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li TM. il I ,11 I SOM I il '?? Th* ?***? ? \ M Ml I* Al . : Wi:\rill.KKOHKC\-*?T - Inadayi ,--.!,-1, Kain and north-?a?erly lay fair. VOL. 14a N<>. 244. RICHMOND, VA. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26. ls<M>, PRICE THBEE CENTS, D. S. SENATOR JOHN W. DANIEL AS CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT, < i ?A Stron ] Sentiment Stead' ilv Grovi ing in His I aror as lin- Available Demo? cratic Nominee for Big heel Gifl Prom lin- Nation. PRESS SIMM ADS Mil M0V1 Ml NT. Iii Washington the Selection is nt the i i iding D< nw i si - ss ,t li . ci | Ol AN l l BRI -\NISXS l WOR M. . Daniel's Name Would Maa.- the I fi- -1 of Bring ith. ALSO TH! WES! IND I HI. PAI !! IC ( OAST. .lim Bankhead, Vi ho ie a Candidati for WInoi Itj 1 avors the i ement. WHEEJ p thu Vii ginian .i High i ri Hon. B. B. Munford ami Others falk. q I I i ? ? ? ki \\ wu lo e ? I i ... i I I ? ' l : tt ILA, m. . be ' v . 'i hun? dred papera, to-nti . ; n ? t v , ' ' Virginia th:-* morning. WV.D ill: The aug! il iii ; 4 I 'n the a 'I Of the j .ra w I in. er a*. the polia wa* ali of In : ) :?? curt a full un. candid i i of opm ; HON. JOHN W, ? I ' B ta bia ? ? ' il : I I In Ihe i i ? HAS ii ll" 1 IN ? ll ia thi i .11, i fl cur In any D ? ? film vi Mr i .f tin . ? ' pie aa a a I cr?L xx r ,r ma ll aspire '? ' l)NIO,N JACK STILL FLIES Oxer Ladysrpith, But t' e Bo" rs Antic l-a'c Ya S 6 dy Reduction. Mafia* ng in Bul Plight. L<?Nl>< IN, N ? I ti I.-tn l ins fUll Ol P ' X : ? half i lea* antll lupptk ?! irita i arnli l'-iy, and until Uk xiii UndOUbtSelly ?'?' xvitii three bmefii red larrlsona In Mal ii i,-i. k ni ? ? ? ? :>! I MefeWa*T, aa i ii. eleni ,-. ? bal m. ? ar-oat peealhlfl -M I lui. !. M KU ? ' "?I*1 i .i- al led tioiiiiiik-. u i li ?semi eertaia many ixperta ara of ,'ll Ol til.' !? ? ? <x .ie- nltboul f-ntlng In lout i. nltb -atiuiicU vu fttUl 1'OeaiJ GOEBEL WILL NOT CONTEST. i , p.Say Hen ill Ibide hy Di'-. i i : . .i .1 I'.iiruil, - ? h ( ti ? ii i ? : i '.?. ? ? THE RUSSIAN WADE TREATY, \ MOVI un ' I ' ll 'll il i> K(0U I inli-i ( im-iil.-l il inn. ? ' ' ? lila- Hi. ? ? I - Itu t ' ??' n th it t r c a t A________________| BALTIMORE AND OHIO Cbargee Ittoetlaii Both the Flanuota nnil I'lia-i.- lIC nwv vi'iiK. nw ? The Coauaer* ? . . il and 1 -va. i'll r .Ha.' - , ' I i in ore ? i itu- i.i noi.-. Central r.ui ? ? r any other lld '''I are ? to /av anything about what ls ?tl. ASKS FOR INVESTIGATION. I niiiii-r Sinftiiir Tall (lui*,.-. I minc I illili.-... ?