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EVENING NEWS. Wednesday, may 6 1903. second edition WILL SELECT SEVERAL STREETS TO BE PA VED. Committee of Chamber of Commerce Held Important Session Last Night? Mayor and City Council Was Present? Petition Being Circulated to Pave High Street? Want Work Done Quickly. | To create a public sentiment in I favor v' better streets for Perth Am boy was the theme of three commit tees which made their report at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held in Jadge Lyon's office last night. ..Chapter 78, of the law of 1901,whioh is an act to amend an act entitled "An Act to Authorize the Improvement of Streets and Highways," is the law selected by the Legislative committee. It authorizes the expenditure of $li00,000|by the Board of ' Aldermen if necessary, and while it was not decid ed to put it up to that body just yet, such was the consensus of opinion .of those present. Fully thirty-five members were present, including a number of tne thirteen newly elected members taken in last night. Mayor ' Seaman was also presept and with City Attorney Hommann and Judge Lyon's able assistance the discussion that follow ed made it the most interesting meet rig yet held by the board. In the absence of President Belcher, who sent word he could not be pres ent, Second Vioe President Dntton presided. In oalling for the report of the Legislative committee it waB found that S. R. Farrington, chairman of that dommittee. was absent, so that Judge Lyon read the law selected. The law effects cities of all classes in the State. In part it provides for the expenditure of not over $1,500 in one calendar year or not exceeding $15 per capita of the population as taken from the last census. By this it would mean that the Board of Aldermen have the power to bond the city for 1 as much air $300,000 if necessary for l the improvement of the city's streets. I As Judge Lyon finished the reading of the law he said it was plainly in K dicated that the whole matter was I now up to the Board of Aldermen and nothing remained for the Chamber of | Commerce to do but urge them along f in the good work. Postmaster Tice, the other member ' of the committee, became reminis cent, recalling the time of fifty years ago when the town began to lay its first sidewalks. Hejsaid then every body thought they would go to the poorhouse upon going to such an ex pense. He urged that some definite ' action be taken whereby -the business streets of Perth Amboy could be im i proved at once. He also made a / motion which was passed, but after ward withdrawn to have the law upon the subject published that the people may see and know just what can be done in this respect. Mr. Barnekov asked about the sewer ing of such streets. He thought that the bottom should be looked after be fore the top, so that there would be no needless tearing up after a stieet had been paved. Mr. Farrington came in during the discussion and when asked to speak fell in line with Judge Lyon upon the subject. He also announced that he was at present oiroulating a petition to hpve High street paved to whioh Mr. Haney said he was ready to sign his name and make an effort to have the improvement put through. Mayor Seamap was asked to say a ? few words. He said he was heartily ^in favor of any movement iu the Hlirection indicated, but made it plain Vthat it could not all be accomplished Bin one day, nor a year. He suggested W that while the soheme of paving the k streets was being pushed, the matter " of relievins the situation at once k could be done with a heavy roller L after the the dirt roads had been ' scarped as is already done eaoh spring. City Attorney Hommann, in order I to get down to more definite action at ?, once, made a motion that the muni 1 cipal oommittee be authorized to ' select several streets to be paved, esti ? 1 mate the cost j?nd kind of paving and report at the next meeting to be held Wednesday night at the same place This was passed. The members elected last night were P. D. Carr, Leo Salz, H. O. Bishop, J. P. Holm, S. M. Jacobsen, Dr. G. W. Tvrrell, A. Greenbaum, Jacob Slobodien, Henry McCullongh, O. C. Sibley, A. Ricci, D. V. Rush and A. P. Anderson. HOSPITAL GETS $190 FROM PARDEE MEN. \ Monev Raised by Benefit JBall will Shortly be Turned Over to the Board of Governors. The Board of Direotors of the Perth Amboy Hospital reoeived a letter from the C. Pardee Employes Benevo lent Association to the effect that their treasarer would shortly turn over to the hospital board the monev made by tthe Pardee boys at the ball given by them in Wilder Hall on Fri day evening, April 17. The ball, which was given