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Till; AT Ml 0f I' M 9 M ft t : f I r ' i. 4 r I 0 I (ft F ,... I ,.,,.... , , ' P. I I rtf ! v . .... I, , t I, f .- ,. 1 '- I' , f f I . fc, , . ... . ' f - n f II . . .. ' f4 t - If ... ft- f M f , 1 f -. .. . . a - c 1 1 V I .' Vf ' s-f I ft ' . ' rs.' 5 f f , ,. . .' , .) t f :, r ,t ! , j (( , ,., -I I , I . I , Si Vi'f.-i ri ,., ( i t',4 f; ' j ' i j I i r rru. ;.t f;..- f'pft 4f f.,f tli in ,!!, I.'! I'-Ir j.'i. nf.. ( I (I,, I Ki Will ill" ,V . 1 Iff I 't 4 ,f ( f ,i,rt j.,. forttn-J .f fjif'i nnt l f jf i.i,:, i" fur (ii.'l r.J in ! i ,(. ,r,(,4 klifoi I Hi, I cr ,it,i C"itiin"-J Ih il lli: ( r,? I I, iM' li'l r I 'I I ml hi !( in.lrriif", ft i,ry J i.ol C"i .; nf I'm tn- I,' f, we , i!i IJ--M.!uii'ir l cinioj hut. ! Mft hi lit-fiht I l,o f Kiiiij ulimil.l I. nil n.i-i,., win n 1I1.7 n.uro direct rnnlrnl of tl.f .roi-f?.' J ga lo M ..lift, ii I f.Jlo r,: mill mm. j., j r t ft 1 f fori thfl Mil" l in", I'if'iiH 1'iir 'liiMinn', Hi" M iflitu U., , i , .. t ,i ii CiutMig Hmk nf M. I'. LEVY & CO. , ,, . Knit 1.1 H .ml 20 .V-rl, W.Ur .iff I r" 1,0 '"f"'"""1 "" 'J"" '" .. .. tlio n lv iiicui-iit 'f liicli tlwy Iih I TiliS Wiiitk tiAt Vun of Mo-ftj,.ai. il,-ir inuncr. lot ul 'i.o con.ull I'oint l ilicii- M);uiur un cling on I j,, tl.e iIj ire of Ik; community ut Jiict Halunl i.v niiii nt;.J wc naitli r-, luiae, whiuli in deeply iiitcrc-tcHn grctlcd that c were urniblo to ut-, 0 in.itt. r. nn l' tin; mi,l tend, as we Iram they In I a most in tercsling mcet'ng fiid the debates were peculiarly c icy. There is plenty of in that neighbor hood for a pplcmiitj Club and we know i lit v will not allow an interest iu the oipaniza:ion lo fljg. J.HB. WlllTE MaK Cuuof Pasca goula, at Scranion. met on Tuesd.iy night, when there was an occession of fourteen members, making a tolal membeihii ol 74. Let our citizens continue to uumifeM an interest in '.his organization, w hich we trust will spread until the entire whit- people of the State are unite J in a determination to place Mississip pi in t' c noble g.ilaxy of states which have arrayed themselves under the IVniocralic banner. H. Gets &, Co., oi Mubi'e toil their ftteailsai'd the pub t'c lb it they have the ftiigest uq t llacwt'.ck of French (a art tin ir own luauufect jr. ci) Cindy ever of fer, d iu Mobile. 1, l tliu. When thk Fcgitivks Levi Grnnd berry and John Vainer, fljd, after the killing of Mr. Lingley on the 24 tli ult. they went on loot uncountry and were pursued by two ofour citizens Edwin M. Taylor and G. W. Mc Intyre, through Green, Perry and Jones, into Ja-per counties, and down iigniii thrnusrh Jones into Covington county, whero they were arrested. It appear that vhen Messrs. Taylor and Xlclntvre ivere in a few rnilo ol tho fugitives, ami on their tnil, they met some iktsohs to whom ihry cave a description of the negroes, and urged them to hast en on and apprehend them, as their animals were- broken down. This. I?.e parties, whoo names we cannot learn, did, cri estirg the negroes and tuning tbem over to Ihe Sheriff of Covington county. Mr. Taylor made an affidavit be: ore a Justice of the Peace o! that county and obtained a writ, commanding the Sheriff to ai- ml the negroes and turn them over to tho parties above named lo be con veyed by llicm, to the Sheriff of Jack eon count) . Messrs Toylor and Mc-1 Intyre deserve great credit for tue indefatigable zeal they displayed in pursuing the fugitives, and we regret to learn that any question should Lave ani.