Newspaper Page Text
South Amboy : Roosevelt : Port Reading Keasbey : South River : Old Bridge Woodbridge : Sewaren : Jamesburg Metuchen: Sayreville : fords: Spots wood SOUTH AMBOY LADIES MEET Guests From Psrth Amboy Address Woman's Club. tpeclnl to th« EVKNtyn KKWB South Amboy, Jan. 3.—The regu lar meeting of the Woman's Club of the city waB held yesterday in the City Hall at 3 p. m. This was the Second meeting sincc the organiza tion of the club about two weeks ago, end the enthusiasm with which the ladies of the city have embarked in is work can only be estimated by the number that have so far enrolled, there being Bome seventy-four pres ent at yesterday's meeting. The membership of the club represents •ome of our most, popular ladles and It is expected the influence which this Organization will exert in our midst Will redound to the good and well fceing of the municipality. Following the calling of the meet ing lo order and preceding the cus tomary routine of business some very fine musical selections were render ed. At the close of the routine busi ness Mrs. William H. Rawden, Presi dent of the Woman's Club of Pert-h Amboy addressed the assembly. In a few well pointed remarks Mrs. Bawden outlined the general work of the club, exjilained the various de »a rtments constituting same, and the particular scope and functions of •ach department. The remarks were Bot only interesting .but very hene ®cial as well. The next lady to address the meet ing was Mrs. h.a. l!oe, chairman of the Department, of Domestic Science of the Perth Amboy club. In taking up the scope of this particular depart ment Mrs. I,aMae waB able to explain the many details that could not be touched upon in dealing with the general subject. Her addreBB was particularly interesting and instruc tive. Miss Tunie, chairman of the Lit erary and Music department of the Perth Amboy club next addressed the meeting, and in her characteristic charming manner outlined the meth ods by which the club might, by sys tematic means, advance the work in this respect and at the same time in stall an element of interest and Bmusement in the members. At the close of the above address es a social hour was spent by the members and refreshments served. Taken as a whole the meeting was A decided 6iiccess, and from the en thusiasm manifested we predict much good from the efforts of these ladles. On Monday afternoon next the Directors and Officers of the club will meet at tfle home of Miss Margaret Scully on Augusta street for execu tive business. L* The meeting adjourned until two date at which time they will again meet, at the city hall and take un the active work of the club. SOUTH AMBOY William Freeman, of Mechanles Tille, familiarly known as "Had" Freeman, on New Year's day met With an accident In which his leg was fractured. He was laken to the hos pital at Newark yesterday morning. Thomas T^ovely. the Stevens ave titiop lumber, was engaged yesterday In putting a new tin roof on the oil house of the P. R. R. Co. at this city end after completion of this work lie goes to Oud Bridge to roof the depot and tank house at that place. E. S. Mason, of Broadway, was a business visitor at New York yester day. Thomas L,oveiy mano a nusmess trip out of town yesterday afternoon. R. P. Mason, of First street, made • business trip out of town yester day afternoon. Michael Leonard, Sr., of Augusta Street, was an out of town visitor yesterday afternoon. Miss Anna Miller, of John street, Vast a New York visitor yesterday. David Hagar, of Conover street, was a Perth Amboy visitor yesterday afternoon. P. F. Fallon, of Augusta street, was a Perth Amboy visitor yesterday afternoon. Mrs. F. A. Deacon, of First street, was an out of town visitor yester day afternoon. William Edwards, of Second street made a trip out of town yesterday af ternoon. William Woodward, of Main street Was an out of town visitor yesterday Afternoon. Nelson Moore is visiting his son in-law, Thomas Orr, who resides on the Rosedale farm on West Borden town avenue. Henry Van Hlse, of Old llridge, Ylsited relatives in South Amboy yes terday. John Quaid, of Sayreville, was a Bouth Amboy visitor yesterday after noon. Miss Abbie Tatum, of New York, Who has been spending several days with friends in this city, returned liome yesterday afternoon. Captain Chas. Childs, of Borden town avenue, was an out of town vis itor yesterday afternoon. Campbell "Strusholm was a New York visitor yesterday. Charles Snilth, of Henry street, ■Was a visitor at Newark yesterday. Michael Cleary, of Mechanicsville, was a visitor at Sewaren yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart, of First ■treet, spent yesterday out of town. Miss Gertrude Coyle, of Yonkers, Jf. Y., Is making a week's visit with her relatives In this city. Miss Margaret