THREE BEAUTIFUL AND ACCOMPLISHED VIRGINIA YOUNG WOMEN WHO BECAME EXCEEDINGLY POPULAR IN SOCIAL CIRCLES UP NORTH. Miss Phyllis Langhorne Has Been Much AdmirecL ONEOFTHEDEBUTANTES OF SEASON IN NEW YORK She is Visiting Her Sis? ter, Mrs. Charies Dana Gibson. SOMETHiNG ABOUT TfflO OF PRETTY VIRGINIANS. Much Corhment as to Where Gibson Gor His IdeaL MRS. GIBSON SINGS WELL. Miss Nannie Langhorne, the Second Sister, Married Mr. Robert G. Shaw, of Bos? ton?The Youngest of trn Three is an Ac complished Equ:s trienne and is De voted to the ^, Chase. NEW YOBTC, Feb. ::.?Three pirls came riding up out of thc South! Tbat sounds te.o much lilce Kingsley's EUd song of "Three Bishcrs." And this isn't a sad song at all. But those three girls were beautiful! Nobody knows, in the chronology of MRS. CHARLES DANA GIBSON. (Wife of the Celebrated Artist and fype of the Gibson Woman.) From a photbgraph at tlie time of her weddingv a properly introduced family. which is the eldest, for. after the introduction: all are merged together in the general classiricaUon of "daughters that aro out." But there were Misses irene, Nan nio and Phyllis. And they were all from Richmond, Va., and all were thc prettiest types of pretty girls that the North has seen in many a day. Miss Nannie iJanghorne got as far to ward the Pole as Boston, where she was persuadetl into matrimony by Mr. Robert Shaw, well known in club and circles at the Hub. Everybody wondercd why that ven c-ratcd artist, Charies Dana Gibson. in sisfod upon spending all his vacallons in the South. even his mldsummer ones, and everybody wondercd where he got his womanly ideal, anyway. But it was all expluined one day when invitations were issued for a Richmond wedding and when Mr. Gibson, in a blushlng little note, asked Richard Kard ing Davis and a few other young men to go down and be best man and nsliers. etc. lie was to marry Miss Irene Lar.g hi mo. thc queenly Southern beauty, one of tbe handsomest girls of all the Hau l if ill South. It was whispered at that time that Miss J.anghoriie has a tiny foot and that MISS PHYLLIS LANGHORNE. (The Pretty Sister of Vtrs. Charles Dana Gibson.) she was tall and graceful. She made an idcal model, and with that face aud hair and voice sho bccame slmply Irreststlblo as a compantbn. Yes, GIbson was in luck. His friends declared that with Miss Langhorne as a model, for life, he ought to go on und on improving, world without end?and subsequent events proved the prophecy correct to date. When Mr. and Mrs. Gibson came North it was disco.vered that Mrs. Gib? son could sing. Xew York is so crowd ed that thero isn't room for fieid sports, but tliis girl, who could ride like a cen taitr. could sing like*a prima donna, and soon there were offers to go into opera. But Mrs. Gibson refused them all, and for a while refused to sing at all outside her own home. Sho so hatcd notoriety. Southern girls have one peculiarity. If you have studied them you have notic ed it. Before marriage they are the ciev erest coeitiettes in the unlverse. When you tax them with it they will laugh and tell you that a girl must hav^e somebody to fall back upor*. And they will even strive on ~this fruil ground to excuse the fact that they have engaged themselves to marry two persons. one in the frozen North and one in the sunny South. "It will all tttrn out- right." they will tetl you. That ls the Southern girl before marriage. But once catch your blrd and it is dif fercnt. Suddenly she turns into a mod el of domestlcity. Such devoted wives as the girls of thc South make were never seen elscwhere. MRS. ROBERT G. SHrW. (Who Was the Beautiful Miss Nannie Langhorne.) And now another beautiful Southern girl has come up from the South. Her ni'me is Miss Phyllis Langhorne. She has blue eyes under low. dark brows. Her hair Is beautifully glistenlng. her tigure is Junoesque. Though visiting her sister. Mrs. GIbson. and the two babies. Miss Langhorne escapes to ride w'th the Meadowbrooke Hounds, to go coachlng, to golf on Long Island, to at? tend the great balls, to be petted by the ?100. Xew York has few sueh girls. The Langhorne family has long been known ln the South. In