OCR Interpretation

Perth Amboy evening news. [volume] (Perth Amboy, N.J.) 1903-1959, December 01, 1903, NIGHT EDITION, Image 3

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Teams Were Tie For First Place
Local Boys Stepped Ahead
Last Niyht.
The Friday Nights defeated the
Amicitias, of Pleasant Plains, on the
Hartmann a.leys, Front; struct, last
night. It was a hotly contested gatno
and the Amicitias would have won
but for the good work of Evans and
Dunn, who were at their best.
; In the first game the Friday Nights
won by the small margin of five pins.
In the last game the Amicitias lost by
40 pinB. The following are the scores •
Audrovette 140 158
Manoe 180 144
Segnine 176 137
Swade 128 183
Brooks 161 200
785 822
Friday Nights.
Lydiard 156 190
Hovler 137 165
Christie - 160 161
Evans 190 186
Dnnn 147 169
790 871
Elmer Christopherson, the crack
local pool player, will meet Joe Con
cannou, of Wood bridge, in n 100 ball
game for n suitable sido bet Satnrday
night at William Harding’s Hotel,
Hall avenue.
Two teams from the Raritan Conner
works will bowl at the Bloodgood
alleys, Smith street, at 8 o'clock to
night. The team that loses will have
to stand for a “blow ont” to the
winning team and their friends.
The Bound Brook bon ling olub will
oorno to thiR city tonight and battlo
on the Raritan alleys, against the Poll
Social club. The Pops were out for
practioo last night, and they hope to
win the battle at all costs.
The bowling match between the
Riversides and the Perth Amboy High
school, which was to nave been rolled
on the Bloodgood alleys yesterday
nfternoon, was postponed until a later
W. L. Played
Friday Nights 5 1 6
Amicitias 3 3 6
Three B’s 1 '3 4
Aqualiongas 13 4
W. L. Play’d
Raritans, N. B., 8 2 10
Metnehen 9 2 11
Pop Socials 3 7 10
Bound Brook 3 6 9
Games foifrited: Bound Brook 1;
Pop Socials 1.
PuckinK' It Hilton*.
When packing one’s iinery for travel
ing roll ribbons and sash ends up tightly
fold them means to crease them across
at regular intervals, and this surely in
volves the use of an iron before they are
A Very Different Matter.
Ethel—I heard the count had jilted
Jean—Oh, no; he’s too much of a gen
tleman for that. I Know positively that
he gave Gladys three days in which to
jilt him.—N. O. Timcs-Democrat.
D!k Port of Chill.
Although Valparaiso, tho chief com
mercial port of Chili, with 150,000 in
habitants, has a harbor which • is one
of the most insecure on the west coast
of South America, 8,000 vessels arrived
there last year.
The Ponrth Kind.
‘‘A San Francisco man says there are
three kinds of flying machines.”
“Well, what the public is waiting for
is the fourth kind—the l.ind that will
fly.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Theodore” bloodsood
Billiard and Pool Parlor
42 Smith Street' Perth Amboy. N. I
J 02*104 Smith St Perth Amboy j)
Jrlven by McHenry, f-'nmons Pacer
llroke tlie Worldk Record.
MACON, Ga., Dee. 1.—In tlie face of
i cold ami driving rain and a tempera
ture of 47 degrees Dan I’atch broke
:lie two world's pacing records.
To a liig.li wiieel sulky lie lowered
Direct's record of 2:00 to 2:04%. The
Hue by quarters was 0:31, 0:30%.
1:31 U and ii:31%.
'J’wenty-five minutes later, to tlie
jsual track sulky, lie went two miles
m 4:17, lowering Nervola’s record of
1:1!) by two seconds flat.
He was driven by M. E. McHenry
iml the claim is made that under tlie
weather conditions tlie races were per
Imps tlie fastest ever known. The ex
cellence of the truck was fully demon
Roan Ormonde Itenten by Proper.
SAN EUANCISCO, Dee. 1.—Beau Or
monde, heavily backed at 0 to 5 in the
mile race at Oakland, was beaten by
Proper, the second betting choice. Hon
iton made her first appearance and had
no trouble boating Arab)), the favorite,
in tin- fifth race.
Xow York, (irrgor IC. nod Ethics.
