Newspaper Page Text
RANGi: OK Mn.MT.'l Kit. Folio* .: .: u (|M ??AM'' M P. M ?? VOL. 14. NO. -<". RICHMOND, VA. FRIDAY DECEMBER 22.1899. 1 wjmthkr rtmw\*r. Kor?*a*f for Kri<l?v ari Hn'-mliy: V'lr?in!a?0#f?eru|ly t*r Krl<1 n m<l 8?t . .rtebln mir I '?? ii tniiih* N'.irlh .md flour h "arollnn-F^iIr Krtd.y; j .-ob.ilily ilMVtH &iiurf|;i> fmll north to 'a?t win I PRICE TWO CENTS. THE FERTILIZER Bill. IS PASSED. It Went Through Both Houses Yesterday, TO ABOLISH REGISTER Tins Act Was Agreed to By the S nate. EXCITING AFTERNOON SESSION. Bowe <>r i tt?- Bennion Flllbattered, i. ti iii.- Hall, \\era I <ptm<-ii. I'.i. m^lii in I udii Aric-l, ami I nully kvicuecd Uenci.ii \ Kiabl] \<i i"in ned ii ni ii i lu- 1 lind of Jan um \ - ac ? ? ? ? i until - BILL ? < I Ul ? t) they will i * BANGE LAW. to i).? ? ii>i I t hal ? A Wt ? VISITOB. 1 ? rtllisei b i ni k. Br. Ben. 1 - wa taken ? lu itu- Beanie un i with i ';. Di. nd i he ebal i . , . I i bill HUI 101 lu I ? ? i i.i iti I ? Northumbria ira under I 0 lt Ut li - II .ll 111" .-.. I I a bill to i" a i i ?? B I'. " 1 . N \ UNIQUE Ml i the follow lr. I I II \ Lil! to ra li ? ? Int- : MM (, in- t?i eu ? A b ! ir ? a i i wi I provldl ,n the tnt ahould >?? ? ? ; antliiif ..i um tin til! ll ai Bl XII.t.s | al To li T n< ud hi i m. oroor itinaj L'nlti .i Land lim-liu. nt I hal:. i ?| !'?.'? . \ ,il!fv UhiI roinl .ir.d Iron < 'ompan). ' iiiiii...-. ,i tm -I ? f arti Haere, win, h wn i uuh aBUHMfwenti i.\ \Uf Coangal t tea on Agr. ? ui!nr?- i nd Bining .huh- up aa I riu\ nfl. i a< ": B o'clock. All 'in amend prompt!) afreed to. Th.' prtn<-tpal tba ?''>uini. ot Afi.-uUuie to five bond ta thc sum . iii. in ... mon ? TUB I ? i month f'>r ? v. ? i r i ?#* nm. K / ? ,n. ^ . ii til ii-.I hm i, ? ? in Itt r i.. O'- ? ?un f thli rited it ?m. ti.I.,l il' ? th. 'I'i . ? .mi; KBKZ1 l's ll would Inti i Mr. i ? ?!'? "I with ... ; . ? n - .!ir re hearty I iui ni ii,,.. .: to. ? ? i d to de ? ? '111 till' lilli Il\ ' ?? ? know ii tin. ii, in tin. fanni n ... Ill,' bill. ! I ' ' .. Mi J part in * . editor rowers FINE ADDRESS He Was Enthusiastically Applauded By Independent Club and Its Guests. i.i ri' KhO \ r., Dec ." Clark ? i. Ddl il,., I 1,. ie Jlidr ? ?i thc Itlon .ni,I which n thc a number o ,i tu a of tl,?. mt.-ni.ri. ny, , ontinued on t,. .v. where I both -!'l< ? ..I Iii. ? To-nlfhl .Mi. Uowi I ? ?? monthly dlnn.i on "Th. h. . . / Mr i i tin ir ? Interrupted by aj THU ahIm Ur. How, ? rh, I nh Hi- li n I- ii, p ik< | B ? phetlc ? BUtc. ( i time, Jual iwned upon the i , . IV lip,,I, Itl H ul ..un ..'.' 'i h. Im. ,i- burning Mith -un iilj.ll! Il;, inv I! ? i '?"