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Novel Features to be Given at Cafe Chant ant Many tickets have already been sold for the Cafe Chantant which will be given under the auspices of the Kappa Delta Society in Roess ler's Gymnasium March 10 and 11. • Besides the supper which will be served throughout the evening, a t continuous entertainment consisting of many novel features will be given. J The special features of the evening will be: "The Enee Menee Minee Mo" | quartet, Misses Ruth Pratt and Blan che Grieve, Frederick Briegs and Mr. Kroeger. "The Inside Life of the Cafe Chan tant" by Misses Lila Beebe, Jetta Stacey. Ruth B. Fletcher, Ruth Brodhead, and their staff of wait resses. Fancy Dance, Miss Laura Ramsay and Marion Merrlss. Irish and French Songs, Miss Mar guerite Boughton. Comic ske'ch, Arthur Wight and J. Scott Burns. Old fashioned scngs, Miss Ruth Pratt. Impersonations, Crowell brothers. Violin solo, Miss Blanche Grieve. Silver Wedding in South Amboy Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaufman, of South Amboy, were tendered a sur prise party last night by several local friends in honor of their silver wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman were presented with a beautiful silver service by those who attended. An enjoyable time was spent. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Greenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Wagner, Mr. and Max Wurtzel, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Goldberger, Mr. and Mrs. J.'Kreiels heimer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruck, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leon, of this city, and Mrs. Charles Saffran, Henry Wolff, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Kaufman, of South Amboy. Miss Tice Gives a Delightful Tea Miss Harriet Tice, of 400 High street, proved a charming hostess at a St. Patrick's party given at her home last night. The house was prettily decorated with green em blems. An enjoyable time was spent. Those present were: Misses Kathryn HsrlieU. .^^••tiri^rfWiey gen TTa5f-H" Hi . and Madge Raukin, Hans Miller, Arnold Nicholson, Lloyd Griswold, Clarence Herbert, Arthur Roberts, and Ira B. Tice, Jr. William Blair Takes a Bride William Blair, of High street, and Mlaa Kdltl) May Martin, of State street, were united In marriage by Rev. William E. Bawden. pastor of the First Baptist church, at his home at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. War ren Bvans acted as best man and Mies Nellie B. Martin was maid of honor. The couple have taken up housekeeping in High street. William Olsen Will Leave City After residing here for twenty one years, or since he was born, Wil liam Olsen, of 82 High street, has decided to try his fortune lu new tlelds. He will leave Saturday for Terra Cotta, 111., where ne will be emloyed by an electrical firm. He Is a prominent member of the South End Club, who are arranging to give him a farewell party. He regrets leaving this city, but believes his op portunities In Illinois warrant his i action. Young People's Society Meeting The get-together meeting of the Young People's Society of the St. Stephen's Danish Lutheran church will be held tonight in the church building In Broad street. L. C. Car een, a former president of the so ciety, will be the speaker of the evening. Pleasant Affair Mlsa Vermin Campbell of Penn ; street,, entertained h few friends at her home Tuesday evening, Cards were played and a social time en joyed and refreshments served by the hostess. Those present were; Miss Charlotte Peterson, Miss Hose Donevan, Miss Emily Peterson. Miss Bertha Krmotte, Miss Agnes Dono van, and Miss Helen SokolinsUl, Meeting of Club A meeting of the "U, L, T," Cluli wae held last evening at the home of Miss Carrie Miljeg in Washington Btreet, A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Refreshments were served, The next meeting will he held at the residence of Misa Irene Currie of Water street. Sewing Circle of the Swedish OoagregatiaH&i ! cbarefe will have a social at the' home of Mrs. Olaf Olsen, of Couvery ylacti, tomorrow night. Mrs. Reynolds is Again the Victor Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds again won first prize at the session of the West minster "500" Club held yesterday afternoon at the home of Miss Anna Dover, 241 Kearny avenue. Mrs. Jack Blair won second prize. Mrs. Mont Allee as aarded consolation prize. Next Wednesday the meeting will be held in the apartments of Mrs. Reynolds in the Westminster. The members of the club will attend a performance of the play, "The