Newspaper Page Text
tfeiW(ilBwsBaaaaaw 'I f I II MTAH n - ' Z- ' ' a,.. . t m ''-- i'" ". t j,,,,,, !,, .OHM , if .. t. ,,, 4 t. I" ll (', It - r )- Hf tn ". ,,t-'. " r"i ""' i,i,f urn, ii H"f '- "" "'" II. ttt I b i(r Willi , . n !' f .j ... l ttnllrotul. l.l I'.HI'-i-M. . . JtiMlit t.nytn: i()IX( WKST. l.xlrp '! SUil, " J,i7 r !I;'I' , i. tinNci;uv coritr-riiiKT ijimtukt. W. ii. llitxuMtniw, ChiiiiOBllor. ,i .,miiv i'f IVn -ntl lirt M.m.l.r f Jniin.Mi. April. Jnlv i'IOril.t- r, ami cnniiim. ' Vi lli" rniinlv f HrfMi. "II tlif .i.'lili JImimIhT ..f .Iiii.iiiii, A.iiI, July O.V.lwr, itiidcon. til." i ilnvn . , lull.. r. ii.HV l .(ink-"" i' 1 1 .m llnt.l Mim.ti'Jf ..I .liihiftiiy, Ai lll Julf il'Hii'l r Miirtioiiltiiiw tw.-li i!m r. . Jt ... In iliuvftmilv ( Tliitrlw. on tin-llr.l Sliin'iijr ulivi Mi.- I.M.nfi Miiii'lay .'I' liiiniV, Afill, July O. lnlin Hli.1 mikI i!"limme 'waive uk) . 'rim .:h- 'luecnr court om Tkicr HILL rt!t(T IITIII(T .ll't'HK rllANDJ.FJI. In the rnuiiiv of lliimnrk, mi Hie Int. M.m.lK .l Uiv hi .I N"'. .-iiil'r Mii.1 raiuiii'iie la ily. In r n of lliillipon. on lli:pcl Molitlajr Vil Al'iil nl'-l lli'-lolwi, il Willi iii'. I'J iliiv. In i In- cuiiiitv "t If . mi tin. Ul Mima i vt April til"! Oili'l"-'. bii K.liliime Utlin. In Mm .""" ot IVrry, on lli" tlrm- MnnilKy .f Muvi h Mini W'tiliw . mnl imii" i-ix 'y. ( In ilit- conulv ol . u tli liuil Mm:ili'J ol Mim h mnl fh-iteuilir '""I tli"i" 'ix '" 111 ih ...uiilv of Mhiuhi, on In Hl'l. Willi xlnv.if JIiiitIi iii'i'l !---".. "! footimiB rtx.jnli.. lnil.r ..unity ul' I 'Mir I, on lli- -Itli, Mmi'wy Ol Jlllltll HIIU !if.unW,nl uoiitiwi Biti liil.VII U Jl'.tii k (,'ui HTn-ltriuliir t'lmii "f Jnnlt-f Conn ili Iip I't-W In DifMii l. No. ;t riiilowi, lo.wi': Al MitnlViiiioii ill Mcoinl (Siitlililny, mt hi Si rmitt vi tin Win imt MuikIhy nfii-r tliev i-,u'UM" iu wIv."n."iioltox, j. v. Divine bEiVtcEs. Kev. B. Joiims of the Metboilint CliurcU will bold Divine Rervtoe t Mom Point on tbe 1st, lind 3rd, HiiDdavs of each moulU at U o'clock A. la., and nt 7 P. M. Pmypr Meetiugs every Thnrsday U'gbt ftt 7 o'clock. On xho 2d Sunday of Vbe month, at 11 a. m. at the Sea-shore, and at Scran on at 3 p. M. , tSy-lT is hoped the fublio generally Will attend. . . f Keoilar Puicachinh. Eld. J. B. Ham berhu (Baptist) will hereafter lreacb monthly at Ocaao Bprings, lit snnday. Han lHb .ro, 2 id " Pass Christian, 3rd In the Masonic Dull. Mora Point, 4h snnd. Notice that wa liave lor sale one of the moat elegant nd attractive places on the coast at Buy .St. Louis. Ourfficient cleik Mr. C.H. Alley returned fiom Lis tiip to the Old IWtli State, on Wednesday eTening. He reports pld Carolina jubilant over her great Democratic victory, abundant harvest, and a most promis ing crop of persimmons and huckle berries, end he, himself, looks like he had f ully enjoy I the above luxuries TliC Bord of llefert!es, consisting of Messrs Denny, Bordea and Smith appointed bv Chancellor