horsemunship, that sine qua non of the Southerner. they have excelled. In bcauty, none equalled. Miss Langhorne is nineteen. She cooks =o* well upon a chafing dish. is so vcry courteous to the chaperones. so utterly refined In speech. so modest. so thought ful. The young men mentlon other qual Ities more desirable. such as the ablllty to ride^to hounds and to take all obsta. cles as though thex were nnt-hllls. ThTey tell a pretty story of how Miss Langhorne. rlding to hounds. tortr-along upon the back of her hunter. through an orchard where the apple boughs hting low. One of the branehes, more per sistent than the sest. caught into the band of her derby and tore it from her head. But on she rode, unconscious in the excitement of the- chase. and so came in at the death. hatless but flushed and beautiful. A dozen gay cavaliers rode off to get that hat. as she roda back to the club-house, hatless, but happy, with the fox's tall as a trophy ot her success. WHAT STONEWALL" JACKSON WOULD HAVE DONE AT SPION KOP. DR. HUNTER McGUIRE AND REV. DR JAMES P. SMITH GIVEJHHER^^ WOULD NOT HAVE ATTEAIPTED IT The Great Commander Would Have Marched Around It AND ATTACKEO FROM RZAR. General-Jackson Always Avoiilct] Dat i*e AYJieii tlie Eucinv Wcri Kn Ireuulicd in a Suwiftly l-'orti flcd Position. There has been a great deal of dis? cussion among ex-Contederate Veterans in Richmond as to what General Stone? wall Jackson would have done at Spion Kop. Vr. Hunter McGuire, who was a mem? ber of General Jackson:; stall" during the civll war. and was surgeon for the famous eonimander, has been much in? terested in tin- war betwen the Boers und the British, and has watched with groat interest reports of military ma noeuvres on both sides. Dr. McGuire, who was a great ad- j mirer of General Jackson as a military commander, as well as a man, could not lir.1;i comparing the tactics of General Buller with those adopted by General ] Jackson, and when called upon and i asked for an Inter\"iew as to the com paraUve merits of Uie twb men and a comnarison of Buller's campalgh in South Aifrlca and General Jackson's iu Vir- I "Kiiiht, said: "Jackson would never have gone into that trap at Spion Kop as did Buller's subordinate commander. "Had General Jack: m been placed in the same posiUon In which General Buller was placed he never would have atta'cked the Boers from the front, but would have gone around them?if ne cessary, one hundred miles?cut their communications and attacked them on xnore equal ground. An arniy is obliged to move when its supplies are cut off, and. Its commuriicaUons cut, Jackson would have followed out this principlc. The dlfference in advantage in South Africa jo the- army attached with the present weapons and the army attacking. j ls shown ln the splendid dcl'ence thc ] English have been makin.n at Ladysmith and Kimberley, where they have inva- ] riably defeatod the Boers. who were the DR. HUNTER M'Gl'IRE. GEN". STONEWALL JACKSON. attacking party. and just the reverse ob tains wiien the English have been the attacking party. "It does not seem to me that the English have shown any generalship at all. The soldiers have fotigln in tlie mi st gallaiit way. as they have always done in their whole history. But so far. there have not appeared a Marlborbugh or a Welling lon. or a Robert Lee or a Stonewall Jackson. So far as 1 can see there has never been any manoeuvring at all. THEY XEED SCOUTS. "Another great defect in the English campalgn to an old soldier is the absence of scouts. The Englisli seem to be abso lutely Ignorant of the position. strength and resources of the enemy, subjecls with which Jackson was always aequainted through his scouts and spies. J;Vkson's cavalry, under Ashby and J. E. B. Stuart, kept him aecurately informej of the po? sition, strength, number and the morale of his adversaries. As far as 1 can see, the Englirii are greatly deflclent in this respect. "The Boers are splendid fighters. I be lieveJ when I saw that General Warren had crossed tlie Tugela river with little reslstance the Boers were laying a trap for the English. Jackson would never have aliowed himself to be caught-in such a