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PERTH AMBOY VOL. IT NO. 282 - PERTH AMBOY, N. J.. EVENING NEWS. TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1903. SECOND EDITION SHERIFF SEIZES THE SHIP YOUNG AMERICA. II - ? William E. Wmant, of Newark, Attached the Vessel for a Claim Which he has Against the Nautical Preparatory School? Walter Thompson, of the Raritan Dry Docks Places Valuation. That part of the ship Young Amer ica now under course of construction for the Nautioal Preparatory Scnool of Rhode Island, at the plant of the Porth Amboy Shipbuilding and En gineering Company in this city, has been seized by Sheriff Carman to satisfy an attachment proceeding in stituted by William E. Winant, of Nowark, designer of the boat. Winant his a claim of $4,800 against the ship. Dr. W. E. Ramsay, president of the shipbuilding company, in an inter view with a News reporter upon the subject this morning, said : "I am thoroughly familiar with all the cironmstances connected with the Winant claim against the Nautical Preparatory School, and consider the claim a most unjust one." , Dr. Ramasy ventured his opinion that whon the whole matter was final ly nettled in court Winant will be a vary sad man. Previous to the time whon his connections with the Nauti cal Preparatory School were severed, Dr. Ramsay said that Winant had not boon to Perth Amboy for some time for fear that he, Dr. Ramsay, would cause Winant's arrest. Further pro cordings promise to bo of sensational character if all the doctor told the Nows reporter comes true. The right of Sheriff Carman to attach the boat is disputed at the shipyards, the officers claiming that the ship belongs to the Porth Amboy Shipbuilding and Engineering Com pany since the school has not made any payments upon it. It was said that the Nautical School had obtained enough subscriptions to pay for the construction of the ship, but hau been unable to collect tho monoy thus sub scribed. The boat is to cost more than $150,000. The keel and dock are part ly built. Walter Thompson, superintendent of the Raritan Dry Dock Company, acting as appraiser for the Sheriff, placed the present value of the boat at $4,500 and of the material on hand for its construction at $40,000. The next move will be to have an auditor appointed. Coudert Bros., of 71 Broadway, New York, are counsel for the Nautical Preparatory School and Guild, Lum and Tamblain, of Nowark, represent Winant, who is a lieutonant in the navv. George H. Eiswold and Charles H. Howland, of Providence, R. L, are respectively general manager and treasurer of the Nautical Preparatory School. Mr. Eiswold was formerly in the U. S. Navy. Mr. Howland is a graduate of Annapolis and served for a while as Junior Lieutenant in the Navy. He was secretary to Gov ernor Kimball and Ladd, of Rhode Island. It is understood that the Youna America was to have been ready in September next for the first year's cruise, but it is now stated that the rush of work at the shipyard made it impossible to complete her in that time, and so the first year's cruise has been abandoned. It has also been stated that the full complement of 250 cadets had been subscribed for the first year's oruise and 210 for the sec ond year's. When the announcement, ?was made that tho first year's cruiso had been given up, owing to tho im possibility of getting the ship ready, only a flpw of the subscriptions were withdrawn. - The scheme is to fit boys for any of the universities as well as West Point and Annapolis and to give them the advantage of travel and life aboard ship during tk sir preparatory course. Tho plan has the endorsement of many naval officers and educators. Roal Estate advertising in the Even ing Nows brings rosults. * FOUR HORSES NECESSARY. Garbage Wagon Fast in the Mud in Washington Street and De layed for an Hour. NEED OF~PAVEMENT. Tho need of a pavement in Washing ton street was manifested this morn ing when one of tho garbage wagons became fast in the mud in that thor oughfaru near Stale 'street and re mained there for about an hour bofore it was gotten out. For a time tho driver tried to have his own team move the wagon, but lie was unsuccessful and an extra team had to be summoned. With the four horses pulling at once tho wagon was finally gotton from its position. Tho fact that Washington street is ono of the principal thoroughfares in tho northoru soction of tho city, makes the atfair this morning the more noticeable. An ordinance has been passed by the Board of Aldermen to pave Washington street with vitrified brick. Whoii it roquiros four horses to pull a wagon through the-" mud it would seem that tho pavement is a nocessity. Huylor's Bon bons and -Chocolate?, Sexton's Drug Store. 