Newspaper Page Text
UAVG ? OK THKHMOMI?TErt. The thermometer rangrd a? foJioiCs at The Tlmc-s oilice yesterday: S A M., 30; 12 M., AS: 3 P. M.. 4N; 6 P. AL, 44: h P. M?, ?W; 32 M., SS. Average temp rature, 39.06. WEATHKR FOKEWST. , Forecast fof Tueeday and W?dmwdar? Vfrgln?a ? Fair Tuesday? increasing cloudiness Wednesday; variable winds shifting to southerly. Nort? and Sowth. ?Carolina??Partijr cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday, ?Inda shifting to light and fresh southeasterly. VOL. 14. NO. 307. RICHMOND VA., TUESDAY. FEBEUARY 6. 1900. PKICE TWO CENTS. TUCKER NAMED FOR JUDGESHIP Nominated Over Judge Dupuy by a Close Vote. MR. BAUGH ADMITTED Another So-Ca!led Independent Gets Into the Caucus THE GREAT RAILROAD FIGHT. Senator Martin and Oilier I'aMy Lead? ers Were Here and Were OoiisnUod With Reference to UicBHIsNow Bcforc ?lie L-eslslaturc?-TIso In vest? -*"?i tion of tlic Soldiers" Home. John Randolph Tucker defe.-itcd J. A. Dupuy for judge o? the Eighteenth Judi? cial Circuit. The vote was 4i? for Tucker and 30 for Dupuy. Air. Tucker is a nepliew of Hie lute John Randolph Tucker, of Lexington. He for? merly .resided in Richmond, and was the la/w partner of Judge John 31. Ingrani, of LMnnchester. A few years ago he locited et Bedford City. His popularity ili Rich? mond was attested by the fact that all live Richmond tnemlbers of the House voted .for him. Senator Munford was paired in his favor. Tiie Circuit embraces the city of Roanoke and itbe county of (Beciora. Judge Dupuy has served one term. Secretary John Wlhitehead called the eonterence to order, and announced that ?Chairman J'ilcle.r could not -be present ?until S:45 o'elock." Honl John F. P..van ?was chosen to preside over the confer? ence. Delegate R. S. Parle?- offered a resolu? tion providing ihat w?en the caucus ad? journ it ihe to meet next Wednesday night to eonsiuor the application of Del ga ?? Josiaih Stickley. of Shenandoa?, for admis? sion to the conference, and that until then Air. stickley be permitted to st in the Qj-puy, out without a vote. AIR. LAU UH SKATED. Delegate K. W. Hubard, chairman of ?the committee appointed to Investigate th? claims of Delegate Baugh. o: Prince George and Surry, to a scat, reported that testimony had ben taken and rr..? evi? dence was overwhelmingly in favor of Air. Baugh's claim that be, and not Air. Uarham, who was recognized toy Hie State Committee, was the nominee of .the Democratic party. The committee unani? mously adopted the report. ?senator A. Nash Johnston, o? Rock bridge, appeared in the caucus, and was admitted to a seat. Senator Keezell offered a resolution de? claring it inexpedient to nominate a judge of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, lie ?a-'d there was a committee at work upon -a pian to redistrict the State for Judicial Circuits, and in all probability a con? stitutional convention would be luid in thc near future, and to elect a judge of tnis Circuit now to serve eight years, would, in his judgment, be unwise. Delegates Southul: and McAlli?te*r said the election of a judge of the circuit in question would in no way embarrass the Oonstituticnal convention, for that body could legislate out of office all the judge.-: by changes in the bfaanic law. Mr. Keczell's resolution was voted down. THE CANDIDATES. Nominations being declared in order. Senator CUiytor placad the name of Mr. John Randolph Tucker, ol" Bedford, be? fore the caucus. He said Mr. Tucker had the support of four of the five repr?sentai lives from Hie circuit; incise four being Senators Lyle and Claytor and Delegates "Uurrcll and -Goad. Delegate ?\". G'. Du? puy, or Roanoke, was ilio llftli meinlur from the circuit. Mr. Claytor ??-Ls con? vinced thai Mr. Tucker was the over? whelming choice of the people of the Cir? cuit. Delegato Bowles, of Boanoko county. wbo represents in part the city of oke. complained that Mr. Claytor had loft him out of tho circuit, lie claims to rep? resent the people of Roanoke. Mr. Bowles nominated Judge J. A. Dupuy, the incum? bent. Delog-itp Fitzpatrick. of X.*r!son, sec? onded Mr. Tucker's nomination, and Sen? ator Watkins in a very earnest address urged the o-iucus to select Judge Dii-*>uy to 51! the position be has .-n worthily held for six years. Delegate Kolley. in an eloquent sp'-eoh. seconded the nomination of .Mr. Tucker. Delegate Cardweil said that as no ren? eon had been asslgrad as in why the old oflicer should be turned out. he would vote for the renomination of Judge Dupuy. Thc nnnrnatinn O? Mr. Tucker was sec? onded by Delegate Anderson, of Rich? mond. THE VOTE. Mr. Tucker was nominated by the fol? lowing vo'.e: For Tucker?Messrs. Anderson, Baker. Barclay, Cromwell. Clarke. Claytor, Cog till, Dodson, Duke, Early. Fitzpairiok, Folkes, Glass. Goad. G-ouldman, Ivey, Jeffries, Johnston. Felix M. Jones, Thos. N. Jones. Kelley, Keezell, Lewis. Leech. Massie, Maynard. McAllister, McClung. Munvll, Pattoson, Pet lit, Ryan. Southall. Walker. Waring. Wellford. J. -M. White bead. Joseph Whltehcad, Wickham and Williams?JO. For Dupuy?Messrs. Akcrs, Ayors. Baugh. Boas. Bowie.