-4'E as to which of tlio par tips is entitled to the reward due for the arrest, the parly who actually ap jircbtnded tlic prisoners laying claim to it. - Merchants .least take notioe, tbftt the I.AHOEST, l"-t fet.ctd ftod chcivl bol-i Htotk of reftdj-mftda Fn'l sad Winter Ootbiog ever bf mght to M ibile it now rra-fy for iDajieoi o at the Mam moth Clot Iii o IIoaM of M. r. LEVI' A CO, Nos. 15, U kuJ 20 Nurta Wietr UVit, Uyl.i, Alt .pi".i 'I ;. . I ...... fa. ). M.4 .. , .... ?, a--.-ir t? I ' f , . ; . f I ..(( ... ..- . t - . . t i 0 t - ; t . I ! '. , - . -. I ' I I I ' "t ' . . l-f I I !,f I IM i t f I ' t r - . , J f ' : r.l ' ' ! -t , ' Vt ft .1 J 1' I., f M 1 . f , ' J- ; !! ' .. I ... f-, I 1 . I ' , t - . ! . . f, -, ,, I 1 I . II. I t I !. .f r it i I ( 1 Iff I .,-.. .f , f . , r.:..i.i . i ...(!' ; f"i- I i- i , t M r I i :l r.nn-it " ! I . 1 1 . , .-.( I . ft .(,...( ,'' I t 'fT "II .!;,. t Mr! I r r i A. . ( it - ;.! ft. i i I! i.r r( ! Ijf I.'! I ll'l ('HI , l! Ill l,'i i , I ilt i ! , I t r. .. rlr iii '..riii IV . ( f !y" r Dill '(Rf til.- it ti- cihI', l. "! Ii l i i 1 1 ii! or. I n r -i:n ii fill, n.'M'.Iy iii!'i 'tf I in lli.' i Hi it!'T, v! Ilit ir B' lion, it wni'ij In- In in iiMi'it ai r f ir'A ." u ' c r 1 1 r ' I lime toWi !.! ll.r lir( iVt f f llil ulrivi.' rp i !.il !, ImIi) proccfijinir in tlic comiiy journal, selected lo vent cUy in ilico, un I exhibit a f mull, contemptible, purtiz in fpirit, onj bury llm infoniialion in tlio column nf ,-tlio organ ", a jours nal wliicli is seen and read of by r.o men, Oi' tlie v?ry fowe-t number, in tSi.s county Again the meeting al ludedcd to, ollliouli composed en tirely with one e.scepiion of our own citizens, was held at a distant poin, or wo we would havo heard, probably, foincthing of it, and have mudc provision to havo had it, be ing a matter of such vital interest and deep concern to our citizens, proper ly reported, i, unle?s the t'elib erution of the IJoarJ was with eloped doir?. However, tlu board did hold a meeting, two weeks ago, over which the Governor, a officio the President ol the Board, presided, and the fol lowing proceedings of it we tran scribe from "the organ" for tlio bene fit of iho citizens of Pasnas'oula. But beforehand, we will remark, in more direct answer to the queries of "A Subscriber", (hat in our opinion no blame can be attached to at lea-t two of Iho Board, for any Fceining "inaction", for they ere sr directly ins (created in the matter, in a business point of view, as uie any of our citi zens, and in a pecuniary sense as sub scribers, much more so than any oth ers: and wo know that they exerted tlicmfclves to secure the money due from the State, as soon as ihe requis silo su:nof$5000 was raised and paid by our