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Y0.U WILL à Find The Conveniences that go with a Checking Ac count at this bank indispen sable for your business. Our aim is to give Deposi tors the benefit of modern banking facilities. , -> To help and encourage every legitimate business en terprise. To extend courteous treat ment to large and small de positors alike. * Our Capital ia $100,000.00. Our Surplus earned is $160, 000.00. , t Can we do business with you! The First National Bank Perth Ambey, N.J. Legal Depository for fonda of U. 8. GOVERNMENT, STATE OF NEW JER SEY, COUNTY OF MID DLESEX, CITY OF PERTH AMBOY. UNION HILL MAN FAILS TO LOCATE DAUCHTEI Special by Unit eg Preat Wire. " Baltimore, Md., May 13:—Heart broken over the disappearance of hit daughter Hattle, nineteen years old Paul Walter, a wealthy brewer ol Union Hill, N. J., left here today foi New York to continue the quest foi the missing girl. Walter receivec Information that his daughter wai in" Baltimore and came here yester day. He sought the aid of the pollcc and the young woman was traced tc a Baltimore River resort, where, i) is said, she appeared on a stage playing under the name of Adel< Yorke, but left for New York Mon day. According to Walter, the girl » left home three weeks ago, accom panied by another young woman whc had stage ambition. CHIEF POLICE LONG BRANCH BADLY BEATEN Bpedai tu United Prem W(r·. New York, May 13—While trying to arrest James Payne, wanted ,ln Long Branch, N. J., for first degree assault, Howard Walling, chief of police at the New Jersey resort, was badly beaten today. He trailed Payne, who last Monday stabbed his wife, injuring her so badly that she will probably die, to a tenement on Ninety-ninth street. Without calling the local police to help him, Walllpg tried to arrest his man when ne found him In a room with half a doz en others. They attacked the New Jersey officer and had him down and were kicking him when the police men on the beat readied him. Payne was remanded to await the arrival of extradition papers. STRONG ADDRESS ON IMPORTANT SUBJEGT (Continued from page 1.) Man Who Delays. Second: "It applies to the man who is delaying his decision for Jesus Christ." "I think it is no ex aggeration to say that nine-tenths of the unsaved people with whom you converse will tell you that they-know they ought to become Christians, and yet so many refuse to do It and say, "Some other time.' It is a very strange thing to understand how a man that claims anything for him self can admit that he ought to be a Christian and yet tell you it is a thing to which he will give his at tention at' some other time. The Backslider. "This text applies to the man who once knew God and once professed to love Him, but who has been un true to his profession and is walk ing with the wc^rld today. This man is what we call the backslider; and no one knows more what they ought to do than you; my brother and sis ter, who are out of communion with God. Let me say two things to you. First, a word about your influence. There is no influence to one who has lost his touch with God. Indifferent Christian. "In the fourth place this text ap plies to the Christian who is not concerned for the soul of his neigh bor. Every real child of God needs two things. First, he knows that in the first place that to be a Christian means to have the spirit of Christ. Second, that no one can have the spirit of Christ, and not be concerned about his brother w^ho is In danger. 'By their fruits ye shall know them.' You don't gather flgs from thistles and grapes from thorns. And the Idea that a man can come Into pos session of the spirit of Jesus Christ and not have at least a little concern which He had for the lost and un saved. Many Opportunities. "I am sure that no one would think of complaining of the lack of opportunity, for it is not the oppor tunity we lack, but It, le the concern we need. Opportunities are thick all about us, and the opportunities which will be in the days before you if not improved will rise up in the day of Judgment against you." FAYETTE STREET PAVEMENT. Middlesex Count}· Court of Common Pleas. In the matter of the application of the Council of the City of Perth Am boy, for the appointment of Commissioners to estl i mate