Newspaper Page Text
| MARTIN TOOK LAW I IN HIS OWN HANDS.' I I Was Plagued by Crowd of Small I Boys and Spanked One Rather Severely. Paul Martin, the tall, cadaverous | looking individual who, for the past ■v few weeks has been pushing the I “agony box" about town, has been [ ordered to make a bee line for the ? city limits and to make no halts and : not to return for an extended period ■ for fear of imprisonment. Paul was i plagued this noon by a crowd of small | boys. He seized one boy and chastised I him severely. Officer Wood brought 1 him to court and Chief Burke ordered ! him to go. The boy was innocent. GEORGE C. WOOD. % Well Known in this City Died Last Night at Almshouse. ! George 0. Wood, who was known , among his friends as an all around sport and good fellow, died last night in the city’s almshonBo. He was } thirty-five yearB old and lias lived here all his life. His parontB wero old residents of Perth Amboy. They are now both dead. He is survived by three broth ers and two sisters. They are Charles M. Wood, of this city, Edmund Wood, of Tottenville. and Alonzo, whose whereabouts nro not known. Mrs. William Snydam, of this city, and Mrs. George March, of Elizabeth. In 1902 George Wood trained os triches on the ostrich farm at Asbnrv Park. He was vorv successful in lliii and many friends from here wc ' his exhibitions. Four year . . ..u was taken with a disease which pre vented him from working actively. He drovo a hack. Two months ago R 1 . __X X* Xl. _ _ 1_1, Kn U,'n B brother, whero he conhl bo treated, ^k At 8.10 last night lie died. The body ^B is now at Undertaker Flynn's cstab ^Blishmcnt. Fnneral arrangements wil ^^Bbe made Inter. M^S0NSM(^S LEFT CUT. Hie Courts Between Metr.bers o tf1-:* Brunswick. Dec. It’: — Tin Kv'’v -iB 1 " -.'ohm famijAof Scut-b ^^^oaled in the oonaty oourt yesterday f when the suit of Johu H. Culver, of Plninsboro. against Snrah C. Culver and Amanda Culver, executrices ot the estate of Furmau Culver, de ceased, was heard. Tlio plaintiff wns left out of his father's will and he |*s had tried unsuccessfully to have the will set aside and then instituted a suit against the ostnto to recover $4,300, allegod to bo duo him for j wages. RECEIPTS FROM JERSEY. Customs from Jersey Stand Second on the List. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw has submitted to Congress a statement of ^ tlio entire receipts and expenditures of the government for the last fiscal ■f^krenr, arranged by States and col lee *<&Bpn .listriots. The receipts from Now If-SB86? w,re 118 follows: » .. r t n ,t Egg Harbor, $1,791.10; Newark, 791.50: Perth Amboy, $58,031.98; or State, $1S8,841 40. SIKGiN SKEWL”. Fill be i^iven Here Tonight- The Genuine 1 Old Fashioned Names. ?orth Amboy audience is to have |rivilege o( bearing tho famous t;in’ Skewl” tonight, It is under jjction of Aunt Polly Basset. ,js not unknown here, hav Iven, previously by Jed It created much amusement rtwi(I is bound to delight again. Tho singers have those genuine old-fash ioned names and the songs they sing are equally quaint. The “skewl” will be hold in the lecture rooms of Simpson M. E. church tonight and tomorrow night. “Founder” Bradley’s Taxes Lowered. Asbury Park, Dee. 10—"Fouudor” James A. Bradley, Tuesday after noon, won his tight against the in creased assessments npon his proper ties in Asbury Park. Tho assessors | jumped his valuation $79,000. Taes ■ day lie appeared before the commis ■ sionors of appeals, and after argument I they reduced the figures to those of I last year. District Court News. fc Only one or two eases were dis ^^posed of in the District Court this ^■norniog. The case of the shoe mer % slants against Slobodan & Ero.. is SjjSt^fcdowu lor tomorrow. FEES FOR NOVEMBER. leceipt from Chartering Corporations Re duced as Compared Last Year. Trenton, Deo. 10—According to the eport of the Secretary of State’s office or the month of November, the filing ees of new corporations reached ouly 16, against 598,401 for the month >f November, 1902. This is a decrease of nearly $92,000, »nd occasioned, in tho estimate of Corporation Clerk Jonh Brooke, by a general depression in business. The number of now concerns ohart Bred in November 1902, was 170, as against 120 last month. The enormous business that New Jersey has done chartering large cor porations lias awakened other States to this possiblo