Newspaper Page Text
LOOK THIS WAY! CORYELL COWNUK, manufacturer cf Carriages,'Wagons.Sleighs, &c BA’ rTSTTOWN, N. J. THE subscri the fact th: ufactory, at Ba; ringes of all de. Wagons, and e-. business at lo >r other similar V ding as he d • - having the ■■ ■■'■ iE?”Car! ij ■ cheaper I i . • at fix or °rThe John S. sons des; that gen 03Ti: patch. : ires to call attention to ow prepared at his man V. J.,, to furnish car Market and Farm i rfaining to his • \ -iner than any ■ . , i.oe County, resi it Min try, and . . c.-chanics. . JO per cent - ,tj Imient, and i.; - ved notes, >,r to Mr. .r. Per ,■ consult •1 with dis •vlSSm NEv . .J12RS ,n; . iw_ Bo . Xt'iS i'liV The. subscriber takes inis meth od of informing tho citizens of i FRENCHTOWN. N. J., and also tlie County of Hunterdon, that he has always on han-1, a superior stock of FR BN CIS. A AM ERIC AN CA L F. SOLE AND UPPER HEATHER. SHOE FIND INQS-A LL KINDS Suob as Lasts, Nails, Thread, Galoon, Ac. which will he sold at.City prices. Those in the trade desirous of purchasing the above articles will find it to their advantage to cnl! and exam ino his large and well selected stock of Leather, Ac., Ac., Ac. Childrens Shops of every variety, style A price. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes, by his at toiitiuii to the wants of his numerous customers to merit a liberal share of public patronage •ejtf JOSEPH ASHTON, Cabinet-making and Under taking- ! p t.\ STOCKTON, the well (**t „ known Proprietor of the OJd Established Furniture Ware-Room, Corner of Union and Coryell Sts., Lambertvilie, N. J., again calls his patrons and others attention to his stock of Furniture now exposed for sale—made of the best materials by experienced w,.-umen, under tho personal supervision of tne proprietor, it recommends itself to the notice of any wishing to purchase. IJIKHI'E* feitaKlDg ; Those needing the .services, of an Undertaker, will find him prepared to serve tliem on short notice with the richest or plainest styles. He has recentv purchased a new hearse, but will also keep the old one tor those who may prefer it. Having.had 18 years experience, he flatters himself he can give satisfaction. All funerals attended personally. dec5-fi0 Grocery & jLjUjoor Store. J. V» . STACKHOUSE, RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends , and the public that he has taken the Store ormerly oo eniedby MR. I). l'ORMAN, in CJinrch-st.,tiear Union, Lantbertville, Where will he found a choice,lot of Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Li quor.v, Flour, Feed, (tic., Which will bo disposed of for CASH, or Country Produce, at the lowest living prices. The subscriber having had rua ly years expe rience in the business, flatter's himself that he understands the wants of his customers, and from his large acquaintance with importers, can ] urchase goods at such prices ns will make it an inducement for those who may desire any lung in his line to call and examine his stock. X. 15.—HAM and DRIED BEEF sliced to order. febfi Oltf TO HOIJSEKBSEPHHft WM. C. VEGHTE, Stockton, Hunterdon co„ N. J., "I'ST’OULD call the attention of Housekeepers W and others to the extremely low prices at which he is now selling floods, viz •— Extra No. 2, Mackrel, (warranted full weight) $7.00 ; do A. Mackerel, J bbls, $4.00 ; flo No. 1 Herring, per bbl. $4.00. Also, a large lot of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, Oils, (Hass, Ac., Ac., atthe same low rates, jel2ml Mutpliiia, Johns, WHOLESALE coaKtf-owr rPAlBItS IN Fruit & GoxtKiiy Produce, Lire and Dead Calves, Shrrp and 'Lambs, Live and Dressed Poultry, Came, Eggs, liutter, &e., Nos. 218 A 219 Country How, A 321 Dey St. Pier, (West Washington Market,) Merrimue Calicoes, <) tiler good do, (linghams, Good Molasses1 per gal, Best New Orleans do Best A. White Sugar, Good Yellow do Rice, 10c (> to So 4 to 12J 10 to 121 20c 44c 8c 0c 7c NEW YORK uur inuuu is PROMPT RETURNS.” NOTICE—Put in neat Older, Mark plain directions on every Package, including weight, with tare and name of Articles, and always send a bill, sta ting when and how things are forward ded. DERRICK A. SUTPI1IN, GARRET S. BET,LIS, ALEXANDER G. JOHNS. dec5-H0 ___ ly CHAS. SCHULHAUS, Merchant Tailor, ANT) DEALER TN READY-MADE CLOTHING, South-east Corner of Union and Church Street:, UAMHERTVSUE, N. .T. JUST received u large assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ac., suitable for the Spring trade. HATS.