Newspaper Page Text
WEATHEI5 FOBKCASW. Foreca-st Tor Saturday and Sunday: Virginia?-Fair Saturday ar.d . Sltr _ ly. fresh -westerly -winds. North and -South Carolina?Fair and warater Saturday. Hjfht to frc."?h south wgsterly -winds: Sunday fair. VOL. 14. NO. 305, RICHMOND VA., SATURDAY. FEBEUARY 3, 1900. PKICE TWO CENTS. CONDITION OF WILLIAM GOEBEL Better Than. at Any Time Since He Was Shot. ULTIMATE RECOVERY" Attendine Physicans Hold Out Some Hope for First Time. NO FEDERAL INTERVENT10N. Tbe President Says Sliuat'oii OoesNot YVarraiit It?Tlie I>C*nocwHs Met Yesterday and Effectc'I Orjran izat ion? They Will Oflcr No Resistaticc to Arrest. FRANKFORT. KY.; Fcb. 2.?Thc con? dition of AViiliam Goebel is to-night con t=idered better than al any time since hc was shot. The iron will ahd determina? tion or the wounded man that he will not die by an as.sn_-s7n*_ buTiet Is, however, Mill considered tlie main factor in' sus laining him. but to-night thc attehding physicians for tho lirst time hold out some hope for his ulliraate recovery. Governor Goebel secured some. sleep during tlie day, which Increased his strengtli perccplibly, and though uiifav orabde symptoms sHowcd themselves at times. tlio sick mari always rallied well. Compared with twerity-four hours ago, his condition shows a decided iniprovc fnont. his temperature being more. nearly normal, though some fever still shows ltself. Ilisfp-lee and lespiration are still high. but his kidneys. thc condition of which las: night was r.gardcd as the i^ft unfavorable symptom, are perfornilng their(funcllons in a more normal manner, thus obviating In a degree the danger of anacznib poisoning. Governor Goebel during 'ihe day complaincd somewhat of bid soreness and he was turned par'tlj on -his side to rellevc the straihed muscles. This for a time had an unfavorable effect but he soon rallied ahd shprtly afterward fell Into a light sleep. His temperature to nlght Is P?> 3-2. his respiralion SS, and pulsc 120. HOPE OF RECOVERY. Shouid thc wounded man succeed in passing through io-nlght well his phy? sicians express tlie hope that his recovery, though necessarily slow, will be sure. "At present Governor Goebel breathes altogether from his left lung." said Dr. WiUiams to-night. "Cflbttcd lilood has al? most entirely coatod his wounded right lung. wliji-li of course forms a natural Tiantlng.-. "ainT provenis t'uftlier blecding.*" but later will prpve sbmewliat ;t sburce of danger. The dotted blood will decom pose in about eight days and then it may be necessary to remove a section of a ril> in order to remove- tlie deooihposed blood. The wound will then be drained and the danger then will be from secondary hemorrhage.*' WASHINGTON. 1-M>. 2.?Nearly the en? tire tn.e of the Cabinet meeting to-day wa_ d.-voted to a discussion of the situa iion in Kentucky and the riglus and duties of the President in connection h. .\ decision was reached . at once. and when Senator-Elect Blackburn with Rep resantatives Rhea. Allen, G'lbert, Sml~.ii and Whoeler called this morning to pro Vest against Federal interference in Iven tueky. the President promptly gave them to undarstand that he had already reach? ed a eonclusion oh the subject and that 3-eTad that the situatlon d:?l not. war? rant ti.e Fedexal aut-ibrilies in inierf.i-ing. Tho law "wheh-must govern in this case authorizes Federal action only when tlie Legisiature is not in session and cannot be cohvehied. Governor TaylOr's messaj; intimate that Uie Legisiature of the State cannot be promptly convened, nor does he show ihat the eonditions in Frankfoit are such as would justify Fed? eral int.i rfetvnee. The President and the members of his Cabfnet, without oxocp-tiin. recognize thc fact that the Legisiature of the State of Kentucky, by a majority thereof. is the sole judge of which of the two contestants was eleclad Governor of the State at the reeem election. After the cabinet meeting the followifitr siatemom was made: "The President has decided that no ense has yet arlsen *o juslify the inlervcntion of tho naitonal governmeirt in Kentucky.. snd has so inforaied the Governor." DEMOCRATS PROTEST. WA-IUNGTON, Feb. _.?A dei'gation of Kentucky Democrats, cunsisting ol Senator-elect Blackburn. and Repfesenta l-.ves Rhea. Wheek-r. Smith; Allen and <Jilbcrt, and Colonel Phil. Thompson. calli.i upon President ATclCinley to-day at tlie White House to protest against interference in the contest in Kentucky. They expressed their deep so llcltude lest a collision sliould occur be? tween -)iu wariihg elements i'i Kentucky, and mude the report that Governor Tay? lor had soiieited Federal iniervehtion tiic text of their protest. 'They assurcrt the President that the law and const_t_ti_>n of Kentucky had been sirictly followed hy the Democrats in the over the Governorship. ?nd ' that they proposed to sta'lid by the law. The crisls rflst hnd arisen. they declared. shouid be mat in the courts and deter? mlned by the law.' The Democrats. they asser;. would abstain from violence. They B_nply desired -i lawful and orderiy set tleme.