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Perth Amboy evening news. [volume] (Perth Amboy, N.J.) 1903-1959, May 05, 1903, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Board of Aldermen Adopted Recommendations of the Committee of the
Whole Providing for Many Changes? New House for Washing
ton Hose?Linco/ns Get New Carriage,
The Board of Aldermen made known
W their intention regarding the improve
jf ment of the fire department at their
meeting last night. The program is
about the same as announced in the
Evening News several weeks ago.
The matter was handled verv gently
and it was evident that everything
had been arranged before the meeting.
The entire program had been written
oat and after it was read the formal
vote was taken and passed unanimous
ly. It is expected the improvements
will be completed in abont three
The recommendations were present
ed as a report from the committee of
the whole. The committee recom
monded that Washington Hose Com
pany have a new building located
somewhere near the city hall and a
new hose carriage; Lincoln Hose
k Company have a new hose cart and
ft building repaired and painted; a
y modern set of ladders be purchased
\ tor Protection Hook and Ladder Com
pany ; McOlellan Hose Company haVe
ohemical engine, either a team or
new horse, their building repaired
and painted and a stable. The com
m rtee also recommended that a new
company be organized to be looated
in the western section of tho city near
S nith street.
A number of firemen were present
last night and the Hook and Ladder
boys did not hesitate to express their
feelings regarding the action of the
aldermen. They claim modern ladders
cannot be placed on the old truck
which is liable to break down now on
anv run.
There had evidently been a division
k among the members of the oommittee
I when the question was under discus
' sion. Aldermen GannoD and Smith,
both toldja News reporter to put them
down in favor of a complete new out
k fit for the Protection boys, intimating
i that an effort had been made to get a
f new truck, but tne majority had ruled.
I Nothing was said regarding steam -
r ers. In fact, nothing was said at all,
excepting the reading of the recom
mendations which were passed with
out comment. The amount of bonds
to be issued was not mentioned. The
board is not prepared to tackle' this
subject as vet. Thev said the cost of
the work will have to be ascertained.
The reason for putting the new
/ company near Smith street is said to
> be that within the near future]another
new company will be organized and
established somewhere in the vicinity
of Woodbridge road. This, it is
thought, will give equal protection
throughout the city.
The site for Washington Hose house
will be somewhere near Smith and
Rector streets, the aldermen have
several lots in view. The house will
bo of brick and a very substantial
Tomorrow the wonderful circus,
" Hargreaves, " comes to Perth Am
boy. Just where they will pitoh their
tents is not announced, but it will
probably be on the usual grounds on
.the Stump farm near the Stove Works.
MPhen the Hargreaves oircus was here
Hpst year they had such a wonderful
Hint of animals that the small boys
"have not yet gotten over the fact.
When they give their performance to
morrow afternoon and evening there
It will no doubt be a big crowd on hand.
East Association Will Meet in
This City for First Time in
Thirty Years.
The East Association of Baptist
churches will meet in this city June
10. This is the first time in thirty
years that the association has met
heie and the local Baptists are prepar
ing to entertain the delegates royally.
The association comprises all the
Baptist churches of ^Newark, Eliza
beth, Plainfield, Lyons Farms, Rail
way, some of Jersey City and all the
towns throughout this section. No
business of unusual importance will
be transacted the session being devoted
entirely to rontine and the discussion
of the welfare of the churches.
The Ladies Aid Society of the looal
church held a meeting yesterday af
ternoon to plan for the entertainment
of the guests. It is expected that
about 300 delegates will be present.
The program has not been arranged
but several noted speakers will be on
hand to give addresses. The session
will last but one day, inoluding the
business session and meeting at which
addresses will be given.
Read the real estate advertising
column on page 2, today.
Met Last Night to Talk Over the
Matter? Another Date to be
Fixed Later.
The steamfltters of this oity, about
twelve in number, held a meeting in
Kirby's cafe on Smith street last
night and decided to organize a union
of their own. They will become part
of the organization known as The
Steamfltters and Plumbers Association
of America, a brabch of which can be
established in any city when there are
enough steamfltters to make it suc
cessful. The steamfltters will hold
another meeting at a date to be set
Many Friends Fill St. Mary's Church to At
tend the Obsequies.
The funeral of Mrs. Rose Reilly,
who died in Trenton Saturday even
ing, took place from St. Mary's
church this morning at 10 o'clock.
