Newspaper Page Text
POP SOCIALfDOWNED AT NEW BRUNSWICK Another League Game Rolled on the Rarilan Alleys Last Night Big Scores Made. The Pop Social Club went to New Brunswick last night, whore they met defeat in two straight games nt the hands of tho Raritan bowling club on the Raritan alleys. The highest score was made by Knlton, of tho Raritans, who rolled up 203 iu tho second gume. The low est score went to tho credit of Bert Rickwood, of the Pop Social, who made only 110 pins in tho first game. Pop Social. Rickwood 110 138 Christopherson 158 150 Allbrick ISO 128 Hilker 125 171 Neal 155 151 690 738 Raritans. Ratti 182 143 Stout 100 158 Knlton 140 203 Miller 149 191 Klieu 181 154 844 849 CATHOLIC CLUBJEAMS BOWL TWO COOD CAMES Men Chosen from the Club Roll on Hartmann Alley’s Last Night Two teams from the Catholic Glut bowled on the Hartman alloys last night. The first team defeated the second team in two straight games. The bowling of Campbell, of the first tonm, and Nolan, of the second team, was good. The following are the players, and total scores: First team: Campbell, Clark, Frauke, Growney, Biennau. Second team: Kelly, Grimley, Quinn, Nolan, Smith. First team 630 669 Second team 621 631 STRIKES AND SPARES Tonight at the Hartmann bowling alloys the Standard Fireproofing com pany’s bowling team will roll against the Black Diamonds. The losing team must stand treat. INTER-STATE LEAGUE. W. L. Played Friday Nights 5 1 6 Amicitias 3 8 II Three B’s 3 3 <> Aquahongas 15 6 - ( HllU'licy Murphy Knocked Out. CHIOAHO, Dee. 1).—Benny Y'nuger of Chicago knocked out Hugliey Murphy of Boston in the third round of a six round bout here Inst night. Yanger weakened him with blows to the stom ach In the first and second rounds and easily disposed of Murphy in tile third with a series of blows to the jaw. Favorite Wai Disqualified. SAN FRANCISCO, Doe. !). — The sport at Oakland was marked by an other disqualification. K. M. Brattain. favorite for the fifth race, heat Marti nias a neck, lint lie interfered with him near the finish, and the claim of foul made by Otis was allowed. The judges placed E. M. Brattain last. nnrlun: at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Dee. 0.—Four fa vorites, two of which were at odds-on in the betting, won at the Crescent City track. The defeat of Big Ben and Raluland, both of which were heavily backed at a short price, helped even up the score for the books. Snle of Whitney llorNcn. NEWMARKET, England. Doc. 9 — There was a good attendance here at the sail1 of W. C. Whitney's stables. The horses were auctioned without reserve with their engagements. Hands Down fetched 3,400 guineas, and Mintagon went for 1,430 guineas. THEODORE BLOODSOOD BQWLING ALLEY Billiard and Pool Parlor CIGARS AND TOBACCO 42 Smith Slreet* Perth Amboy. N. J. I RA R i TAN C A FE[ E BOWLING BILLIARDS : ■ . -—-■-- M J 02-154 Smith St. Perth Amboy “ JAMES KIRBY, Prop. 'jBaBBBBaaaaBBaaaBBBaBaaaBBBaaaBBBB" DANISH A. G. PLANS FOR WINTER MEETINGS. Members will Hold a Private Dance —Wrestling Matches Planned for Prizes Some of the members of the Danish Sociablo A. C. expect to go to New York this afternoon to see the six-day bioycle rnoe at Madison Square Gar den. Two of the members wont np vestorday and the reports they brought home made the others desirous of see ing the match. At the last meeting of the club it was decided to hold a dance in their club house on Park avenue, Saturday night, December it), and the following committee was appointed to make arrangements: Peter Jensen, olinir man, Chris Hanson. Chris Larson. Walter Mathiason and Peter Hanson. The club will nlso hold wrestling matches on meeting nights ns they did last year for prizes and the follow ing committee has been eleoted to purchase the prizes and set a dnte for the first match: Marinus Hanson, chairman; Walter Mathias m and Peter Hanson. UNUSUAL INTEREST IN TONIGHT’S GAME. Tho Three Bs used the Blootlgocd alleys last night for practico work. They say that they are now ready for the battle with the Friday Nights which takes plnco tonight. At the present standing the Friday Nights have two more games than tho Three Bs and if the Friday Nights lose to nighi’s they will he tie for first place. HIGHEST SCORES. The following are the highest scores posted at the Kirby alleys, Smith street, for prizo bowling for this month: William Wilhelm, 222; Bert Hickwood, 218; William Hilkor, 200; Elmer Christopherson, 209; J. H. Graham, 210. HARVARD'S REPORT. I>'t>ollinll Should Not tic nUcnaraged uh u CoIIcur Diversion. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 9.—The athletic committee of Harvard uni versity, which was asked by the facul ty of arts and science to report wheth er tho big college football contests should he discontinued, has reported that it is not advisable at present to stop football games between university elev ens. The report says: “The question was discussed by the general committee, and also a confer ence was arranged between prominent football coaches and former members of the football team and the commit tee Itself. “The committee ventures to express *ue opinion that tlie game of football is only one of many distractions in col lege life and that there is no evidence that its abolition would necessarily turn the attention of students to more serious pursuits.” Nrgro Drfpntrd World's Clinillllfnn. BOSTON, Dec. 0.—Samuel Langford, a colored pugilist from Cambridge, bas surprised the followers of boxing by defeating Joe Onus of Baltimore, the lightweight champion of the world, in * fifteen round bout at the Criterion Athletic cluli in tills city. Although Langford won the decision, lie was not awarded the world’s lightweight cham pionship, as he was two pounds over weight. It was expected that Langford would give Gnus a hard battle, hut those who believed that the Cambridge boxer would receive the decision were few. A Tin for Husbands. This Is the reason Solomon i Was thought to be so wise— He never bragged unto his wives About his mother's pics. —Chicago Daily News. How It llunncnvd. Lady Visitor—Poor man, you say you were brought here by hunger? Convict—Yes’m;—de judge wouldn’t let de jury go ter dinner ’till dey’ti reached a verdict!—Puck. Gift Cigars. Hewitt—I’m always happy when I’m smoking a good cigar. Jewett—You expect your friends to contribute too much to your happiness. —Brooklyn Life. InipriMoiieri. Caller—Is the man of the house in? Maid—Yes, but the woman of the house won’t let him come out!—San Francisco Wasp. A Definition. "Pa. what is eloquence?” "Eloquence, my son, is ‘gab’ with its good clothes on.”—Judge. Scathing*. Angry Patron (to waiter)—Here! Take away this lobster. Why, it’s as 1 old as I am.—Detroit Frcj- Press. \ 4Vt» .' -.A-*' it , \ A PEW NEW STATES Material in Canadian Provinces to Swell the Union. What Would Appriip to United Stntei If Cunudu €.'nine In—Iiiiineuae Territory and Vltat ■leaonrcca. Lc Dobat, a Montreal paper, comes out flatfooted for Canada's union with the United States, provided the prov inces of the dominion be admitted as statts. Some of them would he ad mitted thus on the consummation of the union, even if that event took place to-morrow, says the Chicago Tribune. Ontario, with its 2,225,000 of popula tion, its 7,000 miles of railway, its abounding fields of wheat and barley, its generous orchards, its immense self-replenishing forests, its natural wealth of copper, nickel, iron, petrole um. gas and salt, would make a state which the entire union would hasten to welcome. Ontario borders upon four of the great lakes, upon Georgian bay, Lake St. Clair, the Detroit river, the St. Lawrence river. Its natural facilities for navigation in the hfart of the North American continent are plethoric, and thp few connecting links in the arteries of water commerce which a wearied na ture had neglected art has supplied. These bodies of water are now the bar