—For the accommodation of my cus^ t,rimers I have embarked in the Hat business, and harve now on hand as large and well selected assortment of Hate a? can be found anwhere. Also, Orders for Silk and Cassimere Hats fill ed promptly. Last but not least, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods in all its variety, March 28, ’60, ' klllinery and Fancy Store, Bridge St., near the Depot, LAMBERTVILLE, N.J. , , MRS'. D. P. PAXSON keeps constantly on hand at the above place, a large assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Ac , Ac., fuc’u as Velvets, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces. Cloak Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery, Mus lins, Extfinsio-n Skirts, Embroideries, Perfume ry * Soajis, Ac. Also, White French Merino and Shrouding Flannel of the best quality al ways on hapdapd SHROUDS made to order, and an assortment of'al! kinds of goods necessary to prepare a body for burial. FUNERALS AT TENDED. Charges reasonable, and according to services rendered, from 50 cts. to $5. jan961 Original Ainmoniated Su per-Phosphate of* JLime, Ground bone. Bone Sawed fine, Bone Dust. , , Warranted pure and free frcuh mixture of Char coal, Marble Lime, or Plaster. Manufactured and for sale, by ROGERS A GESf, 13d Mar^et-sf, s#p4ml Philadblahia. HATS & CAPS If you want a Fashionable Hat or Cap, REALLY Worth the' MONEY, If you want a good fitting Hat—a perfect fitting Hat, go to KLEIN’S. Ifyonwantan Umbrella, a nice Cane, or a pair of Gloves, go to JOHN F. KLEIN’S One Price Store, A?. 28 East Stalest., Trenton, N.J. Where a child can buy ns cheap as a man. STAW HATS in their variety, as well as a large stock of Silk, and other Hats and Caps constantly on hand. The highest cash price paid for shipping FURS. mar20-y Great Inducements OFFERED TO (Souutin Utrtjjimts, at f|e TRENTON ARCADE, No. 37 Greene, & 38 Stalest., Where may be found a large and varied assort ment of all the choicest Brands of TOBACCO & SGEARS, as LOW as can be purchased in either Ne w Yore or Philadelphia. FINE CUT CAVENDISH, constantly on hand, in quantities to suit pur chasers Please give us a call and satisfy your selves D. R. BOWER, marl 3 ri Trenton, N. J. HENRY THOENES, DYEING ESTA BLJSHMEN T, No. 105 Warren Street, trentox, n. j. Silk and Woolen Gowls, Dresses, Cloaks, Coats, Shawls, Bonnets, F. inges, Gimps, Ribbons, tyc dyed to any color, neatly scoured and pressed Also, Silks watered. All articles left at the Trimming and Fancy store of MR. J. DOLION, Commercial Row, Lamhertvi.le, Will receive prompt attention. mar6’I-6in JOHN V. HULL, DEALER 15 COFFEE AMD SPICES, LAMBERTVILLK, N. J. Coryell-st., opposite Boot Hall. rriHE subscriber has constantly on hand a I good stcck of COFFEE, green and roasted, Also SPICES of all kinds, which he is enabled to soli at the lowest wholesale prices. Merchants and others are invited to call and examine. ROASTING DONE TO ORDER. Coffee Ac,, delivered in Lambertville, New Hope, and at the Bel. Del. R. Depot. Orders promptly filled. • je!2tf Clothing! Clothing! I710R EVERYBODY '.—For Old Men,—For ’ Yming Men,—For Married Men,—For Single Men,—For Youth,—For Hoys,—For Children,—Also, Furnishing Goods for the same ; and Hats and Caps for do. TAILORING done neatly and fashionably. C. S. Reynolds being a practical Tailor, attends to the cutting, and good fits fire warranted. A Good Journeyman Tailor "runted. BARBER ft REYNOLDS, Crey’s new Building, N.E. Cor. Union A Church Sts., Oct. 2ft, 18;>9.—tf. Lau'*"'',tville. WM. DOLTON, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nos. 97 and 99, Warrj.n Street, TBKNTON, N. J. ’ 03”* Country Merchants are invited to call nod examine iny stock. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. marfi’fily J. WHITAKER, CADIES AND GENTLEMEN’S i Oyster and Refreshment SA-LOOUST, Nos. 150 and 152 East State-st., j Next the Tremont House, and near the Depot, TRENTON, N. J. MEALS A TALL HOURS, Ahc, CIGAR CONFECTIONERY A TOYS JOSEPH SMITH, AT THE LAMBERTVILLE MILLS! (First Mill above the Bridge,) STILL continues the business as usual, pay ing CASH for all kinds of GRAIN, i and selling Flour and Feed of superior quality at the Lowest Cash Prices. CUSTOM WORK will as heretofore, receive prompt and careful at tention. Grist ground for those coming from a distance while waiting, and sheds ard troughs foj horses, out of danger from the cars, besides plenty of room for wagons. FDAXSEED! wanted, for which the highest CASH PRICE will be paid. OIXi AND PIASTER Always on hand and for sale wholesale and retail for cash. sep2t3 “ THE NATIONAL Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY In the City Hail, Trenton, Still Survives. I WOULD beg leave to Inform the people of Lambertville and vicinity that I am located in the, City Hall, Trenton, N. J., where I am prepared to execute Pictures in the highest style of the art, with all the recent improve ments, delineating every feature and expression of nature as perfect as life. Pictures taken chea per and as good as at any other gallery in the City. Photography in all its branches.