and assess the bene-l fits upon the property [Notice of benefitted by tne new|flnal hearing, pavement laid In Fay ette Street from Madison Avenue * to the Central Railroad, In the City of Perth Amboy. Notice Is hereby given that the above named Court, by an order dated the twelfth day of May, In the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten, has fixed upon the twenty-fifth day of May. in the year aforesaid, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as the Court can at tend to the same, at the Court House, I In the City of New Brunswick, In the County of Middlesex and Ktate of New Jersey, as the time and place of hear ing1 any objections that may be made to the assessments estimated and as sessed by the commissioners appointed In the above mentioned matter, upon the lands and real estate affected thereby Dated Perth Amboy, N. J., May 12, A. t>„ 1910. C. C. ΗΟΜΜΛΝΝ. City Attorney. 11683—5-1ÎU4.16.17,18.1ft. EXTRA! To-Morrow Guaranteed SOLID $ 14k SOLD WALTHAM Ladle·' u4 Oaatleau'i Sisea VrSh FREE On this date I will prê tent PRJ9B Ιο every watch purchaser a Pera gile Patent Watch pro tector. It presents the watçh from being: stolen from the pocket. Thin, In a sense, la almost aa valuable ae the watch Itself. SATURDAY, MAY 14TH TO-MORROW ONLY I shall offer several hundred of- these up-to-date Waltham and Biffin Watches with solid 14-kurat gold rases at $10 each. The cases are not stiffened or filled, but genuine, solid 14-karat gold through and through. Ercry one will be jK>Id with the distinct understanding that the money will be refunded if aaj of these watches can be duplicated elsewhere for lean than (20.00. Ask your Jeweller his price for a solid 14 karat gold Waltham or Elgin Watch; you will then realise what this offer means to you. Every one of these watches bears my name and was stamped and is guaranteed by me. I shall offtr theih to-morrow at tlO each. Ask any one the value, your jeweller - some friend who has a solid 14 karat gold Waltham or Elgin Watch; , - ' """t '·'«» η eu give you yepr $10 on the spot. No one will be disappointed. I guar antee to supply every one who calls before β p. m. Only one to a purchaser No dealers supplied. Messenger or mall orders will not be filled. Tour attention 1* called to our "Special Sate" ot k1iJ?.-*Tad· watch m«T· menui controlled by th. We offer them with the •ame agreement—I. e., your money back on rsquest without any or "ends." NOTE Watch Treat. Special Salo of Trust Movements Trust Prie·. S70 OA M-Jewel Miutmaa. 4 / V.W Waltham Motmomit iS-Jewel Vaacaard, Waltham Uoftmni. My Fries, $46.53 $25.38 $19.68 $17.35 $40.00 $31.50 $28.50 Mall order· for these more I β-Jewel Blvvnidr. Waltham Meveaneet Treat Price. My Price $12.00 ΙΜΕΑΖ&ΖΰΤ· $7.20 $18.00 $11.00 J40.00 $25.38 $27.00 $17.77 its will be ÛUed in Geld w'Qoid-flM cases. If you want a high-grade Waltham or 1 Por Instance, the %l~JrWKlLBD RIV Eigin watch consult some reputable IERSID1Q MAXIMU8 WALTHAM MOVB then compare hie Treat price | ΜΪΝΤ is the same the world over. We emsnt Jeweller, then consult compare ... ,.· - - price I MENT Is the same the world over. with mine There are no different grades I consider It the best Trust move of named Waltham or Elgin movements. I made, although we do sel! It for $41 SI CHARLES A. KEENE ■"SiST ,8&£"?Sr Foinded 1881—Near Fallon St. Subway Statlaau Η ΙΛΝΜΚ, ia Haliiowi VUiiuct, FA.H 1Κ 44 Re iifkr.iu AMSTERDAM. Sarphatirtraat 8t AfflfffKKf. 50 Bue du raiicin. A DRAMATIC SKETCH WINS AT THE BIJOU E. P. Sullivan as "Lord Heath," | William MePeet, as "Captain Jack Heath," his eon, and Harry Wilkle, ! as "Jason," an old Scotch servant; are the cast In an Intensely Interest ing dramatic sketch at the Bijou theatre for the latter half of this week. The act Is another of those affairs concerning a woman's honor. In this Instance, however, Vbe dis pute Involves father and son. Marrying a woman below his sta tin In life, Lord Heath conceals his marriage for fear of arousing the ire of his parents. When his son, Jack, Is born, and his wife dies. Lord heath keeps it secret and sends the child to a private Institution. Ar riving at a knowing age, Jack Is placed In a military academy and later Joins the British array. It is while the' son Is in the