-i: of the eonrroversy. Federal in tftrvonlien would only aggravate matters, Ihteasify the exdtenient. and almost cer talnly lead to trouble, and .ucrhups. loss of life. They eamestly appealed to thc Presi? dent to avert such a calamity by abstain ing from Interference of any sort. COl'NSKL I'EACE. Senator Blackburn and Iiepresentative Rhea said that they were going to Ken? tucky to counsel penee and obedience to ' the law. Senator Undsay endorscl what hls colleagues had said about thc Dem oerats ablding within the law, ni matter how much men might differ as ti the wisdom and merits of the contest. The dispatch of Federal troops to Ken? tucky. would. ho said, in bls opinion creato, anjtrehy and chaos. The President in reply expressed hls great anxiety <>v<t the situatlon: hls proroundest wish that violence shouid be avoided and contests; shouid be legally determlned. He assured the delegation ln a general way ihat Federal interference would come only as the last resort after having been invoked by the proper authorlties under the law and constitution." While the Prealdcnt spoke in general lerms. thc de!e??ilon expressed them selvvs as perfeetly satlsned with his as suraaces. The members of the dele gntion wfien they left the W-hlte House said they had counselled their friends in Kentucky to avoid vlolence at any cost, and they said they were satisficd that lf trouble came lt would bc"pfecipitated by tlic-ir political adversaries. LEFT FOR KE3SITUCICY; Senator Blackbiirn left this afternoon for Kentucky, and Represehtatiye Rhea will follow him to-night. They will use their ulmost endcuvors to prevent a collis'on. At the same time they will act as ndvisors ': of Coverhdr Goebel1 iri the legal procecding.s that are to be in? stituted. They assert that Goebel is the legal Gcvernor,- and that the courts wili upbold him. Senator Lih'dsajt; romaincd with the President a quarter of an hour after the delegation had left. On leaving the White Houso he said that it was ihe oplnion of the authorities that a case had not bo*n made out whieh would warrant Fod crai intn-I'erer.c-i- in Kentucky. and that he (Lindsay) was disposed to share lhai view. -Tho Senator said further that he did not believe there would be any more bloodshed and that before the week closed the difliculties would bc amicably settled or in a fair way of settlcment. EFFECTED ORGANIZATION. FRANKFORT. KY.. Feb. 2.?The Demo /?ratic members of the Legislature to day effected a regular organization for the: first time since the swearing-. in of Governor Goebel. A seeret session of Uie members of both houses was held in one of the parlors of the Capitol Ilotel. at whieh Ihe election of William Goebel. as Governor and J. C. XV. Beckhani. as Lieu tcnant-Governor, was reaflirrfied. lirst in separate sessions of the House and Senate. and afterward in a joint session. Preceding this aetioh the members of the Senate eiected as president pro tem. Senator Carter, who was nominated for that position al yesterday's caucus. A committee of Uie mcriibers of the House, composed of I*epresen,te.tlves Firiiiey. Lafforty and Gochrari, was also appointed 10 draw up a set of resoluUons. showing Ihe condition of affairs as it exists at ihe State capital to-day. and coveiing thor? oughly tiie Denrocraiic siile of Uie con troversy. Probably no further attempt will bo made to hold sessions in the State House. lt seems lo be well understnod among tho Democratic members of the Legisla? ture Uiat the session at London will bo ignored al together by them. and that no Democrat will attend "1111111 compclled to do so."* NO RESisTANCE. The Democratic members will continue to hold sessions at somo'convcnienl place until ihe political atmosphcre has cleafed. This plan of acUon was decided on to forestall any attempt 011 the part of Uie Republicans to arrest them and compel iheir atlendance at London. which action, accordlrig- to the Democratic members, has been determined' on by Governor Tay? lor. If arrests are atternpled, no resist ance will be made by the Democrats, citlier to arrest or to "attending ihe ses? sion at London, should they be arrested. 11 was determined that all nets of vio lonr-e should bo avoided and Uiat Ihe bat. tle for suprom.'ioy heraafter should be fought out in the courts. Xmeriheless. the sltuation to-n gbt is rcgardod as gravc by members of both partles' and 11b one is willing to forecast Uie result of tho anticipaited clash of authority between Governor Taylor and the State courts. Some action is expected at the session Monday in regard lo offering a reward of $50,000 for the arrest and cbnviction of ov wouid-bc aasass-i of _j__u__j; fifljhej The -Dnniocraih- leaders to a man are in favor of such aetioh; National Cormnitteeihari Ur'ej- Woodson. (Continued on Second Page.) BORGHERSllOViNG= TOWARD TUGEA This is Flashed From Ladysmith and Bears Out Other Signs That Buller Purposes an Attack. LOXDON, Feb. **.?1 A. M.?Heliogfams flashed from Ladysmith three days ago say that the Boer investment lines then were thlnning- and that the Burghers were moving in force toward the Tugela indi cating tliat a collision was expected tlicre. This ihtelllgerice bears out orher signs lhat Ceneral Buller purposed a fresh attack. The War Oflice continues to reveal rioth* ing that has happened in Natal. With? out excepUon the military critcs vtgard with dismay the. prospect of a reno.vil of tbe assaults unless General Buller laa 1 ee heavily reinforeed. and there is nothing to inuicaie that this is the ease. Lord Kitchenere has been travelling from army to army in Xor_"_rn