Newspaper Page Text
JUSTICE JOHN'S CHRISTMAS COURT ?Works Every D,iy in the Year Except on Sunday. THIEVES COME TO GRIEF \ i .il.l.ii Dog ?i dam ?? u<..H.I Ho nun:'.' 'I' Baj ? allia Pollooanan i.m Fi eple too Bael in Biegger. i ? I n lie throne - ? i pun v VI I i - ? ? ' ? ? ? I WHS DAY CAB ? ? i ? ? ' - ' - - I - TV ? all liv I . ? th I.I IL . i|.l loll, ? I i ll ? I ' ? I l ' ' I I I I ' i: t 1 e - I I 1 i ?l J -il,,. ' ,.- -.1 ,|| C on. pro- I ? em peel lion of I ?aft area ai loi li.wi: E. 8. Haxen. adjutant, with rank of j DTSCOVZHZD A T LAST > a ouica ago susi coat roe Sick-Headache Dizziness, Malaria ?-A"? La Grippe One Gh*s Belief &!ike% Sick People Well. s ' '*'"? -ai lue ? ? aethe entire nstets Am.- ,..:- (oi Sf,cr,,,,.,, 0| N.-,-v, innes- sod h. 10CCHT&. . : , ...j | WM, P. POYTHRESS&CO., W. H. SCOTT. R.E. SHINE. ?n M Mil Dr, a ll. 1 ?iMi rank ? " th rank i ink of Bra) I .meron, Ji ; A ? ? D Henry A Kolbe, ? i ... BUS/ CITY HALL COURTS. \ Charter, Ball I anea, and Divoree vu ii?- \\ ere Dispneed .,r ? ? - Libby i i; li ? ' ? I in ry. Thi i ? Judge Wi Sergi other ? of Hu " > David L. Ai N' I ? ASSOCIATION SERVICES, Hi. Howl horne t,. Bonah on a liv III),ll I'll Illili ilV. aili ic I' i ? el ? - ? i? ed ii i \ n.iin Room. ? ;-, Hen >v hu did in t think him - ii he i "Hld ti??? . .itv- In, and in t i - ? dl< i ot ' Bl ural eau Mr J ? : ? . i . ?, .1 i 'iii, , i^. ? - I ? ;.->n. ? w t ? ? - ' v ' T Hirrl I Secretary Montaguefi Report, reta whii h waa - DMaatri na Pin \ i 11. tl A .-Hi1 ? or he qui ol rte aj tua Bra would uh HAMMOND, FLORIST, 107 East Broad St.. Richmond, Va. I'.mi Decoration*, Choice Rosebud*, tut Mower*, lunerel Designs. A. REGAIN THEIR LOST LIBERTY Penitentiary Convicts Pardoned on Eve of Christmas. THE STORY GF THEIR CRIMES Clrcufnetnnoee Rotated) In Extenuation of I lie Yal iou* Often res, ur as .lu si i Bani hm ol'4'lenient')--One Wu mau and lillee Mon. : De n i from i i ill i ism na, Cox. The ? I ? willi a li ' . Her p. the Jul PARU X ' 'L MIS--' 'I LIAN. i at 'h' 1 < in tlc ... ? . i i mini 'i him. SH ll ll" ? Carroll ? 'I hs * The tii il !?..;? , ? I imlcide. - talk I ni ex ai . m thal ii.,i ii IN TUB HEA1 In the ? This i the crime by the ? His the di fi rn Bf lils i rt unity ?i with ??d !? i ? thinks i UH ' ? ? | ?li tin i after ? PERSONAL AND GENERAL. Interesting Poets limul Richmond*! i ,i ./.-ns .uni i it her Mnl I ' ry lltlk ' .'. ' Mr. < ' v ra yee) rd ij kt) ? ] i i||< tor ff Customs '?' i*. Mm ? RB a I trip in Philadelphia Corni ' s . ito!, where he will Mr Edwin C li : rtitute. ] - ? I ?i out n; of thi ? Rei kw Patl ? ii. opt the < ali te ? hun h. ? | \ oi k ci, v in brother, Ed? win Lee ' erl - ra dru f In thal ? Mr Andrew Broaddu Win free, son ol ? la ians in Lak- r ? ''.ly. Br. Wlnfree I i 'Win-,' \\ to mal a hil I elane, Balance is ReortL ?? Card. md Mr. vere the t rxamlm i | - - ol Hams ,i vv hick is now In pt,.. ti. i .I Stab l -? M - ii- . . told "i thi formntlon ol the i on i any and the Bannar of stock subeerlptioi a knowMdged h'vi'iu ?ubecribed stock nf 1 , ry, and ? genUesnen later repndlntotl their BubeerlpUone The examination of Mr. Gates waa not Ra by "a coming should be a time of joy ?nd happiness. Fear shot.ld be for K?Iten and pain a stranger. How often is it to? A. the time approacher how often the poor expectant mother is nerve-racked and pain-ridden ? Mering and almost sufler tr.g de th, it i-n't riejit. Nature never Bl it to be so. li'the motli? er were strong and an ll in a rv.)