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tiii: WVAU ',f i ar !- MWIAU JnVHSAh WiW a'- U$ m a-e, f .M(f iWXH fta, eAfc m tfc f-v r f , ' m , a4 a 4, M h f Itlktf fV-W k,ra afw,K jo c rntxcutni ih ma, Uar t,Um,U, aa J m tM 4,M.,i, la .). a lUrm fi ( I,, fnt aH H', II, 1 U ''. f,ti" .vbMtl ff j, ' N lUl , t, !.? MMf I'., .,. n,l if el t'nnt ;! t 'f.fnt. I i,m rtf. p, f,,( ttf-4 f ff, ,f,f ft., ,f f,t(w -4- f ,,, A t,f.,, I T fifffa-'o atk Iff ! I M lW I jff .lf 4 l-orrel tai,f( ''fj fMfy Vjrfc.Uciff,"!.,,! Patfir In V.Vk.Ur 'f,r;m day, -- ... . 7l. Hilton fUffif't a Jifirf.ii, 4... .... Th lirM RmI 7 r f, fh T-M; ff. ar. ,Vr..r in Jtnnarj 1 trh fpr, wl.irh will l VilJU ft. r.rf.n. on ,,( Att fifor .f MlMifH.; j , f,m. ifHl ii(lcl! fa J$ttf,n, lM nk. frcpnt dnfi of ,; f(,rr, tin came. It flrpm tliii"Vcrr rJiior In HiMlMlppi ft CliriolniM Imkr; MM Jiin"ifiih llio rf.fnpliir.rnm of lT.oVn!ifn.". Mobile Urur. Utirn niiiM J ire bem miccnrr!cJ, ccrlnin' i!i,'t jct it. IOO. Tlw Oocrnor cffcr i re. ward of il)0 for tto orrctt and do hvtry to tlio licriffof Ilancotk coun ty, of tlio pcpscnn wlio mttrdcicii Jot. iMuckciigergcr in tlio twn of IJ Lou on Novfinliff 1 7lli, ht. ''i'ljo iHajrorand Board Of Aldcrn cn of t lie town had prerioacly offered a reward Gen. AmcH, who t mily, leave for Jackpon to uiglit, to take postejion of the Gubernatorial Clmir 3td man :fioo. .Wra. Gcr.. Ames is a daughter Jf Hen. B. P. Butler, i Which we find among; the dis- ches, dated Wathinton, Jai.uary in. Hut whether Gen. Ames will "take possession of the Gubernatorial Chair and mansion" or not, remains to bo decided by the Supremo Court f. this State. k 111 .t. t ... I I . . jfl,tU .-.t I, v mVo li If lktM f m ll M'.tf N fvnUf ;i lr.f,fm(i.t-.klll MlrtlmM n ik" (.Hi. ., Wn ,i.ll rrfiw. flt l,IM,j !, f,f , . ptmi'nn tu rn nift'ifM f .1, (,, ficr, lint f,n rfr. tu t jfr01K, (if., J,ymt ,rrn, llif f.r mniif iron wi.i. fi f'l. r, I .fr,:,lr,, T,f Irffronirr; ,f J'fi.'h hi. mi.- m. fffrit Hrrrl ii, .(,t r,.n (t ut ff ,n, rirtai.Hir.riif ,r if wo ,nd, ii,t f, party woul l in.t n,'.in n i )!,. li'ttrr -f tin finflifir of t!,o ,,grif to llm pnt lic prrmlrir.jc If tAwrx ii.ff mailt w wriittn ofrer a ropy nl (hp pul.!iI.C(l cliarf, nrd IVf-ncltV lirnt idler of denial, arid our linil lirm furnir-l.rd tlio author. Hri.M.1, A l,., Xo, fiih, 1873 Jfltf,ASTfIl! tiMntt, Eh'J. frr .Sir i Y. nr furor of th 2 1 lout in r CfllrP-t All tbnt Toil hTK aai.l la iw.FMn, ol lrn, Frenrb and Oiblm tied to m tht ud t.y the numa of Knllig, )i bonRht aoil aid lO.WHJ dolLn l, t n In. tort in tb repniliaWd Hondu and waa then at Jackaon tor ttia porKe oi proeurlng frgMlalion Jookii'B o the pymeut of tbe Bonds tml that tber wr in favor of pjig tbe Bm, bot tbongbt u oent to Irt the