OCR Interpretation

Perth Amboy evening news. [volume] (Perth Amboy, N.J.) 1903-1959, November 17, 1903, Image 5

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I . - -—- ■
Mr. and Mrs. Dooling Entertained Many
Friends Sunday Night.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dooling, of
tho Heights, celebrated the tenth
anniversary of their wedding Snuday
night. There were about 100 guests
present and all had an enjoyable time.
Tho dining room was prettily trim
mod with white chrysanthemums and
ferns anil the table was loaded with
good tilings to eat. Mr. and Mrs.
Dooling were the recipients of many
beautiful presents. Among those
present were: Prof. T. J. Heaney, of
Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Vin
cent, of Jersey 'City, Miss Nellie
Sullivan, of Milburn, Miss Brown, of
New York, Miss St. Clare, of New
Haven, Conn., The Misses Helen and
Sylvia Rechnitzer and Mr. and Mrs.
. Walter Rechnitzer, Miss TesBie D.
Farrell, of Perth Amboy, Ex-Assem
blyman aud Mrs. .John F. Quaid, of
Savrevillo, the Misses Kathryn and
Celia Monaghan, of New Brunswick.
Many Things that Some People Complain of
are an Advantage.
W<s think it about time ‘‘tho [recent
acquisition at the foot of Henry
street” bo let rest. It must be very
weary—that ‘‘recent acquisition”—of
being flung abonc, picked up and
thrown at our former City Fathers
ovorv once in a while. It certainly
hns given pleasure to a great many
people from far and uoar the past two
summers and beforo and siuoe to many
of'onr own town, as a moans of get
ting cool, puro air it has been a bless
It 1ms also brought in considerable
mouoy of late and has been of benefit
to Messrs. Rose and Hillman, Andrew
Furman, etc., for loading clay, ere.
Hoes ‘‘Equality, eto.” mean that the
city water, electric lights, paving oi
stroets, trolloy cars, telephone, etc.,
aro ‘‘the tombstones marking the in
ability and inalertness” of our former
Mayors and councilmen? If so, the
new aro glad to have ‘‘the town cov
ered with them” and see no reason
for rapping tiio said persons. We
cannot expect perfection and notwith
standing tilings go wrong onco iu a
i while we have lots of comfort with
those very ‘‘tombstones.” We
wouldn’t be without the trolley cart
witli their shortcomings for a mint ol
mouoy, nor the electric light with itt
honntifnl glow, even tliougn it has a
fancy lor playing hide and seek once
in a while, not the city water with
its opportunities for extra cleanliness,
etc. Get out your petition about the
tax if vou want it, sign it, get it sign
ed and presented, but ‘‘act honorably ’
and stop rapping those who have
brought into our borough very many
comforts it did not possess before.
In&onlonN RiiMtlerM a .Source of Im
mense Trouble to Cattlemen of
Went and Southwest.
One source of Immense trouble to the
cattlemen has been the calf thief, says
Leslie’s Monthly. Many a large “outfit’
Vi‘hi err\r\f> niit nf hiiBinpRfe nn nremint 1
the “rustler.” Where cow herders have
to ride the range for 50 or 75 miles they
I are likely to be forestalled in branding
a calf by some vigilant rustler whose
little mountain ranch Is near the usua!
iy grazing place of a bunch of cattle. Oi
*»'• very possibly the puncher for the big
3C ranch has caught and branded
the calf with its proper mark; and when
many months later he rides on a yearling
^ branded BOB he has no means of know
N' leg that the owner of the latter brand has
deftly touched up the 3C with a running
iron by the artistic addition of twe
strokes and an added letter. I may be
stated parenthetically In passing that
more than one large "outfit” of to-day
got its start entirely from “rustlcd”cat
tie. In the more arid southwest rustling
is not so common, because most of the
water is pumped, and cattle get In the
habit of coming home often to drink and
can be watched more closely; but even
there it is a factor of no slight import
, ance. I
Queer Monument.
The citizens of Altenburg (Germany)
have erected a monument in honor ot
l “skat,” which is a German variation ol
whist. The monument consists of a
v column painted with diamonds, hearts,
spades and clubs.
V here 11II1 y Kxceln.
Italy has more extended house indus
tries than any other country.
llent and Cold.
Extreme heat is more fatal to human
life than extreme cold.
You Won’t Isle Often.
Don’t lie when unnecessary.—Wash
ington (la.) Democrat.
