Newspaper Page Text
SECOND PART PAGES 9 to 16 RICHMOND. VA.SSUNDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1901 DEMOCRATS ARE AFTER TEDDY Members of the Convention Discuss the Matter. MUCH ADVERSE CRITICISM. AreSbwked That a Presideit of the United S!*te? Sbould Lower lhe. Digniiy ef the Office by Dlnin* Wlth a Nejro. The Democratic members of tho Con etituiional Convention. as might be ex? pected, aro horrificd at the spectacle or a PrcFidOiit of the United States enter^ tainir.g a negro as his guest in the White House at Washington. Below will be found some of their views cn tho subject expressed on yesterday: Senator Eugene Withers declined. to be interviewed, but he was ovcrheard to nay to a col league: "Roosevelt as show? lng his true character and his real in Btincta. His act in having Booker Wash? ington to dir.e with him is thoroughly consistent with his boast last year that his child sat by negro children in the pubiic echoois at Oyster Bay, Bong Is? land. "Tho am-ising part of thls eplsode to a. a<-lf-respoctang Southcrner is the bole into which it puts many newspapers of tho South. Just a week ago tliey were running over with slobbcring pmisa or and moutby fawning upon this same Roosevelt. Their position to-day is as' pitiable now aa it was contemptlble then." Hra R: Walton Moore: The Times edt torial on tho Booker Washingtor.i Jncident has my unqualified approvaj. Tht- IJres ident is a. stror.g and well Informed man. Ht> thoroughly understands the situation iu the South and the sentiment prcvail ing here. He knows tliat tlie idea or the social equaHty of the races ls sb horred by the ?cut3n?rn people- What h-e has. done hus been done not Ignorantly, but with his eyes wide open. lt seems to inuicate, therefore. that h? approves of social equal:'.;- and is ready to join Agents for ftlonarch fais? Best $3.50 Shoes in the World. The very instant a new style is presented by the leading tailors of the country, you'11 find it here rc3(iv-to~\YC3r *** *We keep close step with fashion?and prepare to meet every demand. So we are already showing the new Two-Button Double-Breasted Sack Suits in black and mixtures. Entire Buiiding. 1005 EB MiLJM ST. Opposite Post-Office issue with thc Southern people on that subject. If this is his attitude, he has nothing to cxpect from that people but emphatic condamnatton and unwavering hostility. His predeussor was ihQ frlend of this seetion and it earnestly desires Air. Roosevelt's frieiAship. But he will assoiredly be uunted amongst its worst enemles if he is going to play the part of an apostlo an.l advocato of race equality." Mr. Walter A. Ws t: on: "Tlie strongest, as it is perha-ps the r.-cst universal, ln stlnct of the Ap.glo-Stxph is race ln tcgrity. And the dc'oberate attempt of the President to enforce thc social equal itv of the negro is an open affront to the hi"ghest sensibilities of liis nation and- of his race. "A great political party. which prides itself upon its conservatism. must be constrained to question tho wisdom andi uiscretion of a Chlof Atagistrate who will exploit himself ini wild-cat schemes to obliterate the laws of.nature." Judge Harrison: President Roose? velt has made every Southern State Democratlo for two de cades to come by the recognition he has given to the social equality of tho black nnd white men. It may be that some fiunkles of the Capitol, ir. order to curry favor with the President, will follow his cxample, and that Washington society, during his term, may be more or less af fected by negro philism. If so, an unfor tunate state of affairs will prevail there. 'i'he Presldent's course is a most unfor? tunate blunder at a time, when Mr. Mc icinley's course had almost obliterated poiitical and sectional lines. In a partisan view, however, the action of the Presi? dent at this particular junctuxe is a most fGrtunate thing for the Demoeracy, as it gives an opportunity to the white men of the State to condemn any attempt to put the races on a social equality. Dr. Dunaway: It looks as if tho President went out of his way to slretch tlie hospitality of the* White House. lx he is ambiious oC creating sensations, he has made a good start. Just as the South was beginning to expect conservative action, and to ap plaud the new President for his desire to make good appointments, he shock; the sentiments of her people by an un exampled show of negrophilism. It is a blunder, whether considered from a po? iitical of a social standpoint Mr. Thomas B. Moore, the leader ot the Republicans on the floor of the con? vention, declined to be quoted. He saia, in answer to a question: "I have noth? ing to say on> the subject." Judge G. K. Anderson: If Mr. Roosevelt wants to entertain ne? groes at hls private table, he has the right to do so. There is no law against it. .But ho Is, or ought to be. the Chief ROOSEVELT DENOUNCED BY THE SOUTHERN PRESS He is Alleged to Have Committed Poiitical and Social Suicide When He Enter? tained a Negro at His Dinner Table. "Damnable outrage."