-?. Cardwrl!, Clnment. Cowan, L. G. Donohoe, Dupuy, Ewoll. Gent, Hume, Hunley. Hutcheson, Walter Jordan, LAcy, Lyons, Madison, McCon nell. Moss, Musgravo, NewhOUSC, Opie. Owen. Parks, Price. Shands. Shelton, Stonar, Tate. Todd. Tuck. Tyler, WaJ lace nnd John White! "en d?SC. About a dozen pairs were announced. ? he ScabomU Bill. Scnutor Martin, Repr?sent?t i ves Hay. Epos and Swansou were in the city at the Jefferson Hotel Sunday. They met a number of their friends that night. **t Is stated upon pretty good authority that thc visit of these gentlemen had no political signllicance. The question of Belling the State's interest in the Rich? mond, Fredericksburg and Potomac road and thc grunting of charter for a rival lino to AVashington was discussed with some members of the Legislature and other persons, though, it is said, the Sen? ator and i-r-per-senttuives did not come to Richmond to seek to influence the law? maker? in this matter. President John Skclton Williams, of the Seaboard Air Line, met Mr. Martin and, ?possibly,, the Representatives, but wheth? er "by appointment or not is not known. Messrs. Hay and Epes returned to .Waetungton on the 3:59 train yesterday. air. Martin went up to Scottsvllle. Mr. ' ?Swanson is'still here. A gentleman who is in a position to know what took place Sunday, says the Democratic party leaders who came down from Wushington he thought fa? vored as a matter of good public, poli? cy, a rival line to Washington. They do not think the Seaboard's charter should be granted unless a. forfeit is put up in sufficient securities to guarantee the building of the proposed road. He was also of opinion that the Seaboard would have to pay more for the State's holdings in the Richmond, Fredericksburg und Potomac road than Is provided for in the bill. In this connection it is stated that, those behind the bill to lncorpor?'.te the Washington and Richmond Railroad Company have joined hands with the Seaboard Air Line and will nid that sys? tem in securing the charier for Hie Rich? mond and Washington Air Line Compa? ny. This whole matter will be consi-i^r cd by the Senate Committee on Roads at 4 o'clock this afternoon. ON PARTY LINES. Conte?-t From Ninth North Carolina District Decided. WASHINGTON, Fob. 5.?Special.?House Committee on Elections. No. 3, by Rep? resentative Roberts, of Massachusetts to? day submitted a majority report in the Pearson-Crawford, contest. Ninth North ?Carolina DistrtcU<The report i-; favora? ble to Pearson, and. Is signed by al! the Republican members except one. Tiie minority has been granted ten days in which to file their report. In brief, the repart throws out the re? turns of the city of ?sheville. on the ground Uh lit at the examination of wit? nesses during the time testimony was 'being taken, a jiegro swore that Mr. Crawford's attorney attempted to bribe him to swear falsely. The proof, in fact, does not sustain the enarge. but the committee takes a different view ot it, and apjKirently disregard all evidence tending to prove Crawford's <?ide of the <-a,se. Th? charges of intimidation and fraud, which the coni estant alleges were practiced, Mr. Crawford says, are not proven by the evidence. He i? hopeful the House, on a vote, will not. adopt this rc?x>rt, and does not believe he will lose l?is seat when the facts arc properly pre? sented. Mr. Crawford's friends In Con? gress are very much incensed at the re? port, and the contest?e say's'he will s'"ow the utter ridiculousness of the attempt of Pearson to usurp his right to tiie s?a: he holds, and will prove th? fart to the House nt tlhe proper time. Representaitlve Young, of Virginia, re? turned to the city -to-day after an ab? sence of ten days. He says Representa? tives Hay. uriscoll. of Georgia, and Burke, of Texas, will make speeches in his lavor when the ma,; tor ot h!r con? test is eailed up by the House for final disposition. The prevailing opinion as re? gards the majority report In favor of Wise is that it is a very weak d.K-umeni. and when it is submitted to a ju-.liciai in vps?gat?on i' will probably fail to accom psish Its purpose. Knnre^pntativrs Rixey ano O?ey. of Vir? ginia, returned to the city to-day from .riinadolnihia. where they .havo been the guests of that city. While there they Inspected :?ie National Museum, which Is seeking an appropriation from Congr?4?.?, and say they are in favor ?if supporting any bill ;o advance the great national work this institution promises to accom? plish. Kepr<?=e.ntatlvf- Rixey. of Virgin!?., to? day introduced bills to carry out the fl-icl Ings of th" Court" of Claims in the ca-rs of IMmcan James. Fnuquirr: Samuel Hough, iLoudoun, and Tho-mas S. Sher? man, pf Culpeper. Virginia. House Commute" on Commerce to-day ronnrterl favorably the .bill authorizing the Southeastern Railroad Cr.mpnny lo con? struct and maintain a bridge across ih? Lumber river, within the boundary lines of Robeson county. North Carolina. In Iltis connection the Chief of Eninoer?, United States Army, says: "The bill appears to make ample pro? visions for limited navigation on the Lumber river, and 1 .know of no objec? tion to its passage by Congress, so far as these interests are concerned.".' Repr?sentative Hay. .of Virginia, re? turned from Richmond to-day. S. R. Rcxo?e has bten appointed post? master at Valley Center, Va. Alexander Sands, W. O. Burton, J. II. Grow, Richmond: .1. J. Jeffries, Culpeper: Blackburn Smith. Berryvillo; ,T. L. Kenim-rs. Warrenton. and W. M. Graham, of Winchester, Virginia, are in tiie city. THE REPUBLICANS