Dok Hiitl Mud Man.
V It’s a poor dog that can’t make a
Uiau mad by biting him.
MakeN Leaitt Notate.
They that govern the most make the
least noise.—Selden.
Miss Rosie Whitcombs, who, a few
months ago, lived with Mrs. E.
Akeus, of Broadway, is now residing
at Jersey City, and working at millin
ery. Miss Whitcomb was calling on
a few old friends in this borough Sun
day and left her best regards for the
members of the Girl’s Friendly So
ciety, of which she was a member
when residing here. Beforo long she
expocts to send them some news that
always interests young and old. We
loavo her friends to guess what that
may he.
The Pythian Sisterhood, of this
borough, will meet this Wednesday,
November 18, and businoss of import
ance will be transacted ro they would
like nil of the Perth Amboy and South
Amboy members to be present.
A schooner lias been loaded at the
borongli dock with clay the past week.
On Thursday night a horse belong
ing to Wyckoff & Rne, eroceis, was
frightened by a trolley oar and backed
I no wagon into tho culvert on First
street anil upset it. No damage was
done, bnt considerable exoitoment en
sneil for a while.
The Commissioners of Appeal will
moot at Borough Hall on Tuesday,
November 24 at 10 a. in.
Rev, II. M. P. Pearso attended the
celebration of the two linndreth anni
versary of St. John’s Episcopal church
at Elizabeth last Tuesday.
The trolley cars were loaded Sun
day with Polanders going to Soutli
River to witness tho laving of the
cornerstone of the new Polish ohnrch
at that place. Several extra oars were
running for the occasion.
Justice Mason has been kept very
busy the last two weeks, after quite a
lull in his line of business.
Mrs. Hunt has ordered an extra
supply of Evening News to be sent to
her store, so hopes not to disappoint
her patrons in the future.
Tho Senior Christian Endeavor of
tho M. P. church, will meet at Mrs.
F. Hanse’s, Tuesday night.
Continent Will Dry I'p If Present D..
ntfnetlvp ProccHneM Continue—
Experience of Old World.
The climatic history of the old world
will repeat Itself in America, says the
National Magazine. If forest destruc
tion, at Its present rate of recklessness,
should continue much longer, our conti
nent will have to dry up. So will aD
orator who should venture to urge that
fact upon a boodle legislature. In this
era of lumber trusts. But the fact re
mains. and its significance may be in
ferred from the experience of the Medi
terranean coast lands, where thousands
of god gardens have been turned Into
Gehennas of wretchedness and desola
tion. By tree destruction alone a terri
tory of 4,500,000 square miles has been
withdrawn from the habitable area of
our planet. The physical history of the
eastern hemisphere is the history of a
desert that originated somewhere near
the cradle of the Caucasian race—in Bac
tria, perhaps, and, spreading westward
and southward, has blighted the Edens
of three continents like a devouring tire
nnd h? now Krorrhincr wrfit rnngf ni
Africa and sending its warning sand
clouds far out to seaward.
Snirnr In France,
The price of sugar In France has re
cently been reduced by less than half,
and the consumption has been nearly
doubled. Formerly sugar was a luxury
which rarely reached the homes ol
many workingmen, but now its use is
much more common.
Explanation Wanted.
The Husband—I'll make out the de
posit in your namfe, and all you have
to do is take it to the bank.
The Wife—But suppose I want to
draw out some day, how will they
know which is my money?—Brooklyn
His Experience.
The Callow Youth—Have you ever
fallen in love?
The Grizzled Bachelor—Yes. 1 fell
in so hard, about 20 years ago, that
I went clear through, and I've been
out of it ever since.—Town Topics.
Why Thereof.
“What,” asked the inquisitive per
son, "is the difference between a thief
and a kleptomaniac?”
“The former steals to live,” replied
the wise guy, "and the latter lives to
steal.”—Chicago Daily News.
No Harm Done.
“Oh, dear! There was something I
wanted to buy, and I've forgotten what
it was.”
“Perhaps It’s just as well, my dear.
I forgot to bring my pocketbook with
me.”—Chicago American.
Lciihovi in Entins:.
Ma—Willie, what's Tommy crying
Willie—Just bicause he don't want to
learn anything. I just took his sweets
and showed himUiow to eat them.—
Cincinnati Enquirer.
\ ...
- j
Riiffineer Wan Offered Fifty Dollar!
m Minute for Every Minute tiuined j
Over the Schedule.