The churoh was filled with friends
who came to have a last look at the
one they had known so manv years.
The pallbearers were J. F. O'Brien,
Thomas Kelly, Lawrence Mullin,
Patrick Newman, Morris Hallahan
and Terrence Quinn. Interment was
in St. Mary's cemetery.
m AaaahhI a of Merchants, Manufacturers, Corporations
^ AvCOUniS and Individuals Solicited jm-L.
INTEREST PAID ON \ 2 per cent, on $ 500 or over
DAILY BALANCES \ 3 per cent, on $1,000 or over
Safe Deposit Boxes to Rent at Low Rates
Capital | Profits | Deposits _$l,000,000
ki =
Lehigh Valley Handling Their
Tows Under Difficulties-Boats
Down East.
Philadelphia & Reading Tugs Will Come
to Dry Docks in Perth Amboy for Over
hauling?Two Local Tugs are Still
Tied Up at the Docks?Fireman Re
That the Lehigh Valley railroad
means to win the strike now on with
the tug boat engineers, is evident
from their aotions. This mornina
they were able to Ret the tug9 Genesee
and Allentown to work.
The Genesee came back from her
trip to Connecticut last night,, and
was immediately started off again
with another tow. The Allentown,
which has been in one of the ship
yards for the last few weeks, was
finished yesterday afternoon and came
here. This morning, just as she was
about to start for New York, after a
tow, the fireman resigned his place.
The chief engineer came ashore to
look foi a fireman and after some
trouble found one. At 10.30 the
Allentown was able to start fo^ New
York to bring back a light tow. Sinoe
the strike, although a number of
Staten Island tugs have been at work
for the Valley, it has been almost
impossible to get enough empty coal
boats here to keep the men on the
docks at work. As the coal is not
ooming in as fast as it might, a num
ber of the brakeqaen will only work
half a day today.
The tug Woodbridge and Oatesauqaa
with three other smaller tugs, are
still tied up on account of the strike.
The Valley tugs at Boston are still at
work, and no trouble is expected from
that place.
( Special to the Evening News )
Carteret, May 6 : ? Pending the tnsr
boat difficulties the Philadelphia &
Reading Company has decided to
overhaul their boats at the dry docks
in Perth Ambov, and when the differ
ences are settled their boats will be in
first class order for handling business.
The Reading Company have a number
of applications for the vacant marine
engineers positions and by the time
the boats are readv to go in service it
is expected that sufficient new men
will be available to start the boats
without interruption.
Miss Mattie Koehler is the owner
of a new Yale bioyole.
Carl Roessler returned to his home
in Newport yesterday after spending
Sunday with his brother, Franz Roess
ler, on High street.
Frank Mendel, of Elizabeth, was a
Perth Amboy visitor yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Slobodien, of this
city, and Mrs. Philip Slobodien, of
Sooth Carteret, are spending the day
at Plainfleld.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Hymen, of New
York, are making their home in this
Gertrude Fouratt, of Brighton ave
nue, is sufferinK from a severe cold.
? Mrs. Cornelius Jones, of Brighton
avenue, is visiting her daughter in
Mrs. Bruce Smith, of Smith street,
has returned home after visiting rela
tives in Orange.
Mrs. Alfred Brace, of Gordon street,
is now able to be up after her serious
and long illness.
The Committee on Judiciary of the
Council of the City of Perth Amboy,
N. J., respectfully invites the citizens
of the City of Perth Amboy at a pub
lic meeting to be held at City Hall
in Council Chamber on Monday even
ing, Mav 11, 1903, at 8 p. m. , to dis
cuss the matter of wet dook property
now pending before the Connoil.
City Clerk.
Dated May 5. 1903.
2647-5-6 & 11-at
Matt Hansen Observed His
Silver Wedding in Fine Style
Last Night.
Parlor Furniture? Silver and Beautiful
Articles? Everybody Had Enjoyable
Time? Braga Hall Wat Crowded- Over
Two Hundred Guests at Supper? Danc
ed All Night.
When Matt Hansen, of New Bruns
wick avenue, told a few of his numer
ous friends that Monday night he
would celebrate his silver wedding
anniversary they were Bnrprised, and
immediately spread the tidings among
his many friends. When he issued
the invitations he fonnd that it would
be necessary to hire Brasa Hall for
the occasion.