citizon, and it wis through do fault of theio that it was not obtain ed ; and we state this with the more pleasure, to relieve them from a charge they make agiiist themselves, by implication, in iheir 3rt resolu tion ; for that implies that they re- solve to do lor the first time, they really did ten months ago, and which had they waited until now to do, would certainly have subjected them to a charge of ''inaction." Iu explanation of the first part ol the second resolution, we mention that the repealing clause, of the Gen eral Appropriation Bill, supposed to have affected the Pnscagoula apro piia ion, is : "And all Acts making appropriations, of uhich no pari has been (xpendt d be, and the samo are hereby repeal cL" The Star of the 25th of April in commenting npoit this attempt at re peal, which will lie recollected was made by one French, thea a mem'ter of the legislature, of the oppropria tiou allowed one year before (April IS), used the following Ianguigo : "When the commissioners went to Jackson properly prepared f drnw op- on the Auditor, in accordance wiih the ,,... r t .1. t f . . f I?. fM if ' h ' .' '(' f- I t I j I 1 I ' l , t f .f i' i . - t ft- I p,tl ,ft'i ,.( .'. -,.' ' -- l' f. , ! I . i . f f ) ' 1 4 , ' i . I.M' ,.!,- ( i i.ii) : .', ' I t !''' f ( f ' '-, i. ' . 4 ' ' . ' f I t f M f f'' !., I ! S ( . I , ( i S f f , I t ' . li f ' ,-- jf I it i I I ! 1 1 i i . i - - i f i ' i i I r I C ? ' i ' . f , I . f . i I - t i i f f I.. k'..i i ) l In? i t f i. M III t ' V i 'll' .'-I f. ! .) I ... i' , i i 1 1 j. i I ' -' j ' ( I ! j ! H- , v ii i i of r ... I it I III", bl( m, ! I' .!. !. , . I. I mi. I, 1 1, rt ll'l HKll' T J.' .rn h HI .1' t- I w . J I.I. I"l'l 4. .IP ll', pi if of I'Vi-l i lli'i'l Hf ! iilt.d. A' I if I U.u"l,nr mil Hi wo hi- I H i In i1 In pill ll.i. m in. r i't f' t I'lfi' i'ii-i'-n be iii in: i r in iii rt iiiji'i ' i a .ii tip n I. !' Stiti', it o ii'ic'i ai In- iil tf:iin im , rim tt ill I't iiinier.'i' ftiiii li Will i-lc li ii a' i.ii.-i' in n-iin,: up ii., pio p'Mliiii., Il.c limit of ft'iii:') evi nnl cliiiiVf, mil wi'l rite liiin-i'lf duftii Upon t tn h.s'ory ol t'n' .t.ita u-i one of in gieitct iM-iielctnr Tho p iriiiiit of " A Ml is.:r iii-i ' '' fiui'iio r.d.iti.iif lo t ie Pilot ('kih- . . 1 . mi loners an l 4 1 1 it-nor noer, in- vo:ve a p'H ii to inip-ii i in j ii ir i ii iii. , un I rnn-t be ic'i vd fur a ftcjiarale i . : . i i i ....... .... ' ai I ii'l'. The liillowing nie the proceeil ins alluded lo : IKrwii Hn i ..ii-1 Ttn'li-Hn. Tasca-joula Kiver Improvement- A', ft m"in ' tit" It n'd of Commm- ftl'OQ H III I'll C.g MI 1 li'V r, ln-M ft' It ? 8'. Loiiisne S cur I iy, X 'Vm'ier 7, lTt tlirti wrw t tv-iit O v. A lc;ler Amen rruk iloa'. i.f tlift K. Y. Cl.iffiu, W. S. I) .iilwin, IS'C etitrr. J. M. Mclutiin, Tr-aS'inr. Ic whs re reso et hr ihi I! ftr l tint iu oniif irmty uitli tlm A'3t crnatnnf tlift Boar I, thfl Cei)misiii'-n liiroi-li lli Aii litur of the S'tH ol Mi (te-u ppi with tli evi Ii i r.q or- .1 iu b.i d Act ilmt the mim 1 4 live tln.MH.iii I .Cilurs lu bcu f) Dtt pmp rl.v exiinul d b w oitii .ns of Jai-k-oa pounl. ami r q-Mt