for the benefit of the City Hospital, abont <160 was cleared. The ball committee was as follows F. H. Walker, J. F. Rickwood, J. N. Mackey, W. B. Addison, W. H. Hoy, and A. E. Richards. They will present the money to the hospital governors. RACE "POWER BOATS. A number of owners of power boats have decided to hold a race between the craft, on Sunday morning. The race will be only a social one, will start abont 8 o'olock. The oourse will be no the sonnd to the buoy at Port Reading and back. NORTH AM60Y ITEMS Mr. John Reardon spent Snnday and Monday at New York. Mrs. John Johnsen and family, of Newark, are visiting Mrs. Hans John sen, of Elizabeth street. Thomas Cunningham, of New York, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cnnningham, of Elizabeth street, on Snnday. Mrs. Joseph Laskowski, of State street, spent a few days in New York. John Hoffner, of Charles street, spent Snnday in Newark visiting friends. Contractor D. S. Hollander spent Monday in New York. Robert Harding, of State street, spent Snnday at Sonth Amboy. , Simon Dwyer, who has been on the sick list the past week, is able to be ont again. Mr. James Regan and Miss Kate Reardon visited friends in Brooklvn Snnday. Mrs. R. Hnff and son are visiting her mother, Mrs. John Oxenford, of State street. CENTRAL LABOR UNION. There will be a meeting of the Cen tral Labor Union in the rooms at 1S8 Smith street, tonight, at which all members are requested to be present. Business of great importance is to be transacted. The meeting will be call ed to order at 8 o'clock. On Pleasure Trip. Dr. Crowther, Dr. Ramsav and Peter Floersch, are awav on a pleasure trip to Providence and Boston. of Merchants, Manufacture's, Corporations and Individuals Solicited - Accounts INTEREST PAID ON } 2 per cent, on $ 500 or over DAILY BALANCES ( 3 per cent, on $1,000 or over Safe Deposit Boxes to Ront at Low Rates LIBERAL POLICY HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HO SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOV, N. .T. Capital | Profits | Deposits .$1,000,000 ILTON V. KKAN. Prbbidbnt, HABRY OONABD Oai FORMER CITY COUNSEL CLAIMS MR. WALKER IS STILL PRESIDENT. Lawver James S. Wight Has Advised Ira R. Crouseto Get his $1,500 1 Warrant Signed by Mr. Walker and Present it to the Comp troller?City Counsel Hommann Refuses to Discuss the Matter. Former City Attorney James 8. Wight has given as his opinion that Mr. Walker, former president of the Board of Education, in the absence of a successor, is still the president df the board, and acting on this decision, Mr. Walker has signed the $1,500 warrants drawn in favor of Ira B. Grouse at a recent meeting of the board. Snoh was the statement given to a News reporter by Mr. Wight this noon in answer to a query as to what action he had taken in Mr. Crouse's interests. Mr. Wight also directed that Mr. Oolyer, clerk of the board, present the warrant to Comptroller Voorheea for his signature and if he refuses, to ask his reason. Mr. Voorhees when seen regarding the matter, said he had not yet re ceived the warrant signed by Mr. Walker, bat when he does he said he could only refer it to Oitv Attorney Hommanu. Mr. Hommann when asked whether, in his opinion, Mr. Walker ib still president of the school board, refused to discuss the subject. To all qnes. tions he replied : "I don't know. I don't know any thing about it. " The school board question is creat ine: much interest throughout the city. What oourse Mr. Grouse will take, if Mr. Walker's signature is not hon ored, is not known. It is probable that the matter will then be taken to the courts where the question will be threshed out. Meantime the Mayor is awaiting a reply from the State Superintendent as to what course he intends to take in removing the whole board from office. TO CELEBRATE MEMORIAL DAY. Veterans Will Meet To-Night to Complete Arrangements for the Parade. TO FIRE SALUTE. Carriages will Assemble at the City Hall as Usual and Parade Will Proceed to the Cemeteries Where Graves will be Decorated? Flags to be Displayed in All Parts of the City. Memorial Day will be observed in Perth Amboy about as usual. Plans for the parade by the G. A. R. are now nearly completed. At the meec ins; of the members tonight in Odd Fellows Hall, final arrangements will be made and the program arranged. The usual request to the city that $100 be allowed to the G. A. R. for their expenses on Memorial Day will be sent to the proper authorities by the Quarter Master. On the Sunday evepinsr before Decoration Day the G. A. R. members will attend evening services at the Presbyterian churoh, where Dr. Mendenhall will give a special sermon for them. On