Henderson, to whom was tefcrrcd matters tn the estate of Thos. Rhodes, were Jn ses- ion on Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday of this week at Scranlon and adjourned until 2nd Monday io Oc tober. Messrs R. Seal,' Wood and Humphries attorneys, were in attend ance. , We ore aathorized fcy Prof. J. W-fayte, Principal, to announce that tbe exercises of Live Oak Academy, at Moss Point, will commence oa the 1st of September with an efficicat corps of teachers and that the tuition of the higher branches will remain the earmv while a reasonable reduction will be made in the primary grades. ' ltf. - a 4 t'- ' t I ' I y , ' - r - f ' 'f - ."....'- a I I 4 4 ''" I vi'n f - " '( f 4 ? t M MX ' i f t I 4 ll"t 1lt ' 1- (i .ft .n. itf-f-t nn-t in, I . rl t.-'f..' t.t,1 it i'lf I$ (j i -r-ni.t 1 f imi nt ),"f nf M r-t. n'i I i"''! ' jl.fflnf l u't- I I', It) l'. Jf I f I.T . '.'.l, WliTf It 44 f'.'l-l.', t' ,1 It ft . rirr(. r i'-pl Kim .V.m- Kcl I oiirn,". Tdfl wck irtKm a girl aJiiit iti m', wlio w tii)lfij tempo. rily with M;. .Imtft i siiiwrJ t- liMVn titkn u 'ik.'t IfM'k with i r-. t which he fiBvcr Irfwi rvo'ivpt" I. ftianj to my llii girl m turn"d Ino-rn and hot prrHfriiti'il. No w'iiif it dti'iiliiijf ami robln-ric am nt n.'v alftit, juKt now. If Mr. Janet hid hen art editor all this never would hnvo happened. NOW llliiDV. TIip lifn KtMl ciir'rr n( .1 iran Ci'pelhtid, Tim (lr..t Si.ntlicru Imtiil Pirate, !oiiIbid inif in oll Hiti-Kti'it imrruliciim ot ni'l- a (ihrilii'H ali i ttirlliiti(r rlmrneter, nerlain nig I" tun Wayin Hint ('.'pi-lninl ( 'lull, h m ijiiwIu ro to Iih l-.nui) snrim-aed in the wholi- iiiiuhJ" of erttue. It's mystic alaplia li t for af.'i'rtt rxirr.'C(nuili'iic.. the nntii f nil it.n nii-n hi-ri. lhroiib)ut th Uulled 'hN-h, witU ilHi ioloiiinl mill wiilti-fxteml-ed oimmtiiitiM m o -inliiiintion with wimlth, tnleiit and influence, are in the highest il. (tee anlo-ii ibng. With an eUliort e Apueiulix, if iiovtin'o, or a situ more lnouii'utoun uatuiH, comprising frenb col- Iu'hiI cki-k ot booty, bmod auu HjMr l.r; uiolmluift the aiitnor's tiiti in tbe city of Mobile, the uiiwt fXOitiuK and abiiorbinn ilmt vcr oiiMirred in tbe Hoiiib, anil fol lowed by snuie the most powerful of rwult.H, ii'iniLl Iig 1- gitimate com meutit sliowinff tbe rupiil luirease of oiirue anil eonoplivu everywhere, making videlit that oi-u'rNliZ.iU'Hi and CLiujkb lu the fnudanjeuial pnuuiplr-a of govi-ru- mnt are nut only ueeemiory but luevita ble for the future wlfare of the niiiinij. Dr. J. It. 8. PITTS, Wajnesboro, Miss, The above work is sold only by sub scription. Dr. Pitts has appointed us au Ag' nt to receive anbscriptinuA and iu loims us that tbe book aiil be issued about tbe lit of Sapteinbet? On account ot the s rung local luti reet which attaches to the work--some of the exciting events contained thi-teiu naviug transpired iu this county we have thought that many of onr readers of this