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PERTH AMBOY EVENING NEWS. I vol. it no. 239 perth" amboy, n. j., Saturday, may 9, 1903 second edition FIREMEN WILL ELECT OFFICERS ON TUESDA Y. IV. G. Comings is Slated for Chief and will be Elected? No Opposi tion to the Ticket ? Election will be Held m the City Hall in the Evening Between 7 and 9 O'clock. The election of a ohief and two assistants for the local fire department takes place in the City Hall on Tues day night between 7 and 9 o'clock. The candidates, who were nominated by the different companies, have no opposition and will be elected. W. Q. Comings has been nominated for chief by the members of , Protection Hook and Ladder Company; John P. Moylan will be first assistant chief, being nominated for that position by the McOlellan Hose Company, while Jnraes M. Qlenn will be the second assistant chief as the choice of Lincoln Hose Company. All of the candidates are men well known in Perth Ambov, and are popu= lar. The retiring Chief, Louis Ffanke, has now completed his second term as ohief of the Perth Amboy Fire De partment. As a fireman once in line for chief is seldom tnrned down, it is generally accepted that John P. Moylan will sncceed Comings and J. M. Glenn will follow him. This being a taot the contest is always over the election of the second assistant. The com panies take turns in nominating the candidates fo that the real fight takes place among the members of the one company having the nomination of second assistant. When the present plans of the Board of Aldermen is carried out there will bo another company to take into con sideration. GUESSED CONUNDRUMS. Official Board of Simpson M. E. Church En tertained Last Night. The official board of Simpson M. E. chutoh was entertained at the home of G. D. Runyon last night. The evening was spent with conundrums. There were eight tables and folded in a napkin beside eaoh plate was a card with conundrums. A vacant space was opposite in whioh they were to write the answers. The one answering most conundrums was to get a prize. Mrs. Parker Run von was awarded ladies first prize, which was a Jap an ese plate. The first gentleman's prize, a Japanese cup and saucer, was won bv J. A. Green and S. R. Farrington but in a decision between them Mr. Farrington won. The prizes for guessing the least number were won by Mrs. W. Woglom and J. H. Lan ning. A delightful suppar was served after which the guests gave connndrums. J. A. Green received the prize for giving the best. LOCAL ITEMS. D. Tyrrell, of Gordon street, has a position at the American Smelting and Refining Company's plant. Math Hansen is having a new side walk laid in front of his place of business on New Brunswick avenue. William Johnson, of State street, who has been enjoying a few days vacation from his duties at Penfield's factory, will report for duty Mondav morning. The work of grading Washington street from High street to the water front, is about completed. | James Barr, formerly of this oity, but now of Jersey City, ib in town today. Harry Comings, of State street, has a position in the office of the W. Blackburn Smith Company. [LECTURE BV MR. GRIGGS. Large Audience in High School Auditorium Heard Distin guished Man. SUBJEGT.JJTERATURE. Edward Howard Griggs has National Rep utation and Perth Amboy Audience Ap preciated the Fact? Wonderful Com mand of English and Knowledge of the Fine Ar!s. The lecture given in the Hieh School auditorium last night by Ed ward Howard Griggs, was all that has been said about it. It was given nnder the anspices of the High Sohool alumni and is the first of a series of two events. Mr. Griggs was introduced by Franz Neilson. His subject was "Literature and Liberal Culture. " He is a rapid talker, but hie clear pronunciation and wonderful command of English made his words and meaning clear to every one. The lecture was without a doubt the best heard in this city this season. Mr. Griggs has been described by some as the "perfect man" in so far as knowledge of literature English art and culture is concerned. By his abundant flow of the language he made pictures for his audience while telling them of literature. He Baid that paintings, sculpture and archi tecture, will fade and crumble, but literature will pass down the ages as long as man has intelligence. The reason literature is not more generally appreciated is because it is so easily accessible to all. The audience which heard Mr. Griggs was large and enthusiastic. He was greeted with hearty applause. Mr. Griggs has a national reputation as a lecturer and