Newspaper Page Text
THE TEAR AT THE PENITENTIARY Statistics and Recommendations of Superinte-.i'nt's Report. APPARENT PROFIT OF $56,000. fratde I t In -'.iti-iii al 'laities lim |;,-|.,,,i I- I'..inn Of li.tcirslinx I , .,i,i, - ... Ilii iilliliii'lula!.'HUN, \, , I I *l I I ll Il.N.lll. ? of thc i ? a l V of the ? I ? gbi in? to me i lon that : *?? ? li the ' th 1 ns health ? I .i.s. ??? ? t thi ? ? ? raith 0f ...... ' t put I ? . I i ? law should ? ? ?? in tbe -. Saturday, lt so of tel ?? ? ? ? ? ? . ? lt when - ? ??tallied te those . 'in ly lab ami in * ? ? ? "i illy, .: m HI : * idlng V'v'.l ,*i .. . 47:* .'<! . Itt . I t of the ix VIS. i ? rc, | | . i ? . * Bal -v ; rod-ace. .tock, . 24.2? ?3 H<*. isthte. building***, farm, tele . "fTo.rjz to Ja Ire Jt-. ry I* credit ol penlian THE MASSEY SYSTEM OF Corner Main and Seventh Streets, Richmond, Va. Brandi Colleges in five Southern cities, I'M' ti al Business Betels lor Ladies snd Gentlemen with aeeeiona day and night. SatUfJacti-ou guarsnteed. Money refunded upon eompletion ol coorseif thc student is not thoroughly satisfied. Shorthand a specialty Situations secured for Rraduotes. Write, cati, or telepkone for catalogue. Pernin and Pitmanic Shorthand Uttght All Cominercial and many Eng? lish Branches. Students taught by means of actual business transactions conducted by and among the pupils ol the -ix Massey Colleges._ Bary fund. Tt,y*SB| .% ? ii tBILil H's. Oomnionweelth >.f Vlrs-uns..r - 3 I fl la .a li- il at . ' 1 . '? ? vin.--' .Ni;!.-' ii \: ? r 1, * i' "; Re. - i--' '1 non. nv( rw-rk during ' .tr .MKNTS Tali f ? met! (fruit chitin* ? ir.1 Paid prison, rs at discharge ? furii. )?'.-. i" Tin- ? I - ..;.H i per year, | - ? W W, r\i'.\i LOST HEAVILY. Th" farm thia ? ually h.ol ? lally for low ? either I k Then the lc, i nflrn : the i irrn tiona i, as follows: ?n for the year.. gi Ml Tl .. * Auditor during tl S ?. during- th-- flame lime : ? numb- r the ai ; ? ?nu \ aried, ir ? ? go-*!, i 6.04 ? women ? - to Iii;- ? tl. i ? i during the lng t ? : during th-> . The at 1 ? OTHER BTAT1STI - N ' 'arollnlana, twei ? f their Ity. The ? rim. it.-i Ab ? terlng irglary, 18; ?, with Ini forgery. 1 (petit dlcloui The The ri. total i ? Iowa: I bookke. i harben ? -i m. 1: ? I ? --? .-.?- i 11 I edi - I" ||| --anted tn JJ whl'e ? ' i la ? ? life iSSHjB. \JthtM JITTERS if time provea I ii I ii In,. It'a ? nd Hos? ea ..-ti Bltti OB til" iriitrktl half a osatnry, iii.t j ron r worth it la ., kine .are [ag ('cr. vt (patton 0> spepvie and Liver snd kidney I roubles. INGALLS' ROADS ARE TO BE AS ONE Consolidation of Chesapeake and Ohio and Big Four. C. AND 0. DOMINANT FACTOR. Meeting of Ni j; f\mt inni tun* Held in Nrw I'ork 1 rsl. nias I 'Iii- Ilise in i ,a ii;iii rtatee Otber Rail rna.I Nowa .Notes. ruing tha ? oming i Ohio and n." iuk i ? ? I ? ??. ? Jnto effect i wi "is. an i ' ... A | - ' alni tl ' thal tv . , ike and will b. that -aili t kable ? ? ? ? i nm ? ? ? i ? . ?? I to ? of the P the two WI., ii ... . ? ? . to any ? Kingly, ? ? i bul to t looking ll ? * make . ? -. ? ? ? lei on the ? . in. 