Donovan, of David Btreet, was a Perth Amboy visitor yesterday. Cracks In ths Fingers. The tissues of the body hare more ■alts than arc usually found in fresh Water. Wben you have more salt on •ne side of nn animal membrane than •n the other nature tries to equalise LTrfUiH»uut un both sides. Salts, le«v t'dh Piny six0'tUe hauds t0 e° lntu Lto the Perth AmbopUg Partly emp soctftUon and registered In 40 not lie Clerk of the County of £ld «„ Twenty-Fourth day Jtf'r. !" Pl»ht Hundred , mor# " "-'tgngeg I t / CRANBURY Miss Sara Perrine, who is at home from Bryn Mawr for the holidays, entertained the members of the Tri angle Club New Year's night. The young people enjoyed a jolly time and refreshments were served. Miss Delia Bergen entertained at cards New Year's eve, her gueHts being Miss Alice Applegate, of Red Bank, Mrs. David Petty, of Phila delphia, Miss Emma Ford, Miss Em ma Mershon, Miss Elsie Bergen, Miss Margaret Bergen, Edward Chamber lin, David C. Lewis, Jr., Stanley Con over, Asa Davison, Charles Groves. A few friends of Miss Olive Petty enjoyed a pleasant time at her home Tuesday evening watching for the coming of the new year. One form of amusement being the making of new resolutions. Refreshments were served. Those present were: Miss Florence Perrine, Miss Sara Perrine, Miss Emma Mershon, Miss Mary Spaulding, Waldo Perrine, David C. Lewis, Jr., "William Huffman, Charles Symmes, James Carton of Philadel phia, George Smock and Miss Ethel Smock of Freehold. J. J. Bradley was surprised by a party of friends New Year's eve, the affair being planned by Mrs. Brad ley. A jolly time was enjoyed while waiting for the new year and refresh ments were served. The guests wore Dr. and Mrs. B. S. Van Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Perrlnee, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Croshaw, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barclay, Mr. and Mra. W. Russell Silvers, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Mer shon, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stlllwell, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Perrine, Mrs. Frank S. Perrinre. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Groves enter tained on New Year's A. S. Edsall, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groves, Miss Sarah Hoagland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Groves and son Judson of Jamcs burg, Mrs. John Frazier of Philadel phia. Joseph Hutchinson for long years a resident of Cranbury, died New Year's morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. H. Thomas, or Dayton, aged seventy-nine years. He was a blacksmith by trade and continued in business In Cranbury until a few years ago, when he went to live with his daughter. The fun services will be held from his late home this afternoon. SOUTH RIVER Dr. A. H. Allen, of Philadelphia, spent New Year's dHy with his fiancee Miss Florence Ten Broeck. John Sulu was awarded a basket of wine for rolling 223, the highest score made on the Washington hotel alley, which Is under the supervision of August Wagner. Mrs. Louise Kennedy has returned to her home in Long Branch after spending a pleasant visit with Miss Lulu Allgalr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gladson, of Bablyon, L. I., spent New Year's day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conover Bowne. Mrs. Charles Booraem was the re cipient yesterday of a shower of post cards in honor of her birthday. Bray. Martin, of New York, Is vis iting relatives and friends in the bor ough. Mrs. Mary Armstrong and Mrs. Kathryn Gilbert spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. William Arm strong, of Bound Brook. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lorkhart and son Edward, were guests on New Year's day of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prentice. Morgan Smith and sister Dorothy have returned home from Ocean Grove, where they have been visit ing their aunt, Mrs. John Jernee. Harold Phalr is out again after an attack of grip. Emanuel Bowne is confined to his home with illness. The Guild of St. Mary of the Epis copal church held a pleasant session last evening at the home of Mrs. E. B. Fisher. The annual election of officers In the Methodist Sunday school will be held in the basement Friday night. OLD BRIDGE Mrs. John Applegate, of Bruns wick avenue, was a business visitor in Perth Amboy Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, of Brunswick avenue, were shoppers In New Brunswick Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, of Perth Amboy, were the guests of the latter'B parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Andrs, of Main street, New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Arsdale, of Elizabeth, enjoyed New Year's