Whip" in New York March 26. Those present at yesterday's meeting were: Mrs. William Page, Mrs. Howard Hazard, Mrs. Mrs. R. S. Hall, Mrs. George Small Mrs. J. S. Hanson. Mrs. IT. W. Kehoe, Mrs. Emil Stremlau, Mrs. Hollencock, Mrs. Lloyd Rey nolds, Mrs. Jack Blair, and Mis. Mont Allee. Date for Dance of Class of 1914 April 11 Is the date set for the dance to be held under the auspices of the class of 1914, of the high school. On that night Goodwill hall will be transpormed into a fairyland of decorations, including many pen nants of schools and colleges. Tic kets are placed at fifty cents and will be disposed among the public at large. Nothing will be left undone by the committee to see that the af fair is run in the most orderly and satisfactory manner. The eommltree follows: Thomas Jago, chairman; Misses Bessie Brody, Henrietta Weinblatt, Claire Hartung; Mestrs Nathan Goldberger, Frank Henry and David Peterson. Tennis Club to Elect Officers The Racquet Tenuis Club will hold Its first meeting of the season tonight in the Y. M. H. A. rooms to elect new officers. Five members have deserted the ranks of tbo club since last, year because of marriage. It is the intention of those at the head of the society to interest mem bers in every branch of the Y. M. H. A. to join the tennis club and be active in the sport. Clarion Girls at Q^lightful Affair The Clarion Girls held a meeting it. the home of Miss Alice Bird in Washington street Tuesday night. Sanies were played and musical se lections rendered. Refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Oertrude Woerner, Mae Fee ney, Mary Donovan, Mae Gibbons, Agnes \ouug, Mae McKenna and Hannah Donovan. Miss Mae Mc Kenna will entertain the club at its next session. At Session of Mother s Club The Mothers' Club held an inter esting meeting in tho kindergarten rooms of Public School No. 7 yester; day afternoon which was well attend ed. Every kindergarten teacher was present. Mrs. Buffum gave an inter esting talk on "The Training of the Will." A discussion was held re garding the regular open meeting which will be held some time in May. Kindergarten songs were sung and games were played. Leon Association Going to Theatre The Albert Leon Association, com posed of tho employes of Albert Leon's furniture store in Smith street, will attend a theatre in New ark tonight. The party will take supper at the Holland House before witnessing the play. They will leave here on the 5:29 o'clock train this afternoon. To Address Blue and White Society Prof. Llpman, of Itutger* College, has accepted the Invitation to ad dress the members of the Blut* and White Literary Society in the Y. M. H, A. rooms March 13. What Prof. Llpnmn's theme will be has not yef been announced but he has asked President Siegel, of the local organ ization, to choose the subject. A musical program and entertainment will bo held in conjunction with the address. Given a Surprise by School Class Miss Winifred Putnam was ten dered a surprise by hep class la the grammar school Monday afternoon. Gamed were played and refreshments were served. The entire class was present, Alumni Meeting Offieers tar the ensuing ye a* will be elected at the meeting ol the Alumni of Trainer's Business Col lege, which will be held tomorrow night in the school rooms la Smith street. Philathea Class A meeting of the Philathea Class of the First Baptist church will be held tonight, at the home of Miss Oertrude Roberts, 120 Madison ave nue. Personals Miss Helen Young, of New York, has returned home after spending several days as the guest of friends in New Brunswick avenue. Andrew Donovan, of South Amboy was entertained by friends in Kearny avenue yesterday. George Coates, of State street, was the gudst of friends in Keyport last evening. | Arthur Booth, of High street, was entertained by friends in Rahway last evening. Frederick Hoffman, of Paterson, has returned home after spending several days as the guest of friends j in Rector street. Robert Everett, of South Amboy, was a local visitor last evening. Misses Margaret and Velerie Bloch j of Jefferson street, entertained ; Misses Pauline I..arsen and Florence Slater last night. Julius Kardos, of New Brunswick avenue, visited relatives in Keasbey yesterday. Martin Reyder, of Woodbridge, was entertained by friends in this city yesterrfay. Henry Schnitzer, of State street, was the guest of friends in South Amboy Wednesday afternoon. Miss Alice Wallace, of Pleasant Plains, was a local visitor yesterday afternoon. | Miss Sadie Hnber, of Roosevelt, was a local visitor Tuesday after noon. j Daniel Drummond, of Woodbridge was