NEW Oil DEANS, La.. Dec. 1.—Fa
vorites and outsiders divided the hon
ira at (ho fair grounds. The success
ful choices were New York, Gregor K.
and Ethics.
of Men and Women Huvc
Greatly F linn Rod In Last ttiiur
ter of u Century.
Much more attention is now paid tc
tlie liver than was formerly the case
says the London Graphic. The doc
tors in recent years have traced manj
ills to drink, and have trained theii
patients to be abstemious. That Is
pne of the causes gf the decrease whict
has been referred to. Another is tha;
the high-spirited man, who was “no
body's enemy but his own,” who dranl
to keep his spirits up, is no longei
a favorite. On the contrary, he it
avoided. The Increased habit of din
ing in restaurants has also acted as i
cheek. It is to be observed, too, thai
the boisterous element has been al
most entirely removed. Up to abou
20 years ago “knocker-wrenching,’
“larking," practical joking, tlie heart!
style of meeting which found expres
sion In a violent slap upon the back
were not only tolerated, blit popular
All that is discredited now.
On the other hand, there is mitcl
more gambling to-day than there was
though, so far as cards are concerned
the stakes are considerably smaller
Three estates lost in throe nights it
an incident which this generation k
ignorant of. But almost everyone or
casionaliy gambles in stocks ant
shares, and many make speculation tlieii
chief object in life. Bridge has become
little less than a disease among worn
en. Many of (he latter spend most o
their afternoons and evenings over tilt
card (able. At the clubs, too, bridgi
often commences early in the after
noon, while most of the gamblers it
-former days only began playing In the
late hours of the evening.
Rcch nt a Picnic.
The experiment of serving honey al
a Sunday school picnic was tried ir
Kansas. The bees in the nolghborhcot
learned of the affait and the picnic dis
banded a bit suddenly.
Safeguard A«:ilnsi Fire.
Dip children's frocks, pinafores, etc.
in a solution of alum after they have
been washed, for thus you will rendei
them non-inflammable.
Tt» Kokh Slinou Tio.1
To prevent shoe laces from coming
untied, wax them before putting them
into the shoes; the slight trouble is well
worth while.
"The University” Sack
Suit is our great hit of the
season. It is modelled on
the latest design of one of
the most exclusive New
York custom tailors, with
broad concaved shoulder,
form-fitting coat, and full
peg-top trousers. Hand
A universal favorite
with dressy young men.
See it bears the above
label. ,
Your money back for
anything not right.
For ule by
h. McCullough,
Perth Amboy, N. J*
Recognition of Panama Means
Approval of Our Action.
BucIi Action CxcmptM From All Obll
KUtloii, Ho Far hn New Republic Im
Concerned, the Five Mile ( anal
Htrlp Now 1 ndcr Our Control.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.—Germany
has recognized the republic of Panama
us a sovereign and independent state.
Ilnron von Item Uusschc-Huddenbau
sen, first secretary of cnilmssy and
charge d'affaires, lias addressed a note
to M. Ilunau-Varillu, the minister from
Panama, informing him that, the Ger
man government having received his
notification of the creation of the new
republic and ids formal assurances
that Panama assumed and would exe
cute all obligations contained ill the
treaties between Germany and Colom
bia so far as they affected territory
over which Panama is now sovereign,
ids majesty, the emperor and king, ex
tended full recognition to the new re
public and best wishes for its prosper
ity and long life.
Several days ago when the German
government Inquired of Minister liu
nau-Vurllln whether Panama would
eariy out the treaty stipulations of the
existing conventions between Germany
and Colombia the minister replied that
his government readily assumed these
..t.ii._ . r.. .. _ *i.rr_*..A H...
territory over which the republic of
1’nuama exercised sovereignty, but tlmt
tlie Fiinnnia government must necessa
rily exempt from this pledge the canal
strip, over which the Hay-Bunau-Varii
la treaty grants sovereign rights, power
and authority to the United States. The
German government has readily assent
ed to this exemption, thus signifying
her approval of this provision of the
new canal treaty.
Baron von Item Itussche called at the
state department and officially in
formed this government of Germany's
In view of the precedent set by Ger
many It is expected that the other Eu
ropean powers will grant an equally
full recognition to the new republic and
exempt from all obligations so far as
the Panama government is concerned
the territory live miles on each side of
the canal route commonly known as
the canal strip.
