S Store Ope i Evenings Until Christmas. 5 I Our Christmas Windows I ARE READY. Wo are going to delight young folks and growl folks with the I prettiest display ever seen at this store. Our friends look for 5 these displays and we are determined not to disappoint them. ! Sorry we cannot tell you more now, but the surprise will he all the 5 greater when you see the show. ■ m 1 Toys, Dolls and Gaines. All the up-to-date kinds—no old stock to work off. Every S article displayed for sale new this season. ■ ■ •• M ■ ■ m 5 Can be counted in our store by the hundreds We have Dres.-cd S Dolls, Jointed Dolls, Kid Body Dolls and every other kind of Doll— jj *10.00each, $7.50 each, & 98 each, $3.98 each, <12.98 each, $1.98 5 each, down to 25c each. 5 Pianos—Assorted colors, well 5 toned, 6-key style, special 25c 5 Too! Chests—Good size, - hinged cover, movable tray, spe : cial, 49c Fire Engine—14 inches long, S nicely painted, malleable iron, S complete, with driver, 49c | Printing Presses Nicely fin S islicd, complete, with slides. Drums—All styles and sizes, S high or low, from $1.23 down to z n - m 2ac : <0 Shooting G’llary Complete * with figure and air title, 98c » Desk Combination and Black « boards — 47 inches high, 22 ; inches wide, with revolving s chart, 98c * Tea Sets 2;,- iiece set, nicely s decorated, special, 25c : s ■ s A Manufacturer s Sample Line of Coats to Sell at One.Third Off. ? ■ «• Girls’ Full Length Coats, Zibeline and Kersey, best colors, « 5 with and withont capes or collars, size 6 to 14 years. That were made to sell at 5.00, at $3.75 S That were intended to sell at 6.00, at 4.50 ™ m n That you cannot match under 8.00, at 5.25 That would sell quickly at 12.00, at 7.98 ■ ■ ----—-- ' Tomorrow — Friday — until 1 1’. M., 5 upSGsae womens eileroown sacques- 053IU I * gray, red, pink, blue, all sizes, value $1.00. ■ 123 and 130 Smith Street | Phone 103 PERTH AMBOY. E [.: :•> David—iSn. can't i play makin believe I'm entertaining another little boy? His Ma—Yes, deer, of course. Lillie David—All right. Gimme some rahe for hint! —Cincinnati Enquirer. : >r Good. Maud—I understand you are about tc lose the feting pastor that has beer preaching for you the lest year or two Mabel—Yes; he’s going to bo married next week—Chicago Tribune. Mfsrltt Have n-roit. Her spins l no Joke, " •And r. 'v sh»*’ rry th.Mt <*! e poke That word long yrar.' ago. n mm——- ■ rnmmnmm The St:t{ei:ie:it Cniiahl Him. •‘Its no soft snap," he said, “this run ling for office. Why, I'm going night and day. I haven't heard my wile's voice in some time.” And then his friend, with an expres cion of mingled sadness ar.d hope, leached out and grasped his hand and Eaid. eagerly: “For the Lord’s sake, tell mo how I ■:au get into politics!"—N. Y. Times. \ in <*oint. “I wonder what is meant by the statement that ‘nature equalizes things?’ ” "Well, if nature endows a woman with small loot it gives her a big head." -i’htinrielphia Ledger. 'tnn'npMiswrirs's-.- .’w^.iwqiwBMii'mwwKB GANNON J As u sjjecial inducement to Holiday Shoppers 2 wo are offering exceptional values in our H Bop’ an?! Ohlfdrsn’s Qtaihing. | Boys’Automobile and Belt Overcoats, with silk monogram on sleeve, age •> to |K.‘oinl price SI.UH. Boy’s strictly all wool Cheviot Suits, in double-breasted and Norfolk style, regular price S-i.hO, special price S2.81). Boys’ Blue* Serge Suits, well made and stylish, a regular S'l.oiJ Suit, special price A COMPLETE LINE OF fe’3 Furnishings Suitable for Holiday Gifts, at exception ally low prices. L AT (Sreenbaum’s I Department Store You frequently secure two presents for the tunc>unt you thought one would cost . Specials in LEATHER GOODS WALLETS. POCKETfiCOKS, BILL FOLDERS. COLLAR. CUFF, amt HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. DRESS SUIT CASES, BAGS, SATCHELSand about everything j else in leather, plain and orna i mental is in our vast stock of | Christmas presents. ------ | Automobile Bags walrus grain moire lined fitted, special at I OC' Carriage Bags of walrus, seal, j alligator,fitted from 2.98 to 8.00 Handbags,all styles 2 50 to 25c I .400 $ni5i Street. TELEPHONE 89 