OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, December 21, 1899, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1899-12-21/ed-1/seq-2/

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Pay a Dividend of Sx Per Cent* for a
Year and I Half.
Inecmaaa ??f "Su-eaahlBlng in feel ute
_**___ af the siuic Ita monett lc
CeaaBMtlgn Will i>e opened
\\ Uh the New Vear.
Tho exe, BU*. ' .linn. I lair
Association nc ' "1*
ih?- bael
elation. A dix.d.nd on th 0 ' lebt*
.!-. .1.
dividend will bs
for * >?
-mid. ,,:?l ll ,1," snot Bra. the p trot -
f,,r the nei ?"'*
ii-w preeigi m. Mr ld San
more, will mk,- ?*nt his
oa n exceptive ? cte,
Nl-nV KNIITIN'I Ml 1.1.
The Mi Irene knitting rn ll
isled Ly t!;.
any. Tbe lacer) ? i ll business
, <-1kU ti -
tares st I
Tho Appal ni d Park \ -
tarday, also Tl
tshiisiiiii.nt and i ? N
tiona] Park in thi
Mountalni by thi
?earl Thar. ? *? The
mi fr,un .ill "\ ci
. Purnell, el ita '
n ? bi
to Ihe
? in the I: isl.-.ii pa11
geoooshla og The gi
Tl,.- Demo gn will b
I january for tb
? |m< ni and wi ti ni|
Of il,- Rs
,.,,i Railroad will meei here te-aaerrow,
.md mn h Inti rent la fell
Ryan tatt real rn t. ll '>, .\
i: ? t. an Injune*
? ... | . ri *
t.-.k<a, bs to Rj tn. lt t to-day
txh.it pi ii a I: I I tot !n- ii
"dre clemmie Vavagha Ami* mid
Kev ll. M. Illlllose.
WIN ST' >N. N. ? ' l> St?Bpi
pretty home man "1 lu r''
A,?i-. ria gi ? ' ! Mr. T L 1 augba, ena
,,f Wlnsttiti
turns, and EU i ti- M DnB ne. D D.
,,f th, Methodl Kplei opal i hun ti
r_pwortb Bi i publlabed
,,t Mai bi iii". T<mi.
-. per
formed by Bishop Phai
,,f Mississippi, after whl h
luncheon w Dr. and Jd
DuB. *e li ft "ii the et foi
Nash. Uh . ** a- ? ih( y will r,
T"n?* nanua! meeting of Uh stocbholdera
of North c _ro!tna ki i dire id ** ia
h.ld here to-da: The old din
reelected at wen tha eSk-ora, whlch
are M folio*-*- r-. nd' nt, Colonel A B,
Andre wa; Vlee Preaident W. W. findley;
, ? . \i P. S. Oai
tary. H ST. Miller Colonel Andreara at
KndCil the mer
More Th.in n Hundred tries,,1 Land,
l'elerslim- Votes.
raTBRSBURO, VA., Di M Brno i ll
(?n<- hundred and fourteen and a half
? f land. Located about half a mlle
fiotn Dlaarlddie Courthouse, hu bs
Kix.-n to tba Joiin a. nix Indnatrisl
Ki-h,m.l. a ' d Institution, .and ul.-o
twenty-five thousand U-et af bimbel li
ii*, ti-. .1 In th.- erection of a large end
handaome * bool bulldlna Thi i
..i Uta bulldtna xxiii be begtu within the
gaari tea daj a The < 'ounty B ii"
baa Interested Itself in this school i: ?.
Henty M Ot Dlnviiildi, county, is
(ha preaident. Tha school
??it.-nt norpa of Instr*- rtoi and board of
? ?
The *
1 ? "f Sun i , ,, mt) \* 111 prob ii'i
ho tin...I within ii..- neal fen day* -faa
- s ,,r th, fount* u
|M,int..,i about the - ime time,
C. m tbarnethy an IT ES Booth have
bet -i a-,'-,' itali I , ? ,,,lv pf
To Setilo Ilnuiidnt-x I,im> nm] flailing
Itij-lH*, in lite Poi,,m.,,
Short!- sftei tba Cbrtst-aaa holidays
Senator Cl ,( Biker xviii
measure providing tor .. loin, corni
ft.-tii M.., tIiuhI to netti, the
disputed I oundury lin- betwi i -. -
StaieM, and io di termtne the Usher.'
tights Hnd dot,,am of th(
v ? .i two
to di let min,- the boundary
? d to act. ox* itu- to , ,i
tba i.<\x under which ti,. Maryland com
mlssloi led The .