section would subscribe to it, and therefore we adver tise it, and as an agout receive aahacrip tionn. All who dealte the work wi please fend their names to the ' btak." The published price for it is SI 50. The Maximoth Clotbino Estab- iient of M. V. Levy & Co., is one of Mobile's most widely and favorably known institutions. By business '.act, energy and integ rity the lievy Brothers have built up one of tho most extensive and pros perous mercantile bouses in the Sonth, and their huge establishment filled to overflowing 4ith a stock which is surpassed, we preeume, in no Southern city, attests their succcess, and is a credit to Mobile. Tlte trade of this house extends all throughout Alabama and Mississippi, and is constantly on the increase de spite hard times and financial panics ; for fair dealing, low prices and a good article are the "hooks of steel" which link them to tho trade and perma nently secure custom when once they aie tested. And the individual who calls to adorn bis person, will receive as much attention in being ''suited,' as if he were of a firm selecting a heavy bill or goods. In fact the first place tho vLsi tor makes for after get ting off the cars is Levy's, where he hastens to put on a "city appearance." It 13 unneeessay to add that Levy fc Co, have a lull stock of Spring and Sammer clothing .which they are dis posing of at their usual low prices." tf-io6. , TH E Aawricaa Sardine Company' Booclee SwraiBM. an aMKk bwr, an In Ibaa kJf thaeoM of inrort Sardine. rJ8-ly IV I. C John R. Wattleworta I mt antborixd airnil during ay Uaporary abwitca from th jy-a CHAS. WATLLEWOSTH. IV .TOTlClt I dcm to rnfsrm Ui rotll that 1 an tellv pipr4 1 DHn Filiaa. at uertarHic. aod will b p -aeed to f"w .dn. B. f. riCKiTf. r-.yl r r' ' . ' ..! 1 4 i ! t: JT- 8 . y i ' f v I . r ' '... t f f . f , f ; j i. - i h . I . (- pt t ! I I ' ( ( f . ' I t . I H ( !'i! ( f -; l u '. f j , I ; i ."' i.'i tf, , r t( h -i'.t. ' . ' ( li . I ' I , 'I f. f M'f t ' r" " lit lr I.- ' ti If - if f 'it t' tt't'- t I I t ( I if i-f '''. r " -'I ' t I Kl ( H'l't 0 t 1 1 '..'.( ' 'urn w I "'.' ! .' i I I ' 'rr VV f .J. .ii I l,r,i, l ti" " tlifimyii cif '.:'i i ii , I ' i' ' . It. Ini'!, f rni, A", (!, It i.t .in"' tn,t ii,i. r--t fi lltl.'t ml r, .! 'li!ill mmi if l -tr i"it'? fii M h t:l'-t" f l.'llllk it i II ' ' "II l-'-'' tr -"In. V.'h itiffffrir cor'lially Unite (il,'r tabu l'irf t' rji-pf.! t,l tloiK-i tr lo 'lerttl wiln wtlii1 lli.i iliitiiu t ttii'!mii'li(irf Unit A , ,, rI.P, l ,.r,r. ...... -ii... ..." ; nary r"nl ctu'o cotiiiiitKioiM will be' cliart'i'il. !imk.i Will bo fipi'tii'd wherpin, we wmIi Io keeti full ami .xplieit ! ilesci iption ol property, ami we nliall prtbnbly prcpuio nups of the j iHlllC. We will act ,n ojrento for prr koiih ut a distance who wiMiin to iiirchiino, I'ctjuiic full and explicit in (urination. (Jive ui your nfistiince ! and let us go to work Olid build lip thi. the most lielightfui und