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Eaton weekly Democrat. [volume] (Eaton, Ohio) 1866-1875, April 24, 1873, Image 3

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. 4
April 24, 1373.
Horn A. G. Thukjias, of the U.
Senate, has our thanks for Congres
sional Globe and Appendix.
The Patrons of Husbandry.
The tii'ost cheering news of the need
ful doings of this new organisation
all the north West is daily and gladly
received. The unsuspecting and honest
: hjen of toil, have been w shamefully
wronged and often swindled out of their
hard-earned products by monopolists
'. aad combinations, that for self-preserva
tion, If nothing else, they have been
compelled to move for the right, and woe
. beflde the man, or party, or combination
Lint. Mrnpain ant 9 (ynniam tr fhoir'o onrl
uieir country s interests, juany coniec-
. ture8 , are made as to their real object,
and time and again we have been asked
the question, "What do they propose
doing?" and as often as the question
-was asked, we. were compelled to plead
our unqualified ignorance of their mo-
... tives. If they will combine and secure
honest men in -our public offices, it will
. . be a great blessing to them and our coun-
trJ Within the last few years we have
. almost lost faith in the honesty of the
jkuman . raee: Every public man seems
to have had his price until rascality has
become the painful ride and honesty the
exception, from the President down to
Jhe lowest office iu the gift of the peo-
' . ' 'pie.' Yes, accomplish this objeet and we
can rejoice Iii'a glorious revolution..
Robert Speaks His "Piece."
The defeated King candidate for
Constitutional honors blubbers a piti
ful whine through the last Eatou Eeg
; ister, because the people of this Coun-
ly.preferred Mr. Barnet as their Rep
resentative. He hits Somers town-
ship a sly dig for bolting him, and
thinks that if either that Township or
Washington was thrown but, he conld
be' 'elected. v "'Most certainly, and . as
that is the-Jnoctiis operandi Robert,
by Which rejected aspirants obtain
: -"public position?, hadn't you better
fftaVe one of them thrown outt-l.
i Eobert is ."especially gratified" at
." his vote in" Jefferson, ..." my native
' .-Township." . Votes obtained even by.
falsehood and misrepresentation, do
sometimes make' men grateful, but it
is' seldom thoy 'publicly acknowledge
their gratitude under such cifcninstan-
."-C8'! .we have-'conversed with two
"V I)emocrats froni "ipy native town
f sfliip," who were Induced to vote
against Mr. Barnet by the report, so
industriously circulated by. ITobert
- and his brother Joe, that he 'was .a
Kail Road monopolist,, and we have
lib doubt there were 'scores of others
r ,wlip done the "same wayl JoerMiller
should have been representing . the
'people of" this county at Columbus,
- instead, of misrepresenting them at
. home in' a petty contesfor an office
for his brother. The voters do not
believe in' being taxed $4 per day for
.- electioneering. purposes. r' '".
' Eobert last sob is that the elected
Delegate may be instrumcutal in some
'' good in forming our new Constitution.-
We think-he will ; but Eobert
don't trouble yourself with any views
tipon.Mie matter, is our advice." The
people, decided that way, and if you
- have any more tears to shed go into
privacy and shed theni.
Literary Entertainment.
; The citizens of atoh are invited to
a rich and rare treat of literary talent
this (Wednesday,) alid to-morrow,
r, (Thursday) evenings, in our city Hall,
by Mr. B. Meivili-'e Bonham. The
entertainment is entitled "An Evening
vith the Poets," nud will be highly
.interesting In speaking of this gen
tleman's Readings and Recitations the
'Chicago Christian Union, saysi "Mr.
Bonham possesses a rich voice, trained
i to the most perfect obedience, and his
conception of character is admirable.
We commend him to Lecture Associ
ations and the general public."
Rail Road Celebrities.
Our town was full of Rail Road mag
nates on Tuesday last. Besides D. Mtf
HfeEX, Esq., of the C. H.' & D-, and
-those reDresentinz the interests of the
Cincinnati and Great . Xorthern, ouf
young friends, Jos. S. Campbell, Esq.,
of the Chicago, Danville & Vincennes
R. R., and Henry C. Whitridge, Esq.,
of the Rock Island and Peora R. R.
switched off at Eaton, and paid us a
friendly visit. The boys look well and
very much as though Railroading agreed
with them.
A Sweet Present.
Mrs. John D. Hickman, the wife of
one of onr stancnest uemocraia m
Tii-ron tnwnchin. on Saturday last left
at our office a half gallon jar of as fine
Maple molasses, of her own manufac
ture, as, we have saw any where this
season. She has our thanks for her
seasonable donation.
W. C. GouLDj who for several years
. has edited and published the Fayette
County Register, has retired from
that Journal and it passes into the
hands of Messrs. Simmons & Beaselv.
After being engaged in the publishing
business for ibout twenty-five years,
our Brpthpr has concluded to embark
in something "less perplexing." We
wish him success, as well as the new
firm thathwe taken the "Register."
' About thejeoziest, neatest and most
comfortable Office in" Eaton now, is
that of Messrs. Foos & Fisher. It
was finished by J. A. Hubbel,1 and for
mechanical 'skill would be hard to
Go to KlainVlbryour fresh, .vegeta
bles. He knows how to. keep themresli.
f The feature of our age Cheek.