?k ttl,- | mil i.iry e >-; in ti. .... j 'j-|i.. ? \,,liintf. i I, Mi. n ., ml p.. < ntl) Minded on th. otbar *i<i<' of tb. Pai I Hi . had t h.i' elved .,-.i,i ? for ? in ? ii parade in th. if tl i. wa-. ,i wu: haired mountaineer, who looked with m. ni,, i.r iii<. men ii uniform. The rt?jti i ?ill,) lill,ll III. Ili? lli ,??? th march v, th. ? :? . I III - killi1, iii li il;. ? raeped, and Hi ' fall, ring !"iii> in*' ni : ..rentiy Utica** I I. i i,v tb. tra. ? ? in ? I 'ii- hat 1 om ri i nd held lt in bi* ha ? ??? ntl ii ?? until t .nd the IMI strain ?f the ? ,i been lost n ti. roaonanl tramp of th. iroopis af thrv left lb. PATRIOI ISM \M? LOYALTY Wh.t n picture nn' that?the rnan mltii iii* kal lt; his liana, e. k< *tOOd uncovered (Continued on Second Pule.) ? APPROVE THE CONSOLIDATION. Tho Raleigh and Gaston Stockholders Favor ii \\\ A LARGE VOTE They Empower the President and Di rectors to Close the Deal. A TEMPORARY INJUNCTION W.i' Granta*!) nm Bnhneqoentlji lt< ratted i>\ .iini<;<- i'm mil i<> Proneni Am lotion Toward I'< i itun \\ nil Beatward n.>i i h/ee < nj.K.iii/i .1. t.JII N ? !'? rnii. I ? ? t thia . vok< '1. -."" ? ;, aound reel raining i fl Uiiii r nt a ? ? Wi < \n -i.m.. n WU - ' . ? \v. ? ii- and i could ' Including ; .. question ? mined .-nt' i - o inn. li foe mis .i . ? ? rectlj ll hi dl< Ita i ? adjoi i l.f IM-W ? ' thi -?? re foi ? i upon I visited a i.< v. IliKlU il' III tfl Illi? Mill ll '. ?? 111- - w i i, i?i t. i.iv thal ill ..I \niir ? .....I.I- i in t!.1 to you tern I i lb* d to any ol ber i toi hhel i u< in .in h teat i Ifni I to work "'ii thu ?U ll I v. I ay and Injun our on i :? iponalblllty. fullest un.I I.. |.lum..'. ; he in'- i ? i - rn in- li we nd ji,H v.iii Ung thia a>n ualen, i will .-il.m. re> min.1 w lin I. J nu .. n?. al our Ural inter\ U Wil ' mr own lal ? ted In Joining ii - rn aw plan ol mltatton, thal \.?ii would m.? <i prti tock, win. i: ne). .. ? ni d mi i 1 .int one hundred i would |W .-, w iii> h you uri i ii ii I ahould adi hm i<\ i lion membei ^ In the fl to il eal their b iwo hundn d dollm * per sh,.i ? fi i Beebo ird ate* k, whteb ) you though! wa full prlei far thal ateeh to ba Mi. i LD, ? ?' ? i I' M ..?; ant I i . . . ri poi t b lt. John, with tn, lutlon tame, . i ? i t i Au- I.h.. rjratetn wi h thoaa ol Baa Boutb Bound Balli ?d < 'ompnnj. tin ?; Ftallwa) i ''iii.|>.my and tt e I- I'.ri.i ? ? ll ? i: i ompanj. I tem on erattng ? from Bb hmond, \ nd Portsmouth, v "i' Virginia, North Carolina, Km,tn Qaro alabama, tn. rel reid, by tl ..r th .lint U ?|if.r te ? ? be *?<' ib ard .vu Line wiiti those <>f tin- Smith Bound R . ompany, the Qeergla and Alabnm R ad the I'l'.nit.i ? ,ii,.1 Penlnaular ReUroed Coatpaa anet fair and hml tarma t.> tn. h<iii]?-r s of .-. a, ami will, h may s.. mjr.f-.i agaa iu thean, ai I hereby autbeema und empower Uk mi dlraetawa Ol thai company io join in aw h .lureenient*. contracts, mer? ni r.