The crowd began to arrive at 7
o'clock and they seemed to come alto
gether. loaded down with all kinds
of presents from a parlor suit to a
silver milk pitcher. At 8 o'clock the
oroliestra struck up a march, and led
by Mr. and Mrs. Hansen with over
30C guests following, the line proceed
ed to the tables where supper was
served. During the supper speeohes
were made by a number of friends.
Louis Swartz, of Newark, was the
first speaker of the evening. Mr.
Swartz congratulated Mr. and Mrs.
Hansen on their many happy years of
married life and wished them future
Following Mr. Swartz, Nels Orsoe
made a short address telling of olden
times. Peter Peterson made a speech
in behalf of the Danish Brotherhood.
John Poulsen, the sohool commission
er, made an address and after Mr.
Poulsen every one present shook hands
with the host and hostess.
After supper the Braga Singing So
ciety sane a number of selections, as
they were encored so long and loudly
it was necessary for them to sing
again and again. After Braga had
finished, the floor was cleared and
danoing was kept np until 6 o'clock
this morning when the last of the
orowd, tired but happy and merry,
The presents were so numerous that
they filled the house. The members
of. Braga Singing Society gave a silver
carving set. The Danish Brotherhood
Thor Lodge 46, gave a parlor suit.
The Danish Sisterhood Freia Lodge
36, gave a ohina closet, while the
Sociable A. C. presented the oouple
with a silver coffee set of five pieces.
An Appreciative Audience Heard Discourse
in Baptist Church Last Night.
An appreciative audience greeted
Rev. Dr. O. H. Woolston of Philadel
phia, in the First Baptist church last
night when he delivered his lecture,
"Europe as Seen by An American."
The speaker, with his ready wit, kept
his audience in a good humor as he
told of his remarkable experiences
while traveling on the continent. He
is an excellent talker and a man of
commanding appearance. The audi
ence was delighted.
The lecture was not one of those
dried affairs suoh as is often heard
when someone tries to talk about
Europe. Dr. Woolston knew how to
make bright the dull plaoes and the
pictures added interest to bis talk.
The long and hearty applause at the
conclusion told Di. Woolston that he
was a weloome visitor in this city.
Lost anything : A cent-a-word ad.
in the Evening News will find it for
A hir/f In your hand Is worth two In
At LfliU the bush, and oue box of sal
vHtor Brg. Co.'s Wuerzberger Is worth
the price of two boxes of auy other b- er
Wuerxberger equal to imported; Pale
Extra $1.90: Export Pilmer fl.OO. These brands
cannot be duplicated tor such prices, besides you
get a rebate of 30 cts for each box of empty bottles.
The Hygiene Steam Beer Bottling Works,
Tel. 1U-B. 854 New Brunswick
Resolution Passed by Board of Aldermen Last Night Transferring
Funds of Water Works and Board of Education to that Institu
tion?Aldermen Divided on the Vote.
Board of Aldermen Decide to
Have Public Hearing to Dis
cuss Wet Dock Property
Another attempt to bring np the
question of the disposal of the wet
dook property developed at the meet
ing of the OitT Council last night,
when Alderman Gannon made a
motion to have a public hearing upon
the subject.
This is the property, which, at
present, is occupied by the Perth
Amboy Shipbuilding & Engineering
Company, better known as the Ram
say plant. This concern holds a lease
on the property for ninety-nine years.
It is said they want to buy it. At a
recent meeting Alderman Gannon in
troduced a motion which provided for
the sale of the property. Alderman
at-large Eckert defeated the motion
by denouncing it. He said the pro
perty, which today is the most valu
able piece of land on the city's water
front, was deliberately given away by
the men in the oity council. To dis
pose of the property now when over
half the time of the lease has expired,
Mr. Eckert said was even worse.
With the motion passed last night
the public will be given a chance to
give their opinions. The meeting
promises to be a lively one.
Will Probably Discuss the Bridge
Approach? Will Reorganize on
Wednesday May 13.
Special to the Evening News.
New Brunswick, May 5? Whether
the Board of Freeholders at their reg
ular monthly meeting tomorrow will
venture to take up the long standing
matter of the approaches to the Perth
Amboy bridge is problematical.
Some of the Freeholders, when '
approached upon the matter yesterday
said they did not know what aotion
the Board would take tomorrow. It
is thought by some that the Wolff
approach will be aooepted.