— Old and fading Pictures enlarged to life sizo by the Photograph process, and colored, if wished. Pictures inserted in Rings, Lockets, Ac. Par ticular attention paid to Children. Pictures taken in cloudy weather as well as in clear.— Ferotypes taken for Tombstones, which will never fade, by a process known to but few ar tists. Don’t forget the place, City Hall, North east cor. State and Greene-sts., Trenton, N. J. Pic tures all hours of the day aug7 II. C. ALLER, Prop’r A Artist. 10.000 ROLLS WALL PAPER I New Spring Style, JUST received and for sale at the New Wall Paper Depot. No. 16, State-gt., TREHTOK, *. J PAPERS at 5,«, 8, lO, 12} Cts. and up to Splendid, Plain. Gilt and Velvet Borders and Handsome Curtains. All to be sold* CHEAP. U>27y DAVID CLARK. 1CAIL.ROAD DOSUE , I'RENCHTOWN, N. J., opp. depot, BRITTON & METTLER, PROPRIETORS. j This House Is situated near the ^P0*'1 aff°r<Js a fine view, ®| ijSSrluHiSf . and is convenient to the cars. E>ajHea^&~ The table is furnished with the best the market affords and the bar supplied with choice Liquors and Segars. Therooms are large and aiTy, added to which are beds and the general comforts of a home, ft?*Good Stabling, and every attention given to the care of Horses. n Britton, fmyly] wm. o. mettlkr KATIOMAL HOTEL, iO, Ilanover-st, (between Warren & Greene) TRENTON, N. J., RUNYON TOMS, PROPRIETOR. HF* Large and convenient Stables attached to this House. Horses and Carriages at Livery. \XW~ PRICES MODERATE. ap27y LITTLE YORK HOTEL, LITTLE YORK, N. J., rosert s. mcintyre, PROPRIETOR. The subscriber having tnken ~ - S the above mentioned establish ment, and refurnished the house JL is now prepared to accommo date the public in a superior manner. C^°“ Commodious stables are attached to the House for the accommodation of horses. 05?=- The Bar is always supplied with choice Liquors and Segars. ;>pl0m3 THE AMERICAN HOUSE, FRENCHTOWN, N. J., FRANCISG. FLUCK, PROPRIETOB. The above house is situated in in the central part of the vil lage, convenient to business and only a short distance from the Railroad Depot. Every attention given to the wants and comfort of those who may give me a call. Q5?“ The Bar is always supplied with choice Liquors and <Scgars. Stables attached for the accommodation of Horses. mar27-ly € O i; T Y HOUSE!' iimmington, n. j. DANBERRY & WANMAKER, PROPRIETORS. Hnving purchased the above property, and refitted and re - furnished the house, arc pre pared to entertain the public in a comfortable manner. D'^-Lar^e and convenient stables are attached for the accommodation of horses. From their long experience in tho business the proprietors feel assured that they can ren der entire satisfaction. ADAM DANBERRY. HENRY WANMAKER Ap3-ly Fleming-ton, N. J. LOGA\ IffOlSE, WILLIAM S. BARRON,’New Hope,Pa HAVING improved, enlarged, and re fitted his HOTEL, in the I liSMtfiUrtLBorough of Now Hope, Bucks County, Pa., for the accommo dation of visitors and the travelling public, de sires in returning his thanks for past patronage to call attention to his increased abil'ty to ren der his house still more agreeable and pleasant to those who may favor him with a call. As a Country Hotel, “ BARRON’S,” is second ot none in the State. febl-6m SAMUEL, C. WOJRMAA, x/euier FOREIGN & } Domestic LIQUORS &■ Segars, Stockton, N. J. None but the best Liquors are kept, and all sold, warranted as represented. Orders are respectfully solicited and punctually attended to. Direct, STOCKTON, Hunterdon eo., N. J Tan. 18, 1860. ly. A. H. TRECiO, Manufacturer of Trego's Teaherry Tooth Wash, Unron-st., Lambert ville, Next door to Prerby terian Church. ALL WORK WARRANTED. All parts of the profession skilfully attended to. feb6,81 IMPORTANT NEWS. 9 The Very L. a test, by Telegraph. Good News from Frenchtowii. Great Change In the Times, and the people are becoming excited on account of R. P. SLACK Selling all kinds of Liquors so cheap. Just received, a new lot of rectified, which will be sold very low, and warranted to give satisfac tion. Call and examine my stock of Wihes Liquors before purchasing elsewhere, as I am bound not to be undersold by any party in town or country. (je!7y) It. P. SLACK. HARDWARE STOVES, &c., &c. Don’t forget that No. 11 East State street, Trenton, JS the right place to buy HARDWARE, PAINTS AND OILS. GLASS, and Everything in this line of business, at the very lowest prices, and where the largest and best assortment of Goods in the City ef Trenton may be found constantly on hand Wholesale or Re tail, cheap for cash. March 20. 