with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Van Arsdale, of South Old Bridge. Miss Maida Jolly, of Main street, spent New Year's with her niece, Miss Blanche Jolly, of Jamesburg. Miss Susie Reid, Edna Osborne and E. C. Osborne, of South Old Bridge, enjoyed New Year's day sightseeing in New York. Mrs. Eudora Ellis, of White Plains, N. Y., Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Rue, of Brunswick avenue. George Stout, of New York, was the guest of friends in the borough New Year's day. Mrs. David Lambertson is enter taining her mother and sister, Mrs. D. Spires and daughter Alida, of Cliffwood. Mrs. Julius Kribs has returned home after a two weeks' visit with relatives in Brooklyn. Walter Yates, of Maple street, was the guest of friends In Perth Amboy New Year's night. Miss Ollia Rogers, of East Orange, Is enjoying a few days' visit with her brother, C. S. Rogers, of Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis W. Appleby, of Asbury Park, enjoyed New Year's y.'ith the latter's mother, Mrs. Mar garet Montgomery, of Maple street. Robert Van Dusen, of South Am boy, was a business visitor In the borough Tuesday. Clifford Stonaker, of Helmetta, visited his uncle, D. V. Stonaker, of Main street, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Magee. of Prince Bay, S. I., spent New Year's with the latter's parents, Mr. and Sirs. Judson Green, of South Old Bridge. f things'' as >er. If you care for yoitr «t JOB, SOCIAL EVENT IN WOODBRIDGE Dr. and Wirt. Lockwood En tertaiR on New Ytar's. SpecM to the EVENING NEWS. Woodbridge, Jan. 3:—On New Year's day Dr. and Mrs. Seth Lock wood entertained about thirty of their relatives and friends at their home in Rahway avenue. Those present were: Fred Dockwood, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones and family, of Rahway; Mr. find Mrs. John Pfeiffer and family, of Maurer; Mrs. Emma Lockwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pot ter and family, Mrs. Mlttie Randolph and family, Misses Sadie and Amada Harriet, Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Perry, Mrs. Fanny Demaregt, Campion Cutter, Mrs. J. H. T. Martin, Sr., Miss Susie Freeman, and Rev. R. W. Mark, of Woodbridge. WOODBRIDGt Miss Verna Hoagland spent Tues day morning in Perth Amboy. Mrs. John William was a Rahway visitor Tuesday morning. Miss Mary Huber was an out of town visitor Tuesday. Miss Helen Dick, of Elizabeth, has been visiting Miss Marguerite Camp bell. Sumner Oilman was an out of town visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Campbell spent Tues day afternoon In Perth Amboy. Mr. Burtlss is visiting relatives In Trenton. Miss Sadie Huber visited Rahway friends Ttiesday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. F. Bindenberger are visiting out of town. Miss Rae Osborn Is visiting friends In New York. Mrs. Ivans Brown was a Perth Amboy visitor Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Dally, of Rahway, visited In town Tuesday. Mrs. Edward Coffey was a Perth Amboy visitor Tuesday evening. Mrs. I,lppIncott spent Tuesday af ternoon In Rahway. A watch meeting was held in the Presbyterian church New Year's eve from 10 o'clock until midnight. Miss Ruth Valentine was an out of town visitor Tuesday afternoon. Master Hinsdale Boynton enter tained a few of his young friends New Year's eve at his home in Rah way avenue. C. A. Campbell, Jr., spent New Year's afternoon and evening out of town. miss verna i^ove was uie gimsi ui Rahway friends New Year's eve. Miss Ennis, of Brooklyn, waa a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Dunigan New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Campbell vis ited out of town New Year's day. Arthur Peterson visited out of town friends New Year's day. Misg Marguerite Campbell Is visit ing out of town friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and family spent New Year's day out of town. Miss Ethel Inslee is visiting rela tives In Newark for a few days. The members of the ICingwood A. C. gave a banquet In the club rooms New Year's eve, which was a very enjoyable affair. The early part of the evening was spent in music, both vocal and instrumental, the banquet being served about 10 o'clock. The last course was served 5ust. before the bells began pealing the old year out and the new year in After the New Year greeting the young men left for their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Max Leraberg were out of town visitors Wednesday af ternoon. MIsb Nevada Beck of Perth Amboy was the guest of Mrs. John Ohmen hiser New Year's day. Miss Ella Byork spent New Year's night In Perth Amboy. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Voorhees, who has been se riously ill with pneumonia, Is re ported slightly improved. Mrs. Hinsdale was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Boynton New Year's day. George McCarter spent New Year's day out of town. PLAINSBORO Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Scott, of Cran bury; Mr. and Mrs. William Major, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mershon, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Barlow, Br., and Harry Barlow were New Year's guest* of Mr and Mrs. T. C. Perrine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carson en tertained Leroy Orover and family on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dey and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Oksen spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cur ran, of Plainfleld. The Rev. Henry Harris, of Rose land Mills, will preach In the Plains boro church next Sunday morning and evening. Robert Schwartz, of the Walker Gordon farm is spending the holidays in Harrisburg, Pa. Miss Edna McKenzie is entertain ing Miss Marion Mount, of Morrls ville, Pa. H. W. Jeffers is in Boston on busi ness. Mrs. Henry Boyd is convalescing from pneumonia in Mercer hospital, Trenton. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George McNamee on New Year's eve. Roy Okeson is spending the holi days ■with his aunt, Mrs. Jennie Per rine, of Jamesburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Babbitt are In Newark for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perrine, of LawrencevlUe spent New Year's with Mrs. Mary Kerr. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wrigley on December 29th. Miss Rose Byrnes Is visiting friends in Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Schenck enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Barkley Schenck of Stony Brook, Miss Emma Schenck of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mather, Miss Luella Hultg and Miss Anna Grover at dinner on New Year's. i'VENlNG NX.WS cover* the field. SAYRtVII LE August Thomas, who is studying at a theologlcol seminary In Iowa, re membered his friends here by send ing them cards. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mertel and children of Arlington are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nelson. The Danish Sisterhood held their Christmas party in the town hall Monday evening. The class of Miss Anna Rohda. at the German Presbyterian Sunday school, won the missionary honor for the last quarter of the year. Mrs. Anna MaaB has returned from several weeks' visit spent with out of town friends. The German Presbyterian church held services on New Year's Eve. and alos on New Year's morning. Mrs. Peter Phatlcon, Jr., injured her foot quite badly by stepping on a nail. This confines her to her house. Mrs. Minnick, of South Amboy was the gueBt of her mother, Mrs. Jacob son, Tuesday. Mr. Dooley, of Philadelphia, spent Monday with Mr. Frederick Townley. Mrs. Margaret Cochran, of New York, is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. H. Bleir. Mrs. Onderdonk, of Now York city, is the gues of Mrs. Charles W. Fisher. Miss Ruth Dlsbrow, has returned, after several days visit with Miss Mil dred Roth of New Brunswick. The Misses Way spent New Year's with relatives at New Brunswick. Miss Tina Goodmanson was a South River visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John McKeon and baby were the New Year's guests of relatives in South River. Miss Amelia Maxsteln spent Wed nesday with relatives in New Bruns wick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reese and baby were guests of relatives In South River Wednesday. Mrs. Raymond Amerman of Mld dlebush spent New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naylor. Master Charles Gildersleeve was a Perth Amboy visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Petty of South Amboy is sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naylor. Miss Dorothy Hendrlckson, of Freehold is spending a few days with friends In town. Frank Merrltt, formerly of Free hold Is at present filling a position In kuo i ri nun x- inur,i v'MH|;au; oi.uio, Mr. and Mrs. James Van Cleef and family spent New Year's with Mr. Van Cleef's mother in South Amboy. Mrs. Theophilus Bright, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. James Roth in New Brunswick. Misses Elizabeth Freyer and Miss Wrench were out of town visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Ely has returned to her home in Red Bank, after a short visit with the Rev. and Mrs. Johnson, at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. Charles Gildersleese, Jr. spent Tuesday with friends in South Am boy. Miss Celia Standerson, one of Say revllle popular young ladles, and Louis Zack, a machinist, in the Sayre and Fisher Company were united In marriage, on Tuesday night by the Rev. Robt. Schlotter, pastor of the English Lutheran