riers of trade between the United States and Ontario, but were the union effected they would soon become, instead, high roads. East of Ontario the Ottawa river and the St T.ewrence meet the prent ritvnt Montreal, In'the province of Quebec. Montreal combines the advantages of a seaport with an inland port, for the St. Lawrence flows from it to the open ocean in a stream of such width and depth as to accommodate the argosies of the world, while canals enahie tho barks of the five lakes to meet deep sea ships In the continuous harbor which surrounds the island of Montreal. Que bec has a population of nearly 2.000.000. noted as much for their Industry and thrift as for their detestation of race suicide. Its people are farmers, lum bermen, salt and fresh water fishermen, sailors and manufacturers. They exhibit the same diversification of industry and enterprise as characterizes the eastern states of this country. Quebec, like On tario, will enter the union a fullilcdged state. The three maritime provinces have together nearly 1,000,000 people—lum bermen and fishermen, hardy people of the sort celebrated by Kipling in “Cap tains Courageous." The incorporation of such men and women as they are tn our nation would do much to offset the hundreds of thousands of the dregs of Europe which we yearly absorb through Castle Garden. The maritime provinces would not be asked to wait for state hood, though it were well, indeed, either for the three to combine In one state, or else for New Brunswick and Prince Edward to unite. The latter is small to be a separate state. Columbia, in the northwest, is doub ling its population each decade. Though its greatest length from north west to southwest is 1,250 miles, yet its wonderful seacoast has a length of 12,000 miles. Undeveloped as it is its productions are already a considerable proportion of the wealth of the whole dominion—its mines producing one sixth of Canadian metals, its fisheries one-third of the Canadian catch of fish. Columbia would make a glorious cap stone to the column of Pacific states. Its name was accorded it with prophetic vision. Manitoba has over 250,0fln of Inhab itants. Its numbers are swelling In al most equal ratio with Columbia’s, and two seats in the United States senate are waiting for it. The northwestern territories of Atha basca, Assiniboia. Saskatchewan and Alberta are rapidly filling with popu lation—much of it, indeed, being Amer lean, w netner they would he required to serve an apprenticeship as territories is a question which would be settled on the same principles as were applied to almost every state in the union except the original thirteen. Whenever their population warranted they would be admitted as states. Locally, the new states would have the same rights of self-government as belong to the constituent parts of the present United States. Nationally they would have two senators apiece at Washington and representatives ac cording to population. Their national legislators would have exactly that part in the formation of national legislation to which the federal system of govern ment entitles them. In the cabinet of the president would sit members from the new states, and whenever the wheel of political fortune made the proper revolution an inhabitant of the present dominion of Canada would be the presi dent of the United States. Worse Than Philadelphia. “Who's the slowest man you ever knew?" “A chap In New York. He fell out of a third story fiat window and did cot reach the ground for an hour." “How was that?” “He caught in a tree at tha second story and went in to visit some l'riends." : —Detroit Free Press. The One TIiIiik Needful. She—I am thinking seriously of em i ;ering the literary field. < He—Well, I hope you possess the 1 :hicf requisile. “Chief requisite!" “Yes; postage stamps, you know.”— 1 Chicago Daily News. Nighti)’ Occurrence. 1 Teacher—What is this word? Tommy—I don't know, ma'am. What does a gentleman remove when le enters a house?” "Well, If ma is awake pa removes his ihoes.”