Men iii i?- authorised and di?
rected '" settl, ii..' only the bounder)
line, bul -il*., the '
xs to fisheries in the pntomsi There lt
frequently recurring litigation ov,
tndellnlr*- Btal .,.- I hey
nota si md on lin ,r*.
Chanar* Oyster -'niling |,_u.
lt ll All hr
int rod u cpd st ih.t- session "t the I
? '.re, exempting fn a, the
the flsherx- ii uri ni-i"r lan. the territory
of the upper Potomac insofar as th... rail?
ing of oyster* I* ? oncerned Iii, pi
maeaure xxiii provide thai oysters under
the prr-"tl!.< ., taken
from hm h territory for planting purposes
only, and I
li will in- argued ttc.t tin- bivalve do. -
not ntl . in (hs
. omi .,- wstei i: ,,pp.r
t'oiot,,., und Hi .' m. -food f n
Barred by t!,, presenl laxx. nuder th, ope.
i.tlon "f whieli th,
I*, thrown back h .* ? they
hj ,-d ic !,.- .... rm, ., j.-,,- j,i (tl.-.
lng pi.ii..-,
us tho lera. ? t ?
Male Hoard nf I isl,. , ,,?_
A tne.'tlnt; of ihe State 1
? ri.-s xx . held ? atei ?,,, :1.
Murphy ? Hotel
l**rs etianJCe.! th" attentli.( ihe l?>.,i,|
bu* th? principal bualnea* waa tba tram*
llig Of measure. Which Will be introduced
..hort Iv
?"?Ulled lo ',,:,!? Into eg, cm, li
Just before i ct I ring, If your liver ii
tiugglth, nut ot tune sud you leel dull
billons, f.-i-tii.?,?d. take a dose ol
Hood's Pills
____S you'll te Bli (igbt lu Ibe moriuug.
Dili taree 'lavs BH>re, HOYS, to cot
vour aaae ia tot boi ks a HAND?
SOME WATCH, IR11;. Xmas.
I ook .it some ol uar prices lins
Footwear for Xmas
We're i ghi n it sith the Xmas
-ul ereirthiag we offer I
? "mil (hann ol ase.
Whi n Ihe charoi and novell] oi
,iw ij toe pri Beni you buy frosj Da
will I"' a foondation for a peal deal
of happim s
Holiday Slippers, Si. " lo %i.
(Continoed i rom r ral rate.
tho yow
pro-poeal of mai i
i ,,; .V; -il '..i Mi - k
I ll had bot n
ihouM !"? married Ipi
M . Coleman come .-- Rlcntnond Mr,
- ,. turned fa >me, Several doy
later the gentleman u..s thrown In com?
pany willi ., ph) -i, ian ol bb a quail
,. two travi Hi',
Mr Bondera relati d ? ni,.toms ,,r
nant, and tho doctor, learning
il,.,i ins friend waa shortly to bo mai
ried ad vined hun to teak a pootponemem
of the event.
: mt Mr.
wa ,;, .Mi-- iloleman, aubatantlall).
!,, -,v
? I regret to state i bal cu
,,. er w i.i i ml roi will | ? ?
m.- from ? irrj oul rn) promise nt tho tuna
vi Col
mond, w ired bo, k
"I ii rn,in,| ? ?
' Tin genlli ni.-n went Into .1 full
. md was
..n bj ., brothi 1 ol the 1 idy. Ah,,ni
? llrtb ' Iprll -Mr. Sanders, who
,lanai had nol Improved In the mt antime,
from iii.' ?
m.an. To 1 in>. ii ta said, he re. elved no
i\ Tin: .a 'lins
snit was Instituted bj Mia. Coleman
?rho 1 ked ?*, ,000 damages. The Cirouli
cam of Lancaster awarded hei fi..'*"
'lia v.., more I ban 1 year ?< go, The sa
? ? ? v leo ed
sj,1,. ii:,, verdict,
for a new "iii
Tl,.- s rt I in- opinion
vv Iii, h vv 1. ,!, liv ? r. ,1 bj .1 nil: ? 11
,,n .,,, old Eng lah law wini h j-; accepted
in this country, and which lay. down the
prim ni, ii,.nii'.i, a t,, , nt, r into
n, ? -rim..nv Implies lin- j.liysi, al
,,f th,- principals, and thal change af
the i,. alth ol - ich principals 1,.
the date of the engagement and the
1 hi '\? d ling in 1-1 Be eonatrued aa
.in :,. 1 ,.f God un.I beyond human 1 on
trol Tins I- aald lo he the se, ond breach
of-promlste .-n.t. and the most Important,
, . ? 1 ? ..iiii,, Buprt m.- Court.