?Memphis Scimitar. "A white man's country."?Commercial-Appeal. "Is a distinct shock."?Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle. "His mother would have rebelled."?Nashville Ameri? can. "Will chill southern favor."?Nashville Banner. "Question of taste."?Danville Register. "Was Mrs. Roosevelt there?"?Fredericksburg Free Lance. That tiie South 5s arouscd at the action of President Roosevelt in entertalning a neigro at liis dinner table is attested by the denunciatory ring of tho Southern press yesterday morning. The generai opinion aippears to be that in going wot of his way to .ntertain a negro in strictl? social way, the President has flaunted the red iflag in the face o'f the South for no other apparent purpose than for tlie pleasure of excrcising his power to flaunt. His action is looked up? on as not only unwarrar.ted by conditions at Qxresent, but as showing a decided lack of diplomacy or even onlinavy cemmon sense. F\rom thc attitude of the press it will, easlly be seen that the people have long recognized that -Air. Roosevelt was a lov er of the spectacular, was a player 'for no toriety and dolighled in occupying the center of the stage, and that therefore such an oct against social decency on his part, while not expected, would not cause a shock to the public as if it had been oommttt<-d by coran other chlof executive or a white nation. That this attitude of President Roosevelt toward the white peop'.c of his country will be equivaient to political suicide is widely canoaded. That President Roosevelt has iikewise destroyed ail chance of Republi? can party advaneement in the South. at least during hSs administration, is iike? wise aeknowleflgc-d. Foilowing are extracts from the cc>m ments made by Southern papers: D A AfN" A B LE OI 7TRAG E. The Sclmitar of Afemplvis, Tenn.. says: ''The most damnable outrage which has ever boon perpetrated by any citizen of the United .States was commltted yes* tfrday l.y tlie Presifienl when ho invited a nigger to dine with him at the White House. lt would not be worth more than a passing notice if Theodore Roose? velt had sat down to dinner ln his own home with a Pullman palace-car porter, but Roosevelt the individual, and Roose? velt the president, are not to be viowed ls tho same light. "Had tho guest ot the Presldont on the occaBlon mentioned beon a black Repub? llcan of Hayti, no doubt tlwre mlght have been some exeuse because of dip lomatic reasons. but the fact that ho went out of his way and extended a spe? cial Invitation to a nigger to sit down at table with Ivim?a nigger whose only ?laini lo distinctlon ia that, by comparl *on wlth the balance of his race, he has been considered somewhat superior. Of the polltlcal effect of the incident lt ?ays: "The President has rudely shattered any expectations lhat may have arisen from bis announced intentlon to make tho Republlcan party in tho South respect ab!e? He has closed the door to any ac cession6 of southern white men to tho Republican ranks. Tbey can no more ig nore the Jnstinct of race than can tho bit terest Democratic bourbon." ? WORSE THAN A CRIAIE. The Conlmercial Appeal, of Memphls, Team., nays: *TJb\a tam. irhXte roan's country. It wlll ?nftnn . to be such us icrm as clean blood flows through the veins of white people. The negro will remaln in the South. He is entitled to his rights under the law, and the men who stand i'or white su premacy nre the strongc-st advocates of granting him theso rights. But beyond that they will not go. The example of President or potentate cannot change their views. Their reasons are good and sufficient. If some coarse-fibred men can? not understand them, it is not the concern of the southern people. Sufficient answer to them is that race supremacy precludes social equality." Another c-ditorial, headed "Roosevelt's Bad Break," concludes: "President Roosevelt has committed a blunder that is worse than a crime, and no atonement or future act of his can re? move the self-imprintcd stigma." SHOCIC TO SENTIMENT. The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle says: "The news from Washington that Presi? dent Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee Institute, was a guest in the White House at dinner with President and Mrs. Roose? velt and family, and that after