1801—6m ISAAC DUNN. W. J. OWENS & CO., No. 3T East State Street, Trenton, N. J., have prepared for the FALL AND WINTER, a superior stock of Ready Made CLOTHING, For Men and Boys. New, Fashionable, well selected, and as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Attention is directed to their complete stock of OVERCOATINGS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS which will be made to order in the best manner & Warranted to Jit. Fu< dishing Goods Qf every description for MEN’S WEAR, constantly on hand Military Clothing for Officers and Prlvrtes made to order at short notice CALL AND SEE US. oct2yl 18 New Arrangement. 61 rpHE subscriber having recently purchased the CABINET AND FURNITURE Ware Rooms, occupied by Mr. C. Arnett, in CsTytU St., Lamiertville, next* d,.or to Boot Hall, respectfully informs the public that he intends to carry on the busi ness in all its branches. He will keep constantly on hano, or make to order, at shore notice, C&foine! Furniture of all kinds, which will be sold as cheap as can be procut od at any other establishment UNDERTAKING. Particular attention paid to this branch of the business. Having a handsome HEARSE, and being fully prepare!, orders will be executed with dispatch. TLe public are invited to call and examine my stock. mar6-Gl-ly JESSE CORYELL. CHINA GLASSY AND WEMSW&HS. MP.S. C BAKIUCKALO & CO., have just rec’d a largo importation of White Granite Ware, for the SPRING TRADE. Also, on hand, a large assortment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, Silver Plated and Britania AVare, Table Cutle ry, Table Mats, Napkin Rings, Ac., Ac. WINDOW SHADES <$• FIXTURES, very cheap. COAL OIUILAMFS, Also, Wooden A?are and a large variety of Housekeeping articles. Call at 55 Greene St., Trenton, N. J., just the place to buy goods, at LOW PRICES. marl3-1 NOW IS THE TIME. Reduction in Prices. GRAY & SE1©L0, MANC7FACTI.HER3 < •" SASH, I OORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, AVOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL SAWING, &c. Flemington, N. J., (near the Depot.) All Orders Promptly Executed. TER1JIS MODERATE. GEO. T. OKAY, J.A.8BBOLD. api0m3 Flemington, N. J. READ!! READ!! READ!! WILSON THATCHER, Dealer in, and Manufacturer of HARNESS, OF A 1,1. KINDS. SADDLES, BRIDLES,' BLANKETS, WIIIPS. MARTINGALES, COLLARS, BUFFALO ROBES, FLY NETS, be., fa., fa. The subscriber having permanently located at Stockton, Hunterdon County, N. J., (formerly Centre Bridge.) Is now prepared to furnish articles in his line, Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices Q^=* All work warranted to give satisfaction, and cannot be surpassed in neatness, durability or workmanship. Orders promptly fdled. Address, WILSON THATCHER, mar27y Stockton, N. J. WILLET HICKS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHINA. GLASS, GRANIT - WARE, TABLE-CUTLERY, LOOKING-GLAS SES, SILVER-PLATED, AND BEI TANIA WARE, FANCY ART I* CL EH, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, ETC., ETC, No. 22, East State-* t., Trenton, N. J, rrUIE above goods have been purchased at the lowest Wholesale prices, and will be sold at such rates as will make it an inducement for buyers to examine my large and carefully se lected Stock, which is complete in every de partment. Also, Willow Ware, and Fancy Baskets. OS'” Particular attention given to framing pictures in square and oval frames, and of all styles. marI3y Joseph (». Brearley Importer and Dealer in HARDWARE, CUIERY, Paints, Oils and Glass, STOVES, HAY’S COOKING RANGES, Boynton's Hot Air Furnaces, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Corner State & Greene-sts., TRENTON,N. J. ap*27tf Unprecedented Attraction! I MIER COHEN’S GREAT SHOW! OF REAHY-MADF CLOTHING !! J. No. 45, East i$tate St., TRENTON, N. J. (One door East of Charley Few’s II otel.) CHEAPER than the Cheapest Chf ap Estab lishment in Trenton, and no hurabug. Our stock consists of everything that is be thought of in the Clothing lihe Also, Gentlemens Fur nishing Goods, in endless varietyv Call in. Admittance, - - : . Free, Doors open all th § time. jan. 9,1861.