'dentally ? that itnc of the Of the liar. ? ' iii- country I* noa ? ii', i til I' SS lil Ii,, cl i .. to take ac* H<*ii lui I r a'Ulle lilli ber Of th* li . . .il a.' a in i/-iit rate* confen HS.!'.' Into ? I in Ile- ral. l , bav* bet . .a i In* 101 Tin.:.:. ROAM , .of an Isa* : ? ; a pi ni numil I :' I ari . Urra, ?Marat I ... rd Air ad ... ? unship Old 1 'Ollll!. ,io me i to tba na* s .ii (oil* III ".ablcs and o . . Inlmura ? ? i - .. i. it i- iiii aa effort ht to be nada to hav* thia a4vaa~tc*d to Kia ,'. of ss .ii. r i- io be di ed tiioi I an < "foti, l* to I ? .:ioii on lin- part * i tv, . , impai i* - lo malni . ia.< i und liv* np to Ha tai RAIUIOAO NOTatB, li i i thal there are on !l:e terminal tia. ks at Chicago more than ia. M fri:? kt cara I to the North* ss. -lem lin.- tint cu.ic! be uni...aal".I. owing to th* congestird tr.utic aa UM At ai . of Clayteta, 111., lt ss ,4- i.i. mlii 1 ... l;!s e ... bonus el v" lainaan n.l!va ot right .-t a '? - .IV. ???nt ground for a *.i*pot liles to the propoaed Quincy and , Eastern Jlullroad. On November 21st officials of the Big | Four, tiie Vandalia mid th* Louisville, j '?'viiti.-silla and St. Louis will meet at, I East st. Louis to arrange for the | i.ii -,- Bf Impi iv. in it cltj by ih- Railroad I 'omml bnprovementa when completed will i. a j.. Rsti ? ? 'ii- phlllpnbM ? and all othi r ea will in- Incl astnshlp eompsnl I mon tiian ti D ta*.-* now ?? ielva ol th- through rat. ?? mode i>v Bm railroad* T'j ' onsbter l er, tb ral pas Benger agents of the trane-Contlnental : Will rn- -?! ii- Bl TV. .1 it Bl Pi t tbs rall lo reduce Ita i itea, tba . , a in. ii they eds meal the impanlei f. r RsUrosd and . teamshlp i expect I' ere s iii be many peas. I be 1 th. : .? i - . nd. i. THK 1 .-. P ROAD. The il the stock' ol the Parmvllle and Powl i win be h. M to ? eon i'i ! ? iii- comp ta iir'' and ii-" - ii. s. uti i at "ii- ? ? Ria btnond of the ii, ? lt; from Cl 1*. TV ? -. VT Va., Wp. r ? I ? ' i ' inlo r ar. o' the mond, I ? I hi for s I is, CHI ? i BT PEN" Tr is understood that the Pennsylvania ? ? for bl to lb tt territoi r. Il I Ivanl ? ? I - ? - h of the Hon I ''? tiny. i . . I \\. nick the r - ' in il: Wi, do; ' ' And ha. ? 1 HORRI SHOW, Rea Y.nk iii.. N..i' n i" r i;".(liiolsiii 1800. Par p.n ti. . Ut limond, ? il. kal '? - ' ' ' ' "'" I any win i | ... tn Rlch ?i to N. e foi ? ? M per ? apita '?' tot md trip. F.?r I rmatli n ion. or \ ';T 1 A ? I.< >U. .M ,ii .ger. OaatWaas V C? 3H. XaSsVa k ~?i i - ? *' '?:.''? BourM /j?