the Perth Amboy audienoe was delighted with the opportunity to hear him. ACCUSED OF ALLOWING HOUND DOC IN WOODS. Gaire Warden Church, of South Amboy has Man Placed Under $200 Bonds for Trial. Game Warden Church, of South Amboy. arrested Edward Ziegler, of Browntown, yesterday afternoon on a charge of allowing his[hound dog to run at large in the woods and fields. Ziegler was arraigned before Record er Pickersgill and placed under $200 bail to appear Monday, May 18, at 5.15 o'clock for trial. Ic is understood the warden has at least seven or eight witnesses, the majority of tnem being volunteers, who have dogs of their own and are compelled to keep them tied. It is said that Ziegler seldom has his dog chained. A AAAunin Merchants, Manufacturers, Corporations ACCOUniS and Individuals Solicited ? ? INTEREST PAID ON ) 2 per cent, on $ 500 or over DAILY BALANCES \ 3 per cent, on $1,000 or over Safe Deposit Boxes to Rent at Low Rates LIBERAL POLICY THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK XIO SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY, X. .1. Capital | Profits | Deposits _$l,000,000 HAMILTON K.'KEAN, Prbbidbnt HABBY CON a HI) Cabbi i ?A.1 LOCAL TALENT IN A CIRCUS. Hospital Governors Agree to Having the Society Circus Here as Benefit. FOUR PERFORMANCES. Contract has Been Signed? Tent will be Pitched in Paterson Tract Near Smith Street? Plenty of Fun for all? Plan is Simple? Has been Very Successful Elsewhere. A society circus to be given for the benefit of the hospital, decided by the Board of Managers, was ratified at the meeting of the Board of Gover nor's held in the office of George J. Haney last night. A. A. Dnchemin, of 188 Fifth avenue, New York, is the man with whom the contraot has been made to famish all the necessary paraphernalia and the professional part of the show. The dates have been fixed for the 28, 29 and 30 of this month. On Saturday afternoon a matinee will be given, making four performances in all. Manv have heard about the society, bnt the people of Peith Amboy have never had the chance to see it. When the simple features of it are explained the mere novelty of such an affair has always brought sucoess wherever it has been introduced. The man with whom the contract is made will brine a complete circus here except that he will get a number of local talent to perform. Here's where the fun begins. Local talent will be expected to furnish the mater ial for this part of the show, which inolndes ring master, clowns, bare back riders, tumblers, slack wire walkers, and all the rest( that go to make up a first class amateur oi reus. In this undertaking the Board of Managers have taken upon themselves a great responsibility as an affair of this kind cannot be conducted for nothing and tbey look to the pbulic to give them their most hearty support. CENTRAL PLEASURE CLUB Making Great Preparations for their Picnic to be Held May 15 The Central Pleasure Culb of North Amboy, is making great preparations for their coming picnic which is to be held in Pulaski'Park, State street, on May 15. The clut), which is one of the most popular of Ambov, has already sold many tickets and they expect to make the hit of the season. The different committees in charge of the affair are working hard and there is no question but that it will be a financial snccess. Beside the selling of refreshments there will be dancing all the evening. A first class orchestra has been engaged. TO MEET IN CITY HALL. The Board of Aldermen has invited the committees of the Chamber of Commerce to meet with them in the city hall instead^of Judge Lyon's office as had been planned. Mr. Sid ney Riddlestorffer, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, says the in vitation will be accepted. Advertising is the life of trade. NO TRADING STAMPS of any kind are NECESSARY to introduce KROGH'S Antiseptic TOOTH POWDER. It sells on its merits. A hi fH your hand Is worth two In r\ L/i / U th*? btiHh, anil "lie box of sal vator Brg. ? o.'s WuerzbHi-icer Is worth ?1ih price of two boxes of any olln-r b*er Wuerzberyer 1 1 40, equal to imported; Pale Extra Export Pilmtfr $1.00. These brands cannot he tin plicated for Mich prices besides you yet a rebate of 20 cts for each box of empty bottles. Tlie Hj'giciie Steam Beer Bottling Works, Tel. VtS-B. 251 New Bruuswlok Av. NEW SURVEY BEING MADE. Centra! Jersey Traction Com pany May Pass Around South Amboy. TIRED OF WAITING. Believed that the Company will Complete the Line Over Private Right of Way Which Will be Shorter Trip from the New Bridge to the Shore- People Want