R. The men who have made the largest fortunes in business nro those who have been the mostj extensive advor J tlsors | We Start the! Ball a-rolling. Fcra !e?.iier wa will olfor fas per arinoucrment a short lime i ago. i 1.00 Polls, equal to any ySc dolls in the Statu ( rather strong statement? wel!, we are ready to back it!) While they last at c J U. L U wiu WI L \ IU i an idea of what you may expect, they are jo in. high, Kid body, double jointed, natural hair, pearly white teeth, stockings and shoes, and best of all,are Sleeping Dolls. Can be seen in out door show case to-day. All purchases' reserved 'until wanted. ! lb*6 Smith St. Ccr. Madison Ave. I 1’. tS.—Double Stamps every Saturday ’till Xmas. St-lect Your Xmas Present from our largo stock of Diamonds, Wateli .•«s. Jewelrv,Silverware ami Cui Glass,etc. Honest Goods at Moderate Prices I All goods guaraiitu«.(l as represented. X. SI1TG-EB; 99 Smith Street. ‘ " . == To-let for Theatricals, Concerts, Entertainments, parties etc. Isaac B. Esbcrg, Manager [9 WATER ST. I " Phone 6-1. IN MANCHURIA. •tonsnl Unvliliion’s Kvpt»plence of Four MontliV Travel. ST. PETERSBURG. Doe. 10.—James W. Davidson, United States consul at I Tnmsui, Formosa, who is here on Ills way home after four months of exten sive travel in Manchuria, says that through the courtesy of Baron do Ro sen, the Russian minister to Japan, he was provided with a special car when traveling on the Manchurian railway and that every facility was placed at his disposal by the Russian otllcmls throughout his journey. The reoeeupation of Mukden by the Russians. Consul Davidson says, con sisted only in the placing of forty guards at the gates. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. The Russian government is said to hr hurriedly preparing to m-vt the contin goiioy of a general Armenian revolt in the Caucasus. A strong Russian squadron has ar rived at the port of Siv.nl. Korea, to prevent the opening of Yongumpho to the world’s commerce. President Roosevelt lias decided to appoint Thomas J. A! . chairman of the Missouri Repuhlb-an state eomnilt 11*0. to be assistant United States treas urer at St. Louis. _ A BLOODLESS BATTLE. Deputies and Striker* Slioot For Half no floor Without KcMtilf. TRINIDAD. Colo., Dec. 10.-While a number of (lcputU-a and clerks were driving from Berwind to Tobaseo they were tired upon by several men hid be hind rocks rind brush. The deputies |nd clerks jumped from the wagon I and returned the lire. The shooting continued a,t intervals for thirty min utes, though no one was injured. Sheriff Clark mul posse were pre paring to leave for the scene on a spe cial train when word was received that re-enforcements of guards had ar rived from Tobaseo. half a mile away, and the ambush party tied. No arrests were made. The trouble is said to have started when a miner came into the mine office at Berwind and lieeaim* very abusive. lie was kicked out by a deputy, ami it is thought that he stir red up liis friends to start the difficul ty. ______ SolUIrr Sli<»t Hmc::i>Iuu (,'onirmle. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. Iff. Thom as Burton, a private in Company M, Second infantry, was shot and danger ously wounded here by Private (ieorge Hood. Burton was dressed in citizen's clothes and Is said to have been at tempting to escape. The men were personal friend-. | Wo ure prepared for this happy season, are you? If you arc not wo will help you, not only by dressing you in the I height of fashion at a small expence but provide yon with useful practical arti 1 cles for Christmas gifts, any man should fi rather have something useful than any amount of costly trillos. Bring you Christmas list here and sec how satisfactorily you can till it . Let us suggest a Smoking Jacket or a Bathrobe or perhaps a now Cravat a [mir of Gloves or an Umbrella, they are all useful and all suitable. Smoking Jackets from 4,00 to 7,50 Bathrobes from 4.00 to 8.00 Gloves from 75e to 2,00 p Neskwear from 50s to 1,00 ? Fmsy Suspenders from 50s to 1,00 \ Umbrellas from 1.00 to 5.00, | They will be delighted with one of our stunning little reefers fancy