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Store Opei Evenings Until Christmas. s = ■ : I ■ ■ ■ ■ | Early in the tiny andoariy in the CUrisLmm month • 5 there are advantages of quicker service and more time for : § selections, to say nothing of early assortments. 5 : : 1 Toys and Dolls | v Wo welcome you to our Toy Store, and though it is 5 an adair that has grown over night, in every respect it is § better than most stores Unit make a specialty of selling 5 toys and sell them all year round. In the ti'rst place our 5 stock is larger and more varied, then all goods are fresh | itiiil new; and furthermore, our prices are low prices being 5 marked with the same small margin of prolit that prevails § generally throughout < ur store. I -* \ Less than Half M m m ■ ' 3 This offering represents k JJ the surplus vesting stock I » of a large nianufaei urer of ' ; Waists and purchased at 3 a price which enables us 3 to oiler beautifully made j 3 waists at about the cost 3 of materials alone. Elab- , 3 orate and tasteful designs 3 washable ami durable,cut , 5 with full plaited blouse j , H fronts and French back, 3 large pouch sleeves and 3 cuffs, fancy tab collars. 5 actually worth g 00 1 9 .'0 pieces of Ribbrn, Nos. 7 and 0, 2 I stripe and figured styles. Hundreds ■ of dainty articles arc made up for 2 < bi'istmas (lifts into wliieli Ribbons 2 largely enter. On sale Thursday ; morning until 1 P. M. at • • • • ^! g • ■ D 8 : \ | \ r. | I 123 an J !33 Smith Street : k | Phono 108 PERTH AMBOY. \ & ■BIIIIlKBSIIICBSllBllIC8IDP8R»^^l!KmXfaiBS1BrBBaBKIISVRERieDSB I8IBZBE3BBICBSKBIBI3I3I <1 IMIWIIIIIIHIill Mill Bill IMII ■■ ff ■IHIII III II AT Qrecnbaum’s Department Store You fluently secure two pres,dffti’orthenmmint you tlionyliteuie would cost. Specials iu LEATHER GOODS ij WALLETS. POCKETBOOKS, l BILL FOLDERS COLLAR, CUFF. Sard HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, SI'DRESS SUIT CASES, BAGS, SATCHELS and about everything I el-e in leather, plain and orna mental is in our vast stock of Christmas presents. Automobile Bags walrus grain moire lined fitted, special at 1.00 iij Carriage Bags of walrus, seal, jj alligator,fitted from 2 98 to 8.00 v Handbags,a1Utyks2 50 to 25c ? .400 Street...., j I E I TELEPHONE Sy K. 5 d Select Your Xmas Presei 11 from mir la am stock ol Diaiiiouus, \\ atch cs, .Jewel ry.i" iiver ware ami Cut Glass,e:e Honest Goods at Moderate Pr.ces A.U -mods guaranteed as represented. x. siitgke:r, 39 Smith Street. When people want help they adver tise in iho Eveniug News. Those looking for help should hear this in mind. ESBERG’S Orchestra and Millitary Band. First Class Music for nil Cccrsions. Thorough instructions on Violin and Mandolin. Isaac I?. KslMTii'.tt WaterSt. y WJio know good groceries, were hero I in Hocks at’our sale. They arc satisfied with our method of giving stamps. We don’t B I cut down the quality or raise the price because wo give stamps. ion* Thursday we |j || offer some liberal stamp specials with high grade groceries at low prices. B I "-—-THURSDAY SPECIALS.- I 10 Stamps Free | with the follow in;.:: I Pepper .... j cakes Quaker City Soap.. attJrW >kff Superlative f|"j? Corn Starch, ( i£| jj of Salt . egy 1 JO: M\ Coffees. O Stamps with one pound of our fio, 19c, 2§c and 30c COFFEES. Mocha and Java, Blend, Maracaibo, Santos, etc. .. BAKING F0WDEB 5.0® in Stamps Free. !5 STAMPS FREE! with the following: gj H. O. Buckwheat.. sffJ ^ i pktcof li.o. m K Pancake Flour.... »@w r? Dei. Tomatoes-osJS ft n“Vs. .091 i bottle of Blue . H 1 i’k- . IM I Korn Krisp. nG^lf §f Teas. I IO Stamps with lb. || of any kind of Teas, Bj 30c, 40s, I 150c and SOs 1 PIR FOUND. i ' a swtif < .-wMriaimMMiaiajBawMiji jjj i -OUR- | l Xmas Display j ^ is ready for inspection! \ In the 14 years we have J \ been in business in this city it j 0 has been our (constant aim j to keep the best only, our stock this year is far ahead to any previous year and the variety in imported China con sisting of Chocolate, Tete-a tete, 5 o’clock, Ice Cream and Berry Sets, Vases, Ilric-a brac, Lamps, 10 and ic pieces Toilet .Sets. 500 different fancy Cups and Saucers. Great variety in 25c articles. A big Lot of New Glass ware, it would be a great pleas (, tire to show you what we have. ^ 1 ' - 58 - \ J SMITH STREET. 