—Chicago Daily News. MODISH.ING. Effective Dew'trn'* lr» ! itfp, Ilrnida. Etc., .\oticcnbJe In Wittier Ctifct CIUl'M. Broderie Anglalse ur Swiss embroid ery is now conspicuous even on lnshiun abie flannel petticoats, where the per forated design is overcast with white silk on the hem flounce and band head ing It. Wheels, cr-cents and heart shaped devices in white cotton are to he bought by the dozen lor every kind of applique work, reports the Brooklyn Eagle. On a somewhat large scale this style has been adopted for the trimming of chic models, in which case Uie silk invariably matches in -hade the materi al it is intended to ornament. In one ex ample the beauty and value of a plain coat entirely depends on the deep collar . in black silk lace, displaying a cunning 1 combinatiou of renaissance braid and the spider web stars of the canary lace. The same lace is used for broad inser tions and edgings selting off a tea gown in dove colored silk. A deep five-inch fringe in twist silk hangs from three inch scallops in fine hlarT, silk braid net ting, forming berthas in mantles and dressy bodices, or round tunics. On an tique laces or flint work equally black are strewn small appliques In white lace, to comply with this winter’s mod ish fancy of having a touch of white In troduced everywhere. An effective trimming could he concocted in this wise: One diamond medallion 3*4 by 2V4 inches, with center of picot guipure worked in coarse black silk, and finished off at top and base with thrr-> fanciful scallops in shiny silk outlined 1th thick silk cord. Flank each of tlie- blunt sides of the meshy center with two crescents, each about 2% Inches, with horns turned downward for the left set and upward on the opposite. Shape these ornaments with braid, partly solid and partly open: stifTen the edges with threaded wire like cord and fill the vacant spaces with a sort of herring bone In thick twist silk, re peating as often as necessary for length desired, Polnonoim Plants. Much to be desired is a method of recognizing poisonous plants at sight. While no general rule can be given, Dr. H. H. Rusby finds that there are evident Indications, and that certain character istics often go with poisonous proper ties. One of these Is the lurid purple color of stems of castor oil, ricuta. conium. pokeberry and dogbane. A rar '’ottc odor Is common In many of the most poisonous plants, though lacking n others, and a milky juice Is cause for suspicion. The most general character istic, however, is an acrid taste. Thk 's our best safeguard, and it can usually he relied upon to give warning before i dangerous quantity has been eaten. Oj*xter Sul ml. For oyster talad the following dress ing is used: Take four well-beaten eggs ,r:d add to them one gill of cream, one easpoonfv.! of mustard, one teaspoon ul of salt, a pinch of cayenne,, two -is-. blespoonfuls of butter ant! a gill of iuegar. Plade in a double boiler and when it becomes heated cook about five minutes, stirring all the time. It will ie like a soft custard. Heat cr.e quart jf oysters In their own liquor to boiling mint, drain them and mix with the re.-sing; put in a cold place. When ready to serve mix with them one pint1 cf crisp celery cut line.—Good House .eeping. Why Traveling is D ngerous Constant, molioijars (hi kidi eys which aro kept in place in the body by delicate attachments. This ia the leas 11 tiiat tra elers. trainmen, street car men, team sters, and all who drive very much, suft'ci from kidney disease in some form. Foley’s Kidney Cure strengthens tlie kid ■ley’s and cures all forms of kidney and bladder disease. Geo. II. Hausan, loco motive engiueer, Lima, O., writes, ‘ Con stant vibration of the engine caused me a great deal of trouble witli my kidneys, and I got no relief until I used Foley's Kidney Cure.” For sale at Sextons Pharmacy. Pructical. Ponder—Did you ever notlcethat most of the fires that break out suddenly and spread quickly are due to spontaneous combustion? Housekeep—No, but I’ve often thought what a slendid thing snnntsnenns com Imstion would be if you could only keep it on tap to light the kitchen fire with— Philadelphia Press. The PuriHuit of Knowlctlere. "It is costing me $20 a lesson for my education,” declared the student. "That's cheap,” eaid the man who had ieen there. "Mine ir costing me $250 a lesson.” "Polygonometry ?” inquired the stu Jent. "No—poker.”