the guest of friends in this city j last night. | Earl Williams, of Madison avenue, | was a visitor to Roosevelt yesterday | afternoon. ' Earl Smith, of McClellan street, was entertained by friends in New I ark last night. Waiter Schilke, of Matawan, was entertained by friends in Oak street Wednesday afternoon. Miss Theresa Toolan, of Madison avenue, was a South Amboy visitor yesterday. Howard Koons, of Kearny avenue, visited friends in Woodbridge yester day afternoon. Miss Lila Ifyer, of Keyport. was entertained by her cousin, John Papp, of New Brunswick, last even ing. Edward Kale, of Red Bank, re turned home after spending several days with friends in Rector street. Miss Julia Meyer, of Newark, was the guest of friends in New Bruns wick avenue last evening. -Mi*s -Edith Lee, of Bayonne, has returned home after spending sev eral days as the guest of friands in Water street. Mrs. A. Marks, of Woodbridge, spent Tuesday afternoon In this city. Walter Robedee, of Tottenville, was the guest of friends in this city last night. j James S. Wi^flt, of High street, was entertained by friends in New York Wednesday afternoon. Miss Minerva Young, of Fewaren, was a local visitor last evening. Bernard Berger. of New York, has returned home after spending sev eral days as the guest of friends in New Brunswick avenue. Harold Throckmorton, of Rewaren was a local visitor last evening. Miss i_.oia retu, or Merucnen. was entertained by friends in Rector street last evening. Richard Harper, of State street, has returned home after spending several days as the guest of relatives In Jersey City. Wesley Davis, of Gordon street, was entertained by friends in Wood bridge last evening. Joseph Coley, of DeKalb avenue, was the guest of friends in South Amboy last evening. Frank Priessler, of Stato street, was the guest of relatives in Keyport Wednesday evening. William H. Mills, of Lewis street, was a Woodbridge visitor last even ing. Henry Miller ,of Woodbridge, was the guest of friends in State street, yesterday afternoon. Louis Jones, of Roosevelt was en tertained by friends in this city yes terday. Albert Bolischweiler, Jr., of Mar ket street, was in Trenton on busl ! ness yesterday. George Brown, of State street, was | entertained by friends in Rahway I Wednesday evening. George Miller, of State street, was i In Now York on business yesterday. Miss Helen Thomas, of South Am boy, was a local visitor last evening. Miss Agnes Sullivan, of Brighton avenue, entertained friends from Newark over Sunday. Captain A. B. Smith was a Trenton visitor Tuesday. MIsh Nettle Palmer, of Newark, Is ! visiting her brother, F. J. Palmer, of ' Gordon street. George Redding, who has been visiting relatives In First street, left this morning for his home in Tren ton. John Brennan, of Woodbridge, was In this city on business yester day afternoon. William Floersch, formerly of this city, and now of Plainlield, was a local visitor yesterday, Mrs. William H. Chamberlain, of Water street, was the guest of friends in Now York yesterday after noon, Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur L» Roe, of Kearny avenue, were entertained by friends in New York Wednesday, Max Goidberger, of State street, was iu New York on business yester day. Miss Mamie Donevan of South Amboy, was the guest of friends io Market street yesterday, Joseph Costello, of Center sireet. was entertained by friends in Sooth Am boy last evening, Bdward Buchanan, of Market ; streeet, was a Woodbridge visitor last evening. James O'Connor, of Boulh Amboy, was a loeal visitor yesterday after noon. / f 1 George Kress, cf South Araboy was a local visitor last evening. Frank Anderson, of South Amhoy, was entertained by friends in State street, Wednesday afternoon. Raymond Seguine, of Washington street, was a Wood bridge visitor last evening. Frederick Waters, of Lewis street was in New York on business yes terday. James Lewis of Washington street was the guest of friends in Totten ville last evening. William Garris, of State street, was a South River visitor Wednes day evening. George Miller, of State street, was a New York visitor yesterday. , Edmund Miles, of Philadelphia, visited friends in State street Tues day. Charles Nelson, of Lewis street, was a Rahway visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rosenblum, of New York, visited friends In State street yesterday. Morris Stahl, of New Brunswick avenue, was a New Brunswick vis itor yesterday. PhHip Joselson, of State street, was a South Amboy visitor yester day. Francis Coan, of South Amboy, was a local visitor yesterday. Max Friedman of New York, vis