Cape Colony. and General French, by instrue? tion is now in Cape Town, cohsultihg with Lord Roberts. Large engiripering con structions are proceeding at Moddcr River, suggesting' that Lord Methuen's fortilied -camp has been selected as the base from which to invade Uie Free State. Xumerous sldings, piatforms and-?vare iiouses are being built and a permaiient railroad bridge? is well advanced. German strategists assert that the topo graphy of the country would make in vasion easier from KJmberley and tlie 'district northward than from the more ruggod region of Sterkstrom or Colesberg. CAPTURED SOO BOERS. LONDON, Feb. 2.?Dispatches from sev? eral points in South Africa merely tell of dosuUory shell liring and the move nienls of patrols through Cape Town and nicntion a rumor that General French has captured SfK? Boers, where and when not being announced. SensaUonal rumors are current that the militia ballot act will be put in force February Jlth, ana that General Lord Roberts, the com niundcr-iii-chief of the British lorces in South Africa. has i-uhled.for LO.000 addi? tional men. which. it is added. the Gov? ernment has promised to give him, send ing: 50,'XK' militia and volunteers and 40.000 militia reserves. It is also said that tho volunteers will be mobilizod forthwitb. It is even as seritil to-day that the Cabinet has spe cially dealt wiUi these matters. The mi. lilia ballot act makes every anmarried man between eighteen and thirty years of ago liable to serve for five years. Tha Gazette this evening says it is the Queen's intention to confer the Victoria Cross on Captains Congrave and Reed,. Lieutenant Roberts and Corporal Nurse, for their attenipts to save the guns at the battle of Colenso. TOOK THE FLAGS. LOHEXZO MARQUEZ, Thursday, ?*eb. 1.?A dispatch from Gaberones, dated Jan .uary 23d, descrlbing a reeonnoissance of some of Colonel Plumer's forces around the Boer Laager sbuthward, seems to dls poso of the story Uiat "Mafeking has been rclieved. ? On that date the Rhod'esians," captured two Transvaal flags and drove off the Boer outppsts before returning to Gabe? rones. / CAPE TOWN. Fei-. .2.?The Supreme Court has decided to make no order of confiscation ln tho, case of the steamship Mashona. at present, in order to allow her owners to show .within-two weeks (Continued on Second Page.) RYAN WANTED. HIS RIGHTS DEFINED Asks for an Injunction Affainsl the Seaboard. L1VELY TIME IN COURT Judge Waddill Refuses to Admit Cer tain Evidence in the Case, DECISION IN A FEW DAYS. .-r#umeiit on the Amended and Sup plcmciital Bill Has Been Kndcri and the, Matter is Taken Under" ? Consideration by Jndire I'dmiind Waddill. Judge Ecimund Waddill, .Ir., sitting in the United States Circuit Court. yester 'day Thcanl argument on the amended bill of cpinplaint and to the amended and suppleincntal bill of complaint liled by Thomas F. Ryan against the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company and others. The petitioner asked for a tem porary injunction restraining the Sea? board and Roanoke from c.onsolidating With any of thc roads comprising the Seaboard Air Line system. and on thc conclusion of argument Judge Waddill stated that he would announce his de eision within a lew days. The prineipal light was made on (he passage of eertain legislatiou - by Vir? ginia allowing Uie Seaboard and Roanoke and the Richmond. Petersburg and Caro? iina. the Seahoard's new connecting link. to consolldate, and the provislon by which the latter was permitted to consolldate with any other road in Virginia. It was contended by the plaintiff that lecris latiou regarding this road must be con current with that of North Caroiina; as it was also a creatlon ol" that iStatie. Tho plaintiff also nskei that the court dellne. Ihe logal status of the case and the right's dr tlie minority and objectlng stockholders. and also the proper method of eompensation for their holdinge, The consolidation. thc defense claimed, was not' yet effected. and due notice would bo given before action was taken. Proper and just provision.,would also be made for the dissatisfied"1 stockholders. - It wns agreed that each side would he allowed a eertain time fpr argument, but. Mr. Carter. after his argument was questioned by the court, resumed along another line of argument, and in sisling tbat an injunction be granted, when Judge Cross ihterposed: VT shall have lo ask ror a temporary "i'tfbU?jhlug .nidnV on ~ you,-" snid -J-rn^c Cross; "you have far cxccedc-d -your time." The court granted this injunction on "Mr. Carter. and tho ease wns submitted. THE FIRST T1I/T. The first tilt was over the admission of eertain affidavits. one referring to thc earning capacity of the G. und A. rail? road and the F. C. and P. railroad, the others. one referring to the laws of North Caroiina. rcgarding the government of corporations, another referring to the proceedings of the meeting of, the stock? holders of Raleigh and Gaston railroad, held January _1, 1000. There was a lively discussion-in which Messrs. Marbury and Carter and Judges Cross and Lewls particlpated. Judge Waddill ruled that the last two only were pertinent und would not allow thc tiling of the lirst of the affidavits, as the hearing was only on thc amended bill, nnd the first affidavit belonged to the original bill The hearing of thc argument