—Cincinnati Commer ilal. Fatality oF Pneumonia Pneumonia is the most fatal of ail acute iflectious, being second only to consump ion in mortuaiy lists, all classes, rich aud joor, young and old succumb to its ra vages. Foley's Hrney aud Tar cures loids anil prevents pneumonia and Iras rured many severe cases of this disease. 'My wile bad a severe attack of pneu uouia which followed a severe attack of a grippe and I believe that. Foley’s Honey rnd Tar saved lrer life,” writes James iofifee, of Raymond, Mass' For sa c at sextons Pharmacy NOTICE. All persons concerned may take lotice, that the Subscribers, Executors itc.. of Julia Throden, deceased, in end to ex Hi bit their Acconnt to he Judge of tire Orphan's Court for he County of Middlesex, on Tuesday, lie 15th day of December, A. D. 190?, n the Term of December A. D., 1903, or settlement and allowance; the ame being first audited and stated oy he Surrogate. Charles L. Walters, Will am Walters, Charles Walters, Executors. Dated November 10, 1903. 3976-1l-ll-6t-o. e. w. E&MMEP, SklW Is the most healing salve in I the world. It cures Sores, Cuts, Burns and all Skin Diseases. It positively Cures Piles S. Kingmaker, So East Ohio Street Chicago, writes: “I bad 2 bad ca«< uz , Piles for several yearn. BAPiNIik oALVZ cured me quickly and permanently auirj several doctor* and remedies had failed to relieve me.M GUARANTEED. Price2GCento II tnilile j-v anti CJorj- ' tractors Directory. I First Class FRESCO PAINTER and DECORATOR. Gilder of Furniture and Altar?. Want8 private work mid work for tlio trade. Room* decorated $8.00 at:cl $10.0, \i L’uaranti o of 7 years. Highest reference on application. All work guaranteed. HENRY NEMTZYK 271 Washington Street Perth Amboy. Telephone 1GU L. CHRISTENSEN & FEDDERSEN Masons and Contractors Office: iSS Madison Avc. Tel. 67b Perth Amboy, N, J iThTtyrrell FINE TEAMS AN! COACHES FOR. WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, Etc. A SPECIALTY Carting to ALL PARTS of the Cir Itesideuee aud Office; 30 Commerce SI Tel. Call 34. Sand, Grvel. Brick, Flue Linings am Sewer Pipe Furnished. 35 Woodbridge Bond, 170 Brighton Av LUND & CHRISTENSEN Carpenters and Builders Office aud Shop: Ci Bast Avenue. Estimates furnished. Jobbing attended 1 GRAHAM~& MTtEON Gencraj Contractors EXUWATING, GdAO'HS, ETC. - Sand, Gravel. Broken Stone, Carthur. K 244 Smith St. 225 New Brunswick Avc A. K. JENSEN, Successor to J. K. Jensen. Mason and Contractor 221 Washington St. r. A. UnOANuril House Painting, Paper Hanging, Ititerir Decoration. 238 Washingtan S' JENS K.JENSEN ARCHITECT OFFICE; P. 0. BUILDING Residence; 250 Washington St. Perth Amboy, N. . F, J. LARKIN Plumbing A Can Fitting Steam, Hot Water am! Rot Air Heating Dealer In Stoves Range* and Pant* Repairing of ail kin i *o Mi *»• v. 867 Stale street, Perth An. toy. N Tiir r a nrtiiii-tTnn ft a i lit. r nnniiiu t un v/u. Pucccmopp to Farrfnyton <*• Ilnnyoi O LUMBER. LIME. LATH MILLWORK. HARDWANF All kinds of Bundle? STatcrlal Office. 128 Fayette street Perth Amboy, F. J E. 0. CARLSON, Painter & Paperhanggr obbfne promptly ttented to 15? Gordon ► C. W. WINBERG Painter and Paper Hanger i4* Brighton Ave. Established in * *380. W. J. DONNELL Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Cement. Doors. Sashes Blinds, Mouldings, Builder's Hardware Hair aud Nails. Office and Yard; Jefferson St.