There is a little story connected with ■
the record-breaking run of the Lowe
special over the Santa Fe, Chicago to 1
Los Angeles, in less than 53 hours, I
which is not generally known. *
It is related thal Mr. Lowe offered s
the engineer who hauled the train from c
Han Bernardino to Los Angeles—on the
home-stretch of 60 miles—the sum of
$50 a minute for every minute gained
over the schedule. Engineer Warboy
turned the wheels at a 60-second clip for '
each mile to Pasadena, but had to slow
down in the suburbs of Los Angeles. He
pulled into La Grande station, Los An
geles, just 62 minutes after leaving San
Bernardino, gaining nine minutes on the *
whirlwind schedule and thereby earn- t
ing $450 extra pin -money. 1
The Santa Fe passenger department c
will soon publish a pamphlet giving full i
details of the swift flight of the Lowe a
special, which in several instances ex
ceeded 90 miles an hour. An average of
nearly 43 miles an hour was maintained,
in the face of having to cross four high
ranges of the Rockies, and with little \
previous selection of engines or crews.
Paper Charcli.
A church built of compressed paper,
and capable of seating 1,000 persons, j
has been erected in Bergen, Norway. .
Requires Kina's Consent.
No member of the British royal l'pm- 1
ily in the direct line can legally marry *
without the consent of the crown. I
---- 1 1 ... 1 <
before the rush
of Holiday shop
ping begins. Re
member we have
I the largest stock y
of Jewelry in the ■'
city. By paying P
a small deposit
you can have any
of the following
articles reserved
Watches, Clocks, g
Jewelry, Silver-1
ware, Cut Glass 1
Novelties, Gold 1
and Silver Ladies’ 1
and Gents’ Silk |
Umbrellas - -I
and hundreds of other I
articles at
f- ---
The Evening News is on sale at Ost
urgs’ 44 Main street, and at John
Joss' Hotel, formerly John Kail’s
tand. Extra copies of the News and
11 NewYork papers can always be so
fill Hold a Reception and Entertainment
in K. of P. Hall.
0 ~
Monday, November 80, the Rath
oue Sisters will holdjn reception and
ntertainment in K. of P. Hall, Am
oy avenue. The Knights of Pythias
nd Rath hone Sisters from all over
tatou Island have been asked to
ttend and a big gathering is expected.
fere at High Bridge N. 1. end Had Great
Reuben Audrovette and Percy Hall
eturiiud home Saturday afternoon
fter a four day’s limiting trip in High
iridge, N. .T. They had a first class
imo and to prove to their friends that,
hey were really hunting, thoy brought
iack with them fifteen 'rabbits, six
nail and three pheasants. Thoy say
hat game is very plentiful at High
Iridgo.and that they will endeavor to
mt in a few more days at t lie same
ilaco before the season closes.
The United Workers Society, of St.
dark's M. E. church, Pleasant Plains,
vill hold a meeting in tiic church
wrlor Thursday night, ltov. S.
Frevenn Jackson, pastor of Simpson
tf. E. church, of Perth Amboy, will
uake an address. Other speakers,
ocal and out of town, will also be
iresont. Solos and piano soleotions
will bogivenTiy some of the mem
jers. Prof. L. Horn’s full orchestra
will furnish the mnsic for the occa
Tlio Father Dramgoolo Council,
Catholic Benevolent Legion, members
will hold a fair and reception in tlic
Oriental Hall, at Eltingville, on
Thanksgiving night. The plans nre
now being completed. Fancv and
domestic articles will be for sale. A
good time is assured all gnests.
> • - —
A pool and billiard tournament will
soon coiumo.uci) at the Aquahouga
Club house. The tables have been
put in and everything is ready. The
members are waiting anxiously for
the opening night, when some great
scores will doubltess be made.
The lecture in K. of P. Hall, Amboy
avenue, Thursday night, under the
auspices of the Board of Education,
of New York, will he “Poo and Long
fellow.” The lecturer will be Dr.
Cnrtis Hidden Page, of Columbia
On Saturday afternoon thn St. Pnul'i
Society, of Stnplotou, and the St.
Mary’s football team played a tie
gamo at New Dorp. Tho scoro was
5-5. 'JL'hoy played on the Gillis field
at Now Dorp.
Things are kept on tho move at tin
Tottenvillo Copper Works these days,
There is plenty of erode copper nnc
plenty of work. The employes no
only work full time, but many o
them put in considerable overtime.