\i Interesting question has urson ,is ',,
vv hah,-i ll,, plaintiff in Ihe .,? ,l-i
. v. redri bs in th. court to
w hlch 1 u ?" ,1 for .,
new trial.
(Continued Prom first rase
S ?:,;,:?! ll ' Ul,ike BJld '
.., , b rn- in Raleigh and Oaoto
br Hoffman -ii,, n a a<' foi ba vv ai
llama ayndleate .it tin- ateettag in rmi.--.
in,.nih Tut
ll. WOt foll wed by <:,:,"r.il Allan, who
. lian un- court hui no lutiodlctlon
iiii r the Mal IQ itton, aa thal 1 id
waa chartered and operated limier tko
i. 1 w < ,,; North Caroling ai
rouM on Injhncl:
thai road
Judge Wat! I .1 thal
.uni |ii>intt il OUl 'hat t be pro;-.
a 1- for the public good and would
greatly 1 a.1,1 ,,n,i 1 in- South, Ho
-h.ii in-, -ni.m Winiam* bad 1 iki n
advantage ol in- powoi and wa.
tl ? ,l,tiaii,
.in,!!;. , I that Mr. Rs an had Bo
righi t,. h,,ii! np lin pla;;- ,,f iii, Seaboard
An lane it everj caprice gad whim. Ho
in,.!. .1 strong argument against the
granting ol an Injunction.
V ' 'A'-iTIIV TUM,
il argue agd argue, and
vYnddlll .^le ,1 that tht hill he rOOd.
Tins dOCUmt Kt] I lOOOl)
ty po-written hal retie oreti the
ground fr.an the beginning of th.' fight ta
?*-ent Hate.
Every di I o! vv :- rnt, H I Otto Utd many
? I,
I' vv.is |] o o'ctoeh hel'ore tho r.
I. a -hort ai gum. ' follow.
Od, after wt VA ? IdUl si,,tv,I ha
saw no 1 .ms,, fir iii- i-snii1>; of a restrain.
Ina ordot and su^. tlon rsa
1 ak. 11. anil arl Thursday December zath,
.ts Ihe dote all Ilk- a
: -plication for the Injune.
.:.*? Ile- ,i, I ml.mt. fl,,,,,
' ' ? lill,m of tho
s, al laird at
.uni ti,, raia ::m; Ambania, nt.ruin
t -.a.ti.u .u:,; Penlnaular or ..: t of ttl
red 1., in tl glvea
Odavll 1
'mi mond.
? tlon, how. - affet t any
neil,,11 ,,i the ttocfcholdefa ol' the Un',ana
?'..I tl.1-!..1. ? 1 B'hlch t-< to bo
he'.,I at Kal, ivj:, t,,
iiiMik*. May in* id ii*.
. wi,,, '.a- VV'.i-l.
igo .ue thought i,. be
, 1; ? mo, 1,,1 or on their nay hare. Their
game fat to teal furs ai fi om fat
trOOta tl er.il '.niles
have tool their < ripen and titra In Kn h.
and lt ls thoiuht nomr of
he gting have boon at work 1.
Ive Ton ,*-e.l . : 'he
'oct, mid ,- working so ga t . a -r
he thiev.
lit ita ? a negro a tn I Inst
a nhl for si, illna i ia iv - dook,
ka* ibo Third nuilee station. .
Want Report of Spanish War Investi?
gation Committee,
Mr. lintier I'm,ja s,il nu Anienilini'iil
Patti illili,; rm* Popular I'.l,,linn of
Chief af aogtoa ami nt lui
I . S. .Jlllliies,
vv' vshim'.ton. l*" St. in Hi- tnal
of tho Bersnte lo-doj
holiday re, ema, Mar. Pettlgr, w, ol
Dakota, In .1 - borai ertatte - pot h di
mai,,)..i in know whether n waa to tte th.