&rO. E. B. cf N, Perth Amboy, .V J. p. skov & co. Artificial Stone and Cement Work: | Office: 108 Fultcn St., New York City R. B. SMITH Sanitary Plcmbet Tinning and Sheet Iron Worker. Stem and Gas Fitter. .Tobbing'promptly i attended to. Shop 55 N. B. Ave. Perth Amboy, N. J ■ J. P. KOYEN CARPENTER er.d BUILDER Estimates furnished, .lobbing attended t' 1 90 New Brunswick Av., Perth Amboy , SHOP: 17 KINO ST. ! 1 f tniEYSKlBNEYClM j Makes Kidnevs and Bladder Rl^lit 11 TEE NEW B" AFTi FAG. I'nwIt ion :i I*!•• • •* I > »•.•*!:%** In Ifmii e \\ i» i:•« I: \ is: c ra 11 > I.•'add. ‘Tirain far” is the new term for what >ld-!a: hioned people ‘.;T - u ■'nerves,” md is just now attractir;- much atten ion because it is thought to be a novel i) a lady, says the N‘w York Herald. To iverwork a brail. l;/.;>!rs primarily the .-.xi.reiu o of the or , „n. and kfr.ce th«j, liser -.e which attacks the thinking op-: >ar:uus ir quit* likely to become fas:: onabie. There is always ready sym pathy for the - ictini whose active brain rum. away with him. i: who e brilliant genius so soon \v. ars its setting. It U pitiful, inn'l l, lor th*- poor mar. who -ai.not help thiol 1:. too profo- ndl> at ill times and in a. place? Intellect ihon become* an actual our.---* rather than a To be -.pared } lie in fliction should be the cry of evmuting humanity. The hard-h-'-'.r* ! ir.'dlc?! ‘Vic'e lowr ver, are very t p r* gardlntj any special danger .r • r v " Th * brain may tire a* tic.'*--, with the other part of the body, but such ‘‘Ion is physical rather than mental. W* must not blame Hie poor brair. for «v rythir.g, ever, for too deep thought. No one has been known to have been l hy th-* latter, hut. on the rontrarv rou? " - number- have benefited when thought was worth anything There Is really no proof that the brain can b-1 overwrought by legitimate work of its own. Eliminate physical strain. worry, hustle nnrl hurry, ar.d the more the brain has to do the b» it r for its for lunate possessor. All weal, organs t.irr quickly, ar.d to acknowledge the ' fag" for what it really is places the unfortunate sufferer be yond the pale of ordinary sympathy. There is no measure of brain ability ir. f;iiet, w-'-l! ordered wo- .;, and t*:r> nr..* who attempts to fix a standard of endur ance Is plainly nn incompetent and a shirk. It is always tl.« fr• : rather than •J’.e work font lands ‘he fa peed one where he b? lor es. Mere nerve tire is one thing nnri rr-al ir.t til actual tire is itiite ar.olhrr thing -^ PENNSYLVANIA KAlLkOAJi - } Bci.edale In efTn.-t, Nov 29 19T8. j, ' ir v * .I ■ < * ~ -<r ~ ~ S3 * * • • • • ■ • • • I li ciwhoecgo io . > •• ~lt*l~l~l~<~Q- ■> fr* *e«<,innigo . I . . --• ' / • , - ' ■*• • 222 £ * * - r. c - - - - - . * *.- =^6|s'oi31 C “ • - *C» 3F £*i?S5f?H5n**-****5 :S '■*'-—-— UJ <5IW9>r>9( . M —• ■# = .-: ■ '■_ • ** y «r x -r •©_* , r I 6. j«<5 - ** :« 42b- ?# * ’ ='"•■•;■'— i tf!fc*-rSSJi»li * * __1_E » |'JO ® to 5 j|S«t.»S5iS c - :—' *. n_ > . ■*.L-)m>oe-£a£ • © : y :r ^'•eapisr: ’ .2S2 = s = -"r - » : < ' ii¥iusssfg|S •; ssss»s*a •« .;.=r.coc:r-> i. ? : -r^=tii-=5 ; * 4s-«s=*a •* £ , ,» .kS'uSSSe£ J , *-.»»-„ /, . cr 9 9 » 9. 9- © c !Z ® *c »r. ■*■ - » C - --=_;l, ■*«=<=-">-> : ; >- i:ts.s;vS£ § , 2222--''*-- : ' t-r-1-t*. cc xgc e. e. I 2 • l** _I r ; „«; 1« 4 5 £ . ; — *fit- — -si -*■-"= | = 3C=oc— — — — — «. • f- 1-tCT TJQlgg. * a — ~ - i»|* :S8sSS8&£p . *S*Sfc*»#B * j<;r *»->-». Tly. I * »©K-»9»*C O • ;ri^ 2sv.*:¥Tl?j - 7f -."ssas -a -1 —_*J.~.~~._".*. :ii1: * !© 'scs oi> -t* 6 S ! k a S I i * V-w- T 0 - > ■ <* . . . . ■ l„f_'»W^r»C© • — » f ■: ■ ! c- • ■ .• * t* ?!—ci *> — : — : il :-J s : : x '-os I s ■■ -X : :<-K ° io : : .S '• «■ * ?S • :s : : -b-'m < f|ii|si|3ill ?2 : :S I \.4£ £ f^is-a|S!;gc *|=|*5 :afl r§l^|2|^E t "y* ’ Sfwpa only to takt- on or let off r.T or Perth Amboy oc notice to Ayeni or Conductor. For further information see time tables llelrcis for all point, on the PenneyWarla Hal]roan and connection.. Pullman aecmvt., motl.tlnn. *r ..t tiolr.