May 18 the new board will meet and
eleot officers. It is expected that D.
W. Clayton, the Deputy Surrogate,
will be re-elected, as well as Solioitor
Peter F. Daly and Director Asbury !
Fountain. There is hardly likely to
be any change in the other officers.
The three committees of the Cham
ber of Commerce will meet in Judge
Lyon's office tonight to discuss the
three laws under which the improve
ments of the city streets may be made
more rapidly. The meeting 'promises
to be an interesting one. The Board
of Aldermen has been invited to be
present. The law which meets with
the greatest favor will probably be
Bought Colyer Property.
E. F. Colyer, through the Bishop
Company, has sold his home on Rector
street to C. R. Fletcher, manager of
the Ashland Emery Mills. Mr. Colyer
and family will move to Schenectady,
N. Y.
Real Estate advertising in the Even
ing News brings results.
[pgXTON'S Delicious Ice Cream Soda, Ice Cream
by the Plate, 5-10 cents? Strawberry, Chocolate and
Vanilla Flavors? Ice Creart) by the Quart, 30 cts, at
Se^torfs DrlJg Store,
70-72 Smith Street
Alderman Campbell precipitated a
wordy war in City Conncil last even
ing when be introduced a resolution
to make the Perth Amboy Treat Com
pany one of the deoositories of the
city's moner. This was a matter that
had evidently not been discassed in
committee meeting.
Alderman Rnnyon made the first
attack when he declared the resolu
tion uncalled for. Mr. Rnnyon said as
one of the members of the board was
a director of the trust company he
thought the resolution entirely ont of
order. To this Alderman-at-large
Eckert, after asking Alderman Qannon
to take the chair, replied that he was
the director referred to bnt as such
knew nothing of the resolntion which
had been introduced. Mi. Eckert also
declared that he saw no reason why
the trust company, being a local oon
cern, should not have the same chanoe,
especially when he recall the city's
losses in the failure of the Middlesex
Aldermen Campbell and Toft also
hAd a few words to say in its favor,
after which Alderman Runyon, to de
fend his course in the matter, took
the floor again.
He t>aid if the trust company was a
national instead of a State institution
he would be in favor of the resolution,
but the recent bank failure, already
referred to, had taught a lesson, whioh
is that the national banks was the
safest and he believed the money
should stay where it is. As an in
stance Alderman RunTon cited the
recent crash at Asbury Park in which
a national bank and a trust oompany
were the victim*,^ The. -&ar)tonal, he
said, will pay its creditors do
dollar while the trust company but
forty cents on the dollar. Mr. Run
yon then offered an amendment to the
resolution, referring it to the flnanoe
committee of which he is chairman,
but upon vote, it was lost. Alder
man-at-large Eckert and Aldermen
Gannon, Campbell and Toft voted the
motion down. The original resolu
tion was then put and carried by the
same vote which defeated the amend
The resolution provides that the
funds of the Water Works and Board
of Education be transferred to the
Trust Company.
Dominant Society Orchestra Will Furnish
Music for the Dancing.
The Raritan Dancing Glass will
hold their first grand reception in
Wilder Hall, Smith street, tonight.
The management have spared no pains
to make this reception all that it
shonld be, and it will be one of those
delightful affairs of which one hears
so mncn about, and very seldom has a
chance to attend.
The doors will be opened at 8 o'clock
and from then on nntil the wee sma'
hours of the morning dancing will be
the feature. The music will be fur
nished by the famous Dominant So
ciety whose reputation is well estab
lished. This will be one of the attrac
From the report of the committee,
which has charge of the sale of tickets
the financial success of the ball is
already assured.
Hospital Auxiliary Meeting.
' The Women's Auxiliary to the City
Hospital Association will hold the
regular monthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. G. D. Runyon on Thursday,
May 7 at 3 p. m. Arrangements for
their semi-annual rummage sale will
be completed at this meeting.
Hooks Meet To-night.
The members of Protection Hook
and Ladder Company No. 1 are re
quested to attend the regular meeting
to be held in the truck house, State
street, tonight.
Prices on Prescriptions
Don't thiuk because of Drug Store
is superior to some, in our equip
ments, and our met is so progies
sive. that our prices am high, we fill
all Doctors' Prescriptions at moder
ate prices. Quality the best. Gtll
and be convinced.
PARISEN'S Prescription Pharmacy

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