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Perth ambi >y Even nc news. _THE LARGEST PROVEN LOCAL CIRCULATION_ VOL. XXV, NO. 103._PERTH AMBOY, N. J„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1903. NIGHT EDITION FIRST BOOK TAKEN FROM NEW LIBRARY. Rev. Dr H. G. Mendenhall Has the Distinction of Being the First--The Arrangement of the Building-Everything is Complete for the Children. Tho new library opened this morn ing at 9 o’clock. Tho Rev. Dr. Men denhall was the first to enter. He was accompanied by Edmund DeMon seiglo. Dr. Mendenhall has the dis tinction of being the first person to draw a book from the now building. The title is “Walks in New England” by 0. G. Whiting. The children’s room has been so arranged that every book which they may desire and is in the library, is in that room. They will be tho sole oconpauts. The adult’s reading room is jnst across tne hall. In the semicircular book room there are eight stacks of books. About four and one-half of these are filled. A large number of books are out. They will till the racks. Light is everywhere. The windows are large and numerous. There are twenty-four eleotric lights in both reading rooms. Downstairs the read ing room is not quite ready. Finish ing touches are being put on tho lecture room. This contains a srnnll stage and will seat about 100. Tne workshop has nil supplies for repair ing. Back numbers of thirty-one magazines are kept in a rack. Miss Mulligan, the librarian, is completing the oard catalogue. She wishes particular attention directed to this ns it is a groat improvement over tho old book system which bo (' name clogged whenever n new book was entered. This system is modeled after that omployed in the Cnngross ionnl library nt Washington. It is nrranged like a dictionary. In alpha betical order are drawers containing cards. On these cards ore the titles of books, snbjects and the authors To obtain a book it is only necessary to know ouo of these three thiugs. Ono card has the namo of tho author on top, nuother the title and another tho subject. Each tells the position iD tho rooks. Persons may take their own books from tho rack. Pianos. Cash or timo at tho old Btaud. Peeler Olsen, 80 Smitn st. Tho Siugin’ Skowl, 50 voices, Simp son M. E. church, Thursday and Fri day, December 10, 11. Admission 35o. Children 15c. 4273-12-8-2t-adv Worrell’s Restaurant, w c are all cliof cooks and have never yet made a mistake in our large and growing catering and restaurant business. Wild Ducks and all kinds of Game aud Sea Food Dinners a specialty. 46 Smith St. Tel. Call 200, L, 2 WATCH FORTHE HOLIDAY GIFTS at sexton’s FINE PERFUMES, MANICURE, BRUSH, COMB, ANO MIRROR SETS. Huyler’s Gandy IN FANCY BASKETS. Elegant Writing Paper. 70-72 Smith St. Winner of yesterdays prize was Adalia Lehmau, 349 State St., answer was trappeas. / I " \ HEALTH BOARD HEARS REPORT. Meeting Held in the Council Chamber Last Night-Well Attended. DIPHTHERIA CASES. Since October 19 This City has had Forty rine—Other Diseases in Perth Amboy— Board Devotes Most of Its Time on the Plumber’s Code and Pass It on First Reading. At the meeting ot tlie Board of Health in the council chamber lRst night, Dr. W. E. Ramsay, Health In spector, reported that from October 19 to the present time there were forty nine cases of diphtheria reported. While the disease was bad for a time, it lias abated considerably and there are fewer cases now than for some time, showing thaTTT" is under full control. During this same time three have been six cases of typhoid fever, ten cases of scarlet fever and three oases of measles. There liave been twenty five complaints and twenty have been abated. The reading of tne plnmbiug code for the City of Perth Amboy, took up most of the time amt the bill was passod on its first reading. The Singin’ Skewl, SO voices, Simp son M. E. church, Thursday and Friday, December 10, 11. Admission 25c. Children 15c. 4273-12 S-2t~adv IMPROVEMENT BEING MADE. The improvements, which were planned nt the bridgo crossing tlio creek at the Cheeseborongh Vaseline Works, as told in the Hews a fow weeks ago, are now w’ell under way. The old wooden bridge iB to be re placed with a heavy iron bridge. The creek is now being filled up with dirt and a passago for wagons and will than be opened up for traffic. The Central Railrond has completed the laying of some tracks in the yard and others will be placed. Tbo Singin' Skewl, CO voices, Simp son M. E. church, Thursday and Friday, December 10, 11. Admission 2oc. Children 15c. 4273-12-8-2t--adv Afholdsforedag vil blivo aflioldt Tomlageu deu 10 De cember. ai'teu kl. 8, i I. O. G. T. hall, Prospect street, near Market