nf tlie A'ulilor n(oi. tviirt u lurtn.r iie-wliuoiit of wu r.ntglo tlie n:o tut nf tiv tiiuti uil doll .rs, as pre'cnbnd in aaiit A it, for the further proHt-ca ioa ol lbt orlt of im irovuniPn'. Is whk f-irtU'r reolTd by th Boird that in their oriuion tli' imuw of the Appropri itton Ait of 171 e tnuot hint iI.h-m not u ) t y to Hip RpprupriHtion for P.iim-iii'ouIii rit'r, as tli n' mr of ami Hiiprnpriatinii ltott tj llirt pitiz-mnf iu ao'ttity hut bwii a r-u'lv eiiiil ed In-fore no, I Aot pu-a-'if ; aiei llrit, in tleir opiiiiuii, il ml i A i.iir..r ban mui doubt abuiit the pr.iprit-ij of t.i imoiuih h.hI warrants h-. In rsiiltii'ly rfj tpnt. ed to cobHult Die coii-titiitiiiiil advia r of the Stite ad aiinistrjti.jL tlie Attorney General of the 8'. It wa furth-r re-o-Trfd tint thft Pr wi- j di-nt of tltia Boar'l d-ruiali the Auditor of tlie SUtJ w.t'J a correct ' p.ipy of lhe proCrtpdii ff, and that t ii B wid nor ad jonra nntil onled ti-ijMlitr by lis Stx;ie Ury. Apelheut Amf.9, Trea't. W. S. Do: son, Seer'r. Pa n much ik, Ai.cocs Co. Miss., Nov. 14th, 1871. Editor op Pascaaoula Star Dear Km : In complinnce with in- struelious from " Paru iichio Grunge No. 8, 1 send you the lollowing : II'Affoi.t many false reports ol outs m-rps pommitted in this and other Sou,0rn Stales are iu ciieuluiiou aud ll'Arfo we U'lieve said reports are calculated' to injino our moral standing, and divert immigration from tin thcrciore Wa it Reiolvid That each Granfic in the Mate of .Mississippi is nonnested to forward to the ater o the Stitej G.anac a true andotu-ct report of . . i i ,i .- . ' """"6- Sa ctive jurisd'ctiotis and the Master of the Stale Grange i hereby re quested to pive said reports to the Associated Press for kin : Rtnimd, That the Secretary be in structed to lot-ward a copy of these resolutions to the "Vindicate! " fTAit t)F PascaacULa and "ub Soiler" lor publication. GEO. W.BYNUII, Sec'y Grauge Ho. 8. A man cannot expect lialf a loaf when he leafs all the time. If M - . , l f f - ) 1 t f-., I-f - - r - ' f ( ' ' I I i ( i . ' f ! J I ,i ( f- , i , t' r - f "4 I ' ' ' ( , . . f - ! , . . f ..-- i i , , ! j ... . ,i j - i l . -i r ," i ' t .5 I ll -I . t K , '; I ,' f , I .' f I I I ... I (I. .( j I r ;r l I !!''( I; f I'll' I (I '.! ' I , Ii . : i Stf. J, i I. " I I 1 ' t i I ,i ' 1 1 I .11 I .'. I .t ! ! I,, ii I f. . 4( Jf ... ' ni fl. SI 'i k'.i , I' : .'l I 1 i fur . ,1 I .1 im.rli Wl.'fx r? I "l .,. .,( f.i(, I liil I ! ii. inif id f.. ,r Hi.- .' I i I .i I in ii lli ii'i , r) , i C!,i. (Siiin ij- m..i j iMi it in r r i J ihli V ii iii r or r. I li'1 former i iiiiiii lmi'v iirr'i but t'i" t I id- r i , I, mi 1ft ei" r-H" I nn I eai'tire I In t'.ni kMini j Ci'-n '. fti.l ii !:i-l Mniidiy iiriiwl i in el.-ttir" ff Hi. ;r eininr' i'l '" ! lo le. in ul, Willi l mmi h. I ln ftj i ! I I (ml C'.iuna I i- i- ki.lif.' ut know le l.'itig ilmt t'.'-y i"c ,frv rot im I mw it. fhey citn' down l Ml i .. m... . l . ... ; iiuu . n. i u m uv.itf ii-fiiil !i, I i ii I In. iii it ti i ti ir ii I, i ii t - , ,,ig,. c.r.:o..r-o of oir c.i - iz''ns, white and cnloreJ, wh, a ipiiet (b'termiii'i! ii,n not to uwait the I iw's det.