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Staten Island News ARCHDEACONRY OF RICHMOND Clergymen and Delegates from Episcopal Church All Over Staten Island Met. WILL ELECT IN JUNE The annual meeting of the Arch deaconry of Richmond, held at tin Church of the Ascension in West Nev Brighton last night, was largely attend ed by delegates and members of th< several Episcopal churches on the ial and. After the processional, creed anc prayers, the business meeting was held The annual report of the Arc.hdeacor secretary and treasurer were read. Th< election of officers was laid over unti the June meeting. After the business session, TU. Rev David Hummell Greer, I). D., L. L·. D. Bishop of New York, made an address Brief addresses were also made by Rev K. Arthur Dodd, Ph. D., Rev. Franli "W. Crowder, Ph. I)., Rev. ('anon Pas cal Harrower and Artliur A. Michell. The present officers and trustees oi ♦he archdeaconry of Richmond are: lit. Rev. David Hummell Oreer, P. D. L. L. D., Bishop of New York; Yen. Charles Sumner Burch, I). P., arch deacon; Rev. .1. Baptiste Blanchet, D I)., secretary; Edward B. Arnold, treas urer; Rev. E. Arthur Dodd, Ph. D., Rev Francis L. Frost, Ph. D.f Arthur A. Michell .Ralph McKee, trustees. Those from 8t. Stephen'· Episcopal church, Totten ville, present were; Rev. Guy A. Jamison, rector, < '. T. Smith, Frank Joline, Mrs. Walker Washington, Mrs. Helen Stryker, Mrs. Frank Joline. &rs. C. T. Smith, Mrs. Abram Johnson. Miss Katherine Meesner, Mrs. J. F. Bedell and Mrs. William Ο'Conner. TAXPAYERS WET WITH BOROUGH OFFICIALS — President George Cromwell, of the borough of Richmond, held the first of a series of monthly open meetings In the Borough hall at St. George, Tuesday night, where all taxpayers could assemble and ask Questions and air their grievances. Mr. Cromwell gave Instructions to all heads of departments of the bor ough to be present with as many of lhelr clerks and other employes as they desired, to answer every ques tion asked in regard to their respec tive bureaus. Some of the heads of the departments present were Com missioner of Public Works L. L. Tri bus, Superintendent H. E. Buel, of the Bureau of Highways; John Tim ΓίΠΓί*I'iVnf'^of public build ings & η Λ e\>i>T>\lenT" Theodore 8. Ox holm, assistant borough engineer; J. T. Fetherston, superintendent of Street cleaning; Ernest H. Seehusen, superintendent of sewers, and other officials. There -were over 200 taxpayers present and the meeting was a great success. The result was a good natured, all-around talk In regard to public matters, and President Crom well hopes to hold oue of these meetings every month. SURPRISE PARTY A delightful surprise party was given Mrs. Loretta Cline at her home. In Center street, last night.. Games and dancing were enjoyed and music was furnished by William Abbott and his Victor machine. At A late hour dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Edward Berlett won a prize In the cake. Among those present were Mr. and Mre. Albert l^aForge and son, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Androvette, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hall and son, Mr. and Mrs. James Androvette. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Berlett, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Magee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. George Leven, Mr. and William Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander Cole, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, Mr. and Mrs. El wood Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamilton, Mrs. Samuel Glbbs, Mrs. George Wood, Mrs. Edward Kugler, Miss Mary Abbott, Mrs. Louis Cllne, Miss Mary Cllne, Harry Cline, Eugene Cline and Thaddeus Cline. PRIZE EUCHRE OF RICHMOND LODGE A prize euchre will be held In Knights of Pythias hall tonight, for the benefit of the renovating fund of Richmond Lodge. Prizes will be awarded and dancing will follow the games. ARRESTED AGAIN. Charles Miller, thirty-seven yeii a old, a laborer residing In Railroi " avenue, Tottenville, was arrested aV ii:-40 o'clock this morning by Pa trolman George H. Cole and locked up In the 99th. precinct station on a charge of Intoxication. Miller, who has been locked up on several occa sions. will be arraigned In the sec ond district court today. Let the NEWS tell your wants. 