trap as that. "Suppose tbe Boers were oocupying a stfong position in the Blue Ridge range of mountains, occupying liills about R'ock lish Gap. controlling the whole of the sur roiinding county. Do you suppose Jackson would have attacked thcim in their almost inipregnab-e position? He would have gone around them and got in their rear cut their communicatibns, and forced their. to leave their position. AVhat a corimli ment the London Times paid to Jackson when they sent Colonel G. F. R. Hender son ;is one of Lord Roberts' staff officers ayowedly because of his 'knowledge of Jackson's factics in military affairs. It is not the b:g battalions that win, but tho man who leads them. Xapoieon said: 'It wasn't the -Roman army that conquered Gaul, but Caesar; it wasn't the Gartha gin!an army that made the gates of Rome tremble, but llannibal: It wasn't the Prus sian ai-my that kept the Allies out of Prussia for years, it was Frederick the Grea!.' And if he had lived, he mlght have added: 'It wasn't the splendid Armj of Xorthern Virginia, grand as it was that kept the Federals out of Rlchmono for four years, it was Lee; it wasn't the Army of the Valley that made the Slien andoah campaign tmmortal, it was Jack son.' So far tlie English have shown nc general equal to any of these. HIS GREAT STRATEGY. "Jackson was very, sparlrig of the blood of his men. He never vcnturcd very des perate encounters unlcss under orders of a superior ofliccr. He never hut up against breastworks if he. could posslbly go around them! A good illustration of this was with Pope before Second Manassas. Pope was on the north side of the RaPpahan nock river. Lee on the south side, and for two or three days we had severai artillery duels. Lee was therateuing to eross to NO TRAP LIKE IT EVER CAUGHT HIM The Famous Confederate Leader Was Orieinal In Plans. DEPENDED ON HIS SCOUTS. Never A Howeil Himself toPall Into tlie Error of Xot Knowins tlie Strength tintl Kesosircrs oi" II is Onponents. tbe north side of tho Rappahannock to attack Fope who occupied much the eu-u.iger position and was par tiallv entrenched. While threatening to ! cfoss ar.d makiug felnts at different points he detached Jackson with nearly one half of his armv, sent him. some miles up the Rappahannock rlvet, whe.-e he crossed, marcbing to Saletm in Fauquier county, and the next day after dark we were at aiahassas Jimction astride of Pope's com munlcatlohs: Fope was obliged to traas fer his position from the Rappahannock river to Bii-11 Run. to come out from be hind his fortificattoris and ir.eet us on more equal grounds. "Another illustration of Jackson s marvellous strategy and tactics was at Chahcellcrsville. Hdoker had cros*sed the Rappahannock river with what was known in the North as the linest army on the planet, ? but as soon as he got withih striking distance of Lee and Jaek sori ho began to throw up breastworks of the most fonnidable character. In decd, they were imprcgnable. Goneral Lee detached Jackson at Jackson's sug gstion. and he marched clear around I-Iooker lifteen miles and struck him ex actly in the rear. The wooded country enabled him to do this unscen. HUNDRED YEARS BEHIND. "It scems to me the British are flght inS now as they did one hundred years ago, when they had muzzle-loading guns. and' could aproach within two hundred yards of the enemy without being in jured- when they could receive one volley and be on top of the enemy with bayo nets before they could reload. Now-a elavs, with the magazine gun, which will go' through a brick wall one brick thick at 1,210 yards, or the bodies of five men at -ihat distance, and which you can shoot as fast as you can pull the trig GEX. SIR REDVERS BULLER. %m fr REV. J. P. SMITH, D. D. ger, the old tactics are wrong. "Xeilher Jackson or Lee ever accepted battlei if thev could avpld lt. by manoeu vering when the enemy had greatly the advantage of position. Lee did do it at Ge'.tvsburg after Jackson's death. and would have suceeeded If his subordinate cbmmanders had obeyed his orders and foiight instead of talking." DR. SMITH'S VIEW. Says Jackson Would Not Have Been Caught in Such a Trap. Rev. Dr. James P. Smith. who