struct. Fore rlraget vil blive aflioldt og fremstillet ved Lysbiileder af Paster A. Gundorsen, fra Norge. For at kuudo afholdo do dernied forbundue omkostniugor vil der blivo at betale ved ingaugen 15c, maud og hustru 25e. Boru med tleres Ioraldre frit. S. J. MASOJST Civil En"rineei 102 Smith St. OSCAR SHROEDER 47 Smith Street Family Wine and Established GOOD DANCING AT THIS BALL. Young Men’s Hebrew Association Entertain Large Crowd in Wilder Hall. PRIZE FOR: WALTZERS. An Interesting Feature Which Kept the the Judges Busy for Some Time—Pro ceeds for BenifltJ of Hospital and a Large Amount was Realized- Masquer ade Ball to Follow. Tlie bonefit ball which was given for tho City Hospital last night at Wilder Music Hall, under the auspices of the Young Men’s Hebrew Associa tion, was entirely successful as far ns attendance was concerned, 'ihe pro ceeds of this affair cannot yet be esti mated until tho committee meets the latter part of this week, but it is ex pected that a handsome sum was real ized. It was a great night and every min ute was enjoyed. A decidedly seleot crowd was there. A largo delegation of the Catholic Club was present. At nbout 11.80 the prize waltz took place nnd, ns this was the feature of the evening, much interest was manifest) by those participating as well ns by those who looked on. It wns closely contested and the pretty dancing couples presented a pleasing sight. In the beginning the floor was crowded with contesting couples, but Anally tho judges dwindled it down to the final efforts between Louis Weinblatt and lady, and E. Shorter and lady. At this stage the interest of the audience was intense. After a short deliberation by the judges they announced that the win ning oonple was E. Shorter and Miss Larson. The lady received a gilded parlor oloek, and the gentleman, a silver toilet set of a brush and comb. Everyone pronounced the impartiality and good judgment of tho judges who were: John Donehue, Philip Fett, John Bergen and Walter Hurley. The committee in charge, who have worked hard to make this affair as it was, are: D. Isenbere, chairman; M. Liicntman, ri. Monuel, h. Marcus, M. Belovsky, I. Rlott, Philip Borko, Phillip Pett. The officers of tlie association con sists of Harry Mendel, president; D. Isenborg, vice president,; A. Marcns, financial secretary; L. Blott, record ing secretary; M. Lichtman, treasurer. The reception committee was Philip Pett, Harry Mendel and M. Lichtman. Dancing was kept up till 2 o’clock in the morning. Phillip Pett was floor director. The association will have a mas querade ball in the near future. Huyier's bon bons and chocolates. Boston’s Drug Store, sole agency. 11-20-1 Several Men Laid Off. A few of the pressers and finishers at thn Perth Amboy terra cotta works were laid off this noon for a few days. The rest of the employes are to work eight hours per day until further notice. To Hold Annual Ball. The Steam and Hot Water Fitters Association expect to have a great time at their first erarfd annual ball, which will be held on Thursday, De cember 31, in Braga Hall. The com mittee guarantees the orowd their money's worth. As this is to be giveu by union men, the largest turnout of the year is expeoted. If you are out of work put au ad. n the Evening News, it will cost you nothing. COUPON. CUT THIS OUT. This is the coupon for the Sewing Ma chine Contest given by A. Jensen, dealer in all kinds of Sewing M a 336 State St. BREAKING THE TRAMP HABIT. Recorder Pickersgill Disposes of Six in Justice Fort's Approved Style. FROM 30 TO 90 DAYS. Drunks and Vajrants Come Before the Recorder this Morning and they All Find that Perth Amboy is an Unhealthy Place for them—Will try the Climate at County Seat. A collection of six drunks and vag rants received sentence of from thirty to ninety days each this morning. John Renak, who was allowed to go free yesterdav morning, was brought in to jail in a coal wagon from \vash ington and Penn streets yesterday afternoon by Officer Mesbrow. His sentence was thirty days. Officer William McDermott collared two drunks in the afternoon. One is a genuine panhandler and was begging on Smith street. His name is James McGnirb. He received sixty day*. John Peterson, released a short time ago, was drnnk again. His was nine ty days. Tiie prisoner is seventy-one years of ago. Andrew Rosetta, or Johnston sireet, was drnnk last night. He has a choice between a $16 fine and sixty day im prisonment. Patrolman Tunyson made the nrrest. James William, another tramp, from CaindcD, was drnnk on High street last night. He was taken in by Patrolman Long. Thirty days for him. Herman Nelson entered a physio ian’s office last night and caused trouble by begging. He will cause no more, for nicety least. Tlus is an unhealthy place for hoboes. Best sewing machine, lowest prices, at 836 State street. A. Jensen (Deal er). 