.,t thc rep.. of tao Ad
mlniatrallon to auppreaa propel facts and
... ben - ailed for b t oaatoi Ra
siii.t he i" llevi a an eSot ? Jboiaa mada
to ptavent ibo leatltnojij token by the
wau- inv,..tit;:.iion Committee from
.-.nt to the Bi natl at I ind de
? i m "i which
UM BOOgle, in his ..pillion. Wi
T:,k : . -,-ii.aal I'.
well pi IO il" 1.h Ol I'ul'l.
aa a test, Mr. Hale of M lino, brb fly eon
bo General upon ti"
hi bad aw corni ll b, ,i In < mk i, and siu.i
I not ? lin- dawn ot Mi.- time
whoa iii,- Coban i? ipso . t
Mr Morgan, "t Al..', i rod an
amendment t.. Mr. in olutlons
guarat ? ? thi p. opie ?,, Pw i io
Un ... Maw iii an,I lin- ITjMppiii" - a BO
. gov .I uni' nt, and Mi ii
Massachui ell - Introd.l a i evolution
pie ol n. laktnd
be t;o\ ? med,
vi,-. Harris, of Kan aa, announced kia
withdrawal from th, Ootmmlttet onAgri
???.I! ,,r Mat?
ted a i ol'iti'-n lillian the
. ,, ; be I omni i ,?? I "ii A .
, : | into, Patt ti Bea er val lona, Inti r
Phlllp-plne uii.i Pi n
tions, by tho appotntmotii ol Mr. Allen,
Mr Butler, of Worth l
an iini! ii.im- rn to tia I I
: ?. ,i gtati ind I ni'. ,i Stati ludg ??
-hall he ,-le, te,I pl? ll WM
? a to the Judiciary Committee
Mi. Howley of < *onitoctl< ut, cl
vina m Affairs Committee, drew
i., .peech from Hr Pettigrew by a
motion to rn ona di r a re oiutton pre.
i by Mr Pi ttigren and
pa ted, din ctlng the S< i retarj ol v\ at
I,, forward to the Senate Hie mu (report
onuntttee oppoli U i bl tra
? , ii,.., Bttg it.- the condod of tho
h War
Vu. Pettigrow declared ii*-at Ht
a most unusual proceeding and demanded
to know whether "Il la a port ol a
, poliej to - .pi'? brmallou
Mi < rs an I), ol Missouri, li
a i of the Investli ? i mitti a,
dirt . tlon .a ii" ia- ' ts nt
Benah Thal
w.aii,t be rlgkl and proper. At i
gi -? lon the !? ,,latani waa
and il'. rt qui al w ta made ol ii" Preel
.... i ? Mic lo
-.. .,.minimi, abs I my and
Th, " "l"': tided bj Air Cock,
roll %\ ? lased ariy out
Th<* s..'nite th. n. .i- 1:11 P. H., went into
, tocutlve s- sslon, and .>i -' ?
until J.uni iry :. Ilga
in Hut Hearne.
WASHINOTON, Dee "<> So business j
iiitiisii, li a .a tho brtel ? r of th,*
to-day. The time araa occoplt il In
a fitlibuster against a motion lo
i,, en lanugui at, i bj t ba i n mo
md -mi," ii,a,uiiii. am In os
give Mr, Qrow, the venerable >v -
of the Hous,. an opportunity t,, rv
oma itetetnents na i la by Mr,
i lalnea, ol Team ss, e.
Mr Payne, th,
defeat, .1 on two roll ?
Mr. Richardson i haft, d bim on hht di -
fool hs a k.l-natui ed a
vn.r Mr. Qrow hod made in- atati
Ile ll,,a-,- .ni |0UI in a until ll 0
January ::. HW
A I 'nvoi'iiiiii' IleporC
WASHINOTON, Dec M Tko Senate
Committee oe Porelgn I to-day
autborbted ? (atorabl. t pori upon tko
two ti ' neg itlati d a Uri dr. at
and Oormaay for th
,,: tka liipartlte agra mom
tr,,i ol ii," 1 un ran lal inda.
Benni i om ol th. nen i tem.
nu mb, ? - of i be i nnunltti ?- w,,- tit
rponenl of tho treaty and he . 11 -1
i, a s,-,-k to delay the reporting ol li to
i'n- Sena',- His opp,,-ill,ai a
toward the acquisition by (tata com
tho [aland of Tutulla, and his opp
ti that waa booed noon tko contention
timi th.* connon! ot ti"' iil
bo ta.-1 mt, arod. iie a,i - n i on tkl
lion with tl -ii thal th,
? nothing n ... imie
I atitta tko argument tnal
the ilalted Btatoa could nol fl
?li. ',? cn:i
? Pagm ii irhor nhl u Uti -
treaty furn
Moegan'g Bnbot Bato,
tho fan ti xi of tko aubotitute fat S.na
tot na, ,,n - arm ndment, o hlch t
S te to-day b* Benoti r
Moi gan:
Thal In pm e of aoetloo i. arti?
cle t. ? Destitution, the i nlted
Btatea wni guarantee to the people "i
Porto Kn,- ami the pacific Islands an,l
hu other Blah ? and pe ipi, ? within hs
rn .nu ladi. lion and coi trol, t te
form of govarnmonl and ariH
protocl them agajnal Invasion.