source of revenue, and by imitating New Jersey laws, the influence of the other States is now being felt by tho New Jersey corpora tion office. A POPULAR PRIEST. Rev. John Ryan, of Bernardsvllie Renewing Acquaintances Here Today. Rov. John Ryan, who a few years ago was the curate in this city under the late Rov. Peter Connolly, pastor of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic church, and whoTs now pastor of the Catholic church at Bernardsville, is in town today, renewing old acquaintances. Father Ryan, who is well known to every Catholic in Perth Amboy, was transferred to Bornnrdsville, some years ago, when he loft here for that plaoe the services thero wero held in a small building on the outskirts of I tho town. It is well known how | K ither Ryan worked, and in a short ' hue had built a flue church for the p. ople of that place, so today they I , _ _ _..t _l.:.. 1. can well bo proud. All of the old parishioners were greatly pleased to see Father Ryan once more and it kept him busy shaking hands. He expects to leave here for Bernard sville tonight. PUBLIC OPINION Editor Evening News: In last nights’ issue of the Evening News I note nn article headed settle ment is reached, and that masons and bricklayers havo won their point, after having difficulty with the elec tricians. I wish to state ns delegate ol the local electrical workers that there was no settlement made direct with the bricklayers, allowing them to do the drilling of holes in brick walls, but the electrical workers claim this right, having won the sauio re cently in Now York city and have in this case at tho Clieeseborough Vase line works decided by sanction of onr grand officers, continue to exercise the right samo to drill holes. Tno undersigned has a letter from the I. B. E. W. at Washington, D. C., which says, 1 would advise your Local to insist upon its right of drilling all brick walls, and hoping wo wonld adjust the matter. Yours respectfully, william McDonough, Delegate to Local 458 I. B. E. W., 48 East avenue, City. Carl Nelson is Vindicated. Carl Nelsou called at the Evening News office this afternoon to state that although he wa3 fined $1 for be ing in a snowball scrape a day or two ago, it was a uusiaae iu lueuuey aim that ho hml proven to the satisfaction of the court that ho wns not implicat ed and his fino lias been returned to him. Harmotiie Ball Tonight. Tlie Singing Sooiety Harmonic are to bold their grand annual ball in Wilder Hall tonight. Tlie committee of all arrangements are prepared to give all their friends n good time. Many tickets linve been sold, and the society think that a large crowd will be present. Cohnn f'ntitael lias Cimirlleil. HAVANA, Ilec. 10.—The cabinet at a meeting ordered the establishment of a custom house at Nueva Orona, Hie principal port of the Isle of Pines. The government thus complies with all the requests of the United States re.- i •lents of the Isle of Pines with the ex ception of that relating to an American school. It is believed, however, that tlie school already established by tlie Americans on the island will lie given government aid. It is thought that these concessions will dispose of much of tlie opposition at Washington to tlie ratification of tlie reciprocity treaty. K roon la nil 1, ft- at Qneenntnivn. QUEENSTOWN, Ireland. Ilee. 10 — The Red Star line steamer Kroonlaml, which sailed from Antwerp for New York Dec. 5 and reported by wireless that her steering gear was disabled and that she wns returning, lias arrived in tlie inner harbor of Queenstown. She had little difficulty in steering by means of her twin screws. Tlie Kroon land lias not) passengers on board. Tlie passengers of (he Kroonlaml will lie transferred to tlie White Star line steamer Teutonic, which sails from Queenstown today for New York. J LOCAL ITEMS. John Nolan, ot Madison avonno, will resign his position as boss wcigli nasier for the tank room department if the ltaritan Copper Works, Toes lay afternoon. He lias accepted a losition at tho DcLamar Ooppsr Works, Carteret. A fishing sobooner loaded witli cod, lame into port this morning. Carl Johanson, of Now York, is visiting his parents on Kavetto street. Alfred Carter has sent in his resig nation as watchman at the ltaritan Copper Works, to take effect. Saturday. A baby boy lias arrived at the homo of Prot. Joseph Walker. Lester Greenleaf, of Now Bruns wick, is in town today. