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pmn a m bot, η, a. EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE NEW8. ΤίΠ'ΚΛηΑΥ. JANTABY !», ίΟΟ». Per HAroboyEveningNews Founded 1ST» IB the Perth Aniboy Republican. Aji Independent newspaper, publiahe* eyery afternoon, except Sunday· by the ΡΕΚΤΗ AMBOY EVENTfK NEWS COMPANY. Ne. !8« Stat' •treet, Perth Ainboy, N. 1. i LOGAN Cl.EVENQKR Bdlto; D. P. OLMTTEAD .. Buatne·· Munagei TERMS OK fSUbSCRIPTION: THE EVENING NEWS I· on «aie a new» «land* end delivered by reg» lar carrier· In Perth Amboy. Koutl Amboj, WooilbrlOgc. Hooeevelt. Tot tenvllle and «urrounrtlng town" fO' two cent· per copy, ten cent· a week forty cents a month. It 35 for ·>: month·, and 14.89 per year. Long Distance Telephone II Entered at Poet Office ae Second el»·· mattur. TO OUR HEADERS:—If you do not re ct'lve your paper regularly, w would consider It β favor Ir yo< would report the matter at once. No attention paid to unalgned romaii nlcatlon·. VOLUME XXIX. NO. 163. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2t>, 180». FACTS ABOUT PEBTH AMBOY. Population, 30,000. 23 miles from New York. Ocean fit earners can dock in from 8 to 40 feet of water. Channel 21 feet deep at low waie lending up the bay from Sandy Hook. Daily steamer service to New York. Has four railroads, the Pennsylvanie Central Railroad of New Jersey, Le high Valley and the Ktat.en island Rap Id Transit. Branches running in al directions affording almost an un li m ited number of excellent factory sites Has two telegraph and two tele phone companies. One electric light company and on< gas company. Two daily newspapers. Federal j»oetoffice building. Public Library. Seven grammar schools and ens higl school, which is on tbe approved lis1 of all the leading universities in tb< country; four parochial schools and ι business college. flhiirrthAu n·? nil d#» η otni nations. A city hospital. Municipal water works. A prominent center for trolleys i( all part» of the mete. Richest clay deposits in the conntij in the immediate vicinity. Splendid theatrical advantage·. Βυιηο of the leading industrie* ure -American Smelting it Refining Com pany's smelter; Raritan Coppet Worki smelter; Barber Works; Unitefl Lead works; Pardee Steel works anc tile works; five terra «otta plants within immediate vicinity; numciout brick and flreprooflng works; ceramif work»; Chesebrongh Vaseline Works, Marcy Stove Works; two dry dock com panies, together with shipyards anc inariuo railway·; standard Under ground Cable Company; Boeesler S Haeslacher Chemical Works; enserj mills; coke and cigar factories; ce ment stone works; eoal shipping piers; Rosenthal handkerchief factory: ce· ment works; machine shops and iron foundries. Tax rate 1.Λ0. For further particulars address ALBERT LFON, Secretary oi th< lîoard of Trade. 7 —^ CITY OOVEBNMENT MAYOR—Albert Bollschweiler. D. ALDERMEN—William D. VoorheM, P., second vard, aldermau-atlarge; Samuel W. Horn «by, h.j first ward: Bernard M. Gannon. D., second ward; Richard J. Galvin, B.( third ward; George T. Larson, R., fourth ward; Law renee J. Dalton, D., fifth ward; Stepher Schultz, R., sixth ward. Regular meetings the first and thlrr Monday nights or each month. CITY < LEKK—Wilbur LaRoe, D. COLLECTOR OF BEVENUE—Bieb ard F. White, D. TREASURER—C. P. Convcry, D. COMPTROLLER — John F. Ten Broeck, R, RECORDER—H. E. PickerBgill. B.' CITY ATTORNEY—C. C. Hommann ». CITY PHYSICIAN—Dr. Μ. β. Mein zer, D. HEALTH OFFICER—Dr. J. L. Lund D. 8DPT. OF POLICE—P. J. Burke. CHIEF OF FIRE DEPT.—George Ε Mead. OVERSEER OF POOR—-Cornelia Lyons, D. CITY SURVEYOR - Samuel J. Ms son, D. STREET COMMISSIONER—Georg M. Adair, P. HABBOH MASTER—William Flynn I). TIMEKEEPER-William Tice. BOARD OF A SS ESSORS—W. A C'rowell, I).; Math Weirnp, D.; Jos. Mae nopust, D. COM. OF ASSM "Γ8 FOB 8TREF/ TMPHOVKMRNTH- Matthew Smith II JJenry Toft, D.; W. P. O'llara, D. TRUSTEES (IF PUBLIC LI BRA H"! —Francix W. Kitchel, Pres.; Henry W Jones, Trea».; (v. J. Mc< orinick, Hecy Fritz lioyler, Itev. J. Zielinski. "Ei offmio, the mayor anil superintended of public schools. Regular meeting sec.jud Tuesday of t-Hch month. BOARD OF EDUCATION—-John C Arm-r, D., president; South R. Fairing ton, R.; Martin Ratajczak, D.; F. A Seaman, D ; George Moore, R.; M. i. I -a r c ei;. R. Jeune Colyer, secretary S, E. Sbull, city superintendent. Regu 1er meeting· the second Thursday ο each month. BOARD OF HEALTh—P. N. Ken liedy, C. V. Sibley, D. Hnedeker, Α. Ρ ^Kennedy, Richard Henderson, Ott Smith, J. Kreielsheiujer. C. E. Brew liter, clerk. Regular meetings the firs Tuesday eTeniug of each month. Ad (litional meetings third Tuesday evenini of June, July and August. BOARD OF EXCISE—J. H. Mul ehahey, D.; John Sesman, D.; C. Mesh tow, P.; Fred it. Walker, H..; Wrc Cheshire, 11.; Wilbur La Roe, clerk Begular meetings first Thursday in eae) month. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSION ERS Thomas J. Clark, R. president Edwin G. Fraser ,D.; (.4. J. Haney, R. C. D. Nnedeker, D.; Ira R. Crouse, R. J. G. Barns, D., superintendent; J. Ν St. John, B., asst. supt.; I. R. Tice, Β clerk; S. J. Mason, P., engineer. Regi: 1er meetings the firat and third Wednei days of each month. ALMA BiAC FOR ΤΠΕ WKKK. Sim Sun Mooi rise* sets net ./an, 2« ... 7:20 5:0.'. 10.15 27 ... 7:Î0 i:0<| a. M 28 . .. 7:18 6:07 12:0 28 ... 7:18 β:09 1:1 SO ... 7:17 β:10 1:1 31* ... 7:18 4:11 3:3 Feb. t'... 7:2* 4:43 2:1 MOON CHASOnS Mi /A XT ART. . Full moon. 8th; last quarter, 14th anr moon. Zl«t; first quarter, Itt) MONEY SAVERS ίο dozen of men'· fine Outing I Flannel l'ajamaa, fancy trimmed, in a large assortment ■ ι Λ of patterns, reg. price Ι I U j 1.50, special I · I w j ς dozen of men's heavy ribbed Elastic Underwear, reg- ^ ^ 11 mous MONARCH and LION ; Brands, made with attached and Gannon&Sheehy Look foi electrk st1«a F IKE Ai ARM BOXES 23—liariiao Copper Works. 26—High and Lewis Sts. .'27—Madison Ave. and Paterson St. 128—Market au<l First Ste. >5—Smith and High St». 36—New Brunswick Ave. and New St. 37—State and Smith Bte. i #3—Buckingham Ave. and Hartford St. 4ft—Commerce and Front Sts ι 47—High and Washington Ste. 64—S(uie St. and Buckingham Ave. ι 66—Hall Ave. and Charles St. , 67 -State and Wayne St.». 188—Near ITnitea Lead Works. >12—Washiugton and First Ste. 63— New Brunewiih Ave. and Elm St. 64—Smith St. and Wat eon Avt. 65—Commerce Rtid State Sts. (72—Front and Smith Ste. 73—Water and Gordon Ste. 74—Kearny Ave. and Gordon St. ! 82—Smith and Herb -t St·. 83—Am boy Ave. and Washington St. 84—Lehigh Ave. and Stanford St. 86—Near City .Hospital. »4—Maurer. To seud In an alarm, open the door of the box, and pull down the lever ONCE ONLY, and let go. Stay at box until firemeu arrive. Bpedal Ο idle. I 1 tap—Break in circuit. 2 taps Fire under coutrol. 3 tap·—Fire out. 5 tape—Police call. 13 — Call for Washington How; Co. 14—Call for Mc C'lellan Engine Co. J 5—(Jail for Pro tection Hook and Ladder. 16—Call for Eagle Hose Co. 22—Call for Lincoln Engine C'o. 44—Call for Garfield Hose Company. 383—Call for entire depart ment. In case of inability to sound I alarm from a box, telephone police [ head quarter·. TIME OF HK.H WATER. A. M. P. M. Jan. 26 11.02 11:40 27 11:48 12:00 28 12 ; 46 1:02 2» 1:60 2:18 80 2:65 3:32 31 3:66 4.41 Feb. 1 4:62 0:40 coming Bvnrm Jan. 29—District Meeting National J Protective Legion, Dana Iiu.ll. fan. 29 Ball, Ushers of Majestic theatre, Washington hall. Jan. 29—Lecture, "Ultimate Amer ica." by John Merrltt Driver, High I School auditorium. .fan, 30—Cake Sale, Ladles' Aid S ο ι ciety, St. Paul's German church. Jan. 31—Unveiling of Statue of St. 1 Joseph, at 10 o'clock in the morn ing, at Hungarian R. C. church, I Cortlandt. street. Feb. 3—Ball. Puritan Athletic Club, Washington Hall. Feb 6—Masquerade, Thor Lodge. Danish Brotherhood, Washington Hall Feb. 8— Lecture, "SU Steps to th< Ivory Throne of Imperial Man hood," Rev. Mr. Shoop, Presbyter ian chapel. Feb. 8 Rummage sale, Women'i unristian Temperance union. , Feb. 9—Open meeting, Board ol ι Trade, Public Library Auditorium Feb. 9- Ball, Orchestra of Majestic ' theatre, Washington hall. Feb. 11—Bal], Benefit of Italian Earthquitko Sufferers, Washing ton hall. Feb. 12—Ball, Woodmen of th< World, Washington hall. ! Feb. 12 - Ball, ('«mp 31, Woodmet Ί of the World, Washington hall. Feb. 12—German Celebration It honor of Abraham Lincoln's birth , I day, Braga hall. I Feb. 16—"In Old Kentucky," aus pices of Society for the Preventlor I of Cruelty to Animale, Majestb theatre. Feb. 15—Ball, Slovak George Wash lngton Political Club, Obuck'i hall. Feb. 13— Reception and Dance Companion Court Martha Wash lngton, Independent Order oi , Forester*. Feb. 14—Anniversary