ited friends in Smith street yester day. Mrs. Margaret Alligan, of New York, has returned home after vis iting friends In Fayette street Tues day. Mrs. Matthew MoCarter, of Wood bridge, visited relatives in this city yesterday. Mrs. I. C. Hubbard has moved from Fayette street to 32 Smith street. Mrs. F. J. B. Kelley, of Kearny avenue, has returned home after sev eral months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Kenney, of Easton. Prof. Lloyd has returned from Washington, where he attended the inauguration. Jeppe Nelson, of Mechanic street, was a Fords visitor yesterday. Francis Melnzer, of South Amboy, was a local visitor yesterday. Mrs. Armin Tomaschoff, of State street, returned home after visiting friends in New York Tuesday. George Christopolis, of State street, has returned home after vis iting friends in New York Tuesday. Charles Steinhauser, of State street, was a Keyport visitor Tues day. Mrs. Anna Anderson, of Jefferson street, was a Tottenville visitor yes terday. Philip Goldsmith, of State street, was a Keyport visitor yesterday. Miss Lena Solomon, of Hall ave nue, visited friends in New York vpst.ftrdav Mrs. Joseph Hartnng, of State street, was a New York visitor yes terday. Mrs.. Sadie Luckinvllle, of State street, was a Newark visitor yester day. Abraham Greltman, of Philadel phia, la spending the week end with .Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kaufman, of Madison avenue. Mrs. Louise Sjaboti, of Matawnn, was a local visitor yesterday. Mrs. R. R. Hosking, of High street, enjoyed a performance ot "The Sunshine Olri" at the Knick erbocker theatre in New York yes terday afternoon Patrick Kllmurray, of Division street, visited friends in South Rover last night. Miss Minnie Pfeil, of Commerce street, was entertained by friends in Tottenville yesterday afternoon. Miss Ruth Cornell, of Spotswood, was the guest of friends in this city yesterday afternoon. Michael Kennedy, of William street, spent last night in South Am boy. Miss Jennie I-nmbertson. of ClilT wood, visited friends in town yester day afternoon. Henry Koch, of Amboy avenue, was entertained by relatives in Metu chen yesterday afternon. John Murphy, of Jersey City, *pent yesterday in this city on busi ness. Benjamin Avchen. of Hall avenue, was a visitor to New York yesterday afternoon. Kenneth Solt. of Market street, spent yesterday afternon in Wood bridge. Miss Anna Peterson, of Sewaren, visited friends In tills city last nigjht. Miss Marion Klein, of Commerce street, visited friends in Staten Is land yesterday afternoon. Miss Catherine Hanley has return ed to her home in William street af ter a short visit to relatives in Wash ington, D. C. mi, uiiu mi a, nuf,a iucu;, wi Mechanic street, witnessed a per formance of "The Whip" at the Man hattan Opera House in New York Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mae O'Leary, of South Am bov, spent yesterday afternoon in this city. James Reyder, of Woodbridge, was entertained by friends in town last night. Harry Levine, of New Brunswick avenue, visited relatives in New York yesterday afternoon. Charles Calvin, of Commerce street, was the guest of friends in Rah way last evening. Edward Hays, of Sayreville, was 'the guest of friends in Rector street yesterday. William Boughton, of Rector street, was the guest of friends In I Brooklyn yesterday. Albert L. Siskind, of State street, was in New York on business yester day. James Meagher, of Market street, was entertained by friends in South Amboy last night. M'.S3 Daisy McArthur, of Totten vllle, «r>ent yesterday afternoon In this city. Frank Bloolgood, of South Am boy, was a visitor to this city Tues day afternoon. Earl Fllgen, who has been con fined to his home in Market street owing to Illness, is now ablo to he out again. Mrs. Thomaa Dal'on, of Fords, was the guest of friends la this city Tuesday, Honua Koyen, of Hohart street, visited friend* In Tottenvllle last night, Andrew Repak. of Hector afreet, was entertained by relatives In Me tuchen last ntgtit. Albert Baumleln, of \,'ashlngton street, snent last ulglit with friend's in New York, Robert Wilmont, of Metuchen, was the guest of friends In State street yesterday afternoon, Miss Mary Connolly, of Roosevelt, was entertained by friends In Fay ette street yesterday, William Miller, of Pleassnt Plains, was the guest of friends in Fayette street <'est"d»v af'ernoon, —The Master Ru'lders Assnela-. tien will meet tonight at nana hall, George Nelson, of Fayette street, was the guest of friends In New York yesterday. Samuel Cohen, of Fayette street, is spending ^everal aays as the guest