- ..r . onaolldatlan or other measure ns may h.' legally necessary or proper to bring ufo.ut the closest phyalcel con? nection Htid corporate union or meierr of anea peneaetma for the eecomnlfanV ment of the erection af Hie system bo l>ro|>n ?? l The meeting waa then adjourned tUl Jau nary loh Mat, ss ... ted ' NOT OVER-CAPITALIZED ( npHiili/Uimi ol' tin- s.-nii ,,ini Per Ulla l,i-??T!iiui Malt Iii,t ol Soul dcm l:\LTlMnKi:. MI>.. D Mr. john ?halton Williams au ia Bal* tu-.I iv sud manifested but little ??; winn told thu tutgt I'liiii'-ll, R iifith. had I mporary In iniii'tluii f |h< Willi i.i lng it- plan ? u the consolidation ol Uh Oeorai. and .i....i.n. ihr Florida Central and pen? insular with ~ board Air Un (?in " step whii i, bu I", ii lakes ? through th id.tloii ., ??!, i- bet n ond r th ? ult '? ? ol 11. .bb il ? oun ?? 1 oun ih? which h.i\. n ha'.' ? ,: ? ? d of Hi" ? - d ral corni taken to wh I tim iti I) ni ?!? I have lu celved I the B? aboard Air Un. t >r I hi month of ber which shot il trw ? whl< ii a ii tin btggi kl ye ir In ll - I. i i lion "i Itu Injui ? lion a noi n until :. ? Mi Will ? it 1 h "I [a fork |i ipi . ipli ill -..'1 m ol Ni ' . great) r Beal Wil? liam*, "tinder ih< ? ..luiiii..:,, will be lei ? ilf th. ra pita I The I rn win Ix ; -1 mlle "? itherr rallw. .1 utoi k Of til' i ? W mt* 'il . nfl I owl. nm . bout . EMU per mil. ? ?ii iii. Rn In other wort* tin? s' ? ird will 1>. about Including I Rtocka, .gal the Bouthern railway of I71JM par mlle ? i ommenl from n FRIGHTENED HORSE. Thara Waa an.i a Vni Beared Dark) ai lim-ui r'a \ ira. ' night. : ltv< ty i Hi ? 111 !,|M in I I VA l\. ll . \ i i rora ld ami ... ? t lin , in m.i .v . MONUMENT TO ROBERT E. LEE. \i.nil Carolina Aaauulatlow Comm Ulai lan. iii,. I nit inn nf Ona, WASHINGTON D < arolln ? ited ? ; inking to tl n...nun . i: Lei 'i. ? I . ? North ''ii \ ? ?? i iii .n tia. Of ? ?.?Ilpili;.' Mt:- Vam '. wha ? tallon. CALLED FOR REPORT. Mair (>i|>ai t ni- ul I n\ esl ty. it ins; 'lift Killing] "' Iniboden ami (.uiiiu. ,l A8H1NOT1 N. I rei , lei tit United ld ? ? ? ui th. Imho BILL WILL NOT PASS IIOISE. Should it Reach Governor Tyler He Will Promptly Veto lt. M . ? if n. I ;?: caa ... ad ? liv. M.iiiv wan tatatoa li i- nm iiik-.v ii a the bill tu R . ??? i ? ? i Land ... mam . ho I'av ?? I" ii doubtful ar I I lld V ..'? understood thai Oom moe t i ni ?nd the . Um -^ t can? al ta .,? - ki . ii i- pi i ti. d. therefore, th ii th. -. aol I., ni with thal laen a ? ol tba Oaenaeonwealth Tli.n ii.iiii. Hun ui Uki i nail alni n,,ik.. t ti-- "ttl. ri ri .liv.- l,v tn,. General a - i i .- on. ?f til', ?? ?I In irv liiha.-l- r Jguh.-t th.