—tf TB AT JAMES WILSON, No. 1, Commer cial Bow, Union-st., LAMBE RTVILLE, N. J-, "JJAS now on. \iand tjie largest and best stock W ATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, viilVey and Plated Ware, ever before of fered in this p lace. Gold and Silver Watches of every style, a nd by the best makers. Rings, Pins, Chains, Spectacles, Ac. All -goods sold by him warranted, and if not as represented, the money will be refunded CGF” Repairing neatly and expeditiously exe cuted. aplO MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, &C«| dkc«y York Street, below Main, LAMBERT VILLE, N. J. E?" Repairing neatly and promptly executed. my29tf j 1M1] Spring Trade. lf®f] JOB SILVERS la now prepared to offer, to CASH AND SOUND CREDIT BUYERS, one of the argset, and Best Selected Stocks of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, House Furnishing Goods, ever before offered iu THIS MARKET. Just Re-eived, a large lot of Imported la Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets ; in Devon, Edward and York patterns at VERY IOW PRICES. We invite the especial attention of Housekeep ers to our large and elegant stock of CARPETS, such as ENGLISH, BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY INGRAIN AND IIEMP, of the latest and most fashionable patterns, which have been selected with great care and will be sold at city prices. Also, a large assort ment of Of the newest styles, and at low prices- Also, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, Ac., Ac., in their variety. Door Mats, Eloor and Table OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, DRUGGETS, end almost everything in the way of Furnish ing Goods, all of which will he disposed of at the lowest figures, for cash,;approved credit, or good oountry Produce of alj kinds. mar!8-ly INAUGURATION SPRING TRADE U. H. Dilts & Brother, SUCCESSORS TO L. I. TITUS, Main Street, LambettvUle, N. J., (a few doors south of Coryell’s IIall,) HAVING recentl/ taken the above estab lishment, which has bean re-fitted and re stocked, the subscribers would inform their friends and the public that they have on hand, and are constantly inreeeipt of, a large assort ment of mt mms, consisting of SILKS, DELAINES, CASHMERES, SHAWLS. HOSIFRY, LADIES’ MITS, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, ALEXANDRE’S KID GLOVES, UNDERSLEEVES, Ac , Ac., Ac. Also, CLOTHS, CASSIMEP.ES, SATINETTS, VESTINGS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, PRINTS, Ac., Ac., of every dercription, all of which have been purchased expressly for the Spring Trade. OIL CLOTHS of every quality and price, as CHEAP as can be obtained at any other establishment, CROCKER Y WARE. consisting of China, Stone China, and Ear thenware in its variety. GROCERIES '.' ! A large and well selected stock of Groceries, such as TEA, SUGAR, MOLASSES, FISH, SALT, HAMS A SHOULDERS, LARD, DRIED MEATS, and in feu it all the articles usually kept in a well regulate-d Grocery Establishment. Also, a good sto sk of FLOUR of the various brands. The a bove goods will be disposed ef at the lowest y .ossible figures for CASH, or COUNTRY PRODUCE, or approved credit. The public are ini ited 10 call and examine our stock. R. H. .VILT3. J- P- DILTS. inarfi-61-ly Encourage Home Industry. CORN HUSK BEDS, A ND CUSHIONS of every description, are JrK manufactured nt ROSEMONT, Hunterdon Co., N. J. Of good material, and at LOW PRICES, SETTEE, LOUNGE, CHAIR, A PEW CUSHIONS, Made to Order, and Delivered at any Reasonable Distance. All orders addressed to SAMUEL JOHNSON, Agent, Stockton, N. J., Will rec»ive prompt attention. ap27m3 WALL PAPERf Wall Paper! Wail Paper! TO BUY WALLPAPER CHEAP, GOTO Wilson’sr Wo. 30, E. State-st TO BUY ELABORATE DECORATIONS And have them h utig in workman-like manner to suit all styles of architecture, go to Wilson’s, Wo. 30. TO BUY WALL PAPER .ttO, 8, 10 and 12 cts. a piece, and beautiiful Po.jter curtains at 6 cts. j a piece, Go to Wilson’s. TO BUY WALL PAPER CHEAPER THAN WHITE WASH, GO TO Wesley E. Wilsons’s No. 30, East Slate street, ap27m8 TRENTON, N. J. GREAT ELXCITE3TIEWT IN TR NHON, AT Ho. 4. East State-st. G. A. DAVIDSON Is selling out his stock ot BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST, to make: oom for other Goods rpHE subscriber has now an hand, and will be I constantly receiving, a splendid assortment o f Fashionable Hats and Caps, to which he calls tl e attention of purchasers. MR. T. EVANS, formerly of No. 35, Gr. eene st, would be happy to see his old friends i,n4 ' customers at the above place. jy24m6 HARDWARE STOVES. A. V. Bonnell & Co., ARE const intly receiving for the Spring and Summer trade, Building Hardware, Meehan ics Tools, Household Articles, Stoves, Agricul tural Implements, Ac., Ac. BUILDING HARDWARE. A large stock of Rim and Mortise Locks at very LOW prices. Butts, Screws, Axle Pulleys, Barn Dooi Rollers, Hinges, Sash Cord and Weight*. Sash Fasteners, Nails and Spikes. Owns. Pisto/s, Powder and Shot. MECHANICS’ TOOLS. Boring Machines, Saws, Gauges, Planes, Au gers, Hatchets, Steel Squares, Braces and Bitt3, Files, Wrenches, Chisels, Ac. CARRIAGE AND HARNESS Makers goods in great variety, such as plated hub