They Will in>' I-<?m* bj I ullin-,- nf Pro
?lu,,. Bi irk1 ango fnipenji.
mw YOoUC, Dee. M STttk p I
lo ihi deposit, ol som. tavinga banka
arith the Produce Back | Com
v,hi, h . ;oseii its doora on Monda)
-. itt Bank Bavaualner Kilburn to-day
. -ai^;- hank di p"sj|s .un,amt to
bout 1500,000. Ai savings bunks ara pre
rred creditors, tl ? .f any
bank depo, Itora losing anything
bj ihe suspension ol the trust company.
"Tti-i are .imply secured, .nd I h.ive no
doubt iii.it all ii"' ii- pm : ,us are
Ilk,'wi.-,' I have noi Ihe ..tst doul
,v.a\ df*posiior will get hark overj dollar,
in addition i" othei eu, tts,
holden in the companj i an ba i ?
two mil iona aad a ball
Kilburn oak] thora was ma
banking conoora lo thia knowle,is... la th",
Tin* I'n-Mileiii iruiiaiinis it |,( ,|J(.
V,' ISHINOTON, Doc ? 1
to na> sent to tba Senate the treui
ti.lied by the VKtw.iM ,,l The ll.il
July for th.* pnctBe settlement oj dispute*
1,,-tween nations, itnd th.- declaration t,,
prohibit for live yearn the launching of
fi om ball.11, Th. B, nate lm
.'i ciui: a roui i\ om ntv,
?j' ^e Laxatli ? I . aa fableta
A.. t'rtu ey If tl lulls
to ? . Qrevc't i ga ri o u.
each U i. - i
raedtatali removed tho Injunction of a_**
The I iii-'-'-agr ama a form il
letter "f iransmtttal, eacepl that it in?
vited attention io un iccontpanylng repoti
from the Beet, t_r> I rglng Imtnc
dial,- action liv Ihe Senate.
.Continued Kr?m Kir-t Page.
- twa thou-m.i eonetatfi
? '? edy "i ? bel Hutch."
LONDON io _o.-Oeneral r-ird K"b
crt-, nh . lg to h_M*e fa*, command of the
. Africa, ot oompa
. and their taro
d.h.nie , I,, Uanden thia gaera
Ing, having travailed ; I Ha adtb
Mr ? "h uni,' rlnin
Theil depai ai fraat Dehlia araaaM-fBei
by cheering crowds, bul tba G
in ide a quiet itrj late Lott
After gtdna le ?? private hotel hg -pent
I, cen*
I ??! vxiti, tba Marilin* of Landa*
down, the Secrets*) di I ne for .Var.
Then G . ? ti UM
nd int. rx i w
iii. beloved ol
.,d a repreaenta*
I Pt
? black, in vivid
n-wblte ii.ii- in l
. tapper llttk
thal h inned British vb -
t irj * -1, i ic. ii..
, ? dlen im
the multitude "i
, ,M S 0MM1
? .ri.: i my
ic ad "> rn,.
?I, ,1 i have ? atlre t on*
i. -? British soldi .. an I thal
ir a,my Will
"For the tn- rapath)
exhibited by m..- imerlesna, i -tu seas!
. _r.it. fal ?
our ca nea merits thia Tb
li.- ui war, i ran thal no na?
ry hamhni ts and no ai is of In*
nlll : ,nic of till*,
.'? Ba s..1. i.
In the bom
11 n their i
? .? ? ar il i"
Or Ila li of all \ "Mn ?
nationality, I ? er trill be found
loyal I ?. and bi a*' in battle."
The repree. eal ned tba! 11
.np for
Kid hi mt-, tl, 'u_.ii Mn-\ havi
LON. - -\ l a v.- ip, Town dls
Mturd i ? ? mb r lath,
?ii" Vi, i..fi ,
West Dist i an apper
?, til-1. itui.