Helen Gould’** Ilihle ICwMiiy Prise**.
NEW YORK. Dee. 1.—Resulting from
the action of the Rev. T, J. Earley, rec
tor of the Church pf the Immaculate
Conception, who forbade Catholics to
attend her class of 300 girls at Lynd
lmrst. Miss Helen Gould has offered
$7.31 * lit prizes, to be awarded for the
best essays on the double topic, “The
Origin and History of the Version of
the Bible Approved by the Roman
Catholic Church” and "The Origin and
History of the American Revised Ver
sion of tlie English Bible.” This com
petition will be open to the world, and
the offer lias been made through the
Bible Teachers' Training school, which
was organized by the regents of the
University of the State of New York.
Four hundred dollars will be given to
the writer of the best essay, $230 for
the second best and $100 for the third.
“Homlonetl" Jol> Causes Strike.
SUMMIT. N. J„ Dee. 1.—About sev
enty-five Italian laborers employed in
the truck depression work of the I.nck
awamm railroad near here are on strike
i because they think the joli is “hoo
dooed." First the cable which hoists
the iron buckets used for conveying the
dirt from the excavation snapped, and
a number of laborers in the trench nar
rowly escaped death; then the boom on
tlie derrick of t lie hoisting machine
broke, and another gang of men were
in peril. Later one of tlie laborers fell
into tlie excavation, broke his back and
died. Lately Drunk Fitzpatrick of tills
place fell in at the same place and died
m two (lays, i up men It'll Him me
place is too hazardous for them mid so
quit work.
ItrliiKh Amlin**:: (1 or Arrives.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 1.—Sir Henry
Mortimer Durand, the new British am
bassador. arrived in Washington last
night. He was met at the station by
tlie entire embassy staff, who escorted
him direct to tlie embassy. The am
bassador expects to call on Secretary
Hay today, when a date for ids presen
tation to tlie president will be ar
No Dividend on Hejtnlille Steel.
NEW YOltK, Dec. 1.—The directors
of tilt* Kt-public Iron and Steel compa
ny have suspended tin- dividend of the
preferred stock at a full meeting of the
board. It was officially announced aft
er tlie meeting that action on the pre
ferred dividend was postponed. At the
same time it was announced that Join)
W. Gates laid been elected a director
to succeed August Belmont.
Hnrrett** Sentence Deferred.
ST. I.OIJIS, Dee. L—When Thomas
E. Barrett, convicted of aiding and
nbetting naturalization frauds, ap
peared in the United States district
court District Attorney Dyer requested
Judge Adams to defer sentence until
other charges of Barrett's connection
with flic naturalization frauds could be
thoroughly sifted. Judge Adams assent
Henry llurlclirh'K Suicide.
GLENS FALLS, N. Y., Dec. 1.—Hen
ry Burleigh, son of the late Henry G.
Burleigh of Whitehall, lias committed
suicide at ids home in Ticonileroga by
taking laudanum. Ho was thirty years
of age and leaves u widow and four
Weather Probabilities.
Bain or snow; fresh west winds.
Women l»*»aIII»y < - muiex
ion. I ur« nial.es i». Bui’nck
f>lo d IiitteiB*,,ak s |i:ue blood.
DiurnB "f Xavul OHirer*.
The mediSi ofii rs of the navy who
have been nm a study of neurasthe
nia. which (!! aided eo many .offi
cers. ascribelit to the conditions of the
life in the navy now imposing upon ofh
cers’ long tours of duty on remote sta
tions. where the opportunities for di
version are not many, and where home
sickness and discontent, combined with
the uncertain y of detachment, have
produced this distress of mind and
nlKjreM OoM Mine,
The biggest gold-producing mine in
the world is the horaestakc. In South
Dakota. The ore yields less than fom
dollars a ton. hut is worked at small
cost. The output now is over 20.000
ounces fine gold a month, and will soon
be increased.
Green V* Popular.
Green premises to be a popular even
ing dress color this winter. Carefully
chosen by artificial light, and the shade
adapted to the color of the wearer’s
eyes and complexion, green is always
successful for evening wear.
lbwli'y pain loses its terror if you've a
bottle of Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil in the
house. Instant relief in case of hums,
cuts; spiains. accidents of any sort.
Somet lilngr Except Ion at.