3?rer>are JSTow FOR G ο ο d Times By securing a thorough Business Education in the PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 51st Year Known for two generations a* "The School That Makes a, Specialty of Each Student." All Commercial Branches. Individual Instruction. Enter at any tflne without disad vantage. DAY AND EVENING Fourth Ave. and 23d. Η*., New York. k EPWORTH LEAGUE'S SOCIAL A SUCCESS ITie social under the auspices of the Epworth League, of St. Mark'f M. E. church, In the lecture room, Tuesday night, was well Attended by the members and their friends. An Informal program, consisting of vo cal and instrumental music, was given, and refreshments were served. SEVEN NEW HOUSES The Tottewville Mason Construction Company has the contract for the ma son work on the seven new houses to be erected by the Terra Muring Com [iany at Huguenot beach. Work on the new" buildings Las been started. They will be thoroughly up-to-date, with im provements and every convenience. REVIVAL SERVICES The revival services in the Α. M. E. Zion church in Bloomincdale avenue are being continued eaeli night this week. Rev. James Karjeant is in charge of the meetings which have been well attended during the past Uwo weeks. FEED WAREHOUSE Work on the new feed warehouse of James La Forge on the Bite of the one deft roved by fire several years ago is beinfl pushed bh rapidly as possible. JUNIOR LEAGUE A meeting of the Junior Epworth League of St. Mark s church will be held in the lecture room of the church tomorrow afternoon at 8.15 o'clock. BLOOD POISON IN HAND. John W. Cole, of Great Kills, Is still In a serious condition, as the result of an attack of blood polaon In bis left hand. An operation was performed by Drs. Washington and Bryan last week. PLEASANT PLAINS LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. Hitharel Wood, of New Brighton, visited here this week. Mrs. Charles E. Colin has returned from a visit in Manhattan. William Knox, of Manhattan, was at Princes Bay yesterday. Mrs. August Lundberg, of Prince» Bay, is recovering from her recent ill ness. Mrs. David Latourette has returned from a visit in Brooklyn. Olennard Decker is home from Cornell University with his parents ,Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Decker, for a vieit. James L. Hopkins, of Navesink, N. J., has returned home after a visit with his son. A meeting of Molly Stark Council No. 7, Daughters of Auicrica, was held last night. The Misses Thompson have returned to Manhattan after a visit here. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Andruvette are home from a visit in Port Richmond. Chnrles Valentine is driving one of the street cleaning cnTti. Miss Anna Hoagland, who underwent an operation at the 8. R. Smith Infirm ary several weeks ago, has almost en tirely recovered from it. lier Size. Aunt Anne, an old family darky, was Bitting with ktieew crossed In the kitch en when the young daughter of the house entered and. Impressed with the hugeness of the old woman'· feet, asked what sise shoe she wore. "Well, honey," replied Aunt Anne. "I kin wear eights; I ginerally wear nines, but dece yere I's got on am twelvea, an' de good Lewd knows dey hn'ts me Γ—Everybody's. I. ι ι The Procession OF "HUNTERS" Among the People Who Have Learned to Read And Answer Ada, Ar· Work-hunters, flat-hunters, servant hunters, home-hunt ers, Bargain-hunters, real es tate hunters, boarding house hunters, opportunity-hunters —hunters of all the "things of daily life" which can be hunted and found through the Classified Ada. The «tore thjt not only thlnXa It worth while to Invite you, but make· the Invitation 1. -arty, eordlal and ·»· phatlc—that'· t«h store to rlalt AQUEHONGAS HOLD SMOKER Annual Affair of Athletic Club in K. of P. Hall Jott enville, Last Night AN EXCELLENT SMOKER ! The annual smoker of the Aquehongi i Athletic Club, held in Knights of Pyth ( ias hall last night, was a most Bticceee ful affair. It was attended by about 150 members and friends. An excellent program, arranged by the committee ,wae given during th< evening. Manager Joseph Woods, oi Gallagher & Woods ' Amusement Com I pany, of New York, furnished the tal : ent. The first on the program wa! ! Boles& O'Brien, comedy song and dance j artists. This was followed by Wilkint O'Dav, singing and talking eomed ! iane. Harry Mack sang several catchy songs, and Bndd tc Budd were two clev er singers and dancers. James Cooven ey told several funny stories and Jack Corbett, pinging and talking comedian ι won applause. Richard Conn presided ! at the piano. ι Samuel Mendel, who was one of thi team of Budd & Bndd. was formerly at the Bijou in Perth Ainbov for some time. During the intcynnission, refresh ments were served by the committee There was plenty to tobacco and pipei aod nn enjoyable evening was spent The committee in charge of the ar rangements was: Charles M. Winant chairman; Alison