?:! m: v argy, as abc ought te be, there would lie DO danger mid Utile nain. The tune of parturition is mede cobb* fur' ii'e and s.tie by the tue ot Hr. - Pevorite Pnicription. lt is a niel., me deigned tn a anil led ph ?. tpecieliat in thc diaonleia end die nf women ?for the express and i ilv purpose of putting the ?? lu le atoms an!) -v stein into perfect, eigoi iua health. It vvnrks directly on the organa involved in h ihv'sadvent and make- them itrong, healthful and flexible. Taken during the whola period of gradation it Inaurea the j>crfcct health Ot both mother and child. Mr- .'.' .'.ht: I- Crin . n JTaramhis Ce Ali wriu? I have i .v.<-n three ?.I rr* riftJ i i we bottle :;iic I'-il-ts1 inif nh -ni ippetil they ititi jcivr mr My baby ba ... .. mi'iHn ; weighs fiftr-i, jioiitids a? t i half Wlirn i hera abe was tbe fattest little baby girt i ii evei uw Mi- tr ik the lat.**! one of ill my tvihlesand .it the birth I had an ~aMer mid tour thea leve; had ! ire .muter and h'althr: Cnn I rv i was I never wi'.! be with ult )..n iii-.ii -c XIa? Hud hies. \ yoe g nd Bil ' For obetinate conatipetJon Hr Pierre's mt Pelleta an- the mool ; BC ever devised They greg i.tempt, comfortable, permaneal relief. aili be co milli HIV IE. inn lill mya i. Rb bard , ? awi i) nun nlng at the ] I rr tha : . i from - - mplli atlod the ti to contend. The i be hom ? lenl rday morn ral will tah* en the ..f I* T. mil be ..I ? BCO early in UM '? . Il ITO ibU ? iii d from that at \ \ few a ? -.ditioii eg akara I be ama removed ? > Ihe i - be re I attention and ? o li fer the Baal Dh ino an Ya. Al I y age fa tb teth? er and mott , ? .1 him I ? a d to i. d the nc r ?i bil IWB aei.cunt. In ' in the ? of IBM * I v : M ? ,f cap? turing R i 11. ni blt I ? nd .ii I Mci : ? ftlchni * p oma - v - ? fflci r. iv.!', ' 1 i ;. i . t ? ? ? iptaln i ? i and h .. ? d under th ad be > - : i ii hei hm i De i ii- - Ap] ? ? aorlt the Will other r ?? i: M ' le .ml ji rinir Jo Captain Pray ?r vv.. ' ' rn, g. 'ol wee rory proud. Nra Beeta B? na McCne. AITON, \ a i Bi li I.?ll - :' John L. I p. M after I ulai morn B !.. il. ? wo? rn m. who end :1 with i ' The pour ... . ? one of Um h b rt I rur little cl ? Infant a fen ni i i ovlng ul a mofhi lilt r. Mr . Dr. 1 L ? li .-.I inst h.: re the and i '1 at ll o'< lock tu-m..r row Th* Intern family bun'! [t ,l"' "'tl ?*,<' ': l hoanaa is. Plain CULPBPKR, VA tb B Bj B. lil. ' Hotel C har li ?:?!.? of tb. W. Bi Motel, at this ? ,. he h me of his i ton, yester : . - . Of I ^rt.r a abort Uh immatory rhea . and 'tv Ipelae. I T IN Bl* HOI KS. I -1ST!: .SS lr.? Kidney ami I' '-older H . in ix hours b) ' Ni vv UREAT ll ,ui lt ls a gn 't sa: ' of Its ^ pilli ind ha- k iii moe or female Itel.ev.