bands, top props, stump joints, Phila. bolts, oil cloths, damask canvass, ptated and japanned harness, stage traces, Tompkins A North’s Gig trees, pad plates, buckles, tenets, girt and line webbing, Ac. For the PEOPLE GENERALLY. Gilt, mahogany and walnut frame looking glas ses, knives and forks, plated and britennia table and Tea spoons, coffee mills, brittannia tea and coffee pots, sad irons, churns, knife boxes, table eastors, enamelled and brass kettles, willow ware, a large stock of gilt mrulding, all sizes, for picture frames. Frames made to order. Al so, shovels, forks, hoes, scoop shovels, spades, rakes, .corn shelters, straw and hay cutters, grindstones and fixtures, Downs, Douglass and Chain pumps, lead pipe, ox yokes, road scrapers, glass and putty. STOVES. Cooking and parlor stoves of the, best and most approved patterns. Tin ware, wholesale and retail, made of the best material. Tin roofing, conductors and gutters done by experienced workmen and at very low figures. GAS FIXTURES Furnished and hung to order, such as chande liers, pendants, brackets, portable stands, gutta percha tubes, globes, Ac. We would invite buyers who are in want of goods in onr line to consult their interest and examine our stock before purchasing el ewliere. A. V. BONNELL, J. P. BODINE. aplOyt Fi.hmington, N J. LambertYille Races. C"1 RE AT preparations have been made, and X the most extravagant expectations exci ted in refer nos 9 to the annual races about to come off on the Lnmbertville course. The in terest is greatly increased in consequence of the heavy states, and of the entrance of a pair of old blooded nags, of the real soon side stock.— Tbo’ long on the turf, they have never been known to lota a race, being always ready to start at. the word, with an evident determina tion not to be second best at the coming out.— Although this is not exactly a horse race, it is nevertheless a race—a true, genuine race, such a race as is not often witnessed in these diggins. It is what maybe called a business race. It is now being run, and will continue until notice is given to the contrary by your humble servants, who are pretty well known in this community, as being of good bottom—fully equal to such a race, (or almost any other.) The first round has been run with triumphant success, to the ef feet of running up an immense, well assorted, and pheap stock of Lumber, Doors, Sash, Shut ters. Slating and Stone Coal of all descriptions, (but the poor) the coal in one yard and the slate in another—not mixed—also p, large supply of logs and a smart Sawmill in readiness to cut hills of aov extent to order. AH at, WHOLESALE A RETAIL. Being practical carpenters, and having had extended experience in the Lumber Trade, and being deeply engaged in it. we Lave full confi dence in inviting public attention to our stock, that we are pi spared to offer such inducements as will carry conviction to the minds of all that it will be to their interegt to favor us with their patronage. Ouv persistant and constant atten tion is devoted to the different departments, and our plans being laid on the ‘‘nimble sixpence’ principle, assured that small profits and quic sales is the bate plan. We are bound to aston ish the native by giving more lumber for less money thia oau be obtained this side of South Carolina. Our Fleming ton yard embraces all the above articles, and now for the proof Give us a call, and as euro ns grass grows and water runs, you will not bo disappointed, but will receive the full worth of your money, or a little over, and the thanks and polite attention of your humble servants in the bargain, JOHN L. GORDON. ) JOHN DILTS. ] Dec. £0, 3tk50. tf BOOZER’S tnsrioisr Hardware and Cutlery HOUSE, , jV. W. Cor. Union A Corye/l-sts. LAMBERTVILLE. N. J THE subscriber would hereby imorm the citi sens of Lambertville and vicinity, that he still continues to sell all kinds of Goods gene rally kept in a Hardware Store. Customer* will find a fresh and well selected stock o: Nails, Planes, Varnish, Oils, Turpentine, Glass, Putty, Burning Fluid, Cnmphene, Spades, Shov els, Hoes, Forks, Augers, Saws, Files, Wrought and Cast Hinges, Mortice, Janus, Face and Rim Locks, Screws and Bolts ; a large assortment of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shoe Findings, Har ness Mountings, Carriage Curtain Cloth, from 3-4 to 6-4, Lace and Fringe Curtain Lining, and a general assortment of Carriage Makers Trimmings. Also, Red Solo Leather, French and America a Calf -Skins and Morocco’s, Cal cine Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Newark Ce ment. Undertakers are particularly called to exam ine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, for