More Sheriffs .Sales his week.
Bead them.
You can't squeeze happiness out
Fashion prescribes short dresses for
A criminal court Sparking anoth
er man's wife.
Trim your trees, clean ybur yfc-ds
and premises.
The trees will soon bloom, the grass
is green and growing beautiful
IjOok np your traps, the assessor
Will soon be around.
A. H. Stephens one of the heavy
men of the next Congress, weighs 91.
Too much interest in the affairs of
your neighbors is wrong.
On our fourth page will always be
f d tte Cincinnati Chicago, and
other market3,
John Smith purchased a farm in
this county last week, and proposes
to settle down.
The friends of Colfax say that he is
likely to die of a broken heart He
is more likely to die of a broker! ring.
One of the most eventful epochs in
a Doy s history is when he addresses
his father as the "old man." 4
The son of his father is to be attach
ed to Sheridan's staffl Soft thing
very. '
Good news for husbands Ladies
wear their dresses longer man tney
used to do.
The recent rains and warm sunshine
has started the grass, and the lawns
and hillsides around begin to look
lovely with Nature's Vernal carpet;.;
The same man has swept the side
walk in front of the Wbite House for
twenty-seven years without .raising
his salary.
Funtv in thought ana action is
right, but professions of purity while
we are back biting our neighbors is a
little too thin. ,
The street cleaning brigade com
menced their work on Monday morn
ing last, and we hope our town will
soon be. as clean and bright looking
"flci npw Til'n. ' - - - - - -
Delinquent subscribers should hot
permit their daughters. to wear this
paper for: a bustle. There being so
much dob on it there is danger of a
cold.. . .' " ' ' ' -. ' ' . ; .
Last year about this time we had a
"smelliug committee"" to find out who
imbibed our villainous whisky ; We
suggest one now for our alleys and
backyards.', "''- ;
A Kansas liquor dealer tacks, up his
business cards in the peWs' of the
churches, inserts them in the hymn
books, and generally " places them
where they will do most good.",. "
A prophet has been . travelling in
Kentucky, announcing the destruction
of the world in 1878. lie pay3 his
own expenses, and asks for no contri
butions. When any of our friends drop into
Camden and want a warm cup of cof
fee, a boiled egg, a glass of beer or
ale, or a good cigar, they can always
be accommodated by calling at the
establishment of Jos. GabVes. ;
A Vouttg married man does riot" be
lieve "a thing of beauty is a joy for
ever." He says the .author of that
sentiment ought to see his pretty wife
when she's f'got her dander up." v .
A Connecticut doctor deludes peo
ple to the beli6f that he has an im
mense practice by7 practising on -a
eornet, the sounds' from which .catise
passers- by to think they are the groans
of a victim uuder the surgeou's knife
Husbands are just . a little crabid
and uneasy now, that wives are mak
ing active preparations; for the usual
amount of Spring cleaning and refit
ting. This, that and the other addi
tion must be made to the household
goods, you know. ''
It is unlawful for tobacco chewers
to beg or give a chew, as the United
States Internal Reveune Law requires
all persons to pay a license of five dol
lars before they can dispose of tobacco
in any form, no matter how small or
great the quantity. That is hard on
old tobacco spongers.
If ypil have . occasion to stop your
team while in town, always make it a
point to stop it on the street crossing.
In this way you afford pedestrians an
excellent opportunity to walk around
you and your team, and take the cor
rect 80nntjjnffs 0f the mud, in gaining
the opposite side of the street.
We fsel sorry for Somers and Wash
ington Township, to thiuK that here
mcy mu uao yui x uui
county elections. Dixon had better
be careful also. Only five of a ma-
jority will bring her under the di3
pleasure of the Ring.
The Register says Peter Schwab's
trial for .ballot box stuffing was set
for the 21st inst. If Isaac would read
the current news a little more closely,
he would not make so many blunders.
Attorney General ; Williams, before
Isaac had indicted the paragraph, or
dered Peter's discharge from custody
and trial. ; So ends the farce.
If the President of the United States
agreed to serve the people for $2000
a year, and then voted himself double
that amount, is he any more -excusa
ble than the Congressmen who put
their hands into the people's pocket
and robbed them of Jheir money ?
Perhaps the editdr of. the Eaton Reg
ister, who assumes alittle indignation
at the Congressmen? had better give
his opinion of the; President's -steal,
Fo our part weconslder him the
biggesf thief of the'gang.-
A Visit to Camden.