As Slie I'ienreil It.
“Say, ma.”
“What is it?”
“Wliat’s the height of the rtdicu
“Well,” said Mrs. Henpeek, “youi
father is about five feet eight, 1 be
lieve.”—Chicago Record-Herald.
Unit Heard Illm.
“I believe.” said the minister, “thn
It would be a good idea to have ai
‘S. R. 0.’ sign for our church, tba
we might use on occasion.”
’’Yes,” agreed the carping parishion
er; ‘T suppose it would mean ’sleepliij
room only.’ ”—Judge.
A Modern Miracle.
Papa—Show me that you deserve m,
daughter, and you may have her.
Splndlesh&nks—I have made her lov
me, sir.
Papa—Take her! You have performe
a miracle beyond my comprehension
—Town Topics.
In Proper Regalia.
Mrs. Crimsonbeak — Dinner’s readj
I Mi;. Crimsonbeak—Wait 'til I chang
my overalls.
I “Never mind taking them oft, John
you’ve got a duck to carve.”"
County President! Wil! Give Add css in St.
Pauls M. E. Church Tonight.
The Woman’s Chrisian Temperance
Union business meeting, held yester
day atternoon, at the home of Mrs.
E, P. Monee, was well attended.
After all the business had been trans
acted, refreshments were served.
Tonight the Union will hold n meet
ing in St. Paul’s M. E. church, Am
boy avenue. The County President,
Mrs. Sarah P.oberts Morris, will make
an address. All members are invited
lo attend.
When Sea Breeze is opened next
year, people will see a great and much
improved summer resort. Manager
Joseph Fiigeu will have some im
provements made and it will be mn
as an up to date pleasure resort. The
same rules in regard to Sundays, will
be enforced, it is saiil. Sacred con
certs will bo given, but no dancing
Policeman Helt, of Stapleton, who
is a brother of Policeman licit, of
Totteuville, has been retired on half
pay by Police Commissioner Greene,
after twenty-one years service as nn
officer. Ho was next to the oldest
officer on the Staten Island force.
Superintendent Cook, of Totteuville,
being on the force twenty-five years.
On Thursday night at 7.45 o'clock
at the Church of the Holy Comforter,
Eltingville, the Right Rev. H. G.
Potter, D.D., Bishop of the rtiocosf
of New York, will confirm a class oi
ten children.
Improvements aro being made to
tho houses of Prof. Lowe, iu Johnson
The home of Dr. Meyers, Johnson
avonuo, is receiving a new coat of
Miss Ella Winant, of Richmond
Valley, is spending a few days out oi
town, with friends. sdid r ~i
The woods on Amboy avenuo, jnsi
below Main street, oontaiu plenty oi
game this year and every day young
hunters try their luck.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bedell, of Main
street, are spending the day in Brook
J. C. Gannon, of West Brighton
was a Totteuville visitor yesterday.
Miss Elizabeth Forman, of Princesi
Bay, was a Perth Amboy visitoi
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Johnson, o:
William street, leave today for Nev
Haven, Conn., where they will spent
tho winter with their daughter, Mrs
A. Applecate.
Steam find Electricity Have Com
billed to Turn la Into a llace of
The human race, they tell us, ha
been on earth at least 300,000 years
Until within the last 100 practical!
no gain was made as to the ease o
rapidity with which one might journe;
trom one place to another. Abrahan
could travel as fast as Arthur Young
Indeed, the modernness of our pres
ent methods comes over me witl
great impressiveness when I recall th
fact that I can remember the days o
the "Pony Express.”
But steam and electricity have rev
olutionlzed the world. Combined wit
human curiosity and the love of ac
venture, they have turned us Into
race of globe-trotters, it is inters?
ing to notice how soon the mot
startling changes and the most woi
derful inventions become commoi
place to us. The son of the man wr
, contentedly took a week to get fro
Boston to Washington now finds hin
self perhaps profanely Impatient if
train Is an hour late, or he has to wa
five minutes to get the use of a teh
phonfe.—From "The Influence (
Travel,” by Minot J. Savage, in Foul
; Track News for November.
i __
She—I think he’s after a divorce. H
• has been giving his wife to understan
; recently that he’s insanely jealous t
He—But. gracious! he hasn’t ar
cause to be.
’’ She—I know, but you see, he’s pu
ting new notions into her head, and
B won’t be long before she does give hi
j cause.—Catholic Standard and Times.