dinner there was the usual social hour over cigars, is a distinct shock to the favor | able sentiment that was crystalizing in the South for the new President. "While encouraging the people In the hope that the negro is to be largely elim inated from office in the South, President Roosevelt throws the fat in the fire by giving countenance to the negro's claims for social equality by having ono to dine in the White House. "President Roosevelt has made a mis? take?one that will not only efface the good impression he had begun to create in the Soutli. but one that will actively antagonize southern people and meet thn disapproval of good Anglo-Saxon senti? ment in all latitudee. "The Soulh does not relish tho negro in office, but that is a small matter com pared with its unalterable opposition to social equality between tho races. Pres? ident Roosevelt has flnwn in the fac* of pubiic sentiment and precipitated an issue that has long since been fought out and which should h<ave been left in the list of settled questions." BAD TASTE. Tha American of "asli^ille. Tenn: says: "President Roosevelt has made a mis-> take In having Broker Washinstonj to ' dine with him at tho "\Thite House. It is an error of judgment and1 a breach of gOGd taste which can have no good ef? fect in any way. ju can bo of no pos? sible advantage to tlio race to which Washington belongB and it is not calcu lated to win either friends or sympathy for Roosevelt in the South. The South has a kindly feeling for Roosevelt and it is not inclined to indulge ln captious criticlsm of Wm, but he canliot expect the South to refrain from erjticislng his conduct in having negroes to dJne at the White House table. He knows the feel? ing and sentiment in tbo South. and. there ls no goofl reason why he should delib erately offend it." ' The editorial concludes: ."Those who bnUeva tha* they caa benefit th? Wbit? race or elevato the black race by or sleeping with negroes have studied ethnology to little 'purpose. President Roosevelt is half Southern ih blood. Had his mother been present when he seatecl Booker AVashington at his table slie would doubtless have declined to sit at. the same table. President Roosevelt has made a blunder, the bad effect of which will reach beyond him." AVILB CHIBB THE SOUTH'S FAVOR. The Evening Banner of Nashville, Tenn., denounces the President's action as a mistake and goes on to say: "What? ever justiflcation may be attempted of the Presidier.t's action in this instance, it goes without saying that it will tend to chill the favor with which he is re garded in the South and will embarrass him in his roputed purpose to build up his party in this section." QUESTION OF TASTE. The Register, of Danvillee, Va., says: We never feel quito secure in critieis ing conduct involving a question of taste. In reeraxd? to President Roosevelt's pre vailing upon Booker Washington to dine wlth him, it suffices to reneat that an? clent obsc.'Vation, "De gustibus non est desputandum. WAS MRS. ROOSEVEBT THERE0 The Fredericksburg Free Bance says Surely there must be some mis'ake' about ii. Booker T. Washington is a most respectable colored man, the head of the Tuskegee (Alatrama) Tnstitute, but he is colored, and the South, at leasi, is not prepared for social eqiiality, the blending of the races in social functions? the sure forerunner of miscegenation. Whon Cleveland invited Fred. Douglas to a White House reception, which was probably aceidental because Doughlas was an officehold'er, and the clerk sending out the Invitations probably merely furnish? ed the list on the Congresslonal Directcry, there was a mighty howl and the invita? tion wap never duplicated. The Southern people, at least, will be curious to know if at this, the first entertainment of a colored man in the AVhlte House, Mrs. Roosevelt pnrticipated. and if so. how far this great social deparlure will be ac ceptable to the swell set in Washington: and whether President Roosevelt. having set the pace of entertaining black men, his example will be generally followed. If so Preaoher Jasper may have been mistnken in his contention that "the sun cTo move." but surely it will not be de nied' in the light of the foregoing state? ment that the world "do move." Presi? dent Roosevelt has started out well, but if he has entertained Washington as a social equal. the South will be disap? pointed and saddehed simply because its p.eople are not prepared to nccept the idea of tho social equaljtv of th- races PICAYCNB NOT CRTTICAB." The Picayuno, o'f New Orleans. says: "A great deal of criblcffim of various sorts is going to be poured oiit rpon Pres? ident 'Roosevelt for having