particular attention has been taken to keep that department supplied with the newest pat terns of Silver and MetaUic Coffin Screws, and Stud Plates, Hinges, Handles, Lace and Silver Mouldings, Ac., Ac. Likewise, Fulton’s Patent Coal Lamp and Coal Oils. I would thank my friends and acquaintances for their past favors, and would solicit their in tiuenee in future. myl§tf AIFs Well that Ends Well HOUSEHOLD WORDS. S 1st of April, Lincoln, Boot hall, Sumter, Arnett, cold feet, water-works, fresh shad Newport water, pea e, war, pay up, and the like, are all thrown into the shade—have lost their force—are only used in the absence of a more powerfal medium of communication, to bring before the public mind, and engrave up on individual memory, a proper idea of the ir repressable, inexprcssable, untiring, determined energy and enterprise now being developed at BOOT HALL by Arnett, (ol notoriety) with the assistance of a young six-footer, a ehip of the old block, in carrying out in all its perfection and beauty, the one leading purpose of effectually adminis tering to the laste and oomfori of the commu nity, in supplying all that is requisite for the accommodation of the understanding. Having a couple of the very best boot-makers in the Kingdom of New Jersey, I am happy to assure all who wish to wear superior, extra, neat and easy fitting French calf boots, that they will be furnished to order at the shortest notice for $5,50 to $6,00, American calf. $5,00 to $5,50. Ladies’ French Gaiters with heels $2,25, do. heeled Kid boots, $1,62 do Springs, $1,31. and all other articles in his line, made in the best manner and of the best material, for good pay. And having lately purchased an unprecedented la rge stock of city-made shoes, will sell at star vation prices—say mens’ 6hoes at 75 cts., and upwards, and others proportionately low. And I still continue to manufacture Brick, quarry stone, furnish curbing and paving brick and put them in place ; build houses and bridges or tear them down, cut down hills or fill up hollows, buy and sell oak timber, standing or delivered, have teams ready to do any kind of carting, all by contract or otherwise—in short, I am in the market for anything within the ability of man, horse, horsepower or jack-screw. So if you have an eye to your interests, you will not fail to turn your steps to Boot-hall, where i you will be served just right by Your humble servant aplOmfi • C. ARNETT, Dyspepsia Remedy DOCTOR DARIUS HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT, rhis Medicine has been used by the public tor six years with increasing favor. It is reoom mended to cure Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Iloart-burn Colic Pains, Wind in the Stom ach, or Pains in the Bowels, Headache, .Drow siness, Kidney Complaints, Low Spirits, De> lirium Tremens, Intemperance. Stimulates, Exhihrates, Invigorates, but will not Intoxicate or Stupify. As a medicine, it is quick and effectual, curing the most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, Kid ney Complaints and all other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholly and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, ner vous and sickly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of li quors, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, Delirium Tremens, will almost immediately, f* >1 the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Dosk.—Ono wine glass full as often as necessary One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn, Three doses will cure indigestion. One dose will give you a good appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pa. s of Dys pepsia. One dose will remove the listressing and disa greeable effects of Wind or Fiatuleuce, and as soon as the stomach ceives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressin oud anu all painful feel ings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriouslv afflicted with any Kidney Complaints, are assured speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical care by the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipating too mnch over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous li quors, in violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, Ac., will find one dose will remove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and Bickly constitutions, she’* take the Invigorrting Spirit three times a day it will make them strong, healthy and happy, .amove all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom wt health and beauty to the careworn face. During Pregnancy it wilt be found an invalua. I i,le medicine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks, is a trial, and to la luce this, he has put up the Invigorating Spirit in pint bottles, at 50 cts.; quarts (1, General Depet, 48 Water St., N. Y. Sold by S. U. Titus, Lambertviile, Dr. I I.iverey, New Hope, Bryan Hough, French - town, N. J., Titus A Brother, Milford, N. J , J. II. Iliggins, Fleming con. Jan.25,.