weights, ju-I ni.uh* for tender .?'? I. J. A. GR1GG SHOE CO., 121 E Broad Street. S C WEISlG H Sec asd Treal I ott wee* .six ami , * ? ?alli Us \ I. fis I iniiii.-.1 ll * 'lllaOW I -ven md ti i.i to be lak.Mi hom* in * i'i M li ? < s nu ni aaa caused un.*i* di: vi us. IIKAM.CV I. ..I i) al* lat* f-i.lence. T"i i? rth T el. ?' 1 -il IV M Novembei vi;ai i.i:.. ta ibe n*fty Meara! >< ,i r his nate. Al li - reallies! ihe funer.U **< rv h.-** Will takf plac* .1' Ihe tis iii h., >s i i VlCK-iAV. .v vemtwr I. . I. I' M. No Iii* .s * i ?"altimore, rhl".i.Mr'iU and AUeghattl Uj t*C isi-iW Saut:ii *>.?.?*-*? Wt-JU**_ r