army that the sketch opens. A fugitive from justice because of wounding a fellow soldier in a duel, Captain Jack rushes Into bis father's house and demands the name of his mother. Upon the refueal of his father, he threatens to kill the old man, but as his superior army officer. Lord Heath orders his son to desist. Then the story is told the boy and Lord Heath, snatching up his son's sword, vows vengeance upon the man who was injured in the duel for lightly using the name of his wife. An unusual act, the like of which has never before been seen here, is the "Scarecrows," enacted by Doug las and Van. Not since the days of the Wlsard ofOz has a scarecrow been staged so perfectly and with so much life, for these guardians of the cornfields not only move about on the.~stage, but execute several hand springs. The Misses Hanson and Miller ap pear In an eccentric singing and talking act. Hart and Mann are al so listed as "entertainers," and are not billed wrongly. Stuart and Cole, comedy bicyclists, are good. So is the Bijougraph. FREEHOLDERS DISCUSS NEW COUNTY BUILDING (Continued from page I.) stating that they were unable to de termine the amount of money need ed. Joseph A. Sedam, of Boggs Janeway Post, No. 67, of this city, sent a communication stating that the expenses for flowers and flags for this post would amount to $99.40. The board decided to have the veter ans order what they needed and they would pay the bills after they were approved by the several posts. To Look After Bridge. David Carver, receiver of the Tren ton & New Brunswick "Fast Line," sent a communication to the board stating that the line had been sold subject to the confirmation of the court. The bridge of the company, which needed repairs, would be looked after, however. Franklin Park Road. The board passed a resolution whereby this county Is to begin work on the Franklin Park end of the Franklin Park and Kingston road, This road 1s to be built by Middlesex and Somerset counties. Coping For Monument. The board has decided to take away the iron fence around the mon ument which stands in front of the court house. A coping will be erect ed lnetead. The monument is in memory of the local sailors who lost their lives on the battleship Maine, which was blown up in Havana har bor several years ago. You want an automobile this sum mer, Buy an Overland, $1,000 and up, or a Marlon, $1,850, from Nybo and Baler, P. O. Box 8DO, New Brunswick. 10059-3-24-tf·· Notice of final hearing. NEVILLE STREET SEW EH. Middlesex County Circuit Court, In the matter of the ap plication of the Council of the City of Perth Amboy, for the appointment of commissioners to estimate and assess the benefits to any lands and real estate In the vicinity of the new sewer In Neville Street between Johnstone Street and the Woodbrldge Itoad In the City of Perth Am boy. Notice Is hereby given that the com missioners appointed In the above en titled .matter, have filed their report with the clerk of the above named Cir cuit Court, and that pursuant to an or der made by the above named Court, dated the twelfth day of May, In the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten, that the twenty fifth <l»y of May, in said year, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and the Court House, In the City of New Brunswick, In the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, are fixed as the time and place of hearing any objections that may be made to the report of the commissioners filed herein to the as sessments estimated and assessed for benefits to lands In the vicinity of the new sewer constructed in Neville Street between Johnstone Street and the Woodbrldge Koad, in the City of Perth Amboy; which objections shall be made In writing and filed with the Clerk of the said Circuit Court on or before the said twenty-fifth day of May, In the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten. Dated Perth Amboy, N. J., May 12, A. D., 1910. C. C. HOMMANN, City Attorney. HCT-6-13,14,16.17.18,13.20,21,23.24. PENN STREET SEWER. Middlesex County Circuit Court. In the matter of the ap plication of the Council of the City of Perth Amboy, In the above named Coun ty for the appointment of commissioners to estimate and assess the benefits to 1 any lands and real