~y , S TSueJawM PIAXOSAI.K III ll BAltOAiJIaa, ? , In th - msbesany ? 'I M I' street. ROfJNO l RIP HCKETSJ TO TW-H IXOTON.D.C. Coasa ??. '?'", Rich mond, i-"i-.i in keb : P "r"" ' road Company alli P tick eta on asia from i. lo IVasnlag ton limited three lins: data t I ai HIS B 'rip tlcbi a I i.l.lphU Itv torie I WLOR. j i aili. Manager, Ard. Z s~k.. XII UmO KIT-I I IM- WIXTWi I \t i i:-ii lN l " K||s - | ... Inn.:..! \ . , Na - . . P to i I - I ab, l*hotaai M.a. Brunewick *wm aVsatbsra raaorta Thia ts tba Bborl I tot will ofTer le .ir.-t travi d I wt ' I ]-.., tba ? ?' t sseal aug BhVently snj ?" ,,J *'" Bsutb ? rl?. |.',,r , tO| Bad other In? formation apply i Q, ti. CAaWafjaala, Div!.-: ri Passenger Agent, Alb ue for~prl.-es ?*,*** Anthracite I Splint, and Steam Cos! before placing* your order for ?1,,'"r.^?-!* .1te*r ?Phone, fit. TVABtftR MOORE. ? ASK rot* THE SHOE FOR MEN Sold cr.'.y hy MOSES MAY, 607 East Broad Street. SIXTY STYLES. ALL WIDTHS* Frcm A to EE. Stop That HEADACHE. HEADACHENE Will Do lt, I'rsKl 2y (.ISIS. T. A. MILLER. 519 E. Broad St. The Prudential Banking and Trust Company, 1103 EAST MAIN STREET. INVESTMENTS Interest paid On Deposits. Loans Made on Real Estate, and Other Approved Securities. T. A. WELLER. Pres't. A. R. TATUM. V. Pres. GIO. I. SlYlf. Sn'ts. Use MOUTH WASH No. 4. For Pearly Teeth. S,f"M 25 Cents T. A. MILLER. 519 E. Broad St. ATLANTA AND NEW ORLEANS SHORT LINE. Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company ANO The Western R'y of Ala. IHl SHOUT UM bl Tc. UN All Ui V \SOMW OHM'NS i'riain ? \;. a it ss In.-tv ! All feaAA, Mexico .ind (dlifornid Point*.. In Addition |o I his lueliVnt through Ir.i.n and tar ViVicr' I'i allill.* .. p a*,.*., ind I 'dents a >n** line ina .. ? i: ? h.,nae ' ..ii lind i. ? 1 '; Mon ? tm- nor m. ? ? pcr'.ty is t,a Ve found "ii tin- lin.- of tlle-se I ?IH[ Ht ART Ol Ult SOllhV" ai.,. * * i book, i;is i ii. .in. ion as t,> iii" Industrie* ?and alura, i *?? *. i sa ba li..,I upon ippllcatlon '?? thc inul.-rsimn-.i, ss li,, will l..Kc pl- .i*ur.: In iii\i'.? all -Jw ?lr. .1 int.irmatloii. I! K, U'VI.V. Jr., Gvii. Pass, and Ticket A^e.-.t. A unta, tia. r. i:. i.i "ix. Traffic Mans-rer, Montgomery, Ala. OlConaE C. SMITH. I'rea. und General td .macer. Atlanta. (Ja. nol3 RAILROAD* Atlantic felts! Lins bCHLDULK "uKKi-iUVK JULY 31. 1*0*. TRAINS LKAVE lUCHMOND-BTRD. aTfAEKT isl Ai'io.v B.UO A ii. Daily,* Peteraburg 9 31 A M. Norfolk Hill A at atop* oalj at petersburg. Waverly and ?Suffolk. Va UUi /?. m vaiiy. strive, i'eicrnbuia* "".-iD A Ai., v,?>.uoii ll. 40 A M.. >ay?il** 4:16 P. M., Charleston 11*110 P, ai , i-asani.ah I2UW A. M . Jackson Milo " SO A. "at, fort Tampa ?.?? P. M. Cosme*** at Wilson willi .No. *.'. arri vina limu-aiiora a. IO P- M., Wilnilngion Ui,. iv M. at Emporia lor Buffalo l.nn.a Spiltucs and all laterm*du*.t*, arriving springs 't Vj P JJ Pullman Steeper Nea* Vork to Jacksonville. 