OF LOUISIANA Nominate a State Ticket and Endorse Cornelius N. Bliss for the Vice-Presidency. * NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 5.?The regular Republican convention, organized by State National Conimitteeman Whnbcrly met here to-day and resolutions were adopted endorsing President -McKinley, Cornelius N. Bliss for Vice-President; and amid enthusiasm. Collector of the Fort, A. T. Wimberiey, the Republican National Committeeman from Louisiana. The convention wa-s unique in the his? tory of the Slate. A majority of dele? gates were white men, and there was a notable absence of that wrangling and inharmony which has gnerally charac? terized Louisiana conventions. The fol? lowing State ticket was nominated by acclamation: For Governor, Engene S. Reems; Lieu tenant-Governcr, Ferdinand E. Ehrhardt; Treasurer. lien.iam J. Bioonifu-ld; .Au? ditor. Joseph W. Forsythe: Attorney General, Judge Robert P. Hunger- Super? intendent of Education, Dr. D. M. Lines. Mr. Reems is a prominent wboiesale grocer and director in the Saint Charles Street railway and several banks. DR. CARTER SAFE. Heard From at Port Gibbon, Alaska Last Month. ASHLAND. VA.. Feb. -?.-Special.?A message was receivtHl here to-night by Mr. Hill Carter from Capt. Glenn, Van? couver Barracks station, that his son Dr. H. R. Carter, for whom there has been great -anxiety during the past win? ter months, was safe on the "ilth ult. at Port Gibbon. -Alaska. lngalls Still Hi??; Four's Head. WASHINGTON, Feb. ..?Spedai.?A re? port received here to-day Is to the ef? fect that M-- E. lngalls has authorized a statement that there is no truth in the frequent reports from New York that ho has resigned the presidency of the Big Four Railroad Company. Confirmed by ihe Se.iate. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5.?The Senate to- j day confirmed the following nominations of _>ostmasters: North Carolina?R. H. Caldwell. New-r ton; XV. H. Holt, Graham; R. M. Nor? mest, Lumbcrton. THE SITUATION Chaotic the Only Word That Fitlv Describes It. People Thronged the Streets and Political Feeling Ran High. AMPLY-PREPARED FOR TROUBLE A Three Inch Rilled Camion Was Placed in the Capitol Grounds Point in?-Directly Down Saint Glair Street?Democrat Will Likely Oi-gpiiiiizc a St ate Govern nient. FRANKFORT. ICY.. Feb. d.?Governor Taylor to-night made a distinct offer io submit the merits ot his claim to the? G ?bernational chair in Kentucky to any three fair-minded men in the world. These three men to be selected by the United',States Supreme Court lie will aliow them to arbitrate ihe case and will abide by their decision. This announcement he made? at G o'clock to-night at his ofiice in the Executive Building. The announcement made by Governor Taylor in favor of arbitration was at once wired to Lieutenant-Governor John Marshall and Attorney David Fairloigh, Republican members of the political con? ference held to-night at Louisville; Chaotic is the only word that will des? cribe the political situation as it existed to-day in Frankfort. This condition arose not so much from anything that was done by either side, as from the countless stories an _ rumors that were spread broadiast during the day. Early In the niorning it was positively asserted by the Democrats and con? firmed by a few Republicans that the Legislative session in London was about to be called oir. The Democrats claimed to have had the highest possible assur? ances that Governor Tayloi would take such action and that the session of the Legislature would be held in Frankfort in the Capitol Building to-morrow. ALTERED THE SITUATION. Governor Taylor, however, altered the situation entirely by declaring that the meeting at London would proceed as originally intended by him. He denied in the most emphatic manner that there liad been any intention on the part of the Republican party to abandon the London session. This was a bombshell to many of.the Democratic members of the Legislature who had absented them? selves from tiie Capitol over Sunday to prevent any possible move by Governor Taylor to convey them to London to make a quorum, and who had returned on in? formation that everything liad been set tied and an agreement reached to con? vene the Legislature in the Capitol. By noon fully thirty of them had ar? rived; they knew nothing of the situa? tion except what liad been contained in messages received by them, and these were found to be misleading when they were confronted on their arrival in Frankfort by the statement of Governor Taylor. To-day in Frankfort was County Court day, which comes on the tirst Monday of every month and brings to the city any? where from 2,000 to D.JOO outsiders. The number to-day ivas smaller than usua', for many assurances had gone forth from here that there was il strong pos-, Sibility of trouble, and nobody without special business should lake it upon liim seif to come to town. The crowd, how? ever, was sufficiently large to throng the streets, and this, coupled with tiie fact that the Democrats were returning to the city in numbers and that during tiie morning at least, political excitement ran 'high, induced Adjutant-General Col? lier to make more ample preparations for the suppression of possible trouble than ho had done at any previous time. A three-inch rilled cannon was brought from