6-80-1 HAS SIGNED AGREEMENT? Painters Delegate Says one of the Bosses has Come to Men's Terms. The delegate of the painter's union said this morning that one of the bosses had signed the wage scale and agreed to tho terms as presented by the bosses and that union mon will start working for him at once. An effort to see the boss who was named as agreeing to the journeymen tonus was unsuccessful this morning. GLE ASON? COLLINS William Fredrick Gloason and Miss May Collins, of State street, were married at 8 o'clock this morning in St. Mary's ohurch. Miss Bridgot Connors was bridesmaid. Tho best man was Dennis Malay. HALLAHAN? KIRK. Morris Hallahan, of Brighton ave nue, and Lilly V. Kirk, of Huntsvillo, Ala., were married at St. Mary's rec tory Saturday evoniug. Mrs. Henry Foley acted as bridesmaid, and Jamos E. Nolan was best man. Mr Halla han is a carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Hallahan will roside in Brighton 1 avenue. Ice cream 15 cents pt, 80 cents qt. Sexton's Drug Store. 6-80-1 OPEN THIS EVENING. Wc take pleasure in announcing to our many patrons that our new store 138 Smith St. will be open for business this evening. We are in a position to give our customers even better service than heretofore and hope for a continuance of their patronage. K. S. Raymond 138 Smith St. AnAAiinlfi of Merchants, Manufacturers, Corporations ACCOUIIIS and Individuals Solicited INTEREST PAID ON [ 2 per cent, on $ 5P0 or over DAILY BALANCES } 3 per cent, on $1,000 or over Safe Deposit Boxes to Rent at Low Rates -LIBERAL POLICY HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HO SMITH STREET, PKBTU AM HOY, N. J. Capital | Profits | Deposits $|,QGQ,QQQ " imSm LTOK .r.|KKAN,l 8??iD?nt. I B/BHYlOONiBD * CONTRACT FOR CLUB HOUSE. Danish Sociable A. C. Awards Contract for New Structure to Axel Wickstrom. WRESTLING LAST NICHT. Club Held a Meeting and Gold Chain Awarded? Twenty new Members were Admitted- Much Enthusiasm Manifest ed?New Club House will be Complete in Every Particular. At the meeting of tho Danish So ciable A. O. last night twonty new mombers made application for mem bership and they were admitted. Tho last wrostling match botween the light weights for the gold chain took place. Myers Hanson downed Walter Mathiasen, the man who won the chain last month, and the chain waB awardod to Hansen, the time being jnst 8 minutes. Peter Hanson and Otto Jorgonson went at it in the eood old way, Hanson came out the winner, tho time boing 5 minutes and 3 sec onds. Oliris Larson downed Peter Anderson in 7 minutes and 1 socond. Morgan Larson won from Martin Lar son in 3 minutes and 1 second. Somo time ago J. S. Hanson, of New Brunswick avenue, agreed to build the Sociable A. O. a new club house with all modern improvements if they would agree to nay a certain rent for the building every month. The building committee, H. P. Han sen, P. H. Christianson and O. Larson, wore empowered to look into the matter and they decided that this off'or from Mr. Hanson would be acceptable. Bids were called for and last night they were opened. Tho lowest bid camo from Axol Wixstrom and he was awarded the contract. The new building will be erected in the icar of the present club house on a lot about 25x100 feet. The lot is the pro perty of J. S. Hanson. As soon as the weather permits the building will be started. LAWN FESTIVAL. The members of the Woman's Guild of St. Peter's church have about com pleted arrangements for the annual lawn festival on the grounds sur rounding tho roctory. Each year, groater success attends the efforts of tho ladies at this event, and if pre parations go for aught, this year's festival will not fall bohind. The tickets are in the hands of the mombers. The date selected is Thurs day, .July 23, from 4 to 10 o'clock. There will be numerous tables about the lawn, where fancy articles, cake and candy will be on sale. A BENEFIT PICNIC. Preparations for the first grand picnic of tho Brick, Tile and Terra Cj^tta Workers Union No. 77, which is to be held at Pulaski Park, Friday night, are being completed. The | picnic is for the benefit of the terra cotta workers who are out of work, j owing to the recent trouble at tho Atlantic Terra Cotta Works of Totten ville. A large number of tickets have been sold. A big crowd is expocted as every union man of any organiza tion seems to know of the object for which tho picnic is being hold. TO HAVE TU3B0AT. The work at the National Fire Proofing Company has increased