11:30 A M. Dailj *xccpt .sun.lay, arrives Petersburg ii."it p. M. -stops alaii cheater, Pr**?rj * it..aft. Centralia anil Chaster on signal. I'. M. Daily, local, arris..*, Peters liiirg 4 li P. il MaJr.CC ai! stops. S.'30 P. M. Dany, arrive* Pctcraburg ?>?"? IV M. M.ika'S loval btvai i lt. and P. railroad. 7:30 IV M. Dally, ar: sea Petersburg *<:0*i [P. M. Connect* arith n. and W. tor Norfolk and intermediate points Emporia I) in iconna A atnl D. for llgtlons betwien Kui* poria and 1,. rn ei III*), weldon H ''J P. M . 1-a;..?tics,,ie l.i'T A M. Charleston 0 IO A M. SaVrtlli.Hll >?>???. A M. Ja. k.M>uv..le lon 1' M Port Tamw 0:45 i' M ? M-:w LINK TO MIDDLE OBOR? GIA I's'I NTS Arris'nu A:ken 7:"."* A M . Augusta *? I" a M M.. oat ll A. m . Atlanta 12 16 iv v. p ill. ? rs New fork ta Wil? mington >''i ii leston, t.4 k onvlll*, Aiken, Augusts ont M.con 8.00 iv .\i i*a: s aaa.*,.- Petersburg B**a J" M, U eldon ll ?'A. iv M. Make* loval atop* between Petersburg and Weldon. Arrives Lynchburg 2:15 A. M , Roanoke, Va , * ;?> a. m . Url*. to I, Va I" I" \ M . t-.iu for Daavtll*, \ i ii i ls lng ,*i:.l5 a. M. Pullman llceper It.chmond to Li ii* liturg. 10-to I" ai. Dally. ll 0 A. Al Norfolk, Suffolk and Arrives Petersburg TKAINS"A RR IV K RICH llON D. |r**J a M. Dallv, rrom Jacksonville, Sa vannah,' charleston, Atlanta, Ma? ia and all point* South. 8:15 A. M i ally except Sunday, At lanta, Athens ana.I Raleigh, Hen rg and thc West. s a A. M. Dally. Pel ., I 8:00 A. M Bunda j eely . i'i om Atlanta. Athens, Raleigh, anJ Henderson, j.j ie hVirg and tli* w. ? i..o.*i a. M Petei il ' ? inday. From Peti b rg Bl pa al * ''icier C*n llS and Man ii signal. 6-5S I' M folk. Suffolk, War. eris il nrit 7 ... ' M ! - v .! icksonvUl*, Sevan v*. I minston, Golds* boro ar.rt Bil ; * Ir:ts S itB R:*><*. P. ll D li Pctcraburg. Lyneh burg and We?i T M EMERSON. J. R KlVVl.V. Traffic Manager. "? -er. H. "M EMERA ' .;,.. ., ,i i?, anger Ai,">nt. " CAMPBELI*. Dlvla un Passenger Agen*. ?**& ?ss ^outt? & Ohio Ry. j j^i a'aicTivE o* rottkiR ta, isuy. TRAINB LEAVE iUs. HMu.ND. UUOAD-s UtEET STATION. ?.(W A. at. Daily, wuli Parlor tar for principe .la liena, Newport News, .a. . tout and P irumouta. Coin,- la at N*lfo'k UallJ vs itu U.*l I ii .ss i oi k. 1:4*1' M Dai ? with Pullman foi local | , 'jPOrt N*-ss>. Cad Point, Nortola and Portsinoutn. Connect* Bl Old I'OII ss. li ss a .. Ilgton nlualil em .ia: > and alta uatanore ataam ei -, ? v upi Sunda) . ., lay, for dons .... . as vii le, r ,r i it, i ir l.lo J' m Daily, vsiih Pullman to Cla ? . onnc . lng al I 91 Ora -nilli, ei;. b I i. at Coi - Incl H A i M. .. ? n i Inlni * ara. No * io*".i Hain, ex.ept Sunday, follow-* above tra ? mau 6:30 I' ll \ iniiiodatlon. e* Bp* ** U - A .