was very clo=ely associated with General Jackson during the Civil War, and who was a close student of General Jackson's tactics in military movements, as well ns a great admirea- cf the famous commander s genius. "udgment and character. had irtercsting points to make about the fa? mous Confederate leader and his manou vres during the Civll War. When asked whether he thought Gen? eral Jackson would have attacked Spion Kop in accordance with the plan adopted by General Warren. iwhq was acting under the orders of General Buller, as a part of the latter's division. Dr. Smith ! said- "I do not believe that General Jack? son 'would have made such an attack. The Boers wcrc strongly entrenched there and coaimanled a -.e:y formidab'.e pcslt on all around Spion Kop. It could not have been anything but a difflcult military feat to take the pilace and hold it. ?'Geneia! Jackson was particularly efft cient in tlank movements. He seldom made front attacks, but almost invariably de? cided upon some plan to go around tho enemy, and attack them at some wing or tlank, bv which he broke up their strength and accomplished great results. General Jaclcson was one of the most original military men X ever knew. He was never held down to any narrow regulations, biit always planr.ed his movements in accordance with the posi? tion of the enemy ahd the circumstances surroundlng. the situation. His decislons were made entirely upon the conditions prevailing. A PECULIAR MOVEMENT. I At Kcrnstown. General Jackson made a very peeuliur military movement. He- at tacked the enemy and then retreated, so that it was unclerstood that he was beaten back. It must be remembered. however. ?that this movement was intentional; the enemy were contentrating their forces in the eastern part of the Slate, and General Jackson-s Idea was to draw off a Iarge part of their force Into the Valley ot Virginia. In order to do this. he retreat? ed. so as to be followed by the enemy. At Chancellorsviile the odds were great ly against the Confederate forces. "Gen FAMOUS FOR HIS NKMOVEMEN At Chancellorsville He Showed Great Strategy AND OUTWITTED GEN. HOOKER. Itr. McGnire Thlnks the Present En? glish Coininantlers Show Littlo Jniljrment and Military .Genius In Their Campalsii. eral Hooker had a magnlflcently equipped armv of somethlng ln the nelghborhotiq". of one hundred and thlrty thousand men, which was supported by the War Depart? ment of the United states to the extent that everything desirable for an army was furnished. General Lee's forces numbered scarcely one-third. It was against military regulatlons, generally. to divide so small a torce Into two or three separate forces, especially when the ene my were so much strongr ar.d better equipped. General Jackson. however. announced his plans to General Lee. to divide his force into three parts?General Stuart remalned in cnarge of the hills around Fredericksburg. and Jackson him? self went around to the western exten sion of Hooker'3 force. and attacked them with a vigorous llank movement from that side. General Lee approved the plan, and in opposition to all military rules. lt Was adopted. It worked like a charm: Gen? eral Jackson came down suddenly a:id with great force upon Hooker's western flank and badly demorailzed lt. NO TRAP FOR HIM. Jackson would not have allowed him? self to bo caught ln a trap like Spion Kop. He would have attacked from some other source. He was seldom known to attack an enemy when they were en trenched or held very strong pusitiona. Jackson's strngtn and success lay Iarge ly ln his rapUl marehes, his quick and strong flank movements, and In his eris inallty of purpose and plans ln deallng with the cr.emy. The English general* have been grefltly handlcepped by stlcklng closely to a red tape system of rules and rearulatlons as laid rtoivn In the books.