- re? entlon of water altr.ost .mmedlare'. If you want .pm k ' and cure thia lu the remedy. Sold r-v w H niall .nd Owens A Minor Drug Co., Richmond. Va. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, Property l nuisiei-. . iend: Junes' - la*wh A ei to PannB i. Uovtng !^ vu feet on weal i le I irtii .,t t -ar-, itrset, %- - ll i'. Pbtr-M '. ? Willi un Harp. ? Pim hareel Bartk of Spring " Le rhte | i., Seed M ti ust for I'M, BBS K. ll. llarv\.??l and wit.- Lo reel "ii Hirth rddS "anal stle.t. i'j B*A-U fi-i ,.f Joaawaen, SUSS Walter Ouiatlan, clerk, to Joaepb B. lil. m. .? feet on we i Shi I Bi Paul sire ' Dov,I and Hiker street j. Iii liane if Arehllter Wfllhuna for tuxes. %sa. in M. Daft ? m K. rtuntsr, 47 6-12 tg I og north side Main -tree!, tl 2-tf feet west of Fifteen h str-et, -imp- | to deed of trust for P".'<*' u\S* R. R. Florance, BgBilsl commissioner, to V. Heckler. Jr.. 35 feet on north side Malu street, "3,500 and payment of IL* per month The christmas telebratkm of the Weat* flub, given last night, weil merited the distinction given it lt was ? lady Its own. In that lt afford* : IvtalB) and ami-' BteOM fog ev ry one pr, -j. nt Holly, running ivy, fern-. Virginia cr-. i, ai . !:i! designs pre,laminated throughout Ihe building, wine ,t string orchestra in the ie ir ol tit- halfway SI6* mus*' thai steadied r*e*eeUy imo ir In the wine-room were punch bowl- , .;i;-iiiii; bawls, ami wine bowls frothing ssi :i th- "best IngreStents'' nf Thi ? ? altai s erare kept t>n-* Uv d pplng the cheering stimulants until a late haili, aa.l il .v i- nu nit I the last drop bad been drained thal th crowd w "Hid ,."?-, nt io go down and partake ?ale tiling dinner which awaiti d th m. Pour large table, la the dining-room ibounded In all el I ides and Bet? ti , BU ,, - b Wll k >!"W. I ? i. 1 V . "lives. plcki" - aaa style, turkeys, chicken, ? mdt* era, s ?? nona, oranges, coffee, and Dumerooo te m'-n tloll. Coming ap from the tahlee, tbs mesa* i, ? - tod to Col n i "'. '? B Cowardln, Bled mts, the reading loom with the or* ? w bare mu en and sing. givei Kai; true solids and mn ss. r. - - -..i bv the gueeta, and the orchestra played while memtiari "f the Club sang, Mr iioteiik'.s.*,, eau il ?' by Col ?:.'i Cowardln, sang " Wni dowfl upon River," Carry am Back io om VTrginJ i." "Dixie. Bom ? . 11 I ? Dub Tore Han," "If Toa I n I Got Ba Money, why. You Ntedn'l Come Around.'' and Other songs, in which tho mk p iii I fr. adv t.i the 1 ur .f the "'?' islon were the recitations, ikO-walk and prom .v ho took h-irt in th, ? ,K ? i. ii 'I n. Mr Jack Ol Mr, Hun hk,--. Mr ii. p Brea ' Ml The i tatloni by Mr. it B. Tal ntlne . Ti, i i I , IgbtOT ami ei.j'iv merit. i ams thlnkln' n .ut Christ* ' Thc Tr-'ll' y !'ar," and "In Brad by Mr. Olbeon, who re. ted a ?! dd dly humor? ous piece entitled "BUI Bays, ' and he was ? . ,.sv. d by Mr. 1 h own Blake entitled "Admiral Willi Ih. Dr md Vi ll-? A While will spend the holiday, with their Borania, Judge id. The Lee camp AuxUlnrj ru'-t in "'amp ii ? I ye terdJas snot ali g al B Mi i B B iii ?? presided. Th,- Maty-three boekets peaked tor the i onfederate widows and orphans, left iii Mr. w li. Tatum's srotery ? c. Proa,i