-.I ; '.sith I". IV x p .i man to ll ni rn W. Vt . ? ' Im ii,natl an.l , i Meals si id en .lint-.^f leets at Sta un n ie*, eui ;.,.. Win- be ter, > a., and at . . dal .? for virginia H Tits i", i-;u;ti in STUKKT , IUN. ? ri.. :, ii! urg, Leslng : , ill;". Coli? ly, vs I Iii I v erei brai ics, and : . . ss rh No. l foi * .i r, ,., , ? pl SoihI av f**r roiumbta. TH MN' ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. I i lil.'l BTATION. 8:00 A. M. a ? il 'oswell. : n Cln Innatl. ll-JU A. M. J M Hal >-. from Cincinnati and r I. Dally, from Norfolk and Old 7-4.', P. M., i ' '?? TRAINS ARRTVB RIOHTH-lTTRCatT STATION. 1:40 A M. Exi e|it Bu bia. 6:20 1' ?'? i'ori?e. lilli ii'lay fi.'in Ni vs * . ? li., ney. JOHN p POTTS. s 'an' Omi Ti* \g.nt S. A. Lb. IjBOARTJ AIR LIN! SCHKDI .... IN i.i'i'i: l' M vy *. ISM. LEAVES BVRP STU Ii ET *Ta1 9:05 A. M. 9:00 P. M. Daily ioi Henderson .a. barn dally, tn ve^.l .1 ,:..!.., |, Iv., - - , .. (lL.:, r for,lion. Chi Bellwood. A0*> '-"?s I ie, j. bei \ a, a i la niv\. A - * N:.. al . .s .,.' lean* Penaacoia, Ja rtiatta nooga Na .i- Mei i ? vV*al ?*..! ll*.ni|'ii., or Ne-.s Oriaai Tram l*avl lg ,. P M fn. "hrmmh ready for oi ? y m h to p. jj. THAINS ARRI VB RICHlatpND. 8:15 A. il. Dally, ?**. cpi -janjjy ii-ua. day ? M A M I P. M. EMS'. For tickets a cheek* sleeping car reservation atc. applj I * ri. M. 1 VKIN. tym'-nt. 'ta i) street. E. ST. JOHN '? nt and Oen ... Mai iger V. K Mell 1 ^;?l!'?rln?.nrlent. H. W H OLOVER Ti iff M ii ,*er f. ?" ALLEN General *gent DOIIINIOM si'* AM SH IP COM? PANY. DAII.V Si:i'\" buaiiivi. .eave Norfolk. "va. DAlt.l al vavA; 1. _. i . ? ^ ? a . .? tuc bsa. jiu via t-V and O. railroad '.coo A M , Ol H. and P. railroad N anH V\ rou!.. B a. .\j dally, connecting with stcajm* ,i Norfaik um. .vening "Direct ataaaiari tarrying iroignt aad paa**ng?ri U*av?a Rlchmoiid avery Mon. .lay and p. day a' .. P '1 Additional .?iieainer itru gm n-'l ?'?*? .ea.'.--* Hiilim-ial fo Norri k. V\cdne-ul** and Baturdaj .' ?? !'? **? ? eonneetlag wi a main line learner tor -New li ork. PROM NEW YORK pas.engcr* can leave DAILY, eacept Sunday 3 p. pf (Saturday 4 IV M ) for Illcliniond via Old Point or Norfolk Direct st.-amei* vlt James river leura every W*dB*eday t I* M., Saturday ' p ii ip,>.M4>i,K,<rs nnil frelsnt). Pr.lght for itt. hmon.l by steamers via s m ii .lav* and 'i i* ii-*i .ye n y m Rat!inga trom r,,:np?ny ? ptei, 20 North r'For full information apply to f JOHN K. MATErt. Agent. 1H1 ea*' Main .-ret, Richmond. Vg. H B. W*lker. Traffic Manager; J. J. Ttrnwn Oeneral P-i.senirer A*?_t. Jlaaj, ?mi CMR^.a 2* N. R. rM.^M|irlB?^ RAtf,KO?.l*?. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCH EDI i I" RPTECTTVB NOV il. Ita** TRAINS I.HAVE RICHMOND. VA. JU.Cw f. .TL, No. ll. Southern Expresa. Sally for Atlanta Aug.i*ia, JJacsaen. vh.e. and point! -Saulli Sleepei fur Dat.. '. --.,.,boro. Salisbury, and (har ame, open at Kl. hmond ?:*) P M. Stops for pa-Ksnx'-r* at li?