With feelings of pride and profound
thankfulness we are enabled to record
the third time, during our brief career
with "editorial scissors," that we have
enjoyed a short-ranged view of the
town of Camden. It is a very moral
village, composed principally of hous
es, hamlets, hovels and homesteads,
quietly nestled in the four forks of
two roads one leading from Eaton
to Cincinnati, and the other coming
from no place in particular, and lead
ing to a similar point. Camden was
first laid out in about the year 1617
by John Smith! Not knowing the
founder, and having to guess at his
name in order to complete this brief
history, we thought we would be more
likely to hit the right name by callin
its founder Smith than any other
name. John was a man of extraordi
nary ability in the way of penetrating
mill stones, which led him to the con
clusion that the situation was adapted
to the location of a town and that
Camden would some day be a large
city. Accordingly he bought all the
land adjoining, and proceeded to lay
it off in lots. He urged people to buy
lots and build thereon, and encourag
ed the immigration of mechanics and
mercantile adventurer.8. But long be
fore John's hopes tfefe" realized he
died. The administrator's appointed
to settle up- his earthly possessions
held on to the property so long that
the yearly per cent which they added
on consumed his entire assets. The
young SmithB all moved West, to
grow up with the country, and there
is net a Smith now living in or ad
joining to Camden.
In aftsr years, however, Camden
began to grow, "increase and multi
ply," expand, augment, Voluminate
and gather bigness outwardly, until it
reached its present size Of about one
hundred and fifty buildings. The in
habitants are a thriving, industrious
people, who cultivate extensive pota
to patches and luxurious ouions beds.
The public buildings can thus be
enumerated : Three Churches one
M'ethoc&et, one Presbyterian, one Uni
vcrsalist, one School House, twelve
storesj three shoe 'shops, three black
smith shops, post office, Hotel, &o.
There used to be a toll gate near the
town, but the fellow who kept it is
now a bankrupt. .
Camden is situated in one of the
otnost productive agricultural districts
in the county. Many of the surround
ing inhabitants take their place among
the first men of the county. The heat
esidences . and large barns, stored
with the bountiful productions of the
soil, meet the eye in every direction.
Here reside, vegetate, grow rich and
live happy, many of the substantial
men of Preble county.
Camden and Vicinity is noted for
many things, some of which we will
mention: Productive soil, practical
farmers, industrious dame?, newspa
per correspondents, poetSj clever land
lords, pleasant and agreeable mer
chants, prosperous mechanics, heavy
votes against Ring candidates, and
last' but not least, muchly for good
county officers - and good looking
young ladies. This being a good op
portunity for a pause, we will dwin
dle to a conclusion. '
When you Want frsn vegetables call
'at , John Klain's. He is an old garde
ner and knows how to keep themi '
We would be glad to hear of bur
worthy Senator, James Saylerr espeo- i
ialiy as he is due of the committee on
Common Schools, particularly id re
gard to the burden now bourn by the
people,'-of not short of $50,000 per
year in textra-charges by the Mobi-
lier Book ..monopolists, who have the
honor, of .furnishing, books .for our
Common Schools. If lle'could induce
Senators to' work six, instead of only
four days Jn ; the 'week, perhaps" he
could work a change in this wicked
swindle, that would add new lauf els
to his honored rbrow, and receive the
hallowed "God bless you," from thou
sands of widows and tens of thousands
of honest poor men of toil, that can
not afford to pay the present exorbi
tant prices of such pressing necessi
ties. Many families iu this, and no
doubt in all other districts, are com
pelled from sheer necessity to keep
their children from school, because of
this cursed monopoly.
We are glad to learn that the Moth
er of Collector Robert Williams, who
has been dangerously ill for some
time at her home in Camden, is im
proving in health, and in a fair way
of recovering. ' ''" '
No better means to make one's
goods, wares, and merchandise and
their particular merits khown to the
world, has ever been discoyered than
through the medium of newspapers.
"Whether commercial, political, litera
ry, religions, of -whatever sect, party,
or authorship, all have their circula
tion and influence. How many sue
cessful business men could bo ennme
rated who owe their high pecuniary
position to advertising alone? 'How-
many plucky firms are taking the
lead, monopolizing certain lines of
business, simply by judicious adver
tising? There is not in existence an
article of value that is not worth pub
lishing to the world. Manufactures
add proprietors of any article of merit
'should not fail to resort to timely and
judicious advertising, that they may
not only reap its benefits, but at the
same time confer a priceless gift upon
the community at large by the inq
duction of their hifppy and valuable
discoveries. '4p
If you want fresh and, good vegetables
call at Klain's grocery...
Help Your Town.
Speak well of your town. Advocate
its interests, make popular its advan
tages, and always be ready with a
hearty welcome to every new comer.
Patronize your own mechanics, sup
port your own mcrchatits ; and ad
Vance the thrift of your own institu
tions. If anybody wants a lot on
which to build a mill, oil ft factory, br
a machine shop, or anythlnothat will
afford employment to Uiaiiy men, and
attract trade to your town, don't ask
double price for the lot. Kather give
it than to see the enterprise go to
some other place. If you want your
town to grow if you waht your own
property, to increase in . value, hold
oUt extra inducements to tncu of cap
ital to come.
For the Eaton Democrat.
Street Commissioner.
Editor Democrat Our Town Coun
cil are levying aboUt tf.2000 per aiimiii
for street purposes, and our people pay
itcheerfully. In addition to that amount
there is about $2000$eoIlHifce! out of the
two days work per head, or a total of
about $4000. This amount if judicious
ly expended would in a short time be
ample to put all our streets and alleys in
good condition. But if thrown away in
good part, as it has'been for the pasttwo
yeai-s.it would be well to ataudon the
whole thing. But now that -c have a
new Street Commissioner, it is to be
hoped that he will have some regard to
having our taxes fairly expeiule,!. The
Council have , done thoir dutv.awl no
doubt will again, and it is to bo semi
whether we ase to be. "jiooehs'M as
heretofore. If so, there ought' to' be
some sort of law to protect us,- and the
Council should enfoivh it. -
For the Democrat.