*t office.Perth Axclrpy W . W. ATTEHBUKy. )**ra*fz. * <vo< • Piuttf’r Tr ffie Manager. CEO W. •OYD.<j«p4Jrna..A*k?“ invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mur.u & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. f3 a year: lour months. fL Sold by all newsdealers. !*_ RARITAN TRACTION CO. Tim** Table in Ef'ect Dtc. 7 1903 Tatalea es Met lichen for Pe’lh Aml>o7 ard •nl points a-t to Woo bri ’ge Creek Ijrdge half i. uh from 6:01 a to 8 3.3 a mi. Hourly f oin *.'i» a. nv to 4.3 p. n>. Half hojrlv fr -m 4.83 p. m. io7.i5p. m. ai.U h urly fr in 7.*i5 p. tn. to • 1.3 p. in. Cars leave Kestbey School f r M tueh m3 and 33 minults pnat *:ac »l our tr.*m 3.35 t i - 5 and h urly fr*ni l. 5 to j.< ft p. n\ .ijul half hourly from 4.0. to 703 p. in. ami *i. mi l horn 7.03 to »l.U • . ir. "'Car’ letneK a-bey for II points Eus: eier • 13 niunutes I'a's leave Bridge at Woodbrl ge Creek f< r Ku.tsbey ot foot of Pmith H feet every ll.ieen ininiKrs f'om 6.0) n. tn. to 12 night Cars Itave Bri‘ge at Woodhndge reek fo* Met ugh u half hourly font 6.00 a. m. to 7.H3 h in. Hour only from 7. 0b. in. to8.80 p. mi. Ha f hourly from h * p. in. t« 0.30 p. in. and hourly from u p. in. to 30.31 p. m. Cars lt-ave Mateo Liana Ferry fo* Meturhei and Peashv Scho.d at 8 and 4" miuut s past each lu-ur from t5.!N a. m. to7.4sa.ui. from 7.4 < i-. in. to 8.48 P. in. p. in. at -8 minu es past the hour only Loin 8.48 106.18 at Jb and 4 minu es pas* 1 he'hour and from <'■. 8 m 1 . 8 at 48 hi tiute • til• . For Ktasby at fooi of Suii .u etredt at 3 an 33 miuu es past the hour. Cars leape f..r ta«en Island Ter.y for Bridge atWoodbddgi Cwk at U, 17, 4.1. a* d 87 mm utes„past each hour fioin 3.42 p. in. to 11.4i p. m. <4. BOCK. *•'»»•** »*•»*•! Aft. 1 PERTH AMBOY POST UHIIE SCHEDULE. Taking cffSCL Oct. ir.190* Oiipun at 7 A. M. Closes »t 7 P. M. Mails Arrive: _ New Yorlr Westn and Southern. 7.00am ah way- Wood bridge... ‘ a n’ South Jersey wa\ Mail. 8 00am Fords and KraRbcy. 8.15a U vew York and Northern Way. 9 80 a m Kanwav. direct. 12.04* a rn Sew York and Northern Way.I"5*' l> ni ?outh Jersey Way. . 1. 3t» p ■ Wood bridge direct. * *5! New York direct . •• 2.80 pm S'e«p Y"rh ami Noridern v\ ay.... J,o r south Jersey Way. • • •• 6*^ n ■ Broo- lyn, P*-nmy.vania and N. Jeisey 1.80 p Rahway, diet ct. 6.80 p m Fords and Keaabev ..6.^5 p,m Mm Hr Close. Rahway and Woodbridjre. 7 1* a m slew > ork and Northern Way.. 7 8n %m <o»u h Jersey Way.. . • 9 00 i m Jew York an* Eastern States. 9 30a m M>r«»t*and Keashey. 9.8U a it tahwa. and W cod bridge. 18.10 am South Tov»ev Wav.12,00p m Jew York ai d Northern Way. .. 12.30a m s'ew York and N rlhem Way. 4,30 p rn loutb Jer-ev Way . 4.80 pm iahsvay and Woodbridge. 4.80p m ■ ords and heasbey .. 7 00pm Ul points. 7.00 pm Money Order department opens at 7 a m close* kt C.4G p tu Saturday at 6.80 p ui Giro H T FIRE ALARM BOXFS 8 Ear it An Copper Works 0 High and Lewis T Madison as e and Paterson st * Market and First sta. 5 Smith and High st 7 Mate and Smith sts 3 Buckingham ave arid Hartf A Commerce ami Front Rts 7 High and Washington str 4 State st an.i Buckingham ave G Ball ave and Charles st 7 Railroad ave and Wayne st 2 Washington aDd First sts . Turnpike and Elm *t J Smith St and Watson ave 5 Commerce and State sta 2 Front and Smith sts 3 Water and Gordon sts 1 Kearny ave and Gordon at 2Smith and Herbert St 3 vv rod bridge road and Washington st J Lehigh aver ' fc tan ford st To »*nd in an alarm, open the door of the box nd pull down the lever and let go once only, tay at box until firemen arrive. nPKClAL. CiL'A. 1 tap—Break in circuit. 