favoicd section of our Stute. A. II. V. H. .IfJItll.IT ItTsVOVIlllY! An I'ufailiiisr Ittmrily for COf(iHS. (,'OLH.S, ItOAKSKNKSS. ASTHMA. UKONCIUriS IXr'MHiNZA. MlltKXKSS ol Hid T1IK0AT, CHKhT ana LUMiS, nnit nil Dii-eHHes leading to CONSUMPTION. It will not ruHke new liiuifn, but it will pre vent the diiituH. from aureadiiifr tliroiixnont. tlia whole militaHiitte of tbe luuira, therefore failitu tinir rei-ovei-y It in prepnrerf from Veijetiihl Kxtrnctn Bud Hullo., ol n oiirJei iili lienlin'tf protoenwa, und Una HiilaHiii in liiiinlv lei-iinimeniieil hy pliyiilu I'lemymen mnl otlifei-i.. tetin.oiitalii from wiioui 1 t-an fin-nidi without rumi'er. The iliildren like it und thoy tell it curee Iht-lr roldn and hmkes tlit-m well ; And mother neck ih etore io try its Willi hiin.lreil whodeoire to buy it. D.iii't fuil to try it. It is plenmnt to take. See that the name ol K. VV. Kiimmun i blcwn io the In. tile. tiSainple BMtle and Cirrniur Kwp.hJTJ F W. HIW'I , PBOP'H. Water .Street, ..AiouatA. Maihi. Price ilo and 75 Cent. Largest llotilen clienp- Ht. S5.0IKI for a better article. SIII.IIO" f ir a eaue it will not cure. FOR SALE HY ALL VRUUQISTS ai-lyeow yi,Fur Sale by Dr. Moore. Scranton. J C .uWIN Uf-o- "" CI.EH. B. 0W1X, j. c. ir.vrs.vs, Importer and Wliolreale Dealer iu U A R D WARE lullerr, Iron, au bteei. AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Cor. Commerce and St. eVicbael KtreetK AGENTS Mofclle Barrel and Bucket Factory llobile lUu BARNES TEuriE of .fier, Ho. fit Oaupbln .Street, Opposite the f .. . Public Square. SOLAR LIFR SIZK PORTRAITS, Plain, or Colored tn Oil, Wottr er Pmtt EQLML TO THE PKST IS AKV C1TT SOUTH OR NORTH. anl2mti DR. IV. LAM BEET, rhamaceatbvt and Chemist, r-.SCAC.OCLA. MISS. To b fonnd DAT or NIGHT at bi eflic oa the cooniy roJ, near the He pot. American, French and tietnian precrip'kn can-fully put up in accordance wilb their rrapecl it Pharniaoopoeia. JmhISw4 GARDEN SEEDS. An nt?reW Now and Urg aaeorted Stock ol Balisula Frh Garden Seeds, nbrarinf aft ffi New Viirietie now in store, bmall Prnfita and Quick Sales. Call and etainiire for Torve at Seed Depot, 8W Kranrl St., auder BaUl lUbso. jni 6m W. D. PROLT rwlbo l"ilrirae kaviair bora anointed JL Arent ot tbe I near, ee Componie ut New Orlcan. fee th Pot of Praila. bein to aaaonnr that h b t een dnlv CouiniBcioood aaaoanr nas seen amy vouuiBcloaoa W that orlaci by ih Board o' Cuderwnte .7.7.1 gaol." "y 'CUICHO-OUIMNE ? .. f.m,ji rut i r.vnr aui: i, . " "' - . . . i : ... m. t k i . -. ' . t .... a. ., , t t Kir M -"'" 4m4 I -J. f " f ' ' . i .. t . , - r . " ' ' - ((.,,.- . If ' rw '- ... , . I , .... k - I ) I !). t I I I It i I 1 1 .1 t w ... mwmi'k aom li r r m r.i. C ' i, f. r. t tlttH rill ttfh I.t,t Ul'if Ht rtlT iHUKIM Itt t -...,. I " '"' f T .Nil OM A At At il r J ', Alt.... I.mIM l.iifi lit C"i " . 