<? in llf.ti.iii nf TnlinlVrn?. Vi ISHINOT! Hf, I I'..rm. r Ita. j CSU, Ol I'i'.II.Ia. ha- pregan i ti ,t for preeentstlos to iii > ? ?? \ I tba! 1.1. I..- tn*. ? ? ? Ur. Talleferi * i Mr. ( mi..inn te if i aa In* MAIM MYSTERY SOLVED 7 Ll' xe n I .. In i,mi ( litton Tn-lr-eloe-e Pl i.i".i Ihi Ht. lif (fl rM to ?.. (ron ? - a. . ? ' . ee ll .Xl ft! - ' ?' ? ? X in Ha? j? ji ?? ? '.? im swum* RICHMOND AND TIDEWATER R R. e e.i. lim-u iii nu i Mr.ChrlatlanBneehe > H. '? - Ida! ' -.-? Haili.,i-i Meeting. ? ? ' ? I ? ' ? i: <; ni otb r ?? * -? ? i.i-n i ii lin ki lee < h i irntnn, A I the } ? ? I ': . ? ' AGUINALDO IS DBF A id the Army Which 1 Fortnight Ago Was Entrenched at Tarlac is Fu? gitive in the Mountains. ! p re* ? * ? ? ? - ? i ? . i.- ee. ' M ,i the ? il yow : ' rrecl I : ..- m fti r m..turn ul ? n NO DEM -mere v re 1 "r ,h" ti half ? ' The netti ''-I ?"?*??'; s i- uni'.:"' - Tie et Xotaop ? I . ? ?, ? a tho^e leo and In the ' If nov-| il nltb tere I i men ui - Plier. Thal lone ee . - lite- ? ' ? A? ilneMe'fll ta la thai ' re ure" Ba) im h.- Lu rho bed rlnrtndled a ee.-.-k. .Mi,,.ii Mine e.:.i t - . rhlrty-tbtro* Jaclnto, I. sun "?"'? hi?' a letter fr?m Oenersl Ptae bes Wee to? ted in ie tm ? writer nye tani tee,, Uun.lre.l ot I J/-*" kil'?-?* "** ned rjaaaga and ee... s-nln-c lo I |*"f; e?N rm; TRAIL. General Youne. " ' ?" ********* and -nil on the trill Pt the In-ni- ''; ,Th ' m, horses..: peaeral Wheat* ...i I. trying '?< ? ' reWiia*a*-?aBtt! and supplies to them fr "tn thfl coast. Gen-ral Yuline left Tayugon Mvember Llth to ct With G.n:-.l XX'li, aton with the ibee, and ihree iroape of aaralry I ie . ae-tela iimi 7conimue:a on F<-**?* i*-ifej.j The Alvey Mystery Has Been Cleared up at Last. HE WAS UNDER WATER FOR SIXTEEN DAYS, The Head ami the Shoulders Heav? ily Coated With M ii d. WHERE THE BODY WAS FOUND. ? . i- pp Hole Near ii.,- Cl* eau pe nfc* Hi,.I ( lan, i .ml. i hnw Ulm Di . . i 11 (filia Bodj Mleunder* > -I., i !n._; i in arning III.' lil'V. ii I. i-'iiin i al. : . . k, b> Mi ia, but B ? i I . '. r iii-tx , H. 1 ? VV. 1.. \\ aring ind I r tilt> . AW ey, and r r, ll liv I and Ind andant i - Ia I ii the . - ia i iualy. . I wouiii he found a MEETING OP GRAIN a tr. 1 -Ino, '!' t i ',*? ? SL..\ w lm JOHN T. aw ehang.v b action aa I ije.-in pi a Mr Richmond Li I that ? nilltee cf tbl Intad tO ''.raft ault aiiii; raaolntl ory of the 9 mlttee to report to a | ... A. M. Tho ? a n,l W 1" mltteo I until ? to-aaorrow aeon ?TOBI OT THK ltli< nVIiUV Mr. Chartea Miller aad hie brother, ! err nay ta a ? ' ld They wt r, making ;i .-li Tt int for th* ii,' Bri leay rani ir which ti-..- hedy -*;-*? aaaa, Mr. Char:. .. taimed: ? 