2 taps—Drill and fire larm test. Hydrant at corner of JefferRon and ligh street alwny^ to be used for this trial 9 ups Fire out. 5 taps—Police call. 12—Call for ,incolr» Hose. 13— Call for Washington Ho»e I—rail for McClellan Hoae 15—Call for Pio *ction H. and L. arABjxru hvstejm NETT JESSEY CENTEAL Corrocted to Nov. 19 19C3 TRAINS LEAVE PERTH AKB07 •'or Now Yo-*r, Newark and Kllthat J s'iJ, 7 1 “ 7 45, New Yorcfonly) 7.58 8 ?4, 951 J 1! ! r r« ft. 1 1 1 8 2". « 0. f> 09 j *, T'4% M '■f\ i#.,* * Philadelphia *>.0 1 ronton via Boat d jfl BrooP, 7 17, 1118 11.59 am 1 10, 5 09 p. m ■ v. i (5£^8, 8 27 «i. m 5 29 p.m Fn Lonjr Bn-*U‘h. hnr* 9-2 .a. m. IS 22, (2 05, Fat only) 1 17 7.19 * p‘. m 12 *8 (-und-»ys exutpied) *.t • exceuft Oceah Grove; 4 0j, * •. 4 5', 9 21. u. j ‘•or Fr-ew^iJ 5 o7 6.51 » 20 to. *«., „*.*•,• g B. ti p m ) Additional train* for Red Perk 2 77, * 15. 8.8* 1 P.M. r cr South AmK’* 6.W, 7 11, 9 20* n* m 1 2. 2 , 4. 43 p m. 6 15, f .QS 9.2®. 1 ’ I TISAINS F4Jdi 1*£TVJ'II AM BOY. J Lear.-NewTotll, 4. Mr, li u. Y'iM i. .js, j7s^”7v#77”Ii8^B® . 1 s. r. n.rftVa c3. ul T»s 2 ; 5i, i> m suuiuij.. u .r.r d m ~ I..-.WS Newark HIS 8 45, 1. - . 1 S '. I. 5. 4.11, 5.4'J. 'J III. 8.45 11 Sf.; N u:. bun da^ s, 4 !*♦, 8 l , p.m. Thr'nth ticket! to ai] holms at lowest rata* m*y De hud on application to a D ance to th.* ticket ageal *t the vi-utot* W. (4. RxeLrii, Vice Prey A G<r*ral Al&neg C. U Eob' , General Easuenger Agent. LEHIGH VALLE Y ft ML HO An Tln.e Table In effect Nov 9 lgrs. 8 aliens in New fork. foo» o» «iortl*?dt. Use and * jBt 22rd strata, Pen no. R. H Ferries. i BL 1>"& L*iVl Stati 3tb*»t Statio*. FOB NEW YOHK 6.10 7.45 a:n 4 20 p.m i .Ho p.m. dally cor* n«v** w. 4*7 train fnr Pound Brook,Manch Chunk 5\ Pflrr.«riv, Haielton Pk.ttsvllJe and utt timed! u’t* pointy. Irnft SOUTH PLAINFIELD. A R*. 7 4> am. i.80,4 20 p. in. 8m day a 8 85 a u* i.30 C.l6p m* FOR other POl NTS 7 45 i. m. Daily Except Sunday Connect with ir i» express tor l>»6U»n, Ueihleham Allen town, Rot taville, Buffalo. V.n£a(V V'»i|(i and t'fep chco I arlnr Car New York to Buffalo, con nf-cts with local train for all points east of Mauch Chuuk. - ■* »• Sund v< only. Express train fa' >' •:*»»>"- Niagara Fail*, and Chicago, btopsd I- emii gton Jet, 4.&‘ i- ui. DaJiv Except qurday Express/ fo- W :kf*r I'v.i’e. r'-f-P'i tor, H«re,r and rrinolrui G.teru efl'Mi Ht.vjnns t> lf» p. u . Su:?dnvs riuv hrcuivh t.rsli uttrrum. Magma J*sills, Scewr.eHm and Chicago, connects lor New York TRAINS LKAVB SOUTH PLAIN FOB PERTH AMBOY 9.10, a. '■ 3.46. 5.00. 7.50, p. m. 8 10 35 a. in.. 5.00,7.60 n». 1 lalne errtv Amhov- 0.80 a. .-t.. 8.104.05, 5.25. 8.10 p flay, 10.57 a. m.. 6 Vi. 8 JO n. rn. Tickets sold -« all Western Poin For further .nicrn &tion apply agents. Staten Island Rapid Time Table In effect on a^d Peru: Am toy to New Smith St. dally except Holidav 5 15, 0.12 6.58, 7 8 65,10.05, and 11.2 4 8j 5.30, C.45, 80Q, Sundays and Legal\ 10 55 1.55 A. M. 2.55. 8.55, 4.50, 5.50. 6.10, . 7/0, 9.4U.P Ne York to Perth Amboy:—Leave Whitehall St. dail\ except Sunday and Holidays, 5.r5. 6.56.8 00,9.00. 10 00. 11.00 12 >0 1 8> 2 30. 380. 4 80. 5.10 5.30 5.46. G.33, 7.30, 8.30, 0 4Ml.d5 12.25. Sundays and Legal Hollda' a Leave New York ? O ', 9 • 0. 10.00,11.00. I. 0". 2 00,8.00,4.00, 5.00, 6.30, 7.CO, 8.< 0, II. 05.pni. F« rry between Perth Amboy and Totten ville— leave Perth Amboy da'y x5 15, x6 12, 6*32, xCA«, x? 35, xS 68, X8.66. 9.:5, x.O.Cfi, 10.50 X11 25a m. 12.25. X12.55, xl.55. X2 50. XM.55, x4 8«i. 4.55. x5 3 ', 6.00. xh,45, 7 l 5. 7 10, xg 00, x?i 10 3 5 .. xlo.80 xll.15 p. m. 12.80 a.ra. 8undav*ii»d I^'al Holidays x G 20, 6 45. x7 55 xS -e5 x9.55.xl0.56. x 11.55. a Ut.xl2.55. xl.*% x8.65.x a 55, x4/0. x6.?0,x6.60, x7.10. 8.40 x9 4'1,40.80. p m I2.40.a. m. Lenve Totenville dally x1.9P,5.r.5, 6 “’B, ft 4g X7.10 7.50 x8 15. x9 10. 9 to xl ’ 15, xll.tB m xl2 06. *2 4 i xl 85. x*3 85. r* 37. 4.10, x-i s? 5 1". x5H?. t6.18, xG.55. x7.l7, x 7.40, x« 37 x9 87 m l”x‘0.4fj. p m xi2.i . x» W a. M. j Sunday* at d Legal Holidays *€:!<) 7.15 x 8 10 J O.«o xUl.l i, x11.1*1, a m. xW.lO.xl.JOjtl J*l xS *0 x 4 10 x.5.10. x#.0 x7.10,x8.l0, xMj xh» 12 10.45. p ?u. xt2 •Legal holidays only* rTrain Connect.on J VAN aMlTH. P. H. CAS?IPY. Receive-._ Ge»»l Traffic Agent F0LET3R'lEY<^IAfl Cures Golds; Pi vent* Pnr'