11-25-tf—adv SETTLEMENT IS REACHED. Masons at ths Cheeseborongh Return to Work-Said to Have Won their Point, Tho masons at the Cheeseborouch Vaseline Works, who were called out Saturday alternoon by the order of the Masons amt Brioklayers Interna tional Union, because of some diffi culty with the electricians and car penters in regards to ttie dtilling of holes in the mason's work, have re turned to their plaoes and the trouble has been settled. It is said the ad justment of the difficulties was croneht about by allowing the masons to do the drilling, which they claim is uiuir wuim. CHILDREN ENTERTAIN. Last night an entertainment was riven in the Baptist chapel. A cleas .ok program was rendered by the Primary Department of the Snndny 3ohool. Drills and songs were the irst part. A social honr was the lecond. Ice cream was tor sale with lake and other dainties. A very pleasant time was passed. There was i good attendance and the children :ook thoir parts in excellent manner. F.J. LARKIN, 357 STATE Street, still do plumbing, steam, hot water ind hot air heating on monthly pay- , nents. * BARKINC DOC Sever biles, bat still lie is a eon founded luisauce. Regular Dinuer. 35c. MASTERSONS RESTAURANT, ft 113 SMITH ST. Tel Call 162 I DATES FIXED FOR TRIALS.! — Perth Amboy Cases in County Court Which are Ready and Will be Heard. ONE WITHOUT JURY. Date Will be Arranged Later at Conven ience of Justice Fort—The Buchancn Ejectment Case Down and Promises to be of Much Interest—Suit Against La bor Union to be.Tried. Special to the Evening News. New Brunswick, Dec. 9:—The Cir cuit Court case of Samnel Heilner trading as Heilner & Son against William H. McCormick, of Perth Am boy, is down for trial today before Justice Fort as the last of five cases on call. Elmer H. Geran, of Mata wan, represents the plaintiff, and J. W. Beekman, the defendant. The ease will hardly be reached today un less some of the others bo off. Justice Fort yesterday on the oall of eases, disposed of a number of Perth Amboy oases. The suit of Carl Dressier and Contractor Hollander against William E. Sellers and others in which the plaintiffs want damages on a claim of blackmail made against the Perth Amboy union represented by Sellers, a walking delegate, was set down for trial on December 21. The suit of Lillian Hartman against Geoige W. Eggert as administrator of Monroe McHose, has been set dowm for trial on December 22. The Heze kiah Warne vs. George W. Farrington suit will be tried by the court with out jury some day when Justice Fort cau hear it at Newark. The plaiiititT is dead in the Morris Levy etfal. vs. Benjamin Meyer suit, according to a statement made in court yesterday by Lawyer Pleclmer for Mr. Lyon, who was absent, and the case has gone to the bottom of the list till the matter can be arranged for trial. The William Frankel suit against Adolph Metzendorf will be tried next Tuesday and the suits of Arthur Weeden and Louis Weeden against John S. Hanson will be tried on De cember 23. The suits involve the same quostion and will be tried to gether. Tbs suit of George Sklencher, of Perth Amboy, against The Fire Asso ciation of Philadelphia, was marked ready. Sklencher is in State prison serving time for conviction on charge of burning his shop. The suit of the City of Perth Am boy against W7illiam Buchanan, will be tried on a day to be fixed. Sewing machines for sale by Peder Disen, 80 Smith st. 3n2fiA.9.1Q.2t..n. ct tf VACATION FOR ! THE HOLIDAYS. No quorum was present at the rneet ng of the Bonn! of Education last light. Three members were present leside the clerk. A special meeting trill be hold next Tuesday. Prof, ihull asked permission to close the ichools on the 24th and open again on lanuary 4th for the Christmas vaca ion. Those members present agreed ind Mr. Shull will see the absent nembers of the board today to got heir consent. i&l ^ ,,| A VAi. Buy your Win** ami ■V0UIE8 ¥011 **i'l»«>rs from us if w» ” ■ w^ toll you toat we cur ave you a* .'eas‘21’ to 25 per cent on each ar icle vou buy, and besides guarantee everything re se’l ? If no" satisfactory vour money wilt >e refunded. Then come aud buy your L'quor* it the HOTEL CENTRAL “lie re'Ubl? wine and liquor lions*. Spitz-', Vop. Car. Smith and Staie Sts. Tel. ICC W iKOiusa W. Rogers. Walter A. Snow Pyrographic Portraits a Specialty piU'0-.Art J'tutlios Novelties in Bcrnfd Leather and Water Colors. Original Designs j^ftjprFiMtTrED and Executed. CUPID IN EVIDENCE IN THIS MARRIAGE. South River Couple Spent