entertained at dinner the negro leader?'Booker Washlng? ton. The PJcoyune Tegards this act on tlie part of the President as an official and na^t a social matter. Necesairily, if the Prwsident should tako negroes of both sexes into social relations with his fami? ly, it would excite a great deal of pre judiee; but o'flflcially, as the chief magis trate of the vepublfc, which embraees in its citizenship people of all colors and many races, he may confer with and en? tertain people who are black, red, brown and yellow, as well as white, and eat and drink with them. "if, howrever, he should endeavor to brinsr the peoples of all races, colors and conditions Into the samo social plarie and into-intimsle intercommunication, it is much to be doubted if he could make it a success, cither politically or socially. But it should bd remembered that the Presi? dent is a very peculiar man and has in many Instanoes shown little regard, either for official routiwe or social and poiitical conventions. Probably he is more indif ferent to all restraints of routine and ceremony than.was ever any of his pre decessors, and he may carry this pecu liarity to the extent of eccentricity, so that scarcely any act of his, no matter how much out of tlio common oourse, ne<Hl be surprislng. "Nevertheless, without anticipating anything in the way of peculiarities, the Pieayune takes it for granted that the President would do oflicially that which he would not dream of in the way of vlo lating. accepted social usages and conven? tlons, and, therefore,. the* Pieayune has. no erltielEm to make; in the present in mMXioa." . -> A Aiagistrate of the whoie people, and he occupies a house provided for his nse by the whole nation. A decent regard for the opinions cf a large part of the people ho is supposed lb represent ought to have pre\ented his ili-advised action. Thn South is willing to accord the colored man all necessary rights and privileges, but social equality is ono that is not only not necessary, but Is hurtful to the negro, and never will be tolerated by the white people, north or south. "Vlewed from any. standpoint, Air. Roosevelt has made a great blunder." Delegate J. S. Barbour: If Air. Roosevelt desires to have negroes to dine with him, he doubtless has the right to grattfy his tastes in that dlrec? tion, but the fact that his tastes run in that directio:i shows either that he has no conception of tho sentiment of thc South such matters, or, fully under? standing it, cares not a snap for it. In either even*- his conduct can have hut one effect, and that will be to chill to death the feeling of admiration for and contidence in him, which had taken such a strong hold on the southern people. I very much regret his action. John Garland Pollard, IZsq..: If the President ehooses to dine with a negro, let him do lt. "EVery- man to his own likiiig," as the old la.dy said when she kissed the cow. Air. A. lt. Pedigo (leading Republican member from Henry countyi: "I think the President of the United States has a perfect right to entertain any citizen he ehooses in his house or at his table. As to the propriety of the recent act of hospitality of our President to a col? ored man, I will say that it is nobody's business to critlcisc him. I have al? ways understood that the old lady who kissed the cow was doing right, accoru ing to her taste." Judge Timothy Rives: Why should not the President "hob-nob" with Booker Washington if he so desires? A Rough Rider seems to do as he pleattes anyhow. Ex-Attorn.y-General R. A. Ayers, ct Wise county: President Rcosevelt, as the Chief Alagistrate of the nation, enter? tained at dinner a man who is conced.d to be the foremost representative of his race, constitu tn.g many millions of the citizeus of the .country. I see no reason for all the excitement lhe affair has stirred un. Tlie white people of the South thoroughly respect and' admire Booker Washington, and are laiyisln. in their commendation of ,his work. This being true, why should they bc so stirred ud at the-action of the President in an offlcial way entertaining Washington? He is compelledi to receive and entertain the representatives of Hayti, Siberia, and other black people not as deserving as Washington. In my opinion, the crlti cism is unmcrited and unjust, and can in no way be attributed to a desire on the President's part to promote social equality with the negroes. Delegate J. B. Thornton: Of course, no one ca.n question the right of President Roosevelt to entertain a negro as his guest if he desires to do so. but from my standpoint it is incomprehensible how a man of his superior opportv.nities could enjoy it. I think it