Road In Borough. The Jersey Central Traction Com pany is making a new survey which will pass aronnd the borough of South Amboy, reaching Savreville township, and the bridge br passing through the upper section of Maxville. The South Amboy Council has held up the franchise for the company to enter the borough for some time and it would appear that the Central Com pany is going to teach the borough council a lesson. According to reliable information the new route being laid out passes through the Conover tract, crossing Bordentown avenue above Maxville, thence through the Dayton farm, be tween the Rose and Church properties, across the land belonging to Mr. Campbell to Sayreville township. Some people are inclined to believe the company is surveying this route merely to hurry the South Amboy borough council. This ia denied by those who claim to know. It ia point ed out that all surveys cost a great deal of money and it is probable that the line^now being laid oat will be used, as it will be shorter to reach the coast and it ia believed that the Central Company intends to make through traffic a feature. South Amboy people, who have been seen in regard to the matter, say they have no objeotionjto the traction com pany Agoing aronnd the borough with their through traffic, but they want the Central company to run a line into South Amboy for local business. Maxville is one of the most prosper ous sections of South Amboy and the borongh is growing in that direction. It may be that the Central Traction Company are going to place their traoks in that vicinity and allow the borough to grow around them. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR DECORATION DAY. G- A- R. Will Attend Baptist Church in Morning Presbyterian Church In Evening. At the last regular meeting of the G. A. R., held in tneir rooms in the Odd Fellows Building, Smith street, the final arrangements were completed for the Decoration Day exercises. On the Sunday before Decoration Day besides going to the Presbvterian Church in the evening to hear a ser mon bv Dr. Mendenhall, the soldiers have aocepted an invitation from Rev. Percy R. Ferris, the pastor of the First Baptist church, to attend the morning service in the Baptist church. The morning service will be a patriotio one. A few davs before Memorial Day a general order will be issued by the commander of the local Q. A. R. Major James H. Dandy Post, inviting all ladies and gentlemen who can to take part in the general program on Decoration Day. Our Headache Powders cure every time; give quick re lief, are safe to take; our cus tomers say they are the best in the city; 3 doses 10c; try them. PARISEN'S Prescription Pharmacy |a?k. j ensenJ Successorto J. K.JENSEN, J gMASONand CONTRACTOR | I 250 Waahington St. Cor/ Johnstone f RESERVED DECISION. Case of Homestead Building and Loan Against Mary Ryan Clos ed Yesterday. SUIT OVER MORTGAGE. Mayor Charlet K. Seaman and James S. Wight on the Stand? Interesting Facts Brought out? James Ryan for Defense Mrs. Ryan was Called but was Unable to Testify. In the suit of the Perth Amboy Mutual Homestead and Building Loan Association against Mary Ryan, which as told in the News yesterday, was on in New Brunswick before Vice Chancellor Reed, the Vice Chancellor reserved his decision after hearing the testimony. The suit was brought to recover possession of a property held by the defendant upon which the loan holds a mortgage. The defence claims moneys to the amount of $3,780, held by a former solicitor of the loan, have not been applied to.the money borrow ed, and that nothing is due. Lawyers Spencer and Beekman appeared for the loan and Willard P. Voorhees for the defendant. Mayor Charles K. Seaman, testified as secretary of the loan that payments on the shares held in the loan by Mrs. Ryan ceased in April 1901, and the payments on the interest ceased in October. 1901. There was due on the bond and mortgage held by the loan upon the Ryan property on July 25 1902, tho time the loan decided to settle up its accounts, the sum of $2,819,50. This included insurance paid by the loan on the property. The amount of the loan secured by Mrs. Rvan was $4,200. Lawyer Voorhees, in cross-examin ing the Mayor, questioned him as to whether the loan was not insolvent, and denied that the defendants had made a default in payment of dues because of this fact, that of insol vency. The Vice-Chancellor held that the company was not insolvent because it had wound up its affairs. The scheme had not "failed, as thev could have gone on if desired. The Mayor testified that the examining