4i.l """ i' ...i,i, n. llf. tin.., ll ' . I t N .F. BURNMAM S JJ, jf i PrsKjrU i 4fmt -- ' WI!' i !J mom Z 1374 TURBINE HEAL KSTATB. IOTH Hi BAt KOV WFST IMStMOOC , I, A KiVKK f'tn No. I, 2, -i. tioniiii on lite R.v.'f twelve ol tliirteen .-haili. Will- depth or i-f-(-Imlimor more bi-HUIilul'V itliuled lor a fund, noil f-xrelli-nt. for fitrniin niitif.1 be ni-piw eil f. iiiliuiiin'ir of any kind, the land in alao -H rinibered. aome twenty live or thirty ar.r il haw h.-en iiiuler rullivatiori, and only ball' a rmle from the linn. ih.I Muiic... line buutinK and Heli ti. K Kor p t-tii-nlari.titity at 8tas Onirt. O K L" E. A trai-tof laud In a village iu I'errv oounty embruri'U Id town lutli. twelve of wh.eli ni-e on a beHiinlwl .Siiriutf braiK-h, the ItHiiki of wbii-b are wood-d. On the tract. i a frame dwelling honiw of four miin with Verandiili -in front Hud rexr.' a loir kilolien and eniokehouse, frib and r-fable. If more land is dnirerl, it cull be proimrril, adjoili intf, at. ii tridinit cut. There is a ecflpperuotiK vinevHril and other firai.ea. anil nnr'e, peach, pear, iuinee and tin treed on tlia plan- The vard is deimeW shaded with evergreen tree. The piiri-t aod beBt Water. Tlw health of tbe villHi-e i- nnvr-i.tinnuniv eno.i. li a pn-eicmn were to ifet tliii place be would liavo 'he ioi'e pi-Hc- tice tor fifteen miles. Vor eale lot? ilmlt foresail, AIko :tlkl aeiei, irood bottom land with lou hoinwon pine hoinstead. cheap, part on time. j4lao li'il) aerta rich bottom land, part in culti vation, 411 bnidiel of corn to acre, cheap, part on time All in ferry uonntv miMnwppi- For tnrtlier partlcuiata aiipir li sngl-tf UTAH OFFICE- OCKAX SPUINdS COTTAOES AND LOTS KOU SALli! Two hundred and thirteen iCIS) lot, Mlluincill price from t-'o to l.'0 ai coiduin t" eize and lix-u-tiou, in the beautiful village of Ocean S:riui. whioq abounds in niinerni hinnjre, siiuiueu im medijtelv on our Gulf Cob and ontbeNew- llrlealis and Mobile raili-oa-l. Rnnilea Ironi the foimcr and K) niile from rlie latter, cilife; one third chhIi, balance on lime to "nil purchaser , or if a sale amount to live hundred dollai . one fn irtb cash and balauc, one, two aim tiuee '"aIso. a number cf new und denirable cottaao for sale on win terms- Splendid opportunities are her otlvred fo proem a home at low prices and on reasonable term, at one of ih pleasaut est. and nat ,iealthy of our Sea side Resorts Ann v for lnrther lulolBHllon in in. JC1I u. STAK OFFICE. O U E N Two very desirable Residence at Ocean Sprinjis, for rent- Inquire uf JT 4 t STAR OFFICE. P O 8 At L Lot at East Pascaoowa, a 1. Sh,me.telv nmn the beach, with Ul . ISM tint."o4 chaina deep and upon it are nianT handoai Hv oaks, nd it S Well timbered. lie. level and ha a clav foundation, arid a - -! m- . I. w av.xla l faa Lk is well adapteo ror wiruiv ore.,..