-ins'ead of maklng their plans and following out their move? ments in accordance with the conditlons and clrcumstances ln force. CEAN PEOOlERS. XradliiS VossclsTliat Go to Many Out pf-?lie-Way Cornersof thc World. The man with a pack on his back. trudglng from village to viliage and of feting for sale at cottage and farm-house u misccllaneous collecUon of waros, has his counterpart in the ocean peddlerj ranging in size from a schooner trading among the islands of the Pacilic to a steamer of ouc or two-thousand-tons burdcn. Thc ocean peeldlcr starts out from Ham burg or San Francisco, Uie chief home ports of tho trade. with a definite object ln view. Saillng from the former city the course 1b gcnerally laid eiUier to the roast of Africa or South America. having Jn Uie hold a varied assortmont of goods Ukely to bo marketable in the reglons vlsiied?cstton fabrics. trlnkets. arms, tm'nvuniUon. llquors, and all spare room Ciled up with coal.' As the largest proflts are-often dcrlved from tho sale of contraband goods, such is munitlor.s of war to insurgent bodles. ind" a? deteclion by regultir authoritlcs fbula lend to eonflscation. several thoti and ronndK ot eartrldges are probably ?ne uj> ln lunocvnt iooklns cases gtamp ed, "Canned Becf," and a few stands of discarded German Army rilles in pack ages labelled. "Glass, With Care." The captain of such a vessel must pos se.-s not only ability as a navisator, but an expert kiicwledge of the requireiriehts of his trade In nddition to a -plausibla tongue whercwith to bartcr. and win over the good will of an ill-disposed ofllclal. lf he does not own an interest in the ship It ls generally rcquired that he shall in her cargo. Trudging along over the ocean at a seven or eight-knot gait. saving his coal as much as possible, the peddler opens his trade by casting anchor in, say, a South or Central American port, when, having sqt.ared thc commandante, he ln vltes nverehants and others on board to inspect his stock. Duty, of course, has to be -paid by tho purchaser, but In cer? taln cases that difflculty is oftep over come by the visltor to the ship going ashoro "swollen out, perhaps, to three times his normal size by as many new suits of clothing. - The greatest good fortune that can fall In the way of an ocean neddler Is for an American or British man-of-war to put Into .soirfa out-of-the-way port, in which he i? lylng. short of coal. Then from his sparo stock he sells a few huri dred tons at as hard a bargain- as tha necessily of the purchaser permits him to drive. On the Central American. coast the peddler usually times his visit .at about tho opening of the coffee season, that is, ?early in the new year, so that when he his so'.d out his wares he is able tr. load up. almost to the water line. with the priiicipal cxport of the country. ( That the- ocean-peddllng trade is not without Its d'angcrs is illustrated by a story told by a mate of one of those vessels. In order to preserve his respect able eaharacter the contrab&nd goods are scometlmes stored ih plaees likely to es cape the vlgilant eye of the customs offi cer and in the case in question the mate's bunk was chosen as the safest repository for certain packages of dynamite conslgn ?cd to the leaders of a Xicaraguan revolu tion. All went well until tho night before the ship was diie to arrive at her des tinatlon. when a thunder-storm occurred? the lightning playihg about the masts in an alarming manner. The mate confessed that the ld'ea of turning in upon a bed of dynamite under such circumstances was not conduclve to" peaceful repose, even to one accustomed to sleep through all manner of dangers,- but with the re fiection that if a flash found Its way to ! his bunk he would not be likely to be ?r?C; ot the fact he slumbered scsrc'.y through his watch below, and next day delivered the "canned toma toes" safclv to the consignee. Thc ocean-peddling trade on the Pacific has been shorn of much of its profit since the inter-island passenger traffic in na tives who too often were carried as pas? sengers much against their will. to dlye for pearls on the great Australian bank. has been effectually suppressed. Still, a considerable trade is carried on in smal articles of hardware, old clothcs, personal trinkets and an occasional case of "dry goods," which, if seized, would turn out to be remarkably wet.