was then beguri, Mr. W. L. Marbury, of Balti? more. openlng for Mr. Ryan. Mr. Ryun contended that the consolidation of the roads was being planned and carried out, despite reports and statements te the contrary. ? , "While tlie defemlants stated that they did not intend to consolldate until proper legislation hud been secured from the State of Virginia allowing tbe con? solidation to be effected; now this leg? islation has been secured, and consoli? dation is not now intended, then 1 do not know tlie meanlng of the English lan guage." Mr. Marbury also read from the affida? vit filed in answer by the Seaboard and Roanoke to the amended and supple mental bill of the complainant, and c.'ted the resolutions passed by the stockhold? ers ol the Seaboard and Roanoke at their meeting at Porlhmouth on January. lGth, and the resolutions udopted by the Bcard of Directors of the Seaboard and Roanoke January ."0th. and the legisla? tion rcgarding the Richmond, Peters? burg and Caroiina railroad. all of which he contended showed that consolidation was planned and this was what tbe plaintiff wanted restrained. as it would result in greatly injuring his interests. CONCURRENT ACTION. Mr. Marbury contended that the Sea? board and Roanoke was the result of concurrent action on thc- part of the States of Virginia and North Caroiina; and that the action of one State alone is hot suftieicnt to deprive the ?_'.::or.d of any of ii* franchises, but coivui'i-nt act'on is necessary. After recpss was takeri Judge Cross an. swi-kJ for the Seabpard.Company. Judge Cross stated that the amended bill qties tiprio- the cbnstitutlbnality of tbe bill passed by tlie Legisiature allowing con solidatioc -He also stated that Mr. Ryan was asking that a restra'hlng order be is? sued against a thing that might not hap pen and the court could not grant an in junctJon under such circumStances. "Tbe act of the Leglslature is constitu? tional." declared Judge Cross. "A char? ter is amendable and the courts do not take into consideration what motive in __-ired the ?.ct. "Then the court' sliould romember that a special .meeting called for the purpose is necessary for the stockholders to take any action regarding consolidation. Due notice of tliis msatiog w'U be g ven to all and nothing t*3"' -^e done without due notico being given. "All charters, rights and frarichtees,'! declared Judge Cross, "are subject to thfi right of cmlnent doma'n possessed by the State. That right is the State's .and hhs always bean so reeognized., If tho com? plainant is injured in any'way by the aotion- of tlie Legisiature in modifying the charter of .the Seaboard and Roanoke rialroad, then (Mr. Ryan shouid tind. hls renuldy. 'n an action. against the State and not against the Seaboard and Roan? oke. -.'The Legisiature has exercised its sov? ereign power and has told Mr. Ryan that if he is not satisfied, then he can get the val-ie of his stock. und the law demands that 'he value be giyrii." Judge Cross contended -that -the (Continued on Eighth Page.) THE EVIDENCE IS NOW ALL IN Investigation of Davis' Shoe Company Contract MR. THACKER HERE. He Would Not Answer All Mr. Pilcher's Questions, . ONLY ONE OFFER WAS MADE. Jtepresentative of" John L. 'Williaiiis & Son Xatkctl W'jtli Directors aml Ih timatc? That ja, Proposition "llijrlit hc Made for Hire of Convicts to Work on Elcctrica! Enicrprisc, Tho joint special committee appointed to investigate the contract between the Davis Uoot and Shoe Company and <ihe Conunorewealth of Virginia held a meet? ing iu the Senate Chamber last night. Thero were present Chairman "Pileihef, Senator Lupton and Delegate Folkes.'. Senator Lylo and Delegate Gregory were abscn't. The. lirst witness caitled was Mr. T. W. Thacker, of Boston, the secretary and treasurer "and . general m inager of the Davis Boot and iShou Company. lle had nat been on tho stand long before a snag was struck. Mr. Thacker was linwllling to an'gvver, or Mr. Miles M. Martin. cijun sel for the Oe-mpany,' objected to his an? swering certain questions put by' Mr. Pilcher. on the ground that tho interro gations" were not germane to tho inves? tigation. and replies to them would dis cfose th'o ipriyate nffairs of the Company. Mr. Pilcher asked Mr. Thacker why it was that his Company wanted to renew its contract for seven years six years before it expired. Mr. Thacker was pro? ceeding to tell of the valuaMe^plant his Company had 'here, and of the necessity of looking far ahend and opening up new ii rritories for the sale of goods. when Mr. Pilcher?question.ed him as to the val? uo of the plant. CVTr. Thacker .said he was unaible to furrush this information. and Mr. Pilcher expressed great surprise. Mr. Thacker was pressed for an answer, but said it was imipffeublo for him to es timate the value ef. tho plant. because imaehincry was cdnstantly chahging, and ho did not know just what ou hand now. Among other. things Mr. Thacker said his Company had ibeen looking to tho Ouban Held as nossSbly a good territory in whioh to uispbse of it? shoes and boots. OTHER OFFERS. ln roply to questions. ho.said represen? tatives of North Curolinu and Alabama had been soelcin,g io induce tlie Company to leas*5~cnnvicts In .Uro'so States, but the concern had enjoy'd pleasant relatipris 'wfth Virginia. was doing a fairly good business. and was sat*s_ed to r.tay here, nrtwIthstaiKiing North Ct-o'Ina offered convicts at less th_n is paid to Virginia for their services. ?