-, - v. , cheap. . m"" nsvu.K F E A lanr.. hcid"fmi.eornmodior. thres etory ridnc, c niaininir twelve enacious room, in the main ba'dinir, with irrai and marble uautela in every" loom, wide balls, and gaberl- front aua luri Srsl etory of bnck ; "''"; and brick ilrterns with capacity of 40.HHO .ral Ioki : out one foroisuiiie very convenience t oreliard. tsrdens A-c. : iluaid imaiediately up on th lueratfonu K.V'-r. a. in mo...... naodinir fin view of the bay .- bath-hon and 4U feet wharf wilb atue fort water at end- Ibo yard is shaded by arand old live-oak, and th irronudaKr beautilul and atuncure. Coouoctea with loa nlace ie a . P TRACT OF LAND with eronnd cleared and onc-loared. whir will be sola with the place or not deeirod or it ill Iu. ...I.I in divided t act, nnon which tnr r hnd..m and eligible bniluina lo. a- . 1 nj.c.aHe rau.T Rmrdinat Ibisv, a Military School. n Acdmya or Seminary l hid pais onery nw..u- Unas and indacuielll. Fur full lnlormaUOB kiiur of STAR OFFICE. O T I' C El To Bbn-t ob Leasb EiigibVa loU near the Paacogoub. Depot will be teased for term of year Land in fargn bodied, we1! adapted for ealtivaton, containing baniiaome brtird inK aitea wa bayou or bay, will alao be leaned, ot rented by the year. A dwelling pleaaantl situated with a water front, also tcr rent. , I Ul'iniw ruifPtiPT I i . ttt t lift 1 4 ' . . . '" " 'II r i ,. H It I' - i - I , ,.., . - '-. l ... m I ft I '. i t I i i . in- I ' tU ----- -- i j i r 1 1 1" ( m r i, n,,..i ( i.i. , t i n ii. f,i m.,1 i f. .' if k.f- l.'.r tP.4-. -;1 l- li.rt-r'ly I'l ( "V 1". J.'!-''.- ,i- ! I ' 1 -Hl'tot -M f".W M A I kl' K 1,1 tlHAKII, l'f..r,l.. M-V WUI.K.VN'v Sunt ml . A' to Import, mi aut ll.-nlr itt M'liiio I.euiJ, J'uintri ami Cih, Window Ol, Viuuifli, !nru.-hf-, Artists' MaKiriol?, nr., etc. (I:lnb1isliil in 1S I 7(! jMag'Uiue Street, On door ubuve I'o.vdra. NewOileans, Luaieiafia. iiov&itua WKlISTElt & CO, WHOLESALE GliOU K 11 ti , ileab-rs 111 Sugar, Molasses, Cofli'o and nice, And I!aV ie und Hell. Wool, No. !KI ami 03 .Majpirilie Street UOV-.J-tilU New Orleans, La. JOIi.V V. ltOtillllS Commission Merchant uml Dealer is G It A I N . Corner Tcbonpitouluaund liydra Streets. iiov-JS 3ra new Orleana, l.ouiaiaim. JE. i 11 KG I A Dealer in Luudreth's U a r tl e n Seeds hso Gra?s Seeds of all kinds, Fertilisira, Oardeu Itupletudnts, &o. No. US GraVit-r Street. Hatweeu Camp ami Wairajine Sta New Orleans. Ixmisiana. uovAWim A. Baldwin, C. A. Klocoiub, C. Enstis. A. D. Slocomb (ienertlPartners. Iu Couimeudaui .1. IS.MLIHVIA 4' tO., SuccesBOtu to SL0C0MI5, BALDWIN & CO., Importer anctdealerstn Foreign and Domestic II A Ii D W AUB , 74 Cans iml 01, 93 ami 95 Coramon KtrttetB. New Ortemin. )m nov-611. F. KICKEKT. WholesaJe Gxocer. -AJ.U- C o m ui t toH T 1 1 ii ( No. 63 Tuhoupitonlns Street, . EVV OKLCA.XS. t , an4th 6ib T. J. BROWN. rraclirttl Faper Ifaiger, MFeAler tti - WALL VA PER and WINDOW SHADES, , No. 