can be expiained' by his ahnormal passion for notoriety rather than from a deliberate purpose to insult and offend the whole, Southern people and his noble mother's memory. lt is discouraging to flnd that tho high posi? tion has not balanced him at all. Air. Turnbull: I think the ac? tion of President Roosev-.t sim? ply shows that we can expect nothing from him or from the Republi? can party in the time of helping to re lieve us from the present condition of things in Virginia. Judge J. W. Orr: The action of the President in dining with) the distinguished gentleman of Af rican descent creates quite a sensation among the people, both North and South. That he has made a mistake, no matter what lils personal taste. may be, is quite evident. But it is only a step carrylng out his inclination in favor of social equality. as manifestedi in his expressed willingness to educate his own children in a mlxed school, and one follows the other naturally. . ROWERS TRIAL Commonwealth Closed ils Case Yesterday, Powers Took Stand. (F>y Assoclated Pross.) GEORGETOWN, KY., Oct. 19.?John W. Ray, clerk to Appellate Judge 'White, was the first. witness to-day in the trial of Caleb Powers for alleged complicity in the Goebel assassination. He testi? fied that an hour before Goebel was shot on January 30, Leander Guffy, the tip staff of the Court of Appeals and1 son of Judge Guffy. said: "Goebel wlll never be Governor. He will be shot before tne General Assembly meets this morning." At 9:25 o'clock the Commonwealth closed its case, and Judge Alorton began to speak, setting forth briefly the de fend-ftnt's side of the case. Caleb Pow? ers was called as the first witness. Pow? ers denled that anything was ever said by him about intimidating the Legisla? ture. His testimony was a complete anct emphatic denial of every statement cred ited to him by W. II. Culto . and i_ Wharton Golden. _ Bargains in silghtly used Uprlght Pianos of the best makes. FERGUSSON BROS., 815 E. Broad St. We sell Pianos andi Organs on time, but sell more for cash, owlng to the spec? ial inducements we offer. FERGUSSON BROS. CHRISTIAN. WEST-END CHRISTIAN CHURCH (on Alorrls Street between Alain and Flovd Avenue)?Rev. HENRY PEARCB AT 1-CIN-S, pastor.?Preaching at 11 A, Al. and S P. AL by the ...pastor' Morning subject, "The Christian Endeavor Pled!gi?;" eve hing. "Son_ Service?The Life of. Paul,"* .unday. school at;9:80A- M. Seats free. A cordial weloome, awaits all.. --;- '.',?? GIVES HIMSELF UP But Whereabouts of Missing Funds are Unknown THINKS LITTLE OF DETECTIYES. Says He Talked With Two About Hls Case, but Tbey Never Suspected Hlm?Clalms Tbat He Was Robbed of Money. (Br Associated Tress.) NEW YORK Oct. 19.?George Armit age, the missing messenger of the Bank of New Amsterdam, walked into the Tenderloin Police Station to-day and gave himself up. Hc declined to make any statement as to the missing funds of the bank, amounting to ?5,900. Armitage was fashionably dressed. and did not seem disturbed by his position. Detectives tried to get him to make a statement, but he declined. "Its no use saying anything," he said, "you can't pump me. I have decided to say nothing until I see my lawyer,'and maybe I won't say anything then." Armitage only had J31.40 on him when arrested. He was the messenger for the Bank of New Amsterdam, and after his disappearance, drafts and collections, rep resentlng many thousands of dollars, were returned to the bank by a mysterious col? ored woman, who has not yet been found by the police. This incident gave rise to a theory of foul play, which the police later discrediled. Armitage's account shows a shortage of $5,950, of which $5, 000 is covered by a fidelity bond. TALKED x>OASTFUBLY. Before Arm, tage was locked up he turned to the police reporters and boast fully said: "I don't mind telling you fel lows that I was at the Gotham theatre in East New York last nlght and saw East Bynne. Between acts I went out with a friend and was introduced to two detectives of the iberty Avenue Station. 