Tess—She’s a remarkable woman;
not like other women at all.
Jess—Why, I’ve never noticed it.
Tess—I have. I watched her making
hrenri the other dnv anti nil the time
she had her hands in the dough she
didn't have to scratch her nose at all.
—Philadelphia Press.
gJdiI Advice.
"What am I going to do?" he cried as
he emerged from the water. “A thief
stole my clothes?”
“Well,” replied the stranger who hap
pened along ami naturally noted his con
dition, "I can't think of anything better
than to go back in swimming again.”—
Chicago Post.
Too It Somethin*? Away.
“He used to kiss me every time we
passed through a tunnel before cur mar
riage,” said the little woman, \.'ith sat.
"And does he do so row?" as! cd tlir
bosom friend.
“No, he takes a drink.”—Spare Mq
raents. __
“Neglected colds make fat. graveyards.1'
Dr. Wo--(I’m Nur.ay Piue Syrup helps
men and women to a liappv, vigor us oh
age. _ ‘_
An Ho Wandered On.
Weary Wilkins—Lady, I seen jus
such women in me dreams.
Mrs. Coidphiz—Go on; this is inter
Weary Wilkins—Yes’m, an’ den )
signed de pledge.—Cleveland Plain
A Deliberate Innulf.
Fred—I stole a ki3s from Miss
Peachly the other evening, and new
she won’t speak to me.
Joe—Why didn't you apologize?
Fred—I did. That’s what made he:
mad.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Eczema, scald head, hives, boldness ol
the skin of any sort iosta' ily relieved,
p rmaneutly cured. Doan’s Oiul men*.
At any ding store.
The Essence ol Pessimism.
“Father,” said little Harold, “what is
an optimist?"
“An optimist, my son. is a man whe
feels so confident that he is going ti
get the worst of everything that he i
trying to pretend not to mind it ”—
Washington Star.
Her IIxcukc.
Gladys—Ethel tells me you are cn
gaged to iter.
Cholly—Hum! She promised to l;ee;
it a secret.
Gladys—Well, I guess she thinks the
joke is too good to keep.—Judge.
Alderman Smith Well Again.
Alderman .1. F. Smith of Indianapolis,
[lid., contracted a severe cold which grew
rapidly worse until his physicians said lie
had all the symptoms of hasty consump
tion. 1 he physician's prescriptions ami
several proprietary preparations failed to
neip nun. a inena recommennpa ro
ley’s lloney and Tar, and in a few days
he began to improve and the secoud bot
tle cured him completely. He says it is
the best remedy for couuhs, colds, ami
lung trouble he has ever kuovru. Accept
no substitutes.
Sold at Sexton’s Pharmacy, 70-72
Smith Street.
An iioylnw.
Layzee—My wife isn't exactly an an
archist, hut she annoyed me this morn
ing with one of her incendiary
Jett's—You don't say so?
Layzee—Yes, she said: “Henry, get
up this minute and make the fire.”—
Philadelphia Ledger.
Electrletty I* Cheaper.
The results of the change from stram
to electrical power on New York’s ele
vated railways arc a reduction cf cost
per passenger from 2.24 cents under
steam to 1.S8 cents, and an increase In
gross earnings of $400,000. accompa
nied by a decrease in expenses of
More Than One Third Die.
The principal reason why more than
ore third of the people die from kidney
diseases in some form is because it is so
insiduoiis that the kid lie vs may be badly
affected before tbe viotim realizes bis
danger. If you have any indication of
kidney trouble take Foley's Kidney Cure
at once as it correct, irregularities »"d
makes the kidney and bladder light.
Hemeinber the name, Foley's Kidney
go'd at. 8.xtou’s Pharmacy. 70 7?
Smith Street.
First Class
[(Jilderof Furniture and Altar*. Wants
titivate work and work for lie* trade.
Hoorn* decorated from $H'.00 up. vvitli
oiMianl* r of 7 yrath.
lli^liiht rolerence on applicat ion.
All work gutrantecd.
271 Washington Street Perth Amboy.
Telephone 1 (III L.
Masons and Contractors
Office: i8S Madison Ave.
Tel. 6;b Perth Amboy, N. J
Carpenter and Builder.
Jobbing promptly attended to.