so much of lato that tho concern has de cided to add a tugboat to its equip ment. The tug is expected to arrive at the works some time today. Take your doctor's presoriptioh to Sexton's Drug Store. <5-30-1 FINEST TABLE BOARD . .IN TIIB CITY. . ** WORRELL'S $5.00 per week. 46 SMITH STREET. TO DOUBLE THE PLANT. Local Contractor will MakelLarge Additions to De Lamar Copper Works at Carteret. RIVAL LOGAtGONGERNS. Already a Large Smelter? Work has begun to Increase its Capacity? Some Idea of Its Size is Given? Contractor Mercer is Very Busy With Twa Large Jobs at Present. Contractor G. W. Mercer has just been awarded the contract to build a number of extensions to the DeLainar Copper Works in Carteret, which, when completed, will double the working capacity of the plant. The olant as it stands today is a very largo affair, but when the present plans of an enlargement are completed it may prove a successful rival to the local Baritan and Guggenheim smelting plants. The work of excavating for the tank house, which will be two stories high, not counting the cellar, and 200 feet square, has already begun and Mr. Morcer is making preparations to be gin the work as soon as possible. The fact that the tank houso alone will be as large as a small city block, will servo to form an idea of what the present plans for doubling the capa city of the plant are. The plans call for the extension of almost everv building of the plant, including the building of two new wire bar furnaces. Mr. Morcer was* recontly awarded the contract for the erection of the Cheeseborough plant hore and he is now considered one of the busiest men in this section. Huyler's mixed chocolates in half pound and pound boxes. Sexton's Drug Store. 6-30-1 FRIENDS WERE THERE. George A. Shultes and Miss Matilda Clara Shuck Married This Morning. When George A. Schultes and Miss Matilda ^lara Schuek left their homes in a cnach at 6.30 o'clock this morn ing and drove to St. Mary's chnrch on Centre street, to be married, they were congratulating themselves on the clever way thoy had outwitted their many friends whom they knew would be up to the usual pranks. But they counted wrong, for when they started down the steps of the church after the ceremony, it seemed to them that rice came from every nook and corner and for a few seconds it appoared to rain rice. The newly wedded couple got into the carriage and were driven rapidly away. The bride was dressed in a blue traveling dress with a hat to match. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary Schuck, a sister of the bride. Rudolf Schuck, a brother of the bride, acted as best man. After their wedding tour, Mr. and Mrs. Schultes will reside in this city. Mr. Schultos is employed at the Standard Underground Cable Works. LONG SHORE NEWS Captain George King was making strenuous attempts to float the Rac quotte this morning. The launch has been up on the beach for some time undergoing a general overhauling and receiving a new coat of paint. The tug Flora is at Schantz & Eckerts. Contractor Duncan J. Currie had a fow men on the ground this morning, i and work will soon be under way on the bulkhoad in front of P. C. Con very's residence. The Quaker City camo down the river this morning and as she was rounding the point near the foot of High street, several of the oysteimen along the water front expressed doubt as to her aDility to get over the shoals safely as the tide was quite low. She came down all right, however. I LOCAL VALUATIONS INCREASED $. 3,000,000 . Session being Held in New Brunswick? Local Men Present? Valuation of Real Estate and Personal Property Shows an Increase Over Last Year--Debt of the Townships. TO LEVY TAX ON OYSTERS. Test Case Now on in Cumber land County Which Will Ce cide the Matter. OYSTERMEN OPPOSE. Upon presentation of the facts by tho Cumberland connty assessors, the state board of taxation has decided that the value of the interest repre sented in the oyster beds of the state must be taxed, and that the interests in the oysters planted is the same as personal property in the cattle, poul try, etc. of the farmer. A protest has boen sent in against the decision. Trenton, June 30.? The upholding of the Cumberland County Board of Assessors by the State Board of Taxa tion in the matter of the right to tax the oyster industry will now undoubt edly bring into the courts the final determination of the question, which has been discussed for the last eighteen years. Tho Cumberland county as sessors will proceed under the ruling and tax the industry as personal pro perty. The oyster beds have never been taxed, and the