Celebration o! Braga Ladles Benevolent Society Feb. 17—Ball, Court Standard No. Ill Foresters of America, Waahingtoi I Hall. Feb. 18—Concert by «hoir, Presby· 1 terlan church. Feb. 19—Masquerade Ball, Bragi ' Hinging Boclety. Braga hail. Feb. 20—Cake Sale, Mite Society li chapel of First, Presbyterlar church. ' Feb. 21—Annual Ball, Waahingtoi ' "Hose A Chemical Company, Wash ' lngton hall. Feb. 22—Supper, ladles' Auxiliary of Simpson M. K. church. I i Feb. 22—Celebration, Sons of Zlon ί I Braga hall. II Feb. 26—Tenth Annlverwary Cela bratlon Junior League, Danish M < Β. church. ' March 2'—Ball. Worklngmen's Sing lng Society Mannerc.hor, Washing ton hall. March 17—Ball, Brotherhood ef Bail road Trainmen, Washington Ball. Apr. 12—Minstrel Show, Marlon A 1 C., Majestic Theatre. ' Apr. 20- -Concert, "The Roae Mai 1 den," Perth Amboy Choral Socle ■ ty, Majestic theatre. I Glady»- My brother i· Jut awfal I He can't sate a cent. Harold—Be hM j aave4 · tea spot of nlu far the Ihi ateM η» nth·.—New Y«rfc BeraM The only way to meet competltloi ; to te advertlaa. IS HEBRON INSSANE? Discussing the case of Alexander Herron, the Metnchph mur • » derer, the Hadnon Observer s»ye: "Once more the emotionalists are at work, and there is little doubt that they will save from execution Alexander Herron, the bru tal Middlesex county murderer, who was to die, this week', in the cleotrie chair. "This, notwithstanding the question of the man's sanity, was passed upon during the trial. This, in spite of the fact that Governor Fort, with sound, common sense, refused to interfere in the convict's behalf and read the bueybodies u lesson on the 'insanity dodge,' which should have done them some good, but did not. "An ancient law, dating nearly back to Henry the Eighth, gov erns such cases and gives the meddlers a standing. Some may have forgotten it. It reads: " 'If a man, in his sound memory, commits κ capital offense, and before arraignment for it, he beeomcs mad, he ought not to be arraigned for it, because he is not able to plead to it with that ad vice and caution (hat he ought. "And if, after he has pleaded, the prisoner becomes mad, lie shall not be tried; for how can he make his defense? "If, after he is tried and found gnfMy, he loses his senses before judgment, judgment shall not tie pronounced; and if, after judg ment, he becomes of nonsane memory, execution shall he stayed; for, , perad venture, says the humanity of the English law, had the prisoner been of sound memory, he might have alleged something in stay of j judgment or execution.' j " Herron, the emotionalists say, 'sits about his cell as if in a| stupor, and is absolutely listless and unconcerned, lie does not act. j like a rational man. conscious of the punishment which is shortly to ' befall him.' "Well, naturally, a man who lia* committed ,·ι brutal crime, who ι. has gone through the ordeal of a trial, who has been pronounced !sane and guilty, and sentenced to die, cannot be expected to carry)' himself like a rational human being, on his way to lodge or a husk-1 , ι ing bee. lie might be expected to lose interest in life and to mope j ' around, with singular thoughts in his head, made up of what hue ι j 1 gone and what is to come. ;, "But, this state of mind, we submit, is not the real madness ι which the architects of the ancient common law had in mind when j ' ! they built their humane rules to guide the courts, else every attempt i, j at capital punishment would have been defeated from the beginning j i of modern civilization. "An application is to be made to the court for a commission to ; inquire into Herron's sanity. Several doctors are ready to swear that he is at present non compos mentis. That settles it. lie will go to the asylum for a while and then some smart lawyer will get him out, land he will walk around as an encouragement to more murder." UP TO DATE CITY GOVERNMENT. The EVENING NEWS has frequently stated that the <>I<1 city charter is one of the gréaient hindrances Perth Amboy has. Tt is | entirely out of date and was adopted sit a time when this place was a country town. Other i-ities have adopted more up to date forms of governments ; why not. Perth Amboy? AV.