-.y, but lo Mimmui-ily e.e. cul? ilic three inch, ll was no g i'h ci'iiis of desperate, luwlc" men but composed of u'.l chl'ses o! n;.r l il I 'lis, and but one uiiiVei ,-al opinion .-eenn'il to prevail, mid that was that tin men i-'ioual be hung i -Iniil.r. Ilowever, it was resolved iiion lo await tietioa until the ailemoon, and until gener al notice could be given o( a meeting, to be he'd ut f mr o'clock. Uy that hour the people came pouring in, a largo inaj irity of thrin being cokred, ami many of tbeiu being women, who were all agog to see "the hanging". And really the colored people w-erc foremoft in advocating swift justice upon the criminals. But thank God I at the last momcut, cooler counsels pirvailed, and llie populace however aiui.h iii'ou"e, their I clings of indig nation ui'.'iinst iho criminals, und however faint their faith in a proper ci 'cuti.iil ol the law in general, still de termined lo vindicate tiinir character as a peikeily law-abiding people, and under mocli provoc iiion, lo pa tiently await another of Justice, and tojlearu if there is any left iu the 6'tirte, or if crim'nals urn constantly to go n hipt of it. fjcl justice then, fair and impaitial, and without un necessary delay, be meted out to these men, and the law I e vindicated. TUB MBS I1C3Q. The above was in type,' when, on Thursday night a large crowd of .cit izens, white anl coloicd, assembled at, and about the jail, and having o-b tained the k"s from ihe jailor's hou-'C, which ihr-y scarthed. opened Ihe jnil an I c Us and took ont ttie three men. who-n they carri -d in a large live oak lice on the toad, near the' It 11 Kie.haiisre. and bung ihein, j one at a lime, siandiiiir them on the . 1(,aiJ 0, -a , nc,)n i1?.iead. mi l ptnli it from und' r them. Tho liiinping i ootnnirneed at 7 o Clo.:k : lid was fm ! 1 J i a I 1 ! I l&hen by 8 o clock. Vontier. Ihe first nt.n; who ddre.d the crowd, warnme tjic co'ure.l p- otue particularlv. ugainst whi key and bad companv and to stay at hmm; at n-fflit, ihe two former were the enus.1 ol his present trnulile. lie also re quested that his hnnds be tied behind his bick iKfore being hung, and di vided out, as they all did, his clothes. Grundbery tho nrxt one lion?, did not have much to say at the gallows but requested letters to he written tc wri-atiT pmtet tha' aa n.nv.if (tim. ii.t hia friends, Cat.uadv wsa lull of re-1 " c1"', ,,,,t',a Vi", ""'n .. . , . .ll.i I " .w p." i for uiin-lf h 'w pcrf -ctiT "' iijao-rici.. ai.u n-r-ci in. iiihi ii was Oil the rtirct road to Cna iaus Inppy Innd." But the men befiire J beinj: taken from the jail ell coil- fessed to bavin, done te deed, to liBVllig previously robboo. that store- and committing oilier depreda-1 . i, . t , t , f t f f ! I . 1 I i It,- v If 1 1 It ' ' 1 I it ,!.'-.! I. . t. ., I t I it i M ... ! Hl 1,1.1'.. ' f f I If ,,' I un ii,' r , i ( oi r 'i.! i li ll i: 1 M I, ' r ii'- I I ., !' .n I i.-.r I I -t I : f. ll , t'.'i , ft i-!.' r i .ll.i , ' i t In lil. 'I f f f i. Ii i,t ,i.i,.i' I Pi li r,t i c r t. We fi,i! I 1. 1 ii,i i X-.' n II ut "In i i.'.m -iV ft l o I I I i t. !' Im 1 1 d nf it tl, .i'i h i I l-.