170 Rector street. Perth Amboy N. J
Carting to ALL PARTS of the CIT'
Residence anH nffioe. 30 Commerce St l
Tel. Call 34.
Sand, Grvel. Brick, Flue Linings ant
Sewer Pipe Furnished.
35 Woodbridge Road. 1 VO Brighton Ave
Carpenters aMe Builders
Office and Shop: ft E nvt Avenue.
Estimates furnished. Jabbing attended l
General Contractors
■vand, Grave1.. Broken rtone, Carting. E,.
244 Smith St. 225 lyw Brunswick Avt
Successor to J. fc. Jensen.
Mason and Contactor
221 Washington St.
. nmortpr Pawing, Turnln;
Scroll and all Mill Work.
3ho*j and Office; 123 Dri^htou Av»
Ke»idence State &. Lewis St.
House Paiuting, Paper Hanging, Interim
Wnntinr. 233 Wsshlnoton X
Residence; 250 Washington St.
Perth Amboy, N. J
Plumbing & Can Fitting
Steam. Hot Water and Hot Air Heatinc
Dealer In Stoves Bargee and Beate;
Bepairing of all kin .specialty.
»67 Stale street, Perth Amboy, N. }
Successors to Farrington & Bnnyon Co
All kinds of Bulldlr* Material
Offlce, 188 Favetto street Perth Amboy, N. J
Painter &. Paperhanger
ohbtng promptly ttectedto 2.*>7 Oo*d>n
tai luiunrro
U, n • rnnwi.MM
Painter and Paper Hanger
14 a Brighton Ave.
Established in ' “90.
Wholesale and Healer in
Lumber, Lath. Cement. Door*, Sa6he
Blinds, Mouidings, Builder's Hardwar1
Kair aud Nails.
Office and Yard; Jefferson St.A'C. It. P. of N.
I'erth Arnhoy, i». J.
Painter 3nd Paper Hanger
185 Brighton Av»
P. SKOV & C0~
Artificial Stone and Cement Work
Office: 108 Fulton St„ New York City
A. SMITH, Mason and Builde'
Estimates Cheerfully given.
14 Catherine st„ nr Hell A ’<“• Perth Amhr
R. B. SMITH Sanitary Plumbe’
Tinning and Sheet Iron Worker. Stcar
and GaB Fitter. Jobtying^promptly
attended U\
Shop 55 N. B. Ave. Pert, i Amboy, N. .1
J. P. KQYEN l\
Estimates furniBbed. .lobbing at tenowf t
60 New Brunswick Av., Perth Amboy
Makes Kidncvs and Rtaddc:* R -M
n i! Uiicii.
nuEt make 5cu as
;ni;iug up funny
humorist)—Not nt all.
'■lie refreshing. What
it-; 'o !;e thinking up
ot as funny as I think
ladtlplna Public Ledger.
ifsioners heretofore ap
Middlesex County fir
' st matt nii as-i'ss tin
’mis iu the vicinity of tin
mstrocted and laid in tin
WoodbridS road from h-ffries str>i
sonth to N ille street, in the City o
Perth Ami; ", having made tln ir re
l ort to the I liove named Ccnrt; Pur
sunnt to atij der of the said Court
made on le twenty-fourth day o
November, n tin year <d our Lnrr
One thong ml Niue Hundred am
Three. Notice is hereby given tl.a
the Middlesex County Circuit Cour
will, on tite eighth day of December
in the year of oar Lord. Cine Tlioos
.and Nine Hundred and Three, at thi
Court House in the city of Nov
Brunswick in said Connty, at the item
of ten o'clock iu the forenoon of tin
said day, or as soon thereafter as tin
Court can attend to same, hear am
objections that may be made to sail
assessments and any matter that mu:
lie alleged against snme.
Dateii Perth Amboy, N. J., Novem
ber 25th, ISiOd.
City Attorney.