>-al station, t.onne. ts at Danville and I'luriotte with New York and Flor tU Express (Nu XT), ...rrj ina throuKh . Ar. a Nea York ani Tampa, wirh i nine. Huns fir all \ connects al Lar harlotie with TVi-h Ington anJ Southwestern Limited (No T7i ??',??? - as si B between New y,,rk and N'ashv! le. New fork in.| Mi mphls, Nea T ra? nt.i Nen with connections foe a-! points in Tex.,.,. Mexico mid Callfornl i Tl .... i ullman Tourist M.ep.'r tri Wednesday! UM ?flrMaya, Wa r>i ton ta Ban Fran ? without , ! lt.CO. P. M.. No. ;. solid fa.n dally for Charlot te. N , ,, Mose? ley with Paraville md Powhatan railroHd. At K for ( ai *.. ville Oxford, Hi arson .. d D r and nt Ore. nsh -io ' ir durham Rale'.Kh and TV nt. n Si ern. at Dan. vile with Nu i ?? ,?-, r.?t mall, solid train. dally f u n-w and | h whl h carrie, s'eepet. New '^ >\ ? , s Orlenn, aro! New Vork to It-k-on vl"e a rial M'ami for \ .? n i and Havana Through to M.niphls. I:M P. M.. No. K, loci dally , Sunday, for Ksysvilie a-ii tn'-rme. dla?e points TRAINS ARRJV1 AT RirtiM-iVD c nn * \r |-'"ron* Atlanta. Augusta and a-2 w M 1 Asheville, and ill points tm p. m. j s.vith. 1.44" A. M.. iTOSS Keyavll.'a and local stations. LOi AL FREIGHT TRAIN'H Nus. ti ami If, M..ns hester and Nt-apoll.,. YORK RIVER l.i.Nt. h. Wi:.-. POINT. THE FAVORITE ROUT! NORTH. LEAVES RKilJdwN.' 4:30 1*. Il . No. IS, Raltlmon I. daily ex. ept Sundale. Cor W*ll I'o ni and Intel nie,lute ital nv mak *.g clune tonne-1 ion si Weat P il a lt ti amer! foi a ? Wednesdays and Fi 2 BJ l*. M . N'a. IO. li" dave, Wediie-tiny and I TT'.?t I's?Uii ai; I laterm* . llnilH l'' <j Manor fer ts Bikei dh nn.-k. alse al TV steamer Io lt ell si itlons. 6:0.1 A BL, tfo Ti local mil ? dally exeopt >: N r^|n 4 Street Bia I ai ' S . 4?,| Intermeira'e , leting wit'. tnt Walkerton n-i Tappah.m TRAINS ARRIVE Al4 RI HMOND. 9 S3 * M., J J , conneotlon from Ra Thaiadaya and s.iua | IS:4I A. M , \l ':di ead ??? g.,0 I* M., D."> except Wf?t and Intermediate sta. Hons. 8taari,eis leave ;\ - t Point Mondays, Wednsida . . , a <\ ;? -i riving Bslsjmora r, vj following nioming; returrtisjr l< ive Baltlm i P \i Tuesday *> Tl i. ai riving Weal . . i 0 20 foll ng morah u Ite ill at all landina. ri\ - ? C. TV. WESTBURY Trev Pasa Acent. ' Vs. J B ULP, TV A TURK Tar' Manager Cn fa." ? tnt, f W'ViiV. Ttl rd V P ld rn and Gen'l Manager. WaahlBgtSS. D. C. Richmond, Freaertcksburg and Potomac Railroad. Sill KDl't.K IN I'.i'l'l' i an . ? LEAVE BTRD-BTRKET STATION. 141 a. lat, Dolly ror IV turning tea anJ po.iu-, Noi iii. StO| al Mill jr l and Frederlckib ut. Fuiinan ..esp? ers to New serb, t.30 a M. .. f ,r Washington ard l ., j, . ,t E.bu, Olen Alien, Ashland, raylursvUls, ? rsl Ruthei o si r.