- hill i-n th*- jil-,'inn uf Ragattat ol um l.n.,1 Office wa Wtth Mann. i ? wii.r,' ikan Bot anatola* Lylo re? mained bahbad uhag hts Manda came out ind h. wai "it ti-"1"1 gp kalora Um imr ikaWOd up htiulliiKly in Mtg OkanMar Ju*r. afur adjourn ni.mi Hu all Um eeii.iiors been present yes ?rl.iv. Um M't- mi the bill to abolish the P- ;Fitton of Register of Land Office would i... kata rfJi cJoot ??natara watmns, l.e'ato and Walla..' ara all. lt Ix said. In favor at keeping uf> tall position. Delegate Hewn. rna. of NarfOM conaty, who kfM b*?n ktfkUMgnd for several uaye, J ta alt kully til. LADYSMITH IS WELL SL'PPLIED Can IloldOut Much Lou uer Than Estimated, TROOPS' SPIRIT GOOD. Another Naval Brigade of 700 Men to Go to the Front. ARISTOCRATS VOLUNTEER. Belated Btortoa Ara to tim RflnotUaai tin- itiiisii mi- MareeM hg awlgg |M>s>ililc Situation I.'M.l Itu becta' Meaaage in sanec i ii 11 .ndinlil) t'oni ateatad ?>n. DON !'? nan ? I fr.m \\ bli i i ti,. . ii-1- ih i Lad) - , arith fond and ammut i?.m hn!J ? ii \?u< ?> l ba i, i . i muted, ' , pg "i (?pirti* h..1 anxleu i.. ..Ni" N . \ M Thera -:i,dina thc ? - .tu Africa. ? that la non ch dti d a Itb oBl >i:ii 'i ? ? ii Bulli 1st at <""' -,:; ,;? -i. ahon - thal 11" wari ind 744 wounded. Two hundred and twenty-seven are described aa mtes theee about known In th> banda el tba . Ben Buller*! original Ml Ira il ;? ttera, i igned by th ? Qui so. i i iona "i the i u lou dli ? ? ?! in tl. . '."in england ]ai Jth, ia .lil "f the fund for atefe and wounded io ld lera and tln-ir t.unili rn Interest rep ? ? na I i' Um preparation! to aond ool reinforcements. The vinimi-- Itv i 'iii u ti i, ? ? i u i ? nbulanci , apher notable i Lord R i ? . killed ;.t ai, BRIO \l'K ? ano! her na\ i Bo ita ' ? inti I- the ? The ? denial thal an) ?litY-r"1. ???- asia! ? } to a ? ? U iNi.-..\" D i"" l ike of in the mr). and who baa ?ol? ? t.ik'- a i I homet of bia H. will i ? rurnlah Uta The (Carl I ot Dud Bari ' ' n< mbera of iii ? ai >.' i".. ii '? in the M Qm ? CRONJE- vr.ia RUDE DON !?? j:, i I P M Tba Wai ii following (run: i r-Walker, the Brltl ?h eomroandei .it Capt Town: lay. Doc. SI "Methuen wi thal ha h reaentationa ;.s to Lie . |. ? ?.\. b communl tl On Deci dal i) !?. ?-. iTtii. from ' - \\ iib "Mel da Pol< -i :? ll na taken pi I mer Bal ' i '? ma waving hi hai :-i i' aponae and a ? ina rn rn.i Monday, r> il > \'i ? Laurena i Col mi i Plumtr wu. . trong rai on Hollering, partd ol hot i baa ditton Into Tran*' i i ten Ron ii. r, ached .. ??? ant Blt) miles from rg in th African Republic, bm found no Boera tba eountrj being, seemingl) wmpt) ni men. BRITISH DID MARVELS. LOXDON Natal, all con i ir In any n . in gi gat wi.; i y i hey nevei any an) ? omp urabi i ir.i ti I gp linni - ? fl atloit Uiirt tc i the murderous rue of th. while the ii! ll lah fen ad l hi 8 . ' ? of g ge idl 'ci i. - Meant. The British forced Utah w.iy ,i, ??,- th,- rjrg /."ti'' un.lei- g perfect ?'"itn af bullea from the In risible Boera The i attar of tba bullets on th* di ? it i- added, reload tba dug! Uki ralndroni on stater. Tl aghoul There ire n ! ? - ? of b The Quean baa been greatly annoyed b\ the unfounded 11 itemenu th it ah lll-hra!