The Commissioners heretofore ap
pointed by the Middlesex Connty Cir
cuit Court, to estimate and assess th<
penent to lands in tnr vicinity or tin
new sewer constructed nmt laid ii
Bnrtlav street, from Cornell street ti
the Wciodbndge road, in the City i>
Perth Amboy, having undo their /re
port to the above named Conrt: ^Pnr
snant to an orocr of the said /Cour
made on the twenty-fourth ftav o
November, in the year of oujf Lord
One Thousand Niue Ilundwcd am
Three, notice is hereby giveip that th
Middlesex County Circuit C#urt, will
on the eighth day of December, ii
the year of our Lord Q^e Tlionsam
Nine Hundred and Thro^, at the Cour
House in the City of few Brunswick
in said county at rfle hour of tci
o’clock in the forerfoon of the sail
day, or as soon thereafter as the Cour
can attend to samel hear any objec
tions that mav be iliade to said assess
ments and nny maltter tliat may bi
alleged against the Isaine.
Dated Perth Ambjov, N. J., Novom
her 25th. 1903. /
/ City Attorney.
4140-11-27-9t f
- - - --*T .. . —
Notice is heireby given that bid
will be received at the City Hal!
Perth Amboy. IS. J., Monday evening
December 7th it 8 o'clock p. in. fo
five hundred f(et of 2,'s inch regula
tion tire hose. _.... p
The council reserves Hie rigid tc
reject auv or all bids.
Attest: Chairman.
City Clerk.
Time Table in Effect Oct. 1,. 1903
Cars l»-ave Metuchen f*>r Perch An boy and al
points East to Boynton Beach at 5 and 85 minu
tes i avt each hour from 0 a ra. to 7 85 p. m.. and
from 7.35 to 11-35 p. in. at 35 miuutes past tht
UriLir. ...
Cars le'kve Keasbey School for Metuchen at -
and 35 minntes past each hour from tia. ro *;
q sc p m and every hour trom 8 to il-8* p. m.
Cars lrav * Kcasbey for all points hast every
16 minutes.
Car* leaves Bridye at Wood bridge Creek for
Ke&sbev at foot of Smith Street every 30 minu
tea from 6.15 a. m, to 11.4'' p. m.
Oars leave Bridge at Woodnridee Creek for
Metuchen on the even hour and half hour from *
a m. toU8*lp m. and on the half hour onl1
from <• St* to IO. 'Op. m
Can* leave Staten Island Ferry for Metucber
and Keasbey Sohool at 18 aud 4S minutes past
•*Hrh hour from P-h m. to 7 p m. end f.om 7 tc
1 p. m. at 4S minutes onlv and for Reap Ley ai
foot of Smith Street at 3 and 33 micutee past tht
Cars leave Platen Island Ferry for Bruye at
Woodbridye Creek at 11,26, 41 and 56 minute?
past each hour from C a. m. to 11*41 p m.
IV- _r\.., 1rt 100«
Opens at 7 A. M. Cloaca at 7 P M.
Mails Arrive:
New York. Western and Southern. 7.00a m
all way—Wood bridge.. £.3u u ni
South Jersey wav Mail. 8 00am
Folds and KVaabey. J*2?a u'
New York and Northern Way. 9 W a m
Kahwav. direct.a 171
New York and Northern Way.I- in
Soutii Jersey W ay. Jj* R '*■
Woodbridge direct. *
New York direct . ..Jt p ru
New York and Nonnern Way.?• •>
South Jersey Way.. •••• —
Broo‘ lyn, Pennsyivania and N. Jersey «.80 P "
Rahway. dir* ct. ”•** P ni
Fords and Keaeoev.. .. o.85p„m
Malls Close.
Rahwav and Woodbridge. 7 15am
Ww t ort and Northern Way. . 4 m
South Jersey Way. 9 00 i m
New York an11 Eastern States. 9 ni
Fords and Keasbey. 9..Ju a m
Kabwa* and Woodbridge.. 12.‘dam
south Je’ sey Way. 1*/*' P tn
New York and Northern Way. 12.80 a m
New York and N- rthern Way. 4.80 p ni
South Jersey Way .. .. 4.80 pm
Rahway and Woodbridge . 4.80 p m
Korda and Keasbey .. I IS? m
.UI points. i.Oopni
Moner Order department opens at 7 a m closet
st b.45 p m baturday at6.80p m
Gko. H Tick. P. M.
it Raritan Copper Works
20 High and Lewis
.7 Madison ave and Taterson st
2s Market and First sts.
J5 Smith and High st
47 si are and Smith sts
IS Buckingham ave and Hart!