Lanier Township Farmers' Union.
Pursuant to adjournment the citizens
of Lanier Township nmt nt the Township
ilouse, April 19, 1S7.-5, ana,ovsramzil iy
appointing Martin Foutz, President and
James VanAusdal, Secretary. . Short
speeches were made by Messrs. TJear-
dorfl ana VanAusdal -snowing the ad
vantages that would; t-flstllt Jlroai: thor
ough organization by the farmqrs. A
Constitution was then presented to the
louse which was read and iuistuimously
approved. The society then .adjornvd to
meet again on 'nnirsday-eveiiiiiir.jMay
1st, at early candle .lighting. 1 1'he at
tendance wai not very iarjre, because the
appointment was not generally kvtpwu,
but all present manifested a lively inte
rest in me cause, and tnc meeting was a
success. It ls.hoped ithat m future our
meetings will be. more fully attpndsd
and that a general organization will be
secured. ' "
For fresh "Vegetables . go to Klaiu's
grocery, lie has tin m r.lways on uauxl
and knows how to keep them. '. .'.
The Eev. "William -H. 'Norton, wliIN? rt"M'tmr in
Brazil as a Missionary, ciscMTertirt in th it itintl of
medicines a remedy for Consumption, ScfofaUi,
Sore Throat, Coughs, ti"hi. -Vstltina, nml trvou
Weakness. Tnis remedy has: enred myserf after all
other medicines hiulff.!Uil. :
Wishing to Benefit tlu'uS arFn, I tv.U sonl ho
recipe for preparing and HJ'vr tliis remi" t't.all
who desire it FBEK OF ntA.KK 7
Please send an envelope, with yo:r name ami ad
dress on it. Address,
676 Broadway,
New York City,
New York City, A CARD.
A Clergyman, while re?idlK In Sytli Amrtr.1,
as missionary, discoTpret a sfa :i:h! inr rnme-
dy tor the Care of Servon vyeakm-ss, K-irly De
cay, Disease of the urinary awl hpunnui J.-sus.
and the whole train of l!3'r(lr.i bronaht 'i ly
banSful and vlcipos habits, (ire-at iiumlxrs have
been cured by this noble remedy.- r-r-jtti;ited by a
desire to benefit the afflicted and tin fortunate, I
will send the receipt for preparing ;d usins this
medicine. In a sealed envelope, to any one who
needs it, FBEE OF .C11AUGK.
Station D. Bible House,
New York City
hereby given -that Booksrfor sub
scription to the Capital KtopU t'.tha C'in
cinnata, Eaton and Greenvii't? l?a:lwav
Company, will be opened on TUKSDAY
May 27, 1873, at the I-fnv office of Win.
Allen, in Greenville, Darke eotnity, .,
at the store of Mimih'h'&lftuhruul
New Castine, Darke oiruty, Ohr, fend
at the Law office of Foos r&; Vixher., in
the town of Eatou, Preble county, O.
GEO. W. MOOliE, ; I Corporators,
v C. F. BROOKE, ' -j- , ,
, G. H. EIDSON. J ... '
Eaton, April 24, 1373. 3w. 4 :
Estate Notice.
NOTICE is herntiy srlven that th mirtp-sitrnod
has been appointed and iu:i line! us T:jr-.t'ntor of
MABY J. IRELAND, laic. 01 vri'n.e t'oumy, de
ceased. Datedthts2!tli i!ny .t -April, .'
Eaton, April 24, 1873. Swr . .
Estate Notice.
NOTICE is hereby Klv.-n that tlnninrter.I?:in(t
has been appoiuteil ami 4:uAltii.-l as Artmi'i.Mru
torof the Estate of JUKV HA V, l.tle of IT.-I-I
County, Ohio, deceased, dirtctl this 2JU Uay of
April, I. 1873. aT,,T .
TiatoK, April 4, 1873 3.v.
Guardian's Notice
NOTICE Is hereby kIvmi that tlt mU;rTffnPi1
has been appointed and onaIifiei h iitiniianti
the Estate orJOHN C'UHItY, lnt of Proiile Coun
ty. Onlo. deceaseu, nateu Airti r. m.j.
DAJNX&L, W. IIAilSUilAX, nKartlu.
jsaton, A.pru 34, i3 aw. .
Free Turnpike Notice.
NOTICE is hereby Riven that a Petition will be
resented to the Com miss loners of Preble County,
hio. at their regui.ir sew'tm in June next, asiwiiitr
the appointment t Commlsaioi.oi-s to Jayo'itana
establiBhaFreeTurnplkw Ietw?tn the points and
along theliiie, to wit: Coinmencing nt tbe en
Manchester Improved lioud, in Monroe Town
thonnR west on the uuartfr y eft ion line of
section No. 23 and 24, to the north wi-flt corner of
Samuel vvneriey s ianr. TueiiLM- luirin on im u:i
between the land of Joha Foos an-1 tiMrKe Mi
chael to the aouih- bank of Jri.:e3 Crc-k; iliem-i'
west with the prpscnt rad to the Monroe Central
Free TurnpiKe, toere to terminate.