Androvette, Camille Delaporte, James T. Cole. Frank L. Had kins. I. L. Bedell, James W. Lee, Ralph Cole, M. L. Joline, P. C. Miller and Jo seph O. Ayors. FOR TOTTENVILLE'S POLICE STATION Inspector Seeley, an expert build ing Inspector In the police depart merit of the city of New York, was in Tottenvllle on Tuesday, looking over the property recently pur chased by the city for the new police station. Mr. Seeley took several measure ments of the building now on the property and of the premises. Flans are being: prepared for a stable to accommodate from twenty to thirty horses. It Is said that Commission er Bingham will probably turn this precinct Into a mounted station, with several foot patrolmen In this place as well. It Is expected that the men will be moved to the build ing on the propertly shortly, and the work on the new addition will go light along while they are in the house. THIMBLE CLUB, OF TOTTENVILLE, MET The members of the Thimble Club were entertained yesterday at the home of Mrs. C. A. Marshall, by her her mother, Mrs. P. J. Sprague, of Bentley sLreet. A game of flinch was played and refreshments were served. Mrs. Theodore Leven was awarded first prlre, a cheese dish, and Mrs. Irving Slelglit, second, a meat platter. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Theodore Leven, of Johnson aven ue. DISTRICT DEPUTY AT PORT RICHMOND District Deputy Mrs. George Ijev en, of Washington Council, Daugh ters of Liberty, went to Port Rich mond Tuesday night and installed the officers of Lady Richmond Coun cil. After the installation a recep tion was given to Mrs. Leven and a collation was served. Speeches were made and a social time enjoyed. Those from here who accompanied her were Mr. and Mrs. Reuben An drovette and Miss Mary Abbott. LADIES' AID SOCIETY HAS SOCIAL TONIGHT A social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the South Bap tist church will be held in the lecture room of the ehurch tonight. Ico cream will bo for sale. Cake, coffee and en tertainment are included iu the tea cent admission. OPERATED UPON Patrolman 0rover O. Vaughan, of James street, was operated upon in fl. R. Smith Infirmary yesterday for appendicitis. OPPOSITE THE FALLS. Τ Ο W Ε It II Ο Τ Ε L THE HOME OF THE BRI0ES KIÀOAEA ÏjkLL·'* Ν·Υ· Européen Dan. (1 up. American Plan t.50 Λ» One minute's waik froir the Fall*. directly opposite Ν. Y. Btate Park. Special rates to large parties. j»ree- Kocloa* 5 cenu io •tamp* to cover r©#** and I send yon one of the finest colered double postal uardi ever gotten up ot Niagara Pal)·, and it* a beauty M. J. H0ENI6, Prep. Faf Is Oaf «f Style To paraphrase Caeear'a murk, the A* rectolre town <*me—waa seen —«ni bai conquered. Bo fat ladle· an reduced, « to apeak, to the neceaslty of either reduc Ing at a very rapid rate or ellmlnatlnj themselves from public view tmtll th< faahloo dlea out. Otkerwlee they risk be Isa rldlculoue. Since many fat ladles Kill not eliminate tbemaelvea, however, but, per contra, wll Insist on wearing the carvel»»» few·, p< oourae I· open to thla well meanfn# icrltx other than to tell them how they may eliminate the fat. What I· there, then, that reduce* fal •ufely? What pleasant Isaxpenalvo artlcla la there on druggists' shelves that oau reduce a pound a day without ceualn| wrinkles or atoraaeh acne? What can tin pharmacists offer as an Improvement ovei scanty victual# or ten mile walks without bi'pakfaat? la there anything pleasant U take and Inexpensive to buy that will re duce one uniformly, quickly and Inno cently thirty pounds a month? Here li tile answer: Either write the Marmola Company, Detroit, Mich., or aak your lo Çil druggist for Marmola Prescription ablets, and for Τβ ceute pier or he will five you one large case or these safe fat reducers, containing so generous a Qnan tltv of tablets that sometlmea one caae only la needed to produce the desired re suits. Can you match that for a elnple so lullon of your problem? ENTERTAINED FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. George Le Forge, oi j Lafayette place, entertained at their j home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. R. Frances and daughter Muriel, of Brooklyn; Mr. j H. May, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mre. K. Johnson, of Bayonne; Leroy La Forge, j Miss Tessie La Forge, Miss Lillian La Forgo, Master Lloyd La Forge, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, of Tottenville. GIRLS' THIMBLE CLUB The Girls' Thimble Oltfb met at the home of Miss Blanche Hughes, in Bent ley street yesterday afternoon to sew. After the business session refreshments j wero served. It