itn et, anti] to*dey so thor ?her contributions may he added The ladies will meet to-day to di-trlbute the ba The next meeting of the Auxiliary will Laka pines on Um Brat Wednesday in Jan Dg I hone pi ? Mnl a ? re: Moa Bormnn v. Ital dolph, J W. white, B. A. Bli ' ' I' A l'.U'Wii. J A Small, .t i iav i i and Miss [aa smith. The i is am.te id of M*fs K .te spear to Mr. Ismis gWhlte, both of has frequently I our it's- and ba bool of friends Mi* Joseph Levy win hmve ThesSay tor al ii lp to New fork. I Miss Mary Bigger are on a visit to th-ir slater, Mrs. Charlo. 11 Man-,,p. of C irollna. Mary Pem ? 11 cdebmted I ith birthday bj ? delightful porty/, On Thin ; Doon. .,? ? out announdng tbs appro ich* - of Mum N I ? ? irtar to Mr. Robert l. Mountcastle, which wilt ? Mount Ph a ant i hurch ?'harli' , mt) , \ a . li. ? mbir Jilli, P, M. i,i, and Bil who hove been visiting friends in Predertcks* ? irned ac omp ink d by il a ? awning, Mis j. l. Mann |g visiting her anette* ? r, Mrs M. A. Marlin, at "Pall I lite. B v alli he Hie I a-eot Gre ie h "di.iv i, after wlii,di ? liar.I vv ill retUI ii willi her to the ? Ctty. sd Mi v - ' bars return* iuhtful DOI ':.' rn trip. Mrs. joan li Mn I w Lucy will leave ihortly for Philadelphia WOW Vnrk. ? \ V Wami.,. Of UM ?pending irlstmai w Ith bl i i?r. A number r> Southerners attended irrlage of Mr. Ralph T Shropshire md m i in p. b Steels in New York on the 'J'1'!! Mr Preston Car BOn ? ' ? ? I ? be ' man. I th" H. wly-organised Prldsy enlng ai tba '? fi be most .'. ? ? Mi W Ulam T il* i .; ;? ? '. .. M Mr Ml W !!? ti. Palme lom \i Prank Its Mitt v ii in Bro k. obi Mm Ii A Willi a mom m . - Chamberluyne, Wil I'.-kah Bell ?/ . - ind Buth H June Winga and Linn M Osteriob, T. H Dsughtrey, Cardoso Oregon Tacker, ll. Tower, White, Willis, .v s Bteai B kin E Botcbkiaa Button, Li" v Leake, Deltridt, and Bl Conrad, who kee hen the p ? \i med to hat boms in winston \. C \:iie Hetcnklas witt nive an ste* ? -ti ai early kt Jan ?? | Magruder or Edgen i nar.inty, are vialtlng Bi Otu ind B Taylor, na Heights. rYXXXXXXD0(XXXXXXXXXO00O00<XXXXXXXXXX?C BOOKS For Christinas Presents. Bibles of every gtyls and with the latest maps and helps, Hymn Books pud Prayer Hooks and Booklets. A magnificent collection of CA LEN DARB. We bsve a large and full collection ot Holiday Books for boys and giris and picture books for children. Handsomely embossed poems and Woodbine gilt-edge editions of standard poems. Our Retail Deportment is better prepared than ever to Bteet the ib-mand ot the local Christmas trade, and by selling both wholessle and retail we are enabled toscil cheap. Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1001 East Main Street, Second Floor, Richmond, Va. 