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Singer, of McClellan streot, are receiving the congratulations of their friends upon the arrival of a bouncing baby boy. Dr, Scott May Resign. New Brunswick, Dec. 10—Dr. Aus tin Scott, president of Rntgors Col lege, was interviewed Tuesday even ing with reference to the published rnmor that he intended to resign as president of the colli’Se. Dr. Scott said: “I will neither oonfirm nor deny the report. I will answer no ques ti 011s concerning it." Dr. Scott confined himself to this statement and closed the interview. Tho opinion gains ground that Dr. Scott’s resignation will be presented to the board of trustees within a few months. NEW JERSEY IN BRIEF. Bridgeton—Prof. James A. Wentz oll, recently vice-principal of the Bridgeton Higli school, has been appointed county superintendent of Salem ccunty schools, suoceoding Prof. J. Harry Smith. - Newark—Vice-Chancellor Kmery has sigucil nu order for the payment of a dividend of 25 per cent, to share holders of the National Building and Loan and Provident Association. The shareholders will probably get in all (10 cents on the dollar. Bridgeton—A. S. Lavin and M. Aurback will shortly start a wrapper factory here that will employ nbont 30 operatives. Mercbnntville—Father Cluno an nounces that lie has already secured several thousand dollars for the pro posed Catholic church Bridgeton—Former fa. t ;; .lie' Shinn has beoomo proprie.or of Hotel Cumberland, Nod Graves retiring. Millville—Council has adopted a re- j soln ion that the city purchase the. plant of the People’s Water Company | and has asked the city solicitor to, direct negotiations. Bridgeton—Farmers in this vicinity lose heavily by the failure of the J. j F. Brady Company, packers of frnits and vegetables. The concern has boon packing half a million cans annually! and necording to its contract was to have settled with the farmers Decern-, her 15. Paterson—Thomas McMahon has been elected chairman of the Passaic county Dcmoorntic committee. | Bayonne—Beoanso a largo black dog, believed to bo mad, dashed down 30th street, followed by other curs, and slopped at the city jail lawn to have a tight, two policemen shot four of the pack. | Newark—Hanson Place Baptist church, Brooklyn. lias caueu tun nev. C. D. Case, pastor of the First Bap tist church, Montclair, to succeed Rov. P. S. H ensen ns pastor. _ Thonffli.* Thrown on Si'roon. PIITI,ADKIiPII 1 A, Dec. 30.-The lm man heart running its ‘race of life will j be exhibited In motion pictures shown | upon a screen, and cerebrations of the i brain may be similarly noted, accord- j ing to the assertions made before the j convention of the ltoeutgcn Ray Socle- i ty of the Skiograph by Mihrnn II. Kns- i ftnbinn of this city and Henry Hulst j of Grand Rapids. The men aroused general attention by declaring that these anatomical movements may be recorded by changing shadows thrown on a screen. It was suggested that by the character of the thought shadows good thoughts may he distinguished from bad. Four-yenr-old I.niil the Stone. PROVIDKNCK, It. I., Dec. 10.—A bright four-year-old lad laid the foun dation stone of the gates to he erected at Brown university in memory of his father, John Nicholas Brown. The child 1 performed his part in the ceremony in j a manner which awoke general adml- | ration. The gates when completed will he the handsomest in the city, their architecture generally conforming with, that of the John Carter Brown Memo rial library near by. The hoy. John Nicholas Brown, Jr.. Is reputed to ho the wealthiest child of his ago in tills country. (Mils Ili-nrn of Hen-ern'n Dentil. ntlMK. Dec. 10. —The news of the death of the Spanish Cardinal Herrero y Ksplnosn at Madrid when communi cated to the pope greatly affected him. The pontiff spoke in the most affee- . tlouato terms of the late cardinal and referred to his heroic struggle w'tli death during the conclave which elrct ___— AN EVENING FROCK. This is a very pretty design lor an evening frock, and can be made in auv pale color or white. Crepe dc chino, mousscline do soie, liberty ganzo or oven a fabric like Paris mus lin or organdv would look well in a frock made from this design. The only trimming required is lace diamonds, but of these it takes si:: | dozens. Laoa cnu bo bought by the yard in diamond slmpos that can be out apart, and this is less expensive than buying the separate motifs, j Tho entire frock is box-pleatod and around tho neck, waist, aud lower I part of the stcirt, bias folds of the ! samo material are put diamond-shape j around the lace. Tho idea of the ] points coming up on tho neck gives a very pretty effect. DcNperndo Uiilei! by F«-mcr. OT'TIIItlE. OUla.. Dee. m. - Janie? ITarbelt. a noted desperadi . ' the ter ritory. has been killed at S". ny by a farmer named Done.l.m . II: . It l»on a bad reputation, hav a . •<! «Ii 1.