estate 1 specially benefitted In the vicinity of the new sewer laid and construc ted In Penn Street from Sutton Street to Hall Ave nue. In the City of Perth Amboy. Notice le hereby given that the com missioners appointed in the above en titled matter, have filed their report with the clerk of the above named Cir cuit Court, and that pursuant to an or der made by the above named Court, dated the twelfth day of May, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten, that the twenty fifth day of May. In said year, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and the Court ! Houso, In the City of New Brunswick, in the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, are fixed as the time and place of hearing any objections that may be m#de to the report of the commissioners filed herein to the as sessments estimated and assessed for benefits to lands In the vicinity of the new sewer constructed In Penn Street from Sutton Street to Hall Avenue, In the City of Perth Amboy: which objec tions shall be made In writing and filed with the clerk of the said Circuit Court on or before the said twenty-fifth day of May, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten Dated Perth Amboy, N. J„ May 12, A. D.. 1910. - C. C. HOMMANN, t'lty Attoruv 11631—5-13,14,16,17,18,19,2&, 21,23,2j| : , Notice of final hearing. GRANT NO NEW LICENSES IN THIS COUNTY Special to the Κ VEXING NK„S. New Brunswick, May 13:—In con sidering licenses this morning Judge Lyon refused the application of Louie Sabow, of Roosevelt, for a wholesale license as being against the policy of the court. He let It be understood that there would be no new licenses granted in the county. A strong plea was made by Lawyer •Joseph E. Strieker in- be. alf of Sa bow. The man has had the retail license of William H. Nash, of Roosevelt, transferred to him and Mr. Strieker said he merely, wanted to keep within the law by having a wholesale license also. It was Inti mated that retailers sometimes dis obeyed the law and sold at whole sale when they had no right to do so. New applications by Max Oast and Timothy J. Neville, both of Roose velt, for wholesale licenses were also refused. There were several other Roose velt applications before the court, but they were laid over. FIVE DEADIN EXPLOSION ON GERMAN BOAT Bpecio1 by United Press Wire. Hamburg, Germany, May 13: — Five sailors were killed and two fatally injured today by an explosion on board the German torpedo boat S S3, which was cruising near Helig oland. The vessel will be a total wreck. Some of the "news" of your imme diate neighborhood may be found Id tho want ads. today. „,^ΪΕΤΤΚ STREET PAVEBIEWT. Middlesex *■ I \ c.mri uf I'uininon !" Pleas. In the matter of the application of the Council or the City of Perth Am· boy, for the appointment of CommiMlonere to esti mate and assess the bene-l fits upon the propertyjNotice of benefitted by the newjflnal hearing:, pavement laid in Fayette Street from New Bruns wick Avenue to Madison Avenue, in the Gtty of Perth Amboy. Notice is hereby given that the above named Court, by an order dated the twelfth day of May. in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten. has fixed upon the twenty-fifth day of May, In the year aforesaid, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as the Court can at tend to the same, at the Court House, In the City of New Brunswick, In the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, as the time and place of hear Ins any objections that may be mn<1e to the assessments estimated and a« sessed by the commissioners appointed In the above mentioned matter, upon the lands and real eatate affected thereby Dated Perth Am boy, N. J., May 12. A. D.. 1910. C. C. ΗΟΜΜΛΝΝ, city Attorney. 