Overcoats or one of the superb Suits which we have provided, you will be well pleased with the saving of money which you will e fleet. WWW'WWW^r j BOSTON 'STORE, j | SANTA CLAUS j ) J Is here. He began to ship his goods early this year and every g fl t day more arrive. His supply is greater and far better than ever ? V ? before. Do your shopping early. The service is better and the g g worry and flurry of the Christmas shopping is avoided. Goods g g delivered any way you wish them and by paying a small deposit g g they are reserved for you. A few for you to think over. # jj Children’s Hankerchiefs..5c to 50c g jg Toys, of tin, iron and wood. 5c to 3.00 g d Games of all kinds.10«: to 3-00 g d Ladies'Suits.9.98 to 20 00 g g Ladies’fancy Neckware.....25c. to I.CO r g Ladies’ Handkerchiefs.BotolCO f Ladies’Kid Gloves.‘.108 to 1 50 * f Dress Patterns of the latest style.35c 1.50 yaid. g g Waistings.(0c to 1.00 yaid g J The Delineator makes a nice piesent for the ladies,.. 1.00 a ye: r ^ \ WM. MURDOCH, j % * 72 Smith Street, Perth Amboy. ? _ _ / KraNTi g PEOPLE HAVEf fij DIFFERENT | ff TASTES ff 1 Simmons I i Watch Cliams q vS is the one make that satis- rs fgj fies practically all tastes gs and moets all requirements ra H—consequently wo carry a B |5j wide varioty of them. M H Wo also carry a large B |g| line of all kinds of M ffi! Jewelry & ffi Silverware I ITlie best assortment % in town. jjj L. Kreielsheimer, | 1 Jeweler & Optician NOW OPEN ! out? NEW STORE •372 STATE STREET, witli a full liuo of China, Agate Ware, Imported Goods, Tinware, Cooking U.ensils, tic. BOI VIINIHS to purchasers during • ijH'iimg week. Call aud inspect our J. S0S1N '. 372 STATE STREET. Opposite P. Ii. lb Station, Perth Amboy. N. J. i A Choic* Line of j M EATS -at Tin; 1 i 322 STATE STREET | TELEPHONE 14-w BRANCH STORES: ! 518 State Street, - Telehhone 31-L j 247 New Brunswick Avenue, Tcl.l09*w _ Jos, Polkowitz & Bro. Money to loan ON HOUSEHOLD GOOD!: at the LOWEST RATES chargee anywhere in Middlesex County. No Publicity You keep ALL the property your self. No papers recorded. Hen you get the FULL amount you pa; for. Time extended if you wish New Brunswick Loan Co 349 George St. P. O. P/ox 64 New Brunswick N.. 1 / NET.S BJOItNSEN Dealer In Choice Family Groceries Provisions, Etc. Fresh stock constantly received Oor, Prospect ami Smith Me, Bargains in real estate are to bo found in tho real estate column on nacre 2. CHOICE LINE OF GOODS FOR Made to order at Reasonabb Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed. 33 Smith Street, Tel. lt):5 .r Perth Amboy, MUNOZ EXPRESS" 191 Elm Street Residence I7G Brighton Av All kinds of Heavy trucking, Furniture and Piano moving promptly attended to. TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. For your Eye Troubles L. conic to in ', I liavn , katiefactorily treated scores in this city. F. J. MONAGHAN, Opt. I)., 01 rmith St. Dai'y from 3.3• to 7 p.m. Wed. and batUfUny H.30 to y p, m. Formerly 1) . Mricleii Lime N. Y. City. MADAM RIVELY. 130 Smith 8t., Ilair Dropping, Shampooing, Scalp treatment L-orn treat men t Manicuring and Ma**sago Skillfully done for Ladies at reasonable pric es. Alo scalp treatment Manicmi tg and corn lent meat for gentlemen. Out ot town engage ments by appointments. Perth Amboy Coal Co. Cor. Division and William S’s Lehigh and Unzelton Coal iitul Binding Wood At misoimble prices Full weight .guaranteed, orders may he left at Jake's Fruit stun*, corner of Smith mid Stillest, orL’reensp n Bros., cor ner Mni h and Aim st. 'lei. 14H n. S. PGLENSKY, Manager., GREISEK & DAKL, Masons am! Builders, Room 14 Soli oner Building. 1 KM LI MATES FURNISHED. JT Olion ICvenlmrM T to Id, GARDELL BROS., Successor to D. MoF&rlsnd. slove Furniture Carefully and at Reasonable Cost an mm* street. \tl o make a specialty of WS bp.ving rags, metals, boil ers of all kinds. Drop us a line. H. SHRAGOVITZ, I0G South Second St Patrick white & sons Telephone No. 8 Engineers, Founders Machinists. , General and Special Machine Pattern Boiler and Blacksmith Work. i i I > I, ) I I ;! | r,l : 1 I ■li i . ■_ !FOLEY$HONEY™TM . itop.thecoudhoiii!