was decided to meet with Miss Hazel Brown, of flopping [avenue, next week. TOTTENVILLE LOCALS. George Carfoot, of Am boy ave nue, salesman for J. B. Colt Corn I pany, of New York, returned last night from Little Silver. Richmond Camp No. 85, Wood men of the World, held a meeting In K. of P. hall last night. Frank Boyce, of Mtlltown, was in town last night. United Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., meets tonight. A rehearsal of the choir of 8t. Stephen's Episcopal church will be held at the church tonight. H. E. Sprague and Captain James LaForge were at borough hull, St. George, yesterday. It Is again rumored that Dan Cupid Is hovering over the 99th. precinct police station In Totten ville. The boys are all wondering who will be the next one to take the step. A Gentle Hint. A lady who suffered from a neigh bor's fowls that overrun and spoiled her garden politely asked her neighbor several limes to keep hie pet* at home, but no attention was paid te her grievance. Finely she hit upon an ingenious method of protecting her self. 8be prepared grains of corn by tying to them with a strong thread small cards bearing the words, "Plea·· keep your chickens at home," and dis tributed the grains about her flower bede. The chickens came to feast ·■ usual and greedily swallowed the corn, not precelvlng the thread until the card was against their beaks. Then they could neither swallow the card nor rid themselves of the swallowed corn. Twenty or thirty of the maraud ers ran home, bearing the polite re quest to their culpable owner, who, struck with the method of the hint, promptly cut the threads and cooped up his fowls.—Bombay Times. Drinkers' Logie. "Men drink." said a temperance lec turer. "becauso they are happy, be cause they are sad, because they are too warm, because they lire too cold. Is there any logic In that? "When 1 seo men drinking I think of a little boy at the seashore. "This little boy, at play with his bucket and shovel In the sand, sud denly ran to the edge of an advancing wave and, scooping up a handful of salt water and foam, drank It greed ily. '"Ob, don't drink that,' said his uurso. 'It will make you thirsty.' '"What if it does?' said he. 'Ther·'· plenty more.' " Part of the Cossack soldier·' drill constitutes the building of bridge· with their lanc«?e, with cooking kettle· u fonts. Patronlie NKVVS advertisers. THERE ARE FACTS IN TO DAY S PAPER THAT ARE WORTH MONEY TO YOU. Facte that will bave m noli to do with your puree, with your plans, ! with your comfort. I Facte that will afford you tho "anewer" to a good many question» that disturb you — especially purae questlons. Your day's work Is unfinished un til you have looked up these facts— end you will And some of them fn the store-ads., and some of them In the ψϊ>. ni 4 ■ WAHFT. Hoax—What 414 you pay for your luburban property Τ Joue—Fiv· dollar· a fool. Hoax—Wbat'll jrou Mil It fori Joax—Fifty oont· a (allea. <M « ·· » <> «*c «· , WISDOM OF BXPBMllifCB. Hubby—But why do you inriit that our daughter should marry old Oold buff whon the hatoa the vory eight of him? Ton married for lov·, didn't you Τ "Wlfey—Te»; but that'· no reason why I should stand by and see our daughter make th· earn· mistake. ! » FOOLED EM. ' » Ruy ter's Kramp—I shouldn't think he » ©ould eell any of hie stories, he's suoh ! a bad speller. Scribble A. Lett—I know, but the eé·) Itorg think tie writes dialect stories. PROOF. Jigaorv-I eu β se Tom Fewscftda le going to take hie girl out aleighlng tonight. Wigs on—Why aoT Jlgaon—I just «aw him pawning hla watch. KNEW THE POLITICIANS. "Williams—Many people seek out poll tJcians just because they have axes to grind. Bllllams-And in doing bo they tak· an awful chance on losing their axes. THE REASON. Wlfgi-I'v· met a whole lot of majors • nd colonel· In your State; but no ad miral·. Wag*»—A man ha· to get near the» water wagon to be an aimlral. News of the Theatres IffiKlK· "THE MIKADO" I WAS ENJOYED Large Audience Saw Comic Opera and Other Features at Majestic Theatre. AMATEURS ON SATURDAY The largest, audience which has yet •wltuessed the weekly exhibition of the Cameraphone at the Majestic theatre wan present last night, when a varied program was given. The feature was the reproduction of two acts of the fartions comic opera, "The Mikado." The songs, dances and comedy were finely presented and found much favor with the audience. There were also many sketches and singing and dancing specialties. One of the funniest moving picture films over seen in Perth Ainboy was "The Sandwich Woman," which arous ed a storm of laughter. It was announced that there