11628—5-,18.19.20,21,23,24 HIGH STREET PAVEMENT. Middlesex County Court of Common Pleas. In the matter of the application of the Council of the City of Perth Am boy, for the appointment of Commissioners to esti mate and assess the b«ne-| tils upon the propertylNotlce of benefitted by the new|flnal hearing, pavement laid in Hlghl Street from Smith Street Street and around the! Park to the South Side of Market Square, In the City of Perth A m boy. Notice Is hereby given that the above named Court, by an order dated the twelfth day of May. hi the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten, has llxed upon the twenty-.fifth day of May, In the year aforesaid, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, or as eoon thereafter as the Court ran at tend to the same, at the Court House, In the City of New Brunswick, in the County of Middlesex and Slate of New Jersey, as the time and place of hear ing: any objections that may be made to the assessments estimated and as sessed by the commissioners appointed In the above mentioned matter, upon the lands and real estate affected thereby T)ateA Perth Amboy, N. J., May 12, A. D., MO. C. C. HOMMANN. City Attorney. 11680—B-IS.,20.21.28,34 Ά β I ——— Auction Safe Great Assortment of JAP AN ES Ε ART GOODS Fntirftlv Different from Ordinary Market Goods—such as Hand-carved furniture, Hin okiwood rSTkE^XSdered Screen., Teakwood Stand. Silver Cloisonnes okiwooa ν nairs, ι aoi », . (. ; of al] descriptions. Bronzes, and a rare collection of "7ÎZZÎ ChinawBre and Porcelain. Tea Set. Ch„ cOUte Sets Berry and Salad sets, Cups and Saucers, Vases of d.fferent descriptions, chojcest iSS of ornaments, useful articles for your home ; in fact many things too numerous to mention. OPEN for business TODAY * η 5^ ^ very ~ _ ΛΛ Come at once and get your choice at your Sale Starts at 7:00 p. m. own price few Days Sales Daily: 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. 1 30 SMITH STREET Scheuer Bldg. Perth Amboy, N. J. Chairs Reserved for Ladies The Only Credit House in the City Marking Everything in Plain Figures! Because we believe it to be the on'y honest manner of doing business. Because it's the progressive way of conducting * a credit business on a basis of one price only and that in every case the lowest. No private, mysterious marks known only to the salesman—but every article bears a tag on which the price is plainly marked. A child can buy as cheap here as the most experienced shopper. 134 Smith St. 134 Smith St. DEMONSTRATION Florence Automatic Oil Today and Saturday, May 13th and 14th A PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION will be given on the above dates by a representative of the fac tory, assisted by Mr. Davideit, Chef of the lipicurean Club of Boston, who will prepare some dainty and palatable dishes. YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to be at our store FRIDAY AND SATURDAY to see and partake of the many good things that the chef will prepare. The stove will be thoroughly demonstrated and its working» explained. Then you will see the folly of using a coal range in the summer time. Save time, save strength, labor and money by using a FLORENCE AUTOMATIC OIL STOVE That's means.* It should you, unable to meet your That's an important thi considered when buying yoyr furniture on credit. Our 3-Room Outfit at $100 includes complete furnishings for Bedroom, Dining Room and Kitchen $10.00 CASH $1.50 WEEKLY 1 34 Smith gt, ALBERT LEON 1 34 Smith St. Alaska Refrigerators are the Best in the World! Pure white baked enamel, warranted not to chip off; solid oak, charcoal filled; large size—ice capacity 100 lbs. Lined throughout with zinc, solid oak, golden finish, round top—movable shelves. Ice capacity 50 lbs. Reg. price $19.50 Reg. price $7.50 Special $1 5.00 Special $4.50 The Best Place to Buy Baby's l>lew Carriage! A tremendous assortment of the best makes in the country. Hundreds of beautiful styles in all colors, fully warranted Prince Royal Coach, $9.75 A splendid luxurious car, roomy and comfortable tan, blue,green or red—buggy top or folding hood. English Carriage, $11.50 Large size, tan or green, large folding hood. Upholstered in best grade leatherette Leon's SpecialCart,$2.98 Fall size, steel body, collapsable, complete with folding hood— warranted to be strong and com fortable Special Special Special The sanitary construction of these splendid Refrigerators is based on absolute dry air circulation. Alaska Refrigerators *re filled with charcoal, known as the best nonconductor of heat. The outside case is solid oak, finished in golden; lined with zinc, white enamelled or plain. .00 Sends Any Refrigerator to Your Home. .00 Sends Any Refrigerator to Your Home. The ALASKA White Line Refrigerator The ALASKA Zinc Line Refrigerator