church, at his home in Perth Amboy. Miss Wilhel mona Standerson, sister of the bride, and Leo Zack, brother of the bride groom, were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Zaclc enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schrnit®, and Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, of Nowark, Wednesday. On account of so much sickness In the township, the public schools will not open on Monday as intended, but will remain closed until further no tice. Miss Marlon Oliver of South Am boy, spent Thursday With Mr. and Mrs. Oildersleeve. Mrs. McCullough and daughter. Miss Dorothy of Perth Amboy were the guests of Miss Oliver, Thursday. Joseph Norman, who for the past twelve years has been employed and made his home with his uncle, Jos. Schmidt, a butcher in upper Sayreille has severed his connection with his uncle, and gone Into the wholesale candy business with his brother, George in River street. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dusenberg, of Jersey City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. August Chevelier. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bossong had a family gathering on New Year's Day and entertained the following at a turkey dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. Heath, Miss Bertha Heath, Miss Lydia Heath Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heath, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hamilton and children of South Amboy, from ISayreville, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bossoug, Misses Mar tha and Mary Bossong, Miss" Kate Stier and Mr. and Mrs. Casper Boehm and son. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Disbrow enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Lindhurg and daughter of South River Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Murray Townley and daughter, Dorothy returned to their home in Paterson on Thursday, after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Townley, Sr. Miss Mary Tuekerson of New Brunswick is visiting her parents In Hillside avenue. Mrs. Herbert Meeker and Miss Reed of Highland Park were guests of Mrs. B. F. Samsel on New Year's. My pa nri, "Step ltrelv, son, An' do aa yo.u are bid." My sister, too, th' biggest one. Culls out, "I want you. kldl" Ms wants some ktndlln' from below Or sotnsthta' else Hks thst. An' grandpa'* goln' out. an' so fvo got to hunt his hat. If I start oat to go en' It doeea't matter when Somcbedy fore I gK away Will call me back ngaln. An' when they git me back a tout Th' only thing they do la look at me an' holler out, "I've got a Job fer you!" It makes no dlff'runce how I try, Them joba Is never done, 'Cause 'fore I git one finished, why, They find another one. Aa' If I leave some doggone task An' go to play Inatld They all say they're surprised an' ask, "Whatever alls th' kldf" Tou bet I know what alls me too. I ain't no regMar duncep They always want that I ehould do Tot, many joba to once. But I don't see why they ehould call Me naaybonee." Well, yea, Th' thing feat alia me most of all la too much folks, I guess. JIMMY'S DIAGNOSIS. —New York Globe. COUNCIL MEET AT METUCHEh Appointments Art .Madi by Mayor Samuel Clark. Jpectal to the BVBNINQ NBW8. Metuchen, Jan. 3.—Common Coun cil at noon Wednesday met and or ganized for 1913. Mayor Samuel H. Clark has completed the first year of hi« term and it will go down In local history as one of great achieve ment. His record speaks for itself. With the close of 1912 there step ped out of office one man who long ago won the sobriquet of "Watch Dog of the Borough Treasury." He is Edward Kramer, who has served the town a number of times as coun cilman and who has rendered valua ble service. As chairman of the street committee, Mr. Kramer set a pace that will be difficult for his successor to follow. In addressing council yesterday, Mayor Clark called attention to the fact that the town was practically free from debt except the school bonds, and he advocated the borrow ing of $30,000 for needed Improve ments, calling attention to the fact that the Interest on such a loan would be of small moment compared with the returns on the Investment. The police force this year will con sist of ten men instead of sixteen. John J. Flaherty was reappointed chief marshal and the other marshal8 for 1913 are: Willard Hutchinson, Frank Schenck, Oeorge L. Clarkson, Titus Smelzer, Charles B. Schenck, Fritz Hokanson, Jesse C. Wenlger, Sam P. Watson, Ellas GueBt. Howard S. Wilson was reappointed borough clerk. F. M. P. Pearse bor ough attorney; James A. Grimstead, overseer of the poor; C. P. Hull mem ber of the Board of Health. In making his appointments Mayor Clark proved his disregard for polt tlce Inasmuch as two of the marshals appointed are Republicans, three are