will be vaudeville and an amateur night on Saturday of this week. • · · AI;. G. FIELD'S MlfTBTREDH. Al. G. Field holds the record an to length of service of people employ ed. Many of his employes have been with him since the organization of the company. Joo R. Rieder, the treasurer, with twenty two years In tervening since he Joined the com-, pany, Is the oldest lu point of ser vice, although Doc. Qulgloy, the manager, has served Mr. Field al most as many years, as he has been with the company continuously, while Mr. Rioder lost three seasons of his time elsewhere. Mr. Qulgley has been with the company contin uously fo'r twenty years, working his way from property boy to man ager. Edward Couard, secretary, Joined the company fifteen years ago In a minor capacity. Paul Lalxmdo, the vocal director, has fourteen years to his credit, and Tommy Don nelly is entering on his eighteenth year. Several of the musicians have been with the company flrtcen years. ' * * MARRIED FOR MONEY. The recent prosecutions by the government of certain corporalloua — . —■ itartlins scenes in the forthcoming iroductlon of Lem B. Parker's pow-j inder the Sherman Anti-Trust law orm the basis of one of the most ! "Married for Money" at tlie Ma jestic theatre tonight. îrful new American drama, "Married tor Money," which will be the at traction at the Majestic tonight. The itory ie one of present day Incidents ind characters. • · φ COMING SOON. That old reliable drama "In Old Kentucky," with its delightful ro mance of the blue grass state, its merry little pickaninnies, its exciting horse race. Its capital comedy scenes nnd the wholesome characterizations, Is shortly to appear here once more, and although the play is now In its sixteenth year, It hold* its own with ! the best of latter-day offerings. Thç crop of plays that were populûr when "Jn Old Kentucky" llrst achieved success are for the most part dead and forgotten, hut there is no im mediate prospect of In Old Ken-1 tucky's dissolution. 1» has always been well presented with competent players, adequate scenery and high 'lass equipment, and these things ;ount with the public. No one has >ver seen an indiffèrent performance >f the play. Wise management ha» tept up the standard of excellence iarly achieved and strictly maintain ed, and the end of "In Old Ken ;ucky" is not yet indicated. NOTICE. Notice I* hereby given that the nn leralgned Intend» making application ;o the Board of Excise Commissioner· >f the City of Perth Amboy, at their text meeting, (cr a trai>ifer ot the licenM itretofore grunted to Chrl« Jorgrn· η to teeb isali^ouwlth tbe privilege of crltlur uitUana iplrltuoiM liquors In ihe city f ' ert'i Amboy, itid In the house owned by J ba W. Qlochan at 0 Hall Ατβηηβ. narr-i ii ii.«w witalm mkdak NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that th« Township Committee of the town ship of Woodbrldge, In the County of Middlesex, Intends to cause a pipe sewer to he constructed In the village of Keasbey in said township, de scribed as follows: BEGINNING In the centre ot Smith street at the northerly projec tion of the easterly line of a fifty toot street laid through the property t>f Jamee Noe; thence running ill rough the center of Smith street îorth eighty-one degrees forty-one minutes west, two hundred and flfty )ne feet, thence south sixteen de crees twenty-six minutes west, two hundred and forty-seven feet; thenc· south twenty-six degrees, sixteen minutes east, one hundred and fifty two feet; thence south eighty-nine legrees fifty-nine minutes weat, 3ighty-two feet to the intersection with Dahl street; thence sout^ through the centre of Dahl street îleven degrees flvo minutes west, one liundred and ten feet more or less to the sewer alrady constructed in said Dahl street and connecting therewith ind that the section which may b« Iralned or sewered, by such proposed sewer, is the laud on each side of theN streets throiigh which said sewer will run and in the vicinity thereof, and that such owners of land within th· ipproxlmate drainage area of Bald sewer as may wish to object thereto ire requested to present their objec tons in writing at a meeting of said omruitiee to be hold at the Town Hall In the said Township of Wood arldge. on Friday, the nineteenth day jt February next, at the hour of îight o'clock In the evening, and that » hearing will be held, at the said inie and plnce, up'on any objections that may be presented. J. EDWARD HARNBD, Township Clerk. Dated January 21, 1909. 21 856-1-22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 2-1,2,3,5 AJU. U. FIEWb ΜΙΝΗΤΗΕΙΛ AT THE MAJK8TIC ΤΗHAΤΗΚ VB1DAT·