(!i gad parcattUgllf we. pun-, A l thean atorlee at. \<e:\r< in ihe BggMn, Widen add Mut lt gai never ?.??-n ber Majesty*! ta ?iii p'ay | ','.-'.-i i i! - c ol-gtrl " ROBERTS' MKBBAOB, london, i. .-.ix pagan *i\e pc "flee mi ?> Lord Roberta1 bm - ??g??. .inil in ,. t or iii in coinnunt edlto rfi'lv lt. Thc Time* says: "In nn admirable mei? nas;.* t.i Ani.uc. god Canada, (word Rob? inia goa Riven an jiI^quhIi- anil welcome asnri eaton to nu- natteaal sentiment*" The Daily Telegraph says: "We feel sure the mest.ipe will he welcomed in both Ihe Knited States and Canada. Lord Roberta describes in apt words what al! KneUHhrnen feel. Ther> ls nothing like ldrBratty to te?t the value of our Meedo, and the sympathy of ih. I'd .*,i, a.* well an the magnificent devotion of our colones, stand out In ibarp contrast to His First Act Was to Accept the Resignation of General Brooke's Advisory Cabinet havana. r* meara! Leonard Wi rai.- osaca ?< I o'etoeh h i n.ur oj H. tl ? ' over-auiht, ;. ? ! dei Ided to mi vMth pilli. appro, ii i ,i m ii irltj ol i, anlnent ui g.neral - dd to d only , li nz i ;? have, ti th \ v. | Ik ii.- iea tn th i nu n, - bring forget t il COURTS OORBUPT. 'Hie .-.lin- i aral d ?? ulng ? Brooka'i farawail proclaiaatlaa Bald: ??'rn.- gracbjuaatlon wai ui-ad. i-e.t cuba ls hound iii i ..; tun, wu ti t.u.l and aithoal war to arrive al .I state ?ii coaaparaih comfort. No man kaa a righi to regard hu ni -ll. li i,,|.,r..v m. ' , in ti ?'. ? adntlal ra tieri tl. nilli ii., au M .rli.. I un,I than I go\ ????timer,i n,,w than Def..!.-. As fa- the ? /..liuii, and j., ? virtually muli.. ?ay imp,.ian- particular, ah mi-, at rn; ?pinion, moat Cabana will atrtlbuta to the had kdVl '? given Hem tal (hooke by his s-cfi tarli'.." it is I thal no governor win ? intel fur 8a .Li,-.. I. parrm.nt, bat thal ai. .gpa in . ut tu chi: government nfl i ganai Kala than avar betore. will re initiated th rc, Hove, n >r.<ienerai \\ u .1 hiving supervision of the expert OM nt fr- ni 1la\ aaa, ? (leneral Waa I lht? afternoon visited the prison and th.- penitentiary ami se.goad mack mtanauad. although ka dank iiifnmfni ap an the a ap., toma. "? wo. se. v.mpaiiied u> OaoataJ Ludlow ?*? 