'Phone ?88. booooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^ JAMES N. BOYD, P?lliCI?T. MANN 3. QUARUS, V.ct-PSIIT. JOHN MORTON, Ste Y A Vaeaa Virginia Trust Company, 1200 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CAPITAL, - - - $500,000. CHARTERED BV THE lEOISLATURF OF VIRGIN A. AUTHORIZED LEGAL OEPOSlTORV OF COURT AND -R -T ESTABLISHED FOR THE EXECUTION OF ALL CHARACTlR Or TRUSTS. ACTS AS TRUSTEE UNDER MORTGAGES OF EVERY KIND. REGISTERS AND "RANsFERS CORPORATE STOCfS AND BONOS. RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CMjCCK. ISSUES Cf RTIFiCATF.S Of DEPOSIT BEARING in I I Rfc.IT. ACCOUNTS OF INVESTORS SOLICITED, ANO INTIBIST Al LOWf O F'Y At.Hi IV I ITS STORAGE AND SAFETY VAULTS ARE NOT EXCELLED, to Mi Ec \ ' i' ' i i tang Hi uri. Bli ... ?' ?; B I a tl Bugging aa, i ? . M i Ai;. ,1 .iml Marv fl w. i i north abb - I ? - s fl 1 Mn ii .ii < 'ii.irle!, ,; Tbeia ? Cbarlei .1 Theaner, at feel on neal Mia., nth iti - tot a irth of R "ri '?<. lubjei i io a Um. PM slim in ihe I ;ua E. I...; t sn uh. a araall i olon ?> i-.v. ?a g hilled ? ; about ?? by i mir acti Ki wa- -Ina j.i th., in... by .I.vim M ? colored, arith ? ;?'-? a Ibre mle. the i ail atriklng him on Ibo bridga nf tha i ? Meed through in- let , \i- .i.i.i lodged ju.-t in from t tba lefl ear. 1 lie eye b - completely deetroyed. br j. Oatet Oood ol tte im^ulenee, au. mir,i him. and cul rt. He . rtoua condll J- 'in Meraball t I phi ed ht the Third Station, charred with Bring j the Tbs vv .'.uni...1 ., iv ti, iii- Boonal il. v \ m thi amb ilm ? ,. a i ??ti 1.1 Hie i... ..n: ie ta attend i August h ila ah | ail ti cn i maabad in Berne Mach ne v. iii ? | by Hr. Qoodl a".I left Vaia bte Book ot lloference. Th.. LflB edition "f tba vv .i rot ar.i ion Almerta ed bj 11 i m.. - r. i mode Ei im Ina .M' '|l Tha 'in' mai i - up tn Ita uaual! , nf attract literal ure, ind I lai Ber em] i better in every vvav ti . - .i h ri.! ance volume, th.. Infoi wi,ulil hf iinc-i ;.k- ?? ?.. ? . ment'a notice being a naya eaail) found Th., nam., lawi ,of Virginia, thi i regulation! and the IMt i I i in Virginia, revlai i .iii curie, tc.i op to ? ? ail llama thal na una every .ia, and nhli i art- found In j a promt ll.-li.-i \>s.iinii.)ii. The Citiaen'a Rellel AeaoctetMa wiii .,' | Hus Lei I'lv for ? < hurler .mn win I"- a part of thc ' bamber ol I em? mi n ?? The folloniii^ ai? Mi ;,, titianoi the ? 1> irti-r; Bryce stew..rt ii lani: Henry i Lea Valentine vlce-pre.ld.nt; Bot ?I HI. hu 1 III Meade, recording lecretery; John Bteami I Bryon, i om pondli .. DeaMI Qrinnan, Boban Leeky, Jr.. Jamea Il S .itt. .lillian Er | mt, Hai I , D Bl bel ? i lordon Wallace, H. S Hat \\ get liv I :aii ? - ai th- Retreal rex I i BieS IB been Btted ap i room for -a k ... girto. Thc ni un-has been furnished by JuMua Meyer*! Suns gad i- endowed, bul aoly ntly tu fe.-. !? i paten! In : ? awathi of the i ? "'is in I have tin angetrmi ed, and Hunk .ni mete noi ... ti.i be coani buted tn. I.asl Daj. T i hill al thc i noel a ith .i .!..., nlng ;? ri: irman. r t ga] Tba Si n / red tn. hu pl all Bovell I. c. a..- mot ? i opatat with Us theatre I ?: ..ii' . .uni I'. v ? ? ra populai favorite! Manager Welli baa booked foi i briitm ii mab a id: >.r high comi ac tn.l BOI \i Hu- Hu ima!-. E VV E lint . ..;' tl n ll '?? at st - Home under ? ? - then ng. Mr Jamea . th.? fletre it for tba Bk*. Dr. Cobb, rt Idem ph) ali lan t.f -hr e. - Hear f. r the .-!? k. will leave tn.lav '"ra ?h.irt t ,.