bankers found the loan just about solvent. For the defence James Ryan was sworn and testified that if the moneys received by Mr. Wight had been paid on the claims intended by them and not upon claims charged against the personal account of Mr. Ryan, there would have been enough money to settle everything and no need of the present foreclosure proceeding. Some of the bills paid he was not author ized by the Ryans. Mrs. Ryan was called, but was un able to testify. She is quite aged and became nervous when called. She started to cry and when she had com posed herself the evidence had been ooncluded on both sides, so that si e did not get her testimony in. The Vice-Chancellor reserved his decision. shulskyIsheld FOR CRAND JURY. Given a Hearing Before Recorder Yesterday Claims he is Victim of Asault. Julius Shulsky, who, as told in yesterday's News, was arrested charged with having stabbed Andrew Manie, was given a hearing before Recorder Pickersgill yesterday after noon. The testimony of two witness es to the affair was taken at the con clusion of which the recorder held Shulsky to await the action of the September Grand Jury. Shulsky still denies that he did the stabbing, claim ing, that several men including Manie, made an assault upon him. F.J. LARKIN, 857 STATE Street, will do plumbing, steam, hot water and hot air heating on monthly pay ments. ALL TUG BOATS ARE WORKING. Lehigh Valley now Has Enough Non-Union Engineers to Fill Positions. WILL WORK TOMORROW. Delegate from New York Union in this City Yesterday but was Unsuccessful it Get ting Men Quit? Many Boats Waiting to be Moved -Steamer Loaded and is Bound for Boston. The Lehigh Valley Railroad wan enabled to get the local tug boats, which have tied up at the coal dooks since the strike of the tug boat engi neers began, at work this morning. The Philadelphia & Reading hate alao started a few of their tugs and hope soon to get others at work. All have on board non-union engineers. Yesterday afternoon a walking dele gate from the New York branch of the Marine Engineers Benevolent Association was in Perth Amboy talk ing to a number of the non-nnion men, but he did not succeed in getting them to stop work. To add more trouble to the engi neer's association, the treasurer, William Kolb, of New York, is report ed to have disappeared. The associa tion is thinking of offering a reward I of $1, 000 for a report of his there about. There are many who think he has met with foul play. Since the strike was declared he haa been work ing hard to prevent the union men's positions being filled. Most of the engineers are hoping the trouble will soon end aa they are very anxious to get baok to work. Since all the tug boats are working today there is a rush of ooal orders at the docks. Over f??*^tow and canal boats are jiov*Am*? *t loaded, and it will I v the men to work all dav tomorrow. The steamer Hector came into the docks Thursday evening and a gang of men were put to work to load her with hard ooal. The gang finished their work last night, when the steamer had just 3,600 tons of ooal abroad. She will sail today for Boston. SAYS BROTHER IS SENT TO SIBERIA. Prof. Hagelstam Greatly Distressed over News he has Received from his Home. Prof. Hagelstam, who makes his home with Peter Johansen in this city, has recently received word that his brother has been sent to Siberia by the Russian Government. Prof. Hagelstam is much distressed over the news. He says that as he understands it, his brother was accused of saying things against Russia and the Caar. He was arrest ed and after a short trial was banish ed to Siberia. No stone will be left unturned. Prof. Hagelstam says, to get his brother free. SCHOONERS IN COLLISION. S. M Bird from South Amboy Run Down by British Schooner. The schooner S. M. Bird, Captain Dodge, bound from South Amber for Portland, while lying at anchor off East Chop near Vineyard Haven yes terday afternoon, was run down by the schooner Walter Miller. Both vessels sustained considerable damage as the result of the collision. The Bird's port cathead and jib boom gnv were carried away and the flying out er jib was torn. The Miller had part of starboard maiu rigging carried away and main sail chafed. Both vessels proceeded over the Bhoals. The Miller was a British vessel bound from New York for St. John. ICE CREAM ??># 30 cents per quart *ae Y Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry ... Flavors Get a Piece of Hot Vanilla Taffy ? Made Fresh, in Our Show Window ? Tuesday Afternoon, May 12. ?cl'?0MS Drug Store^=^ sexton s y? $ml?, sik;,. "i.