'I ii ? . In the '"ina!"' "dh, ? I lil? Iii other, "Wir have nu tia ? after lt." 9 the reply. "Wi ll. i tu (rj.-iiig on." "All right, po ahead, gad tike my baaket nnd bucket uith you. I'm g.-lnr, io get thia body out I'll he Bree In tim.* for the thi' ' Thin George Killer proceeded on hi-* way and Char lee liurri.' I to the i Depot in aaarch of a policeman to help him. At tho depot ha nut Mr. Chart- -i HouchltiB, the nUht watchman, arni told him of hi** Ural. A 'phone RM ??;? waa ?..?nt to' the .-1' all','"' - lora ami (Manara Mattera and Wlltahlre nen! i. th.' tOt ne. I lu tho ui'-atrtlnie HMM Miller end ' ? ' taking . ? ? . . I thal aa ?? - . aita a i fairly i ? H I ? Mr ' ' ' ?' \ . ? ' .ir I Richmond, Va." i .Mr I lone foi - . *? i i . ?' all up >f the ? ? Mr A ? .- allv.' . rf oanal nt - ? ' ; ? \!i o' ? v In the . Ifr. Alvey'e brothel !? I In th" an 111* ' I a T THE !. - ? ? .' ' ? ? .'?.er. to one a ? I 'i ' SsTarmtoi NOW A BARONESS The Marriage of a Virginia G ri to Baron Von Horn, of Dresden, G^rrpany. u ? \ m ii .?? n from a ? ancle, Mr. Pay ra R. Ca ?. .neut waa in nie thal Um i*ir ? ? ? there, but wbeea a*0. la [>o-<?..-t?eii ol t, exguiotte voice, which abe eulth tted la Soetoe, af la scoln--* lo Kwr. ? ere her ? ? !<he delighted a I 'Aili'.' ton ?rt-et fell in lera arith thc ? N ? m. ami tile aaarrtaga fallowed. Tha father nf I I aaa* of I Airman ,r ? aia-i.t ' I 1*1.1 ! - I \ tut til-* cevi' try. ile died in Ulm. Iii Ono of the Greatest Contests Ever Played POE DROPPED A PRETIY GOAL FROM THE FIELD Waining the Game by the Narrow Margin of Eleven to Ten, YALESURPRISED AND CHAGRINED ip la That Timo lim niu,. V\n-. Beean Na-ftl i* Slim \\ Inn.-I Sliai pr. Yale* Hall lani-., Mail-. .1 *a|,e, tn. ular c.oa\, Banding tba itali Bataraaa iha l-Saii iinm lt.i. k i.Mlie 1., V.i.l Mr,,-, HA of the nra ? , , ..... a Arlh rr i ?* i I ?' - ? i and dbe - li . r a ? I I ll .1 ? I . e i [bining work In f th? a ? ir till* ' - ' '??HANGING THE CARGO. ( i.M. e ll..rn iii-' i'i.inn'- I ll ' ?-t.-a.iiii' ha ii ria, w . i ; li terr* I ? ? I ? NELSON COUNIY VOTE* la, nilli KW lligli'-l I.' il' I'- i ill I 'aVOff "I ! ..*ke4 1 rdered ' SUMMARY OF TO-DAY'S NEWS. ? ii. ! i a. tho \ \ : leal. Ha* coming - ll.'. 't.ur In I'u i ?1 j ill, ifter tnak m pt lo ' plato! ?.. ? ?*irt i .--at of the Richmond g turned upeide d >wn and her fireman droatii-.l tin.eral. \ a-PrealdecM burled with bapraaateg ' rta eton defi n the -grid I mn. ? lu. ? *.a i abide Mee. lora) r t'lira'iuii. A-gutaaMe iaaafted and ma army ut*, pened. i nert* anticipate epeedy reduction of Lad) -.nitth. Ma. ''??"tal Mnhuen'a victor) .juill**** of resulta.