1 had a long talk with them on various subjects. After a while the conversat'on drifted to the Armitage case, and we spo-e about it for several minutes. Nei'h er of the nolicemen seemed to have the slightest suspicion of me. though they must have been furnished with a descrip tion of me. No one else that I met seemed to know me. Why, T talked with the sergeant at the Thirtieth-Street Sta? tion before ho suspected my identity. I ha to tell him flatly who I was before he would- take me into custody." Armitage subseriuently made a remark? able confession which sent the police scurrying after four supposedi accom plices, who, as alleged, had/ in turn robbed the dishonest b<,nk messenger of practically all the moner he had stolen. MARIE DiDN'T RETURN. Armitage said that hs had met a wo? man whom he kn-w only as Marle at a road house which they both freo.uented. She was a friend- of the piano player ln the resort. The wife of the pian-o player and a violinist, who also furnished music in the place, and Armitage, Introduced to the party by Marle, becamo friendly with all during a month's intimacy. Armitage said: that after he stole the money he got drunk and' was unable to reuirn the checks. Marie and w.e wife of the piano player agreed to do it for him, and taking the bank wallet to Brook? lyn hired a negro woman to return it to the bank. Armitage said that as the woman left him Marie suggested that she had better tako charge of the stolen money for safety. Armitage said that he gave up the money and the women never came back. It is- believed that the police uave the naines of the entire party and will arrest all four. SANTOS DUMONT AIRSHIP. Tlie Inventor at Last Succecds ia Wiacing Coveted Prize. (By Issoclated Pre3a.) PARI3, Oct. 19.?The Santos Dumont airship ascended at St. Cloud at 2:28 o'clock this afternoon, and tlve minutes aftercyards begnn to round the Eiffel Tower. Santos Dumont completed his trip suc cessfuily, but a question has arisen as to whether it was done within the time lim? it?thirty minutes. M. Deutsch ;:ays the Aeronaut won the prize. The committee, however, declares M. Santos Dumont took 30 minutes, 40 4-7 seconds to mako the trip. SEEK T0 ANNUL MARRIAGE Report That Such Sleps Wlll Be Taken by Mrs. Foster'a Parents. It was stated' yesterday by persons who are in a position to speak with author? lty that steps will be taken to have de? clared null and void the marriage of Miss Marie Thompkins Henry, of this city to Dr. Alexander S. Foster, of Union, S. C. The wedding took place last Monday evening in Baltimore county as the con summation of a runaway romance. Mrs. Foster is now in the city at the home of Captain and Mrs. R. P. Honry, No. B01 East Clay Street. Her husband is not with her. THOROUGHLY PETRIFIED. Body Redressed After Being Buried for Ten Years, (Special Dlspatch to The Tiiuds.) WINCMESTER, VA., Oct. 19.?The re aruaans of Charles H. B. Rouss, which were placed in the Rouss mausoleum yesterday, aJiter bedng in the ground ten years, during which time -they became petrifled, were removed to an undertaking establishment thls morning and placed in anotner casket. The remains were washed and put ln other clothes. When taken aip chie coffin was full of water. The features of the young .man are natural, except for a, sllght discolor ation. ' HOTEL BURNED. Guests, of Whom Tbere Were Three Hundred Escsped Safely. (8y A*4o<lated Press.) HOUSTON, TEX., Oetl 19.?The Hutch ins House, a large four-story hotel, was burned at an early hour thls morning. and it Is belieypd the fire is a result of incendiarisra. There were about 3W? guests in the house, all of whom got out in safety and wlthout injury. The loss;is jjlaced at $110,000'on the hotel aiid furnishings, wlth insurance of $55,000. Tenants occupyinff . the ground floor suffered loss by water amounting to $15,000, partlally inaured!. The house was built forty.,yeara ago ?"? ','??'? ir'?->'? ..-,... : ? ,: "?' -..?'?? . . ' "Berrys for Clothes" They Balance. A good tale is none the worse for being told.?Prov. The tale of our Fall and Winter Clothing Stock will bear a second telling. And some people would profit by it if it were told a third and a fourth time. Men's Fall Suits? Regular, stout, slim and extra sizes?made of strictly all-wool Cheviots and Cassimere?this sea? son' s best ideas cleverly embodied in every garrnent?lined durably? new military cut shown?whoppers in value for $15.00. Suit-price-range runs from $5.00 to $30. Boys' Suits, $1.45 to $9.00. 0. H. BERR\ & CO. Outfitters for Men and Boys. ______^^^m^m^A_-nmtm?.__._^I .* ftV?M'mgHj GENERAL DEWET SAID TO BE DEAD ls Said to Have Suffered Most Awful Agony From Garura nous Wound (By AesoL-latod Presi.) DL'RBAX, NATAL, Oct. 19.?General Dewet's recent inaction has produced the irrpression among military men that he is either dead or incapacitated throughiU ness or wounds. According to a letter from Pretoria, a prominent Boer recent? ly wrote to a friend tha- "Dewet suffereii the most terrfble agony before he died. He was wounded in the shoulder by a spllnter from a shell, and the wound gangrened, owing to its being dressed with dirty rags." Five Boers captured at different places. recently said Dewet was dead. but each gave a different version of his death. Against these reports is