—ly.’fil THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TEAKS, And grows more and more popu lar every day ! And testimonial, new, and almost without number, might be give a from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of so eietv, whose united testimony none could resist, -that Prof. Wood’s Hair Rrstoratiys will restore the bald and gray, and pre serve the hair of the yoht.h to old age, in all it youthful beauty. Battle reek, Mich., Dee. list., 1858. Prof. Wood —Thoe willt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a compli cated chronic disease, attended with an erup tion on the head A continual eourse of suffer ing through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither hare I been able to do them np, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and block, though short, it is algo ceming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanent ly, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, aud being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle and receive to thyself the scripture declaration —“the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless.” Thy friend. SIJSNNn KIRBY. Ligonier, Noble Co , Indiana, Feb. 6th, 1869. Prof. 0. J. Wood:—Dear Sir-.—In the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and National Daw School of the State of New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to «u, commenced falling off very ra pidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole upptr part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft ef its covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly alter became gray, so that you will not be sur prised when I teil you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaint ances were not so much at a logs to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more intimate acquaintances were to resognise me at all. I at once made application to the most skill ful physicians in the country, but receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again he restored, I was forced to boeome reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative was recom mended to me by a druggist, as being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time, I have need seven dollars’ worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for jour labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an nr tide, I have recommended its use to many of my friends and acquaintances, who, I am hi p py to inform you, are using it with like effect. A. M. LATTA, Attorney ana v,oun»euvr at .u»w Depot, 444 Broadway, and gold by all dealers throughout the world. The Restorative is put up in Battles of threa sises, viz : large, medium, and small; but the small holds J a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, re tails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion and re tails for $3 a bottle. 0. J. Wood A Co., Proprietors, 444 Broad way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fansy Goods Dealers. To Farmers. mHS SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PURCHAi X the right of MAHLONE’S PATENT CORK PLANTER for the County of Hunterdon are prepared to sell to Farmers, Corn Planters which will drop and cover their corn at the same time in perfect check rows, at any distance apart that they wish the rows, and one man can plant from six to ten acres per day with ease, to that Farmers planting twenty acres of corn can save the price ofa Planter ($10) in one season; there fore it will be to their advantage to examine and give the Planter a trial. They are war ranted to work well. Township rights sold oa reasonable terms. The Planter may be seen at the Bow Factory, Lambertvilla,. Gentlemen, please give it yonr attention. HOLCOkBE A MSBROWJ TEN THOUSAND FEET Of the best kind of Hickory Timber wanted at the Bow Factory, L&mbertville, each as will do for bending, for whioh the highest market price will be paid. Bows, Fellows, Shafts, Poles, Sleigh Runners and every description of Bent work in our line, for sale low. Those that are in want of oar kind of goods will do well to give us a call. nov9.’69 HOLCOMBE A DISBROW ELLIS GAMBLE, House and Sign Painter Glazer, (Shrainer, Paper Hanger, Ac., Ae.. • the old stand, Union street, Lambertville. Or ders from a distance punctually attended to.