-,,,. ., ,\[i ford, w s jMimit. Fredertckaburg, iirooke and Wide water. Pullman ur. tAi a M. ixcepi Busday, 'or Waahtnglon ind points North drops at Ki ba. Olen, Aehiaad, iajr* lorsvllls Doswell, Kutber i'e i , li I '?'? .:-...- ' . . nea s ni,mit. Frederlckiburf, Brooke and Widewater, Pullman our. tS:4S af. Dolly, ei fir wash lngtou and points Norri) Stope at Alien Aah ?? i I, Doaweu, Ml f .- rai .ur .'ar sith Congressional Lim a-1 ... \v. ihlngton. 7:10 I- B i , for Waal m. and fialn' -.North stol , a, Aah* ? ks bur>r r. Stops at lather . i . York. 8 setter Wash ng ' iii :-"i' ' ARRIVE BYRD STREET fTATIOK. 1:10 A. M Hal. ? BS er l , '* .1 Dosws ' Asl . - i ut other New Y-.rk l I K. bm :;.'<>!? M B at Frede. ' I' - Ashland. Olen , I .r ear from \\ , ihi 7:10 P. M Dal Si il erl.-k-ii.'irir Dos - , ? . i Bibs Pullman cari ' I 8:40 I* M. Dally Btopa .. lira ike, ? S mimit. . " Ruther Olen Doaw-M Tayloravllle. Ashland. Olen Al>n uni 1. I. Sb lng car ACCOMMODATION TR VIMS. 7:1! A M Leaves Elba ' i Q inttco. 4.00 P, M Ix*ive, Byrd-I m for Prederlckaburg f. Vi c M leaves Eii-i for Ashland. 6-Ki A. M Arrive * land 8:28 A M Arrives Byrd-Street fr.-m Freierlrk.hur 60B P. M Arrlv.-s K.'t.-i fr rr, A-htand. W P TAYLOR Trafti ? Monagsr. F T I i 'I'" IIS f?reJtdent. june ii. ma LEAVE RICHMOND (DAILY), HYHD ,-1'hi.i.i BTAT1UN, 8,Ca) A. M, Ui> IUHi'Ni' AN NoHKOLK (Dally Excaiit .Sunday.) VES'i Ihi LE 1 'Mil Kl- Arrive at N r?k ll -'j A. M 8 o,)., ony at pa , r, irg l'. i" ..I S'ilT>lk. Bact ' Csketa Bot accosted on this nam. 906 A M rm- CHICAd EXPRESS. l,ir Lyn iiburg, lloaiioke, I'o'.umt.ui an-! ir Rog oke - also foi Ur Knoxville and Chattanooga Fuil man - . ? nie 7 30 1' Tl I ?" Bull -- Norfolk, and in. temi. -.,. . 11 lo n*. arri.'- at Nor? folk at l" -W P. M 1.00 1*. M . for Lynchburg bili Roanoke. Con! <r * 'I Wash? ing ? ittariooga Limited, pu ii..rn 6 -' ? ? Mem ifS parlor and ' Atta'a Aa I'ulln ? ? n -i l-e tv... nd aru! I ihurg, and 1 rrh, read) far u ? ^ .' > iS p M. Also Pullman fsientr tv-ters. burn amt Boaneke. Trains arr-'.e 1! lin ' I.ynrh buri- ai'-' the West .la [ it 1:4 A M. and V M I'M * "... ,t 11 '.'? A M . and T Lilli I.EU LIM I IKI' ' -' P M OfA ?* *-^ -v***1' !i'rt',*t m JNii lt WACtNWR. City Pass, nnl TU X*t T?-ent. i" ii Dtstrt.t !' \.ent. w n REVILL flen.rat I'a-ienwer Agent. Oeneral OJTice. Roanoke. Va. g-S Tynr jrTEAMSIIir fd '*- ajtSB| pHll-Tl'1-l-l'ttl-T..U 1 C H TI o N D ANC NOKrul.K BTEftMSHtP LI N E. Appointed sailing uay. Every TVEB. TiAT^ FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at doy. 'Weight received dally IIB 5 PM. Faro nn ru.-iei-.s,-.- steamers, indudinj meals and berth. I? XX Wo-- further In form a Mon spplv t??_ J VT* M <*A'*Rir*K, Qm fkiutbarn Araett" orelee Rhetta. BflJBBJbBBa I- W. V. CT.YTiE a) OO. T