Day in New York-Got on Wrong Train to go Home-Arrived Here Visited a Cousin and at the Suggestion of a Wedding a Minister Was Called. ARCANUM HAS NEW OFFICERS. Big Meeting Held Last Night at Which District Deputy / Present. A. H. HOPE RECENT. Delegation Present from New Brunswick— Will Have Big Celebration in that City Shortly—Members from Here Go In a Stage—Social Time Follow the Busi ness. J. Last night the Middlesex Council Lodge Royal Arcanum held an elec^ tion of officers and entertained a dale gation irom the Delphic council! of New Brunswick. The attendance\as very large. District Deputy PeloA:* and Deputy Grimes, from New Bruns'' wick, spoke. Their addresses were on Royal Arcanum matters. The growth, financial and social standing of the order were discussed together with its influence. Monday night, December 14, the Delphic council, of New Brunswick, inititates its three hundredth member. A great celebration will be held. A banquet will be served and prominent officers will speak. A large delega tion from here will attend. They will leave on a special car. , The election last night resulted as follows: Regent, A. H. Hope; vice regent, H. W. Jones; orator, J. Fritz singer; secretary, W. H. Moore; Will iam Duncan, treasurer: collector, C. K. Stevens; guide, Joseph Hornsby; warden, F. D. Easterbrook; sentinel, E. LaForge; chaplain, S. G. Garret son; organist. C. Miller: trustees, W. H. McCormick. Victor Main and H. McCullongh. Mr. McCollongh was elected repre sentative to the Grand Council in Mav 31. His alternate is H. Wilson. A bountiful supper was spread and after business transactions the evening was passed in social enjoyment. K. G. E. MAKE/ NOMINATIONS. Nominations for the officers of the Knights of the Golden Eagle were made at the meeting last night. Peter Madsen was named for Noble Chief; 3ilbert Emmons, vice chief; Thomas Liocas, high priest; Cnarles Palmer, V. H. ; W. G. Gray, clerk of the ex chequer; VT. H. Bath, keeper of the ‘xehequer; S. V. Reed, master of ■ecords; R. H. Jago, S. H., and G. !f. Bath, representative. Another meeting will be held next week. Take your doctor's prescriptions to $S5» buys 5 room‘ho"se $250 cash, balance Doulhlr. gives yon clear liecil to one acre of land at Kinsey Corner. $•'>00 for a buildiug site oil State street. Flats aud houses to let. All kinds of nsuracce. HIELSEN BROS. 122 Smith St. p’nygreen, Successor; o L. Albert £ Co. ..Photographic 'Studio... Ersrything in Portrait. Landscape and Interior Photography. O. Bnlhllne. Prrtli Amboy, X. J. A wedding with considerable of the romance attached was performed at the home of Spencer Dayton,268 State street, by Rev. Peroy R. Ferrisf at 7 o’clock laBt night. The bride and groom were Miss Heneretta Hoffman and Dr. Elwood R. Brown, both of Sonth River. An effort was made to keep the wedding a secret, but the doctor, who is a prominent dentist in South River, is too popular to allow the couple to escape so easily ana by the time they reached South Amboy on their way home, they were met by friends, who had come to meet them, and were showered with rice. Dr. Brown and Miss Hoffman had been in New York yesterday and had started for South River, not having the slightest intention of gutting mar ried before they arrived. Cupid caused them to get on the wrong train, and instead of landing in South Amboy, they came in at the Stated street station here and could go further. Dr. Brown', who is a com of Mr. Dayton, decided to call up thedatter. While there Mr. Day a^ked the doctor when he was no be married. He replied '‘‘St these days. ” “Why not tonight?” said Mr.! ton. t. ’ nii --- - reply. \, Miss by, there. The bride and groom took train for Sonth Amboy and thenoe by trolley to Sonth Biver, where a warm reception awaited t them. Someone, on the inside, had telephoned to the doctor's home all abont the affair shortly after it happened. An interesting coincidence is that the doctor played an important part in a recent election at which the oiti zens of Sonth Biver decided to have ' electric lights in that town. The doctor favored the lights. Last night the lights were turned on for the first time. Of conrse -the town was illum inated to welcome Dr. Brown and his wife. Ladies Practice Bowling. A number of ladies had a practice game of bowling at tbe zi loci good alloys, Smith street, this morning. Some Deat scores were made, ladies seem to enjoy bowling v much. Heavy whipping cream at Sext Drug Store. 11 NATURES REMEDY^ White Pine and Tar Fcr Coughs and Cold La’ge Bofles, 2Sc. CAMPBELL’S PHAR Cor. State and Washington Sts. WEATHER. The New York Herald foreoar Thursday cloudy and slowly r mature light rain or snow. I