0?n ?rul ck'tfTen. th. raid rarpl.uf of some of th' coi,ilium t'l ila' The Si,| ?ivs "The Iltit'sh !?'" ?.??. and Bl givliiK UM world | kial ai to Um extent of Ui asl* fight ng m.,tori.. where is th- demonatratloa watohed wit li -.v'tii mure - it - than among mir kinsmen In the United sr - akara ?yatpatliy a still farther aro* Lord Roberts' admirable m. THRU.I.IV! INCIDENT! LONDON. Dec ll Letter, from SrltUh officers .md ? Idlers Banting In the Trans. \ ami I mgthy ? ? * ir eon deni ka! fllti r tata ptW i tba mails teem with thrilling ami I athel lo lurid Tba Tim. ..mle it gu graphic aei ouni i i lon ol ina British ? Nek where Cartotoi v cam ? I a half i ? in ami v. !. Mountain h ttterj i rt mk ve.i. Twu hun- . -.iv - tins i u.utii" a ?' li .in ?;., i,.--<i country I Brad ur a boulder roi d Into (he h.,:;. rv mti ui i uti Tl uni away from their haf :? iveri Th rj ? gav hack anon Um tklre i: glmeni th* id ince part) of a li >m ur. il Int.. lng rn . kin.-:, th it ii wa k '''t'l-* ? liv the fre igled i . induji ? ... un ila with I HOPKLRBfl PANIC ? in Tin animal-. wild with Uk tara dawn th ai .1 thc last thai ?? mraunltlon i>...\ and -? Dir bunk of the.-,- lew mhv "i ii ut t.. h iva alaine I eaoni] fort, Un i ia li d in getting Un maa ?cain under and arbon daylight mm th. Brat position whlel tara miles 'mil goal. Th. vv. - . rd to Like ..Ivam the Brat kupi... a. Bo.I aron ar.,un,I iii..pi v\. uahl r. d In with desultory Dring ll wai ? surry p .-ii ion I : men Wera In I iiiiiiiiiniiiuii ?*,..- | i .bough ? n red i>> ? ? ol the ? . v..-.a p..' iidi wltli lkari pkt pal ii 'inn. From ..iiin-t daybreak Boar acouia were reconnoitering dui I o'clock mounted Bm re i oal i ill. i In ratall ?i oup t to tl | I ba r. - rat.f tba hui on lhi 'ter un strong pat tl d men took i i tiona ..ii Um far ld o th i ommandlng the kop 11 om ll i o'clock Ui" two i crowned Um hill- and opanad lire rn .-liui! : I ii * nir m< n mada i plui I ? tempt to n turn thia Ure, hu: if \ i po il,',.-. Th.'v wi ',- undi i i.i ? i .an twa dire tiona, ti .;,k The '\\.mpanli * .. ihlres holding the -? lf-i uni.un. d Brlven from th. | I ? Un y . ra Md tho op< on the low pl Ueuu w< ra ti rribly ma Th?- Boers on the a I thai .illili, .lt.;- v tv,.m| llUll Ju !' I thi tm lt wai t!,,u thai the men wara oki mil r ieI tie \ Doti I ' tba enemy realized th. .ii th ? wi stern hill ti i mi ! i .a aw tie i thej I ty on tko hemmed in. ai ac d atiuut tO itch) i v Tfce n in m.' -.?, lix I llki in.-n ' Th. i ? ?'-'..'. a m ? a, I ? Mg . nu it tound? .ii. bul f wari loth to contlnui d Brine fur .' ?;i- Uni "i i nan laid down their a "Bl *. ' , Mu i i ? . rj ti, train eonvcying ! Lord Kitchener, i ow "ti kl i from Um. Boudna to South Afr* ?