* quote tin; following from the Newark Morning Star: "Elizabeth lins retained the old-fashioned style of municipal government, with the departments run by committees of the Com ; mou Council. Newark discarded that archaic plan many years ago ! and set up an independent board of works to hove charge of streets, I sewers and water supply. Two years ago Patersou partly followed! suit, much to the disgust of the small fry politicians of that town, ι Elizabeth now seeks th<- saine kind of municipal government., and will , ask· the legislature to grant, the necessary authority to make the change. It might be said of Newark that the era of government im j provement began only after the old system of aldermanie control ;md I maladministration had been ended." No one denies that Newark is one of the best governed cities in I the country. It is also admitted thnt Elizabeth is progressive. These I ! cities are not laboring under the disadvantage of charters adopted, when they were mere villages. They would not be where they are ι now if they were. Admitting that state laws have wiped out a great many features in Perth Amboy's charter, this has only tended to confuse matters. There is already a question whether or not the I city should have sis councilmen as well as six aldermen in the gov erning body. Other problems, equally as puzzling, arise. Why I does not Perth Amboy join her sister cities in their efforts t<> im j prove their form of government so as to conform more closely to ; modern ideas? WHY THE NEW TROLLEY LINE. Discussing the proposed trolley line between this eirj and Eliza beth, the Trenton Times says: "Announcement that the Traction Development Company has recently been incorporated to build a trolley line between Elizabeth and Perth Amboy will probably be offered as proof thnt. the new fran chise law is not preventing trolley extension. Hut the conditions are ^ peculiar along the line of the projected road. The Standard Oil Com pany has just built a great plant just south of Elizabeth, awl within a very few years it will be a city of 8,000 or 10,000 inhabitants. Trans- j portation facilities are needed. No one who compares the rapid ! trolley development of eight or ten years ago with present condi tions will need to be told that the limited franchise law has resulted ; in the refusal of capitalists to place their money in trolley enter prises that offer no immediate returns. Fortunately Trenton and this section of the state is well provided for, but there are sections badly ; in need of better transportation facilit ies, and these must wait until ! they grow big enough to offer assurance that original investors can 'hope to get their money back, with interest, within twenty years." SUPPORTING THE* SCHOOLS. Governor Fort backs up liia stand upon the financial situation in this etate in a convincing manner. He points out tJint even with state expenses there would still be a handsome ftum left to be divided among the school districts of the state. There is really 110 reason why the state should levy a tax especi- i ally for the public schools. The educational system in this state is I under local control and the people are supposed to look after their ; own districts. The state's income for some time past has been so great, however, that it was decided to distribute the money among, the schools to lessen the local taxation. Now that tl»· income of the state is not so great, and as the expenses have naturally increased j J along with our population and growth, it is not unusual that the j j state should want to use some* of this surplus income from the rail ! ; roads. If it is not for slate use there is no excuse for the state taxing1 the railroads, as Governor Port points out. It is quite evident that the governor has made a study of the matter and that he has picked out the best way to solve the problem now before the legislature. David Baird, the Camden leader, is conspicuous at Treut.on dur- ! ! iu(i the present session of the legislature, by his absence. He ha* packed hie grip and departed ou a vacation. As for Théodore ' Btrong—oh, well, he haa retired from politico, anyway. 1809 —The Lincoln Centenary — 1909 Lincoln as Legislator ► ♦ Not · "Political Failure." The Common People Voted For Him- Lifelong Contest With Douglas J· ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « By James A. Ldjerion Copyright. 