_". iPil-o.her wanted to learn simething about the prospects of the Davis Com? pany. and. started our. to osk where the good.--. manufactured in tho Virginla peni? tentiary -are sold. Mr. Martin objected to this, and Mr. Thacker did not reply. Mr. Pilcher then "stated it was useless to __""mine .Mr. Thacker any further, -as ?the information tho committee wanted he would not give. Mr. Martin insisted that the pilvatc affairs of the Company had nothing whatever to do with the contract undt-r investigation. Mr. Thacker, in re.sponso tr> ques-.'ons. stated that his Company wis bnpo'ed to an act requiring that the bO-*ts and sheos be stamped to show that they aro by convict labor. In the.event ot" _'n h a law being passed ihis Comxmy vould h_ve to retire from business in the State. A DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT. Mr. W. D. Chesterman. one of the penitentiary directors, was next put upon the stand. He stated that there nau not been in the last twelve months. as far as he knew, any offer from any concern other than the Davis Company to hire the convicts. At various tim?s in the past applicattons had been made for the lease of* prisoners in small batches, Pometime last year, Mr. Chesterman said, a Mr. Williams came to him to ask about the terms of the contract with the Davis Company. He him all the principal provisions as far as he could recall them.- Mr. Williams ? wanV?d a copy of the contract. -and the T'oa?? had a conference with referenee to whether or 'not lt would lw proper to allow the contract to be copied. Tt was decided, by advice of the oGvernor, that a copy of it could be had, and some one, Mr. Chesterman did not recall whether it was Suiperintendont Helms or President Harmon, of the Board, was instructed to inform John L. Williams & Sons that a copy of the contract could be had. ?Mr. Pilcher wanted to know of Mr. Chesterman ir* in his judgment it would not be better to advertlse when convicts are to be leascd out for bids. Mr. Ches? terman replit-d that this might or might not be a wise course to nursue. There was no secrecy about the renewal of the contract with the Davis, Comnany, (Continued on Eighth Page.) NEW HOSPITAL IFOR RICHMOND Dr, Fred Kellam, of Hinton, W. Va. Leases the Madison Hotel for That' Purpose. 'The -Madison Hotel, at the corner of Tiwe'Pth and Bank streets, has (b--en leascd by Dr. Fred. Kellam, of Hinton, 1 W. Va., and it will be thocoughly repaired, refurnished, and irnproved, atfter wl-.leh it will be used for a hospital for the treatment of patients havlng cancers and cancerous grovvths, or diseases of jt like nature. The hotel was for several years known as Hotel Dodson, wlth Mr. Cnarfes B. Dodson as praprietor. About thres years ago Mr. Dodson. gave up the hotel, and lt was then lensed to two geotlemfn, who kept lt open only a few months, when lt was closed. Dr. Kellam was in the clty Monday to lOok for e?te for a hospital, an_ se? lected this hotel.. He ha_ a large pri vat | hospHal ln Hinton, which" Iri con? ducted for curing special diseases.- . : (Continued on;Second I age.> THE RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED Chamber of Commerce to :Memoralize Legislature ROAD TO THE NORTH. Discussion on the\States' Position in the Railroad Business. MUCH INTEREST MANIFESTED. Tlie Chainbcr Declared Itself in Favor of tlie Proposed Xew Air Line to the Xorth Parallel With the Kichmoiitl, Fretlcricksbnrs and Potomac?Text ot Resolution. Pursuant to notice a general meeting of the Richmond Chamber of Commefce, which was very largely attended. was helu'Jyestcrday evening at 5:30 o'clock. President L. Z. Morris. who occupicd the chair, announced that ln accordance with a motion made and carried at a meeting of the Board of Directors. held the 31st ulthno. that this general meeting of the Chamber had been called to consld er Senate biil Xo. 342 now pending in tiie Legislature "To incorporate the Richmond and' Washington Air-Line Railway Com? pany" and to give some expression to the sentiment of the community upon this imjfortant measure. . He then declared that the meeting was ready to hear any member upon the question. , Mr. L. C. Younger said that he consid? cred tho matter one of the .greatest im? portance and interest to the people of Richmond, and that he had a preamble and resolution favoring the blll !n ques? tion. which he jvoutd offer for the con? sideration and' adoption of the meeting. and request the secretary to read. The secretary then read the preamble and res? olution, as follows: PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTION. Whereas. a biil has been. offered in the General Assembly of Virginia for the purpose of chartering a railroad "from the city of Richmond, or any point in Henrico county. to a point on the Poto? mac river, in either Fairfax or Alexandria counties," the title of the biil being. "To incorporate the Richmond and Washing? ton Air-Line Railway Company." which. in effect. means the construction of another railroad between Richmond and the seat of our national government; and. as it is believed to be of paramount importance to the best lnterests of ths South. and especially of the State of Vir? ginia. as well