the armory on the ?itilside and placed in the Capitol grounds, pointing directly down Saint Clair street. Am? munition \vas placed beside it and be? side the Galling guns which were on both sides of it, commanding the ap? proaches to the Capitol Building from the southwest and southeast. Although every leader of the Demo? cratic party is now away from Frank? fort, it is generally understood that the Democratic party in case of a failure to agree with the Republicans, Louisville will at once proceed to organize a State government. To avoid delay the con? tests for tho minor r.ositions on the Slate ticket will be determined imme diatly. . ! &? s__*-."f| Governor Beckham wi'l have to ap? point a Secretary of State, a Treasurer md an Auditor. All these contests are little more than mere form, ali resting upon the same evidence which caused the Legislature to decide the Goebel-Taylor contest In favor of the former. The con? tests will be decided by the Election Com? missioners, and their decision is already a foregone conclusion. .Among the arrivals to-day was Colonel Tilomas C. Campbell, of New York, for? merly of Cincinnati. He was in corfer ?nce to-day and to-night with the friends of Governor Goebel, including che broth? ers, Arthur and Justus. it is staled that Colonel Campbell is assisting in working up a vigorous prose? cution, and that there has already bten much information gathered by .detectives on which arrests are expected scon. ACTS NOT LEGAL. Taylor Claims That No Mcetm?, of Le gislature Has Boon Hohl. FRANKFORT, KY., Feb. 5.?"I ?? ill leave the settlement of this controversy to any three fair-minded men on earth," said Governor Taylor in an interview this afternoon with a correspondent. "Let three -men in whom the people have confi? dence be selected by the United StatiS Supreme Court, and I will, with all confi- ! dence, submit the case to their arbitia- j tion, and will -cheerfully abide by their | decision in the matter. I was elected 1 Governor of the State of Kentucky, not by a majority of 2,205, but by a majority ! ot 40,000, and on that decision of the pe-o pie I propose to stand.'' '"No ac_s o? the Legislature in regard ! to my case have been legal, because no I meeting of the Legislature has been held according to law. The consti.utkm p:o- | vides that the Legislature shall consist,! of two bodies, the Senate and the Lower House, and shall sit at the seat of gov? ernment,-. That -sent of government .s in ! Frankfort, unless the Governor convenes ? the. Deirislature at some . other point. I COUNTY COURT DAY, ha\*e convened the Legislature at Lon? don, where it will continue to six, for the present at least, and no action by the Democratic members of the Legislature can, therefore, have ?nv legal standing. WOULD IGNORE OR VETO. "Another thing, I have never-been given formal notice that I had be?n depDsed by act of the Legislature. When such no? tice of the act of the Democratic mem ?beis of the Legislature is given me, X will either ignore it or veto it." Governor Taylor then stated that the case of the Election Board Is diffrrdnt from that of the Legisla lute. Continuing, he said: 'The law specifi? cally provides a room for them In the State building, where they shall ?hold "their sessions. Of course. -I ?-as declired elected by tho former Board, so the pres? ent .Board has(. nothing to do with my case. The courts enjoined the gentlemen appointed by me to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations of Commis? sioners Pryor and Ellis, from taking their seats on the Board, and it is'useless to submit arguments to the present Board, wnen at least two members of that Board (have already committed themselves In regard to the contes!s b:fore them. It is simply a farce to b*ing the cas-^s of the other State officers before the Board." The rule that no civilians should be al? lowed to enter the Capitol building, wh'.ch has prevailed since the Legislature was compelled to leave it one wok" tigo. was relaxed this afternoon in favor of the State Bflard of Election Commissioners. They were permitted to enter tlvnr office in the Capitol for the purpose Of attend? ing to some rout n*? work relative to the contests made by tho Democratic candi? dates for 'Aie minor places on the Stato ticket. They were kept waiting for an hour at the south gate of the Capitol grounds before they were admitted, how? ever. WER E ABM ITTI-3D. It was *! o'clock when Commissioners Yontz and Fulton with Clerk Chenault and Attorneys Schott and Hendrick ap? proached the gate and demanded that they be allowed to ent-er the office of the Commissioner for the purpose of attend? ing to the contest business. The request was refused, tho officer in charge of the gate telling them to wait until he could see Colonel Williams. Colonel AVilliams, it was reported to the commissioners, could not be found for a long time, but finally word was brought to tho commis? sioners that they would be allowed to enter provided that thc-y would go to tho;r office and attend, to tlv-'ir business there. The commissioners replied that they desirad to do that very thing, and they were adrritted. The lawyers were stopped at the gato. The commissioners went to their office in the building and remained only for a few minutes, as Ihoy were unable to attend to their work there without