'ni n. Fisht Mocks Iroui Canal, Irom which it ean be reached ta rive minnt by h Majralin or Prjtaaia eiree ears. ' NKW BI. :!, I-- . np-l-lv Sample bookaeent il reqoiri4. Wm. a. g ak nett , Dealer iu BONDS, STOCKS, COIN. EXCHANGE, Solely on Commfsaior. , . . j. No. 3 North Water Street, MoNle. Corner Planter Alley. : nio fisi Jl O R RENT, COTTAOKS, partly frnid itoatd immediately on 111 beach will reititd low for tho nm..Msr. to trooA teoant 1-1 : ..i.j ... --. I. nf 1 1.. rt.urea a satn hoaae and wbarf. aleo, stable oat bonoe. od larre ci.terns. aflording a foil supply of . aud an abundanc of trait tram. Applv oitu premieeeto svai ins ANTOINE CHANTERANr. . NOTICE. ' I beg to inlonn the vnb.ic of Eavit raacagonkt, that all vessel ooinintf bre under Charter, to Mesara Berciar .V De Smet axe to have their bnaioeM irane tcled by me; as, I am tbe a.t of aaid Pilot bringing istij Tell in tbto Bay, will ploaae anebor them a eloee, m powible to the Stakes or Brow of the baUaat rrcrand, for them to HkM. mar 2 1 ly Jftrrl! VKnr. .l O 8 A A L E t Several Yoke of oo4 Orn for sale. In.kir I Thre River. Jackso Co. 'I f " ? ' , 9 44 m . . 9 r - f - r.i , , , t " i if .-r , i y Hi i i ' Kf I I ' f a ' r i - ' t ft' r l( i .;-... i ii .- . f ts t , i.iii.i 4 W Itt MKitlM;? f' t ''" . . i r-v. 4.,1. 1: ; i f. T.-"fj l t,4 Wii,.liM i. alt M.:.,j , . , i, . . " V in-. Al", r"rt.-r an-1 l..i " f . f, CffiMt. Vn f r i iikK r. iiii V i. ii' I l. m i nv mt t. h h r n " i 4 t n , a ri ' ' WawM 4 . W..I If ,.' .' ..I (' (-.I- 1 1' A MS! A O I. I A I' K I'(i T II ). (.ifk Inf., ,w In !ri-l 'Ii . '.-iy p, ....: l,'t Ih l,iv-t i - l III I'.fM.t, . '-fM I . Irt I'.. 1 lnti fm".' .'l nf I.' h.'.i-. null V-I.l. !, ml d. t.t I liia-f. tv tttfyti'. A'. mtft.f rt nil kifd if, itmi t th'tft t r 'tti-' tvrni H if ti (ifHTirl tf f tt ffntfi. t4 tM'-'ii'rmw f fiarrthi in m-rt ih it' t W B A I II K 8 II C) V. F DtCHT, P.AlUJKIt iml lAIlU)UESSEK. rnwaKiOia f Dnt), M'ssis'!'d Hair cuii.iig it., cunt. M'rti-iHa- 4 I.'i MiHlii'ootlilH- 'Ml tbi-seiuii , - , III W.-U-lui he 'Wed . fdl Will be happv itxtirnr) I fSold riitoin re awl many new 1. im bnpport ilin Staa and tour baib.-r ( ' I.O. A C. I.IIIIOD, ATTOA'EYS AT LAW AlnssToiiit Hiss- I tT Olll.e iu Cont Ilonee at tlio Depot-fXIIce In.iira from III a blot o'clock, r. a., Tuesday und Fridnya tebil ly H. KUKBS f IP. F. KRi:US II. KSEB3 & mi, ! AT , i 1'AStAOOlLA, jMltiS.. Near. :be KHilroad Dt pit, 'Dealers ii! i DRY GOODs, j , i;oots;and uoes, HATS AND CAl'S CLOTHING CHOICE VJIMILY GROCERIES PUOV1SIOXS AND FEED, HARDWARE. TIN VV'At.E; CROCKERY WARE WOODEW WARE i t ,: , AND CL1LERY. Highest n.jrl;et prices paid for CO V3VTK V nt OO UCE J. E. SARRAZIN. (Near aud above th River liridae.l ' 7 PASCAGOL'LA, MISS- Dealer in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, iv , 1 Boots and Shoes, Mats and Caps, K, : .... . Provisions and . Groecries. ' reed of all JKittda Hardware, Tinware, Crockery Ware Wooden Ware and Cutlery- Always on Hand. 9bflO 7ft Juiper Post . Juniper 14ft. poat for Arbor Koe for building vela A Lanr I.ot of , , HKST CLA88 SHINGLES. II. G. VAUGIIAN. LUMBER JUMIFCTUXER MOSS POINT. PASCAGOrLA. and GRIST 4XUEI4. JOHN