5 p Near High St. f «» * HoMn \Vi*ro $107,000. % 4**fN *7. ASIU’RY PARK. X. J.. Pec. 0. Spec, dative residents of tli:- '.own who inves.d $200,1 H)0 in the Fraser Mono lain Copper company of New Mexico w« rc ama 0 at the' am; >’•• <■ ownl the 1 Hie company had gtV;* into the hands of a receiver. The shareholders are astonished at the revelations in the complaint, which sets forth that the company owes $107,ROO ai d has only $7 in the treasury. It wa< capitalized at $1,000,000. and every share of the stock was. disposed of. Tills is the concern reported as expl di d by A. (\ Twining which caused the suspension of two hanks in Anbury Park. Espi'pIip. Take as mrch exercise ps possible ^ daily walk is a great ' eiie. PEACE ASSURED. twnrnln nm] ,Tn;*Ffi Will Settle Man churian Question With,,at Wnr. LONDON', Dec. !>.—A dispatch from Rt. Petersburg says pence between Russian and Japan is now believed to ho assured as tlie result of the notion of the tzar at Tsnrskoye Solo. where lie and the foreign minister, Count Lamsdorf, have considered (he reply to tlie Japanese proposals. If Japan is willing to accept some mortifications there is nothing to stand in the way o' complete agreement. During the conference certain modi Mentions of Japan's proposals relative to Korea were decided upon. These were immediately cabled to Baron tie Itosen. tlie Russian minister to Japan, and Admiral AlexictT, the Russian vice roy in tlie far east. The latter will probably lay them informally before the Japanese negotiators at Tokyo. The convention will cover only Ko rea. Russia acknowledges Japan's predominating influence there. A separate understanding will cover Manchuria, Japan agreeing to leave the question of tlie evacuation in abeyance and to recognize Russia's special posi tion there. It is said that throughout the nego tiations the czar was actuated by a spirit of moderation and llie desire to preserve tlie peace. Tlie advices taken to tlie Japanese legation here, where they were read with nineli interest. In the absence of Baron Ilayaslii, tlie Japanese minister, Secretary Xnbcshlinn said: “We have not been kept informed by our government at Tokyo ns to the suc cessive steps iii the negotiations. Of course we cannot pretend to say how Russia's reply will be received by the Japanese government. It Is another step In the negotiations, lmt from my knowledge of Japanese public opinion I feel safe In saying that tlie linnl set tlement of (lie great questions at Issue between Japan and Russia will lie dlf lieult to reach, while tlie essential ques tion concerning Manchuria is left in abeyance." Correct, Explaining groups, the music teacher sought an illustration. "Suppoic,” said she, “a cluster of boys out in the yard. What would that be?” "A fight, ma'am,” cried a little girl in glasses, eagerly.—Newark News. yo 1-—----: k;-« ; Til E p | Diamond, Jewelry I I and "Watch House I o f r» e k rr ii a m: n o v Tii ~ .7 ^|jj The selection of Xmas Gifts must soon occupy “JB your attention. Why not attend to them now 7; j while the assortment is e nnplete and salesman can {jive you proper attention? Our imputation is estah ?i.i lished for having the largest stock of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry at lower pricos tlmu other Jj:j jewelry or department stores in this city. If you •yi so desire you may select any article you wish and i. i we will reserve it for you until the holidays, by | paying a small deposit. i SS E THESE FRIGES. sf? Solid Gold i | k Ladies’ Watches, : American-Walthaiu movement at.... 17.50 4a Solid Gold Watches, Brooklyn move 14 | ment, extra good timekeepers, at 13.50 Gold filled Watches, 20 year guaran tee case, splendid holday present at t 1.25 \ Gold filled Watches, Am. Waltham or Jilgin move 'Jij ment, 10 year guarantee case with eve-y watch at 10.25 '■A Solid Silver Cliatelaine Watches, open face and .4 Hunting, at.2.40 2.08 3.49 3.98 J3 Boys’ Watches, solid silver. 4.00 to 0.00 •:J Gents’ Watches, solid silver, Waltham or Elgin ^3 movements.. 7.00 to 9.00 j$3 OUR DISPLAY OF PiAMONDS as shown in our windows 1 show the largest and selection of any other store in the city • DIAMOND RHGS all settings and all sizes of stones, /■'i varying in prices from 5.50 to 175.00 You must come and see them to know wlnt diamonds are I \ Ladies’ Watch Chains, 10 to 20 years guarantee, from | 3.50 to 5.00 Ladies' Solid Gold Watch Chains, from 11.50 to 23.00 ;;j warranted full 14 carat i Then there are Brooche. . Initial Rings, Men’s Chains,Gold and Diamond Studs, Watch Charms, Pendants and Lockets at the lowest possible price. Also a full line of Rogers Silverware and Hawkes’ best | Cut Glass will also please vou. WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL ; ------——— m r - i J i \ _ J 1 • 390 State Street Perth Amboy, N. J- j§; HjJ The Leading Jeweler. Handsome Calendars given away Telephone Call 69-A. MARSH'S Mince Pies “NUF SED” B- L. MARSH & CO., 121 Smith Street. Herbert Simneer In Donrt. LONDON. Dec. ».