niatttr rest oniil after tbe iNovt mber election. TbeT aod otbtra did rriviva in nno A.J. Iar for eerUia billa pnl thrnnuh il.o , - - n w legislature of MiwiiMiipi. I would prefer tbat mj name would not be need, bat if yon m ike the charge ngnto aod state for certain nwona the ,ow . , - i . giving yon tbe iuformatiun dofsnot wih bis name nwd, and they deny a before, men you are at liberty to n-e this letter or so muoh of it as you may Ibiuk proper very ltespeotfully, w" l l,lk in f0 jfj,f. hum f, r.f 'tt, t f'" r p t t Wi ;( , i!;.m I ',f..(r d , ,t .. , f, j Ua up Iw I', '.MM4ad r ililr tf f..r fi er.'t,rf f tifn n7 aa f ',( lr r-.n- . S .f ur I ;.. () .,T,nf. lafi'in of r t orff ihit t' l U. Tl. ")on'rr l r'foftiif. t't l fry "i.iiif r r nliiioi ;, Jtfu iif pl .i,ff f,(,f.n n.Jf.,ri. in' .f i,ti ',f ff.i:r and (, rn! 2'n' inirt wiih mofirjr in n oT Ihrm, and Mir Hale i now iCfir'invMr . fil. no'' d." Marlon Co. Hefusn ta Eloct. Cc: t iiiiu, Mi , 1, 8, V, ifie iimlcrpiiijfird I!mil nl l'T"trM of Marion minify, do lo lioM nn rlrrlion In fill tlm nrrji iruf tr -in (A J. J. rrn, ,!ntr J'cnalof, fi wc hfiv.j junt flm-tfd a .I'linlor fur llti.i Iiixfrict and o do not ree wliero (Jovcrtior I'uwer'n reonotny i.i in ordering fiu-li andrc ti' n, at thin time, and i n lUln county to nn rxpon'c whicli fhe i. is not i bio .to "Unit. J ho Hon. J I. Curler, Cllator e'erf, will fill (lie unrxpirrd term of J. .1. Soul if re quired. J. T. KOCKKT& '. H. I'lTTAl AN, 1). VEItlJJL. Board Regirtrara of ilmion Co. Pilot. With all du? respect for the win- dom of above Board; although they couidii t " see where Gov. Power economy is in ordering fucIi nn elec tion, Hey can now peo that "The Hon. J, P. Ctrter will (noi) -ill tbe unexpired term of J. J. Seal if re quired . -i M- If. , Vttfute, f.4 If , Hlt t,; f f, ,t iU .......... I... .!.... .... ..I.. . . . . . . . J 4 ar f ! -lfi f.f ti l'i, a J if,. j , ! 1 "f" '"i l-M " ,, u dpf " la wf I""""0' ' I " ,m,t r'f'" " ' - '!,!,. M dMf4 M i im i Wa ' i-i . .f tU a I ftif,- fftf it .. ( . . , i j ,. . j !,. o', ,. ' .!, ,., ,, II ' r m wootj !,., , ... ... ...t-... . ..jif'alil. II, a ar, .. iU.,..i.f Ill, at I'.a rax IW, ;r iawwij fcf f,nnl Ml '( v f ; J N tf I'taa'f Tra, (I Ki.ara, 4t " I'.M Amh : f'-n t ,((,riiH h I a,a fx" l f' ' ' ' " ' , . .1 f i , MT. ar-, ,,n ,Ma. U .., "'""" JIc. f.tar',. ,,f ' . , olf,,.,,,. '.,.r,i,f ,m mt lta! ,,l""i'i". i ?.-!., til- , t. u, . ' , 1 , , . , . flVi!lf t l,.f .. 1 . . t r.-ialu M I , ld W!,.a from 1 1 t ; , , , 1 . ' J Jlif.w ...! 1, ,-.n i.i . f'"'' ,)' "t W m. . Urw.U w f..Mi,r,. i.tM "'""'fir,Mi!., i . i . . 