-i , ,i,. ir, Up j:,,. ni,. ,t ,.. i,l j,, t, , ,.,) .,ir,.. nit ofli du'ain t l'i; pu- t i . i. tr. j un; foM'i.'-l'il, The ri'ti.'c.. iniiri maile l y ti e pri ' inrn tli.wiil llint CltltiaJv (lil'-ie .. . . .. . I , ihe More, ns it in if iniing lo pmclia." ' .... ,1 . ii... ti r .. i ....ii iu:, inii c;i .iir. i,aii"i"y inrneii a.,Mlll, , ,,Pl .,,., rrf)m ,t,p chrlf, t-iinnady ftniek him on the buck ofjH i'h Iraiis of chart, -f r, end be sure Ihe heml, ft ilh n ( liib which l e I, -id we do ml el tie: b id ex uaple ol eonern ed under his roat, knocking I muking others mi-'M ,... him down ntnl jucipiiig over the counter he wi.ii lejivited blows killul him. Graiidoeiy wn" in tho wnteli, end Vai ner win searching for money. It was no ihe.ibt thought ll.nt Lans by woii!;fhavo been kiiled outright or loinleicd incapable ol giving an alarm by the first blow, but this was not Ihe ease, nnd his cries, ns wo stated in our account at the time, were beard at Borden's mill just op posite when Mr. Jones iintned'atcly started acoss. He was seen, nnd the nlarm given when ihey fled with out having lime to iob, or I urn, for Ihey had brought lightwood with them, niicj as they confessed, intended after robbing the store, to burn it and the body. They also confessed to having robUed this same More on two previous occasions, and Varncr told that a chest taken from the store w as then in iho rear ol his hoiie. Bixi f Cnr.KK. Miss. ) November 7th, 1871. j Mu. Editor : Ilenr Sir and Brother : I send yon the notice of the death ofour beloved worthy brother, Joseph Hutchinson for publication. lliKDon ihe 7th ir.t., at the rest-. denee f Mr. Jessie Langley, JosKi'H Hutchinson, uged 20 jeais and 11 mouths, ol yellow fever. He was attended at his burial by the Patrons of Houibandry , "Southern Homestad" please copy. Fra tern ally yours, J. V. Thohson, S' er'y Bluff ( auge Ftftlt a till lint iiifl t'anrtrt IK AID ; F THK ITBMC I.I I) HA I.-V III' KKN 1 1'CKV e.tKit ii rit rt Bi.ic T a mi'Hi. ni Imoi le io h-vrtifi. .lr.iii..f t.i- Firtla mi.J r- Oif' C uicrt i.f ill r.ilil r Li' rurv . I K ii- 1V k ,u 30 . iy ..t N m b r . oiit-i- IHIW III 1 411 n- ii-h, UH Wll, (I , ...... .... , .... mi ; "T wii' tii.ral nrnsr.l nr o, tli dr. i'iR.i I rt .". o r.iii.i j oooa off. ill 11- Oay app .11 d file ws- ol'j O' of ill orl i c I iiim tlnif (if ttlo li'-l '-linlilrlK P.ihlie Ifthr.r. tl '. n th 2t-ii of N.ivuilM-rr t. inink" rruiioninta in coonectina with tb- c mmlt,-.- anpoiuted by th Trn.Wpa to up-ilut'lid lli ootin'ii.g of ith taK rr-prr-euntif. "i u amlM-m oi tirkx'a ro'd hue them i n ajtoa' DoseaNiry f r the prer-iioe of tikrUi oi lers, as nndur onr ir ing-roiit- the i ,trl of ' I -r- -pal- it caroii tor, jet m iiio aa'ue tim,. 1 w hiIJ ,,! luljwr!,,,, dialnb iUnu to I.I bfl. E.-r b a be n mdo f r tho nr!Df lint lot e oior-t . an ft m-.ilh r Ihr aale of the remainder of r ' Agit and Mauager. Louiarille. Ky., Out TX. 1875. nitfir -.4 ( f f 1 t t .. ' I '1 ) ' . ' (- ,. I - li .,. I .... t r '- ' I ( I I , , f r , I I ' ' ! f'i . - - . I I I i I .r i I i . i t ' I t -. f 4 1 I. I I ) I i.'l I . I ),'., , I ! t , )- 4 i1 '.. Hi I i .4 " I .t- -I I i ' I f ' If . r l (' I , i,l-fi I r i .I it 1 1 I ,i t t ; ' i ' i 'i I' ' if t. ,lt l.';(lfl l'i r. 