State's only revenue from them has been the rent als paid bv oyster growers, who hold leases from the State. The|oystermen of the State are up in arms against tho proposition. STEAM FITTERS OUT AT COPPER WORKS. \ No Work for a Helper and the Un ion Men Quit? Work Still Continues. The union steamfitters at the Rari tan Copper Works, four in number, are out on a strike. There is some trouble botween the management of that concern and the union in regards to the employment of a helper for a steamfitter. In conversation with a News man a steamfitter said : "The whole trouble is this, a mem ber of the union, who was employed in the cellar of the tank room, had one helper. He was notified that after a certain date he would have to do that work himself, as there was not enough work to keep two men going all the time. The union rules say that every steamfitter shall have a helper, so the steamfitter quit and the rest went out in sympathy with him. " There seoins to be bnt little chance o* the men returning to work as the company has apparently filled their places, and work does not seem to have stopped. STONES ARRIVED. The large stouos to be used for the foundation of St. Mary's new cliuroh on Mechanic street, arrived at the Pennsylvania depot this morning. All day long Graham & McKeon have had men and teams at worK carting them to the site. The masons will com mence work on Monday morning. Wfi have over $600,000 on deposit, and more than 3,000 depositors. The Perth Amboy Savings Institution. The depositors of the above Institution arc heieliy notified that a DIVIDEND at the rate of 3 per cent, per aunum lias tu rn ileclared lor the six months ending June 30, 1903. and will be credited on the accounts of all entitled to the same on July 30. Money deposited on or before July 10 will draw interest from July I. Aftor July 1 thin bank will be open Montlav and Saturday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. Adrian Lyon, President. JavksL. Lanoastkr Vice Pres. Char'.ks K. Kkaman, Treasurer, J . Lawrknce Booos, Secretary. 7 > _ Special to the Evening News. New Brunswick, June 30: ? The county assessors met in this city this morning and fixed the rates of the county for the year. The entire morn ing session was taken np in reading of the reports from the various repre sentatives at the conclusion of which it was found that the total net valua tion of taxable property in the county is 132,908,792 as against 128,938,140 last year. Perth Amboy shows an increase of $3,518,662 while New Brunswick shows an increase of only 92,429. Wood bridge has an increase of $67,130 while South Amboy shows a decrease of $11,780. The sohool tax the county has to raise this year is $61,721.67 an increase of $666. 19 oyer last year. The valuation of real estate, person al property, total debt and net valua tion taxable of the several townships as announced is as follows : Raritan? Real, $1,246,350; personal, $96,780; debt. $35,350; net valuation taxable, $1,283,280. Jamesbnrg? Real, $262,795; person al, $99,867 ; debt, $9,700; net valuation taxable, $349,112. Metuchen ? Real, $764,856; personal, $84,545; debt, $3,000; net valuation taxable, $816,450. Sayrevi lie? Real, $972,140; personal, $144,525; debt, $11,900; net valuation taxable, $1,101,115. * South Amboy? Real, $1,113,770; personal, $287,200; debt, $137,160; net valuation taxable, $1,196,670. Woodbridge? Real, $2,493,665; per sonal, $178,060; bas no debt; net val uation taxable, $2,631,506. * New Brunswick ? Real, $8A^J76 ; personal, $l,850,8?(H(f det/t, * 5^*00 ; net valuation tg^CSble, $9, 6 11, 7 1^"^-51 Perth Amboy? Real, $7,644,613; per sonal $697,595; has no debt; net valuation taxable, $8,196,207. DISTRIBUTING CRUSHED STONE. The rain of the last few weeks Imb left State streot in a deplorable condi tion. This morning street commis sioner Woirup has a gang of men at work distributing loads of crushed stone in the places where it is most needed. SHOT PET DOG. At the request of the family of Peter Bastenello, of Madison avenue, Policeman John Wood shot their pet dos Saturday night. For a long time the dog has been sick. Pianos at the old stand. Peder Olson, 86 Smith street. 6-9to7-4- e.o.d? adv. Headaches ?"ickl> v81"811 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? after taking our Celebrated Headache Powders ? Safe and reliable ? 3 doses for 10c ? Try them. Parisen's Prescription Pharmacy. WEATHER. The forecast received at the local Signal Station is for fair and warmer. HIGH TIDE. June a. m p.m. July a.m. p.m. 30 12.12 3 2.28 3.14 J'lyl 12.25 1.12 4 8.34 4.11 2 1-25 2.14 5 4.36 SOB