as the -city of Richmond, that this biil should,be passed. t_e Rich? mond Chamber of Commerce. in the ex orcise of the right of petition most re spcctfully appeals to the General Assemr bly to grant this charter for tlie follow ln? considerations: ? While the facilities for traffic between Richmond and other Virginia cities and tho South are quite ample. there being three Southern systems?viz.. the Southern railway, the Atlantic Coast-Line and the Seaboard Air-Line, and between AVasii? ington and the Xorth, the 'great Penn? sylvania and Baltimore and' Ohio sys? tems. with their doubled track lines, af fprding most abundant facilities, the link between these sxeat systems from Rich? mond to Washington is a single track line, consisting of the Richmond. Frede? ricksburg and Potomac railroad. from Richmond to Quantico, and thence to Washington of the Washington and Southern railroad?a part of the Penn? sylvania railroad system. WHY THE RI_5TlRI'CTIOX3? The question arises at once upon a con? sideration of this sltuation, why this restricted condition'as to the traffic be? tween the Xational capital and the cap? ital of the Commonwealth exists, and the only answer that can be given is that the State of Virginla. which or's* nally subscribed. most liberally. to tti'd stock of the Richmond. Frede'ic-ksbnrg and Potomac railroad. for '.he purpose of affording its citizens what was then deemed a necessary\ highway for trade and travel, has been asked by parties desiring to perpetuate the ex? clusive charter of the Richmond, Fred? ericksburg and Potomac railroad, to put itself in the anomalous position, almost two-thirds of a century after its sub scription to this enterprise. of denyng its citizens the right to build another much needed railroad. urglng as their reasons that the State has a pe_urti*ry interest ln the Richmond, Fredericks? burg and Potomac railroad. and '.he Et'p position thut the value of that 'ntsrest might be impaired. Siich a position, upon every c.nsidera tion of the wisest public policy, rterna to be absolutely inconststent and inde fensible. The Richmond and Washing? ton Air Line Railway Company not only proposes to build Its road .wlthout the aid of the State, but it is: expected to create more than three million dollars of railroad property subject io taxation, while the property of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and -Potomac railroad, based on the current market value of its securities, valued at iver live million dollars, is forever exempt from taxation. It also proposes to guaranteo the. Slate's income from its holdings in the Rich? mond, Fredaric-ksburg- r.nd Potomac for five years, ar.d at the State's Dption to pay the State for its stock and dividend obligations or the Richmond, Fredericks? burg and Potomac, an siiuount over one hundred and fifty per cent. in excess of Its original investments. and the hlgcest market price at -which the stock has ever been sold. SIMPLE STATEMENT. A simple statement olffhi case car nes with it its own argument. \c re cuniary consideration. it ls beltevd, in the slightest degree justines a positiwn so contrary to the State's obligations to its citizens, contrary to its every tradt tion-and to Its present attitude upon most Important economlc problems wlth which it is confronted, but,, in view of the very favorable offer on the part of the Richmond and Washlngton Air j Line Railway Company, to buy.its hold? ings in the Richmond, Fredericksburg "and Potomac, and the additional revenue to tha State which will be created by the construction of this road and thle developments alprig its! routes. it Is be? lieved that her interest will suffer in no degree- whatever. therefore. be lt Resolved" by -the.'-"Richmond.?? Chamber of Commerce, That the General Assembly of Virginla be most earnestly Teauested to - divest Itself, of its Interest in the Richmond, . FrederleksOurg-; and Potomac r_lrc-ad.-a.t_ this <mpst favorable time. and that the Chamber urgently appeals to that honorable . body .by. gr?nting.., tha charter f o the ^Richmond and Washlngton Air' Line Railway Company,- to permit Its f citirens that free developjnent of trans portation facllltles along thls most im? portant line or traffic which it has most liberally fostered and encouraged in al? most every other direction throughout the State. - WANTED IT REFERRED. Mr. R. Carter Scott moved that the reso lut'on be referred to one of th? commit? tees ot the Chamber for its careful inves tlgation and report to some subsequent meeting, saying that there were other* part'es interested ln securing a charter ot" this character and also that the St-te had a very important Interest Involved. and that ln such cases he thought that the Chamber shouid only act after the full-est consideration. whereas this meet? ing -was called on short notice and the members of the Chamber gerverally had had no npportunity before of b?lng ac cniaintcd with the paper which had been presented by Mr. Younger. In reply Mr. Younger stated th:.t the subject was no new one to the people of Richmond. that the papers had recently Trten filled *?tth editorials upon lt .ind vthat he thought thls meeting fui;,- com petcne to act intelligently upon the I'.at ter. The motion of. Mr. Scott not meeting with a secdntT; and the resolution offered by Mr. Tcucger being scconded ov Mr. D. R. Midyette. tlie Chair announced that Mr. Younger's resolution was the question before theT meeting and that remark.