a statement of Piet DeYilliers, the fleld cornet, recently taken prisoner in the northeastern part of the Orange River Colony, who said that on the morning of I1I3 captura he took breakfast with General Dewet. Teiegraphic Brevities. (by Assoclated Pro33 i ASHBURN, GA.?By the overturnlng of a lamp the residep.ce of Julius Hatclte:', ten miles we'st of thw place. took nre and burned early to-day and two sons and! a daughter perished. "WASHINGTON.?The- State Depart? ment has been informed that A. AI; Mealy, the American citizen ' who nas been in jail at Porfiro, Mexico. under commitmcnt for contempt of court. nas bc^u released on bail. WASHINGTON.?The President to-day appointed M. E. Elliott register of the General Land Offlco at Camden, Ark. WASHINGTON.?The marlne guard, which has rendered such eonspleuous ser? vlce during the Pan-Amerieain Exposi? tion at Buffalo will be sent by ihe Navy Department to the forthcoming exposi? tion at Charleston. ST. LOUIS.?The Order of Railroad Te'.egraphers to-day declined to re-elect . I. M. Dolphin for president. II. B. fsr ham, of St. Louis, grand secretary and treasurer for the past five years, waa ?Mected. NEW YORK?The four days registration in the Boroughs comprirfing Greater New York closed to-night with 6I-.SQ2 n t. stra tions. The registration one year ago wa.s 6-10.777. PROVIDENCE. R. I?Alix, thf? famous trottir.g mare, who has a record of . :0'!"i. made at Galesbury. II!.. in 180-1. and w.13 not eiuialled until last year. wa_ choloro formed to-day to save her from lingering death. WASHINGTON.?Major John B. Har? low. member of tho United States Civil Service Commi.^sion, has tendered his res i_nation to the President. and will be transferred Ixick to the St. Loui? post office under the present. postrnaster. OMAHA; NEB.?Fire which orfginated in W. L. May & Company's wholesale grocery here to-night did $100,000 damage to that concern and adjoining houses. One ftreman was slightly injured and nno*h*-<- had his coat burned off. BUFFALO. N. Y.?New England's buiid? ing at the Pan-American Exposition. was destroyed by fire to-night. PHILADELPHIA. PA.?The first monu? ment erected at Vailey Forge. iu memory of the Revolutlonary soldiors who died thore during the winter of 1777-'7S. wa% unveiled and dedicated to-day by the Daughters of the Revolution. SCOTTiSH RITE MASONS. Ceniennial Celebration for Southern Ju'is* dictlon ln United States. (By . saoclated I'ress.) WASHINGTON. Oet. IX).?A miisicale at tho Masonic Temple to-night inaugurated tJie centennial celebration of the founding of the Supreme Council of the A. A. S. R. for the southern jurlsdletion of the Unitec? States. The Supreme Council meets on Monday. On Tuesday officers will be elected. Rey resentative J. D. Rlchardson, of Tennes? see, will be chosen Soverelg-n Grand Com? mander. The unveiling of the monum i to General Albert Pike will occur Wed? nesday afternoon, and the same evening the Centenary Observances will close with an address by Sovereign Grand-Comm. .. d'er Richardson on "The Anclent and Ac? cepted Scottish Rite and the SuDronta Council," and a banquet at the new Wil? lard*. Stribling Springs, which used to be one of the most prt>rnl nent resorts ln Virginia. ia to be in? larg. ? part rebutit and to be thoroughly reniodelled- by the Chesapeake and Western Railroad. The springa were flfteen mlles from the old Vailey road, but the new Itns ia ln eloso proximity to the resort. FURIOUS GALE FANNED FLAMES Prosperous Town cf Sydney Prac tfcally Wiped Out. SlXTY BUILDINGS IN ASHES Fortyfive M'.'.c Wind Carrled Biaze Fiercely Before it sad All E fort 3 to Ch:ck the Fire Seemed rati:e. (By Associated Frera.) HALIFAX, N. S., (>ct. Vj.? The pros? perous and thrivlng town of Sydney wo? almost swept out of existenco to-day oy a flerce cbnilagratlon. which started about 2 o'clock. The llames. which were fannedl by a forty-tive mile gale, swept througtt the principal business porttons ot tne town, causing ruln nnd devastatiort. Four blocks of the flnest business buildinga are in ashes. The only thing that saved the city from, total destruction. was a heavy rainstorm. v;hich set in after dark, and, as the wind decreased i:i fury, the tlreraen and nun dreds of miners succeeded in getting tho fire under control. Ov- r slxty buildinga ;ire in ashes :>r:,! many m>Tt: are Dactly scorched. Ihe buildinga were nearly ali large woeden stm I 11 i. and thej burned! so fiercrly r'ri.-.c '.; v.;i- ?.:?;?> ..-.-:"!.l--- to save any oi thelr .?? i tt nt t. V ATEK Si . - L.Y POOR The firemen v .- :;, ?..)..