- .ii hi- h..aiit- in AmHU I ? All reata lui Nniv. There area ironed, in tha .amp al tua Sutler- Homi |^ morning al Hie braaktaal boar Veteran Kiata, abo h - charge "f tba ? ri ...I dept rtanent, and Vetet iii Peri - n id boom 'ii - '!-? ??? a ? ? and ce ma M Meara, ai' Bl IBU '?'? f ? ,' " '''''I her..'?? .lther area I Mn Mean QnUa iii. Mr. winiam ii Mac,, af tba Brm ?t S May... on Tari i si rr.- . is quite Ul, and | ? benaiona are entertalneg ot Mg recovery, Ht bi gutta - neill nf I lill 'll I i El, and hai tong beei IdentUled with tba bael Intereeeta ur thal Bart of th.- etty. Iltil-vs <;O.t.'. Mr. |f bf. ie ker, of Cbantllly, had taro horn ' hui ?? .: ni it.- without rnl a lump on hind leg just gb va ih.- I,,.1. th. other n i bay berne, aaarfe. eil liv g iiarlMtl .Ire mi fate leis, high Bp, The two bereea nora tak.-n imm .? hal ol Bra that vvete in thc paeture. Oflha Walk. Mrs ti'. I ? Ix'vs 'v 1 r'iv.- I'loiiici gran.I cake walk it lb. Amlltorlim on 'I Ding of |T||ggif rt. Bah instant The last exhibition wa teefal that many are anxious t > again witness U* entice of the youngsters Dancing will foltow ttte cake-walk. YPIIOII) FEVER AT GREENSBORO Fourteen H ive Died at ti e Female Normal School, TEN SICK GIHLS REMAIN. MaW Hiv is. o,,,. ,,| ||,,. siu.l, ni-. C. niiiiiis lieamoratrl] III lharhaat p. oaes i-i il ul ito i .?'.11 un ? ingham !"?' <." c i ni-. URKKNSBORO S . ? I fever e| and Ind toro, bl i ii Um ? - .ih. i.-nils ?.. u.iv I vt 11, i tani . nntlnu of the N,rmaI i I in',arv VI LKI-LI , .s ? iv in ? I m.. -, and both i felting. ai' n tia v, ti rms ai ' w ? DURHAM TOBACCO SALES. i d. i non ii uh.un Lu- Governor liv - ino In Keep !>,,,? ll Sen liol ill 4,?i DURHAM, B. C I ?? Spacial.-. - , tbs tod The i i md this week ha - '?? en tho Durham, pi ere wno tah letereet In poll* ?ir OH, Willett meei .; I' . ? | will b I, i' h lui. of p n affort ? 'ming ' tr win bo s km of Ihe "li'.n. John L. C ?. ? of Tr . burch, ? v W" " " Normen, i it. of Edeni n - wh i sue rived and w ill pre.,, i, B The M * few day* a drunk*. A Henrie 'l "ii f l i mb?r linne). i'HAL '.? - ? ? s ' ? ntr ' hi i derahle ? Bank mm R Bl Bi inti Trial. san PRANCISf'O Bf H. - from W -.r I ibai h" B ... ulm to ] turning iud li < ''nltedj St itea Diati ? ? i . sine wl'.l make the I ? ? V-vv I'rli's It.a. lie- MflMBht, WAS w- Or. Vans nrrlv. I it vi lJfi nl?t tao month out fi o N' ss fl bo. '. in '. ? Doted Ive Jahn ll kt. peonse* alon g handaoi I il h a- -a re* ? rared I . there R hndj t>,-,.ii pl ired * l I' ''? h ? iti h was aff. r ,',t bv i nogr i ? purporting to be a been written hv a well-krown ittlien \\ ore lr.mi's gi men traversed the ? ? | bm tween Poushei ind Adam, end PrankNa and iiin a lin < ts y aterd iv ?? i ? lng them-e n li"* Of the street cleaning department They were ask* ulft*. but lt wa? lt am.*! th. y wei- fi autis. ti. Pa 4iprraii-?l Faaeh om inion of I I "i^mmell M ghoul I ba BMraaOn upon Li d ts ? .-? Bea J ? .'?l liomin IH VIII-.. C's Yt I I ed at the residence of hie brother, Mr Milton ?'ay on I a Venns De ember fist, a: L*\ I* M , KOLAR M CATCB, "Ked si >. The funeral will take plare from the ? rue SATfJBDAT. at IS o Friends and acqualnume. ara tnvltid to atlee*.