B. DELXA8, Pmprietoi. Pascagoula, (Sorantoa P. O.) .Wiss- Cobs. Com FLotjii, Obits, isg-ai. mI RR 4 hi always on baiMl. or deliver ed at th Depot, Mas Point and Paseaavant (Sea-Sbore at pnw aa sow aa ma .n.lM obtaiDoa. Orderri frnei uonlta along the railroad prnmpUy filled, and raapeot'nllv to- llClte.1. naiiCMj DAY, OUARAHTEEO w WELL AUCCR AND I ( WrfOny. HJOHEST Ataraoii ooTaKMiaa aKJOIaA AHD D4KOTA- ema.att.ssi it SMITU. At,tat, SurOflico. a2-ly. W . tm A Js. M "RILL si I V T W nwTlnost Mlfll I"!- IOWA. tfav Wen in nwEmjaj. mtt.U it ... t, r tm , It ' ... f ,---'" s4' 4I !' !. IN V 4 ! i ... 'i. r . . l i r-. ( L O I II I i . ti t h f 4 V" ' ', wl I ' I"" . ' l it ' i i t l f.oriii i f " r i n -i f Hit ... 4- , ;ftr, pWiy.a ANf HAT, ,.,,.......-..!. M A--4 ! I . .(' - v .- , .. it ... .- . It' ( .-. ' -..-. - ,V vr f ii . ... l.. -a l. V'"l ' i ... i tfc. a 'liai Marshalf, Davis Cot i it ii ; v. h . lUeiifl -ri I J U-rw In lri, U 11 I F-fIIM. Al A.'it tut li.l f-r) -.,i.w ,S HI' and I." Xuth I o a."--" tr Motuia, AMm'B. foul nos K. O. 7.AVV.K k CO. Jewellers, . Wati hea; 1 i:itiiiliiH, 'iiiirer V itroj l'lnfed Ware, 0)a.'fH Glares Htai()'l'-, 4.1 ,V" Rl iia titrnt, fel.ll '..a tlobilo, Ala. ,tf. TlirnfMl It. M '.. Vr lf,...,Jr M. I'HUKEl'OOT & CO. Jobb-- of " " Ftmcy GooiN, Notions. Iloalcryi Culirry, HtafrofKv. JVrtnmw. Kraiit VVoamifl; owrf .inMiiy. 31 St KrutMit Hrraat, febl l-l'Ut Mobile Alabtima IraW Pnrtet. J. Rirkbriil. - IK A W. POUT E ItSCOi'"' Importer and Dealers' IS " ,-' MLlitli llMEt CVTMjKit V , . Taints Oils, Window Oiiaa, DOOhS, SASH AND litilNI'SV' . ITmlpr Odd Fellows' Hall. Kbval Ktreet. HlsiWI, Alan I jatr-tini J. C mith..- J. N. Kidd. . i, Uiyta... J. C. SMITH A CO., Wlpileaale and Uetipb G R O C. Mi It S T Dealer ih ' Fine Wines, Liquors. Eic , ' Also, Hav, Corn, Oa Bran, ii, No. I9&SI Oovornnient rtrtat. - -- -! Aud Nos. 48 ii. &U &Mitlt Wster street, Mobile, Alubauia. i tel. 11 h.n BROMIiEG BROTHERS. u Sol Airenv for Rteinway Piainia aed 0or( Woods 4c Co.' Parlor and Veau-y Organs. riANOS a n d ORGANS, ';. ' J IIH Dauphin Street, Mobile, Ala Musical Instruments, Sheet Manic, : Uusioal Merchsiidtao ' H (.. , , i Fuucy and Variety Good Toys, etc.. etc. Wholesale and Itotail, Wholesale AeuU for Moyta Oorruuo Cologne. Dec7-ly D. BIcDouald, rt'ot. March T. W. cDonalif Mcdonald, march a co. ; t j ii.'. '..'wA 1 MARBLE DT. I EERSt ANU MAJTrACTCllEttS OF 1 Monuments. Tombs ! tiKATKSTOflKS, MaSHSS. Ittc. , ; Ural iiyavo iwaes, frwsi i jiobili; ALArr a 4 A work WAIiBASTEl AS UEP' A ; : - - "I s "'' -. RESENTED, ,,, leUt ly , J. F.KEUOE, . v - dealer ia English French and American - DfY GOODSi Ha. erv Cloves. Laces . a 4 ' Complete AaortniMit of Millinery Gowk. 129 DanprSia' '. c7a IrlOBILK,' Ata. " " W H. SELL. aKIy W. H4 KELLY & C. 0 Ie4ehli .1-urmiture r EVERT DESnUPTIO?.. .IV.. II olVarr Ri SCrewt. , 0BIL8 ALA. ' 1 Cinan oa CMti. .ailia' rw ll. aa rs l 1 1 a . . . . j ..a. - --- iaaOLayWr ' i I