! Had HI. Doubts.
“An economical wife Is a great bles
“I suppose so,” answered the m:
> whose coat sleeves always seem t
short, “although it is roving to ha
e people Insist summ
clothes in fall In wi
'iter, just
Tfie Theatres*
Forbes Robertson anil Gertrude Elliott
made tin ir first appearance in New York
as joint stars at the Kuiulcerbrocker The
atre last Monday night in Comtance
Fletcher's dramatic version of Uuyard
Kipling’s ‘The Light That Failed.”
Both this stars and the play made a great
success and will undoubted y draw un
usually large audiences to the Knicker
bocker during their four weeks’ stay.
The play is a very powerful onr an! ap
peals distinctly to all lovers of the best
in drama; i; arc- It is well mounted and
there is an atmosphere of reality about
every scene and situation seldom obaerv
e i in any production.
Mr. Roliertsou and M:*s Elliot arc sup
ported by a very able company, Audrey
Smith a> “ I orpeubow,'1 attracting much
attention. Another conspicuous player is
Miss Auriol Lee, as “Bessie Broke,” who
made a hit in tiie character of a London
cockney girl of the streets.
Seats may be ordered by mail, accom
panied by remittance.
The Century's New Cover.
The new cover of The Century, which
h is made the November issue stand out
b ddly on every news- land an 1 booksell
e 's counter, is being commended by read
!eri and critics as ‘ artistic,” “dignitied,”
and ‘unusually attractive.’ It is of simple
architectural design, in ivory, black and
Venetian red, on a soft olivegrjen; and is
Htid to be the ouly permanent maga/.'ne
cover at 1 he present time in which greeu
■s the predominant tone.
llux Cnrloux Qoalllj of Promotluft
Growth of Some Plantw autl Ilia
(tcrlag Ollier*.
The action of salt, or chloride of
sodium, as a fertilizer is sometimes very
peculiar by reason of its apparently in
consistent influences. It has the effect
of checking vegetable growth and at
ihe same time increasing the yield ol
wheat and other crops to which it is
suited, says the Southern Farm Maga
Mangel wurzel, beans, cabbages and
onions flourish with liberal supplies o.
salt. It is also highly advantageous tc
the growth of asparagus. It is found
.n every cultivated plant, and. there
tore, may be considered, in small inan
ities, as generally desirable for all
crops. Lauds which are near the sea
toast are always liberally supplied with
his ingredient by winds, which carry it
.roin the sea.
According to Henry Tanner, of the
.oyal agricultural college in England.
>ne oi the most important influences that
talt exerts cu vegetation Is due to its
arising from the action of the chlorine
which it contains. This is a very' im
portant factor in agriculture, and when
iully understood will be more generally
utilized. In the ease, lor instance, of a
wheat crop upon land that has been too
tighly manured, the tendency is to pro
duce straw' rather than grain, the grassy
character of the plant being unduly en
Vital Enorffiei of Timepiece* Like
TUomc uf Human Bcinu* at Lon
Lbb at
“You know that the vital energies
* are at lower ebb at night than in the
daytime,” said an old watchmaker.
"Would you believe that some watches
—especially the cheaper ones—are sim
ilarly afTected?
“You know a good watchmaker al
ways wants several days in which tc
regulate a timepiece. That is because
the only way to regulate it properly
is to compare It with a chronometer a
> the same hour every day. Otherwlsi
the variations In the speed of thi
watch will battle his efforts.
“The man to whom I was appren
ticed told me this, and I thought tin
i idea absurd. We were working lati
one night, and he called my attentioi
• to a lot of watches we had regulatet
i and ready to deliver. It was near mid
■ night and every watch was slow
f The better watches had lagged be
hind some seconds. The cheapei
- watches were a minute or more out o
i the way. Next morning every one o
- the lot was exactly right.
a “The fact Is, you can regulate i
- watch to make exactly 24 hours a day
it but you can't persuade it to make jus
i- CO minutes in each of the 24 hours. Wh
i- this is no one can tell.”
o -... .
I- Sleel Shot for I>rill«.
n Chilled steel shot are now successful!
t used instead of black diamonds for cor
- rock drills.
f _ _
t- Sanitary Plumber.
it -
Railway Ave.
shop near cr Depot, Carteret,N.J
Painter and Papartvanger
fP At order* by mall promptly attended o
| r rtRTRRBT.: N. J.
- fOLmH«NET«®TAl
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