'l: -'ii'ifl rt li!'"ii'n f t!,. !,.',. I.,' ..-ii ; nf, . ".(T-r, It i t i ii iii I" ii i ,,;., , hi 'fivrr'd t:r tr T-4.i'i, H'. !T ii in i'. iiin-t t'fi'i 1 f'n in ;.ti h i'iiti en, n i, in ni 'I . ' 1 1 -ft inch ti . oi',f, iM.,k" ii.ihi;Ii im I ! i'eli r,.( h , o'Ji, r n i lui'e i tun t IT with fn., : pu.h nti j..i.i.'!i'." point with in-nli. iti' linjei siti'l in ft liiivdrr l ii t. iii.ti;. wan "tiive niiko r.n h otlur - , tiii-enible A lliej grmr up. the J i hnliit eruft tiiMiti tliein. ft ml ihev nil- i ni er s l, , ,,T ll.T llllt.ll III" t II , I . V r ai when thev . . . i inn'J.- oi ticri unliappr. I'are',t., we ! -houlj guaid our eli I Inn ngim-t Cllt neit OlKIAN 111! I'UNO I' irti. B b".irn. in imr'Tift.e a Pnim i r Or.m-li Druiii will Uud it to their Uiii-rict tna b (I r. us th" Star tllll 'H un we are i'liux tn ii .k iili r:il ilnieoun. on the Ab' Uii! piib liane I prleta, ftfti hi . 1 vim 1 ft ftpjju. -stums taw ji pj.aift NEW ADVEIITISEMENT.S'. THE bTATE OF MISSISSIPPI, ) Jacksox Cot xrv. )' Cir'uit Court of mi 1 Count;-, Bf virtue of no ordr from the II, m orablp Or -pup C Clniiiillt-r thp Jailge ot t'ip. first J id;o:l D 9 riut of tuo tjt.ilo of M a is ii'pi, N aiep l lir, by B-'v.-n that a Sprciil b-rni id lli" Circuit. Court nil hi. held in uud fui ,Tieltim Co-iutv, i,t Th (.iiiri H.iiish ti" rei.l in tlm o-wii of Scrtutnn on the Tumi M mri if o' D- i-finb. r ties' 1871 nnd o nit ic e fi-lvn .I .dioiul dija if tim ti hin. ik :i iihik n ipcr. s. I'n-'h.r aun :vi n limt. ih Stute II ieket will bp Inken up utid im huI I t ti;e Fir' Jl.itiiiiiv ni ii trim. Tin! Co ll I) 'i k t in net f,,r h ut will bp luki'U up ou the H c M iudiy of iht tei m. Given under my ho d nnd Sen' of aaid On irt t S rii-ii.iu tho 12h d i N -vem-bt-r A. 1). 1S71. C. li. ALLEY. sf:.m. Clmik. noil 1 Ji Itr. IS. Ij. Siutne, I III vin tr reinovi-t hi. Office from Mum I'oint f.i N'TMiiiori, iilli-ii hii i,-:-virpn iii lie eiiineiiB of Scnitiuiii, P.tAi-iitfiitila Hint T ir. inly fr Ilia I'rnrlirti of ..Iriiiriuv In nil ill. IHinrlin. f5-irrirK Hoi M fur the yrew frc m 8 a. m until 4 I', m. ' nl 1-1 y Itromberg Ifrother, Sole Artier f ir Si'iiiTMy !tnn- an. fli-orxe W imiiIs St Co'p. I'rloi- Hurt Wer it Orpins. PIUOM ttm Ottlil.tXa, MCSICAL I.VSTKI-MKNT3. SHEET Ml'SIC, Miiiiral Mrrchandi-e, Fanrf and Vuiirlr f-a4. Tnn rlr rlr WIIOLEHLE AM) KETAIU. . Wli item'i. ttft-n t lor Ibivn Rrrmail C'loyne. IOH llaaphia ..hllr. Ala. iiovl I It A. IMXCtN, iitttiVr in CI.OTIILNG, HATS, AXfl- Gfttti rnrni!tihif; liooda, OHT.U llOYAt. AND PaITHIN S'TS ftOBIt I .... AI.BW.. n.ivl ! ni GEO. .1. .Ht.VfiLn, YVtoleatle and RrUi. flealer ia HATS AD CAPS, Large Start and Low Prices Xx 13 St. Fbancis Street, botII- ItloailX, jlLl. J. F. HfHtHerstll, Dealer la rictare rraajes IooVIb? Glau Plate Oli.T AND KAXC'y MOCLIUNQS Aa All Klaaa t rriiU Eotio au4 Caaoana. Portmii i.rl Picture FraraM a 8parlalil FaaVr Ha III. nanv, 11. rraacU Mlrm nIMia K(imi,K ALA. f li t h it I Urt m t turn ) w t nttmt,t. ' I, t - . ii i tint n . i . .... . lliriiiM gulp civ: nmi t 11 ' I r . I .r, f iii . I Y ft r '('' II t .i ... . ..... , t I i I' , I l. 4 I , S. H N -A I, I I Ii t, ip,, tin n rn , Hnth, i;f,fl'l MofMilM. It., jr.,, tllAitutntloi , Lbltf ,fr, In. I"'r (.!.. Bet "'' lull,, ft., til f I',. tlr.l . I t pr.t.inWr lili'l i. I' . l. !' fc 'il,nf Mtif ..l l.r a in 'I f t it i .f ' Bri'! ' or Ur l.f.nli. : I if l -liin a.