:i- iudivIdual d dla
i .-'I to .itt,,, k the
l |
x frikander B ta meeting
th., tro ? irritate tba
fanni ?
? ?! thal
the <? ''"!')' I ' '
ind ? -entail acta
which *rere eapabl of being intei
ai dlale
The ? ind i olun
,,i. i to with the
? - ..f the
country, Lord v. wes thal lb
? M
h.- called thi London
Imperial Volunte i
v omanrj and -???
i:,: ci ' nm ind, xv ? i .
? -ci il.
Thc papen are no. generally io hiing in
Itt, ism of i b govt rnatenl and tha
Wai i tin aa da]
unpr< pa regbeaa com ? ti Iii il
I .id upon the failure i" i rovlde
I trarrapoi
to s, , ? k tight ',, ra ll wa yt I
: i Ulah arin*
QOV< miner
lr. in I , ? ? I fl
llroad com*
...n-deliver ?
rbi has
l.'iN'i" iN. 11,- Kata of the
:'"*x Hi I oflli .'r*
LONI* nt, : -ti,! Beema d mht*
-.ul whatiK r Um gai i lb it Oenersl , .
aband i
lon ' : lb Boai At- nd,.
,i dcb lo tba Ieee , - from Dur_
? n .,i;i_ ..I tba haul.
.ii rei ? Kc! her--.
, ?-.??,-.? left
?I nd
? . i ? ral him
thus fal , '? d to erasa Um i Iver
B hi;.- .nil .
rom l-r.-i'Tia. un
der Hi- I IBM '.'. that an oiric I
thal tx*,, nun.-.
thlrtee ? of aaa*
munition xv re ea "?! Se Ml "*le*
LONDON, Be 0 I i" lal d
from Daaaan, N dated I
ir,r"d that Oener ii
Buller called for vol inteera te recover "ic
tl al a party
r midnight Hno
hrought ia tin i\ ina "hi. li tren
lui. I
ll. .:e,l lists of tha r.riil?ri caaualtie*
at thu
I men vera
l.o.Ni". in i m i The War i al
ports tl ? ch recoai
,rd of Ari"
l ST l-th atti ' t.irtn.
the Boei -aa*t_on,
' i* Ka iiaiid??? - advanced ai I
pled th.- farm Tb Uk
mill tha l'.o, rs advanced to the attack, ao
ral Krui, h ordi red a n tirement
1 tn Inti -t ra ** '-' ""dting, dated
11-. emili i ii!!, hu- j i boee I.-. Mi ct. ii
ta_ - a ? ? laaeal **a- ?
ntng ;ind thal the i ari
.n a -niari due montinga ai ?
The Aeagatefc -deo ttacrlbta. a novel me.
ding i *a*e
ame ito.-s December nh a live noun.
I ? n Ba ,i ? ? the lo. a thai -1 y
? e*|,i ,i, it na* "p ned and foend
i tala a letter aa follewa:
I- >we i. (Colonel Baden )??? ?
..,. I, ? ?. . i ? Ne "tiier n,.
?itcitii-,..'. Tl.-iu?e tell Mrs?mother
rind family all well. I*""' drink all th*
whtsbey, I-eave some for us when tra
'l*he senders signal ure was torn off.
American .\*i?<'-'"*l titanga*,
Itary of 'he Treasury bag
. .,,.,, .-i Ss tiona I Hank.
iltory f"r the publl
Thursday! Friday!! Saturday!!! I
3 Days in Which to Accomplish All.
O-DAY is by far the bett time to complete your gift ptirchasing.
Friday we will endeavor to make everything ai eaay aa poasible, but
t'lere's no telling bow tfevere the rush will be. Saturday offers thc
hst opportunity-to the lite purchaser. Jng bow *"?? assorimeuK
Bhall be on th.it day is beyond all calculation, but we h.ivc taken
every precaution against running out of stocks cr causing delays.
To insure against such a condition big order, of almost ovcrvli.-e have been teat
to the manufacturers. We're ready no*- with an excellent stuck, and, as every
one realizes, unequalled price-.
i.i -i Ibe palace <>f Nero, one ol int
beautiiul .Mali, many-t,nish K'..n-..i!i Seati
linish.d cither in tjpti
liv "t i.ln'ir coverings,
Take youi t
,.t ,t ffragnificenl
("nilibili iti.ni i as.-.
with toge I-,.,.*.
i nit French
nsiitof ind
desi-, iuclgdih.
?.".I.I -i oak md ma?