the ance of the attorneys. After reaching the Capitol Hotel they adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. No action was taken in any of thc contests to-day. LEGISLATURE IN LONDON. It AVill Certainly Bo Held There To Day, Says Taylor. LONDON. KY., Feb. 5.?Rumors were circulated here all day that tho proposed meeting of tho Legislature here had been abandoned, but were dissipated finally at 1:30 P. M. when a massage was received from Governor Taylor at Frankfort say? ing: "The Legislature will certainly be held In London to-morrow." This was read publicly. The people say they arc moro than anxieus to be given the opportunity of showing to the coun? try that there will be no molestation. A. company of State Militia numbering ninety mein tinder Captain Powers, ar? rived from BarboursvUle at S o'clock to. day. The company marched through thc main streets and took tip a station near the coutt-house. There was no excite? ment. PEACEFUL SETTLEMENTS. Democrats und Republicans Beach an Agreement. LOUISVILLE, KY., Feb. d.?A confer? ence between accredited representatives of the two State Governments was held at the Gait House in this city to-night, as a step' toward the bringing about ot a peaceful settlement of the disturbed political conditions now existing. After four hours " of preliminary talk, tho conference adjourned at 9 o'clock for one hour. TBp to that time very satis? factory progress had heen made, con? sidering the bitter, estrangement of the (Continued oil Second Pago.) HAY.PAUNCEFOTE TREATY SIGNED Amudaiory of the Clayton - Buller Treaty Relative to Construction of the Nicaragua Canal. WASHINGTON, Feb. r?.?The Hny Pauncefoto treaty, amendatory of the treaty, relative to the construction of the Nicaraguan Canal, was signed' at the State Department to? day by Secretary Hay and the Bight Hon. Lord Pauncefote, of Preston, for Great Britain. Though the consummation of the treaty occupied -some time, owing to the neces? sity of comparing the two drafts, there was very1 little formality about the cere? mony, and a convention, that Is expected to be, for the United States, at least, of tho most far-reaching importance and 'value, came, into being without any theatrical surroundings. There -"were present, besides Secretary Hay and Lord' Pauncefote. only Mr. 'Bromley, honorary attache, of the British Embassy, and prospective son-in-law of Lord Pauncefote; Sidney Smith, chief of tho Diplomatic Bureau, and AVilliam Gwynn, thc faithful and discreet mes? senger to the .Secretary of State, w.hc placed th? seals upon the convention, "as he has upon nearly every treaty of im? portance to which the L'nited States has been a party for? the past thirty vears. HAY SIGNED FIRST. The two drafts of the treaty were eare ful?y compared to insure their identity. Then the signing took place. Secretary Hay attaching his signature first. The seals were attached', and then there were congratulations, and the ceremony was over. . ? The treaty was carried to the" White House and thence dispatched at otic*, to the Senate for. ratification! The letter of transmittal was purely formal, simply commending the treaty to the"' Senate without entering upon any argui?n?-. to determine its real value. Secretary Hay declined to make public Ohe text of the treaty, or even t*> make any statement as to its detail, holding that courtesy to the.Senate obliged him to remain silent until the Senate Itself removed the sedi of confidence, from the convention, so t'hai all that- Is? known now of this convention. Is that it amends the C'.ayton-Bulwer. treaty of 1550 in such (Continued, on Second^ Paee.) ~ CITY SCHOOLS ARE A DISGRACE Appropriations for Im? provements on Them. FUNDS FOR CHARITY. Representatives From Various Institu? tions Talk, '? $28,480 FOR IMPROVING RIVER. An Ordinance Regalatili;?; Fees to Be Collected by City Serireaiit for Keeping Prisoners in City Jail. Much Business Disposed ?r at Last Night's Session of the Council. The Common Council disposed of a large amount of business last niht; passed the item cf $2,50J for music In the parks ot the city; passed a resolution ap? propriating ?2S,4SQ for the purpose of pur? chasing Justis Inland and abutting prop? erty, and improving James river; consid? ered tne question of continuing tho ap? propriations of various charitable insti? tutions or the city; pissed an ordinance regulating foes to bo collected by the City Sergeant for State and city prisoners in the city jail; and, with a few altera? tions, passed the budget of appropriations for tha year as a whole. To almost eX'ery member's coat was pinned a beautiful carnation, as a souve? nir cf the occasion. Those present were "Messrs. Blanks, Bloomberg. Camp. Cottreil, Curtis, Fer? guson. Garber, Gibson, Grimes, Gunst, 1-iarreison, Heeke, Hobson, M-j-Carthy, -Mills, ?Miner, Peters, Pollock, Shea. Tan? ner, Teet'ey,, West, Whaien, Williams, Winston, Woody, and Chair? man Caskie. CITY SERGEANTS FEES. An ordinance providing that the City Sergeant of Richmond ".