1000, by the American Prest A*oii«(l«» WHEN Lincoln was nominat ed for the presidency lile foe» objected that he was almost without official cx i>erlence, that be bad served only a tew terms In the Illinois legislature iud one term In congress and thai be was practically a failure tn politics, als course In congress having driven lira into private life for many years iud hie radical sentiments In the de bate with Douglas having defeated iliu for the eeuutoreblp. They also irged against him the fact that he had jeen beat*n for senator on a previous >ccasion, making two defeats for one >ffice. Many other things did they al ego which seemed like very large >ib itucles then and look like very small mes now. Λβ for the charge that he was a po Ulcal failure, a close examination re reals the fact that It was Lincoln's wnesty alone which caused his r« erses. In congress he was too hon 'st to approve all the administration's )OlIcy regarding the Mexican war. H'hen he ran for senator the flrst tluie ie lacked a few votes of having ■nough to elect him and magnanl nonsly threw his strength to Lyman rtnmbtill in order (hat a innu at least >art way right might be elected. Vhen running against Douglas, LI11 •oln had the bravery to declare "Ilie latlon could not endure half slave and ialf free." This and other bold utter mces lost him the senatorshlp, but: ;alned htm the presidency. Indeed, he retained bis honesty nil mac mow. A man who <»n go through eight year» of an average legislature and keei> honest U worthy of higher tiling*. An other remarkable thing about Lincoln's legislative career Is that be introduced few bills. The business of the average legislator Is to Introduce a whole grist of bills he knows cannot pass, Just as the business of the average legislature is to enact a grist of laws that cannot be enforced. 'J'he fact thai Lincoln kept free from the creation of surplus rubbage of this sort Is another mark of his unusual ijuallty. Outside of keeping bis character und rising above the deadly bill Introduc ing habit Lincoln'* most conspicuous service In the legislature was in get ting the capital removed to Spring· Held. When lis entered the body it met at Vandaila. The removal strug gle came a few years later, and Lin coln led the Springfield forcée. Any one who has cvver been through η coun ty scat Ugbt can arrive at some idea of a state capital w.'ir by multiplying one county by all (he counties In the state. Nearly every city and budding hamlet in Illinois wanted that plum, and it took hard work and general ship to land it. Springfield then con sisted of a few houses and a Jorge number of ambitions. For such -a town to ask for the state capita) ex hibited gall of α high quality, but to capture it away from all the other competitors took executive ability and sleepless endeavor Toe credit for the I . - ! The common people believed in Lincoln. nvesllgntion reveals the unusual fact bat each of Mr. Lincoln's defeats left liim stronger, not weaker. He wan , building bit: political house on the I rock of principle, not on the nantis of temporary succeas. For this reason the charge of ofli •lal inexperience did not hurt him. It Is all right to hold office if one at the sunae time can hold his self respect, but w hen he has to barter the one for the other he is not apt to go higher. Long fealty to η cause is a greater j recouimeudatlou to the people than | long tenure of place. Lincoln was twenty-three when he ! Urst ran for the legislature and twen- [ ty-flve when he was first olecled. That initial defeat, he often raId after- ! ward, was the only one he ever *uf-1 fered In a direct appeal to the people. So much for the charge that he was "a political failure." The common people believed In Lin coln. They voted for him nt every op portunity. In this llrst race he got practically all the volets In New Sa lem, where he lived, although It was Democratic, while he was a Whig. Lincoln was only beaten that time by people who did not know him. Never again waa he defeated by popular vote. The only thing that enabled Douglas to win in the contest for the senatornlilp waa a gerrymander iu the legislature. Had direct election of aen aie<rs then obtained Abraham l.lncolie would have been United State» senator from Illinois and not Stephen A. Douglas, for Lincoln beat Douglas about 4,00fl. When Lincoln was In the legislature, however, the senatorial contest wa'i nearly a quarter of a century away. He served In the body eight years. A