A n (i t h f r
|||___^^^^j"*r~ X allie is .1 Cl
golden oak lim .
Morris Chairs.
Do you ergnt i u'-.u rafgcestlon foi i
tl-Mi;,hiv appreciable Kilt? MORRIS
i .li mks , surety. To show -."ti foi
little '.v.- ..ll th. I- .; .i Ifni Morris
("hair.s,dt. vdoui covered
cushions, ind * i
struct ed, an absolul
The ruiiv!s"iii.st .' rflO( in
buy anywhere. < lal I
iuah'".:.inv fin ill 1. b. ll
mad . ind lat. - an I ttjtn*
Here's wah comfort. A small
, si.tl-stintii
ch, t ill tufted
and fringed.
\ (mas Kilt hint. A ptetty desk. Wt
n nt in Oik.
: . h, Manie, and Ma
tllll* I..I tl!
1 *-4*?
A h*ti*wnu_g bk*
this lat.;- FIVI DRAWER
, r, fr. k finished,
worth |6.SO, foi
Not I ii" ' !
C.hirTonnt**rs than this
lol "t iv.mtiiui Green
Oak Chill. >nni. rs. five
a, * i>. and finished
v.ith (-..alfi-tull plat.
Extension Tn Mes.
Extension rabi ? re stead! il fi
nt the h'uis.uii.. The eel) ? om
v.iiKiu'.'. rhea iv L " isl u
1, i ind at th, ? pril - vin x'..tt.t to
LARGE l XTi \M. in r.vi.i i . heavy
..rx. *l I-?rs, hiirhlx p.
ished, *
'Ak linisl
About ti- ? 1- ii bargain in t.>-*n is thi
i in?, ii.-.iw Oak i *t m
ilon labi . i feet, b..t
finish and tivi I
is mis
2 Southern Furniture and Carpet Company. - - - - 7 and 9 West Broad Street.;
(Continued from Pira! ran. I
tguinaldo his faired tho Marlqulna
Nu Hank ('.mill Hull,uni' General
I.,Itv I.ni's Till,ir.
\v.\siiin<;ti>n. i
-,,,.,!., v ..i ? ? ,i,i, gram to
Bx. 'i'iv,- Mansion, i:
Major-Oem ral < Ula, Manila.
: .?,. ,i with um m rat orton
? m i ?;. ? ral Lawto i and
;,-k io .-litre wi:h the oSlcera an
ratk Coi m their ?
ny na.-;
Al IB, ' ni,- tl .- tad I
the re) ir rmy
, rank
in 11 a
: Hu Ninth Indi \
: ? thal ,,f tr..., r senerai . i v
i ? a a> in throe w ,,i - 1
ii.outi a ti,, a, ith ? i taja ?'? rapid
Convoy to Mrs, Lawton
In bet ,, . i ? iwl .-: .iiih
uv Rt ol . obi, d '- f',11, vv -:
War Hep.uune:.i. Waeblngton, Dec,
M.-. i join wah tba i fl ? nan of
the Eighth Army Carpa in deepest
mi th,- .lentil of their heroic commander.
i i" | yoe i.ave] to Mr* Leaton i *>
in Of my sim treal sv nf,,.Uh
w.is tho nh.il ile:t',h ,,i :i gol lier,
splendid . ooraga ai d .1. tatlon te
the ideal of a Boldier'i lift. Th.,
a,i n.vvs win h.- announced to th um
and 'lae ceremot to his
Will hf .Hr.-. Ult ill |
Bot ? W'.ir
TO Pension ll is \\ Minta
WA4H1NOTON : I Pair.
banka to-day Introduced t bill granting
on ol IS.' M a ya tr t., the widow
of ' lei ei .1 i. iv.r tn
Representative Landis, of Indiana, In?
troduced a similar bill in tko Honoo.
An Opportunity it> Ituy One, Quick al
Les*, flinn lactory Cost?J uni Six to
Hi* s,,l,| ii, Tills May.