-' Fllppin ia the Indian i . itory sonn years ayo and also be1: rejnitod te have been a member of tie- via;: Hint robbed the Te: ns expr - of $75,000, killing a deputy at the time. 1 For Men. HIGH GRADE RUBBER BOOTS SHOES AND WARM LINED GOODS . HOLIDAY HLIPPKliS of every description. If you want the best, come to us. I. 0. leers fie., 85 SMITH ST., Perlh Ambojy. \ 11 f 11 Adrnncctl llic Prlre of Stone. NEW YORK, Doc. 10.—It came ou: fn evidence nt the hearing that former Governor David I!, lllll. former S- an tor Edvard Murphy, Jr., and former Comptroller Bird S. Color were the sponsors for William It. 1111. formerly chief engineer of the aqueduct commls sion. Mr. lllll testified to this fact at a hearing ou the protest of the Mer chants’ association against the payment of the bill of John It. McDonald for work on the Jerome park reservoir. Mr. Hill said he advanced the price of broken stone from .70 cents to $1.10 to satisfy Mr. McDonald, who told him several times that lie was losing money on the contract. A total Increase in the contract pri e of the work of .$711,077 was recommended by Mr. iIi 11. but the greater part of it. he maintained, was to meet the requirements of the labor laws. Kltfser Is Profoundly Tonehoil. Y\ ASUINGTON, Dee. 10.—Baron von Steruliurg, the German ambassador, wishes I he people of the United States to know that the emperor is profoundly touched by the many and sincere ex pressions of sympathy which have come from America to Berlin regard ing his majesty’s illness. The ambas tntlor 1ms returned to Washington from n visit to Germany. lie brings personal messages from Ids majesty to the president and will call at the White House today to deliver them and to ad vise the president about the emperor’s health. The ambassador spent a busy ■lay and has already taken active bold on affairs at the embassy. MRS. A. RUU MANN, t MASQUERADE SUITS. E" ti e Outfits for Plays,Entertainments and Parties A fell lint cf Wife, Tights, Shoes e.e. - Tor mon < r rent. FAYETTE ST. A N. It. AVE. _——-_—— —— j WhaHo buy for j i [ a few things which make appro priate gifts Watches, Watch Chains, Clocks, Rings, Napkin Rings, Watch Safes, Watch Charms, Silver ware, Cut Glass, Fobs. Space will not allow us to mention the rest, so call and see them. _ L. KRE1ELSHEIMER Jeweler & Optician 122 SMITH STREET i ~ '■ \ -_=——-— --*-i---m Evening News Classified Ads. | -——--—--—-— i "W ANTS ; - ONE CENT A WORD - SITAUATtONS WANTED-FREE No Aiis. Loss Than 10c. Extra Charge if Displayed, j j HELP WANTED BOYS WANTED—At ouce at the Annex Restaurant, good pay. 118 Smith st. 4300-12-10-1 WANTED—BEVERAL persons of character and good reputation in each state (one in this county requir ed) to represent and advertise old established weatlhy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly with expenses additional, ail payable in cash direct each Wed nesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. Roferenoes. Enclose self-addressed envelotto. Colonial, Oaxton Bnild ing, Chicago. 8302-8-18-tf ROOMS FOll KENT EUR RENT—SEVEN room house. pood location. C. VanDnsen & Bro., 231 Madison ave. 4302-12-10-8 TO LET—FURNISHED rooms,“ail improvements, with board. Good German cooking. 45 Gordon st. 4301-12-l0-24t NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gentlemen, heat and bath. Break fast sorved if desired. 98 (Jordon street. 4279-12-9-8 TO LET—COMFORTABLE ROOMS. rout elieap, corner Gordon and South First streets. 42S0-12-9-2 TO~ LET—FURNISHED rooms, all improvements with board. Good German cooking. 45 Gordon st 4218-12-4-8 FLOOR TO LEj , 48 Smith st. 4192-12-1-tr MISCELLANEOUS DON’T FORGET THOSE Sandy Hook cral’S, Blue Point oysters nud hard and soft crabs nt A. Hnnrnttio’s, corner High and Smith sts. 4288-12-9-2 STORES FOR RENT ohonpT”Enquire nt News office. FOR RENT—A BARN and stable, suitable for one horse. Enquire at Nows office. 