-hail be entitle?.! to receive out fo the city treasury for receiving each person into the city Jail, commi.ted thereto for a violation of the ordinances . of the city. . or under capias pro ?ine. issued for a failure to pay a fine imposed for violation of such ordinances, the sum of bwenty-tive cents; for keeping and supporting each of such prisoners th-eruin, where there are confined also in said jail not more than ten prisoners committed thereto for offences against the Commonwealth of Virg'nin, thirty cents; where there are confined also In said jail not more than fifty prisoners committed thereto for offences against the Commonwealth of "Virginia, twenty tlireo cents, and where there are confined also in said jail any number of prisoners in execess of fifty, committed thereto for offenes against the Commonwealth of Virginia, eighteen conts," was pasr.ed. A resolution asking the City ..ttorney to take an anpca.i to the 'mandamus -se? cured from the Hustings Court by Mr. C. H. Epps, citv sergeant, was adopted. SECTARIAN INSTITUTIONS. Mr. Mir?er said 1hat he. was going to take a different course from that which he had taken heretoforo in ths matter of charitable appropriations for sectarian institutions. * Mr. iFolltek asked that Mr. Miner stato r.-hat he meant by sectarian institutions, and the information was given hirn. ?Motion ef Mr. Miner to hear Mr. Bol ton r.'as adopted. Mr. Bolton said in part: "We believe that if a, ?ertd. denomi? nation desires to take care of a cer? tain institution that they should not come before such a body .is ibis and ? sk for an appropriation. We believe that the City Council should spend its money for public purposes, therefore ws come with earnest protest against such i-rac tices. XVe simply come before you a~<". ask that these appropriations be discon? tinued. The bill appropriating money for educating Indians was adopted in the National House of Representatives, and was also adopted in the Senate by a good majority." Mr. Miner moved that Professor Pol iard be allowed to talk for the Baptists. PROFKSSOR POLLARD TALKS. Mr. ioUard said that he was present for the purpose of representing the Baptist Ministers' Conference. "We believe." said he. "that these in? stitutions are worthy institutions, but we do not believe it is right to take public funds for the purpose of main? taining the institutions that are sec? tarian." He thought that such was a violation of the principles underlying the immortal document of Jefferson. "Now, are these really sectarian insti? tutions? I don't think that there can bo any question about that. Do you think that the training and teaching in such an institution would help co make Baptists? Is it the business of the United States to help take caro or" Bap? tists?' Is it the business of the State to help take care of them? I say that if they cannot help take care of ;heniseives let the Baptists die." He said that these institutions were sectarian b.cause of the' particular tenets taught in them. OUGHT TO STAND ON MERIT. Rev. Mr. Bagby. of Mt. Calvary church, was the next speaker, and said that he very heartily concurred in what had already been said. He thought that the appropriations given certain institutions impose*! a double tax on other instltu tons. He did not believe that Baptists ought to call on outsider? to help them in their work. He said: "Let every tub stand on its own bottom." Rev. W. T. Derieux also spoke in oppo? sition to appropriations for sectarian institutions. Mr.' Miner addressed the Council at length on the Christian work that the institutions receiving appropriations to do, but did not deviate from his opposition to giving .approbations to those that he called sectarian. ' ' Mr. Wallersteln 'compared the denomina? tional Institutions of other cities with thoae of Richmond, and pointed out the fact that they had wealthier denomina? tions at their back. ?A GLOWING TRIBUTE. He spoke'glowingly of the Little Sisters of tho Poor, and said that whenever he had a nfckel to spare that that institution ?could get it. "We should take a chari? table ground in these promises," said' he. "I 3hall always, as Inng as I live, fight against Church _nd ?State. We only give one-fifteenth of 1 .per cent, of all the revenue to these ' instituions. I believe that if a vote of all the people of Rich ?iiond .were taken on this question that not one-halt, of Eo per. .cent, would be ine oat." He favor of the appro? priation of the Woman's Christian Kin? dergarten. He saW that he-trusted that Mr. Miner would see fit not to press the .motion he had/.made." - .Mr. this Juncture .contended "for* his* motion: '. ? ",?--./. ..- .?" --..-'?;'- . ? Mr. Paters said' that about-?'year ago he took the same stand as he took in the present meeting. He said/" that he wanted to tell those present that there was nothing to hide in the Little Sisters of the Poor; that It was a free Institu? tion, and the only one to which a poor man could go unless ho goes to the Alrnshouse. Mr. Miner again arose and said that this institution was conducted under the religious tenets of a particular agnomina? tion. He said that he had heard that alt ?wno were able to attend worship in that institution were expected, to do so. Mr. Peters denied this statement. Mr. Caskie said that the Little Sisters of the Poor was not a sectarian institu? tion. ?-fte question then before the body was the reduction of tbe* appropriation for tteis institution from ?5CQ to $375. A re? corded vote stood in favor of the pres-Hit appropriation of $500. j*.