-- upon ?the resolution were in order. MAJ. DOOLEY FAVORS CHARTER. Major James II. Doolwy stated that hc was a director and a stookholder in tho Seaboard and Roanoke railroad and that he had .nvesteel a large amount of his means in this railroad enterprise. having for its immediate objoct the organization of a great railroad system through to tha Gnlf of Mexico and later on the establish? ment o-f shiipping .acil-tifes from __f_pa to ilavana. Cuba: that he had tnvested ln this enterr>rise from his beli^f in its merits "an.l 'that the greatest .benefit which could be testowed upon the Smith. upen Vhginia and espesSalty upon the iity of Richmond was the of this charter to the Richmond and Washington Alr Line railway. We pmpose. he said, to have cars running: through thls spring frcm Ta-npa to Richmond. but when we. get to Richmond what do we tind? Look? ing to the south and southwest we !ind three great sy_t-ms centerimr at Rich? mond?the Southern, the Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard A'r Line?looking to -the north and west and northwest we find three groat syst-ems centering at Washington?tfba Pennsylvanla. the Bal? timore and Ohio and the phasapeake and Ohio- thus making Richmond the gateway to th'e south and Washington the gateway to the north. SfiNGLB TRACK RAIL-WAT. 'But what do we see between them? One single. track railroad?the ? Richmond. Freder!i-k?burg and Pcitomae from Rich? mond to Quantice, cohtrolled by the At? lantic Coast Line. and the line from Quan tioo to Washington. controlled by the Pennsylvania. Railroad; T'nder these eon? ditions not a ponnrt of freitcht nor a pas? senger c-in pass over thls rsiite either way without paying tell to fche Pennsylvania Railroad. Tlio Atlantic? Coast Line and tho Richmond. FredericI_"burg'"an'I Poto j mac being old-time frirnds and allii*--- of the Pennsylvania. gather large quantlties (?aStij; pue;3S "*? ponunuoO> POINT OF ORDER ON PETTIGREW He Was Not Permitted to Discuss the Phllippines in the Senate?Pro? ceedings of the House. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.?An effort by Senator Pettigrew, of South Dakota. to discuss the Philippine question in the Senate to-day, taking for his text the '.reaolution which he offered yesterday, was of uo avail. as he was met by a point of order, which took. him from the tloor. He had gotten only so far as to charge that the great journals ol" the country woulu" not publish the facts con -cerning the Philippine war. when the point of order was made by Senator Gal linger and sustairied by the Chair. r Subsequehtly he offered another reso? lution. which he will speak on next week. Senator Allen, of Nebruska, conciiuled his speech ln arrargnment of Secretary Ga'ge because of his transactlons with tho National City Bank. of New-York. He had previously Introduced a resolution ?providlng for an investigation by the Senate of the Treasury Department, but objection to Its consideration sent it over until next week. ?Mr. Allen resumed his speeel- begun yesterday on the staternent of Secretary Gage, concerning hls re'ations with the National City , and Hanover Ba_"-s, of New York. FINANCE EILL. At - o'clock the Financial btll was laid beforo the Senate. but no Senator was prepared to speak upon it. Mr. Chandler. gave notice that next Wednesday he would call up the Quay case. at whieh time Mr. Tuiiey, of Ten riessee. would address the Senate upon it. Bitls were passed recognlzing th-> gal lantry e-f F. H. Newcomb, command:ng tho Revenue Cutter Hudson, of his'offi? cers and men: also recognlzing Captai.-. D. B. Hodgson, c?f the Revenue Cutter service! for efheient and mecltprtoqs ser? vices in command of the Cutter Hugh McCu-Ioch. at Manila. .Mr. "Pettigrew offered the resolution ex? teiuling the sympathy ot the Senate to the Boers, previously introduced by Mr. Mai'on, and gave notice that he would speak on it on Monday. After a ,bri?f executive sfssion the Sen? ate adjourned till -Monday. ln thc Heusc-' WASHINGTON. Feb' 2.?The House to-day devoted Its attentlon to the Indlan appropriation bill. It got no further. however. "than the appropriatlons of in? dlan schools when an effort was Inaugii rated by Mr. Fitzgerald. of New York. to permit the Secretary of the Interlor to j contract with schools for the educatlon of Indian children where the govern i ment lacks facilities. , It ls claimed that the present Indlan school facliltie"- are inadequate. i A brlsk debate occurred over the bill t giving to Cuban vessels the most fuvored j nation treatment in American ports. I Tho reports of Generals Brooke. Wilson [and Lee. he said. hail shown that the ! Cubans were capable of self-governmeht, [ and that the time was now ripa ror the 'American .government to reco-jni-e the independent sovereigr.ty of Cuba. While support'.r.g the bill, Mr. Clayton expressed the hope that the legislatlon tor Cirha would soon be framed on broj-der linss and more in harmony with what had been h?-d out to the Cubans. Hls re? marks evoked vigorous npplaus!-, Tho iblll was then passed as reported1. Mr. BarUett," of Georgia. mada a spae?h cn the Southern question. ln reply to Mr. Llr.n'ey. of North Caroiina. Tbe s*f ! erence to Iynchings brought out an ftar nest speech by Mrt ?