The Meyer*! Store Furniture Depart
nient ha- agarkod down tboea -:* Parlor
\vith Uta view ol closing om all Par?
lor Slits, for they lind ihe spar, devote.I
to -I"- Pumlture Deportment too small to
, .trrv tba proper asssortment of i'arlor
Sun-, which ara tory dolleote and re
ajulre tarefal handling. Oom. quickly. One
.MM. | Solnl Mu h.. if a ny Inlaid Stitt
oneal ttlk damask upbototarod, BB, w.is
I . . aa Extra touga t-PMs a Ot, r
Btuffed Suit. SB, w ,s IrX: one I
Bond Mahogaay. Certed Pranta Hun.
upbolaterod In reel leather, faa, was .ki,
i-i. , . \ ? mr I'; !:? : -'er.d riuu.
raleM frnnti
Inlaid M;ih.a/aiiy-l'iriisli. j-uit. plush up
red, IK..'ai. was pi jg; one
Over-StuSod. Brocnde Dtttniaofe Suit, gtt,
rna a roda ti.ms opp ogg to
ba aatratagaai statements bal ant ae?
ry n odor Illa rna uro
bona ado, aad Utnl ibo doalro t .
...i tba Parlor Boat Daaarlaaawl i*> Ike
aala .a,j.-, t .a these extensive red nc thins
A numl.er or" ih, <?<|,l Pleeoo, the radar
Ilona In price of wlileh you were told In
yesterday niortilllir's |>alH-r, ar. still un?
sold. MEYJBR'S
Foushee ai.d llroad.
>i vu itt \<.i:-i.
G.TKDO.\-MKAl?K -Mnrrled. (a Kl, h
mond, *?.?.. at St. June, ehurch, Wed
? ny, December ag, UM at e-JD o'clock
P >i bj Rev, nullum Meade Clark and
Rev Jere VV'ilhernpoon. II. I> . Mr
JAMBS VV ADDBLL <i(HtlXiN and Mis*
'len off thc I'li ic I' Appin hmm iii < n sk. iii
linus,- \i i natad.
11.\ \ INA, De. ." Aa in
lion *-.
by the arreal
of tha ? ust, tn lo.;- - .,11 "ii a ? i.
belna I" collusion with ma Hsv* i
ts to awl
ii-. ? nrlnd
a,' on,;, of arti
XX" lit lac. i '.
'lin-(nil I'n.t ides lin-itu- Canal Nam
bat off Dahnggtaa.
washinc, ? 'N. li., .1. Cbalraaan
-it. i ., . all for tba neal
?"tn me t'-t -i
I ? -i Ma.
au< ii add
. _ ,,. ,i.
1 ttl'!..
I 1
oitni \i:y.
\V. I?:. Kaxtli s,
.. YA . D
Vf. B
:. i
, m ii
.,] . onsaangtlon. He bad v. rj
returned irani Alaban* t, wk
i, - ? . ?
ii,, i ave* a * Ming rn Ife and two am d|
-: 11-,. ,? -, akea ta Bul*
lot- Inti : III lil
107 East Broad St.. Richmond. Va.
Plana Decoration-,, Choice Rosebud-,
tut I lowers, luiier.il Di-signs. &.
The Best on the Market,
Orlixcred ireshlrom Spririq Dailx.
14 Half Gal. Bottles. Tickets, $1.00
5 Gal. In Demijohn, ? .50
Special Prices lo Large
Consumers By the Month
or Year.
1013 Main St.
Opposite P. 0.,
Richmond* Va.
UV. PHONE, 521, t_4JVJw_
Ebony Toilet Ware
I t
I ari-.uti m*> the many beautiful uri . J
-jr displayad by I
I C. Lumsden & Sons 1
t More open this x.ci>k lill MoMtn l? T
I P. M. I
I t
?!? t
fH 111 IM H"l lilli '
No. 4
. periect mouth *x?sh. x l.irqi* hot
tie, a smell price. 2'm.
T. A. MILLER. 519 E. Broad St.
Xmas Goods.
No. 1427 last .lain Mr. rt.
Dolls of Every Description.
Express Wagons, Velocipedes,
Sleighs, Doll Carriages,
Shoo.lies and Toys of All Kinds
Tinning, Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Job Work .ivett prompt at?
tention. _
1427 East Main Street.
Phone. Old. 511. . Phone, .ev,. 277.
THE Line of Fin. Watt he*.
Gold an J Ditimoad Jem lr.,
Si er lin | Silxe. w?*rr tut
dav. i'.r Holiday Gifts
played hv
C 11 MS1HS 4 SON, 731 Main St.,
is the ni< ..st omr-U-1. _n_ UCsSsht
I -pby.J in Richmond.
From now till Christmas our Stor.
saill be kx-pt Of-tS -v _Snfl until 9
No. 4
. perfect mouth weah. \ l-rqe bot?
tle a small prk e. 25*.
T. A. MILLER. 519 E. Broad St.

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