*ir*lSCOPAL CHURCH HOME. Mr. Miner offered an amendment to the appropriation for the Protestant Episcopal Church Home, reducing It from, $150.00 to "PHli-bO. Mr. Bloomlberg asked that soma light be thrown on this institution, ancT asked -why the appropriation should be cut down. Air. Miner said that this was a secta? rian Institution, and moved tha't the amendment which he had offered be laid on the table. Mr. Waller-stein said that he trusted that the motion of Mr. Miner would not prevail.. Lie said that he had heard that serverai bequests had recently been mads this institution. A recorded vote on Mr. Miner's motion defeated it. ?Mr. Grimes said that the soldiers* sec? tion of Oakwood Cemetery had not re? ceived an appropriation in four years, and moved that $200 be appropriated for keeping tho section in good condition. Mr. Cattrell moved to make Oakwood's expenses $SC0. His motion was adopted. OAKWOOD'S CONFEDEZRATE SEC? TION. Mr. Grimas then Moved that $3? be taken from the contingent fund for the purpose of keeping in good condition the Co afide-rate section of tho cemetery. This motion was adopted. Mr. iBloombfirg thought that the budget was an admirable one. He said that the appropriation for the School Board repair fund la<"t year was $12.000, but the -ox- - ? penses of the Board exceeded tho amount by .-?-W0. Mr. Bloomberg "moved to Insert instead of $4,<*0O for "School repairs, the sum of $11.:;C0. Ho said that 'the school buildings of the city of Richmond were going into decay. He further said tha the High School of the city was a disgrace and a perfect fire-trap. He said that the young ladies wer?*; compelled to sit i;?. the poorly ventilPjted rooms in little desks and chairs without backs. He thought that the sum which he recommended would make com? fortable improvements. He asked where) this $11.200 was go?ng to conno from. FUTURE MEN AND WOMEN. "We must not forget. -Mr. President, that the a hooi children of to-day are the futuro men and women of Richmond, and ?we should not fail to make this appro? priation.". Mr. Gunst said that he had similar in? formation to that given by Mr. Ar loom berg. Mr. Bloomberg said that he wanted a vote taken on ivs motion before It '"ex? ploded and evaporated." A recored vote showed nineteen for and eight against Mr. Bloomberg's motion. It wa?, there? fore, adopted. Mr. Winston moved that the appropria? tion bo increased from $95,777.30 to $P''..fi77. 50 for the Police Department in order to keep an extra man on the force and con? tinue Policeman Minor on. the pay-roll. Mr. Winston withdrew his amendment. Mr. Gunst moved .to strike out $?800 from the Gas and "Water and insert in lieu thereof $37.150. the difference of the amount to be taken from the Contimgent Fund. LIGHT INFANTRY BLUES'. Mr. Harrelson moved to take difference of the expense account of the Grounds ar.d Buildings and place it. tf? the credit of the Gas and Water account. Mr. Gunst's motion was then adopted. Mr. Mills asked why discrimition was made in the appropratlon for the Rich? mond Light Infantry Blues. He said that he understood that there had been some petty jealousy between this and other companies of the city, but could not understand why they should be given more than any other company in order to gratify a peculiar notion of theirs. Mr. Mills moved to increase the amount for cleaning the city's reservoir .from $5,0CO to $10,000. This amount. Mr. Mills said, would bo enough to clean out both basins of the reservoir. The amendment made- by Mr. Mills was adopted. The budget, as a whole, was then adopted. An ordinance authorizing the auditor to pay to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund the sum of $75.00 was adopted. TO BUY THE ISLAND. The Finance report returning a resolu? tion authorizing the?acquisition of Justis Island property was read. The resolution asks for an appropriation of $17.680 to be paid for acquiring the Island. The reso? lution was adopted. The sum of S2S.4S0 was appropriated for thc purpose of purchasing the island and the Williams and Goddin estate adjoining same, also Improving the harbor. On motion ot Mr."Harrelson. the Coun? cil adjourned to meet Thursday night at S o'clock. RAILROAD SCHEME. Pennsylvania Platinili*; to Get a Voice in ?V. & \V. Management. NEW YORK. Feb. 5.?Tire Herald to? morrow will say: It is tho p?an of Pennsylvania rallroid interests and the r allies aa represented by President A J. Cass?t, to obtain a voice in the management of the Norfolk and Western railroad. This is a part of the g?neral Vanderbllt-Pennsylvania scheme, which has tor its object an a?li ance of all the railroads of the East hav? ing seaboard terninals, whereby tbe Eastern rate will bo so securely hold in the hands of the dominant Interests that railroad wars will be impossible^ RACING STABLE ,LAK MT. YERNON Judge Yeomans and Frank Sout Have Purchased Part of the Estate for . a Racina: Establishment. SIOUX CITY. IOWA. Feb. ?.-Juago Yeomans. Inter-Stato Co-mm ssioner. and Frank Sout. of Dubuque, have purchased 12C acres of the Mount Vcraoa estate in Virginia? which George Washington call? ed Rrw*r Farm-on-the Potomac, and twill establish there a racing stable. The place has costly stables and ?t?. provementa. Some very notable horse? will go In the first car load, from Judge Yeomans* Iowa farm, among them George "Ri iPt?