Eaton, April 24, 1873 r.w.
Free Turnpike Notice.
8 resented to the Comini33;oners f Preble County,
hio, at their regular Kes:ioH In Jane ne.vt,a".iiny
the nonointment ol"Ct)uiml-Slu!icrH to lay ov.t and
establish a Free Tnmpike lietwet-n the points mid
alous: the foliowinar line, to wit : ComuicJur;:i at
th Wpst Manchestf-r Iranroved Komi, in .Monroe
township, at a point -where the quarter .eciion line
of section No. 2 crosses riatu r tad; ceiH-e w!i oil
tne quarter see t ion line oi aeccion a. z, t "i
to the Harabarir and KUorado Imurave.Ultoad,
ana mere to temnuaiu.
Eaton, April U, 1873 iw.
Free Turnpike Notice.
NotW laherebv irlven that a IVtltion will be pre
sented to the CommiB"iojierif cf l'reljle Coaniv, O.,
at their regular aesston in June next, aict!! tlie
appointment of CommiaiioiierH to layout au.t es
tablish a Free Tumnikc between the poiuls ami
alonir the line to-wit: llerlnnlii at u iiolnt on the
ehort free pise between seetsms aim ui oui
er township; running tlience west on the mvtlou
line bet-lfeen said sections to the D.ivis and Mc
GU1 Freenike and there to term I nat ;.
April 24, 1S73W5.
Free Turnpike Notice.
Notice Is hereby given thnt Petition will be
cresented to the Coniinlesio""!!? 'rPreile eoiiuty.
Ohio, at their regular seislon n June next iiskliiaJ
toe appointment oconll'-""'i, " . "in
establish a Free Turnpiki! betwetu Hit- -.oiiits mi
along the line to-wit: Commem-mit t the I.ewis
burpr and BrookevUle Free TufBke and runnlni;
south S miles to the road beiweti the farms of 1.
B. Smith iven-a "eirs a. to.termlnate.
April J4,1873.Trt.
Sheriff's Sale.
JAMES V. DOTJCrLitss, ") Preble Common
vs. Mleas. Order of
W. S. IQ UG LASS, et. al. ) Sale in Partition
ed by the Court of Common Pleas, within and
for the County of Preble, and State of Ohio, in
the above cue. and directed to the Hueriff of said
county, Z will otter tor sale at ptiouc miction, at tne
uoor of tne i;ourt xioue in jaioo in saiu uouniy,
On Saturday, May 31s., 1878,
Between the hours of 10 and 12oY!ocfc; A. M. of
said day. tiiu following described premises, to-wll:
All ot the north east quarter of section number ;n,
towHshlpG, rane 2 east, iri Preble eonnty, Ohio,
containing ItiO acres of hind, more or lest; excepting
a parcel thereof coiweved to district number 3,
rsomertt rownshii( Preble county, Ohlo;buln.if aliout
ono-haLf acreofland. Also, all of the soulh east
quarter of section 19, township and ram;e aiureSHid.
containing WO acres of land more or less, except
tlug .he parcel ofland conveved to Iewis Hader.by
David fcicoU'sheirnoutofsald quarter, containing
60 acres, and e-tccptiiijr; also, the portion of said
qnarter heretofore conveyed to Andrew Smith in
M-i lifetime being and containing 40 acres ofland,
leaving iu said quarter after deducting aald excep
tions tu ucres amouulin in the aggregate to 2i0
acres of land more or less, excepting the following
described lands set oiTand assigned to Sfary loug
lass. viz. W acres of south east quarter of section 19,
township ti, ranjre 2 e.tst, also, 13 acres out of the
rlorth part ot the north e:tstpart of north east quar
ter ot section 30, township range i east, adjoining
thft aforesaid tenet. The Aiount of land so to be
advertispd and Hold. -ontiiminir 147 acres.
I' TERMS. On-third cash In hand; one-third in-J
lnnaaniinna.t ,rrt n t-f too -a t-rrr ilnv nr Rfl P.
deferred pay then ts to bear's per cent. Interest from
day pfsaieand to be secured by mortgage o:i the
pn m.sos. a oiraised at ,0li vr acre.
JOilN TOWNSS.N'D, Sheriff, P. C. O.
oo& Kistier, Aity'd lori'art.tiouers.
prll ft, lsraids. (11..
Sheriff's Sale
Preble Com. Pleas.
EDWARD FELTOS, t.al:j Mortgage. "
v--. v ordpr 01 anie on
wale Issued rrora tne ;ouri oi: jominou nwis
within and for the CUuuty of Preble, aud
State of Ohio, in the above case "and to the hlieriff
of snUl county, Uireciea, x win ouer sine hi.
public auction the door of the Court House, in
JOaton, in said comity, ; .