15 Commerce and Front sis
17 High and Washington sir
4 Mate st and Buckingham ave
50 It all ave and Charles »t
*7 Railroad ave and Wayne st
&» Washington and First sts
5< Turnpike and Elm st
04 Smith Ft and Watson ave
66 Commerce and State sts
72 Front and Smith sts
78 Water and Gordon rts
74 Kearny av? and Gordon st
-’2 Smith and Herbert St
«8 W oodbridge road and Washington st
FI Lehigh aver '• Stanford st
To ** nd in an alarm, open the door of the bos
and pull down the lever and let go once only.
Stay at box until firemen arrive.
1 tap—Break in circuit. 2 taps-Prill and flr€
alarm teat. Hydrant at corner of Jefferson and
High street always to hr used for this trial }
taps Fire out. 5 taps-Police call. 12—Call foi
Lincoln llose 18—Call for Washington Hose
14—rail for McClellan Hose 15—Call for Pro
tection H.and L.
bcf eduta Iti eOVK», Xov 19C|.
' • rtipM"
"jr” mop* only to ukcon or tot off pww wm
for cr from I'artb Amuprofu noCo* to Agent ■ .r
For further Information see time table*
Tickets for oil polo to on the Penn by Ivan to
■ Railroad and connections, Pullman ftccout
modfMrtn* **e nr f ickAt offiee.Perth Aiuboy
W. W. ATTERWRY. ^-mI •'•«»»*«*
• c* • 1'ass'r Tr flfic Manager.
I GKO W. S OVD. jou ixut. aK fc.
- -- .—— j
Corrected to Oct. £C 1903
rnr F"* York, Fewark and KlUaGett atJfl
i.GO Monda-.-s excepted to New Kfl
( *r» • y> tao, 7 17 ’ .*&, New York (ouly.^attfl
11.1c. 11.59 o.u..,llC, 822 4 0
: "A1. 7 4T., *■ < 8, 9 a?*, p. m. Eur.daye, i iC,
:. w r. 2‘*. v» 4T, p. m.
K01 piviiudc pnia ar d Ti-er.ton via
Pro"*. 7 17. il 18 11.59 am 110, SOOp-^H
dsvs. « 57 m fiSWp.m.
F<v• 1/nnK Bruner Uc**'D etc. 5.^H
, 92 . a. m. 12 2?. 4 42 tl3, 7.19 p. m
i'und-ys cxcfpted) ®v.na»vs except Ccesfl
Grovt) * f«f‘, »». u* 4 K* it m. m
or 1 r^oacld. 5 (•'• 6.51 ) JO ft. HL, 12.22 111
f Vi5 p to.
4iVrll«nal train* for Bed P*nk 2 27, *• 15, Cfl
Leave New York. 4.CO, 5. 0, 0.1. 8 08, 10.00
1: 0 a. ... 1.80 t’ 00, 8 4>, .s.'t*, 4.80, 5 l*i, .VjkS,
0. 30. 8 8 ». II. 0 t> m. s a. 111. 4.0.1 p.m
Leaves KliZkbelh. 4 Of-, G.kU. 8.*/, 9/4, 11.;.*,
a in. 1. -9. *J.« 7. a.fO, 1.12, 1.48. 5.18. 0.42, K Lt>,
1. r,.. p 111 Sunday*. 'J ;-S a. m. 4.t2 p. iu.
Le.v.s New h t k G 12. 8 85, 9.11.*2, a m.
1 20. X.'lft, 4.40. 5.40. 0 19, 8.45. il.50, p. in. Sun
dux s. 9.Uu. a m. 4 0\ p. in.
Through ticket* to all point* *t loweesrsto*
may ha had on application in advance to IN*
beset agent at the etHCln*
W G. fcteLSH, Yice-Fre*. A Gtreral librag
U. M. Lrw', General Passenger Agent.
Time T»Mfl In efffcct Nov 9. 1Wv3.
8 a’.iona In N?» York, foot of Cortland:. i*ua
hroeseB and >V .j»t 22rd streets, Penna. R. U
X»Aia» Lbavb Stati stbutStatio*.
f.10. 7.45 ain 4 20 p.m. 1.3n p.m dully connnr'e
w.i * u v train for Bound Brook, Mauch Chunk
Weathevly, liaselton Foiisvilie and iutermedl
ate points.