-New York Sun. SIMPLY A JOY. That is What an American Woman TliinUs of Filipinc Housekeepins;. "Housekeeplng ln the~ Philippines," writes a Brookiyn woman to her mother, "is slmply a joy. I have never lived so well or so cheaply in all my life. I have learned a lot sinee I started to housekeep? lng but it cost somethlng before I got the' hang of things. L first rid myaelf of tbe horde bf worthless FUiplno ser? vants. who rob hewcomers right.and left. and thea installed a Chlaesa ceok .at \ $12.50 per month, and tbe house runs it self. "There ls not much work ln a troplcal household. no stuffed furniture or car pets, no lace or other kind of curtams. but painted, flexib'.e screens attached to the wlndows. Everythtng ls on one floor, the furniture is rattan bamboo, and the kitchen utensils are slmpllclty itself. Tha climate ls healthy, although sani tarv conditions are extremely bad. tle are" all falling into the lethargic condiuon which seems to be the chronic state of the native. I take long naps all the afternoon. At 7 o'clock we dlne. There ls not much calling ln the evening ^as the curfew ls etill ln force, clearlng the streets at 3:30 P. M. The evenlngs are perfect, but we get sleepy and are us? ually ln bed by 9 o'clock. "Frults grow here In great abundance. The bananas are the most" dellclous to be found anywhere. Thls4frult ls a great boon to the poor people. supplylng them wldf-an exceedlngly nutritlous article of food at little cost. Other frults of the islands are the date (the clnnamon appl* of the French colonies), the mangpsteen. the mango. the plneappic, the tamarlnd.. the orange. the lemon.. the: jack, the ju Jube. the lltcht (the king ot frults. ac cordlng to .theChinese),. the plum. th* chicomamey, tha breadj fruit aad, tho papaw. This last fruit is eaten like a lemon, and is said to act as an efflcaclous digestive. _ "When I see the Indla rubber trees, 23 feet or more in helght. growing 4n the yards here. their stiff, brilliant gYe^n ; ieaves Hstening In the sun, I ttogh tj j thlnk of the little box plants we usei to ! keep ln our windows at home in the win- j ter. because they were the only growing thing that could stand the united attack of dust, neglect and coal gas. "RIce is the staple food of the Flli? plnos. Sixty pounds of rtce at 2 cent3 a pound is all a servant aslcs for. Sweet potatoes, a kind of yura, the ground nut. and gourds are prctty generally grown. as well as occaslonally peas. potatoes and in the higher regions even wheat. Be sides the culUvation ot ricey the Tagala are great ft3hers, and keep cattte. swin? and vast numbers of poultry. The lat? ter run around under tbe houses, ^rhlch stand up four or nve feet from. the' ground and are lattlced off. -with split bamboo. "I never get tlred watchins the sitnplo prlmltive methods ot Fllipin? housekeep ers, for their processes'are carried on be? fore the eyes ot all men- The men.them seives do the laxge part of the hardworl-: while the women perchron the laMar-llk* >t?#a ttrnt laad Into their aoSism ?o4 loaft on. All tho cooking Is done out of doors and usually on the ground. Their little stoves of red clay are hardly as large as the Iron pots we have at home. One side is bent down llko a prlmltlve hearth and tha fire is kept going by long tuh^s. ?.vhlsh the men blow through instead of using bellows. On this funny little apol cgy for a stove they cook their rlce or chocolate. stlrrlng the lattcr with carved sticks. which they twlrl between their palms to keep the beverage from sTtlck Ing. Often they do not use the stove at all, but make a flre right on the ground. between two stonea. over which they eot red earthen bowls ln which they cook. "When the men cnop klndllng they slt down oa their heels Just as theJapanese do. and. ln fact. nearly all their work ls done ln the name fashlon. When their simple cullnary rites aro flnished tihey gather around their pot ot rtce,. and. dip plag ln their slender brown tlngers. help themselves Without the formaltty ot knivesV forlt* spoons or choptttcfc*. Dln? ner concludedl hands and dishes aro washed to. the; shallow tub- which ?tand* at ?v?ry door?soap, dlshctotft aml dish towet belr.g all made ot so"PV tho barh of a specles of vtno pccuUar to ?h? "*? IandS?.'%-S?. liOulo Globe. -_*_? haa 30 latwr u