su preme mark of his greatness la that achievement «as ebiefiy giiveu to Lin coln. Owe of tbe plnoes )u the rave was Jacksonville, with the redoubtable Stephen A. Douglas as Its champlou. I'oor Pougius! He nai unquestiona bly an «droit jfolltieian sud a titan of unusual ability. Among the ordinary run of horse trading politicians he would have been pre-eminent. The only trouble with htm was that be was pitted against a man. His was the faIe of the imitation when if meets the real thing. Lincoln boat Douglas In the rare for a wife, in the conte»t for the Plate capital. In the campaign for the presidency and really in the can vas for tbe senatorshlp, for, while Douglas received the empty honor, Lincoln had the glory and tbe popular vote. The "I.ittle Giant" hud the shell of the «'oeoauut, but the big giant hxU the meat and the milk. During Lincoln's legislative service Illinois was on tbe boom. Xlie Inter nal improvement mania *«a in fr.ll force. There was little or no money In sight, but the legislature capitalised the great expectations of tiie future and appropriated millions. The world has never seen such exuberant flnan ciera as the legislators of a new state. Ordinarily they have uot vuough real money among theui to atari, a small country newspaper, yet the large and generous way they mortgage the fu ture and give away the people's sub stance makes Wall street look small end ironaervatlve in comparison. ! It must bo admitted that Lincoln ' wns about the leader of this sort of boom legislation hi Illinois. Tie want id to be known as the De Witt, ('lie ton of the new commonwealth. Soum unkind critics have said that be came nearer to being Its John Law, but that le net fair True, mot rurtj nu..» gatiee dM almost bankrupt the mtate. But who could bave foreseen the pei>l« of 1837? The people demanded them internal improvement», elected thell represenfetlree on that sort of plat form. and In the legislature itself there wat practical unanimity lu push ing tbeee bill·. The purpoae was «o«d. It grew out ot I be right aplrlt- that ot optimism and construction. The only trouble waa that the Illinois legislator· »f that early day were not lilgh finan cier* arid hod not learned how 1o water •tuck. Lincoln never did know any thing about (Innnee, either public or private. But he alwaya belonged to the constructive side nnd placed th· nation aboTe self, and that 1» more than moct financial experts can boast. ; In bis last two legislatures Lincoln wan the Whig candidate for speaker, which made him the minority leader of the house. He was on Importent committees and was regarded not only ' β» one of the most convincing debet trs of the body, but, better eliil, ne one nt lis most effective working member». Ills service lit congru·:) did not hvjçln till 1847, nix years after be left the leginlature. That it was so long de layed was not his fault. He tried to get In earlier, but there were too many other able and ambitions men in hi* district. As a result throe or fonr of them had to take "turn about," and Lincoln-* turn came last. If Abraham Lincoln bad remained In Congress more than one term Ijc would have become a leader, Just as he had been In the legislature. It requires long servlre to gain prominence in cither house iu Washington. Mr. Lie coin was mncb more to the front than the average new member. He valued fame as a debater and a wit, bis speeches were made campaign docu ment», he was soon known as the beet story teller in congress, and he wan winning bis way in more solid and substantial thing». I.Ike mom of the conscientious VV'blga «if his day, how ever, he was not in full accord with the Mexican war Several great and good American stHfeeuien have com mitted political haraklrl by opposing some of Tlnclo SauTs wars. In this very struggle Thomas for win, one of the Krenteei. stump orators in Ameri can history, prepared the oven for his political cremation. Nor was he Uie only one. Lincoln himself was forced out of public life for practically ten years. That be survived and was able to reenter at all showed bis hold on the people of Illinois. Ule dlatrlcf, which bod been Whig, was changed permanently to Democratic. We preach and practice free speeeh iu this > ouu try—except iu wartime. This is one , reason why the sooner war is ended forever the better. Anything that pre vents* liberty of thought uud expre»· sion Is a false thlug. Lincoln's chief sin against the g«>nlue «if the Mexican war wan in the intro duction of what wore known as the "spot" resolutions, The reason h« could not be f.irgl>en for them wit* that ιhey i.