«1C. 7 41 a. m. 1.80,4 20 p. in. Scrday*
8 85 a ui 1.20. C 15 p m*
1 -«»K othkh POIV'pw
7 45 a. m Dully Except Sunday Connect with
tr. n express ’or rnston, Bethleham Allen
town, Pott*ville, Buffalo. Niagara Falls and Chi
'■Parlor Car New York to Buffalo, con
nects with local train for all points east of
Munch Chunk.
9.85 a. in. Sundays only. Express train for
I Buffalo. Niagara Fails, Hud Chicago. Slop* at
Flemington JcL
4.20 n. m. Dully Except Sunday Express for
i for Wilaes Bai re. Scranton, 11 axel ton,
and principal 1 ntrr?rediM<» station*.
1 t; 15 r. in. Sundays only Through train *or
Buffalo. Niagara Falla, Suspension Bridge
and Chicago, connects for New York.
9.10, a. TV. 8.4.“. 5.00, 7.50, p. tn. Sunday*:
1.1 8ft a. in.. 5.00, 7.50 m. Tmln* arrive ruth
Amo’ v-9.3x'a. in.. 8.104.05, 5.25,8.10 p. m. bun
day, UI.57 H. m.. 5 25. 8 10r». m.
Tickers sold to all Western Point*.
Staten Island Rapid Transit R. R.
Time Table in effect on and. ^gf^grOcYl 1 l93j^
Perth Am toy to New -York —
hmith St. daily except undays 4©rt t.©e*t
Holidav 5 16, ts J2 K 58, 7.3S, 7 8F. K.Otf S 03
S F-5. 10.05. and il.Sfi a in. 18 56.1 bit. % oo, 3.55,
4 3j o.oO, 6.45, 8 09, 9 10,10.30. 11.15 P. M,
Sundays and Legal Holidays.
R an, 7.faR. P.5r>. 9 55. 10 tt 1.55 A. M. 18 55. 1.56
£ 55. 8.56. 4.5J, 5.60. 6.10, . 7/0, P.JO,P. M.
New York to Perth Amboy:—Leave foot of
Whitehall ^t. daily except Sunday and Legal
Holidav*. 5/5. G.50, 8 00,9.00. in (10. 11.00a. m.
IS 30 1 89 2 86. 3 81). 4 JJO. 5.10. 5-30 6.46. C 15.
6.15,7.80, 8.30, 9 4). 11.05 12.25.
Sundays ar.d Legal Holidays.
Leave New York 7 0 . 9 1 ft. 10.00,11 00.12 ro.a m
I. 00. 2.00,3 CC, 4.00, 5.00, 6.0., 7.CO, 8.(0, C.OO
II. 05, pm
F^rry between Perth Amhoy and Tottenvllle— j
leave Perth Amhoy aai y x5 15, *6 12.6.32,
x6/^. x7 35, xS03, x6.*>\ »\v.6. xOCfi, 10 5J
xM 25a m. 11U5. X13.55. xl.55. x2 60. xS.RR,
x4 Si*. 4 55. x5 3 . 6 00. TO 45. 7 i fi. 7 :u, x8 00,
x9 ( 0 9 55. x 10.80 xll.15 p. ra. 12 80a.m.
Sundays»nd Le'a> Holidays x 6 80, 6*45, x7 55
x8.c5 X9.55.X10.5*. x 11.65. a uvxlf.5*. xl.*%
X2.55.X 8 65. x4 TO. »5.*0,xG 50, x7.50. 8 .40,
xv 40,10.30.p tn 12.40.a. m.
T.esve Tortenville daily xl.80,5.55, 6*8, ft 43 i
xT.10. 7.50 x8 15, x9 10. 9 40, *1* 15. Xll ffi a.
m xl2 OR. '2 49 xl 8 V. x2.35. x* 37. 4.10, x*.*7,
5 10. x5 37. xtUR. xG.55. *7.17, x 7.40, x8 37,
i9 srmpi OAp m xia.i*. xlso a M
Sunday* ard Legal Holidays *6 80. 7.15 x 8 10
O.iO.'xtO.l >, xll.11, a. m. xlM0.xl.H,x9 .10 ,
xs'0 X 4 10 x5 10. xR.’O X7.1U,X«.L', xf- ll (
xIO 12 10 45. p in. xl2 10a.m.
•Legal holidays only*
xTrain Connect.on.
Oea’l Trafflt* Agant, .

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