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- ham; itAM.i <>i i rn ?. aoMi ll k. Itu- 11 ? ?? r -. \ M M: t P. M. I -i-=*5-S-TJ wr.triiKit PnitKCAMT. ? i i ?-lilas*: partly flotntf ' ? ..r tli'Tla wia.l - "North Caraitna -Pair i ii-i.a. fir-ali ivji-tharrant lo north ? VOL.".ll. NO. 242. RICHMOND, VA. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24. L899. PRICE TWO CENTS. IS i? MYSTERY Man Who Claims to Be His Son Says the Docu? ment Was" Written BUT NO TRACE OF IT CAN BE FOUND. Romantic Story of a Creole Who Says She Left a French Convent to Marry Lipscomb. IS NOW DYING IN AN OBSCURE ROOM. She Declares She Gave the Man About $12 000 to Invest for Her. and She is Now Bringing Suit to Recover a Part of the Property for Her Son. Who Declares that His Father Left a Will Providing for Him ? Mr. John T. Alvey is Still Missing, and Noth? ing is Known of His Where? abouts. ? I ? I 1 1 I. ? ' ? ? ' evei ? ... I LL ? aa III bl i , have a f. m i' i.v, a amati nf ? trio mp or ui.- utti-j b'urr 1 : ' ? VV \ 1 i ? I I i m g 01 i ? ? : i . r and v. Thia ? ? i i ? ol lin N . total; tl Int ii ? ? r? iv.,, pt iii** lat. ll i lira. I fl .ni-,.n who ? : .. m .Ni ? r ui.nI-. W ' ..lal Edward Alvi I ly kimara tl ' r ? a I Til n I Ml ' ? 1 - iii,. '? I : I mel ? \l \; l ? i ? I n ? ? I A I: ? ? t ! ? I i. Sd ibu. IS DEFEATED ! il With Dash to Within 80 Yards ofthe Guns, But Were Routed by Infantry. ?? the ? ? "i. ? * .... BRITISH VICTORY WAS COMPLETE Genera] Methenn Attack! ed Boers al Daybreak IN STRONG POSITION. Three Ridges Carried, Last Attack Preceded by Shrapnel. BOERS FOUGHT WITH COURAGE. Lll-li-.ll luLlllIt' ll, S|,|. nt|tt||\ .-mil i;<... iii .1 Rapport I rora Kneel Bafgade and xmii. rj Both si Ii - I...-i il .t\ u\ ; Pi xx ere 1.1a. I.. i I ' ll ? tn, d I ? ? I ? I ? - i .. i, V to - Q ' . " ? i .? - Xl. ? ? TR \: - Li (NI lr '' ? ? 1...IU ? ? N .; Hms ? bad t a . : rtis at Bal* mt tu tba \ ?'" Our woanatad. ii is ? ntret* . .-1 iiion ead !?run, illy . .j ir.', MJa ? ' SIILLLINL A CAMP. M.*.I ItlX Lt: s >TAI" ?"*'"? flVII ? ?: ?* altnis be?aan to , Xl 'il,* Un .? ' ,:' I' "lU ':i x"1 | 'dl< cl l.r ?to uni io tl ' aorth I . utii rj ?' ? i waa continua .1 until eifht when ll .ni boai ..nun.-ined .ii nine and dropped throe thalia Into th. camp arith no ? toa, turn,.,i ia| .'w,; EUI iii:. N I ? Mr, i ? the Ca| Colony I | i n Bein - tj Boon it. Imont, their arl I iyonct and dr . U unher thua Far : am.air; ' I TO liK'i'ii.i: ORAN I i i the BrlUah artillery n muni' u - i ng it. A. M. . li i at 7 aa ? - -. p M ' ' I ? i ? MR. HOBART'S FUNERAL. iw Msskt Witt i'i.-m ii. inti i'i-;!.-,. i ba ? ll .I lia * li.i|i|.un i.i lin' Sfn.iif. NEW 1TORK, ' " I rt, will ? ip ? a ii. bart, '? i ? will al I p. SI i w P. Si l| I R ? il.. ' nrtmedl ' Lawn. , rm (aka part Irr I niuht. il will .1 bia ? J: ? ? i-.iiiii . . mi. I i ? IENDISH WORK OF JACK THE RIPPER .ouis August, s Young Artilleryman, Confessos to tho Brutal Murder of a Woman. m:\\ W. a \ \ I I . ? ?.ititi iii bar i ' ? wa? le ni. I,, ,i - . . hafcltae oi tJWJO B DBA.TH, A .a ... ith ? U mit . Ulla |oi all! .