Memorial Day the parade will start from City Hall park down High street, to[Smith street, thence out New Brunswick avenue to the cemetery. The G. A. R. members are now get ting well along in years and Perth Amboy has not many of the veterans left so arrangements are now under way tn get a company of the sons of veterans to act as a firing squad over the graves of the dead soldiers. The graves in Alpine, St. Mary's and St. Peter's cemeteries will be visited and decorated with flowers. All kinds of wagons can be used and the soldiers will be well pleased if the owners of the vehicles will help them out on this ocoasion. Aside from the general display of flags throughout the city there will be no other demonstration. Good, Better. Best. One Telephone is Good, wonld two be better. If so, then three would be best. Three telephones would be rather a nuisanoe, wouldn't they? Real estate I Real estate ! Read he bargains in speoial column on page 2. A hlrr! l? your linml Ih worth two In /n uiiu tli- banli, ?n<l xiie box ?>f S?l VHtor Brg. < ?>.'n Wuernberiter Is worth i Iih price of two boxes of any ot her beer W uerzberger $1 U)% equal to imported; Pale Extra $1.30: Export Pilsner $1 .00. These hrands cannot I# duplicated for such prices, beside * you get a rebate oftO cti for each box of empty bottles. The lljgieue Steam Beer Botliiog Works, Tel. lkt-B. 964 New Brnuswlolc Av. Real Estate advertising in the Even ing News brings results. WILL FIGHT THE STAMPS. Merchants Held a Meeting Yes terday and are Prepared to ^ J&ttle Jo Finish. MAY EMPLOY^ LAWYER. Declare That Trading Stamps are Not Wanted la Perth Ambey but if the Peo ple Demand Them the Merchanto Will Organize a Stamp Company of Their Own. A number of merchants representing the varion8 lines of business houses, held a meeting yesterday at the con clusion of which it was decided to fight the proposed introduction of the trading stamps. The News printed a week ago the story of how the Red Star Stamp Company, of Newark, was again attempting to introduce the trading gtamos here. The committee, having the support of the majority of the merchants, has planned the war which will be waged the moment the attempt to introduce the stamps is made. A lawyer, if deemed necessary, will be hired to fight the battles and the first move will be to see that the $500 license fee, as provided by ordinance, is paid before the new company is allowed to do business. A oopy of this ordinance will be procured today and if a penalty for the failure of any one to pay the required fee is not attached the Board of Aldermen will' t be requested to pass an amendment to this effect at once so that any legal proceedings that may be oommenced will stand in court. If the matter goes so far that they find the people want trading stamps then the merchants will immediately organize a company of their own and get into the business which they de nounce as a humbug from the start. This will be followed by the worst cutting and slashing of priceB this old town ever heard of. The merchants are determined. A few years ago they put a stamp com pany out of business after a short fight under the same plan they have now mapped out. The Real Value. i The value of Telephone Service is in the number of persons it reaches. F.J. LARKIN, 867 STATE Street, will do plumbing, steam, hot water and hot air heating on monthly pay ments. A. K. JENSEN Successor to J. K. JENSEN, MASONS CONTRACTOR 250 Washington St. Cor. iohnatoM f PUBLIC HEARING ON BRIDGE APPROACH. Freeholders at Their Meeting in New Brunswick To-day Were Ask ed to Hear the People of Sayreville on the Matter..This Was I ; . Agreed to and the Date Was Fixed for May 20. CONCERT BY ORPHEUS. Second of the Season Given in Methodist Church Woodbridge Last Night. SANC LYRICAL IDYLL Large Audience Greeted the Singers Soloists Wore Greatly Enjoyed -Pro gram In Two Parts? The Society Rend ered "The Passing of Summers" in Pleas'ng Manner. The second concert of the Orpheus Sooiety, of Woodbridge, was held in the Methodist chnrch of that place last night. As in former years, Charles Herbert Clarke, was the con ductor. Mr. Clarke is welJ known in thia city. His popularity in Wood - bridge increases year by year. The soloists last night were Miss Ethel Crane, soprano; Miss Esther May Plumb, contralto; Mr. Frederic W. Elliott, tenor ; Mr. Frank W. Rob inson, Dass. To say that Mr. Clarke seleoted the soloists tells that they are the best to be found. The organist was Mrs. Seth Lock wood and Miss Susie H. Dixon presided at the piano. The program was rendered in two parts. Part 1 consisted of solos. Those rendered were "A New Heaven and a New Earth" by Mr. Robinson