-oald not be answered. They put (he administration in a hole, h sit liation in which no administration liken to be. The Mexlcau war le a period in oOr national history concerning which most patriotic students do not « are to lie too innuieitlve. f generally try to 'skip it myself—not tiie fighting. I mean, but the faune» that led up to it. The Hghrtng was rather ona aided, but wa«i glorious from our viewpoint. But a« for the things that produced it well, why not talk about something ι·1ι·β'ί Cue of Lincoln's most famous speeches In congress wast that lu w bleh he exploited General Cass as η ciiil j tary hero. It belonged to the order of campaign stump speeches, but was I food of Its kind. The relation of caiu | paign speeches to real oratory is about the same a# that «if campaign songs to real poetry. In fact, the average cam paign as it haH been coudu'-ti-d is η ; peculiar combination of mendacity, pet tifogging and barroom wit. This is its public aspect. The inside part of It, would usually put somebody Into th<» penitentiary If it were public, (.'heap I adulation of our candidate and « heap abuse of the other have been the rule. I Fortunately we are beginning t<^. es ! cape from the crasseal features of tl>« I thing, lu Lincoln's day they were at. their height. That was not his failli. The tool of «■ampalgu oratory he took a* he found it and us«h1 It effectually. In this particular General Cue speech Lincoln recounted hie own ex ploits in the Black Hawk war. Mis manner of handling the subject showed a great and redeeming virtue he did not take himself too seriously. To understand Mr. Lincoln both in this earlier pari uf his career and ;)t. a later period It must be Itorue in nilncl that in the best sense of the term be was a politician. This was true of hlui • s a Whig and later as a Republican. Nor should it be forgotten that Mr. IJncoln was a party man. He in sisted on organlmtiou and on strength ening the party at every possible point. One of bis reasons for opp«>« Ing any alliance with Judge Douglae at the time Mr. Greeley and other In fluential Republicans were urging such a nnlou was that it would dis integrate the party. In his candidacy for the seuatorship and in both cam paigns for the presidency he an tiowiced hie fealty to the party plat forms. In fact, he gave a very short letter of acceptance, pointing to the platform aa & «efficient declaration of his principles. When u candidate for president he not only made hia let ters of acceptance abort, but: refrained almost wholly from aiieechmaking or from giving other jKilltlcal eiprea ; sioiiK. Thus he eliminated his per sonal views as far as possible from the eanTHM and put the party's view* into the foreground. j Abraham" Lincoln was a politician, one of the greatest we bare seer,, bnt he was a politician for country and not for self. i «$ YOU LIKE IT. I With the opicera of mont. of' (lie lodges lu&tallcf), the roenjberH way no*· resume their usual work. The men -who set in * pinochle game a day or two ago, where Ihe. one who lasted the longeut wae to get the money, were all willing to quit after they had played for four teen bourn. They left the State «treet cafe, where thé à'smfe took place at 3 Α. Μ., tired but satisfied that nobody hurt copped tue coin. • A well-known «Jinjionwr of liquor Hays you will always bite Vfrni· tongue if you tell u lie early lu the morning, lie toUl a woman an un truth a day οι- two ago anil a abort time later he bit hie Kinuue· He told a NEWS reporter of bla airriiieut and warned all who eve* stray from tfa« atraight and narrow pafti to be care ful. ■'■· ■ · The tnitb of the warning that things ebeirftH b· done- pfonipTly baa I· ckH»in b*.en shown. A tuau ΙΙνΙηκ on Washington street lied a pig which was ready to bo eaten, and he told a man who iloee Much J»l>« to p.ome and kill the animal. The <W1 vat M.ruek hut the killer did not appear. 1'MnaJl·- ί ly I he ciwmr» bad the porker put to 1 deuth. After two we*kw had olapeeA JS ] the man showed up to put the pig t« tie.nth and wan greeted hy the an roiinuemeat that tlue family hud be«u entlng parte for several day·.