On Saturday , May 31., 1873,
r.ivpn !ie iionrs of 1 mid 4 o'clock. P. M., of
Oay. llie l"nilovin-4 iftnds and tenements, situ
ated In tin.? co;i;i'y oi i'i-tlile, and fjtat; oi lmo, aua
described .is JblioVs, to-wit: . . '
A pirr. -ii l"ie ?;fiit- quarter of section num.
her nineteen, town hip naven, ransre 'Jeasl; begin
Ltiittr.it tio li'jil: t.-itcO(-:ierofsaid qa.-irter; thence
auuta Cieaif-.s, (;it 15 cl-.uins and links to a
Ki.-ikcril-c.iC'.-sctitlis.", d'jri-eH, west & cliaius and
7 linl::i t: ;tstijj:ir tree, '.t Inches in diameter in tlie
aectiov lii;e; t;iji: nielli .. U-tTrecs, west l chains
anti ii i:i:.s to tlie q-i.iilf;r seyllon stai:e; thence
witli The nuarter section line noi'lho degrees east
lo the place of ImKliiin?:, containing sixty acres of
Uv l. Also, a part oi tno uuecit west quiirtt r of the
ivJiiicaUl Miction, tjwnsiilp an-l raile, to-wit:
Ko.-t v acri-s oETtUe soutit side of sn'.d ncarter. Both
traefa contrdiilnf One UuudrMl Acrss of Land,
more or iess. Terms fnsli. Aopraisoiljit f
.I021.N' TOVKt!i02ii, buerilT, 1'. U. O.
"J.'oo Vlain'r Atty'i.
Aplil24. ls7J-tds. prf. $8.iS.
Sheriffs Sale.
Case No. 3207. .
Jacob 1". Howe, T Prebltf Cora.
" vs. I plext Order
Catherine Patton, and f of Sale on
Otivid Patton. J 3Iortg.ige.
BY virtue of an order of Bale issued
from the Court of Common Fleas,
within and for the County of Preble ana
Suite of Ohio, in the above ease and to
the Sheriff of said county directed, I 'will
oiler for sale at Public auction at the
door of the Court House, at Eaton, n
said county, " . .
On Saturday Wtay 31, 1873,
between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clocky P.
SI., of said day, tho following lands and
tenements fcituated jn the town of Cam
den, in the county of Preble, and State
of Ohio, known and described as fol
lows, to-wit: Beino; the south part of
lot number one hundred and ninety
sctfn, (197) in the said town of Camden,
as renumbered by order of the County
Commissioners, and being thirty-four
fetjt, six inches, (34-6,) on Main Street,
and extending back eight tods. . ... :
Appraised at $
Jloore & Moore, Atty'si
April 24, 1873-tds. . $0,95.
Sheriffs Sale.
tia.e So. 31J8,
Louisa Stenhen, ct. al.
. Preble Common
Kancy Bake, el. itii
y Fleas. Order ofbale
) In 1"
Sale Issned from the Court of Common Please
within and for tile county ot rreoie ana state
of Ohio,- In the aliore case, and to the Bherlff of
said Comitv directed, 1 will otter for sale at jjuDitc
auction, at'tlie door oft lie Court House, at Eaton,
in said county
-aturday, May 24'A, 1873,
between the hoars of 1 and 4 o'clot-lc, P. M. of said
iay,the following described land and tenements
sitiiatetl in the County of Fiehle and State of Ohio,
described as follows to-wit: All of the son th -west
quarter of svction 27 id towiishipfi; rane i ejist. ex
ceptinc' .2tt acres and one hundred and 48 poles,
heretofore a?edcd to Georp-c Jones and John W'il
llitms tiiid containing less s:t(d excepted tract ouc
hmidrt.l and Thirty acres ol land more or less.
Apnrul!edt fl7,fi0 per acre. .
T er iu s. One-third cas. In hand, one-third in
orteand the remainder in 2 vears from day of sale,
itfm to be ;t-cnred bv mortzaae on the premises
soid. JOHN TOWNKXi), Bherilf, P. C. O.
r'oos t Fisher, Atty's.
April, 17, ia7d-tds.. , prC ,75.
Sheriff 8 Sale
. Case So. 3133. -
jo'iin'i). Miller, , ") Preble common Pleas.
vs, ?-
, John i. Colvln. ) Order of Sale on Mortgage.
from the Court of Common Pleas in the
aubove Htated case, and directed to the Sheriff
ofsald Connty.lwill offer for sale at public ouc
thm.atthe door of the Court House, In Katon, in
sa.d County, '"-v -
0 Salartiay, "jUJy:2HF. 1873,
between the hours of 1 ftvii 4 o'clock, P. M; of said
d.i', the foilownc prcnih-es, situated in Prebie
co;mrv, Ohi;, end dtscriboi ;is follows, to-wit: Be
lntr Jo'tmiinht-r one, 1 i.i t. town of Eldorado In
Preble comitv, Ohio. Aiso, thirty-tliree feet ad
jinin? s-id lot ii-infbcr one; in said town, on the
south Idt? of sr.id It nuiiibr one, and running
vt as iHr as sniil lot number one does, - ,
j;f towssEXD, yheriff, P. C. O.
Fnns A Flrthr-r. Atty's.
Vj: ii iJ, ibTil-lus.-, prf. ffl,00
Sheriff's Sale.