Democrats and five are Progressives. Recorder Weber is a Progressive, James A. Grimstead is a Prohibi tionist, C. P. Hull Is a Republican. These committees were named: Police, is. H. veen, H. j<\ sanrora; water, C. B. Veghte and H. B. Jolin |son; streets, E. Soper and C. B. Veghte; finance, II. B. Johnson and D. D. La Forge; lights, I). D. T,a Forge and E. H. Veen; poor, H. F. Sanford and E. Soper. Assessor John W. Breen asked for and received an Increase In his salary of $75 per annum. It was the con census of opinion that the assessor was entitled to this Increase; also that the salary of the horough treas urer and borough clerk should be in creased An increase for these offi cials, also some provision for the compensation for the borough recor der may be brought up for considera tion at an early meeting of the coun- ' cil. The recorder is dependent alone on feeH for his compensation. The rent of his office for the year is near ly $76 and there are many months In the year when the fees in the office amount to less than $3.00. For the past four months he worked for honor and the sum of $4.eo. ; After Borough Treasurer Tauslg pays the premium bond the amount of salary he receives is small com pared with the work he must do. The salaries are the same today as they were when the town was incor porated as a borough, and Inasmuch as the labor in the case of every official has increased it would seem that the salaries should increase in the same proportion. For a year Metuchen has been without a street commissioner and none has been named this year. Borough treasurer and collector, Charles M. Tausig filed his bond for $10,000, which was accepted. Sayreville Schools to Reopen. Bpeeial tn tlu EVKNISO NBWt. Sayreville, Jan. 3—All the schools will reopen next Monday except No. 1 schooJ, which will remain closed until further notice, on account of measles. The Descent of Man. Some real estate dealers in British Columbia were accused of having vic timized English and Scotch settlers by selling to them (at long range) fruit ranches on the tops of mountains. It Is said that the captain of a steam boat on Kootonay lake once heard a great splash In the water. Looking over the rail, he spied the head of a man who was swimming toward his boat. He hailed bim. "Do you know," said the swimmer, "this is the third time today that I've fallen off that bally old ranch of mine?"—Everybody's Magazine. Pimply! Well, Don't Be People Notice It. Drive Them Off With Olive Tablets. A pimply face will not embarrass yon much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pim ples will vanish after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Nothing ever cleansed the blood, the bowels and the liver like Olive Tablets, Olive Tablets are the only successful substitute for ealomel—they oil the bowels; theTe's never any sickness or pain after taking them Olive Tablets do all that calomel does and just as effectively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, listlese, "110 good" feeling, constipation, tor pid liver, had disposition or pimply face. Olive Tablets are made of pure vege table compounds mixed with olive oil. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaint*, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effeetivo result. Try them. one nightly for a week. Then look at yourself in the glass and im how yea feel. 10c and The Olive Tablet Company, Colum bus, O. 25o per box Advertisement, ' 1. . > - THE STORE POR EVERYBODY Famous Department Store Cor. Smith & State Sts. 'Phone 367. Perth Amboy, N. J, All Shoes Must Be Sold Closing out our Shoe Department to make room for spring stock. Hence— % The greatest shoe sale with the biggest list of sen sational bargains ever offered. Compare the REGULAR and SPECIAL prices. Women's, Misses' & Children's Shoes Women's Tan Calf Shoes, Regular Price $3.00; Sale Pric6 $2.25 Women's Vici Kid Shoes, Regular Price $2.75; Sale Price $2.05 Women's Gun Metal Calf Shoes, Regular Price $3.00; Sale Price f $2.25 Misses' Tan Calf Shoes, Regular Price $2.25; Sale Price $1.79 Misses' Calf Shoes, Regular Price $2.69; Sale Price $1.99 Children's Tan Shoes, Regular Price $1.98; Sale Price $1.49 Children's Calf Shoes, Regular Price $1.75; Sale Price $1.39 Men's Work and Dress Shoes Men's Tan Calf Shoes, Regular Price $2.25; Sale Price $1.79 Men's Patent Leather, Regular Price $2.50; Sale Price $1.89 Men's Gun Metal, Regular Price $3.50; Sale Price $2.50 Men's Calf Shoes, Regular Price $3.00; Sale Price $2.20 Boys' Shoes Boys' Patent Leather, Regular Price $2.50; Sale Price $1.79 Boy's Gun Metal Calf, Regular Price $1.89; Sale Price $1.49 Boys' Tan Calf Regular Price $1.89; Sale Price $1.49 Odds and Ends in Juliets, fur trimmed. Also Black leather Slippers, felt lined; regular Price 59c, 69c, 79c, 89c, 98c and $1.25. Sale Price 49c., 59c., 69c., 79c., 89c. and 99c. SPOTSWOOD Mr. and Mrs. William Crouch and 'amily, of New Brunswick, spent New If ear's day at the residence of Mrs. Crouch's mother, Mrs. E. Jolly. Clarence Phillips, of New York, ipent the holiday at the residence of tils parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. William Berry, of •■Jew York, were entertained on Wed lesday at the residence of the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berry. Miss Bessie Morse spent New l'ear's day at the residenoe of Mayof . jnd Mrs. A. B. Appleby. Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Appleby iiave returned to their residence In Rocky Hill after spending several Jays at the residences of relatives in 3potswood. iXUSH 11(1X11 i y J_/t3 »UO 11US ICIU1UCU to her studies at State Normal school, Trenton, after a pleasant va cation spent at the residence of her parents. Borough Clerk and Mrs. George W. De Voe. J. Randolph Appleby, Sr., of Perth Amboy, spent New Year' day at his summer home In Spotswood, "Bide a Wee" farm. Robert Hazlehurst, of Baltimore, who has been entertained for the past week at the residence of his un cle, Hamilton Hazlehurst, started to day Tor Maryland. He will visit friends in Philadelphia en route. 1 Chares A. Hodapp and friend, Mr. I Martin, of Perth Amboy, who enter-1 tained over Wednesday at the resi dence of the former's parents, Post master and Mrs. Joseph Hodapp, Sr. The local students at Jamesburg high school will enjoy another week's vacation. Inasmuch as a smallpox Bcare now prevails In Jamesburg. B. Feldbaum spent New Year's daj with frleritia lo New York city. Arthur Tienkeln, of New York, was a visitor here on New Year's day, j P0R1 BEADING Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Turner were Perth Amboy visitors Saturday. Miss Ora Chance has returned home after spending a few days in New York. Mrs. Doctor Lofd has returned to her home at Sterling, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turner. James Turner was an out of town visitor Tuesday. Miss Margaret Eak spent Wednes day in Perth Amboy. Miss Minnie Johnson, of Rahway, spent Wednesday in town. WUllatn B. Turner was an out of town visitor Wednesday morning. Miss Ethel Remmlck, of New York spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents. A. Glrdner spent Wednesday eve In New York. Miss Julia Remmick, of New Brunswick, spent Wednesday with her parents. Mrs. A. Libel spent Wednesday out of town. „ Plans are under way for the an nual fair of St. Anthony's churcli, which will be held some time this month in D. B. S. hall. Mr. J. Thompson, who has been quite 111 at his home, 1b able to be around again. Ah tl»« mvb tor 10 cents a WNk. PINNED UNDER WRECKED AUTO Dr. Van Dyke of Cranbury Nearly Masts Death. Special to the BVKV/.YG KBWB. Cranbury, Jan. 3:—Dr. Benjamin S. Van Dyke had a marvelous escape from death New Year's afternoon while returning home from visiting patients at Plainsboro. In crossing the Trenton and New Brunswick trolley tracks three miles west of town the doctor lost control of his automobile and the machine darted down an embankment and turned up side down, pinning the doctor fast. Passengers watting at the trolley station went to his aid and after some hard work succeeded in extri cating the doctor from his painful position. His left arm was broken above the wrist, his face was gashed so as to need several stitches, an4 no was suffering greatly from shock. Dr. H. C. Symmes was called and took the unfortunate man to his home, where he cared for his In juries. The news when It is news in th» EVENING NEWS. East Neuralgia Mtw With Masforole Massage with MUSTEROLE and-no tice how the pain lessens, and the de licious comfort that takes it* place. Sufferers all over the country write- u» about this amazing, quick relief. MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment) mad s with oil of mustard. Sim ply rub it on—no plaster necessary. Better than a mustard plaster and positively does not blister! Doctors and nurses frankly recom mend MUSTEROLE for Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheu matism, Lumbago, Pains and Aehas of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Mus cles, Brnisos, Chilblains, Frosted Feet— Colds of the Chest (it prevents Pneu monia). At ysnr druggist's in 25e and 50c jars, and a special large hospital glee for (2.50. Accept no substitute. If your drug gist cannot supply you, send 25c or 50c to the Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio, and we will mail you a jar, post age prepaid. '' Musterole is the first and only prep aration of any kind that ever helped my weak lungs. Can truthfully aay it is far superior to any other prepara tion of its kind."—Leo S. Hoag, Ath ens, Michigan. I /