1 . .1 s 'F!ni iini m was i'l irfft 2. . . t Ifaifaf ffi.l i'k klaaf l aatil. !. in'on ir,d f'r,r n vtn r J l lo ,r a. and .1,1 m r.,u... f . f . ... F't t , . .... ... f ;tiimI tir I r t.f p'.'f fmf'il h( t't i I ovcrnptfi .if f...i itr. Al'aaaft'''' ami fi.itrif Tf'nfff po.. or, (, da. m"fi II... ffl : ,, ' " ' """"' ( ii ah,. ..a.,,. t,.. ..i no fh. It i l fli. iiU In Irfdifta It. if lif ,f f d l y Bil-ra thltttrf TiiM ff.ftrl'l'ir.ri of l.fll :.r i d a pii-ra Willi all l,n prorrrdintf 'f ihi '!m ifi Virgin im w raptured and lr rapiairi and pn'4t in(. r iiiiinlrrf . y mi'iir fd Ii. r lo I1 aiirrfiidfr"d by l!n HpnnilMM 10 Ihfl iMifiilfil tf r: but iii'tead of horinjj tha nirri nd'T made in open idir and in a puMm pbien nhr i ptiriiiirii away to Jlulm llondii, a rielinh d pot whera il could not bo wilnC'oed. Ifer nHf njer., loo, wero lo be rurrrmlaied ; but limy acre taken inboard the Juniata bv Klenlili and without the I'.'nxt di'irion- airniion lo mark llie event. 'J'he ccrrinnninua rrpnralion orn talulo lo .on r iii'iiltcil ll.ig was iileo abandoned upon evidence trumped np in 1 1. in city by .Mr. tMiiXF.Y eiistkr, the tfon indaw of the Secretary ol State, and tlio paid attorney of the Spanieh Government, without any opportu nity beinir piven lo tho owner of the viwcl to hear and re: ut the testi mony ihii! procured gainst h char nrter and ilia t of hia bliio. And when tins' tceiimony wa.-i submittod by llio futhcr-iii law ol tho counsel to tho Attorney-Gen-eial, that official wei.t out of liia vtny to decide, not that there was a jn-inu fade case against the '''irginiiii. but tlinMwn not entitled to the K J tin uti.fifT f,ffi.,,n Vi.nn fy lfafic,.fiii".n of i rianr4 k ffi.m M J ', M Hn llh aj 2,"i lt..l, f'.mmlf, af of )mnif J'l.l re'cil and f'tiiriK tufa al l"t i'.vm flO f.b.i.11 F, Hark f,.r 'M-nr3 Ut m I Wf fill.U irlr,-l,. fr.T)f! If (AUry, Cifrk nf .1 ir..f. t,f trn M. m flw Ci'f fTi" Of) 6 75 V II Alliy fnr amount paid fr bfK.a Miclfo. John K Hark U t fn-nifum John V. Clark liii(!.rkoop;a In II rrlw.n Conrfy jnf " J irknon (ki Ordrr of a'lowanr pr (Ifm and niiieige tit munition ll.inrl and Clrrk and arirrllT. per difrii. K niba I, Raymond O., Jackson iwi". , for H'tOPrviMnra rnrurcli no 7-. Cliaoeery court reci.rdi fiU 2!) Circuit ki., 7 Keport of County Treasurer re ceived and approved. Petition of Gailand Goode forro- duc'ion or tax continued and ordered to be filed for luture action. Petition of G. Monte for removal of place ol business granted, at Ocean Petioa of Stephen Perry foi change ol assissment froln Brnumin Clark to that cf his own continued. C. II. Alket, Clerk. Iwff fr,--, f ,.k,J , , A,. , ,i,.. , w M .f... I... .. im i.finr Ri.owf.i Ifn, .Mr. fit pl.t n (!,. n p.. k ) f,,i or In 1 1, a bin k part of the lmn rrafif i.J., and prorifilfd u iad ha tun h lo ni.rt,alinn to the bill rernirkirnf ll,st In tlnr of.iho r;nrAr v k i.r Trras tvnir.i t Un l a I