-. ..Ml anl l'ri- I.I (im.H ll-. II IIJ.,lll- lll'.ll. rn'., I'liKNi II Men, N. K r.iri.r H',.i-r mil St. A.iii,4, . v. o. n..i si. i. t ii. i f , v i. m i. .1' t f lf. Tim'i.r. or .Lf.'i '.f i'.'.ih ,V'. i-ipuitr lh t'l'Hif Sr I nrlr d 1 rfrmbraMrifa, imn 4 ni'. EIIOTIHISAIIIS IIKAt'TU'll.l.V fiil.Ollin IS WAT1.II 01 1 M 1 1 A INK. until urn viK rni:Tr.t'n I'lnili. in ' "I. tiiI ill tub Wmrr or 1W, 1'oilinitn fliarra. Ii-k.n. i:.'inl lo tlm in liny Cay is-uni ur NoRl I.. Si-nintim J. t'VHIIHil, i n. II. Iliriu; , V. ilrnwo. S'crtrufan. Star ty ts iMI-HHTtKI PkMJI'I.' FORKIOX .5- nOMF.STlC HARDKMl ti, 11 & to c ui wrrcr HI. niOHII.K, ALA. Mil? fa 1K0U1LE I'.U'bi; IVaKKIIOISK. THK M'T TMHKUMIH Piiper mid Stationery Hons IN TUB CUV. lillllik Haulm. l',, Klivolopra. 1'i'Uf. Tiiil, H!nlr, Kit. CliL'iij'! ll'nttpiuir ,vi IU'"- ojftnal hlll-.KMA.N, ths SiaHutf. H tVn'r-Si. M.a."f A'n "i-1 Important to Patrons and . til Cans odkH- biloxi, Mississirr; IPih f hriatiaa neaft.) navliiR adopted the flmtiKe P'iiii Sule. at Ion- proti', I mil eni.llml ' a u.p m on ihe .mull nntr.:iu of ten "" tlie ilollHr. anil in .irilor lo ro opcrle ftf with mnMiiiiern, I hnte iimnpuiKtril I'T which von C. pro-nie Irrrh, Hiidof 'h' " qnuliiv, Kninily Nnpnlira of eveir "Vc " n. a. w Ii lea a I , will keep, ni I v on lwn.l xlect.-d Stork ot (loorlf of evrrr tit! I will recei-e hII kimls of Comarv riwl"lT" ala r in rxrlinliKe lor gooiln. I pro"'J( iini lari;rlr ill ttyirr, mid f-isk anil "J t'.re lie Hi. In to nil all onlera pMinrtlj iCHonntilv. . If. C- K. BKOWKISO- A BOOK FORTHE MILUOR aiarrlaftsS3 ' ' ' . I xtm It "OWpWllOtl. . .a .-J attif TtU la a Utrrnrtt-kf Km Itw- J W. IU, Bueft-fftft i.a-r.vlr.r-.. MU!ZMar InfomtiuoB tor Hwta ha a.r Mirtad w w1a; Mil It to kt.4 ttoavt t-Bflit " aawd kv. m4 m trfl aawiaiftiy aiwt lb , j,M It eanutiu hm or-ftrtw a4 aTiT rrr jftmtioa it oH4l-ic. mm boc i ."jTldrt ftt ttn-rrr of rry aaa.M au4 Hw ihrtrtafW'ftt IB Iflnbaj. a nbncN rrTTTCJoc on l HrWiw Ji7J mu-rt aTftftrta tha4 to vank kMwtnf, mM m pUhd m tf atf w. . B9t hCUTCftBa. ifrtalaftT prftJIfcat) IwfWV. aaajfL AdArM. Ir. Smm ' - i- T M.UI. SWk itm tic to ni Afflict M U"ter't, Bctw Wfk. mo atwr rtM jwtf tliimliatw" , 7air ikamytitiafa. , i nnaTT totaaaawft-aj mt ml Hrrf JT-ir mn f tkta enutn mwi a4 oft .6rV'Zi. ! oattat m by naik ftft Uar.- mrtr-L a. .7. r.IRRER & s0'X' Late Woodruff & Parker 1 12, 44, & 4G North Water .trftt Mobile, Ala. Wholesale Grocers. COMMISSION MEKCH And Mannfaffurer'a Ajrents Importer and Dealer Hi Coffee, Floor, Sugar, Mo!ass. ' Pork, Bacon. Whisky. Tobacco. TV.J I .. ., i v i Aenu Tor Troap raewrr i""'r" i iara-a aai Va-n taaiira ana ai-n. Afenu for Kairbacke' Scab