*.? '.a " son ot Joe : Patcheer Ftank Yckuuj. Madeline, Annie C at HEAVY FIGHTING IS REPORTED War Office Has Heard Nothing From Bailer. NECESSARILY SLOW. The Advance Would be Retarded by Lars-e Number of Wagons. FROM VERY SLENDER MATERIAL Military Opinion in London Continuel to Assume 'that Gcuerat Bailer la Again T h row i u S His Army Against the Boer Works. iUay Bo Making a. Wide Detour. ?LONDON. Feb. 5.?4:-C P. M.^A special dispatch from Durban, Natal, dated to? day, saya: "There i_ no definite news from Gen? eral Duller, but It is reported that there was heavy fighting yesterday." LONDON, Feb. 6.?? ?. M.?Military opinion in London continues to ai?uaie, from very slender materials, that i_.tarai Buller Is again throwing his arcny^asainst tho Boer works. A retired genera!. Sir WUIfaum Henry Greene, whose distin? guished career gives weight to hi? opin? ion? thinks that General Duller, with 25,000 men, 1st making- a wiije detour to the west and north, so as to avoid tho roughest parts of the country. As General Buller -must Have some thou? sands of wagon?. Sir William Greene points out that the advance would neces? sarily be slow. No authentic word is at hand, save that the War Office reaffirm? ed orally to newspaper lnrruirero?at a late hour that it could not confirm the report? ed advance. There the national situation rests. It ie from the western field that mora definite statements cerne. Large operations are apparently about to begin. OV_K\V-__t__\riNG FOECE. General French, who has now returned to Kensburg from, his conference with Lord Roberts, has sent what _?, de-?crrt>ed as an overwhelming force of Infantry ta seize Norvaispolnt. This is where tha railway, before it was destroyed, crossed the Orange River and connected with the Free State Trunk Line to Bloemifonteln. Norvalspoint Is nineteen roll?n north of CalesberfT. and twenty-live miles trr.?t General French's headquarters at Renii burg. The Boers at ?????_??_t have been In danger of being surrounded Dy tha largeiy-rolnforced and extending lines ot the urltlsh. An occupation - of ?Torints point in force would presumably r.ndet Coiesberg untenable. The Boers are showing great activity in the Naawuport and Coiesberg district. Many of the guns hitherto S icing Lord .Methuen are believed to have g"ne ta N.rv&ispairsc. The British, therefore, may find formidable bcdles of Hoers there. The War Office announces that fifteen transports will bo dispatched be :_*?->n to? day and Monday, with 13.000 tr_i_?. in? cluding the Fourth Cavalry briga-ie, miil tia battalions and three thoiisalKl Yeo? manry. NO CON'-'lRMATION. LONDON. Feb. 5.?The corre-yjirdent learns from official sources that absolute? ly no confirmation ha3 been nrcelv.d by the War Office of ?he report that Generat iiuller has recrossed the Tugela. r-.ver and is marching on Ladysmith. On the contrary, according to the information ot the War Office, at the present jnoment Ghere is every Indication that things are quiet at the front, and that no immediate movement Is anticipated. Kcgara'.ng the dispatcher troni Lady? smith saying that Buller's guns have been heard there, It Is surmised that _me practice may have be.-n going on with the n&w batteries which have just reached Che front. BEILIEF UNSHAKEN. The War Office's statement that it hns received no confirmation of tho report shut General -Huiler has recro-sed th? Tugela river has faJIed to shake put?.!, belief chat operations of tremendous Im? portance are proceeding at the Tugela. and it is thought that either th* d hfcfl was prompted by a des're to k. ep tha military movements as secret as pasable until something is accompii.-'hed. or that General Duller is keeping the home offi? cials in the dark pending results. It Is obviously extremely difffcuit ti extract tho truth from ?h?? conf.'clr._ statements surrounding- Genera! Buller's movements, tout most of'the t? ?snrneni?lcrci agree that the aggregate of -th? !t>.?n_ tends to confirm the belief tha: mov-3 (Contlnued on Second Page.) SUMMARY OF TO-DAY'S NEWS. Local. ?Democratic caucus elects Mr. John Randolph. Tucker judge of the Eighteenth Circuit. ?Mr. George E. Fisher says ho Is not with the new street-car syndicate. ?I_irge sum subscribed for new chapel for St. Paul's church. ?Budget adopted by the Common Council. State. ?Negro shot In leg In Richmond coun? ty, causing amputation, from which he died. ?Negro killed a white man at Clover, in Halifax, and taken to Houston for safe keeping on account of talk of lynching. ?A merchant in Northumbcrlrjad shoota a negro who attacks him. causing ampu? tation of negro's hand. ?Business organisation la Marti nsvllle to advan?2e material progress o? the town. ?Ihr. H. R. Carter heard from in far-olt Alaska ?Receiving ship Franklin goes adrift and smashes a pier. ?Oscar Fleming on trial in Princess Anne, charged with killing Clarence Snyder; ?James K. Slaughter sentenced to- seven years ta Danville for forgery. General. ?At a conference between Democrat? and Republicans in Louisville an agree? ment Is reached.. ?Mr.' Hay and Ambassador Pauneefot* sisa the treaty amending the Ciayton Bulwur treaty. ?Philippines discussed in both House and Senate. Forcl?.?. ?Brttfchi public atiU believe General Buller la flgh?ns hi? ?ay to Ladysmith. , ?War OBKce ha? no confirmation ot th? r._tort-?"?""'.' ?General Kobh. s - exr edl-ion - ret? many bales ot hemp.