of friends In New York. Samuel Kaplan, returned yester day to his home in New Brunswick avenue after spending several days in New York as the guest of friends. Jacob Weinrob, of Division street, is spending the day In New York as the guest of friends. j William Grace, of South Amboy, visited friends in Smith street last night.. David Mandel, of New Brunswick avenue, was a Tottenville visitor last night. Louis Perelman, of State street, visited relatives in Tottenville yes terday. Paul I-evine, of New Brunswick avenue, was a Pleasant Plains visitor yesterday. Misses Millie Cacesse and Jose phine Augustine and Felix Cacesse, of New Brighton, S. I., are spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Augustine, of New Brunswick avenue. Miss Lillian Bloodgood, of South Amboy, visited friends in Smith street yesterday. Miss Rose Levensin, of Madison avenue, spent yesterday in Totten ville as the guest of friends. Arthur Weiss, of Park avenue, vis ited relatives in New Brunswick yes terday. Mrs. T. S. Tfuman ,of Water street was an out of town visitor yesterday. George Gilman, of High street, visited in Tottenville Tuesday after noon. Miss Anna Hansen, of Kearny ave nue, Is the guest of friends in Brooklyn. Mrs. Jorgen Martinusen, of Ml! ford, Pa., formerly of this city, has returned home after a visit here with elatives. John Pfeiffer, of State street, was entertained by friends in South Am boy yesterday afternoon. Joseph Lefkowitz, of Woodbrtdge, was the guest of relatives in Center street Wednesday evening. Miss Luctie Berkow, of New Ro chelle, returned home after spending several days with friends in Market street. George Green, of South Amboy. was a local visitor yesterday after noon. COLK—Thomas, colored fifty-five years old, of 218 Elm street, yes terday morning, of pneumonia. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence. Interment lu Alpine cemetery. j CITY BRIEFS | I ■ —James Mahoney, first vice presi dent of the Western Federation of Miners is visiting Organizer Crowell, of the local branch. —Routine business was transact ed at the meeting of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper hangers of America, Local No. 144, at their meeting in Union hall last night. • -—Three candidates were initiated by Cotfrt Ainboy No. 58, Foresters of America, at a big meeting of the court last night. —Two new members were elected at a meeting of Middlesex Council No. 63, Jr. O. U. A. M„ last night in Odd Fellows' hall. A short session of the guards was held after the .meeting of the council. —An important meeting of Po Ambo Tribe No. 65, Improved Or der of Red Men. will be held in the wigwam tonight. —Dana Relief Society m«t in Dana hall last night. —A meeting of Valhalla Lodge No. 275, Odd Fellows will lie held tonight In Odd Fellow hall. —James McDonald arrested yes terday for being drunk and disor derly was discharged by Recorder Plckerpglll. CATCH ESCAPED BOYS FROM ISLAND MISSION Constable John Piatt nabbed four young boys, who had escaped from the Mt. Loretto Mission at Pleasant Plains, S. I., this morning at the corner of Rector and Market streets. The police had been notified to look out for the former inmates, who had left the home Tuesday. The boys were taken to the police station and the home notified. They will be sent for this afternoon ; In the meantime they are locked up. Bee Hive Association Visit. Ten members of the Perth Amboy Bee Hive Association were the guests of the Keyport Bee Hive in Keyport last night. Seven new members were initiated. The Initiatory work .was performed by the degree team of the local hive. After the business session, an elaborate supper war served. The local members went by trolley. Will Question Contractor. At the meeting of the Board of Education tonight Contractor J. N Wester is expected to be questioned sharply concerning the completion of the new addition to the grammar school, which is to be accomplished by March 15, which from the pres ent state of progress on the building seems Impossible. Affiliated Trade Boards. The Affiliated Boards of Trade of Middlesex County will hold their quarterly meeting at" South Amboy Saturday. The delegates from the local Board of Trade to the organiza tion are as follows: Albert Leon, I. C. Moore, C. M. Peterson and W. J. Trainer. flood Reports Children's House. Good reports on the condition of the home were received at the monthly meeting of the Dan'sh Chil dren's Home Society yesterday af ternoon. There are ten children now at the home. The sickness that prevailed among them has disap peared. Will Kntertain Visitors. At the next meeting