. Case No. 3SW. . !
Na'.itan Tle'nhow, j Pr-'Me Common
V Pleas. Order of sale
HylTCttcr -Wysonjr t VTite.) on Mortgage.
BY YinTUH HI-- AN .lltDKit OP SAf.K is
sued b tlie Co-.irt of Common Pleas within
for tbeConntir of Preble and State of Ohio
in tlit. tih4v staled cne and to the Sheriff of said
ciHiuty directcflj I wl.'l .otfer for sale at piib'.ic an-.
Said county, . -
Oi Saturday, May 24ttk, : 1873,
letwoen the hourn of t ami 4 P. M. of said day i tlie
folluwitnr premises, situate! in me town oi (jamuen
preole Coimtv, and bounded A described na fol
lowl, to-wit: 'Lot number ;a li)rraeriy Lot number
lortv-tlve, t-V-J as ktiown and designated on ine
town plat of tlie said town of Camden, iu Felix
,U::rs:i Vj ..ddition. Ter;n Cash. Appraised at S75.
.Inll.N TUWNSKUD, ciherin, I'. C. O.
Stiver Frecinau, Atty '
April its tus.
Sheriff ?k Sal.
No. rtu.
"r VP.T5X SWI-iIKir, Asskrneo
Of lLliIAJl SWiStliiK, PlaintifT,
UEOItOK -i. BltOWER, Defendant.
j Conuttoii
l Pleas .
j Order of
Sale on '
By virtue of a plnrins Order ofSale lsmed from the
Court of Common I'lea of irclle County, O.ilo, in
tlie above Btatert case, anil ilirvted to the Siienu of
ai'i Conntv, I will oiler Hrs.iie a public auction,
at the dooi of tlie Court House, in Katon, in said
On Saturday, April. 26,1873, .
between theh-ur of one ami 4 o'ctock, P. M., or
said day, tne lollowln- descrtled real eotnte situa
ted in tlie town of Eaton. County of Proble and
Ktate of Ohio, and loUii.liit ami described as lol-lo-.vs
to.wlt: Hc-iiifr elhtoen and a half feet ofTthc
eitpl side of 2nd lot number three hundred arid titty
3T.fi, and twentv-live and one-half foet -jlf tne west
side of in lot n'uuibe.- ti:ri.-e bundrud and (it'ty-oiie
K-'il, in suiil town of K:iiuii, commeiin(U(f at tiie
north corner of the lor n.iw owned by Phlliip
ticlmner; tlience l-.a.-?t liirty-four, 44, feet to a corn
er on the north line of f.l numbe.-ttAl; thence south
twelve rods to an alley; thence west fortv-t'our,
44, feet alonsr sa;d alley lo the east line of said
I'liillo Kcliriner"s lot; thence north ulons said line
twelve rods to the pi:ice of beginning. Appraised
at Stln,(K). Terms Cnh.
fOUS TCnVjJSEXD, Bheriif,
J. v. Campbell, ; A'lt'y; .-. .i
faic-h i7, IK73-tdi,
Estate Notice.
Notice is hereby give'ii thitt the unde'r
siariied hua beenfetlnly unpointed and
ciualified 35xentor of the Estate of
Henry Brewer, tlecea'sed.
JA(;OH BKOWBR, Executor
Aoril 17, 1S73.W3.
th'rt day heiMi duly annoitited :mrt qualified ns Kx-
. A T.'. ., ,v nr A VV.ihh Into Del.l..
Xotfno i norouv tr.ven tnai ine nnnersieneo naa
County, Ohio, deceased.
P. i "WEBB, Executor,
April 3, 1673-wX
February 27, 1873.
F.lBERT'S New Uuildiwg. ' .
(3r;i1iiiii & OHerry St?., Katon,0
fi.wmij y. an OCMR ills
AND. ' '
WflTERScl '.'.."HILL
liiAitc attenttcn to their tock of 'fam-
ri.r okockkies i nd produch, of which
t'sev lii'cp a full aid complete stock at
tticic Old ttaadtn ,
Mar on Street Eatoii, O.
We flatter ona-selve that we mil' sell
as low as any other house in town, and
will keep always on hand tlie 13est brands
or ..............
SPICES, , MAS. , . , , ... .
SUOARSs, ; . SYEUPS,' -'' 1 -
" ", .. . ALSO . T ' .
Sali by th Barrel.
Tlie patronage of the public is solicited.
Jnre 11. 1873 yl. - -
, ; . Of tbelTnlced Stafcra;
1800 Pages and 500 7? gratings
"Written by Sq Eminent Authors. Including
Joun B.Uovgh & Horace Greeley
--Thin work is- complete history of nil branches of
iiKiusii-y, proresc) or niamiincture, etc., iu all
itires. It its a complete encycloiedia of arts and;
manufactures, ana Is the most entertaining nnd
vnluuble work of informatlou on subjects of gener
al imeret ever uiiurvo iu ino piiouc. we Want
Airenla In every town of the TJnitetl States, and no
Axent can full to do well with th! Kook. one
ARMtt .mld i33 Cfpies 1n ei?lit duvn, another sold
w In two wwks. &)nr Aemt in (lartrord sold &u7
in one week, yieciraeus sent free our rcceiit of
.' For The
800 J'ages, and 250 Engravings.
An interesting and amaslns treatise on the Medi
cal Hum dusts of tlie past atioT present. It exposes
Quack lniptstor8, Travel hiK- Doctor 1'atent
Medicine, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers
nnd Mediums, and kIvps Interesting- acconnta of
fitted fhynicluns and KarratlTCt or their lives,
It reveals startling secrets and instructs al how
to avoirt the Hps which f!esh is ht?!r fo. We pfve
exolntlve terrltary and libeml eommlRsions. or
ciiculard(unI terms adrtrew the puhllsliers.