_nnon. of Illlonts. explalnmg some of -he statetnents made as to Iynchings in lllinois, but repudiat tng thls ,class of lawle_-ne_> wherever 1 it might tycur. -The House, ait _ o'clock, rece.*e*-t5 untlll is P. M., the eveniri? session Jtiaj 4_ >vwid W? peaslon legislatfo-b " j CADETS FIGHT TERRIFIC FLAMES ?Destructive Fire at Poly teclinic Institute. ENSHROUDED IN ICE For Two Hours in- Bitter Cold and Fierce Winds THEY BATTLE WITH THE FIRE. The Officr-s of the PresitleHt. Cour iiiaiulant aud Kxperiment Station Burned to tlie Ground? Irrepu rubto Iioss of Many Valu? able Papers?Steel Safe Stood tlie Ilcat. CHRISTL-VSBrRC,. VA.. Feb. 2.?Spec? ial.?The bulMing used as oltlces of Presi? dent. commandment and experiment station of the Virginla I'olytechnlc Insti? tute at Blaeksburg. was destroyed by tire at 2 o'clock this morning. All the vouchers of the Treasurer and other val? uable papers except a few ln the safe were destroyed. ? It was a large stone building- and con? sidcred safe. The tire origtnatetl ln tha upper story. but the cause is not known. Tt was covered by insuranee, but the loss of the valuable papers is irreparable. A GOOD SAFE. Tlie steel safe with insuranee and other vajuable papers and about Sl.t'OOin money was gotten out of the debrls about noon to-day and every thing- in it found in good condition. The setretaryof the faculty. who s'eeps in the building, vw* uwakened by the smoke and gave the alarm and the entlre corps of cadets rushed to the seene, but despite their herolc efforts for two long hours in the bitter coid aml fierce >vinds the rire was beyond their control. CADETS FOtrOHT NOBLY. Tho battery in charge of the institute tKjse department poured con_n_ou_ streams of water upon the Barr.liig tmild ing. but to 1:0 purpose. The failing water was scattered hlther and thiiher by the furlous. wind and covered the cadets im medlately freezing. but that did not deter r.or cause them to relinqnish, their efforts. .'fter tlie buildlng was destroyed they returned te their rooms enca-sed ln a shroud of iee. And all praise be thelrs, though tho building- was lost. . DARlEPi RtOTERS. Edwari! Delezal, Colored, Diseharjfed front <**?_*'>? (_-. ? - ?SAVANNAH. GA., B_b. 'J.?Edward Deicgel, co'.ored. one of the Darlen rloters who was convlct-ed of murder in tho second degree and sentenced to t*-.* peni? tentiary for life. has. been dl.;-'". trg-ed from custody on the order of Judge Seu brook. The State Supreme Court a fiew days ago granted Delegal a n~w trial. and Judge Seabrook dfscbarged him upon his own recognizance to answer when wanted. This is regarded as tho end of a fa? mous case. TURPENTINE HIGH. .Reached 3"J 1-2 Yesterday for Fii"st Time iu 'i'u'e'vr- Years. 'SAVANNAH. GA.. Feb. 2.?Spirlts tur pentine reached 531-2 cents in this ?market to-day. wlth the tone very strong". This ls the highest prlce touched In twelve years. The statfstteal position' ta such as to give baek-bono to the market.' The movernent for the season has been below the average; Futures are relatively as high as spot. Vohiiitary .\ssi;jniiii-iir. MACON, OA.. Feb. 2.? Talbott and Palmer, cemm'ssion brokera. a val ? untary assignment to-day. They a.rtrtbute their troubles to the panic of Deeember, ISth. No statement of ossets and H.-ilMll ties has be*n made. The firm h.i.i branch offices in a luamber ot southern" elti.-s and a large 'business, It Is thought that the I'abil.'tles ot the lirm will reacih a large sum. Several Io? cal speculator.) are said to have hid heavy miargins .wlth them, besides large winnings. No IWore Deposits. WASH'XGTON. Feb. 2.?The Secretar> of the Treasury to-day notifie.i all nutlonaa bank depos-Storles that no further deposits of Irateraal revenue receipts w:ii be for. warded to New York for dlstrlbutlen XBereafter all excess receipts wili be sen. to the various su'o-treasurhe as was done prior to Deeemfcer ISth. The amour.t on deposit with nationai bank depositorios urutei."- the -Seeeetary'j recent order :s about yf7.000.ono. StMMARY OFTO-DAY'S NEWS. fjocal. ?Employers* liablllty blll passes the House of Delegatus. ?The Armltage Manufacturing plant destroyed by.tire. ?Lieutenant XV. Strother Snjtith ha* been ordered Jto leave the TSigg sfiTp yard. ?Investigratlon of the Davis Shoe Com? pany contract comtilett-d. ?Chamber of Commerce deelarm ln favor of the pro*p"bsed air line to Waah ington. Slate. ?A company to ooerote the old zinc mines on the Roanoke and Southern railroad. ?The Virginla Polyteehnlc cadets HKht. a destructive fire for two hours in oierc 1ns cold, and are covered wlth Ice. Build? ings burned and Irreparable loss of papers. -_h*ps in Chesapeake bay nearly de stroved by water spouts. ?Mrs XV M. Jollv lose? her dwelllnjc ln Dinwiddie. wlth all its contents. by tire ?Dr. A. Nash Johnson's election ? very oulet affalr. . Gcnerat. ?Phystcians Rive some hope of Goebel'sr ultlrmue recovery- ?,:??'": 1 ?President McKInley refu?es Taylofa aoD*aI for Pedorat interference. -Senator Pettigrew prevvnjted from dis cussing Phlllppines on a point of order. i Foreljju. ?News from Ladysmith says burghers are'movioe toward the Tugela In force. whieh Ia conflrmatory of theory tha.' Buller ismaklnsr another attack. ** ?It ts rumored that Bobs ha_ cabled for 00,000" moro m?_.