- hanillcappo>i->, at the outset by the poor supply of wator. The tire started in a tlirve-story fraraa building on Charlotte Sireet. occupied hy A. D. Giilis ii mI Gordon & Kelth. When the liremen arrived on the scene the building was burning fiercely, and tha wind was blowing th< flames over th* tops of the adjoining buitdlngs. ln a very short time the tir? spread to the build? ings occupied by Carr, jeweler; Blaneli ard. Bentley & Company, and the Mari timo 1'remium Company. Then it spre;ul to some small buildings on the opposlte side ot the street and jumped to the largo department store ol' Prowse Brothers <fc Cromwell, which was soon doomed. Th<i whole town was then threatened. Assistance was sent for, and the Sra departments of Xorth Sydney and Glace Bay responded, and on arrival got cpiickty to work. but every effort to stay tho flumes was of no avail. The flre swept from Charlotte to Prince Street and us far south as George Street. carrying .everything before it. Hall" an hour after the-flre started one-quarrer of the busi? ness portion of the town was in ilama. The town's water supply now gave out and the engines had to be sent to tho harbor to pump water. DYNAMITE USED. At 4:30 o'clock two of the business blocks were destroyed and the' fire spread to Bemick Street, and half. an hour later. Bruce, George, Bentick aud Charlotte Streets were a mass ol" fire. The minera resorted to the use of dynamite and sev-. cral buildings were blown up, but with little effect. the wind having carried the burnlng cmbers ;.> itber bulldlngs. Tho fine building belonging to the Union Bank of Halifa.- ..' the '? ,-ii-. and Presby terfon churches were s m destroyed. At 7 o'clock the fire had reached tho east end of Ch; rlotte Stroet and h'-re it3 progress was .-? tyi 1. The blocks an Westworth. Prince and I'itt Streats. and half a block on George Strest. were de? stroyed. The flre is supposed to have been started bv tlie bursting of au oil slovs. Tt is Impcssible to estirr.ate the loss at pres? ent. but lt. ls roughly placed at between $400.0.10 and $n0O.(W. of which not mora than hnlf Is covereO by insurance. INSTANTLY KILLED. Priniinent Maa Loscs His Life in AutoraobHa Accident. (By Associated Press.) CENTRAL Y*T.T.RT, N. X., Oct. 13.? While ascen&ing Bull Hill on- the roadi from Central Valley to West Point. tha 1,800 pound automoblle in which I'\ H. Benedict and a party of rrlemts wera traveling was overturned andi Mr. Bene? dict was almost instantly killed. Grenvllle Kane was thrown under tno nragazlne; which weighed 4C0 pounds. Tho entire automobilo then toppled over, and -Mr. Benedict was crushed' beneath its weight. Kane was seriously injured'. A slii -,.-.-..- road was tlv> cause of the accl ?".-itt, making it impossibie to control tha Heavy Storm 9ake. llij AsaoclnUid Pstss.) FISHKILD. N. Y. Oct. 1!).?Dr. Sprague, who attended Mr. Kaa*>, stated to-night that the patient sustained a t'racture ol the left arm and was severely cut about the face ancf hands. A heavy storm. which broke over tha mountains just as the automoblle party were approaching the summic of Bull Hill. was the direct cause of the accident. A moment after the machine had passed tha sUmmit a Ioosened the rabber blanket ln front ot Mr. Benedict, who was driv? ing. obscured his vision for a brlef period, ar.d he lost control of the automobife. It dashed about njnd rolled over against a stone wall. All the ocenpants were thrown out, but Mr. Benedict waa tha only one who fell underneatb. Both Men P. NEW YORK, Oct. Xii.?F. ll. Benedict was the con of E. C. Benedict, the banker of thls city. He waa tfejrty-tbree yeara cflfd. His tirst wife was the daughter of TKnry M. Flagler, the oll magnate, and ?his second (wffle the daughter oi Freder iek R. Coudert; the well known attorney. Grenvllle Kane is one <>f the besf fartown club men in ths city. He la th* great-grandsen. of the original .I:hn Ja ccb Astor. BRYAN PRINCIPAL SPEAKER. Opened Campaiga for William J. Stone !* tfaccn, Mo. (By Assoelated Presa.) MACON. MO.. Oct. 13.?Former Gover? nor Wililam J. Stone's senatorial cam? paign wiis openeu here to-day with Wil? liam J. Bryan as the prfnei;:.;! ?'peaker? ? and a great deroonstration resulted. Mlr. fBryan was to "have =p?>ken in the morn? ing, but speechmakir.g was postpomed ca tll afternoon on account of an imprompta receptiCJii to him. In the afternoon Mr. Bryan. former Governor Stone an.I Congressman Champ Clarke made addresse* _???.-? ?-s Oiacral FisSd Speaks. (Special IWspatoh to thv- Tlmos.) CHARLOTTESVlTXr:. VA.. Oet. I*.? The Democratic campaign was opaned in Albemarle last nlght by Gen. James* G. Field. Hla address was made ln th* courthouse. but owing: to the late an nouhcement, he ,was heard by a small ffathertas. "!