aad the sooiety; "Peaoe" and "Spring's Awakening' ' by Miss Crane ; "O Mie Fernando" by Miss Plumb, and "From Thy Love as a Father" by Itiss Crane and the Sooiety. Part 2 was rendered by the society. It was a lyrical idyll entitled "The Passing of Summer. ' ' The church was well tilled for the occasion. After the concert a recep tion was held in the W. A. A. olub house. New York In a Minute. Telephone servioe to be of import ance must connect with New York. LONG SHORE NEWS. The bark Hawaiian Isles, which sail-/ ed from this port Maroh 19, for Hono- j lulu by way of South Amercia, was' spoken ofT Pernambuco. o The British schooner Demozelle, Captain Morrison, sailed for Conning, N. S., yesterday. The steamer Wastewater is dne to arrive from Tampioo today. The schooner Thos. B. Reed, Cap tain Gardiner, sailed for Kennebunk port yesterday. o The schooner Maggie Ellen sailed from Port Reading for Saoo, yester day. > ? ? o ? ? The schooner Liberty is being over hauled at Gray'B marine railway. o The schooner Marion Stevens sailed I for Clinton, Ot., yesterday. The sohooner J. M. Harlow sailed from Port Reading for Deer Island, Me., yesterday. CHURCHES. 0> Simpson M. E. The snbjeot of the prayer and praise service, "The Master's Concern for Thee." The Parsonage Committee, the Ednoation, and the Temperance Committees will meet at 8.45 p. m. The Quarterly Conference will meet Thnrsday night at 8. 30 p. m. During the Gentleman 's Supper, Dr. Halleron will be present. Baptist. Prayer meeting tonight at 7.46. The snbjeot will be ' ' The Seorets of Chris tian Service." Lesson, Hebrews, 6, 7-15. Read the real estate advertising oolumn on page 9, today. Special to the Evening News. New Brunswick, May 6? At the meeting of the Board of Freeholder!, held in New Brunswick this morning, Allan Benny, of Jersey City, appeared before the body and asked that a pub lic meeting be held to discuss the south approach to the new Raritan River bridge. Mr. Benny said he represented Joseph Eirsch, of Sayreville, who owns considerable land n?ar both the Wolff and Fouratt approaches. Mr. Benny declared that the people of Sayreville township would like to be heard on the subject and he would ask the freeholders to listen to what they had to say. The freeholders agreed to hold the public meeting and fixed May 20 in New ? Brunswick as the time and place. On motion of Freeholder Allgair Engineer Gougherty was instructed to prepare plans for the Wolff approach. MRS. BOYLE'S FUNERAL LARGELYATTEHDED. Many Friends Assembled in St. Mary's Church This Morning to Pay Last Respects. The funeral of Mrs. Patrick Boyle, of Parker street, who died suddenly at the home of her son, William Boyle, of Hartford, Conn. , took place from St. Mary's church on Centra ?treat this momi^r , ? V. Mrs. Boyle liveain Perth Amboy ? number of years and will be greatly misted from the community. The funeral this morning was largely attended by her many friends both from this city and from out of town. There were many beautiful flowers sent by relatives and friends. Solemn high mass was said by Rev. B. T. O'Oonnell. The pall bearers were Thomas Dwyer, Thomas Con ners, Henry P. McArdle, Robert Hard ing, M. J. O'Hara and John Killehex. Interment was in St. Mary's Ceme tery. PLEASANT RECEPTION. Raritan Dancing Class Spent Enjoyable Ev ening in Wilder Hall Last Night I. The Raritan Dancing Glass held their first reception in Wilder Hall last night. It marked the last of a series of dances given by this class this season nnder the management of John Donahue and Fred Tyrrell. The dance was well attended and was happily participated in by all present from 8 o'clock to "G. M. " The excellent mnsic furnished was a decided feature. The orchestra was at its best and they made the dancing all the more easy and enjoyable. A QUIET WEDDING. Mis Mary Humphries is the Bride of Ed ward E. Corsen. On April 28 Miss Mary Humphries, of Washington street, was married to Edward E. Corsen, of Tottenville, by the Rev. S. A. Mitchell, assistant pastor at St. Mary's Roman Catholic church on Center street. Mrs. Corsen is well known here and is very popular among her friends. The death of her brother, John P. Humphries, who was killed at the Raritan Copper Works a short time ago, made the wedding necessarily very quiet. A Chance To Save Money. If one telephone connects you with everybody you want, why add the ex pense of another? Bargains in real estate are to be found in the real estate column on page 2. Our Headache Powders cure every time; give quick re lief, are safe to take; our cut - tomers say they are the best in the city; 3 doses 10c; try them. PARISEN'S Prescription Pharmacy