3164-7-2G-tf HAND.PAINTED CHINA shirtwaist sets arc the popular thing. Orders taken for studs, cuff buttons and belt buckles, also hat pins, at 114 Rector street. 7-17-tf HOARDERS WANTED BOAR D Elis WANTED—Throe or tour gentlemen can obtain board at 120 South Second st. $4.50 week. 4283.12-9-8 Not ?«» Slow. During the middle ages gunpowder, ■ clocks, telescopes, parchment, paper and the mariner’s compass v.c-re invent ed or adopted. (’ritnp nn«l Edncniion. More than one-third of the inmates o! (be Elmira (N. V.) state prison are tvcl! educated. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to establish a grade on Sheridan street from Market street to the Raritan River. Ho it'ordained by the City of Perth Amboy: Section 1. That the grade of Sheri dan street from Market street to the Raritan River lie established at and in accordance with tlie several pitches and grades ns rIiowu on a new profile and map of said street made by S. .T. Mason, City Surveyor, and filed with 11 io City Clerk Monday, Nov. 1G, 1908. Approved Nov. 20, 1903. CHAS. K. SEAMAN, Attest: Mayor. JOHN F. RIELEEY, JOity Clerk. 4278-12-9-41-at o.w. FOB SALE FOB SALE—GOAL yard and ice house property, subject to short lease. Eids reoeived for sixty davs. Eiujuiio P. E. Gordon, Hiller st. 3915-11 -3-if FOR SALE—High Grade 10 horse power steam engine and boiler. Second hand. Excellent condition. Manufacturer, care of Evening Nows. 4-8-tf BOILER AND ENGINE for sale at a bargain. Sturtevant 10 horse power steam engine and boiler in A 1 condi tion, cost $190, will sell for $360. In nse 3 years. Address O. P., News Office. ___9-12-tf BE \L ESTATE. FOR SALE-FOUR lots on Market st., near Goodwin. Address “Real Estato,” Evening News. _1987-11-10-tf FOR SALE—AT a bargain, house and lot on Hall avo. Address “liar gaiu,” Evening News office. 1007-11-10-tf A RARE BARGAIN Choice lot on Smith will be sold for $875 two hundred dollars down, balance on small monthly install ments if desired. 'File Uissliop Company 12‘4 t1 mi tli girt of, All Clippings uiiifit On put up in packages of 25. Get your playmates lielp you win tlii.s most historical In ner. Contest dotes on 10. Work 1). 10 Comedyk (C 1 Iros. Real Estate Dealers Money to Loan. Fire Insurance. iimDoy Reality and Construction Company. Business properties ami residence in all pail •» of tlio cily for sale for cash or oil monthly installmeuts. Post Office Building. f MIkm (ioii'tl'n (Sift P(*il!rntpfl. XllWPOR'l’ XKWS, Va., Dee. 10.— The dedication of the army Y. M. C. A. building ::l Old Point Comfort, which was presented to Fort Monroe by Miss Helen Gould of New York, tool; place here with interesting ceremonies. Colo nel John Story, commandant of Fort Monroe, presided, and addresses wore delivered by General Charles Bird, U. S. A.: lion. J. Taylor Ellison, Rich mond; William Slonne. Now York, and -Bear Admiral Wise, P. S. N. Colnncl Riifli*r Not tiuHty. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Dee. 10.— The supreme court has reversed the de cision of tie* lower court ill 11c* ease of Colonel Edward Butler of S:. Louis, convicted at Columbia, Mo., of attempt ed bribery, and discharged tic* prison er. Colonel Butler when informed of the court’s decision expressed pleasure •at the nows. Ho said: "All I wanted was the cold law. I have get that. I am very glad the decision of the trial court was reversed." ( •‘Tuna lire}: T!mo h. rt„ fib) spof:Itlon«by pro KImB HI youthful b.nka. Not a g aHHD . dills.. Bona not stain tinea. A K i S3lY0yH8 I'’RI® trial bottle to 1*1111.0 HAT, 220 Lnfayetto Bt., Newark, N, J, Large 60c, *)uttlo at druggists’. C Thousands Say That i MCLURES I MAGAZINE is the best published at any price. Yet it is only 10 cents a copy, $1.00 a year. In every number of McClure’s there are flj Articles of intense in- Six good short stories, torest on subjects of the humarous stories, stories I greatest national impor- of life and action—and V tance. always good. 1 In 1904 ' McClure’s will be more interesting, important and en tertaining than ever. “Every year better than the last or it would not bo McClure’s.” P O CT IT Sul,scribe now for McClure’s for IMS, ami get the No- A I ■ si LA vomber and Deoember numbers of 1003 free.’ ^ H The iJ. S. McCluue Company, 023 Lexington Building, New York N Y S T-— }