- J. 13. 131TKR & I1YDE,
T '- ' HartIVr1, CVnn or C!iicxo III.
Jh.M.lS7?-tr.- , , . , ... V?
K OliipLliEfil
Stan.fiicturBn of
' ;4-nEALERS IN I.
, ' - - J : . -.., .-. -
Sniooking Tobacco's ;
AND -J ' l:
Smoker's Articles.
jPipesj JPoucItcft,
Cigar fgolelers, JPr..
rppoltr.0irt llMaCi il.-.ln !iu Knton, Ohlp.
Fi!i.3J. Ib7:i.-if. . ... . , " :
.Mic ,;aI4s Sons, i
Druggists BookseHere!
(Opposite Court Hotme,) jCATQN. O, ;
1- t. 4U, litTS-t i .
Administrator's . Sale of
y Baal "Estate: : .
by the Prjbate Court of Preol Oounty, . hto. I
b will onur 101-sate, at puouc aiuaio-j, . t
On Saturday, May 10, A.D.,W5
mt 10 A'r!n-tr. forenoon, utkiii tha nrftmiftpa. fit thr
il HetH KstfiTc, siuti.iea in tne vxiuniy 01 xrTvu.v
t-.'tt.it ofOiilo. trr-wfr: Boimr lora na. a. .
' wmi ii. if thn Hniv-filvislon f Pettr t's-M-rlv's
iirfiate, ndjotnlnK the'twn of bZntoni. the L-ots are
from one et e 10 iiirt aim a n;vu itcres in aizv, aim
tkms ov W vlk.-One-third In hand, one-third
A iri---trw'-! ni r .
In on v-ar and one-third In two yeirs from the
d.ty of pale with Interest, the ;R-3,m-'nts to he se-
, JOHN V. (;AMFBKLL, Adia'f.;
Andrew J. Fatii-rn(
One of the Administrators of
Christowf Vysong, Dec'd,
. Jofrn Wyi:"'ug. et. al . ;
" Prebie
I 1 AHiiT.iurrfifor: John WvRon-: Sartih Wilkin-
L o: Curtis "Wilkinson; MnrUi Uren; Jam
r:Pfn iTunrnret J'atterson: Snsan Fieree; A bra
haui J'lnrce; Jlannah Jones; AiitU-rson Jones; i,.n-
trWestr A. w vsoni;; .Wrawiig, niinor
ctilht of Oolun.hns Wysonfr, (ieceaea: are hereby
notified, thnt the ahove nfuncnl plmntltTon or uhotit
theth dny of March, ItsVl, tiled f-r allowance, he
fore thu Jndxe of iwld I'robate 0rt, hid Account
n'rnliift smd estate m tne sum or?iiw?iu, for hoarn-ii-r
v)LIiiiitr. lo'lirfnsr. norsinir. taklnsr rjtrtf of nnl
pniVldlnK for aVi deceased, during hia Iwst Illness,
uittl iLMkint- that tcstSmonv ni:iy he heard by the
Court in proof there'if; ami the uefetidnnia are fur
ther notified thutsnid acrount !n net dpvrn lor hear
fit" in RAld Court, on tbc tith dny of Aoril. 1473. at
10 o'clock, A. M-, it which time and place aald de-
lenaaiiia mav appear aiiu ueienn saia ciaim ii mey
Aprit 3. 1873-4W. t prt ,S
Has rccctredbl, ifi:mpfie ftJork ot
200 Fine Assorted Cask
mere Suits. " : "
100 Bins? &:Bzwn BeaT'-
100. Heavy, COATS of all '
. . kinds and Hakes. :
And a complete assortment of
Blue Ciotla
. i 5b latest BcylM of
Flannel, '
w ooien ; ; unaer ssnirts
. " Dra-wers,
Cantcn Flanncll ;
Shirts d Drawers
And FairAMftrtment of
:t -:r
Mt Stock Of.
Complete, lit 1 efj Con votttio.
ivJuiiv Ml Colaiv 'tht Cn be TaanA. " ,
All liinds pf CSlcw?gs
U mbrellay,
Tim-airs z
. Uali's, Tiea,,
Ba?rendere,,Collar8, uaus, iea, ,
rtT 1.T . .. I
wrr- Wr.1,1,1 most resTiectfulJy'nritc
tlie pnMic to call and and examine my
Stock. and learn prices. '
. . ; if.if -. f
StenjienS1' Btindlng Opporftfi. Court
Honse, Eaton, Ohio. .-. .v. - .
. Xiy 30, J873 . v .
; ..'

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