of the Singing Society Frem, next Wednesday night, nlans for entertaining the Lansing burg Singing Society here the early nart of September will be made. At. last night's meeting only routine business was transacted. Jersey Brand Horseradish (iains I'ulillc Kavor daily. Try It Ash yimr irwitfr. Perth Amboy Horseradish Works I'ertb Amlio), N. J. Tel. 61-tt I ulJ and complete lino of clolhinjr, suits, coats, hats, drosses, waists, etc. for Men and Women Boys and Girls at the lowest prices. One Collar a Week I Give Credit To All Fverythins of the best make and latest style and a large stock to choose from. David Bash 98 Smith Street Mid-Day Cabaret, 8th Floor* 0 33 'S/eart hSfadm s'lXTh/AVETO20■- STREET. / NEW YORK IN NEW YORK'S SHOPPING CENTER A Word from Our Contract Department on Furnishing Your Country Home Tiie contract department of the Simpson Crawford Company requests the privilege of estimating on the complete furnishing of your cottage at the seashore or Summer home in the country. On the Fifth Floor in the office of the CONTRACT DEPARTMENT are experts, who will lay out schemes or offer suggestions for your Foyer Hall, Living Room, Dining Room and Bed Rooms, or for the house in its entirety, without charge. SPECIAL PRICE CONCESSIONS WE CALL ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING: The facilities of our CONTRACT DE PARTMENT for carrying out the complete furnishing of your home to the point where it is ready to step right into without any inconvenience, can only be understood after you have allowed us to submit you an estimate and a scheme. [f the order is placed in our hands, the work will be executed in the most thorough manner and by skillful men, who are used to such work. If you have a country home to be furnished, call at our CONTRACT OFFICE, Fifth Floor. 19th Street side, or 'phone 2100 Chelsea, and we will have a representative in terview you at once ■SIMPSON CliAUi . :u> CO., 6th At*, lftlt to loth St.»- < JUST WHAT < A MAN WANTS Just what a man wants in Fur nishings he Is sure to find here. There isn't a thing that you M ex pect the most exclusive haberdasher to keep but what you will find at this store. tew Spring Soft end Stiff Hats Perhaps you want the eorrect shaped collar—the swellest creation in neckwear—the right shade and best make in gloves—fine hose—the newest fancy shirt—they are all here, and all are just right. Our constant aim. not to haev a detail lacking. JPAX&IU.K. W aiijcj a SUNS. Telephone I' 3. EAGIMUUKM KUL .\ l)KHS MACHINISTS General and Special machine. Pattern, Bollf»r and Black: nlih Work. J. F. fcUMS & SON i-LO^yUi^U, HEATING, SHJfiKf MtTAi, WORK bab ;v cji awl oarri^cs Tel. Jon. 67 New Bnmswick Ave. A part of your tuture prosperity may be involved in one of today'9 want a<l§ —a portion of your "fate" may be tied up in a few lines of type in today s pa per! GERMAN AMERICAN House Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers—Rooms papered with select paper, $2.50; rooms painted, $1.50; cal cimining room, 75c, Plastering and graining. Estimates furnished and jobbing promptly attended to. D. ENGLESON & H. LEWIS 24 Smith St. 420 Division St. Tel. 722. GKAHAM & McKEON, General Contractors. Excavating Grading:. Etc. Sand, Gravel. Broken Stone. Carting ^tc. 244 r^inl'lt St. 2-3 Slew Union wick A r. Telephone 215-L. 180-B and 422-J. OYED IN 24 HOURS. Men's S'llts. Ladles' Cl« thing. Kid Gloves cleaned on short notice "Yfc TVMverv. Open Rvpnlngrs. THW KMMWKB ci.i:\MIs3 AND DYE1XO COMPANY, S97 State Sl. Perth Amooy. aPKClAlu SPECIAL SPECIAL Oa« lflxlIO flr<->n*l«|e BRlMrtcmeol With Doar* of Beat Pi»rtr*lts PKK'JM AM lit J » STI LUVJ Joi/tman & Gasper. Prop.. Formerly NygrMQ Stuatu A Little Surprise To gladden ber eyes. They're straight from our store, And they taste like "more." She'a filled with delignt 'Cause she's had 'em before, and she knows what thev are Yon oucht to "get wise" to their sterling qualities, tnn Stoo in and g-f*- a box. SPECIALS EVERY SATURDAY EAGLE CANDY KITCHEN Telephone 824-W 129 SMITH STREET IT'S A PLEASURE for mother to supply the fan-Ji^ -»»•!» good, wholesoua luod, especially the little ones. The ^abies must have the Best, and we all enjoy so .g theT get it. In the preparation of our pro ducts we exercise '.he sa- j -uro so that the Ltbies who driut. i-ar ABTT.TTRT7.RT> M1UE may have the Best; arM the older folks, who use our dairy prodneti, j ean enjoy them, ki iwing they an tke natural produc. of the 'am, I put np by eleaa men in a p *2 ' place. PERTH AMBOY MILK AND CREAM CO. H5 Kei Eiuswick Aw. Trt. 132 O. W. VANATTA, GEO. S. ROBINSON. Proprietors.