-.lay ? ' ? .i a ...-I,-.i thal bia a..1.?i.i"' altai aa Al'il si' CONFBS0BD The Mini la,I* off (fact thal t -..-cl that he lia.I ? nt turned aver ta tbam ba haifa i.i. ii ha eommitted the terrthle erina* th linn pi tha neut ai. t naman to-alghi voule-1 unthill,- more than tho ought nut above. lins pollt-f. authorities n >w believe tint iguct | nco. rftul va iii aadeai aWt* ..ul .(, hiui wllt-ll h.* (parara tor trial. The Special Accountant Makes a Very Wan Address. BRINGS QUITE A NUMBER OF CHARGES. The Question of the Taxation of the Companies the Matter in Hand. NO CONCLUSION, HOWEVER, WAS ARRIVED AT But All Outside Parties Announced that They Had Cotter Through Talking fer All Time, and the Matter is Now in the Hands of the City Fathers. Who Will Meet at 5 O'clock This Afternoon to Pass Upon the Same The Recommendation of the Com mittee on Finance Will Probably Be Adopted With a Slight Change. The Discussion Last Night. anl M ? tolling uii-l : ? ' niblin*', tm un , ni. I d d ? '?i ? I anrnu- me ? n || ? ? Happily '??? i . :. alli ? , tin- . ' m .1 1 i\ in, L . * I Power I '"tn ? si Its reel! ? ? f t I'l t ' I ? x xi '. ,: xx' xi Turpin, i. | nsfBBRg I . I .x: I iv. Bur! .,- .m. il, ? ..- ot th * i from tte B . the I . I - im, to facll rf . I ? ? ? a the ii timon I .1 u [.. CA ll 'N If r. C. W. Hs rd te lei m. .1 11 ... . ,.f III ,'.Ullin lt ? lt.. BBStl neall rm eaaan mt- thal the I ihall i..- ."> c. r f tbe ; .r tl., tlr-t ten .11-1 T e-c-ut. fur th?? second ten y?-:ir*e. an.l third te-n \. it ??. The rupert y of ti..* osntetaag .hui ..: lill,; tu <;!()' I <? ,' A the r<-:>. bu h m.'u.l ,1, Mr I'ulloe-k. isk*-.! Mr. HarJ | bp h 'I W:<} fj IS uni ,?<n wlmli it waa ii.i-.t-.) in tanglb - form . thal Ui<y >suki ba prtBanted '? tai inmli'.' "Tho 1'.: , ? .'unmittee hid snoh fijej ?t in-, t," replies] Mr. H .r.lwlcke, md they will be presented to tho Oeun* I" Mr. Ebel ...ld that as only a report had *-n presented and no facts a'ven. ho nuld mux.- that lite matte-r be laid on .? t iblt mr th.- fct'sent. I regteu thal latia tu-iiralttoe |ga net I . ' -I ? I I ? ' ? I p I '?' \ \ . rn/ww IN n ii ? i ' ? tv ? I with a ? ' a all lim.-- il" ? ? ' Ur. C. V 1 ?' : I ilii.-ll-K'H Ur ll to thi a H ? Slr. Ulooml . i i i ,t M Vi > - | mn-* ! I (Condini..1 tr, rifth Wi"*) SUMMARY OF TO-DAY'S NEWS. I.... ?v <~ipi*j. antler-] ' t tin 'i'i," myatery - a ill. Hmi John IV. ! ? inter ? "-?r In 4* A .! nm,- li ?i" Pa ' Nor* lt-a ' iift.'tl *?? ' M 'I'..II Ml.II. lui. ' V | tiing a large a- late, 0.-ral. ? ? i.i- ir lianaul at the re kt| mil a inxaented ? ' w, .yin* vole will ba ? 1 tnaton ?..>?? ? I* not trna .?n-tiiurn wurt 1 <>r**igii. ral Motheun wina a complete a. ? ?rv tav.-r the Boera. In urgent, .ur ,ts*embllng at Mantel. .m. wbea% it ia ?r?>.;_h*. thant v*iit ..tTt-r ?a-e. So Ion-gar u>a?h be ,* the -har leaton. Mr'tl-h .]? ;. .'. L>?. nitllt/lli.f envy l< ? ? .