< rig I h ol Luxor lt only i arrlvtas hera. I In Hu- city and a recept Cromer, th m Bary* Bad ethan Hi ham . I a train li la GENERAL WOOD TAKES CHARGE. CHAIRMAN JONES on the sui ai io: . Democratic Prospects Brighter Than in ty.. BRYAN THE NOMINEE No Other Nairn- Will be Mentioned as Candidate for Presidency. REAFFIRM CHICAGO PLATFORM Will Oci-lai-o IgRfdhMM liopci ihIi-iu arni in 1 'iiior of Bogola ting lin?.i?. Thru* ih QgggM Bc*OCntt| i.f **|l|lll.lll .IN ll) ll|<< Mouthier I'm \ nu Pi ? olden) rilli Ain ' I ? '?? Janies K. Na i non .. Boy, ii ll ii* . ii.< m. i Prent* - ? w iheuld >ear? conti -' i , ?i. RE M I um . HICA0O PLATI ullll. ? lion will reaffirm i ..,i it form lt will ? .,ml in t.i\m- ol . I think. b) th.! bill establishing mdard Bly." iter enid I i divet I ? i - .m. THE fl RBBN4 \ BILL - ling tbs Cum I ll Bi ustor mid; I thtnk tie ul .mi.." ard bill liv ? wmii.I ihegeeg ibo lUoa ao ii"* the Repub r.iV walch it win have i Mttj if adopted by i he Bt nata Boob i ' ra nato! lb ii tl ?? pr. aaal bin ? ju. .i by ih. goa* :. ... -.plant what ..I thc Sta r Senator iii,-".'".- 'oat the Currency Bill ''"'.lit command Pl amt ic; OM] i.' ite. KEN1UCKY DEMOCRACY Iggggggga Aililn-ss Endowing ? .ocher* Cmoaaot ? vic-ii:: r kv Da fl -Th. .-i . :lim. ,1 hy ? . reasons t i- - Rlaokburn, . ba i mau urn Chalr ?ti ? nd Kx ecutlv. i ,i ai Um k ntl K ? ,-? li ill h. ii. ail rand datea D for '1: i they ..?iiiii,;. .i. ?; f?el thal n i-i ti in .t win ? i they be, ? ? Ital i ? B - ? uti. - 1 In th ! wi thoo I a ?-. i the ''. a or validity ? I - ad arith the authority io go 1 returns ami dntermta ? th* t .::?:. i'. on would not hat the portie . --ii taagj EVIDENCE OP illAin "A.- feel tl il !>' the Maht of th ? : ih Democratic party , i to cirr\ timi to the lr*bunal rn d bj law fae j , ?? i .ii - ni .>. I wi'.n h till- Met nf , - tlaau. hal* rota tn many of the overwh. mingiy he B'ate. Tl e ci only In -lo if the I iW. but ls In utle. and "i ? of ihe spirit ot th low, au.I tbe u.-c - f t:.e-e ba I iota lurnlsh not only prlm.i Ta-le bul a's. oonela* . ,ri/i-e.l fraud. (Continued on t-e, <,i,d Page V SUMMARY OF TO-DAY'S'n'EWS l.iicnl, I.. | i'.?d for the holld ? rho fertillaer lag bul ..assed the Ben _ f the farmer f uni.y. i '.-.i in Um 'I"- k Hoi ? in Into Rucger*a lesuaurant. Btati-. -Til" Lynehbutg highwayman at-nt on to the grund lur>. Ai Salural i:i!.lge> Mr iud Mt* T ll their golden wedding tern ghats i tut. brought to Rt. IimmiU for au uuera tioll. \ Pranfctln .-minty 'armer accidentally , I off. High Coi burg resign* aad bi.s aurcsssor is appointed. (??nr-rat. ?Chairman Jinny ?lisi >l out? look tucky Demon-ate endorse Coebel'a ?Raleigh and Goatee stockholders en? dorse Seaboard consolidation. -Clark Howell addre*?os lr.depetideni Club Kore lan. Ladysfalth wall supplied ami can hold out longer than estimated Another naval brigade lo go to tho f??mi - Imlu of Marihoiougr. enlist* fe* gar* vice iu Tta-,- ,