—Herbert Speneer, the famous author, is dead at his borne in Brighton. His illness took a critical (urn a few days ago and he became un conscious during lli“ night, passing away without pain. l,ly ids own de sire tlie least possible information was given out during Mr. Spencer's illness. Mr. Speneer is universally described as the “last of the great thinkers of the Victorian age.’’ Herbert Speneer was horn April 27. 1820. in the undent town of Derby, in the heart of England. German Anilmnwalor ltetnrns. WASHINGTON.—Enron Speck von Stevnimrg, German ambassador to the Halted States, who was recently called to Berlin for consultation witli Emperor William, lias returned to duly at his post here. Many notables wel comed idm home. \EI,S B.JORIVSEN Denier In Choion Family Groceries Provisions, Fto. Freeh stock constantly received Uor. Prospect and Smith Hts. MoneySaved I4y Buying Your Floor Oil Cloth W all Paper Window Shades From us ESPECIAL Floor Oil Cloth 10c a yard. A. BECKOFF IRSl State Street. NOW OPEN! OUR NEW STORE m STATE STREET with a full lino of China, Agate Ware, Imported Goods, Tinware, Cocking Utensils, Etc. SOUVENIRS to purelusor.s during opening week. Call ami inspect our itock. 372 STATE STREET. Opposite T\ R. R. Station, Perth Amboy. N. J. A Choice Line of M EATS -AT THE 322 STATE STREET TELEPHONE 14-w BRANCH STORES: 518 State Street, - Telcbhonc 31-L 247 New Brunswick Avenue, Tel,l09-w Jos. Polkowitz & Bro, Money to loan QN HOUSEHOLD GOODS it the LOWEST RATES charged my where in Middlesex County. No Publicity Vou keep ALL the, property your self. No papers recorded. Here you g&t the FULL amount you pay for. Time expended if you wish New Brunswick Loan Co. 349 George St. P. O. Box New Brunswick N. J. / • • JauJive^I agysw. x wearing :::: :S ? WATCH : CHAINS ¥ I W&teiiCMms § fx are worn by the greet raa- X jl jority—over three millions FI IsP of them are io nsa and every W A one is giving satisfaction. A W *» i'lmt’s tho kind of a chain ¥ A wo would like to util you • A A However we have all A V kinds, and can certainly X o please if you give us a call 0 X before buying elsewhere. X |T kreielsheimer, 8 U Jowelor & Optician «sS Q 122 Smith Stnet. O ! CHOICE LINE OF GOODS FOR Matlo to order at Reasonablo Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed. 83 Smith Street, Tel. 193.1 Perth Amboy, MUNOZ EXPRESS 191 Elm Street Residence 176 Brighton Av. All kinds of Heavy trucking, Furniture and Piano moving promptly attended to. TELEPHONE connections. HOTEL CENTRAL 8. 81MTZHlf, Prop. Finest Bar in the City Fines Furnished rooms, all Improvements by the day or week- Choice line ot imported atd doinest c W ines. Liquors and Cipnr*. COR. STATE AND SMITH STS. Tel. 102 W. Perth Amboy N. J. For your . ^ Eye Troubles l come to me, I have satisfactorily treated scores in the* city. F. ,J. MONAGHAN, Opt. I)., Oteniltliat. Pal y fror.i 8.8Ho 7 p. tr>. Wed. mill Saturdai a,an 10 « o. in. Formerly la Maiden Lane N. Y. City. MADAM RIVELY. 138 Smith St., llair Dressing, Shampooing, Scalp treatment corn treatment Manicuring and Massage -Idllfullv done for Ladies at reasonable prices. A Do scalp treatment MauicuiLig ami corn iieatmeut for gentlemen. Oul of town engage ments uy appointments. Perth Amboy Coal Co. Cor. Division and William Sis Lehigh and Hn/.elton Coal and Kindling Wood At reasonable prices. Full weight guaranteed. Orders may he |. ft at Jake’s Fruit store, corner of Smith and StateRt, or Greensp*n Bros., cor ner fcml h and aim st. Tel. 14Ha. S. POLENSKY, Manager. GRE1SEN ut DAHL, Masons and Builders, lioom 14 Sohcuer Bullillux. KHTJ MATES FURNISH KD. Otmtl Kvonlmr* 7 to Ml. GASVELL BROS., Sicceo3or to D. McFarland. 5/Sove Furniture Carefully sod at Reasonable Coal aa Kins Street. Wc make a specialty of buying rags, metals, boil ers of all kinds. Drop us a line. H. SHRAGOVITZ, 106 South Second St Tatricx WHITE & SONS Telephone No. 8 Engineers, Founders Machinists. ieneral and Special Machine Pattern Boiler and Blacksmith Work. tmsEimm.. ^ any quantity | —-— at thG Lowest ! After Nov. 2nd () Wood will be25c Market prU;ss 'j per barrel. ^ ; Yard; New Brunswick Ave., and ' ; JLeliltfh Valley Crops!nc. () ) Tel. 61. Perth Amboy, N.J. FOLEYS HONFJ-™TAK Aorta the cou(!h .Ddtia.l.lundf