re lured hi view t writini. Mi wb not opp.ed to I ho bill ,o rnnn of any oppo-itlon, he Imd lo do lull n.i'I miiplff jintic? fo every hurnnn lu'injr within fhe leiritimnfe iiiri-ibn. Iin of (he frdornl Irgiilnifve power. The chief rod of all irovprnmenfa whether Sllo or Federal, should be tho protection of tho riht. ITa on twisition to Iho bill st.rtin? from no lirf'indire nL'niii"! nnv man ... child wiihm the limilHof tho tr nifnil Stales on recount of race, color or previom eoiunion of servitude; he iMiHTiuincij i,o icciing ol ilmt kind, and was not povcrned in Lis action by any influence of iliut sort. His opinion of jii.-ticc and I proper ad ministration was not founded on that dogma so frequently announced, and so pernicious in principle that it should be for the greatest good of the crca est number, but on ihn i. ;!,.. .. i- ...... v ruie mat u siionift uo lor the greatest Kfou oi a:i witnoiit iletriinjiiji. or. in jury to any. While he did not hold the doctrmo Df cqualiiy of races he in u. muni mo great truth, hov ; " s ni u urn, now ever, narudoxical It tniirl,, r. , ,i , ,-. 6"1 "I'l'far, vj. ii. .1 re t, Wcr.ecreo,ed Tha January (Uh J871F -Uiuaeonno;!--"" " ' ' Tii lira f'aatar Mat. ll I ail afrrfimft y f))4 Carkar; fi, erfclffc If lof ,ra it. i - ,, hfh'-l l.f aaaada af tU b '- UA'n !a A waff , f t fl.a M ,.r".- a, f, f "'' "t I. If f.l,., ptnif , 1 fl'i-ofii ats f '.., I r( affa9 j !. a r a Mif w 4 a t'. f P fim-rn- .ft. ar, !. -f -. inhf rr-afco, f,tfa Of..'r. ano'H'f Parkff lfriT' I"r, Ilrfml'ia A f. fr ! af p,; ! l''f, 'd 13 Jf . Tal-t l-irla--' .'. II. f;ra, lotfukif, S. f "fl. ... T1 tS ar riib of rni. ;ffl n, enlnrpri a at I'aa f'lirl'llan w k pbanrahrh oo-VI n (!, f,)r (f,,! C, M, II lf e aiilj j r fioma (an wfrk ni't 2' I'M ornngft m d a lnrt?n q1(,,. lily fif Parana dire. I to U Unt whirl) Vntfire, o ,, hga turned out fi aiii-cf -m f.,r fi ir In 1. hitluhl, frirr.d. Partira in Dilnrl flipped about U "ntim time a ear lo d of Mia-iaaippl Sound oyttrra direct lo St. Iinia, find out by ar lual rifieriipent If it would pay, Sea Cm Mefiiihlican. It often Inn (p'-iia lint Iho'enra tha best peoplo whoso ciinrnciera haro been the most injured by slander ui wo iHiilly find ilmt lo be tho sweetest fruit tho birds havo been pecking at. As the run ripens and sweetens f.-ults by shining noon them. with. out which they would be sour unsa vory, so it is llio sunshine of Gods love and favor that sweetens alleprtlv ly bles-ings, without :,lch they would bo out curses to tWi thatr ra- fess tlurn. Cnt'EI,. "I see." said a t'Lirrrrrv lawyer, "a band of white-robod amyela crossing the silvery atrand. ,vil beaming face, bearing in the)- hands tho laurel wreath of po;:co V plaeo jnjwn llio brows these iiiJ!0(eiiioung si'nrliaVto- .